Running head: Project D – Performance Objectives and Assessment Tools

EDUC 520 Instruction and English Language Learners

Performance Objectives and Assessment Tools

Project D

Joe E Livingston

Southwestern College

Professor Nicole Giglio

September 20, 2013


This paper is laying out terminal learning objectives and the assessment tools.


Learning Objectives provide the instructor and the student with the information on what has to be taught in order for the student to reach the goal of the training unit. Terminal Learning Objectives are being broken down into smaller units, the ELOs.

Part 1 Terminal Objective

Task: Maintain M4 at organizational level

Conditions: Given an M4 carbine, required tools, student hand outs and required technical manual

Standards: Maintained the M4 carbine at organizational level to include lube and trouble shoot without error within two (2) hours.

Enabling Objective 1:

Task: Maintain M4 carbine at user level.

Conditions: same

Standards: Disassemble, inspect, lube and reassemble the M4 without error within three (3) minutes.

Task: Perform 20 level maintenance on M4

Conditions: same

Standards: Disassemble, inspect, and reassemble the M4 carbine at 20 level maintenance without error in one (1) hour.

Part 2 Assessment Tools

Name Rank

Answer the following questions. This is not a timed event! Each question is worth two (2) points for a total of twenty (20) possible points.

1) The Maintenance Allocator chart is used to identify what?

2) What do we do if we find a firing pin rounded at the top?

3) What type of weapon is the M4?

4) How is the M4 fired? (open or closed bolt)

5) What item holds the cam pin in place?

6) How do we remove the safety detent spring and pin?

7) What type of firing pin is in the M4?

8) What are the major components of the M4?

9) What is the usable on code chart used for?

10) The M4 has eight (8) steps in the cycle of function. Which one(s) is/are spring function?

Pre/Post Assessment

Name Rank Unit

Part 1

1. What type of firing pin does the M4 have?

a) Fixed

b) Free floating

c) Recoil

2. What level of maintenance can remove the composition?

a) Organizational

b) Operator

c) Direct support

3. The metallic click you hear during the function check is the:

a) Sear

b) Bolt

c) Can pin

4. Who can remove the trigger?

a) DS

b) Operator

c) Organizational

5. What does it mean if the weapon fails the function check?

a) It must be turned in to DS

b) The operator done something wrong

c) It must be turned in to organizational maintenance

Part II

6. The ______________ tells the operator if the part will fit the M4.

7. The major components of the M4 are ______________________


8. _________ is where we find the NSN for the parts to fix our weapon.

9. ______ , _________,_________ is caused by spring action.

10. _______,__________,________ is caused by gas.

Part III

11. The ejection part can be removed by the operator.

a) True

b) False

12. The operator is required to remove the heat shields from the hand guards during cleaning.

a) True

b) False

13. The buffer spring may be shortened for smaller soldiers.

a) True

b) False

14. The can pin holds the bolt assembly together.

a) True

b) False

15. When the weapon has a bad sear it will fire on safe.

a) True

b) False

Part IV

16. Who can replace the sear on the M4?

17. If the weapon fails to fire what must we check first?

18. Describe the steps to perform a function check on the M4.

19. If the safety selector lever spins feely what action do you take?

20. If the weapon has not been gauged in the past six month, what do you do?

Test Section – Objectives Tested

Part 1

Terminal Learning Objective: maintain the M4 carbine (IA) , identifying operator level of maintenance (IB), identifying organizational level of maintenance (IC), identifying direct support level of maintenance for the M4 carbine

____________ Part1 Part II Part III Part IV

Possible Points 25 25 25 25

Your Points

Questions 1 – 5

Multiple Choice Questions: in this section there are 5 multiple choice questions. Each question is worth five points. Select the best answer, there is only one correct answer.

Questions 6 – 10

Fill in the blank: in this section there are five “fill in the blanks” questions. Each question is worth five points. Put your answers in the space provided.

Questions 11 – 15

True/False: in this section there are five true or false questions. Read each question carefully. Each question is worth five points. Circle True or False to identify your answer.

Question 15 – 20

Short answer: in this section there are five short answer questions. Read each question carefully and answer the questions to the best of your ability. Each question is worth five points.


Results of pre-tests will determine the teaching methodology I chose and/ or if I recommend a student to take another course first. I will also be able to identify students who I will use as peer instructors in the classroom.


SAM31 – Training Support Packet for Foreign Students (2011)

Smith, Patricia L. and Regan, Tillman J. (2005). Instructional Design. Hoboken, NJ. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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