Chicago UBF

“A Savior has been born to you”Luke 2:1-21Key Verses 10, 111. What kind of decree did Caesar Augustus issue (1)? How did his decree affect Joseph and Mary (4,5)? How did God use Caesar Augustus’ decree to fulfill his prophecy (Micah 5:2)? 2. Describe the birth of Jesus as a baby in a manger (7). Who is the God who came down as a baby in a manger (Phi 2:5-11, 2: 3, Mt 1:23)? How does the incarnation of Jesus apply to your practical life? 3. What is the message of an angel to the shepherds feeding their flocks at night (9-12)? Why is Jesus the Savior of the world (Mt 1:21, LK 1:69, 78-79, Lk 1:33, Dan 2:44)? 4. How did the heavenly choir praise God (13-14)? What did the shepherds do upon hearing the angel’s message about the birth of Jesus (16-20)? What do you learn from the shepherds our basic attitude to worship the baby Jesus?


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