“Затверджено” “Затверджено”

на профільній методичній на Вченій раді стомат.

комісії зі стоматологічних факультету ВНМУ

дисциплін ім. М. І. Пирогова

« » 2015 « » 2015

Протокол № ______ Протокол №_______

Голова профільної методичної комісії Голова Вченої ради

проф. Шувалов С.М. доц. Постоловська Т.Т.

DEPARTMENT Pediatric Dentistry

CHECKLIST to practical-oriented state exams

1. Аnatomical and physiological features of the mouth of the newborn. Effect of artificial feeding on the formation of pathological types of bite.

2. A concept about a norm in orthodontic. Orthognathic bite, his description. The keys of occlusion of Е. Engel and Endrus.

3. Physiology and pathological types of bites. Periods of becoming of height of bite. A value of symptom of Tsilinskiy in the process of forming of permanent bite.

4. Clinical methods of inspection of children with teeth-jaw anomalies and deformations. Anthropometric methods of inspection of orthodontic patients.

5. Biomechanics of moving of teeth at orthodontic treatment. Classification of forces which are used for orthodontic treatment. Forces of А.М. Schwarza.Theories of alteration of fabrics of paradontium (Flyurens, Kingsley-Valkgof and Opengeim). Modern theories of alteration of fabrics of paradontiumunder the influence of orthodontic apparatus.

6. Classifications of orthodontic apparatus. Methods of treatment of orthodontic patients.

7. Apparatus treatment. Functionally-sending apparatus. Functionally-operating apparatus.

8. Abnormalities of the single teeth. Diastema. Abnormalities of the teeth quantity.

9. Abnormalities of the teeth eruption. Abnormalities of the teeth position.

10. Aetiology, pathogeneesis and prevention of distal (Clas 2) occlusion.

11. Clinic, diagnostics of the distal occlusion. Complex treatment of the distal occlusion.

12. Aetiology, pathogeneesis and prevention of mesial (Clas 3) occlusion.

13. Deep bite. Aetiology, pathogeneesis and prevention.

14. Open bite. Aetiology, pathogenesis and prevention.

15. Cross bite. Aetiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnostics and prevention.

16. Classifications of dentognation deformations and anomalies by Angle and Kats.

17. Features of height and forming of jaw bones in an age aspect.

18. Basic biological factors which provide a height and forming of dentognation system.

19. Morphological and functional description of milk bite.

20. Symptom of "meziodistal step" (Tsilinsky) and his diagnostic value.

21. Features of masticatory and mimic muscles for children.

22. Anatomocal and phisiological features of orthognatic bite in temporal and permanent periods.

23. Influence of orthodontic apparatus on fabrics and organs of dentognation system.

24. A role of pathology of overhead respiratory tracts and rachitis in development of deformations of bite, methods of their prophylaxis.

25. A role of the artificial feeding is in development of anomalies of bite.

26. Anatomic and functional description of physiological bites.

27. Characteristics and description of milk bite.

28. Harmful habits for children, their role in pathogenesis of dentognation deformations.

29. Gymnastics of mimic and masticatory muscles, as method of prophylaxis and treatment of dentognation anomalies and deformations.

30. Morphological and functional violations in a masticatory system at dentognation anomalies and deformations.

31. Features of orthodontic treatment of distal bite in a permanent period for children and adults. Possible Complications. Indication for tooth extraction and other surgical interferences.

32. Etiology, pathogeny, clinic, diagnostics, prophylaxis and treatment of mesial bite in a temporal period. A role of heredity is in the origin of this anomaly.

33. Etiology, pathogeny, clinic, prophylaxis, diagnostics and treatment of open bite in a temporal period. A role of normalization of the nasal breathing is in the prognosis of orthodontic treatment.

34. Features of treatment of crossbite are in a permanent period.

35. Clinically diagnostic tests of Aeshler-Bitner. Their value.

36. Clinically diagnostic tests of Ilina-Makosian. Their value.

37. Surgical interferences in the compex treatment of orthodontic patients.

38. Methods of stimulation of orthodontic treatment (surgical, physical therapy, biological), their essence, age-related indications.

39. Physical therapy methods of stimulation of orthodontic treatment :

40. Indications for apparatus, surgical and combined methods of dentognation anomaliesand deformations treatment for the children of different age.

41.Testimony and methodologies of local anesthesia of a maxilla for the children of different age.

42.Testimony and methodologies of local anesthesia of a mandible for the children of different age.

43.Features removal of temporal and permanent teeth of maxilla for children

44.Features removal of a temporal and permanent teeth of mandible for children.

45.Local complication after tooth removal, their prophylaxis and treatment.

46.Diagnostics and differential diagnostics and treatment of odontogenic inflammatory cysts of jaws.

47. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, differential diagnostics and treatment of acute epidemic parotitis.

48.Clinic, diagnostics, differential diagnostics acute odontogenic and nonodontogenic ymphadenitis.

49.Specific inflammatory diseases: actinomycosis, tuberculosis, syphilis.

50.Clinic, diagnostics, differential diagnostics and methods of treatment of abscesses, phlegmons which are localized of maxilla.

51.Clinic, diagnostics, differential diagnostics and methods of treatment of abscesses, phlegmons which are localized of mandibular.

52.Furuncles and carbuncles of maxillofacial area. Clinic, diagnostics, treatment.

53. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of jaws.

54. Cleft lip. Etiology, pathogenesis, methods of diagnostics.

55.Benign tumours of soft tissue maxillofacial area in children (hemangioma, lipoma, lymphangioma). Etiology, diagnostics, clinic, treatment.

56. Clinical-rentgenological investigations principles of treatment and rehabilitation of patients with chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis. Prophylaxis of disease.

57. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, differential diagnostics and treatment of acute gematogenous osteomyelitis.

58. Acute arthritises of temporomandibular joint. Clinic, diagnostics, differential diagnostics is methods of treatment.

59. Chronic arthritis of temporomandibular joint. Clinic, diagnostics, differential diagnostics.

60. Complex treatment chronic. Complications of chronic arthritis.

61 Clinical-rentgenological investigations principles of jaws.

62. Odontogenic tumours of Jaw Bones (ameloblastoma, odontoma, cementoma). Etiology, diagnostics, differential diagnostics, clinic, treatment.

63. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, differential diagnostics and treatment of nonepidemic parotitis.

64. Complex treatment acute parotitis.

65. Acut and chronic calculations parotitis.

66. Clinical-rentgenological investigations of chronic parenchimatous parotitis.

67. Complex treatment chronic parotitis.

69. General and local complication after local anesthesia.

70. Traumatic injuries of upper jaw. Diagnostics, clinic, treatment.

71. Anesthetics and their description, which children have most often used for the local anaesthetizing of tissue of maxillofacial area.

72. Benign tumours of soft tissue maxillofacial area in children (hemangioma, lipoma, lymphangioma). Etiology, diagnostics, clinic, treatment

73. Classification and clinic of short bridles of lip.

74. Treatment of short bridles of lip.

75. Classification and clinic of short bridles of tongue

76. Treatment of short bridles of tongue.

77. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, differential diagnostics of acute odontogenic periostitis of jaws.

79. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic of chronic periostitis jaws.

80. Cleft palate. Etiology, pathogenesis, methods of diagnostics.

81. Traumatic injuries of lower jaw. Diagnostics, clinic, treatment.

82. Etiology, classification, diagnostics and clinic chronic nonodontogenic lymphadenitis maxillofacial area.

83. Surgical treatment to the children with abscesses and phlegmons in the conditions of out-patient's clinic and permanent establishment.

84. Treatment cleft lip

85. Treatment cleft palate.

86. Multiple dental caries in children. The main reasons. Principles and treatment plan. Endogenous caries prevention by fluorine drugs. Indication of use, the definition, dose, mechanism of action of fluorine.

87. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnostics, differential diagnostics of caries of temporal teeth in children. Principles of treatment.

88. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnostics, differential diagnostics of caries of permanent teeth in children. Principles of treatment.

89. Tactics of treatment of dental traumas at the level of the enamel and dentin. The prognosis.

90. Dental fluorosis. Endemic zone. Clinic, diagnostics, differential diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis.

91. Enamel hypoplasia. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnostics, differential diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis.

92. Classification of pulpitis temporal and permanent teeth in children. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnostics, differential diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis.

93. Methods of treatment of pulpitis temporal and permanent teeth in children.

94. Classification of periodontitis temporal and permanent teeth in children. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnostics, differential diagnostics, treatment.

95. Methods of treatment of pulpitis and periodontitis of temporal and permanent teeth in children.

96. Radiographic stage of root formation of the permanent teeth. Differential diagnostics immature root and granulomas. Features of treatment of pulpitis and periodontitis permanent teeth with incomplete root formation.

97. Periodontal diseases in children. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnostics, differential diagnostics, treatment.

98. Acute herpetic stomatitis. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnostics, differential diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis.

99. Dystrophic-inflammatory changes of the periodontium in children with X-histiocitosis (eosinophilic granuloma, disease Hand-Christian-Schiller, Gaucher, Niemann-pick, Letterer-Zive). Clinic, diagnostics, treatment tactics.

100. The candidosis in children. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnostics, differential diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis.

101. Erythema multiforme. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnostics. Treatment. The mechanism of action of drugs used).

102. Manifestations in the oral cavity at acute infectious diseases at children: measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria. Diagnosis, treatment tactics).

103. Hygienic indexes. Evaluation of the hygienic condition of the oral cavity by the Fedorov-Volodkina, Greene-Vermillion, Selnes Low).

104. The hygiene of the oral cavity. The classification. Indications for use.

105. Exogenous prevention of dental caries at children by fluorine drugs. Technique, evaluation of efficiency. The mechanism of action).

106. Fissure sealing as a method of prevention of dental caries, indications, techniques. Sealants: classification, composition, properties.

107. Species and methods of endogenous prevention of dental caries in children. Planning for the prevention of dental caries, depending on the severity of cariogenic factors of the situation. Interaction with a pediatrician).

108. The anatomical structure of temporary and permanent teeth in children.

109. Classification of filling materials. The choice of dental materials for the treatment of caries in permanent teeth in children.

110. Indices of caries. Determination of acid resistance of enamel (TER-test, coshri-test, CRT-test.

111. Methods of treatment of pulpitis and periodontitis of temporal and permanent teeth in children.

112. Enamel hypoplasia. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnostics, differential diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis.

113. Fissure sealing as a method of prevention of dental caries, indications, techniques. Sealants: classification, composition, properties.

114. Chronic recurrent stomatitis. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnostics, treatment).

115. Mistakes and complications in the treatment of pulpitis in primary teeth in children. Their prevention and elimination).

The head of department

of pediatric dentistry Filimonov Y.V.


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