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Study visit of a delegation of ECEC stakeholders of the Flemish Community of the Brussels Region lead by the State Secretary Bianca Debaets March 30th 8.00 hVertrek Luchthaven Zaventem Plaats van afspraak: Gate Iedereen ontvangt een digitaal ticket; het is handig om online in te checken. ten laatste Inchecken om 8.00BRUSSEL?–??COPENHAGEN 09:35 – 11:05? (SN 2257)Mochten er vragen zijn, contacteer Caroline Boudry+32 474 467 96612.00 h - 13.00 hHotel SP34” in de Sankt Peders Str?de 34Check in & lunch13.00 h - 14.00 hIntroduction by Stig Lundt (BUPL): The Danish ECEC System at a glance: history and organisation Place: Hotel SP 34. 14.00 hBus leaves for Gladsaxe By bus14.30 h - 16.30 hGladsaxe MunicipalityIntroduction on the ECEC-system in Gladsaxe by Guy Rubaudo, Pedagogical Adviser at the Municipality. The integrated centres of Gladsaxe combine the traditional Danish approach (out door and artistic activities, with a natural learning approach, based on Reggio Emilia and on the multicultural New Zealand Te Whāriki curriculum. After the introduction, the group will be split and will visit two centres with each a different approach to learning, but based on the same Danish curriculum. 17.00 h - 17.30 hDebriefing at the hotel17.30 hThe bus leaves for the Belgian Embassy?ster Allé 7, 2100 K?benhavn +45 35 250 201 18.00 hWalking Dinner at the Belgian Embassy Our host: Ambassador Mr. Pol De WitteMarch 31th08.00 h The bus leaves for Resenlund By bus9.00 h - 9.20 hWelcome and introduction in the ECEC center Resenlund by Christina Welsien & Rikke Sv?rke Madsen from municipality of Br?ndby. This centre is involved in the VIDA-project of the University of Aarhus in Copenhagen (Prof. Bente Jensen). The VIDA-project aims to improve the learning and wellbeing of socially disadvantaged children by applying Dewey’s theory of learning, Rutter’s theory of resilience and Bourdieu’s theory of habitus and by focusing on parental involvement.We will divide into two groups and each group will visit both centres. 09.20 h - 10.00 hVisits to two centresFirst centre:The ECEC center Resenlund, Resenlund 22, 2660 StrandThe daycare center Resenlund has children aged 0-6 years. Resenlund has many children with different ethnic backgrounds, and they have their focus on inclusion of both children and parents.The ECEC in Resenlund try to have a right balance between adult-initiated activities and a children-centred approach.Second centre:The ECEC center Strandbo, Strandskolevej 140, 2660 Br?ndby Strand has children between 0-6 years. They have a focus on outdoor activities and on farm life.10.00 h - 10.30 hDuring this break the two groups switch places.Each group is accompanied by a representative of the municipality (Christina Welsien & Rikke Sv?rke Madsen)10.30 h - 11.30 hStart second visit after switch11.30 h - 13.00 hTravel to University College for Pedagogues Lunch 13.00 h - 14.30 hChristian Aabro of the University college for Pedagogues will give an introduction about the bachelor training for pedagogues. The Danish initial ECEC training is seen by experts as one of the most interesting in the world. There is a strong focus on artistic and out-door activities and on personal development of the students. It starts from a balance between theory and practice. The training is very successful in leading non-qualified assistants towards a qualification on bachelor level. The pedagogue training is a specialisation within the general pedagogue education. Address: P?dagoguddannelsen Fr?bel Pasteursvej 49 1799 K?benhavn V Tlf. +45 4189 7500 Stig Lundt14.30 h - 16.30 hLeisure time: every participant can visit Copenhagen Possibility to visit The Experimentarium Museum h - 18.00 hHappy hour at the hotel (for those who are interested)18.00 hDinner & evening at leisureApril 1st 08.30 h Bus leaves for visits in N?rrebro9.00 h - 10.30 hVisitJan Hoby and Stig Lundt will be our guides in N?rrebro, a part of Copenhagen where a lot of migrants live and a neigbourhood with a lot of problems (poverty, radicalisation). We will visit a 0-5 years age-integrated centre in N?rrebro. The pedagogical approach is based on respecting the family background of the children. 10.30 h - 11.00 hTravel to the Arhus University in Copenhagen to meet Professor Jensen and talk about the VIDA-projectAdress: Campus Emdrup Tuborgvej 164 2400 K?benhavn NV Tel: +45 8715 0000 Web: ( HYPERLINK "" )11.00 h - 13.00 hProgramme- Prof. Claus Holm Dean of the faculty welcomes the group- A representative of the Ministry of Social Affairs will explain why they funded the original VIDA-program, and will also talk about the implementation of VIDA in other municipalities in Denmark (Judland) as a part of a prevention program for disadvantaged children and their families.- Prof. Bente Jensen, from ?rhus University who is leading the VIDA-project presents how the Knowledge-based efforts for socially disadvantaged children in ECEC (VIDA-project) in Denmark want to improve the outcomes of disadvantaged children. The VIDA-project is focusing on what conditions in the pedagogical environment strengthen the life opportunities of socially disadvantaged children.13.00 h - 14.00 hLunch 14.00 h - 15.00 hClosing session with representatives of the Ministry of educationStig Lundt and Professor Bente Jensen15.00 h - 15.30 hEvaluation15.30 hDeparture to the airportCopenhagen – Brussel 18.15 h – 19.45 h SN ................

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