
My name is Michael El fuerzas. In English that would be translated as Michael the Strong. I am the archangel nearest to the heart of our father God. I am the right hand of the King of Kings. I exist only to serve the Master of the Universe. I was created to worship and praise the most high as any other common angel. My position in heaven came at a great price. It was not just lavished upon me as an extravagant gift unearned. Quite the contrary, I fought in the greatest battle known and unknown to mankind. I led the charge in the ultimate battle against darkness, spiritual wickedness and evil before the dawn of what you know as human history. My story begins before the creation of the dimension that you know as time. It begins in eternity past. Before the universe, the earth and mankind were spoken into existence by the almighty the angels worshiped at the throne of the sovereign king. But there was one who was not contented with his station in the heavenly realm. His name was Lucifer. He was the most stunningly beautiful creature God created. It was that beauty that led to his corruptive pride. He refused to accept his enviable position as the minister of music. He was determined to dethrone God and to rule Heaven himself. Yes that’s when the seeds of his rebellion were sewn. Lucifer was not alone in his devices. He recruited his right hand man and closest confidant. His name at the time was Cantadoro. He had been appointed by God to create music among the heavenly hosts. His voice was the most soothing and resonant sound in all of eternity. He was also enormously beautiful and perfect in every detail. If he had ever been seen by a mere fleshly human they would have been brought to reverent tears by his holy Rhema beauty. And if it were possible they would have been so carnally aroused it would have surely led to their natural death. However at the time he was completely unaware of his appearance and attributes. God shielded him from the truth about himself to avoid vanity. But Lucifer corrupted him by showing him his own image in a supernatural mirror that he conjured in direct violation of God’s ordinances. Upon seeing his image, he was instantly corrupted and enamored with his own incredible beauty. His eyes were also then opened to Lucifer’s beauty and the attraction between them turned into a dark, obsessive evil. Angels were unable to have what you would know as sexual relations because they lacked genitalia. But make no mistake, the ecstasy created between the two of them as they reveled in their own supernatural perfection and indescribable beauty was more pleasurable than any carnal delight. It was an all-consuming, dark and damnable passion. His pride, lust for pleasure and self absorption transformed Catandoro into Culebra. From that point on they were bound in an unholy, degenerative and diabolical union. They were indeed one. Their pride, lust for power and rebellion spread throughout heaven like a ravenous virus that consumed the light and sacred holiness of the kingdom. The once powerful, majestic and beautiful songs Cantadoro sang to worship God became the evil siren serenades used to seduce and corrupt his fellow angels. Little by little Lucifer and Culebra built an army. The bold ignorance of their arrogance actually convinced them that they could take God by surprise and defeat him. God in his omniscience commissioned me to gather together a counter army of resistance to take them down. I remember before the great battle began we gathered together in the throne room of God. The thunderous sound of praise shook the realm. Our love and dedication to the most high was the strongest force in all existence. Lucifer and his army dared to shake the door to the throne room. That’s when I blew the trumpet and the battle began. With my righteous sword of indignation I lead the charge to cast the vile rebel infidels out of God’s holy presence and into the dimension of what you call time. I will never forget the voice of the most high as he declared their official condemnation. “On this day you are all forever cast out. What was created in beauty has fallen into unholy corruption. You are all forever banished and doomed to eternal condemnation and damnation. I will remember my covenant and kinship with you no more. Thou art cursed for all time and eternity. Surely as I live will you will all one day reap the flames of my wrath. For I am the Lord thy God and yea it shall be done.”That was the tragic day that the Lord our God made the horrific decision to create a place called Hell. It had not yet been created. As angels we had no idea that the necessity for such a place would ever arise. But as the omniscient, sovereign ruler of the universe the father, the son and the Holy Spirit knew that it would someday be required. But since it was not yet prepared, God opened the portal between time and eternity for the first time and cast Satan and the rebels down upon the earth. At that time the earth was without form and void. It was a desolate, ugly place inhabited by great beasts and a race of men without souls. Your science would refer to them as cavemen. The once beautiful angels became gross, ugly venomous demons when they descended from eternity into the realm of time and down to earth. However, Culebra retained the power of transformation. He could change himself into many different forms at will.His powers of seduction and sensuality were of enormous use to Satan. He was able to corrupt many souls with his phantom beauty. But after thousands of years of mortal corruption Satan had even more sinister plans for Culebra. Since Culebra had the ability to travel through time and to see into the future, he had the ability to see what sins would tempt humans in their future. Satan came up with an ingenious plan to use this ability against mankind in his most vulnerable state- as an infant. When these most innocent souls passed away Culebra would confront them with the temptations of the sins they might have committed if they had lived. His immense powers of seduction, sensuality and corruption made him no match for mortals. But he did have a barrier to his prey. The children did have guardian angels. Unfortunately many of the guardian angels were vulnerable to Culebra’s charms. He could usually corrupt them with their own beauty, tempt them into carnality or simply overcome them with darkness, leaving the innocent infant souls vulnerable. That is until I was commissioned by God the Father as the Angel of Innocent Death. lefttopI am the perfect match for Culebra. I am strong, powerful, omnipresent and dedicated to the almighty. But ironically it was God himself who through a puzzling wrench into the battle between Culebra and me. As it turned out God was indeed interested in testing the loyalty of even the innocent departed. You see after the great angelic heavenly rebellion, God was concerned that even human souls that came into his kingdom might be vulnerable to satanic seduction and consequential rebellion. So at times he would use Culebra as a pawn to test the innocent souls to see if they could withstand his demonic wiles. So that’s how my battle against Culebra began. We have fought over the souls of departed infants for many millennia now. But never has that battle been more intense and more important than your present day 2015. If you do not have your mind inclined toward spiritual things you may not realize that you are living in what the Bible refers of as the end times. The Lord Jesus Christ is soon to return to your planet to vanquish the powers of darkness once and for all. Our adversary Satan is aware that his time is short so he has unleashed untold darkness upon your realm. Culebra is one of his most powerful weapons. Culebra’s desire is to convert as many infant souls as he can to darkness. He is building a powerful end time’s army of soulless demons to oppose Christ in the Battle of Armageddon. But Culebra is unaware that God had planned to raise a standard against him and his tide of darkness. That heavenly, righteous standard will begin with this woman.This is Sarah Ruth Hezekiah. She is no ordinary woman as you will soon see. She is mortal, but she is no stranger to the supernatural. Just as all three of her names suggest, she is a woman of honor, courage and faith. Over the many millennia of my existence I have scarcely seen a mortal woman so highly favored, exalted by and dedicated to the most high. It’s no wonder that she will figure prominently in the future of your realm. She has always been at the center of heavenly signs and wonders in the past. But she is not prepared for what awaits her.“Doctor what are you talking about? I couldn’t have heard you right. How could that be true?””I’ve ran the test twice Sarah Ruth, they are conclusive. You are indeed pregnant.”To be continued… ................

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