
The lights were blinding. Sam wasn’t sure why that was, but it was the only thing he had to work with right now. Blinding lights, muffled noises, but no clear memory of just what the hell was going on. As his vision began to slowly clear, absolutely nothing started to make sense whatsoever. He could make out a handful of shapes, two red circles in front of him, two larger multicolored ones, something rectangular, then came the voices.“LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!”Samuel winced and shut his eyes, raising his hands to block the harsh glare, trying to give himself time to adjust. The two things before him appeared to be enormous red buzzers on top of what seemed to be the arms of the chair he was in. The two larger shapes, wheels of some kind – he couldn’t make out the rest. That last shape was definitely a podium with someone standing behind it.“WELCOME BACK TO THE SHOW – ARE WE READY TO SEE WHAT KIND OF WONDERFUL PRIZE WE HAVE FOR OUR RETURNING GUEST?!”There was raucous cheering immediately afterward. Squinting, Samuel could vaguely make out the wheels now, and the shape behind the podium. It was some kind of rectangle, with arms. He didn’t see an audience, but the entire space beyond about ten feet in each direction from him was bathed in blackness too deep to penetrate.“WILL IT BE… ADVENTUROUS?! DANGEROUS!? YES I THINK SO!”The rectangle was moving, and his eyes were finally cooperating, which meant he tried to get his jaw to do the same. Something metallic, with a handful of old controls and a bunch of square light panels on the surface. It had two telescoping arms, a single ball thing it was moving around on, and a microphone in one of its hands as it zipped across the gaudy blue pastel floor up to the chair he seemed to be strapped into. The strange thing leaned in close as Sam began trying to speak.“Wh- what the heck is- why am I on a game show? I don’t remember signing up for any-“The light board on the host’s face began to flash in a rapidly altering pattern that was mesmerizing, in an epilepsy inducing sort of way. Sam’s arms twitched a little, his legs and shoulders went completely slack, and his next two breaths were shallow, shaky things.“I THINK HE’S READY FOLKS! SPIN THOSE WHEELS!”Samuel watched as two enormous discs covered in wedges with things written on them began swirling about. They were extremely difficult to look away from what with all the little lights blinking around on them.“NOW JUST HIT THOSE BUZZERS!”An attempt to stand up failed miserably. Samuel tried sure, but somewhere on the way from his brain to his legs the impulse detoured. His left hand convulsed, pressing down on the large red button. The left hand disc began to slow down, leaving Sam struggling – staring harder – to make out what the heck was on those panels. As they came crawling to a stop he saw each one sporting the same kind of panels as the host’s face had – spelling out numbers, words, but they were all shifting rapidly. Or at least they were until it stopped, with a small arrow on the right side of it pointing at a panel reading ‘power’. Some of the others were similarly suggestive of the nature of the game. Gain, swap, transfer, double, triple, spin again, audience choice.He tried to ask what the heck this was about, why he was playing, but once more something went thoroughly wrong. The young man’s right arm pressed tightly against the other buzzer of its own volition, while his jaw fluttered weakly in response to his desperate attempts to make it demand answer of the rectangular metal host.“WHAT WILL IT BE FOLKS!?”The second wheel began slowing, drifting over panel after panel with a soft ‘boop’ at each one, until the movement ebbed sufficiently to zero in on the other half of this round of the game. The panel simply read ‘odor’. Which Samuel stared at in a rather profound confusion. His attempt to speak worked this time, something that struck him as noteworthy even if he wasn’t sure what to make of it.“What the hell kind of game is this, and what does that even mean-“The human boy’s world vanished in a haze of something vaguely yellowish, but only briefly. He found himself feeling very much done with being blinded by bright things. A quick breath followed, the room felt sweltering. Probably the overhead lights, he thought. Little beads of sweat tickled his forehead and tried to run into his eyes, leaving Sam twisting his head to try and wipe the sweat off on his shoulder or something. He caught a whiff of something there – something awful. Like burnt onions and spoiled cabbage. That got a sharp wince, a lot of fresh confusion, and apparently some attention.“HE LOVES IT! OR HE WILL! START THE WHEELS AGAIN!”The strange host loomed in again. Those light panels flashed, alternating through five or six colors at speeds he couldn’t follow – but which nonetheless made something in the back of his head itch from the inside out. Sam opened his mouth, tried to speak, but apart from sitting there slack jawed nothing else came of it. That reeking aroma wafted up again as he began to feel sticky, clothes clinging to his slightly pudgy frame, though for some reason he didn’t feel that retching sensation well up from in his stomach this time. Instead there was a curious twinge of pleasure in the narrow corners of his mind. Sam looked blearily about, unfocused and afraid of the insanity he’d woken to. Fear that was promptly justified as his left hand lifted and then slammed the buzzer once more, which he felt happening and yet had no say in the happening of. He felt rather more like a spectator here than someone truly in the waking world. The spinning wheel of lights slowed gradually, during which time he wondered idly why they bothered with the wheel when every panel was made of more lights and could just change on the fly. Which prompted further suspicion about how ‘random’ the results actually were. Staring at them like that, spinning and glowing, blurring into each other – Samuel suddenly felt rather disconnected and confused. Like he’d had an important thought in mind and it had fled him. He was however now staring at the word ‘Swap’ written in bright LEDs.“AND NOW FOR THE SECOND!”Sam’s right had twitched. He winced as a nebulous painful pressure started to grow in his innards immediately afterward, which left him well and truly distracted from the board for a moment. There were rough gurgles, loud – wet sounding things that were just a little alarming. In fact he was busy clenching gently and wondering whether or not something was seriously wrong when the boop noises ceased.“OH THAT ONE’S FUN FOLKS!”Samuel stared up at the near blinding lights. They spelled out ‘Gender’ in the clearest English, and yet his brain didn’t seem to want to accept that he was reading it right. He was still trying to wrap his head around that when the yellow light suffused the whole area around him again, leaving him shutting his eyes hard and losing his concentration quite thoroughly.Two things happened immediately thereafter. Samuel felt a potent wrenching sensation in his groin, like being yanked along by a chain – only it was yanking inward. Somewhat lower the opposite was happening, all that moist undulating in his guts loosed a noxious wind below. Legs clenched together both to try and stem the breeze and to attempt to get an idea what just happened. Thighs smooshed into one another, from the knees upward, and upward- right until they met next to something moist and hot. Sam didn’t feel any trace of manhood there at all. Looking down, jaw hanging open, the captive human saw no evidence of a bulge in the shorts where there ought to have been one. That reality was further cemented as a pervasive creaking sensation took root all through the human’s hips and back. Sam’s eyes fluttered as she watched the room loom just a little higher over her with all its intimidating lights and shadows. That, and she keenly felt the edges of the chair as her hips pressed against the arms in a way they hadn’t mere moments ago. As she leaned backward her shirt came to rest against two palm sized lumps on her chest, sensitive things that some part of her wanted to touch.That part was a very loud voice actually – enough that she actually tried to raise her arms to do it not remembering that all previous attempts to do anything productive with her arms had met with the same result in the recent past. Her hands had both pressed down, the only thing they seemed to do when she tried to move them, and she was becoming well aware of what sort of madness followed each press.“WOW! THIS ONE IS REALLY GETTING INTO IT! WHAT DID SHE GET THIS TIME?”Sam stared up in rapt horror as both wheels came to simultaneous stops. Plump read the first one – and its partner had spelled out Princess. Her face scrunched up in a bit of confusion, right before that shockingly bright yellow illumination bathed her form once more. It was a harsh color, seeping into the edges of her other senses. It was more intense this time, like it was soaking in, and hotter than before. Sam shivered, feeling all the strength left to her evaporate – which was apparently a prelude for something else. Her clothing. The air in the room immediately felt like it was colder than it had been a moment ago given that it now had unrestricted access to her skin.That skin immediately began behaving in ways that were not normal, all of her did really. The earlier sensation of the room growing larger returned, a kind of deep vertigo crossed with a sense of falling. Her sense of reality became fuzzy, at best. Disconnected and distant. The mechanical host was enormous, flashing his screen full of lights in her face – but also mirroring her body in his metal finish. Paradoxical as it sounded, she was shrinking and growing at the same time.Sam watched as she lost six inches of height in six seconds – and as the mass from it apparently repurposed itself as flabby deposits of adipose. Nowhere specific, she just looked softer – out of shape. Dainty hands, deep bellybutton, puffy thighs. She was, at least, able to move her body when she tried – that hadn’t escaped her, but escape was long behind watching herself change in the mirror-like body of the host. She watched as her chest shrank back into a puffy belly, as her face pulled inward – but left her cheeks just the size they had been. It was an abrupt thing, leaving her awkward, small, afraid, naked, and ashamed as she sat on display. Something warm and wet began to pool between her legs, and the urge to cry encroached like a sunrise. She couldn’t look up, was too numb to stand, but her voice returned to her if nothing else.“What- snf- what the hell kind of prizes are these supposed to be? Why did you do this?”The host lifted her chin with a metallic hand, raising her gaze to its panel of lights – which promptly began a lazy undulating pattern of movement. Something she drank in, feeling an uninvited calm set into her in the process.“OH DEAR, THERE SEEMS TO HAVE BEEN SOME CONFUSION.”Somewhere behind the rectangular host a door opened, silhouetting someone beyond it. They were tall (though everyone looked tall to her right now), a little thickset (though not extremely so), and appeared to have their arms clasped in front of themselves.“THESE WEREN’T PRIZES – I MEAN, I SAID RETURNING CHAMPION RIGHT? WE HAVEN’T SEEN THE LIKES OF YOU BEFORE!”Sam blinked hard at the black outline, which seemed to be hesitating to step further in. The being overcame its hesitation though, and he saw an enormous figure advancing. She was covered head to toe in downy white fur, holding out a hand with dainty little claws on it that had just a hint of being paw-like, and had twin little fangs and horns on a visage that otherwise shown with a curiously vulnerable sense of affection. She looked like someone afraid to step forward into a thing they wanted, for fear that it would evaporate from under them. She did step forward though. The huge creature approached the seat the damp little girl who Samuel had been now occupied, and she felt for all the world like a young child looking up at an adult (something reinforced by her own reflection in the host’s body case). Sam locked eyes with the enormous creature, taking in the rest of her – the large feet, the motherly hips, the odd purple tunic she wore with the strange wing and triangle symbol on the front. It was the host who spoke though, in spite of both the creature and the young girl’s mouths hanging open.“YOU WEREN’T THE CONTESTANT DEAR, YOU *ARE* THE PRIZE! AND WHAT DO YOU SAY TORIEL, ARE YOU HAPPY WITH YOUR PRIZE?”She towered over Sam, this Toriel. Finally she ended up kneeling by the chair, which still left her head and shoulders above. One of those thick, fuzzy hands was held out, palm up.“Will you come stay with me, my child?”Something in Sam’s brain flipped like a switch. She swallowed hard, still staring into those gigantic, faintly watering eyes. Her brain wanted to ask a question, but as it reviewed what she wanted to say the thought stopped – restarted itself from the beginning – then stopped again at precisely the same point. She felt a chill in her skin, centering on her back and spreading slowly to her fingertips, and all she could see in her mind was the shifting patterns she had just spent the last several minutes watching intently on the host’s face. Those two words, my child, as her thought process collapsed in on itself she started repeating those instead. My child. Her child. She reached a dainty little hand, the hand of a child of nine at most, up to rest it in the giant monster’s fuzzy white one. As it closed around Sam’s own, it engulfed it entirely. Her answer came to her without thought. She just spilled the words forth, blurting them out as if they had been crammed into her mouth and were just waiting for someone to let them free. She hadn’t even thought them first, but there was no doubt in her mind that they were from the heart (even if they had been imported to her heart from elsewhere).“Y-yeah. I will. I can call you mom, right?”The huge woman nodded, the building in her eyes turning into two lone tears before she smiled intensely and stood to her full height. Sam had to reach her arm as high as she could just to hang on, and Toriel had to keep hers as low as possible, but they managed as she helped Sam down from the chair.“AWW! THAT IS AN ADORABLE END TO OUR SHOW FOR TODAY FOLKS! TUNE IN NEXT TIME AS WE PLAY ANOTHER ROUND TO SEE WHO GETS TO ADOPT A HUMAN AFTER WE HAVE SOME FUN WITH THEM!”Toriel took the nude Sam and led her toward the door she’d come in through, glancing behind them briefly.“That was very strange, but a little fun. I do hope it wasn’t too stressful for you my child. Come, there is a room back here they have prepared for getting you cleaned up, and some clothing. Do you prefer green striped shirts, or purple?Sam felt curiously awkward about all this. Not the holding hands or being led along. Somehow that felt like the only thing in life that made sense right now, that was firm and right with the world. There should’ve been some kind of horrible panic happening though, right? She’d been a full grown man a half hour back – and not nude – and probably not quite this ripe with body odor. When she shut her eyes to focus on it she saw those swirling lights and felt something warm come over her – she also felt something fresh and warm running down her legs. “Oh dear – we might have to see to that too my child. Do not worry though, I am sure there are supplies on hand. They seem very well prepared here, at least for some things.”Sam was led along by Toriel into a side room just two doors down from the main stage, into what appeared to be a large bathroom or small (and fairly homey) doctor’s office, the sort you got with small town family practices. Warm, sunlight colored walls – padded tables instead of cold metal ones, that kind of thing. Sam found herself with both shoulders engulfed by gargantuan, fuzzy hands. They lifted her effortlessly up to a countertop next to a sink. “There, that will do to get started. Are you comfortable, dear?”“I- yeah. Yeah mom, I think. I just- I don’t know what all that was, and I’m.. wet, and..”Those huge eyes harbored a warmth that was right at home amid the sunny colors of the room around them. They seemed to hold ages of kindness in them even if the woman didn’t look particularly old as far as Sam could tell. She had turned the faucet on, and was producing towels and garments from some of the cupboards around the sink.“Do not worry child. Nothing in there was your fault. Yes, perhaps some of that will take getting used to, for both of us, but this is still a beautiful new opportunity.”Sam somehow just didn’t think to question it when Toriel gently put a hand to her back, and guided her down to lay on the countertop. Nor when she took one leg by the ankle and held it out so the motherly monster could wash her legs and her new sex free of the accidents she’d suffered on stage and in the hall. It didn’t stop there, she took the warm cloth and wetted it again, slowly working her way through each unfamiliar inch of Sam’s body. Her legs had been pillowy things when touched, and the rest of her followed suit. Her belly squished visibly in when those hands (and the insane mix of powerful and gentle they seemed to represent) worked through it, but they spent a good deal more time working under her arms. There was a gentle wrinkling of Toriel’s large nose, and she came back not with the damp cloth this time but a pawful of some manner of powder.“There. That will suffice for now I think. Next, to get you dressed, and show you your home.”Sam felt a furious blush settle into her cheeks, and nodded.“Okay, and uhm, purple I think.”Toriel’s smile seemed to wipe the fear away just as her hands had wiped away the tacky, smelly after-effects of it from the show. The room was such a stark contrast to what she’d just endured – it was private in here, and she felt safe with mom. Not violated and on display. Toriel had just lifted her bottom and slid something under it when that thought tried in earnest to take hold. Something cold and worried in her heart, but it paused before reaching action – it paused, and she saw hazy after-images of the two wheels spinning, brilliant lights blinking. When the images passed she was blinking absently at the ceiling, one of Toriel’s huge hands resting on her brow, the other wiping away at her groin again.“Yes, I do think we’re going to have to have you wear something for that for the time being my child. Do not worry, it is nothing wrong. I believe the host mentioned it might happen as you adjusted.”Sam was left to watch that fuzzy, smiling face – devoid of judgment of any kind, as she felt her legs lifted up from the countertop, felt something puffy and crinkly slid underneath. She was lowered onto it, then her legs were spread apart a bit and flaps were brought around. One between her legs, one on each side, all taped down. After that she was picked carefully up, set on the floor while Toriel reached for something else.“Arms up dear.”Sam obeyed without thinking. Toriel lowered something over her, something billowy and colorful. It was a t-shirt, perhaps two sizes too big, done up in blue and purple horizontal stripes. It hung a bit low which obscured precisely half of the crinkly diaper between her legs, but no more than that. Sam felt her hand engulfed entirely by Toriel’s once more as her new mother smiled down, and tugged her a step toward the door.“Come along my child, it is high time we showed you your new home. I will make us dinner, and dessert, when we arrive. Then we can spend some time reading, and perhaps discussing things to come. Would you like that?”Sam found herself nodding – not automatically, as so much of her behavior had been since this insanity began, but out of a genuine excitement. She felt drained physically of fear and anxiety, which left only room for better things. Things this matronly monster seemed to embody in every way. They had just stepped into the hall and began their way toward the exit when Toriel paused once more.“Also, child, one more question as we go. Do you prefer butterscotch, or cinnamon?”*** The trip home began not long after. Sam was still holding her mom’s hand, tugging gently on the shirt as it was a trifle too big still, when they exited the hotel/studio and stepped into Hotland proper. She winced a little at the searing air outside, fanning herself with her free arm. Her mother tugged at the collar of her tunic as well.“Hrm, yes I quite agree my child. It is disagreeably warm here. Worry not, the waterfalls are nearby and then things will cool down considerably.”Sam fidgeted just a bit, tucking her striped shirt up under her arms – she was already sweating through the powder, and starting to smell a bit. Nothing else came of it though, not through what was a curiously short walk down some narrow pathways and stairs. They passed one large gray building with the doors shut, but some curiously wet noises were coming from behind it (and possibly high pitched Japanese singing?). Toriel glanced at the noise too, looking a little awkward about the whole thing – and maybe having a pinkish tinge to her cheeks at the time (which made zero sense to Sam- how does fur blush). Hotland did, as promised, end. They found themselves staring at a small pathway with a water cooler and an unmanned hotdog stand next to it. Unmanned, but not unstocked. Sam tugged gently on her mother’s arm, glancing at the stand – and the cool water – hopefully. Toriel looked over them and thought about it briefly, then smiled and nodded.“Alright child, I know the skeleton who runs the stand and I suspect he won’t mind as long as we leave a bit of money behind for him. Let’s each get one.”It didn’t take long. Cups of water, hot dogs with ketchup – they were both gone pretty quickly of course. Toriel’s just on account of the monster’s size, Sam’s from hunger. When she reached her arm up again to take mom’s arm she had her own warm smile on, though it briefly parted in a rather un-lady-like belch. That set her cheeks reddening – as did the whiff she caught from under her arm with it held up by Toriel.“..S’cuse me.”Toriel’s look of surprise faded into warmth and approval – right before she suffered a petite little burst of her own.“Excuse both of us! Now, come on – the waterfalls are quite beautiful, and rather peaceful. I’m eager to show them to you.”And off they went – Sam’s striped purple t-shirt sticking to her a little more with each step.*** She was right of course. The whole place beyond Hotland was gorgeous – all glittering lights, glowing flowers, and tinkling water. Toriel showed her the flowers that repeated anything you said to them – which resulted in listening to a flower speak back Toriel’s own explanation and leaving the towering monster looking just a trifle embarrassed. They hadn’t passed that many people, there were a couple of empty houses (one of which was on fire) and a lot of pathways, she thought she caught sight of a cat with hair and a shirt somewhere, but otherwise? Otherwise the only notable thing apart from a lot of beautiful scenery was how cold it seemed to be getting. Not that this was unwelcome – it eased up on the sweat – but eventually she actually found herself treading through snow as large ice blocks floated down the chilly water. There was a fence, and beyond that – houses, buildings, lights, and people – monsters – the multitude and variety of which were enough to overshadow the wonder the waterfall caves had produced so recently.There was a lot of noise – shouting mostly – and some odd laughter from the first house they passed. It had two mailboxes, one stuffed to capacity and the other empty. Beyond that were what looked like homes, a library that she checked the sign of twice, and what appeared to be a huge Christmas tree in the town square. Some of the other monsters around stopped to wave at Toriel, one in particular was an orange creature about the same height as Sam – different colored stripes on the shirt. The monster didn’t wave, but it did run up to them.Why it didn’t wave became apparent when Sam saw the empty sleeves – whatever the little kid was (orange scales, a spinal ridge, tail – kind of dinosaur-ish) didn’t include arms. Didn’t seem to put a damper on the child’s mood though.“Hi miss Toriel! Are you starting school up again now that you’re back?”The creature caught Sam’s eye briefly and smiled a huge grin back – no arms to wave with, but it swished its tail a bit.“Hi there. Are you coming too when miss Toriel teaches?”Sam was blushing again, trying not to think about the visible diaper – but then the strange armless monster kid wasn’t exactly wearing pants either and didn’t seem to care. She looked up to Toriel for the answer. Toriel was wearing that look of warm, matronly bliss again as she nodded to them both. “Yes, and yes child. Perhaps in a week or so, so we have time to get adjusted to things. Samantha has gone through a lot recently, but at no fault of her own.”The monster kid couldn’t exactly hug people, but it ran up and plastered its front all over Samantha’s. After an initial moment of shock she slid her free arm around its shoulders for the brief moment they shared. Granted, the child’s nose was wrinkling a little when it drew back, but it still smiled before the simple ‘okay!’- and then took off running (only to trip and plant its face right in the snow).Toriel and Sam both smiled, trying not to giggle, before they continued on their way. Sam’s eyes went a bit wide a moment later as the effort seemed to have jarred loose a fresh deluge of warmth in the diaper she wore. Luckily, her mother set any worry that might build at ease. Or as close to it as one could expect.“It won’t be long now child. Home is close by.”*** The rest of the trip had considerably fewer signs of life apart from a few birds here and there, and possibly a dog – it was either a dog or a snow puff, not important either way. What was important was they were nearly there. They passed by vines, and a few disarmed traps, as well as a handful of flowers here and there – but the goal was home.Sam let that thought sink in as they turned the corner and she saw the doorway. Home. There’d been some other place that name was for, but it wasn’t now. She gripped the monster’s hand a little tighter, feeling Toriel’s squeeze hers gently, waiting while Sam hesitated.“This – this is home now, right? This is okay?”Toriel reached down to take Sam into her arms as she approached the threshold.“It is, child. I know this has been abrupt, and very strange. But it is, as said, none of your fault. I do not know how the shiny host found you, only that he assured me you needed this and would not object.”Sam tried to remember how she had gotten there, how she had come to awaken under bright lights and spinning wheels, but nothing came. There seemed to be a piece of her, a large one, that was sealed up in some kind of lockbox and she lacked the key. It would’ve troubled her if she wasn’t cradling up into her mother’s chest. “Truth be told child, I need this as well.”The door opened for them. Inside was precisely what she expected to see. Wooden floors and furniture, warm colors everywhere, potted plants about, and the divine scent of years of baking that had seeped into it all. Toriel still held her, leaving the door ajar and taking them to a doorway down a hall on the right. “I think first, perhaps, a bath? It was quite a warm and long walk. Then, if you like, I will make us something to eat, and we can spend the evening in the den with a book if you aren’t too tired.”The bathroom was similarly rustic in nature. Stone floor tiles and old copper fixtures, an enormous claw foot bathtub that was really more swimming pool sized to Samantha’s eyes. Her mother turned the water on before setting Sam on the counter by the sink, tugging her shirt loose and then guiding her onto her back to peel the tabs back on the diaper she wore. On seeing it used, Toriel smiled again.“That must have felt good child. Do not worry, there are plenty more, and we are in just the place to clean up after it.”The enormous goat monster used a wet cloth to wipe Samantha down gently once more, seeming to have endless reserves of patience and love to dispense. When that was done she lifted the girl under her arms once more, setting her into the tub’s confines. Sam wiggled a little feeling the warm water beginning to pool up around her feet, then more so when Toriel’s gigantic paw hands began rubbing her down with a fresh washcloth and soap.It really didn’t take long all things considered, but then Toriel’s hands were very large and Sam was now quite small. It wasn’t long at all before she was rubbing her down with a towel instead of a wet cloth.“Excellent, you were quite well behaved there my child. Are you quite comfortable with this sort of thing?”Sam shook her head, gently at first – then a little more forcefully as she felt water flinging about from her hair. Toriel put a hand up to ward it off, but was still smiling a bit at the sight of her daughter giggling. The ruffling through that hair that followed was just as playful on Toriel’s part, and preceded plucking Sam up once more to carry her back to the countertop.“Now then child, are you still alert, or would you like to get some rest before I make dinner?”Sam opened her mouth to answer – which is essentially what she did when she yawned. It wasn’t what she had in mind, but it did the job. Toriel nodded understandingly, gently guiding her onto her back once more to slip a fresh diaper underneath. Samantha watched the old bathroom disappear as Toriel held her up to her shoulder like a baby, taking them down the hall to the last side room before the house split to the other side. Inside was a fully furnished child’s bedroom. She carried Samantha to the bed, laying her atop its worn but comfortable surface with a kind of quiet reverence, as if this was a ritual of hers that she had not been able to observe for some time.She laid a hand across the girl’s forehead, it eclipsed her entire head easily.“You are perfect, child. We will talk soon of what you wish to learn, and to be, but know that you are perfect even now. For who you are, what you are – what you wish to be can come later. It can take as long as you need, I will be proud of you no matter what.”Sam let a warmth creep into her that had nothing to do with the thick comforter that smelled faintly of butter cookies. When Toriel’s hand came up by her face in the process of tucking her in she took Toriel’s large, fuzzy hand in both of hers and held it up to her cheek.“Even if I stay- uhm. Messy?”She clenched her thighs together a bit – she was still dry, but had no idea how long that would last.“Yes, even then. We need only be patient with ourselves, and each other. You are my dear little girl, and I will see you happy with yourself and your life. When you’ve rested up some we can go through my books, and perhaps visit the library if nothing strikes your fancy there, to see if anything you want to learn more about stands out. But that is for later my child. Now? Rest. There will be pie when you wake.”They shared another smile, and as Samantha shut her eyes Toriel quietly made her way out, closing the door and making her way to the kitchen.*** It was quite some time before she woke, but it was a completely different sort of waking up than she was used to. For starters, she was a she – and that had evidently not been a dream (she had some doubts still before). The soft gloom of the room felt like it wrapped around her and held her tight, but with nothing threatening anywhere near and the promise of her mom guarding her it was a friendly sort of hold it had. Like being tucked into a well-worn blanket, which she was in a literal sense as well.Samantha swung her legs over the edge of the bed, slipping the covers off and yawning idly. There was something on the floor – round, white, something that smelled quite delicious from what she could tell. There was an ambient aroma of baked goods and sweetness to the place as it was but the slice of pie she found waiting for her was better still – it was the source after all. Dainty hands plucked it from the ground, held it close to her chest, and dug in a finger to taste as she slunk quietly out of her bedroom to look around some.She knew what was down the hall to her left, but the right was a bit less sure. There were stairs, but they had a rope blocking them off. It wouldn’t be difficult to circumvent, but the intent was clear and she had no cause to go challenging her mother’s rules. Beyond that? This, she thought, must be the den. The enormous carpet in the middle of the wooden floor, the fireplace and bookshelves, and of course the gargantuan armchair. The fire gave the whole thing an orange glow, and offset the presence of more light from the room beyond. Likely the kitchen, she thought.It was indeed the kitchen, and Toriel was hard at work in it. She had two plates of cookies, the pie that her slice on the plate must have come from, and a pitcher of milk all laid out on a table and seemed to be busy cleaning up. The great, goat-like monster hadn’t seen her yet. Sam didn’t really want to disturb her, so she leaned back against the doorframe. The act reminded her that she had a huge, puffy diaper on as it crinkled a little. If Toriel heard it she pretended not to. Samantha didn’t seem to notice, instead deciding to pluck the slice of pie off the plate and take her first bite.It was a rather delicious thing – cinnamon and butterscotch both. A blend of something rich and sweet, but with just a tinge of bite. The effect was entirely unfamiliar though – or mostly so. She recalled something about the hot dog from earlier not really seeming to sit in her stomach at all, the pie was clearly doing the same. A warm glow hit her belly but no fullness. It crept though her like water through a sponge, settling all about her hips mostly. Sam tucked in, making rather more noise than she perhaps intended. Not the eating, mind. The noise came when she felt her buttocks open up and trumpet forth a loud hello through the puffy confines of her diaper. It left her eyes wide and her face white when Toriel turned around, an amused little smile playing about her face.“There you are my child, and I see you found your first treat. You enjoyed too, based on what I just heard. Come, follow me to the den my dear, there is plenty more but I think by the fire with a book might be a more pleasant place to enjoy them in.”Toriel tucked the milk pitcher into her arm, and the platter of baked goods in her hand – then used her free (and quite warm) arm to take Sam by the arm and walk her to the next room. As short a distance as it was Samantha suspected she might have just wanted the excuse to hold her hand. She certainly took her time letting go of it as they settled in. She laid the tray out, set the milk next to it, and slowly leaned herself back into the gigantic armchair. The fireplace wasn’t going – yet anyway.“Go ahead and choose a book child, I’ll read while you eat.”Sam was eager to get to the food, but it could wait that long at least. While she stood she felt another loud (albeit brief) burst come trumpeting from her bottom, it left her cheeks rosy in the glow that arose from Toriel’s fuzzy hand. Her white fur and dainty claws were holding a self-sufficient sphere of flame, which jumped a moment later to the hearth and took root there. It bathed the whole room warmth and a gentle glow, which was entirely appropriate for the house’s owner.That whole shooting fire thing had left her staring briefly, before blinking a little – glancing back at Toriel and spotting her amused smile – and then turning back to the books. There was no shortage of them there. Full shelves, all well-loved, but given that she really liked the idea of those cookies she struggled to choose something quickly. When she returned with a dusty book, bound in brown leather, Toriel pulled forth a small pair of spectacles before she gently eased the aged tome open. Samantha plopped down on her padded behind, immediately reaching for a cookie with each hand.“Ooh, some of Gerson’s old memoirs. Adventures, really – he was a bit of an explorer in his day, which was quite a long time ago.”Toriel began reading, and Sam began eating. The cookies were still warm, gooey, in the ballpark of perfection. They made the feeling of this whole place, of Toriel and the last couple hours of warmth, safety, and acceptance feel complete. As before, the cookies didn’t seem to actually settle into her stomach. They just took up roost somewhere in her being, rather than her body. It was like this for some time – Toriel read about excursions into the human world, travels with other monsters, even in one case featuring a younger version of Toriel apparently – Sam gorged herself silly on cookies, brownies, drinking straight from the pitcher of warm milk when needed. The piled mess of pastry dwindled quite steadily as Toriel turned pages. She really wasn’t sure how much time had passed when she finally stopped and paid attention to it.The reason for doing so was finding an empty platter in front of her. Apart from crumbs anyway. Almost out of milk too, which somehow acted as the catalyst for fully grasping just how much she’d taken in in the last short while. Between it all she suspected she’d eaten about half or more of her body mass in the last hour, ish, if it had been that. Either way though it was all gone and clearly that alarmed her a little. Enough to cause Toriel to look up from her book, nudging her spectacles up on her face a little.“Child, are you alright? Were they to your-“The gurgling sound was audible, coming from somewhere buried deep inside Sam’s body. It wasn’t painful, not even strictly speaking uncomfortable, but it was very weird and getting stronger whether she liked it or not. Sam tried to speak, to answer Toriel, to ask what was happening, but all that billowed forth was a thundering belch that fanned the fireplace and shook her down to her bones.She tried to wrap her hands around her belly to – well, she wasn’t sure. Contain it, control it, something maybe? It really just left her unbalanced when the event happened and caused Sam to fall forward onto her hands and knees. As soon as she’d landed like that, doubled over, the proverbial floodgates were opened. Her body opened up, leaving a frothing hot deluge soaking the front of the diaper she wore and dragging it slowly downward while her ass did its level best to lift it back up again by turning it into a parachute behind her. The burst lasted a solid eight seconds. It felt hot at first, especially between her legs, but then it felt curiously numb, and for the last two seconds or so a thorough chill moved through her body and left Samantha finishing her journey to the floor.She grunted faintly, and Toriel was at her side in the next moment. Those gigantic, soft hands took her by the shoulders and turned her over, cradling her against one arm as she looked down with concern.“Oh dear! I’m sorry my child, that may have been a bit much – I expected getting used to our food might take some adjustment but that-“Samantha flinched gently before grunting once more. Toriel could hear a fresh wash pouring into that already soaked diaper, but it was a tight and resilient thing so it held – it just kept growing and sagging ever further outward. Samantha felt like she was being emptied entirely, and when her rump opened up again it redoubled the notion. The blast felt wet this time, felt like it was sucking her empty from the inside out and leaving nothing behind, but another five or so seconds of it and it abated. The thing had left her a fetal, quivering mess in her mother’s arms but it was over.Almost.As Toriel held her closer to her chest for a moment, whispering things like ‘it’s okay child, it may be hard now, but better times are coming’ to her like promises, the chill left in her began to fade. She remembered how warm this home was, her home. The fire nearby, the well-worn wooden frame of the place, all the years of care and life in it, and of course her own mother’s arms. The way the warmth crept into her in thin veins until it reached her core, and then began to radiate outward like light. She could see it, when she looked. Something white around her belly. Though on a closer examination it wasn’t light, but something fuzzy – growing out of her – and something in her growing as well. Sam felt something kind of bubbly, and greasy, squeezing around under her skin and pushing it outward. As whatever that was passed slowly she put her hands to her belly, feeling it soft in two ways. The pale fuzz that had grown in, and the flesh beneath it was pliant and round. Samantha didn’t have it in her to be afraid – not here. Not in her mother’s arms. So instead, she dwelt in wonder.“Oh my. That was unexpected! My cooking has never done that before, but I haven’t seen a human eat so much of our food at once before either. This is a curious thing, I wonder if it might change you more if we keep at it. You’ll need very thick protection I suspect, but- would you object, child? It seems you have the opportunity to start over if you wish. It may take some time, and be a trifle uncomfortable, but would you want to?”Samantha was still playing with her newly furry belly, its white coat thick over a layer of pudge. The wonder was strong still, pervasive, and welcome. She curled tighter into her mom’s arms and nodded.“Yeah – I do mom. I want to be more like you! Can we start soon?”Toriel’s arms curled under her legs as well then, and she rose up with her daughter in her arms. Slowly, but surely, she walked them toward the room she had changed her in earlier.“We can, tomorrow morning I think. You are pretty soaked through right now my child. Let us get you changed again dear, and tomorrow we’ll be ready for it. I may also contact Alphys back in Hotland, just in case, and see if she has advice. In the meantime, we should probably let you rest. I cannot imagine this has been easy on your body my dear.”Samantha nodded again at her mother’s advice, trying to ignore how woefully full she felt all about her waist. Whatever that was had taken a great deal out of her, and a nap didn’t sound awful – besides, the sun might be up when she awakens this time yes? She wondered if she could talk her mother into a walk back to Snowdin, she had this burning itch to show off her belly and diaper both to the little armless friend she’d made earlier. That thought, and many others like it, kept her smiling well through Toriel’s meticulous changing of her diaper and cleaning of her body.This was a great deal of change in a short amount of time, but all of it seemed happy now that she looked it over. Samantha eagerly looked forward to undergoing more, and seeing where it could take her life henceforth.*** Morning came on the heels of fitful dreams, half-remembered badly degraded pictures of something that had come before. Though those recollections seeming darker compared to waking up in blinding spotlights was hardly strange now that she thought of it. Still, morning came. Leaving her yawning, rolling over in bed, and waking up exactly as she hoped – where she remembered being before. She found her answer to her other worry – that mom had been being kind last night and really was bothered by her reaction to the food – in the form of a piece of pie on her nightstand. Samantha swung her legs over the side once more. Waking up wearing an inches-thick pillow sealed tightly around her was still a bit strange, and yet she couldn’t say it wasn’t comfortable. She found the room had supplies to cover the rest of it, a small wooden dresser with many shirts (all striped for some reason) and a box full of myriad shoes, some of which would undoubtedly fit her.Finding ones that did wasn’t hard – finding a matching pair that did and went with the green and purple shirt was a trifle more difficult, but she managed after a couple minutes. Tugging the shirt down over her belly was odd to say the least, the fuzzy patch that had developed on her rounded middle felt entirely new and yet was distinctly a part of her. It was soft in every conceivable way, and the shirt pressing on it gently through the fur kept dancing on the edge of tickling her.She glanced back and forth between the pie slice on its little plate and her gut. One was responsible for the other apparently, in the obvious way as well as others. Her mind was still rolling all that around when she slipped out of her room, the plate in hand, peeking out at the rest of the house.Morning’s light made the place look alive in a completely different way than she’d seen prior. All the wooden flooring and walls looked golden, the grass outside and the brilliant flowers growing in it were idyllic, and something in her chest hurt just a little taking it all in. She thought for a moment that it felt like the ache one got relaxing some muscle or other that had been tensed for far too long.The hand on her shoulder was heavy, and covered her entire shoulder while also spilling over to her chest and arm. Samantha leaned gently backward, resting against what turned out to be Toriel’s leg (she barely came up to the great matronly monster’s waist – if that even). “Good morning child! You slept quite soundly it seems. I was wondering, would you like to go back to the snowy town we passed through? There is a restaurant there frequented by some of the other local monsters, as well as a good friend of mine, that we could have breakfast at.”Samantha didn’t speak, but turned herself around to bury her face against her mother’s leg a moment – hugging her as best she could from that height, and the finally nodding. Toriel patted her head gently, straightening her hair out a little in the process, and then took her free hand – the monster’s enormous one once more completely enveloping the small human (mostly) child’s. They began their walk immediately, with Samantha occasionally leaning over to take a bite out of the pie slice, noting once more that it still didn’t seem to reach her stomach.It wasn’t that long a walk to reach Snowdin, but Samantha was grateful by the end of it that it was so cold there. All it took was getting to the edge of the spiky pathways to leave her feeling sweaty, feeling it pool around the collar of her shirt, drizzle down the small of her back, and start to soak into the fur covering her cute little belly. The chillier air offset it a little.“Err.. Mom?”Toriel glanced down as she strode through a field of snow poffs, one of which seemed to be smiling somehow.“Yes, child?”Samantha craned her neck upward, now clutching an empty pie plate against her side. She worked her legs quickly to keep up, and wasn’t wholly sure if the dampness she felt in the confines of her diaper was just sweat at this point or if she had leaked a little.“How is it that things go from hot to cold and in-between so fast down here?”Her mother smiled broadly, and Samantha was sure she could see a little twinkle of pride in her eyes. Not to mention eagerness to answer. “You know, for a time I was not actually sure either. Evidently the machinery in Hotland’s core that produces power for us also spends a great deal of time evaporating water to cool some parts of it, which then vents to the caves and condenses. The natural magical ambience causes its momentum in temperature to increase, which leaves Snowdin quite cool before it reaches an equilibrium just by the ruins. I am very glad to see you have such a curious mind my child.”The last bit left Samantha beaming, feeling a warm haze inside her that had nothing to do with the pie. Though the hot miasma she released into her diaper had everything to do with it. She was actually considering putting some snow in there just to cool things off a bit when they reached the edge of town.There really weren’t that many buildings here, or people. She knew that intellectually. It didn’t make the place seem less imposing now that she was here a second time. Everything was so big now, and she knew they could all see the enormous diaper. Yet nobody seemed to care, that much was ever more obvious the longer she was among them. Some of them waved, mostly to Toriel, but they usually smiled to her as well. She saw the little armless lizard child dashing through the snow with a balloon tied to his tail and felt an urge to run off after him.Toriel, as if she could read her mind, spoke.“After breakfast child.”Samantha looked up and nodded once, just as they reached the door to the building Toriel was taking them to. Grillby’s, the sign read. Her mother held the door for her, leading Samantha into the restaurant. Or bar, maybe? It had a bar at any rate, but it also had booths and tables with food strewn about. A pair of hooded dogs sat at one of them, some plant creature with enormous teeth at another, something that looked like living flame in a uniform was behind the bar, and at one end of said bar sat a skeleton in shorts, slippers, and a hooded jacket.“This is a good friend of mine, child. For quite some time we would exchange jokes with each other. Now that the ruins are opened, we still do this, but we also come here from time to time. Hello Sans!”The skeleton turned about, grinning (which he probably always did) and waving to the huge monster leading the padded child.“hey there tori! who’s the little one?”Toriel lifted Samantha up, her hands under her arms, to set her on the seat next to Sans before she took her own seat third in line. She placed a hand atop Sam’s head once more.“Samantha is new to us Sans, and is now my child to care for. We are here for breakfast! Are you as well?”Sam looked from one face to the other, the loving fanged goat visage of her mother and the smiling easygoing smirk of Sans’ strangely expressive skinless face. At least it wasn’t quite so much of a strain on the neck to meet Sans’ gaze.“zat so? well, you’re a cute little part-fuzzy thing. you should try the breakfast burritos. they’ll totally put hair on your chest, which you seem to be into.”Sam blushed a little. She swallowed hard, but ended up smiling a little too. Attempting to answer the skeleton just led to that pie reprising its presence as she belched. The blush deepened visibly, but it just made her mother smile again. Smile, and order a platter of those breakfast burritos her friend had suggested. “They sound interesting, my friend, we will take a plate of them Grillby! I will warn you, my child Samantha is still adjusting to our food here. She is most resilient though, in body and mind alike. Also patient, curious, and kind if I am not mistaken.”She couldn’t speak for blushing, trying to curl tight in on herself under the weight of the attention. Samantha rested her hands on her belly, only to be startled to attention by a platter clanking onto the bar in front of her. Sam would’ve questioned this, but given what the food was made of she expected the answer was the same. Magic. She soon found a bony hand holding a length of flatbread wrapped around gods knew what in front of her. Samantha reached out to take it, finding Sans’ hands strangely warm for a skeleton.“give that a try kid. they’re so good they even make a skeleton feel round. of course i might just be big boned.”She smirked a little in spite of herself – Toriel burst out laughing. Samantha might have too honestly if she hadn’t immediately tried the first of the large wrapped food bundles. The first bite felt entirely normal, like she expected, heavy and meaty with a parade of textures. She detected potatoes, cheeses, bacon, butter, and scrambled eggs. It was only when she swallowed that the heavy glob that should have landed in her didn’t. Something that just made it that much easier for her to keep going, spurred on by the fact that the lack of it in her stomach really left her feeling hungry in spite of all the eating she’d done recently.Sans eyeballed her ravenous appetite with a bit of interest, Toriel looked down with something akin to happiness or pride. She was nibbling on one of the things herself, but more slowly. Samantha on the other hand, face covered in grease and cheese now, was reaching for her second. She was also noticing how it was quite a bit warmer in this room than it was outside, particularly with a bartender made of fire. Her shirt was stuck to her under the armpits, and she was definitely feeling the inside of her puffy undergarments start to feel like a furnace. Particularly when, working her way through the second serving, she started to feel a roiling storm in her stomach. Something rather odd seized her then. She had assumed that the previous night she was motivated by ignorance and deliciousness to gorge on everything she could. That wasn’t the case this time, not that the food wasn’t tasty, but she couldn’t explain the need to continue stuffing her small body being quite as strong as it was. She polished off the second one within a minute or two of the food having arrived, and as she did she felt her buttocks open up and speak while her mouth was busy. She clearly had the attention of the room at that point, but she couldn’t make herself stop. There was a tugging in her chest, a strange burning glow that was suffusing her whole being. Sans’ head tilted gently, Toriel once more patted her head gently and started to hum an odd little tune. Samantha seized the third one, she brought it to her lips and let out a pleased groan, feeling it squish as the juice from all that melted cheese ran down her fingers. Samantha swallowed more, shoving her face in hard like a pig at a trough. Her trumpeting ass refused to quiet down. Sans’ face (not really lips) crawled up in a smirk as the two dogs at one of the tables in back began howling in tune with the extended fart.“you’ve got a talker there tori. i like you kid, but you can be a bit long-winded.”Samantha giggled a little right into her food, Toriel laughed so hard she needed to lean on the countertop, even a few of the other patrons let out snerks for it. The little girl had at that point put a very sizable dent in the food and was starting to feel more of that suffused burning in her, it was leaving her skin drenched in sweat, her shirt glued to her body, but then came the itching. It started in a ring, all around her belly, and then spread outward like a spilled liquid spreading into a cloth dropped atop it. The white flowed, creeping around her back and leaving a curiously numb tingle behind. She felt it coat her chest entirely, felt it cake into her armpits and their already drenched confines, and then begin to migrate into her arms. Nobody could see as it moved lower, but Samantha felt it just the same. She felt it, and yet even as she watched the milky fuzz rise from her arms like watching a time lapse of grass growing ever nearer her hands she continued to make a glutton of herself despite knowing she was speeding it along. Or, perhaps, because of?Toriel apparently had words on that. “I truly am proud of you Samantha, you are facing change head on and embracing it. Not many would, or at least they would be a bit less eager. Though as my friend says, you are playing that trumpet rather loudly about it!”She still seemed to be happy about it, which eased up on the sheer degree of embarrassment Samantha was still wrestling with. Not that it slowed her down. Sam had lost count of how many of those things she’d eaten, and she could swear the skeleton was slipping more onto the platter as she finished them. The only thing that had threatened to slow her down any really was having to deal with fur growing onto her hands, her palms and fingertips stayed fairly clear of it, but they went very numb for a span of about a minute, and felt stubbier than they were before. It made things a trifle clumsy, but she persisted.She had been feeling the fur growth move down her waist slowly, fighting with whatever was at work in the diaper itself perhaps, but it had made steady progress nonetheless. Samantha squirmed hard when it passed between her legs, tickling furiously, but the only real signs anyone else had about the matter were that the incessant gas changed in tone a little when it had to filter through pearl white fur, and that it eventually reached the other side and began its work on her legs.Sans and Toriel watched in pleased fascination as the process moved along, and as Samantha began the last stage. She reached her face forward to bite down on one of the long wrapped bundles of food, clamped her jaws shut, and leaned her head back only for her mouth to stay right where it was. Fur spread up her throat like wildfire, and she had to swallow shakily to avoid choking on the mouthful she had as that pleasant numbness seized her face. Her jaw had stretched several inches forward, pulling her nose with it. That perhaps got more of a reaction from her than any of the rest of it.Samantha dropped the food she held, and put her hands instead to her new muzzle (leaving cheese stains in the fur as she did). Feeling around it like a blind person touching another’s face she explored all along its length even as she ignored the effect moving further along. Her hair was subsumed by the fur as it climbed, her ears looked kind of like melting taffy as they grew longer and started to droop toward her shoulders. Finally, as she was feeling at her jaw, she actually had her fingers on the two cute little fangs that stretched out at its end. Her first attempt to speak was a bit on the clumsy side, just as her hands were, but then her face was still tingly and those fangs were new.“Thif. I. W-wow. I’m wike you mom! Aww that food did thif?”Toriel bent down and wrapped her arms tight around her daughter, saying nothing, and simply squeezing the best thing in her day as tightly as she could without hurting Sam. She was sniffling a little when she let go, and apparently having a hard time speaking herself.Sans on the other hand was not.“nah kid, the first two took care of this, just takes em a minute to kick in. the other eight ought to be doing that right about-“It was like someone had pulled the cord on an inflatable raft. Samantha’s entire body exploded outward in an instant. Her arms thickened until they looked like neck pillows, her neck bulged until it was questionable as far as being a neck is concerned, her already round belly was caught up to as her chest and sides developed padding and love handles, with the belly itself advancing steadfastly forward until she was feeling the sweat matted fur start to slide over the front of the diaper. That garment clearly had to be magicked on some level since as her thighs, hips, and ever-talkative ass inflated like water balloons full of bacon grease it grew outward to accommodate it.“i like the look kid, you wear it well. grease stains, shirt riding up around your armpits, though ah – i gotta get going. my break’s just about done so i have to get to my job at the hotdog stand. break from that one starts in fifteen minutes. bye you two! nice meeting you kid, it’s been a real gas!”Toriel eyeballed the skeleton a little bit during that one – and was visibly trying not to smile, but not entirely succeeding at it. She did however wave as the skeleton slid off and rather abruptly vanished from view, leaving Samantha and Toriel in the bar with the dogs, the other monsters, and Samantha’s still fitful posterior. Her mother leaned down, kissing Samantha on the forehead.“It means the world to me that you would adopt a shape like mine child, I cannot thank you enough. Well, a bit rounder than mine, but you are adorable for it. I think you should be able to process our food normally now. Probably, anyway. We will have plenty of time to find out as we put that curious mind of yours to work. You are wonderful, and always will be. I cannot wait to see what your favorite subjects are! For now though, I did promise you after breakfast you could go and play.”Samantha watched as her mother leaned down once more, kissing her forehead again. Then she awkwardly slid off the bar stool, feeling her body sag and sway, feeling soaked in sweat in the new crevices of fat and folds. She turned to run for the door, but stopped short to spin about and latch onto Toriel’s leg once more. The little monster girl squeezed hard, burying her face in it.“Thank you mom, I love you.”She felt that huge, soft, strong hand rest atop her head between her long ears. It brushed back along her crown gently.“I love you too my child. I always will.”Samantha let go, turning toward the door once more and breaking into a run. Yes, it left her already soaked fur sweating even more. Yes, she was letting little punctuating farts loose with each step. Yes, she was shaking and wobbling with every awkward, lumbering stride. It didn’t matter. As she spilled out of the doorway into the snow covered expanse outside the chilled air felt amazing to her hot, fur clad body. Though she should perhaps have accounted for her feet being a bit off and the snow being, well, snow. Samantha’s fall forward to face plant in the snow wasn’t exactly elegant, but the fluffy white covering felt nice. She laid there a moment as her cheeks spread wide and blew steaming hot air behind her, feeling nothing but release and belonging while she listened to the hiss of her finally starting to soak this diaper with something other than sweat, but eventually she raised her head. When she did she was staring at the orange scaled lizard child, he was smiling at her and laying on the ground, same as she was.“Hey there, wanna play?”Samantha broke into a slow, but enormous smile, nodded. ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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