
Summary of the social housing profile in Ontario

Table 1 Summary of the social housing profile in Ontario

|Type of housing provider |No. of housing units |Type of households |Types of dwellings |

| |(approx.) | | |

|Local Housing Corporation |127,000 |Families, seniors, singles and couples |Low- and high –rise apartments, row |

| | | |houses, and single family homes |

|Non-profit Housing Providers |83,000 |Families, seniors, singles, couples, |Low- and high –rise apartments, row |

| | |households paying full market rent |houses, and scattered units |

|Supportive Housing Providers |11,000 |Frail or cognitively impaired elderly |Group home setting (4-5 bedroom home), |

| | |persons, persons with physical |or small apartment complex ( ................

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