Unknown Speaker 0:01 So now that we have an understanding from week one and we got started on our, our changes that we would like to make going forward, let's talk a little bit more about menopause and perimenopause. So menopause is a normal time of life a CT occurring between the ages 45 and 55. It refers to the time when there is one full year with no period. “Meno” means refers to Menses and “pause” refers to cessation. The year previous with menstrual irregularities occurring is the PERI menopausal phase. That doesn't necessarily mean that that's how it plays out for women. But technically, by definition, that's what the perimenopause phase is. And this is during the best case scenario. So if everything was perfect, this is how it would play.Hormonal imbalances predating menopause can cause havoc, unpleasant symptoms occur and this isn't normal. Perimenopause can start years earlier with many menopause symptoms. So women can be started even though they may not be going through a menopause between the tiller between 50 and 55. Women can start having perimenopausal symptoms when their early 40s. The unpleasant symptoms of menopause can last for several years during the perimenopause, menopause and post Menopause stages: So what are the stages of menopause? perimenopause, you begin to notice changes in the cycle and period and can start years before you actually go through menopause especially if estrogen dominant menopause marked by a drop in progesterone followed by a drop in estrogen. Typically, the period has permanently stopped for one full year during menopause. estrogen dominance and stress can make it worse. Post menopause, ovaries are no longer producing estrogen, progesterone, the adrenal glands let's pick up the slack producing a small amount of progesterone, estrogen and testosterone. Stress can mess with this process, which may be the biggest reason why women experience symptoms during this time. First, when you're going through menopause, your progesterone levels are going to drop because population is becoming irregular second, estrogen level struck. Third, the period stops. That's what's supposed to happen and they must be stopped for a full year to officially be in menopause. Symptoms from perimenopause may persist through menopause and beyond and are a sign of a pre existing hormonal imbalance. So what's happening during menopause, the thyroid, the ovaries and the adrenals all need to function well. Oscillation isn't occurring every month so periods become shorter and more frequent. The pituitary tries to compensate by producing more FSH and LH. This is why the periods don't go off quietly into the sunset.This puts stress on both the thyroid and the adrenals. Typical menopause symptoms mood swings, weight gain sleep issues can actually be low thyroid symptoms. Even hot flashes have a thyroid connection. Adrenals are also experiencing more stress and can contribute to low energy levels less ability to concentrate low libido and also contribute to mood swings and hot flashes. It's not uncommon for women during menopause to have low cortisol during the day and high cortisol at night. liver is also under stress, estrogen plays a protective role for preventing scarring in the liver. In the cases of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and cirrhosis. Some of the issues of menopause increase abdominal fat around the afternoon, which is common during menopause. This increases women's chances of heart disease and increases insulin resistance. This could be linked to high cortisol, a longitudinal study the swan study found a link between insulin resistance and hot flashes and night sweats. This could be caused because of this could be because of dysglycemia which is your blood sugar swing up and down and adrenal issues. Sleep issues common due to hormone fluctuations with the adrenals and the thyroid playing a key role. That gentle dryness, estrogen is needed for proper lubrication, mood swings and depression. Low hormones can affect brain function in the areas that control emotions, and can make the nervous system more agitated. joint and muscle pain. Hormones help lubricate joints and muscles and memory issues. There's a link between estrogen receptors in the brain and memory. After menopause: It's important to note that many women have low estrogen low progesterone and or low testosterone. Low estrogen can cause many issues beyond bone health. As there are estrogen receptors throughout the body, insulin resistance is common when estrogen is low. And this makes them at higher risk of diabetes type two, a woman may experience new gut issues she didn't previously have. Brain can be foggy and a woman may be searching for words she knows she knows libido and motivation are gone. And a woman can be frustrated field older than her years, all because she doesn't have the estrogen progesterone and testosterone she needs for the rest of her life. All of this can occur even after hot flashes and other typical menopause symptoms have stopped Osteoporosis, so estrogen progesterone and testosterone all play a role in bone health. Estrogen interacts with immune systems in turn in case of for the production of IL6, TNF alpha and T-cells. So this is all involved with your inflammatory markers and your ability to regulate inflammation and loss of estrogen is associated with bone loss because of the way the immune system is involved with osteo class that is involved with bone building. progesterone supports the production of osteoblasts. So you need your osteoclasts and your osteoblasts. Women are at high risk are women who are small, black weak, lack of due lack of weight bearing exercise, have poor nutrition, maybe they've been through chemo and radiation treatments, smoking, drinking and medications. So it's you can see why this may be something that where women can develop osteoporosis. Low testosterone is associated with low bone density as well.Estrogen dominance and menopause the contradictory time, excess estrogen exacerbate symptoms related to estrogen and progesterone imbalance in the early stages of menopause when progesterone drops. Other issues related to low estrogen may not be as severe in women who are estrogen dominant, as long as it is estriol and not a stroke or a stroke dial. Estrogen also has a protective effect on the pancreas cells and lower estrogen can be a factor for insulin resistance, which again is what you develop in type two diabetes. Estrogen and progesterone help with fat burning. Estrogen makes cells more insulin sensitive and can help control the negative impact of cortisol. progesterone opposes the action of estrogen with insulin however, it and estrogen help with cortisol control. insulin and cortisol are a bad combo for fat loss. Can women still be estrogen dominant in Astra dial in or after menopause? Yes, due to the elevation in adrenal estrogen from the development of a deficiency, or a defective or bound cortisol that is being produced by the middle layer of the adrenal cortex. Solutions for menopause. It's important to remember that menopause and menopausal symptoms don't necessarily go together. Many women experience a smooth transition with no little or no symptoms. A good food lifestyle and supplements suggestions can make a big difference. In terms of supplements, adrenal adaptogens are helpful for many of the symptoms especially hot flashes. Maca, is especially good for vaginal dryness, libido and energy. Schizandra helps stabilize blood sugar nervous system and provides liver support. Omega three whether it's from fish, flax or chia counters proinflammatory PGE2 which helps with hot flashes, muscle aches, joint pains and helps protect bone and heart Vitex can still help with balancing progesterone and estrogen in case there is an imbalance in the ratio. black cohosh some studies indicate that black cohosh may be helpful for hot flashes. But a meta analysis study showed there's not enough evidence to support this. And this could be the difference because they studied standardized extract versus the whole herbs and whole herbs are better than a standardized extract. So it may be helpful, but I prefer adrenal support when I'm looking for help for hot flashes. Thyroid support the thyroid can become unstable during menopause. Support is helpful. Liver support needed to protect the liver and a detoxification. Something that you would choose if you're choosing a product, it would look for something with milk thistle in it to help with liver repair. Probiotics, also a detoxification and helps with inflammation and supporting other systems. And vitamin C and vitamin E can help with hot flashes, mood swings, anxiety and vaginal dryness. B vitamins help with liver detoxification and remove harmful estrogens In terms of foods: Phyto estrogens extremely helpful for balancing the effects of low estrogen, helping prevent conversion of estrogen to harmful estrogen metabolites and a detoxification. So harmful estrogen metabolite would be something that would promote cancer. You have metabolites that are anti cancer and metabolites that are pro cancer. So the Phytoestrogens are much better at promoting the anti cancer metabolites. Liver foods to help support the liver by right foods to support the thyroid, want to balance blood sugar, you know, get rid of the dysglycemia it'll help with the insulin and help with preventing insulin resistance, fermented foods and prebiotic foods because the gut and all of everything we've been talking to is highly connected. We're going to try to support systems with foods as much as possible in this program. Maca and schisandra are great foods, sea vegetables and coconut oil can support the thyroid. Liver-friendly foods can support the liver, kefir grain kefir can be used as like a probiotic supplement. There's a lot you can do with food. And of course, lifestyle is important as well. Stress Management is critical. Exercise moderate intensity aerobic may be helpful for depression and sleep issues and sedentary women. yoga can be helpful for stress reduction and adrenal support and psycho spiritual work can also be helpful. In conclusion, this is a time of transition some women embrace it as a time leading to new freedoms. Some women are filled with regret for white what might have been some women feel a mix of both. This is an opportunity for you to re examine your life and make plans to pursue new goals and dreams. See it as a beginning and not an end.Transcribed by ................

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