

Multiple Choice

Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. From the smallest functional units to the largest, the body is organized as follows:

|a. |cell, system, organ, tissue, body. |c. |system, organ, tissue, cell, body. |

|b. |organ, cell, tissue, system, body. |d. |cell, tissue, organ, system, body. |

____ 2. Yellow marrow

|a. |provides internal support to spongy bone. |

|b. |produces red blood cells. |

|c. |is found only in lower vertebrates. |

|d. |stores fat. |

____ 3. The type of bone that provides the greatest strength for support is

|a. |spongy bone. |c. |compact bone. |

|b. |chitinous bone. |d. |marrow bone. |


____ 4. Refer to the illustration above. In the diagram, the material labeled “A,” which fills the center and spaces at ends and produces blood cells, is known as

|a. |exocrine material. |c. |marrow. |

|b. |cartilage. |d. |spongy bone. |

____ 5. The heart and lungs are protected by the

|a. |pectoral girdle. |c. |rib cage. |

|b. |pelvic girdle. |d. |periosteum. |

____ 6. compact bone : periosteum ::

|a. |periosteum : compact bone |c. |spongy bone : compact bone |

|b. |compact bone : spongy bone |d. |marrow : compact bone |

____ 7. Women are more susceptible than men to the effects of osteoporosis because

|a. |their bones are smaller than those of men. |

|b. |they lose calcium during the child-bearing years. |

|c. |sex hormone production declines during menopause. |

|d. |All of the above |

____ 8. Smooth muscle

|a. |can change the diameter of blood vessels. |

|b. |moves food through the digestive tract. |

|c. |is not under conscious control. |

|d. |All of the above |

____ 9. Repeating units of myosin and actin filaments bound by two Z lines are

|a. |muscles. |c. |sarcomeres. |

|b. |myofibrils. |d. |extensors. |

____ 10. The total amount of force that a muscle can exert

|a. |is determined by the strength of the nerve impulse that caused the contraction. |

|b. |depends on the total number of individual muscle fibers that have been stimulated. |

|c. |is dependent upon the weight of the object being moved. |

|d. |correlates to the number of Z lines contained within the sarcomeres of the muscle. |

____ 11. flexors : bend ::

|a. |immovable joints : bend |

|b. |slightly movable joints : be immovable |

|c. |extensors : straighten |

|d. |sutures : move a great deal |

____ 12. The skin performs all of the following except

|a. |protection. |c. |control of body temperature. |

|b. |elimination of waste products. |d. |production of chemical messengers. |

____ 13. The skin stores excess food for energy in

|a. |fat cells. |c. |keratin. |

|b. |nerve tissue. |d. |lymph vessels. |

____ 14. Overexposure to sunlight may cause all of the following except

|a. |mutations in the skin cells. |c. |acne. |

|b. |premature aging of the skin. |d. |skin cancer. |

____ 15. The ventricles are

|a. |the upper chambers of the heart. |

|b. |the chambers of the heart that pump blood to the lungs and to the rest of the body. |

|c. |the chambers of the heart that receive blood from the lungs and the rest of the body. |

|d. |lower chambers of the heart that contract separately. |


____ 16. Refer to the illustration above. The vessels indicated by “C” in the diagram carry deoxygenated blood. The vessels are

|a. |the pulmonary arteries. |c. |parts of the aorta. |

|b. |the pulmonary veins. |d. |part of the atria. |

____ 17. Vessels that carry blood away from the heart are called

|a. |veins. |c. |arteries. |

|b. |capillaries. |d. |venules. |

____ 18. Blood entering the right atrium

|a. |is full of oxygen. |c. |is deoxygenated. |

|b. |is returning from the lungs. |d. |is low in plasma and platelets. |

____ 19. The smallest and most numerous blood vessels in the body are the

|a. |venules. |c. |arteries. |

|b. |veins. |d. |capillaries. |

____ 20. If a blood vessel has valves, it probably

|a. |is a vein. |c. |is a venule. |

|b. |is an artery. |d. |is part of the lymphatic system. |

____ 21. The pressure exerted on the inner walls of the arteries when the heart relaxes between beats is the ____ pressure.

|a. |systolic. |c. |barometric. |

|b. |diastolic. |d. |residual. |

____ 22. cholesterol buildup : atherosclerosis ::

|a. |iron buildup : atherosclerosis |

|b. |arteriosclerosis : the heart to work more easily |

|c. |low intake of saturated fats : heart attacks |

|d. |atherosclerosis : heart attacks |

____ 23. The iron-containing molecule in red blood cells is called

|a. |plasma. |c. |hemoglobin. |

|b. |ferric oxide. |d. |carbonic acid. |

____ 24. Mature red blood cells

|a. |can live for about a year. |c. |promote clotting. |

|b. |are the largest cells in the blood. |d. |do not have a nucleus. |

____ 25. Defending the body against bacterial infection and invasion by foreign substances is a function of

|a. |red blood cells. |c. |platelets. |

|b. |plasma. |d. |white blood cells. |


____ 26. Refer to the illustration above. The cells shown in the diagram

|a. |can live for at least a year. |

|b. |are the largest cells in the circulatory system. |

|c. |promote clotting. |

|d. |contain hemoglobin. |

____ 27. vitamins, salts, and proteins : plasma solutes ::

|a. |arteries and veins : lymphatic vessels |

|b. |erythrocytes and leukocytes : blood cells |

|c. |platelets and megakaryocytes : leukocytes |

|d. |lymphocytes and macrophages : erythrocytes |

____ 28. Which of the following is not involved in the formation of blood clots?

|a. |platelet congregation at the site of rupture of a blood vessel |

|b. |release of clotting factors from platelets |

|c. |production of fibrin, a protein |

|d. |formation of fibrin–red blood cell complexes that circulate in the blood and are too large to move through ruptured |

| |blood-vessel walls |


____ 29. Refer to the illustration above. The structure labeled “X” is the

|a. |epiglottis. |c. |trachea. |

|b. |pharynx. |d. |larynx. |

____ 30. Alveoli in the lungs are connected to the bronchi by a network of tiny tubes called

|a. |arterioles. |c. |capillaries. |

|b. |venules. |d. |bronchioles. |

____ 31. When the diaphragm and rib cage muscles relax,

|a. |the chest cavity enlarges. |c. |expiration occurs. |

|b. |inspiration occurs. |d. |it is impossible to breathe. |

____ 32. The first line of defense against infection includes

|a. |mucous membranes. |c. |cytotoxic T cells. |

|b. |neutrophils. |d. |antibodies. |

____ 33. Mucus is produced by the cells lining the walls of the bronchi and bronchioles

|a. |only when a person has a severe respiratory infection. |

|b. |to allow oxygen to diffuse into the blood more efficiently. |

|c. |as a lubricant for the expulsion of food that might go “down the wrong tube.” |

|d. |to protect against microbes that might be inhaled. |

____ 34. The stomach is involved in defense against infection by

|a. |regurgitating any pathogen that might be swallowed. |

|b. |secreting mucus that is carried away by cilia. |

|c. |possessing acid that destroys potential pathogens that are swallowed. |

|d. |sending potential pathogens to the liver for destruction. |

____ 35. When the inflammatory response is triggered,

|a. |damaged or infected cells release chemical alarm signals. |

|b. |more fluid than normal leaks from capillaries near the injury, and swelling results. |

|c. |white blood cells attack invading pathogens. |

|d. |All of the above |

____ 36. The redness and swelling associated with an inflammatory response is caused by

|a. |secretion of antibodies. |

|b. |expansion of local blood vessels. |

|c. |complement activity. |

|d. |natural killer cells destroying bacteria. |

____ 37. Phagocytes, such as macrophages,

|a. |produce strong antibiotics. |c. |shut down immune responses. |

|b. |secrete interferon. |d. |ingest and destroy pathogens. |

____ 38. neutrophils : releasing chemicals ::

|a. |macrophages : releasing chemicals |

|b. |natural killer cells : releasing chemicals |

|c. |natural killer cells : puncturing their membranes |

|d. |macrophages : puncturing their membranes |


____ 39. Refer to the illustration above. Which time period would be characterized by the most rapid division of B cells?

|a. |“Period A” |c. |“Period C” |

|b. |“Period B” |d. |None of the above |

____ 40. Antibodies

|a. |prevent diseases caused by vaccines. |

|b. |are produced by bacteria that infect animals. |

|c. |help destroy microbes that invade the body. |

|d. |cause viruses to infect bacterial cells. |

____ 41. When B cells encounter a pathogen, they

|a. |secrete interleukin-2, which stimulates cytotoxic T cells. |

|b. |divide and produce large amounts of antibody. |

|c. |initiate an inflammatory response. |

|d. |attack the cell by making a hole in its membrane. |

____ 42. After the initial immune response subsides, B cells that patrol body tissues for long periods of time

|a. |are called helper T cells. |c. |are called memory cells. |

|b. |develop into phagocytes. |d. |cannot react to the original antigen. |


____ 43. Refer to the illustration above. The most likely reason for “Response II” being greater than “Response I” in the diagram is that

|a. |more bacteria entered at point “C” than at point “A.” |

|b. |memory cells were produced in “Response I.” |

|c. |antibodies from “Response I” still remained in the blood. |

|d. |macrophages increased their production of antibodies. |

____ 44. All vaccines are produced from killed or weakened

|a. |phagocytes. |c. |antigens. |

|b. |pathogens. |d. |allergens. |

____ 45. John and James are identical twins. During the summer following their fifteenth birthday, they went on a vacation and stayed in a cabin with two of their cousins. One of the cousins came down with chicken pox in the middle of the vacation. Chicken pox is caused by a virus. Two weeks later, John came down with chicken pox. James, however, never developed any symptoms of the disease. Which of the following is the best explanation for the different responses John and James had to exposure to the same disease?

|a. |John and James are not really identical twins. James inherited an immunity to chicken pox but John did not. |

|b. |Even though John and James are identical twins, they produce different kinds of immune system cells. James had cytotoxic|

| |T cells that could recognize and destroy the chicken pox viruses, while John did not. |

|c. |James had been exposed to chicken pox at an earlier age and developed the disease. His body produced memory cells that |

| |protected him from further infections of the disease. John did not get exposed to chicken pox at an earlier age. |

|d. |James had a cold at the time he was exposed to the chicken pox virus. The cold virus had stimulated his body to produce |

| |lots of B cells, which were then also able to recognize and bind to the chicken pox viruses. John did not have a cold at|

| |the time he was exposed to the chicken pox. |

____ 46. Which of the following is true about the release of histamine from cells in the nasal passages?

|a. |It occurs during an allergic reaction. |

|b. |It causes nearby capillaries to swell. |

|c. |It may cause increased secretion by mucous membranes. |

|d. |All of the above |

____ 47. HIV causes AIDS by attacking and destroying

|a. |helper T cells. |c. |neutrophils. |

|b. |B cells. |d. |antibodies. |

____ 48. Which of the following explains why HIV evolves rapidly?

|a. |The genes that code for its surface proteins mutate rapidly. |

|b. |Each new chemical used in treatment induces mutations in the virus. |

|c. |Its DNA mutates rapidly when the virus enters human body cells. |

|d. |All of the above |

____ 49. carbohydrates : energy ::

|a. |fats : bone |c. |fats : protein |

|b. |amino acids : enzymes |d. |fats : muscle |

____ 50. The first portion of the small intestine is the

|a. |colon. |c. |duodenum. |

|b. |esophagus. |d. |rectum. |

____ 51. Which of the following provides a passage for both food and air?

|a. |esophagus |c. |pharynx |

|b. |trachea |d. |duodenum |

____ 52. The function of the digestive system is to

|a. |chemically break down food. |c. |absorb nutrient materials. |

|b. |mechanically break apart food. |d. |All of the above |

____ 53. Pepsin and hydrochloric acid in the stomach begin the digestion of

|a. |protein. |c. |fats. |

|b. |starch. |d. |carbohydrates. |

____ 54. Most enzymes and chemicals secreted by the upper end of the small intestine come from

|a. |villi. |c. |the liver and pancreas. |

|b. |saliva. |d. |the large intestine. |

____ 55. pancreas : enzymes for small intestine ::

|a. |stomach : saliva |c. |liver : bile |

|b. |stomach : proteins from amino acids |d. |liver : hydrochloric acid |

____ 56. The villi of the small intestine allow for an increase in the rate of

|a. |nutrient absorption. |c. |acid production. |

|b. |cellulose digestion. |d. |bile production. |

____ 57. Because of their crucial function, kidneys receive large amounts of

|a. |food. |c. |oxygen. |

|b. |blood. |d. |carbon dioxide. |

____ 58. The basic functional unit of the kidney is the

|a. |villus. |c. |ureter. |

|b. |nephron. |d. |urethra. |

____ 59. The filtrate removed from the blood by the kidneys might contain

|a. |salts, amino acids, glucose, and urea. |

|b. |ammonia, red blood cells, and minerals. |

|c. |fat, urea, and water. |

|d. |salts, urea, and plasma. |

____ 60. Ammonia is converted to urea because

|a. |urea is less toxic to the body. |

|b. |urea can be converted to a nutrient. |

|c. |the nitrogenous wastes in urea can be recycled and do not need to be excreted. |

|d. |All of the above |

____ 61. Which of the following filtrates is not reabsorbed in significant quantities back into the bloodstream by the nephrons?

|a. |glucose |c. |urea |

|b. |ions |d. |water |

____ 62. Urine leaves the body through the

|a. |ureter. |c. |bladder. |

|b. |urethra. |d. |intestine. |

____ 63. The central nervous system consists of

|a. |the brain and spinal cord. |c. |the brain stem and cerebellum. |

|b. |spinal nerves only. |d. |the cerebrum and spinal cord. |

____ 64. The gray matter of the brain consists of

|a. |cell bodies of neurons. |c. |myelin. |

|b. |only synapses. |d. |nodes. |


____ 65. Refer to the illustration above. Structure “B” in the diagram is the

|a. |reticular formation. |c. |cerebellum. |

|b. |brain stem. |d. |cerebrum. |

____ 66. Refer to the illustration above. The gray matter of the brain in the diagram is found in

|a. |“A.” |c. |“C.” |

|b. |“B.” |d. |“D.” |

____ 67. Which part of the spinal cord contains motor neurons?

|a. |gray matter |c. |ventral root |

|b. |dorsal root |d. |All of the above |

____ 68. Motor neurons transmit messages

|a. |from the environment to the brain. |

|b. |from the environment to the spinal cord. |

|c. |from the spinal cord to the brain. |

|d. |from the central nervous system to a muscle or gland. |

____ 69. Extensions that receive input at one end of a neuron’s body are called

|a. |axons. |c. |synapses. |

|b. |cell bodies. |d. |dendrites. |


____ 70. Refer to the illustration above. When a neuron is at rest,

|a. |sodium ions are found mostly on the outside of the cell. |

|b. |potassium ions are found mostly on the inside of the cell. |

|c. |the inside of the cell is negatively charged. |

|d. |All of the above |

____ 71. Refer to the illustration above. The diagrams indicate that a nerve impulse

|a. |moves from the inside to the outside of an axon. |

|b. |moves from the outside to the inside of an axon. |

|c. |is the movement of an action potential along a neuron. |

|d. |moves slowly. |

____ 72. Refer to the illustration above. An action potential may be described as

|a. |an electrical impulse. |

|b. |an electromagnetic message. |

|c. |a chemical message. |

|d. |a chemical change occurring in the brain. |


____ 73. Refer to the illustration above. If neurotransmitters could not be cleared out of a synapse after transmitting a message,

|a. |a second neuron would continue to be stimulated for an indefinite period of time. |

|b. |the first neuron could not pass on its impulse. |

|c. |neuromodulators would be formed in the synapse. |

|d. |the neurotransmitter would mimic the effect of a psychoactive drug. |

____ 74. Specialized hearing receptors are found in the

|a. |cornea. |c. |cochlea. |

|b. |semicircular canals. |d. |cerebellum. |

____ 75. Hormones are essential to maintaining homeostasis mainly because

|a. |they catalyze specific chemical reactions in brain cells. |

|b. |the body requires them for digesting food. |

|c. |they cause specific responses in specific targets. |

|d. |they act faster than nerve impulses. |

____ 76. Which of the following would not be influenced by cyclic AMP?

|a. |activation of enzymes within a target cell |

|b. |inhibition of the chemical activities within a target cell |

|c. |action of steroid hormones |

|d. |amplification of the effect of a peptide hormone |

____ 77. When a hormone molecule bonds with a receptor protein,

|a. |the receptor protein changes shape. |

|b. |the activity or amounts of enzymes in the cell change. |

|c. |the chemical reactions inside the cell change. |

|d. |All of the above |

____ 78. Since steroid hormones are lipids, they

|a. |attach only to lipid receptor molecules. |

|b. |cannot enter the target cell. |

|c. |activate only fat cells. |

|d. |pass through the lipid bilayer of cell membranes. |

____ 79. A hormone receptor protein found inside the cytoplasm of a cell may

|a. |attach to cyclic AMP. |c. |synthesize DNA. |

|b. |combine with a steroid hormone. |d. |act as a second messenger. |


____ 80. Refer to the illustration above. The pituitary gland is indicated in the diagram by

|a. |gland “A.” |c. |gland “C.” |

|b. |gland “B.” |d. |gland “D.” |

____ 81. Refer to the illustration above. Growth hormone is produced by

|a. |gland “A.” |c. |gland “C.” |

|b. |gland “B.” |d. |gland “D.” |

____ 82. epinephrine : initial reaction to stress ::

|a. |norepinephrine : changes in blood pressure |

|b. |aldosterone : readiness to “fight” |

|c. |aldosterone : readiness for “flight” |

|d. |ACTH : blood calcium level |

____ 83. The adrenal medulla is different from other endocrine glands in that it

|a. |is stimulated to release its hormones by the nervous system. |

|b. |produces only steroid hormones. |

|c. |secretes ACTH. |

|d. |does not release its hormones into the bloodstream. |

____ 84. All of the following are produced by the pituitary gland except

|a. |prolactin. |c. |oxytocin. |

|b. |growth hormone. |d. |parathyroid hormone. |

____ 85. Low levels of thyroxine cause the disease known as

|a. |hypothyroidism. |c. |hyperthyroidism. |

|b. |diabetes mellitus. |d. |gigantism. |

____ 86. Individuals with Type II diabetes

|a. |may require daily injections of insulin. |

|b. |exhibit especially low levels of insulin in their blood. |

|c. |have an abnormally low number of insulin receptors on their cell membranes. |

|d. |All of the above |

____ 87. A goiter results from a lack of

|a. |iodine. |c. |ADH. |

|b. |insulin. |d. |sodium ions. |

____ 88. parathyroid gland : parathyroid hormone ::

|a. |thyroid gland : thyroxine |c. |pituitary gland : insulin |

|b. |pancreas : estrogen |d. |adrenal gland : FSH |

____ 89. increase in blood sugar level : glucagon release ::

|a. |calcitonin production : low blood calcium level |

|b. |ADH production : high blood calcium level |

|c. |hyperthyroidism : overproduction of thyroxine |

|d. |hypothyroidism : overproduction of thyroxine |

____ 90. Which of the following inhibits the secretion of LH-releasing hormone from the hypothalamus?

|a. |high cAMP levels |c. |low estrogen levels |

|b. |high testosterone levels |d. |low LH-releasing hormone levels |

____ 91. Which of the following structures of the male reproductive system is not located outside the abdominal cavity?

|a. |testis |c. |seminal vesicle |

|b. |epididymis |d. |urethra |

____ 92. The testes

|a. |produce sperm. |c. |are suspended in the scrotum. |

|b. |produce male hormones. |d. |All of the above |

____ 93. Production of sperm and testosterone is regulated by luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone, which are produced by

|a. |the testes. |c. |the bulbourethral gland. |

|b. |the hypothalamus. |d. |the pituitary gland. |

____ 94. ovary : egg production ::

|a. |ovary : sperm production |

|b. |female reproductive system : sperm production |

|c. |testes : sperm production |

|d. |ovary : fertilization |


____ 95. Refer to the illustration above. Fertilization usually occurs in the structure labeled

|a. |“A.” |c. |“C.” |

|b. |“F.” |d. |“B.” |


____ 96. Refer to the illustration above. In the diagram, the structure labeled “B” is

|a. |a sperm cell. |c. |an egg cell. |

|b. |a follicle cell. |d. |the cervix. |

____ 97. Refer to the illustration above. The structure labeled “A” in the diagram is

|a. |a follicle. |c. |the uterus. |

|b. |an egg cell. |d. |an ovary. |

____ 98. Refer to the illustration above. The structure labeled “C” in the diagram is a(n)

|a. |immature follicle. |c. |mature egg. |

|b. |follicle beginning to break down. |d. |immature egg. |

____ 99. Sperm and eggs are both

|a. |haploid. |c. |tetraploid. |

|b. |diploid. |d. |None of the above |

____ 100. The structure that exchanges substances between mother and fetus is the

|a. |yolk sac. |c. |placenta. |

|b. |fallopian tube. |d. |mature follicle. |


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