Week Commencing 20.04.20Below is the work we would have been completing in school this week. It is just a suggestion of the possible work the boys and girls could complete this week. Again please remember this is just a guide. Just complete what work you can and try your best. You do not need to print the sheets out. Just copy from your device into your exercise book. No need to write out the questions either, just your answers. Spend about an hour doing some school work each day followed by your reading and AR quizzes.April Takeaway homework is also in the P4 home learning section. You could choose some tasks to complete.Maths sheets- you can either print these out and complete on the sheet or complete in the exercise book you were provided with.Remember to complete a section of your Mental Arithmetic book Monday to Friday. Revise your tables- x2,3,4,5,6,10 and 11. Use your clock face to revise time. Play some maths games on or Revise the names and properties of your 2Dand 3D shapes.Maybe on Friday you could do a tables test. White Rose maths- there are very good videos on the White Rose Maths website that explain new topics very well. If your child finds the tasks too challenging or they do not understand the videos it might be a good idea to go back to the previous year group. This is an English education website so the P4 work is in Year 3 folder, P3 work is in Year 2 folder etc. We will upload the worksheets to the home learning section of the school website but the explanation videos can only be accessed via the White Rose Maths website. We are starting with Week 2 – Fractions. Please note the answer pages are also available on the website.We are also uploading a mental maths pack. If your child has completed their mental arithmetic book they can complete 1 test a day. Literacy sheets-Grammar- Homophones-Write out the sentences and circle the homophones. You don’t have to do all the sentences. 10 would be plenty. Novel- Danny the Champion of the World. If you are a library member you could download the book at the following link or listen to the novel by following the YouTube link. Listen to or read chapters 2-6. Complete the task about Poaching. Is poaching right or wrong? Comprehension- This week we were going to look at the comprehension The Boastful Turtle. Talking and Listening- BuildingsLook at the picture on the PowerPoint. Complete the inference square about the building. Who could live there? Spellings- Week 25- Find your group of spellings- either 9 spellings or 15 spellings. Write a sentence for each of your spellings. Put your spellings in alphabetical order. Maybe you could complete a spelling test on Friday? How did you get on in your spelling test last week?Reading- Please read, read, read!!! Read every day for at least 20 minutes and take your AR quizzes. Remember we are checking to see if you are taking quizzes. Literacy- Writing- Play scripts The writing for April and May will be play scripts. We would start by looking at a 3 Little Pigs play on YouTube. Look at the stage, scenery, actors and how they are speaking. What might the stage directions have been? ICT-We were going to make our own animations linked to our work on play scripts. If you have access to a tablet or iPad you might be able to download a free app to make your own stop motion animation. Stop Motion Studio App is free to download. There are some good YouTube tutorials on how to use this app. The Stop-Motion App Tutorial by Ana Maria Gach is the one we use in class. We used little toys to make ours. Maybe you could make backgrounds etc. and make your own animations. We would love to see them if you are able to create one. You can access coding games at?? login details:Username - HTprimaryPassword - holytWAU- BuildingsOur new topic is Buildings. We are going to begin by looking at types of houses in the past. Look at the PowerPoint on types of house and houses in Victorian times. Complete the timeline of houses worksheet.453390021082000Art- Can you recreate the perspective drawing? There is a very good YouTube tutorial on this. The PowerPoint shows the version P4 created and examples from a few years ago. – YouTube beginner one-point perspective drawing by Samantha Wood Art. Add lots of colour and email your perspective drawing to your teacher. RE- Grow in Love- Grow in Love- Make sure the following pages are completed- Pages 34,35,40,41,42,43,44,45,46 and 47. If you have any questions, please feel free to email your teacherspmcgirr670@ Mrs McGirrmsmith603@ Mrs Smithlmcgovern581@ Mrs McGovernmfee245@ Mrs Feetmcmenamin729@ Mrs McMenaminAlso email any of the pieces of work you have completed as we would love to see your work or we could even share any examples of work you are especially proud of on social media.Gratitude- Remember to complete your gratitude list each day. Thank youP4 teachers ................

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