THECONSTITUTION AND BYLAWSOFST. JOHN’S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH AND SCHOOLATSALT LAKE CITY, UTAHCONGREGATION ACTIONConstitution and Bylaws ofSt. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church and SchoolSalt Lake City, UtahPREAMBLEWe, the members of St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church and School in Salt Lake City, Utah, accept and subscribe to the following Constitution and bylaws because the word of God calls a Christian organization to obedience of faith in both doctrine and practice (Ps.119:105; Matt. 28:18 – 20; Gal. 1:6 – 8; 2 Tim. 4:1 – 5). In addition, Scripture counseled us to conduct the spiritual and temporal affairs of our congregation decently and in order (1 Cor. 14:40) andPHILOSOPHY OF MINISTRYSt. John’s Lutheran Church and School is a community of forgiven sinners, redeemed by the grace of God through faith in the life, death, resurrection, ascension and the glorious reign of God’s only begotten Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our faith is a gift from the Holy Spirit who, through the Holy Scriptures, reveals to us God’s will for all mankind. The Spirit, using the Holy Scriptures and the Sacraments of Holy Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, makes us new people and gathers us into the Body of Christ, the Church. He enables us, in grateful response, to glorify the one Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and commit our total lives to Him through love and service to our fellow neighbors.Worship is central to our personal and congregational life. We gather together in public worship to hear God’s Word, to share the blessings of Holy Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, to pray, and to sing praises to our Creator and Redeemer. And our worship life continues through all that we do.Jesus tells us to “…love one another as I have loved you” (John 15:12). Our concern for the spiritual and physical well-being of each other is expressed through our shepherd network, educational programs, and fellowship activities. We encourage personal growth for both young and old through ongoing study of God’s Word and through exercise of the Spiritual gifts and talents He has given each of us.In Matthew 28:18 – 20, our Lord commands us to “…make disciples of all nations.” His will is that all should be saved (2 Peter 3:9). Although only God can bring a person to faith, He has chosen us as His instruments to draw others to Himself. We therefore joyfully dedicate ourselves to spreading the Good News of His love and grace to all. We do so with a loving and caring ministry, truly motivated to meet the needs of others and eager to incorporate them into our midst. Jesus is our example. (Adopted 3/8/1987) and (revised 4/23/2017)CONSTITUTIONARTICLE I – NAMEThe name of this congregation shall be St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church and School of Salt Lake City, County of Salt Lake, state of Utah.Article II – MissionThe mission of this congregation shall be to spread the Holy Gospel in all its fullness according to the great commission of our Savior, Jesus Christ (Mat.28:18 – 20)The purpose of this congregation shall be to give honor and glory to the triune God, to carry out His will, to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world, to nurture the faith of its members, to manifest the unity of our faith in Jesus Christ as God and Savior, to foster Christian fellowship and love, to extend a helping hand to human need, and to achieve its objectives by the preaching of the Word of God, by the administration of the sacraments, and by the religious instruction of all its members according to the confessional standard of the Evangelical Lutheran Church.In order to accomplish this mission, the congregation may receive, acquire, hold title to, and manage such real estate and other property as it may need. The congregation may sell or dispose of such properties and have all other rights and powers granted by the State of Utah to religious corporations. Officers designated by the congregation shall represent it in such secular matters.ARTICLE III CONFESSIONAL STANDARDThis congregation accepts in faith all the canonical books of the Old and New Testaments as the inspired Word of God. Because we believe that all of the Symbolical Books of the Lutheran Church contained in the Book of Concord are true and profound expressions of Christian doctrine in agreement with the Holy Scriptures, we accept these symbols as our confessional standard. These are: the three Ecumenical Creeds (the Apostolic, the Nicene, and the Athanasian), the Unaltered Augsburg Confession, the Smalcald Articles, Luther’s Small and Large Catechisms, and the Formula of Concord.All doctrinal controversy which may arise in this congregation shall be decided and adjudicated according to Holy Scriptures. The symbols listed above shall serve as a correct exposition of Scriptures in the settlement of doctrinal differences.ARTICLE IV – BAPTIZED MEMBERSHIPAll persons who believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord and have been baptized in the name of the Triune God and are under the spiritual care of this body of believers shall be regarded as baptized members of the congregation.ARTICLE V – COMMUNICANT MEMBERSHIPPersons who have been baptized in the name of the Triune God and who desire to become communicant members of this congregation may do so in one of the following ways:by rite of confirmation as conducted in this congregation, orby letter of transfer from another Lutheran congregation in fellowship with the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LC-MS) having the same confessional standard and the same or similar membership requirements, orby profession of faith.Application of persons in #2 and #3 above shall be reviewed by the Pastor and approved by the Council of Ministers on behalf of the municant members shall be expected to:accept the confessional standard of this congregation,be familiar with Luther’s Small Catechism and declare their acceptance of its teachings,lead a Christian life,attend Divine Service and partake of the Lord’s Supper regularly,accept evangelical admonition and correction, anddedicate themselves, their time, talents, and treasures as God has prospered them, toward the mission and ministry of the Church.ARTICLE VI – TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIPMembership may be terminated by:transfer to another LC-MS or Lutheran congregation in fellowship with the LC-MS; such transfer shall be processed by the Pastor upon request and reported to the Council of Ministries;resolution of the Spiritual Life Committee with the concurrence of the Council of Ministers when a member:requests released to a congregation outside of the Lutheran fellowship, oris absent from services without cause for a period of one year, orleaves the community without making arrangements for a transfer. Communicant members who conduct themselves in an unchristian manner shall be admonished according to Matthew 18:15 – 20; if they remain impenitent after proper admonition, they shall be subject to excommunication. Each case shall be presented individually to the Voters Assembly by the Spiritual Life Committee for decision. A decision to excommunicate requires a two-thirds majority vote by voting members . The desired outcome of church discipline and the process of excommunication is to call a fellow member to repentance, and not excluded him/her from Christ by binding their sin. If such member(s) under consideration for church discipline deliberately absent themselves without just cause from the meeting(s) at which their case is to be discussed, they shall be regarded as having excluded themselves from the membership of the congregation.ARTICLE VII – VOTING MEMBERSHIPAll communicant members who have reached their eighteenth birthday shall be entitled to vote.ARTICLE VIII – POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE CONGREGATIONThe congregation shall have the responsibility to determine and/or approve the program and policies of the church as they relate to the:selection and calling of workers,election of officers,removal of workers and officers, who refuse to resign andadoption of the annual budget.These above responsibilities shall not be delegated.Through its offices, boards and establish committees, which are designated in Article IX of this Constitution and in the accompanying Bylaws, the congregation shall:fulfilled God’s command to carry the Gospel to all nations by supporting and promoting mission and evangelism activities at home and abroad,establish and maintain the ministry of the Word of God for the public and private use of members and prospective members, andjoin with other congregations of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod in accomplishing the preceding, while maintaining the congregation’s independence in internal affairs.ARTICLE IX – ADMINISTRATIONThe elected officers of this congregation shall be a President, a Vice-President, and a Secretary. (The Secretary is a signatory on official documents of St. John’s Lutheran Church and School.)A Council of Ministries consisting of the Pastor, the elected Officers, and such other officeholders as designated in the Bylaws, shall be established to administer the affairs of the congregation.The spiritual leadership of the congregation shall rest with the Spiritual Life Committee, composed of the Pastor and Elders chosen by the congregation.ARTICLE X – OFFICE OF PASTOR AND OTHER CALLED WORKERSThe pastoral office of this congregation shall be conferred only upon such ministers, or candidates, who profess their acceptance in faith of the whole Word of God recorded in the canonical books of the Holy Bible. As conditions of ministerial service, such persons who accept a Divine Call to serve this congregation shall accept also the Lutheran symbols, enumerated in Article III, as accurate and faithful exhibitions of the Word of God, and shall be members of and endorsed by the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod.ARTICLE XI - RATIFICATION OF DOCUMENTSAll official documents shall be signed by the Pastor, the President of the Congregation, the Secretary, and the Chairman of the committee charged with the responsibility for developing or implementing the terms of the document.ARTICLE XII SCHISMSIf at any time a separation should occur in this congregation, the entire property and all material benefits connected with this congregation shall remain with those members, whether majority or minority, who shall continue to adhere most faithfully to Article III of this Constitution. The determination within the synodical organization (Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod) as to whom or which group adheres most faithfully to Article III shall be made through the offices of the Rocky Mountain District President, the Utah Circuit Counselor, and the other Utah Circuit pastors working together.ARTICLE XIII – BYLAWSThe congregation may adopt such bylaws as may be required for the accomplishment of its mission and as are consistent with this Constitution.ARTICLE XIV – AMENDMENTSArticles of this Constitution with the exception of Articles II, III and XII may be amended by a two – thirds majority of all votes cast in two consecutive meetings of the congregation. Articles II, III, and XII may only be amended by unanimous vote in two consecutive meetings of the congregation. The revised Constitution shall, as a condition of continued membership in good standing in The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, be submitted to the president of the District for review by the District’s Constitution Committee and favorable action by the District’s Board of Directors before being adopted by the congregation.Congregation ratification: May 5, 1991District review: August 28, 1991Further revision: February 1992Congregational ratification: April 26, 1992Further revision and congregational ratification: April 23, 2017Submitted for District review January 25, 2018Congregational review and ratification: April 22 & 29 2018Resubmitted to District for approval: April 30, 2018Approved by District Board of Directors Nov.4-5, 2019 Resolution #2019-11-C-Admin – 01Adopted by St. John’s Congregation June 14, 2020BYLAWSARTICLE I – CONGREGATIONAL MEETINGSRegular meetings of the congregation shall be held on or about the fourth Sunday of April and second Sunday in November, with a day and time determined by the Council of Ministries (hereinafter “Council”).The meeting shall be organized as follows:1. April: review of previous Activity Program and Financial Report, and elections.a. Officers, Chairman of Standing Committees, and Elders shall be elected in even numbered years;b. The Nominating Committee shall be elected in odd- numbered years.2.November: the Annual meeting, with annual reports of Standing Committees, adoption of the Annual Activity Program and Calendar, and the adoption of the Annual Budget.Special Congregational meetings may be called by the Pastor, the President of the congregation, or by written petition of no less than five voting members of the congregation. The purpose of such special meeting must be stated, and only the specified matters may be considered at the time of the meeting.All regular and special meetings shall be announced in a public service the Sunday preceding the day of the meeting or by mail at least five days prior to a special meeting.A quorum of at least twelve eligible voting members shall be present in order to adopt any congregational resolution. A majority vote of those present shall be required to adopt any resolution.The fiscal and activity year shall run from January 1 through December 31.ARTICLE II - ORDER OF BUSINESSThe congregational meeting may be conducted in the following manner:Call to orderDevotionVerification of quorum by SecretaryReading of minutes of previous meetingCommittee reports and special reports.Unfinished businessNew businessAdjournment with prayerARTICLE III – ADMINISTRATIONOfficers: the elected officers of this congregation shall be a President, Vice-President, and a Secretary.Standing Committees: the standing committees of the congregation shall be Worship and Spiritual Life, Christian Education, Christian Outreach, Human Care, Ministry Resource Management, and other committees created by the congregation.The Office of Elder:Elders shall meet the spiritual qualifications set forth in Acts 6:3 and as further defined in these bylaws (ART. IV. B.3). The congregation shall elect a sufficient number of Elders to provide spiritual care and guidance for the congregation, with at least one for each 25 households.The Pastor, the Head Elder, and the Elders shall constitute the Worship and the Spiritual Life Committee. The Head Elder (determined by majority vote of all the Elders including newly elected) shall serve as Chairman of the Committee.The duties of the Elders are found in Bylaw Article VI C.1 through 12 D. Council of Ministries:1. The Council of Ministries shall consist of the Pastor, the elected officers of the congregation, the chairman of the Standing Committees, and called workers. The Presidents of the LCMS auxiliary organizations shall serve as advisory members.2. The Council shall meet monthly on a day and at a time determined by the Council. Special meetings needed to the business of the congregation may be called by the Pastor, the President, or three other elected officeholders.3. The Council shall be authorized to consider and act on all matters pertaining to the welfare of the congregation. The Council shall:a. annually prepare and present for approval of the congregation of Budget, to be submitted to the Stewardship committee, and an Activity Program to carry out the mission of the congregation on the basis of the requests and recommendations of the Standing Committees;b. be responsible for the prudent administration and utilization of the resources of the congregation on the basis of the Budget and the Activity Program; all non—budget expenditures must have the approval of the Council;c. be responsible for the preparation of the agenda for congregational meetings;d. be the Salary Committee, acting on the recommendations of the respective standing committees; all salaries shall be reviewed annually for inclusion in the budget, but members of the Council shall not participate in decisions relating to their own salaries;e. annually make all authorized appointments;f. consider all official communications from the district and Synod and present appropriate recommendations to the congregation;g. approve formation of and provide for appropriate supervision and review of the activities of auxiliary organizations of the congregation;h. review and ratify the policy and procedures manuals of the standing committees as needed.E. Congregational Representatives: The congregation shall annually elect Delegates and Alternates to represent its interests before the Circuit, the District, and other organizations. They shall report to the Council and the congregation in a timely manner.F. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Pastor, the President, the Vice President, the Secretary, and the Treasurer.ARTICLE IV - ELECTIONS AND APPOINTMENTSNominating CommitteeStructure and Term: the Nominating Committee shall:consist of the Pastor and four voting members;be elected by the congregation at the April Meeting in odd – numbered years for a two – year term;serve as an advisor to the Council in filling vacancies.Procedure: the Committee shall:be convened initially by the Pastor;elect its own Chairman from the four lay members;prepare a slate of at least one consenting candidate for each position to be filled;consider the spiritual qualifications of all candidates, namely, regular worship attendance, regular communion attendance, and regular study of the Scriptures; the deliberations of the Committee shall be confidential.Publication of the prepared slate of candidates shall:be published in the church bulletin on the four Sundays before the election meeting; additional nominations may be made by voting members of the congregation anytime until noon of the fourteenth day before the election; such nomination shall be presented in writing with the signed consent of the nominees, to a member of the Nominating Committee.received final publication, together with the additional nominees presented by voting members of the congregation, in the church bulletin on the Sunday prior to the election; this shall close of nominations unless a consenting candidate should withdraw for a valid reason prior to the election; in this event, nominating from the floor may be accepted for the specific office if the nominee is present at the election and accepts the nomination.ElectionsDate: election shall be held at the April Spring Meeting.Procedure: the Nominating Committee shall present a printed slate of candidates to eligible voters at the April Spring Meeting. Contested officers shall be determined first by written ballot. The Secretary the congregation may then cast the ballot for all uncontested officers which may be determined by voice vote of the assembly.Eligibility: any voting member of the congregation is eligible to hold elective or appointed office, except that the President, the Vice President, and the Elders, who shall be elected from among the male voting members. Terms: the term of office shall be two years, except for the term of Congregational Representatives, which shall be one year. The elected Officers (President, Vice President and Secretary) may serve no more than two successive terms in the same position; the number of terms for other elected positions shall not be limited. Those elected shall assume their duties on June 1 following the elections and shall serve until their successors are elected and installed. Installations shall take place during a Sunday service in MayTransition: to assure a smooth transition, both the outgoing and incoming officeholders shall attend the May meeting of the Council to transfer manuals and records.Vacancies: a vacancy in any office shall be filled by the Council to complete the unexpired term. Such service shall not be counted under the two – term limit mentioned above. AppointmentsStanding Committees: members of Standing Committees shall be appointed by the Council from nominees submitted by the Chairman of that Committee.Terms of the appointed committee members shall coincide with the terms of the elected Chairman. There shall be no limit to the number of terms a person may serve on the same committee.A vacancy in any standing committee or appointive position shall be filled by the Council for the unexpired term from nominees submitted by the Chairman of that committee. Task Force: the Council may create a Task Force, or special committee, to handle special projects.Such a Task Forces shall exist until its purpose is accomplished or it is dismissed by the Council.Persons appointed to a Task Force may serve concurrently in another elected or appointed position.Appointive Positions: persons may be appointed to certain positions by the Council or the responsible Committee by virtue of special gifts or interests to help accomplish the mission of the congregation.Appointees may serve in these positions for an indefinite length of time and may serve concurrently an elected office or appointment to a committee.Termination of such appointive position may be by request of the appointee or at the determination of the Council or the responsible committee.Appointive positions not otherwise mandated in these Bylaws may be created or dissolved by the Council as needed. The following are currently authorized appointive positions and their appointive committee:Council:TreasurerAssistant to the TreasureAssistant to the SecretaryParliamentarianHistorianAuditing CommitteeBylaws Review CommitteeWorship and Spiritual LifeAltar Guild Coordinator Acolyte CoordinatorUsher CoordinatorNewsletter EditorPrayer Chain CoordinatorMinistry Resource ManagementStewardshipFinancial SecretaryOffering CountersBudget CommitteeVolunteer CoordinatorCongregation Time, Talent, and Treasure CoordinatorOffice ManagerPropertySpecial ProjectsChristian OutreachCongregationCommunitySudaneseEthnicWorld MissionChristian Education: under the Chairman, who will also have training responsibility and will ensure representation of the Congregation of St. John’s to the Salt Lake Lutheran High School/Lutheran Schools Association (LSA). There shall be:Sunday School and Vacation Bible School DirectorAdult Bible Study DirectorYouth and High School DirectorSt. John’s community child development center (C.C.D.C.) Executive DirectorScholarship DirectorARTICLE V – DUTIES OF THE OFFICERS AND THE TREASURERThe President Shall:preside at all meetings of the congregation and the Council;appoint members to any Task Force created by the Council;serve as an advisory member to all standing committees.The Vice-President shall:perform the duties of the president in his absence and assist the president as requested;chair the annual Planning Council as it prepares the activity program and calendar;succeed to the office of President in the event of a vacancy for the remainder of the President’s term;chair the Constitution & Bylaws Review Committee;chair the Ministry Resource Management CommitteeThe Secretary shall:keep complete minutes of all meetings of the Council and the congregation;preserve the minutes and documents in a safe place;carry on all correspondence ordered by the Council and the congregation;recommend candidates to the Council for position of assistant to the Secretary:supervise the activities of the assistant to the Secretary.The Treasurer shall:be appointed annually by the Council;ensure that all monies are properly deposited to the credit of the congregation in a bank designated by the Council;ensure that all salaries are paid regularly and all authorized bills and disbursements are paid in a timely manner;keep a strict account of money received and disbursed on approved forms, taking proper receipts for such disbursements;present a written financial report at each regular Council meeting and regular congregational meeting;pay no invoice unless it is approved by the President or by the Chairman of the Committee responsible for the purchase;ensure that the Financial Review Committee presents its audit of all financial records at the fall meeting of the congregation;recommend candidates to the Council for position of assistant to the Treasurer;supervise the activities of the assistant to the Treasurer.E. The Executive Committee shall:1. consider concerns and set the agenda for the regular council meetings;2. meet no later than Sunday before the regular council meetings.ARTICLE VI – DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF COMMITTEESThe Chairman of each Standing Committee shall:serve on the Council with the other elected officeholders to conduct the affairs of the congregation through their actions and those of the Standing Committees;serve as a liaison between the Committee and the Council;report Committee action to the Council and to the congregation;be responsible for seeing that the functions of the Committee are carried out within the budget allotted and in concert with the other Standing Committees;authorize expenditures only for such items as are included in the budget approved by the congregation except for emergency purchases authorized by the Council;arrange for an orderly transfer of plans, manuals, and records to the next Committee Chairman.B. Each Standing Committee shall:1. have no less than two appointed members, except Worship and Spiritual Life;2. meet at a date and time determined by its Chairman;3. select a secretary and provide for sub- committees or other appointments as are necessary to perform its assigned tasks;4.plan an annual program of activities in consultation with the other Committees; responsible for the development in the implementation of programs within their jurisdiction, utilizing the gifts and talents of other members of the congregation as needed;6. prepare an annual budget for its activities and submit it through the Stewardship Committee to the Council;7.develop, in writing, a set of policies and procedures for its operation, including its schedule of meetings; the manual shall be updated by the Committee and reviewed by the Council at least every two years;8. communicate and coordinate committee activity internally and externally as appropriate.C. The Worship and Spiritual Life Committee, composed of the Pastor and Elders, shall: 1. assist the Pastor in all matters pertaining to the spiritual welfare of the congregation; the Pastor in both his physical life and his and his family’s emotional and spiritual needs.3.encourage the members of the congregation to participate fully in the spiritual life of the congregation.4.integrate new members into the life and work of the congregation;rm the Council of the needs of the members of the congregation, including the aged, the sick, and the unfortunate, and recommend any action a congregation may take to alleviate these conditions.6. initiate any action of church discipline in accordance with Matthew 18:15 – 18;a. be consistent in applying disciplineb. follow Matthew 18:15-18 under the supervision of the Pastorc. do not allow unsubstantiated charges to be circulated and keep all discipline procedures private until presenting a case before Church Council and Congregation. base all decisions on clearly stated biblical grounds.The desired outcome for church discipline is to call a fellow Christian to repentance and restore those who have been excommunicated to fellowship in the kingdom of God. 7.ensure the proper conduct of all regular and special services:8.provide for trained organist and a choir director;9.provide for and supervise of a corps of trained ushers and acolytes, and the Altar Guild;10.provide for pulpit assistance or guest speakers for special services or during a pastoral absence, and for guest organists as needed;11. promote internal communications through use of bulletins, newsletters, tracts, etc.,12.fulfill their responsibilities in preparation of calls for church workers as described in bylaws article VII.1D.The Ministry Resource Management Committee shall oversee the following committees, and person(s) which have their responsibilities listed: [The committees and person are: Stewardship, , Property, and Special Projects] (Approved by Council 8-23-05)1. Stewardship, which shall:a. educate the congregation in the biblical meaning of Christian stewardship, including the grace of giving and the privilege and need to support the mission and ministry of the congregation;b.enlist and train members of the congregation in the fulfillment of their lives as Christian stewards by:i. discovering the spiritual gifts and talents of the membership;ii. maintaining and supervising a gift inventory under the direction of a Congregation Time, Talent, and Treasure Coordinator;iii.appointing a Coordinator of Volunteers;iv. provide task and leadership training on an annual basis;reviewing and updating the policies and procedure manuals for all Committees.c. coordinate the financial planning of the congregation, including the following:i. arrange for the counting of monetary offerings;ii. coordinate the preparation of the composite budget for presentation to the congregation at the November Congregational Meeting;iii. supervise raising of all funds, including such activities of committees and groups;iv.appoint a Financial Secretary who shall record all Congregational and individual contributions, special collections, loans, subsidies, bequests, etc., and send both quarterly and annual statements to contributing members when such contributions can be identified.2. Office Manager, (removal of office manager position and work description from constitution and bylaws approved by Church Council, April 26, 2018)3.Property, which shall:a. administer the property of the congregation and be responsible for legal matters involving church property, security, insurance, tax status, etc.;b. arrange for timely maintenance and improvements of all church buildings, furnishings, and grounds;c.arrange for and supervise appropriate custodial services;d.make recommendations for acquisition or disposal of church property;e.provide guidelines for and determine the appropriate utilization of church facilities by outside groups.4.Special Projects, which shall:a.develop and supervise a policy for the administration of memorial funds;b.consult with the Property Management Sub – Committee to assure uniformity of the core and appropriateness of gifts of a permanent nature;c.coordinate the raising of funds for special projects of the congregation.E.The Christian Outreach Committee and Education Chair shall:1. plan and promote all ongoing programs of Christian Education (Sunday School, VBS Etc.)2. Involve prospective members and friends of the congregation in the activities of the congregation. 3. encourage and enroll prospects to study the Christian faith in the Pastor’s Instruction Class. Synod and District national and international mission efforts through periodic mission education activities. 5.coordinate various publicity efforts including advertisements, Radio, T.V, Social Media, and webpage updates. F.St. Johns School Board Rep. 1. The CCDC Board of Director Rep. and Pastor shall work with, support and supervise the CCDC Executive Director (ED) who is responsible for all aspects of daily management of St. Johns CCDC locations. Lead, Coach, develop and retain St. Johns CCDC high performance management team. Develop and implement policies and procedures Daily operations Licensing protocol Strategic Direction 2. The CCDC Board of Directors shall be responsible for keeping the appropriate councils, committees, and congregations informed of necessary information. A BOD discussion and vote will deem necessary information. The CCDC BOD reports on the strategic goals for St. John’s CCDC. This may include but is not limited to: Monthly Council meetings, semiannual and annual congregational meetings. The CCDC BOD shall assist the CCDC by annually auditing to ensure that the CCDC locations meet the requirements for the state licensing, accreditations, and nonprofit status. The CCDC BOD shall oversee and advise the funding and financial management of St John’s CCDC. All funding and management decisions for St. John’s CCDC that exposes St. John’s Lutheran Church to financial liabilities shall be brought to the Council and Congregation for final approval and commitment.The CCDC BOD shall conduct an annual evaluation on the ED. and determine appropriate wage increases consistent with business plan and available funds.The CCDC BOD shall review staff and center policies and procedures when applicable or bi-annually. In the event of a CCDC Ed vacancy, to CCDC BOD shall be responsible for ensuring that the staff and the center continue to meet the guidelines set forth in the staff and center policies and procedures accordance to the CCDC mission statement, goals and purposes. The CCDC BOD shall carry out the responsibilities and tasks as may be assigned to the CCDC BOD. These assignments can come from a board discussion and vote. G.The Human Care Committee shall:1.assist the Pastor and members of the congregation in developing and implementing a program of compassion and loving service to fellow members, the community, and the world, applying the Gospel mandate to “love as Christ first loved us”;2.determine an attempt to meet the social, educational, and physical needs of the members of the congregation and provide a system to others whose needs come to the attention of the Committee;3.become acquainted with church – related and community social service agencies and interpret their services and needs to the congregation;4.provide periodic training of volunteers for ministry to those in hospitals, nursing homes, retirement facilities, prisons, etc.;5.administer the family crisis fund and other assistance funds of the authorized by the Council;6.coordinate the social assistance activities of auxiliary organizations within the congregation.H.The Financial Review Committee shall:1. be appointed by the Council; 2.make an audit of all the financial records of the congregation annually within three months of the end of the fiscal year; (may on approval of Church Council arrange for an outside audit) results of the audit or financial review to the Council.I.The Constitution / Bylaws Review Committee shall; appointed by the Council and chaired by the Vice-President; the Constitution and Bylaws at least every two years;3.receive and consider proposed changes to the Constitution and Bylaws from members of the congregation;4.recommend to the Council any modifications or additions.Article VII – Professional Church WorkersThe election of called church workers (ordained or commissioned) shall be accomplished as follows:In the case of the Pastor, the Council, upon the recommendation of the worship and spiritual life committee, shall select a vacancy pastor in consultation with the Circuit Visitor.The Council shall prepare, in consultation with the District President, a list of candidates for the office of the professional church worker(s) needed for submission to the appropriate Standing Committee for review of qualifications.The names of the candidates shall be presented to the congregation in a public service, and special congregational meeting shall be scheduled for consideration of the Call.A majority vote will be necessary for a Call to be issued. The Call shall then be declared unanimous.Provisions of the Call shall be approved by the congregation at the same meeting.The Call shall be issued in accordance with the requirements of the Rocky Mountain District LCMS and this Constitution and Bylaws.ARTICLE VIII – EX – OFFICIO MEMBERSThe Pastor is in ex – officio member (with vote) of the Council and of all committees. Other called workers will be ex-officio members of the Council and such other committees as the Council shall designate.ARTICLE IX - RULES OF ORDERThe rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order (Revised) shall govern this congregation in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Constitution and Bylaws or the special rules of order of this congregation.ARTICLE X – AMENDMENTSAmendments to these bylaws may be adopted by the congregation at any regular or special Congregational meeting called for this purpose, provided that:the proposed amendment has been submitted in writing to the Council;the congregation is appraised of the proposed amendment, and the date it will be considered is published in three consecutive Sunday bulletins;the affirmation vote of the majority of the voting membership present at that meeting shall be obtained for the adoption of such amendment.the revised Bylaws shall, as a condition of continued membership in good standing in The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, be submitted to the president of the District for review by the District’s Constitution Committee and favorable action by the District’s Board of Directors before being adopted by the congregation.Approved by St. John’s Council 8 – 23 – 05Adopted by St. John’s Congregation 11 – 13 – 05Further revision and congregational ratification: April 23, 2017Submitted for District review January 25, 2018Further revision and congregational ratification: April 22 & 29, 2018Resubmitted for District review and approval: April, 30, 2018Approved by district November 4- 5, 2019 Resolution # 2019-11-C-Adm-01Adopted by St. John’s Congregation June 14, 2020 ................

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