The Earth Through Time, 10th Editionby Harold L. LevinChapter 12—Life of the PaleozoicMultiple Choice QuestionsSelect the best answer.1.The Phanerozoic Eon is characterized by the expansion of _____________ organisms.a. soft body b. soft shellsc. hard shellsd. prokaryotese. ediacaran2.The earliest vertebrate were ___________________.a. jawed fishb. jawless fishc. amphibiand. reptilee. shark3.What is the evolutionary step that freed tetrapods from the water?a. Legsb. hip structurec. Non-amniotic aged. Amniotic agee. lower jaw bone4.The earliest four legged animals are called ________________.a. pelycosaurb. reptilec. amphibiand. therapside. basal tetrapods5.Which of the following has been proposed as a possible cause for the Cambrian explosion?a. Meteorite impactb. Changes in HOX genesc. Development of soft partsd. Change in the salinity of the oceane. None of the above6.Many of the Burgess Shale Fauna lacked ________________.a. soft partsb. distinguishing featuresc. hard partsd. scientific intereste. None of the above7.The large predator Anomalocaris likely would have caused selective pressure for prey to develop __________________. a. soft partsb. hard partsc. more legsd. fewer legse. long proboscis8.Pikaia belongs to the chordates which means that it has which feature?a. Notochord and dorsal nerve cordb. Segmented bodyc. Fivefold symmetryd. Multiple legse. Both a. and d.9.Life in the Ordovician Period ____________in diversity.a. doubledb. quadrupledc. ten foldd. tripled e. unchanged 10.What is the name of the principal unicellular planktonic animal that constructed their tests out of calcium carbonate?a. Foraminiferab. Radiolariansc. Globigerinad. Poriferae. Archaeocyathids11.What is the name of the marine invertebrate that has a cuplike shape resembling sponges and was attached to the seafloor?a. Foraminiferab. Radiolariansc. Globigerinad. Poriferae. Archaeocyathids12.Sponges provide insight into which of the following evolutionary advances?a. Prokaryotes to eukaryotesb. Unicellular to multicellular animalsc. Trilobites to horseshoe crabsd. Calcium carbonate to silicate shells e. Both a. and d.13.All Cnidaria have ________________.a. benthic life stylesb. stinging cellsc. pelagic life stylesd. hard partse. All the above14.An individual Bryozoans is called a _______________________?a. cnidocyteb. zooidc. flagellad. foraminae. niche15.Which type of brachiopod lacks a defined hinge and holds their valves together by muscles?a. incrustedb. branchedc. articulatedd. inarticulatede. None of the above16.Which of the following is not a mollusks?a. Snailb. Clamsc. Chitonsd. Octopodse. They are all mollusks17.All mollusks have a fleshy fold that secretes its shell called _________________.a. a lophophoreb. many ciliac. a pedicled. many feete. a mantle18.What feature is used to classify cephalopods?a. The pattern of the suture linesb. Direction of the shells coilc. The diameter of the shelld. Age date of the shelle. All the above19. Which of the following is an Arthopod?a. Goniatitesb. Nautiloidsc. Ostracodesd. Snailse. Trilobites20.The exterior skeletons of arthropods are composed of ______________.a. silicab. chitinc. calcium carbonated. iron oxidee. clay21.Echinoderms are characterized by ________________.a. stinging cellsb. notochordsc. fivefold symmetryd. zooidse. encrusting forms22.Echinoderms and chordates have a common connection in which the blastopore develops into the _______________.a. anusb. mouthc. legsd. hipse. backbone23.Graptolites are typically preserved as _________________a. carbonized impressionsb. moldsc. castsd. permineralizatione. replacement24.Which of the following is a non-amniotic vertebrates?a. mammalsb. amphibianc. reptilesd. angiosperme. bacteria25.Which of the following is common to all chordates?a. Dorsal nerve cordb. Gill siltsc. Stiff elongated support structured. Blood that circulates forward in the main ventral vessel and backward in the dorsal e. All of the above26.Which of the following is the oldest fish class?a. Agnathansb. Acanthodiansc. Placodermsd. Chondrichthyanse. Osteichthyans27.It has been hypothesized that fish jaws developed by a modification of a ______.a. flipper boneb. skull bonec. ribd. forward pair of gill archese. None of the above28.Which of the following is a lobe-fin fish?a. Actinopterygiansb. Sarcopterygiansc. Chondrichthyansd. Osteichthyanse. None of the above29. Which of the following is a transitional species between fish and amphibian?a. Cladoselacheb. Pikaiac. Tiktaalikd. Osteichthyanse. All the above30.Conodonts likely belong to which phylum?a. Arthropodab. Brachiopodac. Cordated. Echinodermatae. Mollusca31. Tetrapods developed a _______________heart.a. 2 chamberedb. 3 chamberedc. 4 chamberedd. None of the above32. The earliest known amphibian fossil is called ________________.a. Synapsidsb. Pelycosaursc. Ichthyostgidsd. Therapside. Tetrapods33. What is the name of a group of synapsids that sported sails?a. Synapsidsb. Pelycosaursc. Ichthyostgidsd. Tetrapodse. None of the above34. Which of the following tetrapods lead to mammals?a. Tetrapodsb. Synapsidsc. Therapsidsd. Small shelly faunase. Ediacaran faunas35. What advantage do vascular systems provide plants?a. Allows plants to grow horizontally b. Allows plants access to groundwater sources (more dependable) c. Inhibits ultra violet radiation damaged. Float in the upper zone of the oceane. Attach to the bottom of the ocean36. The first evidence of the land plants appeared in the ___________ period.a. Neoproterozoicb. Cambrianc. Permiand. Devoniane. Ordovician37.When did wood evolve in plants?a. Neoproterozoicb. Cambrianc. Permiand. Devoniane. Ordovician38.How many mass extinction events have take place since the Cambrian Period?a. 5b. 4c. 6d. 7e. 339.The largest mass extinction event occurred at the end of the ___________.a. Neoproterozoicb. Cambrianc. Permiand. Devoniane. Ordovician40.What is the likely mechanism for the mass extinction during the Permian period? a. Tidesb. PCBsc. Ice aged. Global warminge. MeteoriteAnswers to Questions1.c11.e21.c31.b2.b12.b22.a32.c3.d13.b23.a33.b4.e14.b24.b34.c5.b15.d25.e35.b6.c16.d26.a36.e7.b17.e27.d37.d8.a18.a28.b38.a9.d19.e29.c39.c10.a20.b30.c40.d ................

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