
Biology AYR13 OCTOBER HOLIDAY WORKD Cornwall and T Morgan NAME ???? ? INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATESPlease complete over the holidays in preparation for your mock examOnce you are done, email your answers and I will send you the mark schemeDeadline 6.11.17Answer all the questions.1.Which inorganic ion can act as a cofactor for amylase??AOH??BPO43??CCl??DHCO3?Your answer??[1]?2.Translocation occurs through the sieve elements by .....................1.....................?. Sucrose is loaded into the phloem at regions of the plant known as .....................2.....................?. This mechanism is .....................3.....................?. The addition of sucrose .....................4..................... the water potential of the sieve element sap. This causes water to enter from surrounding tissues by .....................5..................... which in turn increases the .....................6..................... of the sap.Which words correctly complete the numbered gaps 1–6??123456Aactive transportsourcesactiveraisesosmosisconcentrationBmass flowsourcesactivelowersactive transportpressureCmass flowsinkspassiveraisesdiffusionconcentrationDmass flowsourcesactivelowersosmosispressureYour answer??[1]?3.Fig. 2.1 shows the shapes of an enzyme molecule, its substrate and the molecules of three substances, P, Q and R.Each substance could bind either to the enzyme or to the substrate to cause an effect.Four tubes were set up:The control contained enzyme and substrate onlyTube P contained enzyme, substrate and substance PTube Q contained enzyme, substrate and substance QTube R contained enzyme, substrate and substance R.Which option describes the most likely effect on the rate of reaction in each tube compared with the control??Tube PTube QTube RAincreasedno effectno effectBdecreasedno effectdecreasedCdecreasedno effectno effectDdecreaseddecreasedno effectYour answer??[1]?4.After being mixed with iodine, which of the following would show a blue / black colour??Apotato tuber cells?Berythrocytes?Csieve tube elements?DneutrophilsYour answer??[1]?5.Fig. 5.1 shows part of a conjugated protein that is a respiratory pigment in muscle cells.Which part of the molecule does Fig 5.1 represent??Aprosthetic group?Bdisulfide bond?Cquaternary structure?DpolypeptideYour answer??[1]?6.Dissolved material gives rise to oncotic pressure, which is related to water potential, Ψ.Which of the following shows the typical oncotic and hydrostatic pressures in blood at the arterial and venous ends of capillaries??Pressure (mmHg)?Arterial end of capillaryVenous end of capillary?OncoticHydrostaticOncoticHydrostaticA?2013?2033B?20?13?2013C2033?2013D?2033?2013Your answer ?[1]?7.The graph in Fig. 8.1 shows a normal spirometer trace.Which option correctly describes what is happening at point Z??Apressure inside lungs is low?Bvolume of thorax is large?Cdiaphragm is contracted?Dinternal intercostal muscles are contractedYour answer??[1]?8.Fig. 9.1 shows some of the checkpoints of the cell cycle.Which statement correctly describes the events that happen if DNA damage is discovered at the G2 checkpoint??AThe cell cycle continues to mitosis and the DNA will be replicated during metaphase.?BThe cell cycle is halted and the cell tries to repair the DNA.?CThe cell cycle returns to the G1 phase to try to correct the damage.?DThe cell cycle stops and the cell dies.Your answer??[1]?9.Which of the following is not a role of an intracellular membrane??Acell to cell signalling?Bpartially permeable barrier?Csite of chemical reactions?Dtransport of substances across the membraneYour answer??[1]?10.The mitotic cell cycle is divided into a number of stages.In which of the following stages will the chromosomes line up at the equator of the cell??Aanaphase?Binterphase?Cmetaphase?DtelophaseYour answer??[1]?11.Which of the following statements is a step in meiosis that can lead to variation within a species??AMutations occurring during DNA replication.?BRandom fusion of gametes.?CIndependent assortment of homologous chromosomes.?DChromosomes forming homologous pairs called bivalents.Your answer??[1]?12.A student tested a range of solutions of known concentrations of reducing sugar using Benedict's solution and colorimetry. Fig. 14.1 shows the calibration curve drawn by the student.The student then tested four solutions of unknown concentrations of reducing sugar. Table 14.1 shows the results:SolutionPQRSAbsorption (%)604070100Table 14.1Select the option that gives the correct sequence of reducing sugar concentrations from highest to lowest.?AS, R, P, Q?BQ, R, P, S?CS, P, R, Q?DQ, P, R, SYour answer??[1]?13.Enzymes are capable of affecting the metabolism and structure of whole organisms. Which of the following enzymes will have the greatest effect on the development of an organism as a whole??AMethyltransferase: adds methyl groups to DNA allowing genes to be switched on or off.?BReverse transcriptase: generates complementary DNA from an RNA template.?CDeoxyribonuclease: digests free DNA molecules outside of the nucleus.?DTelomerase: lengthens ends of chromosomes by adding DNA sequences, preventing them from being degraded.Your answer??[1]?14.Fig. 16.1 shows the results of an osmosis experiment on sections of potato and beetroot.The original mass of each potato section was 4.6 g.Which option shows the correct percentage change in mass when a potato section was placed in the solution with the highest water potential??A?17.4%?B10.8%?C?27.0%?D17.4%Your answer??[1]?15.A student observed mitosis in a prepared slide of a root tip.The student recorded a description for each of four cells (A-D) and then tried to identify which stage of mitosis had been observed.Which of the mitotic stages has been identified correctly??DescriptionMitotic stage identifiedASpindle fibres clearly visibleTelophaseBChromosomes aligned at equatorAnaphaseCSister chromatids pulled to poles of cellMetaphaseDDark bodies visible within nucleusProphaseYour answer??[1]?16.Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that affects humans. It is caused by a pathogen.Pathogens can also cause diseases in plants.Which of the following plant diseases is caused by the same type of pathogen that causes tuberculosis in humans??Ablack sigatoka in bananas?B‘mosaic’ leaf discolouration in tobacco plants?Cring rot in tomatoes?Dlate blight in potatoesYour answer??[1]?17.Which of the following best describes the term biodiversity??Athe variety of species?Bthe number of individuals of each species?Cthe variety of genes, species and habitats?Dthe variety of genes within a speciesYour answer??[1]?18.Young mammals receive antibodies in their mother's milk.This is an example of which type of immunity?artificial active immunityartificial passive immunitynatural active immunitynatural passive immunityYour answer?[1]?19.Which of the following descriptions is correct?Vaccination gives long-term protection, immunisation gives short-term protection.Vaccination involves injection of antigenic material and immunisation is the process of developing immunity.Vaccination involves injection of antigenic material, immunisation is injection of antibodies.Vaccination and immunisation have the same meaning.Your answer?[1]?20.When you listen to a human heartbeat through a stethoscope you can hear a two stage ‘lub-dub’ sound.Which of the following causes the first ‘lub’ component?closing of the atrioventricular valvessound of blood rushing into the atriasound of blood rushing into the ventriclesclosing of semilunar valvesYour answer?[1]?21.Which formula would you use to estimate the volume of a neutrophil?4πr22πrπr2hπr3Your answer?[1]?22.Three types of microscope are listed below.Select the row that shows the correct use for each type of microscope.?Type of microscope and what it is used to observe?Light microscopeTransmission electron microscopeLaser scanning confocal microscopeAan object at a certain depth within a cellcell surfacesorganellesBan object at a certain depth within a cellcell surfaceswhole cells and tissuesCwhole cells and tissuesorganellescell surfacesDwhole cells and tissuesorganellesan object at a certain depth within a cellYour answer?[1]?23.Cyanobacteria are photoautotrophs and fossil records confirm their existence 3.5 billion years ago.Which row describes the structure of cyanobacteria??Feature?NucleusCircular DNAMitochondriaRibosomesChloroplastCell wallA??????B??????C??????D??????Your answer?[1]?24.Fig. 8.1 shows an animal cell.Which option describes the correct sequence of organelles involved during the production and secretion of a protein from this cell?AS, K, L, JBT, K, L, JCT, M, L, JDS, T, K, LYour answer?[1]?25.A length of DNA has the base sequence AATCGCGGTCGCTCA.Select the row that shows the correct complementary DNA strand and the sequence of mRNA made during transcription of the DNA sequence above.?Complementary DNA sequencemRNA sequenceAAATCGCGGTCGCTCAUUAGCGCCAGCGAGUBTTAGCGCCAGCGAGTUUAGCGCCAGCGAGUCTTAGCGCCAGCGAGTTTAGCGCCAGCGAGTDTTAGCGCCAGCGAGTAAUCGCGGUCGCUCAYour answer?[1]?26.There are two types of nuclear division, mitosis and meiosis. Meiosis incorporates two divisions of the nucleus.Which table shows the correct results of nuclear division?Your answer?[1]?27.The following events occur when carbon dioxide enters an erythrocyte in a capillary.Hydrogencarbonate ions diffuse into the plasma from the erythrocyte.Dissociation of carbonic acid.Carbon dioxide reacts with water forming carbonic acid.Chloride ions diffuse into erythrocyte from plasma.In which sequence do they occur?Your answer?[1]?28.Sperm cells are an example of a specialised cell.Which statement correctly describes one specialisation of a sperm cell?tail contains flagellum which generates ATPhead contains chromosomes in homologous pairsacrosome contains enzymes to digest outer portion of eggmidpiece contains mitochondria which enter eggYour answer?[1]?29.Which of the following statements correctly describes the mechanism behind water movement between plasma and tissue fluid at the venule end of a capillary?The hydrostatic pressure is greater than the oncotic pressure so water moves out of the capillary.The hydrostatic pressure is greater than the oncotic pressure so water moves into the capillary.The oncotic pressure is greater than the hydrostatic pressure so water moves out of the capillary.The oncotic pressure is greater than the hydrostatic pressure so water moves into the capillary.Your answer?[1]?30.Emphysema is a chronic respiratory disease where elastase is produced by phagocytes in the lungs, which breaks down lung tissue. This means that a person with emphysema cannot fully exhale.Fig. 15.1 is a diagram of a small section of a healthy lung.Which label shows the area of lung tissue that is broken down by elastase?Your answer?[1]?31.Q, P, R and S are related species of organisms.Species X is an extinct recent common ancestor of species Q and R.X, Q and R all evolved from species P.Species S is the least related to the others, with extinct species Z being its most recent phylogenetic link to the other species.Which of the following phylogenetic trees correctly represents the relationships described above?Your answer?[1]?32.Which of the following formulae of fatty acids represents a saturated fatty acid?Statement 1:Palmitic acid, C15H31COOHStatement 2:Oleic acid, C17H33COOHStatement 3:Linoleic acid, C17H31COOH1, 2 and 3Only 1 and 2Only 2 and 3Only 1Your answer?[1]?33.A chemical produced by a metabolic pathway binds to the initial enzyme in the pathway. The chemical binds to the enzyme at a site away from the active site and inhibits the enzyme action.Which of the following statements about the mode of action of the chemical is / are correct?Statement 1:It is an end product inhibitor.Statement 2:It is a competitive inhibitor.Statement 3:It binds to the allosteric site of the enzyme.1, 2 and 3Only 1 and 2Only 1 and 3Only 1Your answer?[1]?34.The following statements refer to the movement of water from the cortex of the root into the xylem.Which of the following statements is / are true?Statement 1:Most of the water moves across the root cortex by the apoplast pathway.Statement 2:At the endodermis water has to enter the symplast pathway.Statement 3:Casparian strips in the endodermis contain the chemical lignin.1, 2 and 3Only 1 and 2Only 1 and 3Only 1Your answer?[1]?35.Microscopes vary in their magnification and resolution.Which of the rows, A to D, in the table below is correct?Light microscopeTransmission electron microscopeScanning electron microscopeMagnificationResolution (nm)MagnificationResolution (nm)MagnificationResolution (nm)A× 1500200×?10 0000.2× 50 0000.2B× 400100× 500 00010.0× 100 0000.2C× 1500200× 500 000.02× 100 0000.2D× 1500100× 500 00010.0× 100 00010.0Your answer ??[1]?36.Carbohydrates, such as starch, are made from monosaccharides joined together.Which of the bonds, A to D, joins monosaccharides together?esterglycosidicpeptidephosphodiesterYour answer ??[1]?37.Some inorganic ions have roles in enzyme-controlled reactions.Which of the rows, A to D, in the table below is correct?Role of ionCofactor for amylaseProsthetic group for carbonic anhydraseAZn2+Cl?BZn+Cl?CCl2?Zn+DCl?Zn2+Your answer ??[1]?38.Which of the following structures, A to D, are found in prokaryotes and in eukaryotes?a cell wall made of peptidoglycancircular genomic DNAa nucleus surrounded by a nuclear membraneribosomesYour answer ??[1]?39.The pressure changes in one mammalian cardiac cycle are shown in the graph below.Which of the following time periods, A to D, shows ventricular systole?0.0 to 0.1 s0.2 to 0.3 s0.4 to 0.5 s0.6 to 0.8 sYour answer ??[1]?40.Measles is a serious disease that can be prevented by vaccination. The chart below shows the Measles-containing Vaccine (MCV) coverage and annual reported cases of measles between 1980 and 2013.Which of the following statements, A to D, is a correct interpretation of the chart?An increase in herd immunity resulted in fewer deaths from measles.The highest number of measles cases occurred when MCV coverage was at its lowest.A 90% MCV coverage resulted in fewer than half a million cases of measles each year.There is a positive correlation between the number of measles cases and the MCV coverage.Your answer ??[1]?41.Two different fields, field G and H, were sampled for three common species of wildflower.The results are shown below.Number of individualsSpeciesField GField HDaisy30020Dandelion33549Buttercup365931Total10001000Which of the options, A to D, is correct?Field G will have a greater Simpson's diversity index.Field H has greater species evenness.Field H will have a greater Simpson's diversity index.Field G has greater species richness.Your answer ??[1]?42.A student investigates some solutions, X, Y and Z, using paper chromatography.The results are shown below.Which of the following options, A to D, is the Rf value of Z?0.631.60.850.25Your answer ??[1]?43.Pressure varies in different parts of the mammalian circulatory system.Blood in aortaTissue fluidLymphBlood in vena cavaPressureWhich of the following options, A to D, correctly completes the table above?A highhighlowlowB highlowhighlowC highlowlowlowD highlowlowhighYour answer ??[1]?44.A diagram of a potometer is shown below.Which of the following options, A to D, is a precaution that is not needed when setting up a potometer?Remove excess water from the surface of the leaves before readings are taken.The screw clip must be opened while taking the readings.The shoot should be cut whilst under water.There should be no extra air bubbles.Your answer ??[1]?45.The image shows a stage in mitosis.Which of the following options, A to D, is the stage of mitosis shown above?anaphasemetaphaseprophasetelophaseYour answer ??[1]?46.The diagram below shows the simplified structure of an antibody.Which of the letters, A to D identifies the region of the antibody that allows the distance between the antibody binding sites to vary.Your answer ??[1]?47.A group of students were investigating the diffusion of molecules across membranes using a ‘model cell’, as shown below.Biochemical tests were used to identify the types of molecules present. The results are shown in the table below.A tick (?) represents a positive result.Which of the rows, A to D, shows the correct results for the ‘cytoplasm’ at the beginning of the experiment and the ‘extracellular fluid’ at the end of the experiment?Benedict's testBiuret testIodine test‘cytoplasm’‘extracellular fluid’‘cytoplasm’‘extracellular fluid’‘cytoplasm’‘extracellular fluid’A???B????C????D???Your answer ??[1]?48.Which of the cells below, represented by cubes A to D, has a surface area to volume ratio of 3 : 1?Your answer ??[1]?49.A diagram of a stained blood smear observed under a light microscope is shown below.Which of the structures labelled A to D in the diagram is a neutrophil?Your answer ??[1]?50.Which of the following options, A to D, is a primary defence mechanism against pathogens?neutralisationagglutinationphagocytosisblood clottingYour answer ??[1]?51.Pathogens cause disease and are transmitted from individual to individual in a variety of ways.Which of the rows, A to D, in the table below is correct?DiseaseType of pathogenMeans of transmissionAAthlete's footFungusDirect and indirect contactBHIV/AIDsVirusIndirect contactCMalariaBacteriumVectorDTuberculosisProtoctistDirect contactYour answer ??[1]?52.Mitosis and meiosis play an important role in the life cycles of organisms.Fig. 2.1 and Fig. 2.2The figures represent an outline of the life cycles of two different organisms.Place a tick (?) in each row of the table to indicate the type of nuclear division that occurs at each of the letters A to E.[3]?53.There are two models for the mechanism of enzyme action. Outline how changes in temperature can affect these mechanisms of enzymelipase action.???????????????????????[6]?54.The figures show the circulatory systems of three groups of animals and showFig. 5.2 shows the flow of blood through the heart of an amphibian such as a frog.Fig. 5.2Use the information in the figuresFig. 5.1 and Fig. 5.2 to compare the circulations of a frog and a mammal and the relative effectiveness of each type of circulation.???????????????[6]?55(b).* Describe how the structure of llama hamoglobin is likely to be different from that of camel haemoglobin with reference to the four levels of protein structure.???????????[6]???(a).Haemoglobin is a protein that carries oxygen in the blood of all mammals. The structure of haemoglobin can vary slightly between species.Fig. 4.1 shows a llama, a relative of the camel. Llamas live at high altitudes and camels live at low altitudes.At high altitudes the partial pressure of oxygen is low.Llama and camel haemoglobin consists of 2 α subunits and 2 β subunits.Each subunit contains a haem group and is able to bind to one molecule of oxygen.In the β subunits, one amino acid present in camel haemoglobin has been replaced by a different amino acid in llama haemoglobin.Fig. 4.2 shows dissociation curves for llama haemoglobin and camel haemoglobin.State the partial pressure of oxygen that results in a saturation of 50% in llama haemoglobin.Answer........................................................... [1]Explain why it is important for the survival of the llama that the llama haemoglobin dissociation curve is to the left of the camel haemoglobin dissociation curve.??[2]?END OF QUESTION PAPER ................

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