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All School News

Picture Day – School pictures will be taken on Wednesday, 9/16. A form to order pictures is being sent home today. If you would like additional forms, please pick one up in the office. All students will have their picture taken regardless of whether you order a package or not. This way they will all be on the group composite picture for each classroom. School Portraits can easily be ordered from the Lifetouch flyer sent home or you can pay securely using your credit/debit card through the website. To pay online go to - you will need this Portrait Day ID: SR275582Q0 when paying online. If paying online, please write your payment confirmation code on your order form attached to the flyer and send to the school with your student. If you have any questions, please call Lifetouch at 1-866-955-8342

Tuition Tax Credit Meeting – Thursday, September 24th, Steve Vogel from ACSTO will be here to explain and give you pointers on how to take full advantage of the AZ Tuition Tax Credit Program. The meeting will start at 6:30 pm and should only be 45 minutes to an hour. The Tuition Tax Credit Program is for Kindergarten through 8th grade students. Students in PreK can start banking money this year to be used to pay for Kindergarten. We encourage all parents of students in PreK through 8th grade to attend this informative meeting!

Softball & Flag Football –

Games next week are…

Tues. Home SB & FF 4pm at Westown Park vs Gethsemane

Thurs. – FF only Home 4pm at Westown Park vs Cross of Glory

Both teams will just do some practicing at recess this week.

St. Mary’s Food Bank – The monsoon storm that hit Phoenix 2 weeks ago damaged the warehouse at St. Mary’s Food Bank. They lost some of the food due to the damage. We are going to be collecting food until Friday, September 18th, to give to St. Mary’s Food Bank. If you would like to donate any non-refrigerated food, you may take it to your child’s classroom. Please check the expiration dates before you donate items.

Emmaus Explorers – We have a group at Emmaus called the Emmaus Explorers. It is for children in Kindergarten through 8th grade. If you are familiar with our previous Lutheran Pioneer program this is something similar. The next meeting is Saturday, September 19th, from 9 – 11 am. All children are invited to attend.

Fry’s – Don’t forget to hook up your Fry’s VIP card to Emmaus for the Fry’s Community Partners Program. Go to to sign up.


Lucy M 9/13

Classroom News & Notes

Preschool: Mrs. Schulz dschulz@

Christ Light – “Cain and Abel Give Offerings to God”

Out theme this week was B for Brown Bear.

We are learning the song “Jesus Loves Me, This I Know”, which we will sing in church on Sunday, September 27th.

Picture Day is this coming Wednesday, 9/16. You can prepay online or bring the order envelope with payment on Wednesday morning. Please make sure your child is on time on Wednesday. We are the first class to get our pictures taken and will go shortly after 8:30 am.

Pre-Kindergarten: Mrs. Else melse@

Christ Light – “Cain’s Sin & God’s Love”

We will be working with the the number 3 and the letter Tt - bring in something that starts with the letter T.

Picture Day is this coming Wednesday, 9/16. You can prepay online or bring the order envelope with payment on Wednesday morning. Please make sure your child is on time on Wednesday. We are the second class to get our pictures taken and will go shortly after 8:30 am.

We are learning the Lord’s Prayer and our song we will sing in church on Sunday, September 27.

Kindergarten: Mrs. Easley


Christ Light : Next week we will learn…

“God Speaks; Abraham Listens” and “Abraham Shares His Land”.

Memory Treasures:

Monday The First Commandment

You shall have no other gods.

Wednesday Psalm 145:13

The Lord is faithful to all his promises.

Letter of the Week: Mm M makes the sound that is heard at the beginning of the word –“MAP”. High Frequency Word (HFW): THE

Math: We will use pattern blocks to make designs and to recognize spatial relationships by copying designs. We will also be writing the number 1 and recognizing the word “one”.

Science/ Social Studies: We are continuing with the study of colors and color mixing.

FIRST & SECOND: Mrs. Kaiser


Christ Light – “Abraham & Lot” & “God Promises Abraham a Son”

Memory Work – 1st grade Tue, 9/15 say one of the following – Psalm 37:5, 3rd Article, Hymn 436:1

Thu, 9/17 say one of the following – Psalm 37:5, 3rd Article, Hymn 436:1

Memory Work – 2nd grade Tue, 9/15 say two of the following – Psalm 37:5, 3rd Article, Hymn 436:1

Thu, 9/17 say two of the following – Psalm 37:5, 3rd Article, Hymn 436:1

Fri, 9/18 Hymn 606 “For Me to Live is Jesus”

Spelling – grade 2 Unit 3

Third & Fourth: Ms. Hintz ahintz@

Christ Light - “God Promises Abraham a Son” & “God Answers Abraham’s Prayer”

Memory Work – 3rd & 4th grade, Tues, 9/15 Psalm 50:15, 2nd Commandment

Thurs, 9/17 Psalm 50:15, Proverbs 3:5

Fri, 9/18 Hymn 606 vs. 1,3 “For Me to Live is Jesus”

Spelling Unit 4

Book Report Project is due Wednesday, September 30th.

Fifth & Sixth: Mr. Kaiser mkaiser@

Christ Light

Mon. = “Tower of Babel”

Wed. = “Call of Abram”

Pre-Catechism – Each student was given a Catechism lesson book containing the lesson I teach. It also has all the memory passages. We will go back to using this book for our memory work.

Memory Work Due

Tues. = 1st Commandment & Passage #32,

#33, #38

Thurs. = Passage #34 & 44

Hymnology – Due Friday, 9/18 Hymn 606 “For Me to Live is Jesus” Pick 3 verses to recite.

Spelling – Unit 4

Pretest is on Mon. with final test on Fri.

Math test – 5th grade will have a test on Chapter 1 next week. We are shooting for Tues. or Wed.

Book Report – Our 1st book report is next Friday, Sept. 18. This first book is to be an Accelerated Reader book.

Our next book report (Oct. 16) needs to be a book where an animal is either the main character or where almost all of the characters in the book are animals. Start looking and get your new book approved by Mr. Kaiser by Wed., Sept. 23

Seventh & Eighth: Mr. Plocher aplocher@

Religion – We are studying different Christian symbols and their meanings.

Math – Group 3 is learning about Rational Numbers

Pre-Algebra is learning about Integers and Exponents

Algebra is learning about Equations

Science – Test Monday on Electricity

Social Studies – Learning about the Civil War.

Spelling – Unit 4 Pretest is on Wednesday with the final test on Friday.

Pastor, Teachers and Staff

Office: 602-843-3853

Fax: 602-942-4924



Pastor Else: 602-548-3127


Mr. Plocher: 623-328-5070


Mrs. Plocher: 623-328-5070

Mr. Kaiser: 623-412-0605

Ms. Hintz: 480-290-4167

Mrs. Kaiser: 623-412-0605

Mrs. Easley: 602-256-7425

Mrs. Else: 602-548-3127

Mrs. Schulz: 602-843-4664

Board of Education

Jeff Wendt (chairman) jeffreywendt@


Eric Coda eric.coda@


John Little jlittle1774@


Marc Gantenbein mgantenbein@


Chris Suhonen chsuhonen@


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Inside Story 6

Inside Story 7

Last Story 8

Special Interest Articles:

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Upcoming Sports

• Tue, 9/15 4:00 pm Games for football & softball vs. Gethsemane at Westown Park

• Tue, 9/17 4:00 pm Games for football ONLY at Westown Park

Upcoming Events

• Sun, 9/13 Worship 8:00/10:30 am

• Tue, 9/15 Hot Lunch Salad Bar

• Wed, 9/16 Picture Day

• Fri, 9/18 8:30 am Chapel

• Fri, 9/18 Hot Lunch Pizza Hut Wings

• Fri, 9/18 Last day for food drive

• Sat, 9/19 9:00 am Emmaus Explorers

• Sun, 9/20 Worship 8:00/10:30 am

• Mon, 9/21 Spirit Day – Vacation Shirt Day

• Tue, Hot Lunch Hot Dog

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