

Department of Education and Training

Western Australia

RPL Assessment Tool Kit


Certificate III in Engineering – Mechanical Trade (Mechanical Fitter)


First published 2009

ISBN 978-1-74205-370-7

© Department of Education and Training

All rights reserved.

Western Australian Department of Education and Training materials, regardless of format, are protected by copyright law.

Permission, however, is granted to Trainers, Assessors, and Registered Training Organisations to use, reproduce and adapt the material (third party material excluded) for their Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) assessment activities.

This permission is subject to the inclusion of an acknowledgement of the source. Permission does not extend to the making of copies for hire or sale to third parties, and provided it is not used for commercial use or sale. Reproduction for purposes other than those indicated above requires the prior written permission of the Western Australian Department of Education and Training.

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This work has been produced with the assistance of funding provided by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) National Reform Initiative (NRI).

This resource contains ‘Units of Competencies’ from MEM05 Metal and Engineering Training Package (Metadata only) – MEM30205 Certificate III in Engineering – Mechanical Trade Mechanical Fitter, © Commonwealth of Australia 2007 Department of Education Science and Training (DEST), used under the AEShareNet-FfE licence



Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this RPL Assessment Tool Kit, no guarantee can be given that all errors and omissions have been excluded. No responsibility for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of the material in this RPL Assessment Tool Kit can be accepted by the Western Australian Department of Education and Training.


Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Assessment Tool Kit 7

Overview of the Recognition Process 9

Part 1

Section 1 – Assessor’s Information 11

Introduction 13

Explanation of RPL documents 14

Section 2 – List of competencies in this RPL Assessment Tool Kit 15

Qualification Rules 17

List of competencies covered in this RPL Assessment Tool Kit 17

Units of competency covered in this RPL Assessment Tool Kit 17

Units of competency clustered into skill sets 19

Section 3 – Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets 21

Skill Set 1 – Working safely and effectively in an engineering environment 23

Skill Set 2 – Engineering machine operation and marking out 31

Skill Set 3 – Engineering machine maintenance and operation 37

Skill Set 4 – Engineering maintenance (general repair) 43

Skill Set 5 – Engineering maintenance (welding and fluids) 49

Section 4 – Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets 55

Skill Set 1 – Working safely and effectively in an engineering environment 57

Task 1 – Double E project 57

Instructions for the candidate 57

Task 2 – Small engine project 58

Instructions for the candidate 58

Demonstration/Observation Checklist for Task 1 59

Demonstration/Observation Checklist for Task 2 63

Skill Set 2 – Engineering machine operation and marking out 67

Task 3 – Machine vice project 67

Instructions for the candidate 67

Demonstration/Observation Checklist for Task 3 69

Skill Set 3 – Engineering machine maintenance and operation 73

Task 4 – MiniMill project 73

Instructions for the candidate 73

Demonstration/Observation Checklist for Task 4 75

Skill Set 4 – Engineering maintenance (general repair) 79

Task 5 – Compressor overhaul project 79

Instructions for the candidate 79

Demonstration/Observation Checklist for Task 5 81

Skill Set 5 – Engineering maintenance (welding and fluids) 85

Task 6 – Welding project 85

Instructions for the candidate 85

Demonstration/Observation Checklist for Task 6 87

Task 7 – Fluid power servicing project 91

Instructions for the candidate 91

Demonstration/Observation Checklist for Task 7 93

Skill Set 1 – Working safely and effectively in an engineering environment 99

Instructions for the Assessor 99

Demonstration/Observation Checklist for Tasks 1 and 2 100

Skill Set 2 – Engineering machine operation and marking out 103

Instructions for the Assessor 103

Demonstration/Observation Checklist for Task 3 104

Skill Set 3 – Engineering machine maintenance and operation 107

Instructions for the Assessor 107

Demonstration/Observation Checklist for Task 4 108

Skill Set 4 – Engineering maintenance (general repair) 111

Instructions for the Assessor 111

Demonstration/Observation Checklist for Task 5 112

Skill Set 5 – Engineering maintenance (welding and fluids) 115

Instructions for the Assessor 115

Demonstration/Observation Checklist for Task 6 and Task 7 116


Section 5 – Candidate Information and Self-Evaluation Forms 119

What is Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)? 121

How to prepare your RPL assessment 122

The four steps in the RPL assessment process 124

Candidate’s Information Form 127

Candidate’s Employment History Form 129

Candidate’s Self-Evaluation Form 131

Candidate’s Self-Evaluation for Skill Set 1 – Working safely and effectively in an engineering environment 133

Candidate’s Self-Evaluation for Skill Set 2 – Engineering machine operation

and marking out 137

Candidate’s Self-Evaluation for Skill Set 3 – Engineering machine maintenance

and operation 141

Candidate’s Self-Evaluation for Skill Set 4 – Engineering machine (general repair) 145

Candidate’s Self-Evaluation for Skill Set 5 – Engineering machine (welding and fluids) 147

Section 6 – Third Party Report and Supporting Documentation 149

Third Party Report 151

Assessor’s Evidence Summary Sheet 153

Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools 155

Mapping Document for Skill Set 1 – Working safely and effectively in an

engineering environment 157

Evidence Matrix for Skill Set 1 – Working safely and effectively in an

engineering environment 159

Mapping Document for Skill Set 2 – Engineering machine operation and

marking out 179

Evidence Matrix for Skill Set 2 – Engineering machine operation and

marking out 181

Mapping Document for Skill Set 3 – Engineering machine maintenance

and operation 197

Evidence Matrix for Skill Set 3 – Engineering machine maintenance

and operation 199

Mapping Document for Skill Set 4 – Engineering maintenance (general repair) 213

Evidence Matrix for Skill Set 4 – Engineering maintenance (general repair) 215

Mapping Document for Skill Set 5 – Engineering maintenance (welding and fluids) 235

Evidence Matrix for Skill Set 5 – Engineering maintenance (welding and fluids) 237

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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Assessment Tool Kit

MEM30205 Certificate III in Engineering – Mechanical Trade (Mechanical Fitter)

This RPL Assessment Tool Kit has been developed by the Western Australian Department of Education and Training, in consultation with industry, as a resource to assist RPL Assessors by providing a set of quality assessment tools, which can be used to conduct whole-of-qualification RPL. This kit also contains information which can be provided to the candidate.

This kit should be customised to suit the needs of the candidate, employer/industry or Assessor and should reflect the purpose for which it is being used.

It is recommended that prior to using this kit for the first time, and after any modifications or contextualisation, this RPL Assessment Tool Kit be validated by the user to ensure it meets the required Australian Qualification Training Framework Standards (AQTF), relevant Training Package requirements and Registered Training Organisation (RTO) policies.

A task-based model for RPL

A process for RPL has been developed that promotes holistic, task-based assessment, and which focuses on relating assessment activities to actual job tasks. The intention of this model is to streamline and simplify recognition processes for prospective candidates. This RPL Assessment Tool Kit has been developed to support this task-based model.

The focus of the new streamlined holistic assessment process is to focus on demonstrated skills and knowledge and is not reliant on documentary evidence as the main source of evidence.

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Overview of the Recognition Process

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Part 1

Section 1

Assessor’s Information

It is important that you complete both Sections 3 (Interview/Questioning) and 4 (Practical Tasks) when completing RPL assessment using this kit.

The RPL process is a streamlined process which does not rely solely on documentary evidence. It uses a combination of questioning, practical assessment and supporting evidence to provide evidence of the candidate’s competence.

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Welcome to the MEM30205 Certificate III Engineering – Mechanical Trade (Mechanical Trade Fitter).

This RPL Assessment Tool Kit contains 34 units of competency.

It is simply set out, with a comprehensive list of instructions at the front of each document, as well as covering instructions for each step of the process, as found in the notes for the Assessor, and notes for the candidate.

Included in this kit are the following documents:

• Assessor’s Information

• Qualification Rules and list of units of competency contained in this kit

• Units of competency separated into clusters/skill sets for assessment

• Tool Kits for each Cluster/Skill Set, in order:

► Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets

► Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets

• Candidate Information

► Candidate Self-Evaluation Form (incorporating Third Party Verification)

• Mapping Documents (including Dimensions of Competency and Employability Skills) for all the units of competency included in this kit.

Explanation of RPL documents

a) Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets (Section 3): The interview question bank is the second stage of the process, in which the Assessor and the candidate confirm the knowledge by discussing a series of questions. Each of these questions includes a series of Key Points, which may assist the Assessor in guiding the discussions.

b) Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets (Section 4): These tools are designed to guide the Assessor and candidate through a workplace observation, proving the candidate’s ability to conduct the specific tasks and skills required for recognition of competence in the particular area.

c) Candidate Information and Self-Evaluation Forms (Section 5): This document is for the candidate to assess their suitability for RPL process, by asking them to consider each of the points and assessing their ability against the task. It has been broken into smaller skill groups, clustering like activities together to enable ease of completion. It is then reinforced by the candidate’s supervisor’s comments, both against tasks and as a summary for each group. This serves as third party validation of the candidate’s claims.

d) Third Party Report and Supporting Documentation (if applicable) (Section 6): The third party verification report is provided for referees, for example the supervisor, to confirm the candidate’s skills and experience in the qualification/occupation. This is particularly useful in addressing employability skill requirements. It is important to note that third party reports are not always available and it is recommended that Assessors use their professional judgement to determine if this is a requirement.

e) Mapping Document (Section 7): This tool demonstrates how each of the documents reflects the units of competency in the particular Cluster/Skill Set.

Section 2

List of competencies

in this

RPL Assessment Tool Kit

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Qualification Rules

The minimum requirements for achievement of the Certificate III in Engineering – Mechanical Trade are:

• completion of all (eleven) mandatory units of competency

• completion of Mechanical Trade Stream units to the value of at least 40 points

• completion of Specialisation units to bring the total value of Mechanical Trade stream and Specialisation units to at least 76 points.

List of competencies covered in this RPL Assessment Tool Kit

This section identifies the mandatory units, selected trade stream and specialisation units as required in the packaging guidelines for this qualification.

As a result of consultation with industry representatives, these units have been clustered into five skill sets, which represent the way work is undertaken in the engineering mechanical trade industry.

All the assessment tools have been designed to reflect the skill sets covered in this RPL Assessment Tool Kit.

Units of competency covered in this RPL Assessment Tool Kit

The following units of competency are covered in this RPL Assessment Tool Kit.

Mandatory units – (eleven = 0 points)

|Unit Code |Unit Title |

|MEM12023A |Perform engineering measurements |

|MEM12024A |Perform computations |

|MEM13014A |Apply principles of occupational health and safety in the work environment |

|MEM14004A |Plan to undertake a routine task |

|MEM14005A |Plan a complete activity |

|MEM15002A |Apply quality systems |

|MEM15024A |Apply quality procedures |

|MEM16006A |Organise and communicate information |

|MEM16007A |Work with others in a manufacturing, engineering or related environment |

|MEM16008A |Interact with computing technology |

|MEM17003A |Assist in the provision of on-the-job training |

Mechanical Trade Stream units

The units listed are to the value of at least 40 points.

|Unit Code |Unit Title |Points |

|MEM07005B |Perform general machining |8 |

|MEM07006B |Perform lathe operations |4 |

|MEM09002B |Interpret technical drawing |4 |

|MEM12006B |Mark off/out (general engineering) |4 |

|MEM18001C |Use hand tools |2 |

|MEM18002B |Use power tools/hand-held operations |2 |

|MEM18003C |Use tools for precision work |4 |

|MEM18006B |Repair and fit engineering components |6 |

|MEM18009B |Perform levelling and alignment of machines and engineering components |4 |

|MEM18055B |Dismantle, replace and assemble engineering components |3 |

| |Total points |41 |

Specialisation Stream

The Specialisation Stream units below together with the total value of Mechanical Trade Stream units in the list above equate to a total value of 77 points.

|Unit Code |Unit Title |Points |

|MEM05005B |Carry out mechanical cutting |2 |

|MEM05007C |Perform manual heating and thermal cutting |2 |

|MEM05012C |Perform routine manual metal arc welding |2 |

|MEM05049B |Perform routine gas tungsten arc welding |2 |

|MEM05050B |Perform routine gas metal arc welding |2 |

|MEM06007B |Perform basic incidental heat/quenching, tempering and annealing |2 |

|MEM18004B |Maintain and overhaul mechanical equipment |4 |

|MEM18005B |Perform fault diagnosis, installation and removal of bearings |4 |

|MEM18007B |Maintain and repair mechanical drives and mechanical transmission assemblies |4 |

|MEM18012B |Perform installation and removal of mechanical seals |2 |

|MEM18013B |Perform gland packing |2 |

|MEM18018C |Maintain pneumatic system components |4 |

|MEM18020B |Maintain hydraulic system components |4 |

| |Total points |36 |

Units of competency clustered into skill sets

Skill Set 1 – Working safely and effectively in an engineering environment

|Unit Code |Unit Title |Points |

|MEM09002B |Interpret technical drawing |4 |

|MEM12023A |Perform engineering measurements |0 |

|MEM13014A |Apply principles of occupational health and safety in the work environment |0 |

|MEM14004A |Plan to undertake a routine task |0 |

|MEM15024A |Apply quality procedures |0 |

|MEM16007A |Work with others in a manufacturing, engineering or related environment |0 |

|MEM18001C |Use hand tools |2 |

|MEM18002B |Use power tools/hand-held operations |2 |

|MEM18055B |Dismantle, replace and assemble engineering components |3 |

| |Total for this cluster |11 |

| |Eligible for a Certificate |N/A |

Skill Set 2 – Engineering machine operation and marking out

|Unit Code |Unit Title |Points |

|MEM05005B |Carry out mechanical cutting |2 |

|MEM05007C |Perform manual heating and thermal cutting |2 |

|MEM07005B |Perform general machining |8 |

|MEM12006B |Mark off/out (general engineering) |4 |

|MEM12024A |Perform computations |0 |

|MEM15002A |Apply quality systems |0 |

| |Total for this cluster |16 |

| |Eligible for a Certificate |I |

Skill Set 3 – Engineering machine maintenance and operation

|Unit Code |Unit Title |Points |

|MEM06007B |Perform basic incidental heat/quenching, tempering and annealing |2 |

|MEM07006B |Perform lathe operations |4 |

|MEM14005A |Plan a complete activity |0 |

|MEM16006A |Organise and communicate information |0 |

|MEM16008A |Interact with computing technology |0 |

|MEM17003A |Assist in the provision of on-the-job training |0 |

|MEM18003C |Use tools for precision work |4 |

| |Total for this cluster |10 |

| |Eligible for a Certificate |II |

Skill Set 4 – Engineering maintenance (general repair)

|Unit Code |Unit Title |Points |

|MEM18004B |Maintain and overhaul mechanical equipment |4 |

|MEM18005B |Perform fault diagnosis, installation and removal of bearings |4 |

|MEM18006B |Repair and fit engineering components |6 |

|MEM18007B |Maintain and repair mechanical drives and mechanical transmission assemblies |4 |

|MEM18009B |Perform levelling and alignment of machines and engineering components |4 |

| |Total for this cluster |22 |

| |Eligible for a Certificate |II |

Skill Set 5 – Engineering maintenance (welding and fluids)

|Unit Code |Unit Title |Points |

|MEM05012C |Perform routine manual metal arc welding |2 |

|MEM05049B |Perform routine gas tungsten arc welding |2 |

|MEM05050B |Perform routine gas metal arc welding |2 |

|MEM18012B |Perform installation and removal of mechanical seals |2 |

|MEM18013B |Perform gland packing |2 |

|MEM18018C |Maintain pneumatic system components |4 |

|MEM18020B |Maintain hydraulic system components |4 |

| |Total for this cluster |18 |

| |Eligible for a Certificate |III |

Section 3

Interview Question Bank


Recording Sheets

This section contains questions the Assessor may ask the candidate while documenting their conversation during the RPL interview.

Assessor’s Instructions

It is not intended that every question for each competency be asked or discussed during the conversation. Only questions related to those competencies that the initial documentary review has failed to fully address are required.

Each question provides key points to look for in the candidate’s responses. You may wish to use these key points to formulate questions of your own, contextualise, or rephrase the suggested questions to suit the candidate’s particular work situation.

On the Recording Sheets, place a tick next to each key point as it is addressed by the candidate during the conversation. By doing this, you are recording what you have heard the candidate say during the interview.

Use the Assessor’s Comments section next to each question to provide further details about the context of the discussion or other key points and examples the candidate has discussed that may be relevant in confirming competence.

It is important to remember that the notes taken during the questioning interview are important evidence and should be retained as part of the candidate’s assessment records.

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Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets

Skill Set 1 – Working safely and effectively in an engineering environment

Assessor’s Instructions

The interview should allow the candidate to confirm their knowledge as identified by their Self-Evaluation against relevant units of competency. The Assessor may use these questions to guide the interview, ensuring that the candidate addresses the key points identified for each question.

These key points exist as a guide only, and the Assessor is encouraged to expand on them where necessary to satisfy depth of underpinning knowledge and skills.

It is recommended that the interview be conducted in the workplace, allowing the candidate access to documents, equipment etc to support their statements.

Record of interview

|Candidate’s name | |

|Assessor’s name | |

|How/where was the interview conducted? |Interview only ( |

| |At an RTO’s premises ( Name: |

| |In the workplace ( Name: |


Dimensions of competency

|Task Skills |Task Management Skills |Job Role/Environment Skills |Contingency Management Skills |Transfer Skills |

|(T) |(TM) |(J/E) |(CM) |(TR) |

Employability skills

|Communication |Teamwork |Problem-solving (P) |Initiative and Enterprise |Planning and Organising |Self-Management |Learning |Technology |

|(C) |(TW) | |(I/E) |(PO) |(SM) |(L) |(Tech) |

|Skill Set 1 – Working safely and effectively in an engineering environment |

|Candidate’s name | |

|Units of competency |Units of competency |

|MEM09002B Interpret technical drawing |MEM16007A Work with others in a manufacturing, engineering or related environment |

|MEM12023A Perform engineering measurements |MEM18001C Use hand tools |

|MEM13014A Apply principles of occupational health and safety in the work environment |MEM18002B Use power tools/hand-held operations |

|MEM14004A Plan to undertake a routine task |MEM18055B Dismantle, replace and assemble engineering components |

|MEM15024A Apply quality procedures | |

|Assessor to ask leading questions. |Dimensions of competency/ |Yes |No |

|Note: Each row contains question/s for the respective competencies in the skill set. |employability skills | | |

|When working within an engineering environment, can the candidate demonstrate the following and satisfactorily answer the following questions? | | | |

|Q1 How would you identify the following drawing features? |T, TM, J/E |( |( |

|version and draft person | | | |

|sectioning and views |C, L, T | | |

|ball bearings and fasteners | | | |

|tolerances and surface finish | | | |

|holes on a flange | | | |

|Key Points: A range of drawing features are correctly identified or described. | | | |

|Q2 What are the uses and procedures for these tools? What are the usual markings in these tools? |T, TM, J/E, TR |( |( |

|metric micrometer | | | |

|Vernier height gauge |C, P, PO, L, T | | |

|feeler gauge. | | | |

|Key Points: Explain how to use the tools above, how to maintain them and how to care for them. | | | |

|Show sketching reading taken and appropriate calculations to achieve correct measurement. | | | |

|Q3 Name and explain the use for three (3) workshop signs. Include one (1) for manual handling. |T, TM, J/E, CM, TR |( |( |

|Key Points: Identify standardised signs. One (1) should be for lifting correctly – (language should not be a problem here). List several types of hazard | | | |

|and how to report an accident and why it is important to report it. |C, P, PO, L | | |

|Q4 Who is responsible for the wearing of PPE and what could result in not wearing it? | | | |

|Key Points: personal responsibility and hazard awareness – list several types of hazard | | | |

|Q5 Who is involved and what role do they play in emergencies at work? | | | |

|Key Points: Detail the standard and emergency work procedures for safety. Include how to report an accident and why it is important to report it. | | | |

|Q6 Explain how you would plan to do a job/task. |T, TM, J/E, CM, TR |( |( |

|Key Points: Prove planned activities in a methodical manner including who is involved and the role they take. |C, P, PO, L | | |

|Q7 What do you understand by internal and external customers? |T, TM, J/E, TR |( |( |

|Key Points: Give examples of internal and external customers, and how they have taken responsibility, even for trivial tasks. | | | |

|Q8 How do you know if the work is correct to the required standard? |C, TW, P, PO, L | | |

|Key Points: Display understanding of a procedure or SOP and how to check for conformance. | | | |

|Q9 How do you make sure that the team get on together? What part do you play? How do you contribute/fit in? |T, TM, J/E, TR |( |( |

|Key Points: Detail your contribution to the team. | | | |

|Q10 What planning have you done with the other workers? |C, P, PO | | |

|Key Points: Detail goals and how to clarify them. | | | |

|Q11 Who would you see for advice? | | | |

|Key Points: Indicate who is available for expert, personal, team or other assistance. | | | |

|Q12 Name some of the hand tools you have used, how you used them and why the tools were best for the task. |T, TM, J/E, TR |( |( |

|Key Points: A list of the most likely hand tools used within the industry are described, including how to maintain them and use them correctly. | | | |

| |C, TW, P, PO, L, T | | |

|Q13 Name some of the power tools you have used, how you used them and why the tools were best for the task. |T, TM, J/E, CM, TR |( |( |

|Key Points: A list of the most likely power tools used within the industry are described and used correctly. | | | |

| |C, P, PO, L, T | | |

|Q14 Name four (4) types of anti-friction (ball or roller) bearings. |T, TM, J/E, TR |( |( |

|Q15 Explain how to cut a gasket. | |( |( |

|Q16 Where are seals used? |C, P, PO, L, T |( |( |

|Q17 How and why would you mark a component before stripping it? | |( |( |

|Key Points: A range of bearings, gaskets, seals or similar parts are understood and contextualised to mechanical components that should have been | | | |

|repaired. Consider valves, small engine, pump or compressor or similar components where repair manuals have been consulted. | | | |

|Did the candidate demonstrate sufficient skills and experience in: | | | |

|interpreting drawings? | |( |( |

|safe and cooperative working in an engineering team? | |( |( |

|use of tools? | |( |( |

|basic maintenance tasks? | |( |( |

|Set 1 – Working safely and effectively in an engineering environment |

|Candidate’s name | |

|Units of competency |Units of competency |

|MEM09002B Interpret technical drawing |MEM16007A Work with others in a manufacturing, engineering or related environment |

|MEM12023A Perform engineering measurements |MEM18001C Use hand tools |

|MEM13014A Apply principles of occupational health and safety in the work environment |MEM18002B Use power tools/hand-held operations |

|MEM14004A Plan to undertake a routine task |MEM18055B Dismantle, replace and assemble engineering components |

|MEM15024A Apply quality procedures | |

Additional notes from conversation

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Assessor’s signature | |Outcome |S |NYS |

| | |(Please circle) |(Satisfactory) |(Not Yet Satisfactory)|

|Assessor’s name | |Date | |

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Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets

Skill Set 2 – Engineering machine operation and marking out

Assessor’s Instructions

The interview should allow the candidate to confirm their knowledge as identified by their Self-Evaluation against relevant units of competency. The Assessor may use these questions to guide the interview, ensuring that the candidate addresses the key points identified for each question.

These key points exist as a guide only, and the Assessor is encouraged to expand on them where necessary to satisfy depth of underpinning knowledge and skills.

It is recommended that the interview be conducted in the workplace, allowing the candidate access to documents, equipment etc to support their statements.

Record of interview

|Candidate’s name | |

|Assessor’s name | |

|How/where was the interview conducted? |Interview only ( |

| |At an RTO’s premises ( Name: |

| |In the workplace ( Name: |


Dimensions of competency

|Task Skills |Task Management Skills |Job Role/Environment Skills |Contingency Management Skills |Transfer Skills |

|(T) |(TM) |(J/E) |(CM) |(TR) |

Employability skills

|Communication |Teamwork |Problem-solving (P) |Initiative and Enterprise |Planning and Organising |Self-Management |Learning |Technology |

|(C) |(TW) | |(I/E) |(PO) |(SM) |(L) |(Tech) |

|Skill Set 2 – Engineering machine operation and marking out |

|Candidate’s name | |

|Units of competency |Units of competency |

|MEM05005B Carry out mechanical cutting |MEM12006B Mark off/out (general engineering) |

|MEM05007C Perform manual heating and thermal cutting |MEM12024A Perform computations |

|MEM07005B Perform general machining |MEM15002A Apply quality systems |

|Assessor to ask leading questions. |Dimensions of competency/ |Yes |No |

|Note: Each row contains question/s for the respective competency in the skill set. |employability skills | | |

|When working within an engineering environment, can the candidate demonstrate the following and satisfactorily answer the following questions? | | | |

|Q18 How would you use, adjust and change the blade/cutter on a band saw, a cold saw and a cropper? |T, TM, J/E, CM, TR |( |( |

|Key Points: A range of mechanical cutting machines have been used with an explanation of how machines have been set up and the adjustments that have been | | | |

|performed. |C, P, PO, L, T | | |

|Q19 Explain how you set up and use an oxygen acetylene heating and cutting plant. Include pressures, tips size and safety. |T, TM, J/E, TR |( |( |

|Key Points: gas pressures for cutting, heating; order of start-up, shutdown; typical faults and symptoms | | | |

| |C, P, PO, L, T | | |

|Q20 Explain how you set up and use a lathe, mill or drilling machine. Including tooling and clamping. |T, TM, J/E, TR |( |( |

|Key Points: safety points; speeds and feeds; work holding; tool mounting; various tooling; various materials | | | |

| |C, P, PO, L, T | | |

|Q21 What is meant by a datum or centre line when marking out? How is it established? |T, TM, J/E, TR |( |( |

|Q22 Depict how to mark out six (6) holes on a PCD. | |( |( |

|Key Points: purpose of and establishing a datum; transfer of measurements; appropriate calculations |C, P, PO, L, T | | |

|Q23 Calculate the area and volume of a cylinder. |T, TM, J/E, TR |( |( |

|Convert temperature and pressure. | | | |

|Calculate the pressure of a load over an area. |C, P, PO, L | | |

|Calculate the vee belt pulley ratio. | | | |

|Key Points: A range of parameters are applied – area and volume, conversions, ratios and worked to the required accuracy. | | | |

|Q24 Interpret the following from a graph: | |( |( |

|machine RPM (nomograph) | | | |

|pump flow (water pump). | | | |

|Key Points: A range of engineering graphs such as pump flow, lathe tool speed are interpreted and complied with. | | | |

|Q25 Explain the terms: quality control; quality improvement, inspection and ISO9001 and conformance as they relate to your work. |T, TM, J/E, TR |( |( |

|Key Points: importance of QA; understand importance of inspection and reporting | | | |

| |C, P, PO, L, T | | |

Skill Set 2 – Engineering machine operation and marking out

|Candidate’s name | |

|Units of competency |Units of competency |

|MEM05005B Carry out mechanical cutting |MEM12006B Mark off/out (general engineering) |

|MEM05007C Perform manual heating and thermal cutting |MEM12024A Perform computations |

|MEM07005B Perform general machining |MEM15002A Apply quality systems |

|Assessor to ask leading questions. |Dimensions of |Yes |No |

|Note: Each row contains question/s for the respective competency in the skill set. |competency/ | | |

| |employability skills | | |

|Did the candidate demonstrate sufficient skills and experience in: | | | |

|oxy/acetylene plant | |( |( |

|cutting principles | |( |( |

|operation of machine tools | |( |( |

|marking out | |( |( |

|calculations | |( |( |

|quality improvement | |( |( |

|Skill Set 2 – Engineering machine operation and marking out |

|Candidate’s name | |

|Units of competency |Units of competency |

|MEM05005B Carry out mechanical cutting |MEM12006B Mark off/out (general engineering) |

|MEM05007C Perform manual heating and thermal cutting |MEM12024A Perform computations |

|MEM07005B Perform general machining |MEM15002A Apply quality systems |

Additional notes from conversation

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Assessor’s signature | |Outcome |S |NYS |

| | |(Please circle) |(Satisfactory) |(Not Yet Satisfactory)|

|Assessor’s name | |Date | |

Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets

Skill Set 3 – Engineering machine maintenance and operation

Assessor’s Instructions

The interview should allow the candidate to confirm their knowledge as identified by their Self-Evaluation against relevant units of competency. The Assessor may use these questions to guide the interview, ensuring that the candidate addresses the key points identified for each question.

These key points exist as a guide only, and the Assessor is encouraged to expand on them where necessary to satisfy depth of underpinning knowledge and skills.

It is recommended that the interview be conducted in the workplace, allowing the candidate access to documents, equipment etc to support their statements.

Record of interview

|Candidate’s name | |

|Assessor’s name | |

|How/where was the interview conducted? |Interview only ( |

| |At an RTO’s premises ( Name: |

| |In the workplace ( Name: |


Dimensions of competency

|Task Skills |Task Management Skills |Job Role/Environment Skills |Contingency Management Skills |Transfer Skills |

|(T) |(TM) |(J/E) |(CM) |(TR) |

Employability skills

|Communication |Teamwork |Problem-solving (P) |Initiative and Enterprise |Planning and Organising |Self-Management |Learning |Technology |

|(C) |(TW) | |(I/E) |(PO) |(SM) |(L) |(Tech) |

|Skill Set 3 – Engineering machine maintenance and operation |

|Candidate’s name | |

|Units of competency |Units of competency |

|MEM06007B Perform basic incidental heat/quenching, tempering and annealing |MEM16008A Interact with computing technology |

|MEM07006B Perform lathe operations |MEM17003A Assist in the provision of on-the-job training |

|MEM14005A Plan a complete activity |MEM18003C Use tools for precision work |

|MEM16006A Organise and communicate information | |

|Assessor to ask leading questions. |Dimensions of competency/ |Yes |No |

|Note: Each row contains question/s for the respective competency in the skill set. |employability skills | | |

|When working within an engineering environment, can the candidate demonstrate the following and satisfactorily answer the following questions? | | | |

|Q26 Describe the purpose of ‘heat treatment’. |T, TM, J/E, TR |( |( |

|Key Points: hardening, tempering and annealing | |( |( |

|Q27 How could you harden a steel part? Include requirements and set-up. |C, P, PO, L, T |( |( |

|Key Points: critical temperatures, quenching media and process | | | |

|Q28 What is meant by K1045 when coded on steel? | | | |

|Key Points: General understanding of the codes is interpreted. | | | |

|Q29 Describe how to set up and use a fixed steady (or similar operation) on a lathe. Include safety precautions. |T, TM, J/E, TR |( |( |

|Key Points: lubricants, bearing pressure, order of operations | |( |( |

|Q30 Illustrate the steps to cut a single start thread on a lathe, including tooling selection and checking. |C, P, PO, L, T | | |

|Key Points: chasing dial, tool geometry, pitch, running truth (Note: See also Q1.) | | | |

|Q31 Depict how to set up a 4 jaw chuck on a lathe (see Q24 and Q25). Include safety precautions or refer to another opportunity for planning such as pump|T, TM, J/E, TR |( |( |

|overhaul, conveyor shutdown etc. | | | |

|Key Points: planning, concentricity – rings, dial indicator, centre finder, speed limitations (ie for lathe operations); planning to show consideration of|C, P, PO, L, T | | |

|the task from start to finish including other trades and services that may be involved | | | |

|Assessor to ask leading questions. |Dimensions of competency/ |Yes |No |

|Note: Each row contains question/s for the respective competency in the skill set. |employability skills | | |

|When working within an engineering environment, can the candidate demonstrate the following and satisfactorily answer the following questions? | | | |

|Q32 Whose responsibility is it to answer the telephone, send an email or a fax at work? Give details of your role. |T, TM, J/E, TR |( |( |

|Key Points: manager or office staff – greeting, clear, concise, technical English | | | |

| |C, TW, P, IE, PO, L, T | | |

|Q33 How is a spreadsheet used for work? |T, TM, J/E, TR |( |( |

|Key Points: interpreting graphs and trends; calculating costs or engineering problems (trig or speeds) – tasks including finding, formatting, formula, | |( |( |

|saving, printing |C, TW, P, IE, PO, L, T | | |

|Q34 List the steps to find, load, edit and save a Microsoft® Word document, CAD drawing or other file. | | | |

|Key Points: finding, formatting, editing, saving, printing of files | | | |

|Q35 What training have you been given in the workplace? Include the what, how and why of the methods used. |T, TM, J/E, TR |( |( |

|Key Points: planning, learning styles, methods used | | | |

| |C, TW, P, IE, PO, L, T | | |

|Assessor to ask leading questions. |Dimensions of competency/ |Yes |No |

|Note: Each row contains question/s for the respective competency in the skill set. |employability skills | | |

|When working within an engineering environment, can the candidate demonstrate the following and satisfactorily answer the following questions? | | | |

|Q36 Describe the maintenance and precision fitting you have carried out. |T, TM, J/E, TR |( |( |

|Key Points: reaming, broaching, scrapping, re-threading or any other form of precision fitting task | | | |

| |C, TW, P, IE, PO, L, T | | |

|Did the candidate demonstrate sufficient skills and experience in: | | | |

|simple heat treatment? | |( |( |

|lathe operations? | |( |( |

|maintenance? | |( |( |

|planning? | |( |( |

|communications and basic training or mentoring? | |( |( |

|use of computer or microprocessor based technology? | |( |( |

|Skill Set 3 – Engineering machine maintenance and operation |

|Candidate’s name | |

|Units of competency |Units of competency |

|MEM05005B Carry out mechanical cutting |MEM12006B Mark off/out (general engineering) |

|MEM05007C Perform manual heating and thermal cutting |MEM12024A Perform computations |

|MEM07005B Perform general machining |MEM15002A Apply quality systems |

Additional notes from conversation

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Assessor’s signature | |Outcome |S |NYS |

| | |(Please circle) |(Satisfactory) |(Not Yet Satisfactory)|

|Assessor’s name | |Date | |

Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets

Skill Set 4 – Engineering maintenance (general repair)

Assessor’s Instructions

The interview should allow the candidate to confirm their knowledge as identified by their Self-Evaluation against relevant units of competency. The Assessor may use these questions to guide the interview, ensuring that the candidate addresses the key points identified for each question.

These key points exist as a guide only, and the Assessor is encouraged to expand on them where necessary to satisfy depth of underpinning knowledge and skills.

It is recommended that the interview be conducted in the workplace, allowing the candidate access to documents, equipment etc to support their statements.

Record of interview

|Candidate’s name | |

|Assessor’s name | |

|How/where was the interview conducted? |Interview only ( |

| |At an RTO’s premises ( Name: |

| |In the workplace ( Name: |


Dimensions of competency

|Task Skills |Task Management Skills |Job Role/Environment Skills |Contingency Management Skills |Transfer Skills |

|(T) |(TM) |(J/E) |(CM) |(TR) |

Employability skills

|Communication |Teamwork |Problem-solving (P) |Initiative and Enterprise |Planning and Organising |Self-Management |Learning |Technology |

|(C) |(TW) | |(I/E) |(PO) |(SM) |(L) |(Tech) |

|Skill Set 4 – Engineering maintenance (general repair) |

|Candidate’s name | |

|Units of competency |Units of competency |

|MEM18004B Maintain and overhaul mechanical equipment |MEM18007B Maintain and repair mechanical drives and mechanical transmission assemblies |

|MEM18005B Perform fault diagnosis, installation and removal of bearings |MEM18009B Perform levelling and alignment of machines and engineering components |

|MEM18006B Repair and fit engineering components | |

|Assessor to ask leading questions. |Dimensions of competency/ |Yes |No |

|Note: Each row contains question/s for the respective competency in the skill set. |employability skills | | |

|When working within an engineering environment, can the candidate demonstrate the following and satisfactorily answer the following questions? | | | |

|Q37 What overhaul or major maintenance tasks have you performed? How did you complete the task? |T, J/E, TR |( |( |

|Key Points: PM, diagnostic skills, fine measurement, NDT, other trades and services, tools used, safety aspects | | | |

| |C, P, PO, L, T | | |

|Q38 Where have you been involved with bearings – faultfinding, selecting and fitting? |T, TM, J/E, TR |( |( |

|Key Points: PM, plain bearing, roller bearings, catalogues, clearances, fitting methods, safety aspects | | | |

| |C, P, PO, L, T | | |

|Q39 What component-based repairs have you performed? How did you complete the task? |T, J/E, TR |( |( |

|Key Points: stripping and assessing of damage, repairs, re/manufacturing of parts, material selection, calculations performed and tools used, safety | | | |

|aspects |C, P, PO, L, T | | |

|Q40 Explain how you have performed maintenance of mechanical drive transmissions (gearing, chains, clutches and couplings). |T, J/E, TR |( |( |

|Key Points: stripping and assessing the drive, repairing/replacing the drive, tensioning and adjusting, tools selected, safety aspects | | | |

| |C, P, PO, L, T | | |

|Assessor to ask leading questions. |Dimensions of competency/ |Yes |No |

|Note: Each row contains question/s for the respective competency in the skill set. |employability skills | | |

|When working within an engineering environment, can the candidate demonstrate the following and satisfactorily answer the following questions? | | | |

|Q41 List the steps to align a typical horizontal motor/pump arrangement. Show calculations and tool geometry. |T, TM, J/E, TR |( |( |

|Key Points: setup and preparation, soft foot, shimming arrangement, run out, TIR | |( |( |

|Q42 Explain how to align belt/chain pulley/sprockets. |C, P, IE, PO, L, T | | |

|Key Points: preparation, float and run out, allowance for differing hub thickness, tools and procedure | | | |

|Did the candidate demonstrate sufficient skills and experience in: | | | |

|a range of overhaul situations? | |( |( |

|a range of bearing types and correct fitting methods? | |( |( |

|a range of mechanical repairs? | |( |( |

|mechanical transmissions? | |( |( |

|alignment tasks? | |( |( |

| |

|Skill Set 4 – Engineering maintenance (general repair) |

|Candidate’s name | |

|Units of competency |Units of competency |

|MEM18004B Maintain and overhaul mechanical equipment |MEM18007B Maintain and repair mechanical drives and mechanical transmission assemblies |

|MEM18005B Perform fault diagnosis, installation and removal of bearings |MEM18009B Perform levelling and alignment of machines and engineering components |

|MEM18006B Repair and fit engineering components | |

Additional notes from conversation

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| |

| |

| |

|Assessor’s signature | |Outcome |S |NYS |

| | |(Please circle) |(Satisfactory) |(Not Yet Satisfactory)|

|Assessor’s name | |Date | |

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Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets

Skill Set 5 – Engineering maintenance (welding and fluids)

Assessor’s Instructions

The interview should allow the candidate to confirm their knowledge as identified by their Self-Evaluation against relevant units of competency. The Assessor may use these questions to guide the interview, ensuring that the candidate addresses the key points identified for each question.

These key points exist as a guide only, and the Assessor is encouraged to expand on them where necessary to satisfy depth of underpinning knowledge and skills.

It is recommended that the interview be conducted in the workplace, allowing the candidate access to documents, equipment etc to support their statements.

Record of interview

|Candidate’s name | |

|Assessor’s name | |

|How/where was the interview conducted? |Interview only ( |

| |At an RTO’s premises ( Name: |

| |In the workplace ( Name: |


Dimensions of competency

|Task Skills |Task Management Skills |Job Role/Environment Skills |Contingency Management Skills |Transfer Skills |

|(T) |(TM) |(J/E) |(CM) |(TR) |

Employability skills

|Communication |Teamwork |Problem-solving (P) |Initiative and Enterprise |Planning and Organising |Self-Management |Learning |Technology |

|(C) |(TW) | |(I/E) |(PO) |(SM) |(L) |(Tech) |

|Skill Set 5 – Engineering maintenance (welding and fluids) |

|Candidate’s name | |

|Units of competency |Units of competency |

|MEM05012C Perform routine manual metal arc welding |MEM18013B Perform gland packing |

|MEM05049B Perform routine gas tungsten arc welding |MEM18018C Maintain pneumatic system components |

|MEM05050B Perform routine gas metal arc welding |MEM18020B Maintain hydraulic system components |

|MEM18012B Perform installation and removal of mechanical seals | |

|Assessor to ask leading questions. |Dimensions of competency/|Yes |No |

|Note: Each row contains question/s for the respective competency in the skill set. |employability skills | | |

|When working within an engineering environment, can the candidate demonstrate the following and satisfactorily answer the following questions? | | | |

|Q43 What MMAW have you have done? |T, TM, J/E, TR |( |( |

|Key Points: plant setup, selection of consumables, metals welded, welding positions, safety aspects | | | |

| |C, P, PO, L, T | | |

|Q44 What GTAW have you have done? |T, TM, J/E, TR |( |( |

|Key Points: plant setup, selection of consumables, metals welded, welding positions, safety aspects | | | |

| |C, P, PO, L, T | | |

|Q45 What GMAW have you have done? |T, TM, J/E, TR |( |( |

|Key Points: plant setup, selection of consumables, metals welded, welding positions, safety aspects | | | |

| |C, P, PO, L, T | | |

|Q46 Explain how you have performed maintenance of a range of mechanical seals. |T, TM, J/E, TR |( |( |

|Key Points: stripping and assessing the seal, repairing/replacing the seal, tensioning and adjusting, tools selected, safety aspects | | | |

| |C, P, PO, L, T | | |

|Q47 Explain how you have performed pump and valve gland packing. |T, TM, J/E, TR |( |( |

|Key Points: inspecting, selection of packing, replacing the packing, lantern ring, necking ring, gland, tensioning and adjusting, tools selected, safety aspects | | | |

| |C, P, PO, L, T | | |

|Assessor to ask leading questions. |Dimensions of competency/|Yes |No |

|Note: Each row contains question/s for the respective competency in the skill set. |employability skills | | |

|When working within an engineering environment, can the candidate demonstrate the following and satisfactorily answer the following questions? | | | |

|Q48 Explain how you have performed maintenance on pneumatic components and subsystems. |T, TM, J/E, TR |( |( |

|Key Points: inspecting, fault finding, compressor, receiver, conductors, filters, valves, actuators, tensioning and adjusting, system restart, tools selected, | | | |

|safety aspects |C, P, PO, L, T | | |

|Q49 Explain how you have performed maintenance on hydraulic components and subsystems. |T, TM, J/E, TR |( |( |

|Key Points: inspecting, fault finding, compressor, receiver, conductors, filters, valves, actuators, tensioning and adjusting, system restart, tools selected, | | | |

|safety aspects |C, P, PO, L, T | | |

|Did the candidate demonstrate sufficient skills and experience in: | | | |

|a range of welding processes (MMAW, GTAW and GMAW)? | |( |( |

|mechanical seals and packing? | |( |( |

|fluid power system components? | |( |( |

|Skill Set 5 – Engineering maintenance (welding and fluids) |

|Candidate’s name | |

|Units of competency |Units of competency |

|MEM05012C Perform routine manual metal arc welding |MEM18013B Perform gland packing |

|MEM05049B Perform routine gas tungsten arc welding |MEM18018C Maintain pneumatic system components |

|MEM05050B Perform routine gas metal arc welding |MEM18020B Maintain hydraulic system components |

|MEM18012B Perform installation and removal of mechanical seals | |

Additional notes from conversation

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| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Assessor’s signature | |Outcome |S |NYS |

| | |(Please circle) |(Satisfactory) |(Not Yet Satisfactory)|

|Assessor’s name | |Date | |

Page intentionally blank

Section 4

Practical Tasks



Recording Sheets

This section contains practical assessment tasks that the candidate will complete to assist you in determining a candidate’s skills and knowledge.

Assessor’s Instructions

Use the Observation Recording Sheets for each of the practical tasks to document the skills and knowledge demonstrated by the candidate in completing each of the required tasks.

These practical tasks may be modified to suit the context of the candidate’s workplace, job role or their work environment.

Not all tasks need to be completed by the applicant. The Assessor should select only those tasks that will provide the required evidence to prove competency by the candidate.

For a whole qualification it may be necessary to perform all tasks.

It is important to remember that the notes made by the Assessor during the observation of the practical demonstration are important evidence and should be retained as part of the candidate’s assessment records.

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Skill Set 1 – Working safely and effectively in an engineering environment

Task 1 – Double E project

Instructions for the candidate

Outline of task

For this task you will be required to complete the ‘Double E’ or similar project. It is required that you produce the component using an engineering environment, applying industry workplace standards and tolerances.

While performing the various practical tasks, it is important that the principles of Occupational Health and Safety, and workplace safety requirements be met at all times.

You will be assessed on:

• the completed project

• any written reports included within the project

• your use of organisational and nationally recognised procedures

• your demonstration of knowledge and awareness of safety and safe work practices

• your demonstration of knowledge of contingency and emergency procedures.

Skill Set 1 – Working safely and effectively in an engineering environment

Task 2 – Small engine project

Instructions for the candidate

Outline of task

For this task you will be required to complete the ‘small engine’ or similar project. It is required that you dismantle and repair the machine using an engineering environment, applying industry workplace standards and tolerances.

While performing the various practical tasks, it is important that the principles of Occupational Health and Safety, and workplace safety requirements be met at all times.

You will be assessed on:

• the completed project

• any written reports included within the project

• your use of organisational and nationally recognised procedures

• your demonstration of knowledge and awareness of safety and safe work practices

• your demonstration of knowledge of contingency and emergency procedures.

|Demonstration/Observation Checklist |

|Skill Set 1 – Working safely and effectively in an engineering environment |

|Task 1 – Double E project |

|Assessor’s instructions |Ensure that the work is carried out in a safe and appropriate manner. |

|Candidate’s name | |

|Assessor’s name | |

|Supervisor’s name | |

|(if applicable) | |

|Work activity | |

|Skill Set 1 – Units of competency |MEM09002B Interpret technical drawing |MEM16007A Work with others in a manufacturing, |

| |MEM12023A Perform engineering measurements |engineering or related environment |

| |MEM13014A Apply principles of occupational |MEM18001C Use hand tools |

| |health and safety in the work environment |MEM18002B Use power tools/hand-held operations |

| |MEM14004A Plan to undertake a routine task |MEM18055B Dismantle, replace and assemble |

| |MEM15042A Apply quality procedures |engineering components |

|Assessment location | |

|Date of demonstration | |Time | |

|Task instructions |

|Complete the component as requested. |

|Take notes to indicate the planning and task steps you have taken. |

|Show any working out and calculations. |

|List the hand and power tools used, and others that would have assisted. |

|Resources required for this task |

|instructions and drawings |

|workshop |

|measuring |

|hand, power and pedestal tools |

|Demonstration/Observation Checklist |

|Skill Set 1 – Working safely and effectively in an engineering environment |

|Task 1 – Double E project |

|Candidate’s name | |

|During the demonstration or observation of skills did the candidate? |Regulations Standards and |Is behaviour |Assessor’s Notes |

| |Industry requirements |observed? | |

| | |Yes |No | |

|correct use of hand and power tools | |( |( | |

|accurate interpretation of drawing |AS1100 |( |( | |

|precision of task | |( |( | |

|maintaining and caring for tools | |( |( | |

|safe working practices, PPE and evacuation if drilled | |( |( | |

|Assessor’s general comments/observations |

| |

| |

|Assessor’s name | |Outcome |S |NYS |

| | |(Please Circle) |(Satisfactory) |(Not Yet Satisfactory) |

|Assessor’s signature | | | | |

|Candidate’s signature | |Date | |

Page intentionally blank

|Demonstration/Observation Checklist |

|Skill Set 1 – Working safely and effectively in an engineering environment |

|Task 2 – Small engine project |

|Assessor’s instructions |Ensure that the work is carried out in a safe and appropriate manner. Correct operation and |

| |understanding when finished. |

|Candidate’s name | |

|Assessor’s name | |

|Supervisor’s name | |

|(if applicable) | |

|Work activity | |

|Skill Set 1 – Units of competency |MEM09002B Interpret technical drawing |MEM16007A Work with others in a manufacturing, |

| |MEM12023A Perform engineering measurements |engineering or related environment |

| |MEM13014A Apply principles of occupational |MEM18001C Use hand tools |

| |health and safety in the work environment |MEM18002B Use power tools/hand-held operations |

| |MEM14004A Plan to undertake a routine task |MEM18055B Dismantle, replace and assemble |

| |MEM15042A Apply quality procedures |engineering components |

|Assessment location | |

|Date of demonstration | |Time | |

|Task instructions |

|Complete the component as requested. |

|Take notes and make sketches to indicate the steps you have taken and the data you have collected, ie torque, clearances etc. |

|Show any working out and calculations. |

|List the tools used. |

|Resources required for this task |

|Instructions, manuals and drawings |

|workshop |

|small engine or similar machine or component |

|Demonstration/Observation Checklist |

|Skill Set 1 – Working safely and effectively in an engineering environment |

|Task 2 – Small engine project |

|Candidate’s name | |

|During the demonstration or observation of skills did the candidate? |Regulations Standards and |Is behaviour |Assessor’s Notes |

| |Industry requirements |observed? | |

| | |Yes |No | |

|correct use and maintenance of tools | |( |( | |

|correct operation at conclusion |SOP |( |( | |

|mathematical, communication and planning skills | |( |( | |

|managing with others | |( |( | |

|contingencies observed, especially evacuation procedure |evacuation procedure |( |( | |

|Assessor’s general comments/observations |

| |

| |

|Assessor’s name | |Outcome |S |NYS |

| | |(Please Circle) |(Satisfactory) |(Not Yet Satisfactory) |

|Assessor’s signature | | | | |

|Candidate’s signature | |Date | |

Task 2 – Small engine project

Standard operating procedure (SOP)

You are required to complete the following task, as directed by your lecturer.

1. Review the job requirements as supplied by your lecturer for the small engine project (small component inspection/repair such as hydraulic jack, valve, gearbox).

2. Create a job plan to show all calculations and steps involved, and clarify any questions you have before you start.

3. Complete the task as indicated to the standard and tolerances indicated on the drawing.

4. Ensure that:

• tools are selected correctly

• tools are used correctly

• any tool maintenance is carried out as required

• tools and work area are returned to correct condition

• components are completed and finished correctly.

Note: This may go wrong so make adjustments as required.

Apply all correct working practices.

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Skill Set 2 – Engineering machine operation and marking out

Task 3 – Machine vice project

Instructions for the candidate

Outline of task

For this task you will be required to complete the ‘machine vice’ or similar project. It is required that you produce the component using an engineering environment, applying industry workplace standards and tolerances.

While performing the various practical tasks, it is important that the principles of Occupational Health and Safety, and workplace safety requirements be met at all times.

You will be assessed on:

• the completed project

• any written reports included within the project

• your use of organisational and nationally recognised procedures

• your demonstration of knowledge and awareness of safety and safe work practices

• your demonstration of knowledge of contingency.

Page intentionally blank

|Demonstration/Observation Checklist |

|Skill Set 2 – Engineering machine operation and marking out |

|Task 3 – Machine vice project |

|Assessor’s instructions |Ensure that the work is carried out in a safe and appropriate manner. |

|Candidate’s name | |

|Assessor’s name | |

|Supervisor’s name | |

|(if applicable) | |

|Work activity | |

|Skill Set 1 – Units of competency |MEM05005B Carry out mechanical cutting |MEM12006B Mark off/out (general engineering) |

| |MEM05007C Perform manual heating and thermal |MEM12024A Perform computations |

| |cutting |MEM15002A Apply quality systems |

| |MEM07005B Perform general machining | |

|Assessment location | |

|Date of demonstration | |Time | |

|Task instructions |

|Complete the component as requested. |

|Take notes to indicate the steps you have taken. |

|Show any working out and calculations. |

|List the lathe tools used. |

|Explain how to cut the parts for the machine vice. |

|Resources required for this task |

|instructions and drawings |

|workshop tools and machine tools |

|oxy/acetylene plant |

|Demonstration/Observation Checklist |

|Skill Set 2 – Engineering machine operation and marking out |

|Task 3 – Machine vice project |

|Candidate’s name | |

|During the demonstration or observation of skills did the candidate? |Regulations Standards and |Is behaviour |Assessor’s Notes |

| |Industry requirements |observed? | |

| | |Yes |No | |

|heating and cutting of some parts | |( |( | |

|accuracy of marking out | |( |( | |

|machined parts have correct fit and finish | |( |( | |

|calculations and working out clearly shown | |( |( | |

|Assessor’s general comments/observations |

| |

| |

|Assessor’s name | |Outcome |S |NYS |

| | |(Please Circle) |(Satisfactory) |(Not Yet Satisfactory) |

|Assessor’s signature | | | | |

|Candidate’s signature | |Date | |

Task 3 – Machine vice project

Standard operating procedure (SOP)

You are required to complete the following task, as directed by your lecturer.

1. Review the job requirements as supplied by your lecturer for the machine vice project. (Any small component manufactured similarly is suitable.)

2. From a sample provided, measure and sketch all parts to produce the component.

3. Create a job plan to show all of the following:

• material selection

• calculations – speeds, feeds, suitable fit, temperatures

• thermal cutting requirements

• tooling, work holding and steps involved

• clarification of any questions you have before you start.

4. Complete the task as planned, to the standard and tolerances indicated on the sketch.

5. Ensure that:

• tools are selected correctly

• tools are set up and used correctly

• any tool maintenance is carried out as required

• tools and work area are returned to correct condition

• components are completed and finished correctly.

Note: This may go wrong so make adjustments as required.

Apply all correct working practices.

Skill Set 3 – Engineering machine maintenance and operation

Task 4 – MiniMill project

Instructions for the candidate

Outline of task

For this task you will be required to complete the ‘MiniMill’ or similar project. It is required that you produce the component using an engineering environment, applying industry workplace standards and tolerances.

While performing the various practical tasks, it is important that the principles of Occupational Health and Safety, and workplace safety requirements be met at all times.

You will be assessed on:

• the completed project

• any written reports included within the project

• your use of organisational and nationally recognised procedures

• your demonstration of knowledge and awareness of safety and safe work practices

• your demonstration of knowledge of contingency.

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|Demonstration/Observation Checklist |

|Skill Set 3 – Engineering machine maintenance and operation |

|Task 4 – MiniMill project |

|Assessor’s instructions |Ensure that the work is carried out in a safe and appropriate manner. |

|Candidate’s name | |

|Assessor’s name | |

|Supervisor’s name | |

|(if applicable) | |

|Work activity | |

|Skill Set 3 – Units of competency |MEM06007B Perform basic incidental |MEM16008A Interact with computing technology |

| |heat/quenching, tempering and annealing |MEM17003A Assist in the provision of on-the-job |

| |MEM07006B Perform lathe operations |training |

| |MEM14005A Plan a complete activity |MEM18003C Use tools for precision work |

| |MEM16006A Organise and communicate information | |

|Assessment location | |

|Date of demonstration | |Time | |

|Task instructions |

|Complete the component as requested. |

|Take notes to indicate the steps you have taken. |

|Show any working out and calculations. |

|List the lathe tools used. |

|Some threads are to be cut on the lathe. |

|Explain how to harden the pins on the MiniMill. |

|Resources required for this task |

|instructions and drawings |

|computer, office and peripherals |

|centre lathe, power saws and cropper if possible |

|workshop tools |

|oxy/acetylene plant |

|Demonstration/Observation Checklist |

|Skill Set 3 – Engineering machine maintenance and operation |

|Task 4 – MiniMill project |

|Candidate’s name | |

|During the demonstration or observation of skills did the candidate? |Regulations Standards and |Is behaviour |Assessor’s Notes |

| |Industry requirements |observed? | |

| | |Yes |No | |

|thread cutting finish and fit | |( |( | |

|planning, sketching, questioning and use of computer to document | |( |( | |

|explaining the process to another person | |( |( | |

|precision tools used correctly and stored when not in use | |( |( | |

|Assessor’s general comments/observations |

| |

| |

|Assessor’s name | |Outcome |S |NYS |

| | |(Please Circle) |(Satisfactory) |(Not Yet Satisfactory) |

|Assessor’s signature | | | | |

|Candidate’s signature | |Date | |


Task 4 – MiniMill project

Standard operating procedure (SOP)

You are required to complete the following task, as directed by your lecturer.

1. Review the job requirements as supplied by your lecturer for the MiniMill project. (A component manufactured similarly is suitable.)

2. From a sample provided, measure and sketch all parts to produce the component.

3. Create a job plan using the computer and Microsoft® Office applications to show all of the following:

• safety requirements

• material selection (also for heat treatment)

• heat treatment process

• calculations – speeds, feeds, suitable fit, temperatures

• tooling, work holding and steps involved

• clarification of any questions you have before you start.

4. Complete the task as planned, to the standard and tolerances indicated on the sketch.

5. Ensure that:

• tools are selected correctly

• tools are set up and used correctly

• any tool maintenance is carried out as required

• tools and work area are returned to correct condition

• components are completed and finished correctly.

Note: This may go wrong so make adjustments as required.

Apply all correct working practices.

Skill Set 4 – Engineering maintenance (general repair)

Task 5 – Compressor overhaul project

Instructions for the candidate

Outline of task

For this task you are to complete the ‘Compressor overhaul’ or a similar project. It is required that you produce the component using an engineering environment, applying industry workplace standards and tolerances. While performing the various practical tasks, it is important that the principles of Occupational Health and Safety, and workplace safety requirements be met at all times.

You will be assessed on:

• the completed project

• any written reports that are included within the project

• your use of organisational and nationally recognised procedures

• your demonstration of knowledge and awareness of safety and safe work practices

• your demonstration of knowledge of contingency.

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|Demonstration/Observation Checklist |

|Skill Set 4 – Engineering maintenance (general repair) |

|Task 5 – Compressor overhaul project |

|Assessor’s instructions |Ensure that the work is carried out in a safe and appropriate manner. |

| |Show calculations for precision measurement. |

|Candidate’s name | |

|Assessor’s name | |

|Supervisor’s name | |

|(if applicable) | |

|Work activity |Description of the practical task to be completed by the candidate. |

|Skill Set 4 – Units of competency |MEM18004B Maintain and overhaul mechanical |MEM18007B Maintain and repair mechanical drives |

| |equipment |and mechanical transmission assemblies |

| |MEM18005B Perform fault diagnosis, installation |MEM18009B Perform levelling and alignment of |

| |and removal of bearings |machines and engineering components |

| |MEM18006B Repair and fit engineering components | |

|Assessment location | |

|Date of demonstration | |Time | |

|Task instructions |

|Complete the maintenance and repairs as requested |

|Take notes to indicate the steps you have taken |

|Show any working out and calculations |

|List the tools and procedure used |

|Explain how to align the couplings |

|Resources required for this task |

|Instruction and drawings |

|Motor/compressor set, on base |

|Workshop hand, measuring and aligning tools |

|Demonstration/Observation Checklist |

|Skill Set 4 – Engineering maintenance (general repair) |

|Task 5 – Compressor overhaul project |

|Candidate’s name | |

|During the demonstration or observation of skills did the candidate? |Regulations Standards and |Is behaviour |Assessor’s Notes |

| |Industry requirements |observed? | |

| | |Yes |No | |

|Bearings are ID and fitted/removed correctly | |( |( | |

|Sub-assemblies are repaired appropriately | |( |( | |

|Transmission drive is fitted and maintained | |( |( | |

|Alignment is performed to required accuracy | |( |( | |

|Assessor’s general comments/observations |

| |

|Assessor’s name | |Outcome |S |NYS |

| | |(Please Circle) |(Satisfactory) |(Not Yet Satisfactory) |

|Assessor’s signature | | | | |

|Candidate’s signature | |Date | | |

Air Compressor Project

Task 5 – Compressor overhaul project

Standard operating procedure (SOP)

You are required to complete the following task, as directed by your lecturer.

1. Strip, inspect, overhaul, assemble, align and commission the compressor.

2. Review the job requirements as supplied ‘Compressor overhaul’ project (or other pump or gearbox or similar is suitable) by the lecturer.

3. From a sample provided, measure and sketch all parts to produce the component.

4. Create a job plan to show all:

• Safety precautions (JSA)

• Steps to follow

• Clarify any questions that you have before starting.

5. Complete the task as planned to the standard and tolerances indicated on manuals supplied of to industry standards.

6. Clean up all tools, spills and stores that remain from the task.

7. Ensure that:

• tools are selected correctly

• tools are set up and used correctly

• any tool maintenance is carried out as required

• tools and work area is returned to correct condition

• components are completed and finished correctly.

Note: This may go wrong so make adjustments as required.

Apply all correct working practices.

Skill Set 5 – Engineering maintenance (welding and fluids)

Task 6 – Welding project

Instructions for the candidate

Outline of task

For this task you are to complete the ‘Welding’ or a similar project. It is required that you produce the component using an engineering environment, applying industry workplace standards and tolerances. While performing the various practical tasks, it is important that the principles of Occupational Health and Safety, and workplace safety requirements be met at all times.

You will be assessed on:

• the completed project

• any written reports that are included within the project

• your use of organisational and nationally recognised procedures

• your demonstration of knowledge and awareness of safety and safe work practices

• your demonstration of knowledge of contingency.

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|Demonstration/Observation Checklist |

|Skill Set 5 – Engineering maintenance (welding and fluids) |

|Task 6 – Welding project |

|Assessor’s instructions |Ensure the work is carried out in a safe and appropriate manner |

| |Show hand working out for co-ordinate points |

|Candidate’s name | |

|Assessor’s name | |

|Supervisor’s name | |

|(if applicable) | |

|Work activity | |

|Skill Set 5 – Units of competency |MEM05012C Perform routine manual metal arc |MEM05012C Perform routine manual metal arc |

| |welding |welding |

| |MEM05049B Perform routine gas tungsten arc |MEM05049B Perform routine gas tungsten arc |

| |welding |welding |

| |MEM05050B Perform routine gas metal arc welding |MEM05050B Perform routine gas metal arc welding |

| |MEM18012B Perform installation and removal of |MEM18012B Perform installation and removal of |

| |mechanical seals |mechanical seals |

|Assessment location | |

|Date of demonstration | |Time | |

|Task instructions |

|Set up welding plant and consumables |

|Perform welding using: |


|GTAW and |


|Take notes to indicate the steps you have taken |

|Resources required for this task |

|Sample coupon welding |

|Workshop hand tools, welding plant and consumables |

|Demonstration/Observation Checklist |

|Skill Set 5 – Engineering maintenance (welding and fluids) |

|Task 6 – Welding project |

|Candidate’s name | |

|During the demonstration or observation of skills did the candidate? |Regulations Standards and |Is behaviour |Assessor’s Notes |

| |Industry requirements |observed? | |

| | |Yes |No | |

|Weld using MMAW, GTAW & GMAW process to the required standard |AS1556? |( |( | |

|Assessor’s general comments/observations |

| |

| |

|Assessor’s name | |Outcome |S |NYS |

| | |(Please Circle) |(Satisfactory) |(Not Yet Satisfactory) |

|Assessor’s signature | | | | |

|Candidate’s signature | |Date | |

Weld samples


Task 6 – Welding project

Standard operating procedure (SOP)

You are required to complete the following task, as directed by your lecturer.

1. Review the job requirements as supplied ‘Welding’ project (or other component similar is suitable) by the lecturer.

2. From the welding requirements provided; create a job plan to show all.

• Safety precautions (JSA)

• Method of setup

• Adjustments to be carried out

• Test/inspection method

• Clarify any questions that you have before starting.

3. Complete the welding tasks

4. Ensure that:

• tools are selected correctly

• tools are set up and used correctly

• any tool maintenance is carried out as required

• tools and work area is returned to correct condition

• components are completed and finished correctly.

Note: This may go wrong so make adjustments as required.

Apply all correct working practices.

Skill Set 5 – Engineering maintenance (welding and fluids)

Task 7 – Fluid power servicing project

Instructions for the candidate

Outline of task

For this task you are to complete the ‘Fluid Power Service’ or a similar project. It is required that you produce the component using an engineering environment. applying industry workplace standards and tolerances. While performing the various practical tasks, it is important that the principles of Occupational Health and Safety, and workplace safety requirements be met at all times.

You will be assessed on:

• the completed project

• any written reports that are included within the project

• your use of organisational and nationally recognised procedures

• your demonstration of knowledge and awareness of safety and safe work practices

• your demonstration of knowledge of contingency.

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|Demonstration/Observation Checklist |

|Skill Set 5 – Engineering maintenance (welding and fluids) |

|Task 7 – Fluid power servicing project |

|Assessor’s instructions |Ensure the work is carried out in a safe & appropriate manner |

| |Show hand working out for co-ordinate points |

|Candidate’s name | |

|Assessor’s name | |

|Supervisor’s name | |

|(if applicable) | |

|Work activity | |

|Skill Set 5 – Units of competency |MEM05012C Perform routine manual metal arc |MEM05012C Perform routine manual metal arc |

| |welding |welding |

| |MEM05049B Perform routine gas tungsten arc |MEM05049B Perform routine gas tungsten arc |

| |welding |welding |

| |MEM05050B Perform routine gas metal arc welding |MEM05050B Perform routine gas metal arc welding |

| |MEM18012B Perform installation and removal of |MEM18012B Perform installation and removal of |

| |mechanical seals |mechanical seals |

|Assessment location | |

|Date of demonstration | |Time | |

|Task instructions |

|Strip, assess, repair and test: |

|Water pump – retro fit mechanical seal for gland packing |

|Fault find pneumatic component and service |

|Fault find hydraulic component and service |

|Take notes to indicate the steps you have taken. |

|Resources required for this task |

|Instruction, manuals, seals and components |

|Workshop hand, measuring and service tools |

|Test equipment – pressure gauges, flow meter, conductors |

|Demonstration/Observation Checklist |

|Skill Set 5 – Engineering maintenance (welding and fluids) |

|Task 7 – Fluid power servicing project |

|Candidate’s name | |

|During the demonstration or observation of skills did the candidate? |Regulations Standards and |Is behaviour |Assessor’s Notes |

| |Industry requirements |observed? | |

| | |Yes |No | |

|Display the ability to replace mechanical seals and pack a gland | |( |( | |

|Service a range of pneumatic components displaying fault finding and testing |AS1101.1 |( |( | |

|Service a range of hydraulic components displaying fault finding and testing |AS1101.1 |( |( | |

|Assessor’s general comments/observations |

| |

| |

|Assessor’s name | |Outcome |S |NYS |

| | |(Please Circle) |(Satisfactory) |(Not Yet Satisfactory) |

|Assessor’s signature | | | | |

|Candidate’s signature | |Date | |

Gland Packing


Pneumatic Servicing


Hydraulic Servicing


Task 7 – Fluid power servicing project

Standard operating procedure (SOP)

You are required to complete the following task, as directed by your lecturer.

1. You are required to service a:

• Water pump (include packing and mechanical seal)

• Pneumatic component

• Hydraulic component

2. Review the job requirements as supplied ‘Fluid Power Service’ project (or other component similar is suitable) by the lecturer.

3. From the component provided; create a job plan to show all:

• Safety precautions (JSA)

• Method of analysing

• Dismantling and assessing

• Adjustments to be carried out

• Test method

• Clarify any questions that you have before starting.

4. Complete the task as

5. Check the operation of the completed task and note on your sketch the finished condition and features.

6. Ensure that:

• tools are selected correctly

• tools are set up and used correctly

• any tool maintenance is carried out as required

• tools and work area is returned to correct condition

• components are completed and finished correctly.

Note: This may go wrong so make adjustments as required.

Apply all correct working practices.

|Demonstration/Observation Checklist |

|Skill Set 1 – Working safely and effectively in an engineering environment |

|Task 1 – Double E project |

|Task 2 – Small engine project |

|Candidate’s name | |

|Assessor’s name | |

|Supervisor’s name | |

|(if applicable) | |

|Work activity |Complete Skill Set 1 tasks. |

|Units of competency |MEM09002B Interpret technical drawing |MEM16007A Work with others in a manufacturing, |

| |MEM12023A Perform engineering measurements |engineering or related environment |

| |MEM13014A Apply principles of occupational health|MEM18001C Use hand tools |

| |and safety in the work environment |MEM18002B Use power tools/hand-held operations |

| |MEM14004A Plan to undertake a routine task |MEM18055B Dismantle, replace and assemble |

| |MEM15042A Apply quality procedures |engineering components |

|Assessment location | |

|Date of demonstration | |Time | |

|Instructions for the Assessor |

|The candidate is required to adequately perform the following: |

|planning the task |

|interpreting drawing |

|use of measuring |

|using hand and power tools |

|undertaking repair tasks |

|presenting completed project to meet quality assurance guidelines. |

|This will be met by satisfactorily completing Task 1 – Double E project and Task 2 – Small engine project. |

|Demonstration/Observation Checklist |

|Skill Set 1 – Working safely and effectively in an engineering environment |

|Candidate’s name | |

|During the demonstration or observation of skills, did the candidate do the following? |Yes |No |Assessor’s Notes |

|Observe safety procedures and requirements, eg appropriate safety apparel, tidy work area, apply manufacturers’ |( |( | |

|specifications to tool and plant, maintenance procedures. | | | |

|Select methods and techniques appropriate to the circumstances. |( |( | |

|Use appropriate tools and equipment to perform the task. |( |( | |

|Perform the task in a logical sequence. |( |( | |

|Adequately describe processes and demonstrate application of underpinning knowledge. |( |( | |

|Perform tasks to industry standards. |( |( | |

|Demonstrate appropriate communication and interpersonal skills with a range of people. |( |( | |

|Perform defined work tasks without supervision and follow instructions including working to deadlines. |( |( | |

|Demonstrate the required underpinning knowledge to support performance of task skills. |( |( | |

|Present equipment to Assessor in compliance with workplace requirements and specifications. |( |( | |

|During the demonstration or observation of skills, did the candidate show evidence of the following? |Yes |No |Assessor’s Notes |

|Dimensions of competency |

|Task skills – These involve performing the task to the required standard as described in the unit of competency. |( |( | |

|Task management skills – These involve managing a number of different tasks within the job. |( |( | |

|Contingency management skills – These involve responding to problems, breakdowns and changes in routine. |( |( | |

|Job/role environment skills – These involve fulfilling responsibilities and expectations. |( |( | |

|Transfer – application of skills to different contexts |( |( | |

|Comments/Observations |

| |

|Assessor’s name | |Outcome |S |NYS |

| | |(Please Circle) |(Satisfactory) |(Not Yet Satisfactory) |

|Assessor’s signature | | | | |

|Candidate’s signature | |Date | |

Page intentionally blank

|Demonstration/Observation Checklist |

|Skill Set 2 – Engineering machine operation and marking out |

|Task 3 – Machine vice project |

|Candidate’s name | |

|Assessor’s name | |

|Supervisor’s name | |

|(if applicable) | |

|Work activity |Complete Skill Set 2 tasks. |

|Units of competency |MEM05005B Carry out mechanical cutting |MEM12006B Mark off/out (general engineering) |

| |MEM05007C Perform manual heating and thermal |MEM12024A Perform computations |

| |cutting |MEM15002A Apply quality systems |

| |MEM07005B Perform general machining | |

|Assessment location | |

|Date of demonstration | |Time | |

|Instructions for the Assessor |

|The candidate is required to adequately perform the following: |

|marking out |

|machining |

|cold and thermal metal cutting including trade calculation tasks |

|presenting completed project to meet quality assurance guidelines. |

|This will be met by satisfactorily completing Task 3 – Machine vice project. |

|Demonstration/Observation Checklist |

|Skill Set 2 – Engineering machine operation and marking out |

|Candidate’s name | |

|During the demonstration or observation of skills, did the candidate do the following? |Yes |No |Assessor’s Notes |

|Observe safety procedures and requirements, eg appropriate safety apparel, tidy work area, apply manufacturers’ |( |( | |

|specifications to tool and plant, maintenance procedures. | | | |

|Select methods and techniques appropriate to the circumstances. |( |( | |

|Use appropriate tools and equipment to perform the task. |( |( | |

|Perform the task in a logical sequence. |( |( | |

|Adequately describe processes and demonstrate application of underpinning knowledge. |( |( | |

|Perform tasks to industry standards. |( |( | |

|Demonstrate appropriate communication and interpersonal skills with a range of people. |( |( | |

|Perform defined work tasks without supervision and follow instructions including working to deadlines. |( |( | |

|Demonstrate the required underpinning knowledge to support performance of task skills. |( |( | |

|Present equipment to Assessor in compliance with workplace requirements and specifications. |( |( | |

| During the demonstration or observation of skills, did the candidate show evidence of the following? |Yes |No |Assessor’s Notes |

|Dimensions of competency |

|Task skills – These involve performing the task to the required standard as described in the unit of competency. |( |( | |

|Task management skills – These involve managing a number of different tasks within the job. |( |( | |

|Contingency management skills – These involve responding to problems, breakdowns and changes in routine. |( |( | |

|Job/role environment skills – These involve fulfilling responsibilities and expectations. |( |( | |

|Transfer – application of skills to different contexts |( |( | |

|Comments/Observations |

| |

|Assessor’s name | |Outcome |S |NYS |

| | |(Please Circle) |(Satisfactory) |(Not Yet Satisfactory) |

|Assessor’s signature | | | | |

|Candidate’s signature | |Date | |

Page intentionally blank

|Demonstration/Observation Checklist |

|Skill Set 3 – Engineering machine maintenance and operation |

|Task 4 – MiniMill project |

|Candidate’s name | |

|Assessor’s name | |

|Supervisor’s name | |

|(if applicable) | |

|Work activity |Complete Skill Set 3 tasks. |

|Units of competency |MEM06007B Perform basic incidental |MEM16008A Interact with computing technology |

| |heat/quenching, tempering and annealing |MEM17003A Assist in the provision of on-the-job |

| |MEM07006B Perform lathe operations |training |

| |MEM14005A Plan a complete activity |MEM18003C Use tools for precision work |

| |MEM16006A Organise and communicate information | |

|Assessment location | |

|Date of demonstration | |Time | |

|Instructions for the Assessor |

|The candidate is required to adequately perform the following: |

|heat treatment |

|lathe operations |

|application of precision fitting techniques while displaying planning, communication and computer skills. |

|This will be met by satisfactorily completing Task 4 – MiniMill project. |

|Demonstration/Observation Checklist |

|Skill Set 3 – Engineering machine maintenance and operation |

|Candidate’s name | |

|During the demonstration or observation of skills, did the candidate do the following? |Yes |No |Assessor’s Notes |

|Observe safety procedures and requirements, eg appropriate safety apparel, tidy work area, apply manufacturers’ |( |( | |

|specifications to tool and plant, maintenance procedures. | | | |

|Select methods and techniques appropriate to the circumstances. |( |( | |

|Use appropriate tools and equipment to perform the task. |( |( | |

|Perform the task in a logical sequence. |( |( | |

|Adequately describe processes and demonstrate application of underpinning knowledge. |( |( | |

|Perform tasks to industry standards. |( |( | |

|Demonstrate appropriate communication and interpersonal skills with a range of people. |( |( | |

|Perform defined work tasks without supervision and follow instructions including working to deadlines. |( |( | |

|Demonstrate the required underpinning knowledge to support performance of task skills. |( |( | |

|Present equipment to Assessor in compliance with workplace requirements and specifications. |( |( | |

|During the demonstration or observation of skills, did the candidate show evidence of the following? |Yes |No |Assessor’s Notes |

|Dimensions of competency |

|Task skills – These involve performing the task to the required standard as described in the unit of competency. |( |( | |

|Task management skills – These involve managing a number of different tasks within the job. |( |( | |

|Contingency management skills – These involve responding to problems, breakdowns and changes in routine. |( |( | |

|Job/role environment skills – These involve fulfilling responsibilities and expectations. |( |( | |

|Transfer – application of skills to different contexts |( |( | |

|Comments/Observations |

| |

|Assessor’s name | |Outcome |S |NYS |

| | |(Please Circle) |(Satisfactory) |(Not Yet Satisfactory) |

|Assessor’s signature | | | | |

|Candidate’s signature | |Date | |

Page intentionally blank

|Demonstration/Observation Checklist |

|Skill Set 4 – Engineering maintenance (general repair) |

|Task 5 – Compressor overhaul project |

|Candidate’s name | |

|Assessor’s name | |

|Supervisor’s name | |

|(if applicable) | |

|Work activity |Complete Skill Set 4 tasks. |

|Units of competency |MEM18004B Maintain and overhaul mechanical |MEM18007B Maintain and repair mechanical drives |

| |equipment |and mechanical transmission assemblies |

| |MEM18005B Perform fault diagnosis, installation |MEM18009B Perform levelling and alignment of |

| |and removal of bearings |machines and engineering components |

| |MEM18006B Repair and fit engineering components | |

|Assessment location | |

|Date of demonstration | |Time | |

|Instructions for the Assessor |

|The candidate is required to adequately perform the following: |

|overhauling a mechanical drive including bearing selection and fitting, sub-assemblies and components, mechanical transmissions and aligning |

|techniques to the tasks carried out. |

|This will be met by satisfactorily completing Task 5 – Compressor overhaul project. |

|Demonstration/Observation Checklist |

|Skill Set 4 – Engineering maintenance (general repair) |

|Candidate’s name | |

|During the demonstration or observation of skills, did the candidate do the following? |Yes |No |Assessor’s Notes |

|Observe safety procedures and requirements, eg appropriate safety apparel, tidy work area, apply manufacturers’ |( |( | |

|specifications to tool and plant, maintenance procedures. | | | |

|Select methods and techniques appropriate to the circumstances. |( |( | |

|Use appropriate tools and equipment to perform the task. |( |( | |

|Perform the task in a logical sequence. |( |( | |

|Adequately describe processes and demonstrate application of underpinning knowledge. |( |( | |

|Perform tasks to industry standards. |( |( | |

|Demonstrate appropriate communication and interpersonal skills with a range of people. |( |( | |

|Perform defined work tasks without supervision and follow instructions including working to deadlines. |( |( | |

|Demonstrate the required underpinning knowledge to support performance of task skills. |( |( | |

|Present equipment to Assessor in compliance with workplace requirements and specifications. |( |( | |

|During the demonstration or observation of skills, did the candidate show evidence of the following? |Yes |No |Assessor’s Notes |

|Dimensions of competency |

|Task skills – These involve performing the task to the required standard as described in the unit of competency. |( |( | |

|Task management skills – These involve managing a number of different tasks within the job. |( |( | |

|Contingency management skills – These involve responding to problems, breakdowns and changes in routine. |( |( | |

|Job/role environment skills – These involve fulfilling responsibilities and expectations. |( |( | |

|Transfer – application of skills to different contexts |( |( | |

|Comments/Observations |

| |

|Assessor’s name | |Outcome |S |NYS |

| | |(Please Circle) |(Satisfactory) |(Not Yet Satisfactory) |

|Assessor’s signature | | | | |

|Candidate’s signature | |Date | |

Page intentionally blank

|Demonstration/Observation Checklist |

|Skill Set 5 – Engineering maintenance (welding and fluids) |

|Task 6 – Welding project |

|Task 7 – Fluid power servicing project |

|Candidate’s name | |

|Assessor’s name | |

|Supervisor’s name | |

|(if applicable) | |

|Work activity |Complete Skill Set 5 tasks. |

|Units of competency |MEM05012C Perform routine manual metal arc |MEM05012C Perform routine manual metal arc |

| |welding |welding |

| |MEM05049B Perform routine gas tungsten arc |MEM05049B Perform routine gas tungsten arc |

| |welding |welding |

| |MEM05050B Perform routine gas metal arc welding |MEM05050B Perform routine gas metal arc welding |

| |MEM18012B Perform installation and removal of |MEM18012B Perform installation and removal of |

| |mechanical seals |mechanical seals |

|Assessment location | |

|Date of demonstration | |Time | |

|Instructions for the Assessor |

|The candidate is required to adequately perform the following: |

|application of correct welding techniques (MMAW, GMAW and GMAW) |

|fit and repair seals (mechanical and packing) |

|fluid power components (pneumatic and hydraulic) |

|This will be met by satisfactorily completing Task 6 – Welding project and Task 7 – Fluid power servicing project. |

|Demonstration/Observation Checklist |

|Skill Set 5 – Engineering maintenance (welding and fluids) |

|Candidate’s name | |

|During the demonstration or observation of skills, did the candidate do the following? |Yes |No |Assessor’s Notes |

|Observe safety procedures and requirements, eg appropriate safety apparel, tidy work area, apply manufacturers’ |( |( | |

|specifications to tool and plant, maintenance procedures. | | | |

|Select methods and techniques appropriate to the circumstances. |( |( | |

|Use appropriate tools and equipment to perform the task. |( |( | |

|Perform the task in a logical sequence. |( |( | |

|Adequately describe processes and demonstrate application of underpinning knowledge. |( |( | |

|Perform tasks to industry standards. |( |( | |

|Demonstrate appropriate communication and interpersonal skills with a range of people. |( |( | |

|Perform defined work tasks without supervision and follow instructions including working to deadlines. |( |( | |

|Demonstrate the required underpinning knowledge to support performance of task skills. |( |( | |

|Present equipment to Assessor in compliance with workplace requirements and specifications. |( |( | |

|During the demonstration or observation of skills, did the candidate show evidence of the following? |Yes |No |Assessor’s Notes |

|Dimensions of competency |

|Task skills – These involve performing the task to the required standard as described in the unit of competency. |( |( | |

|Task management skills – These involve managing a number of different tasks within the job. |( |( | |

|Contingency management skills – These involve responding to problems, breakdowns and changes in routine. |( |( | |

|Job/role environment skills – These involve fulfilling responsibilities and expectations. |( |( | |

|Transfer – application of skills to different contexts |( |( | |

|Comments/Observations |

| |

|Assessor’s name | |Outcome |S |NYS |

| | |(Please Circle) |(Satisfactory) |(Not Yet Satisfactory) |

|Assessor’s signature | | | | |

|Candidate’s signature | |Date | |

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Section 5

Candidate Information


Self-Evaluation Forms

It is recommended that candidates be provided with this information before applying for RPL.

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What is Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)?

RPL is the acknowledgment of skills and knowledge obtained through learning achieved outside the formal education and training system and includes work and life experience including paid and volunteer work and skills attained through leisure pursuits such as musical, mechanical or linguistic abilities.

RPL recognises any prior knowledge and experience and measures it against the qualification in which students are enrolled. The individual may not need to complete all of a training program if he or she already possesses some of the competencies taught in the program.

Why you should apply for RPL

If you apply for RPL and your application is successful you could:

• reduce or eliminate the need for any training in skills and knowledge you already have

• save time by not needing to attend any or a reduced number of classes and completing unnecessary work

• save money because you will not have to buy textbooks and other learning material

• complete your qualification in a shorter time

• advance to a higher level qualification in a shorter time if desired.

Some terms you need to understand

It is important that you understand the following term to assist you with your RPL application.


Competence is the demonstration of skills and knowledge that you have gained through life and work experiences as well as any training that you have successfully completed that can be matched against a set of industry performance standards referred to as units of competency. These units are grouped together to form a specific industry qualification, within the Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF).

Each unit of competency is divided into elements (a set of activities that lead to an overall achievement or demonstration of competence). Each of these elements is further broken down into a set of performance criteria which give a more detailed description of the skills and knowledge you need to be able to demonstrate.

Matching your evidence against each of the elements/performance criteria will help you to reach your qualification more quickly.

How to prepare for your RPL assessment

In order for your skills to be formally recognised as part of a national qualification, Assessors must make sure that you (the candidate) have the required skills and knowledge to meet the industry standard as specified in the relevant Training Package.

You must be involved in the RPL process so that all the experience, skills and knowledge you have gained over time can be correctly identified and suitably demonstrated. This evidence is gathered and used in recognition of all or some of the units for the qualification you wish to gain.

All assessment requirements will be discussed with you in advance and you will be given the opportunity to ask questions and clarify requirements. Being prepared for the assessment process and knowing what you need to provide can save you valuable time and ensure that the RPL assessment is as simple and stress-free as possible.

Here are some tips to make the application process and interview easier for you.

1. Your Assessor will ask you to talk about your work roles and your employment history.

Bring a copy of your résumé. You might like to write down any work you have done in the past (paid or unpaid) and where this took place.

1. If you have certificates from any training courses you have completed, bring along either certified copies or the originals to the interview with the Assessor and they can make a copy of them.

2. Bring along any other documentation that you think would support your claim that you have done this work over time.

The following is a list of some of the documents you can provide as examples of your work history:

• brief CV

• certificates/results of assessment

• any licences

• tickets held, eg forklift, crane

• photographs of work undertaken

• diaries/task sheets/job sheets/logbooks

• site training records

• site competencies held record

• membership of relevant professional associations

• hobbies/interests/special skills outside work

• references/letters from previous employers/supervisors

• industry awards

• any other documentation that may demonstrate your trade or industry experience or support your claim.

Depending on where you have worked and what the work may have included, you may or may not have documentary evidence. Do not be put off if you do not have documentary evidence, as the Assessor will work with you during the assessment process.

3. Think about who you would consider to be your workplace contact or referee.

Is your employer happy to support your aim to become qualified?

Would you feel comfortable if the Assessor contacted your current workplace or previous workplace/s to validate your skills and spoke to your supervisor/s or employer/s?

4. You will need to supply the contact details of work referees who can confirm your skills in the industry.

Think about who the best person to confirm your skill level would be.

Think about current or recent supervisors or employers who have observed your work and who would be able to confirm your previous work skills and experience. The Assessor will need to contact them.

5. You can speak with your Assessor about other ways you can show your skills for the trade or industry in which you are seeking recognition.

These could include letters from employers, records of any training courses or professional development sessions attended, employers or clients in related industries or government agencies, acknowledgements, workplace forms (as long as there are no confidentially issues – see below) or any other relevant documents.

Confidentiality issues

It is important that sensitive information is not included as part of your supporting documentation (as identified in Section 6 and any other documentation you wish to use as evidence). You may need authorisation from your supervisor to use some of your evidence, so it is always best to check the privacy and confidentiality policies of the organisation. Client names should be deleted and financial figures or other personal details should be blacked out and made unidentifiable.

The four steps in the RPL assessment process

Once your training organisation has provided you with the information you need to apply for RPL, you need to follow these four steps in order to complete the process.

|Step 1 – Self-Evaluation |Before you decide to apply for RPL, you need to assess your current competence for one or several units of |

| |competency. |

| |Complete the candidate’s information and self-evaluation forms provided with as much information of your |

| |previous work experience as you can. |

| |This will allow for an initial assessment of your experience and a check to see whether you can demonstrate |

| |the required skills and knowledge. You can discuss this with an RPL Assessor if you want. |

| |You must be able to provide evidence against the elements/performance criteria for the relevant unit/s of |

| |competency. |

| |It is not enough to simply state that you possess the skills and knowledge required. You must be able to |

| |demonstrate competence. |

| |This is your opportunity to provide as much proof as you can of the variety of experience you have had. You |

| |should supply examples of your work history if you have any. (See Tip 3 above.) |

| |Depending on the trade or industry you have worked in, you may or may not have documentary evidence |

| |available. This should not deter you from seeking RPL, as your Assessor will work with you throughout the RPL|

| |process. |

| |You will also need to supply the contact details of work referees who can confirm your skills in the |

| |industry. |

| |You will also be provided with a list of suggested evidence that you could use to demonstrate that you are |

| |competent in a particular unit or units of competency. This list is a guide only. If you have other suitable |

| |evidence to support your claim for RPL then you are encouraged to share this with your Assessor. |

| |If you do not believe that you have any suitable evidence, then you should discuss your options with your |

| |Assessor. |

| |Once you have completed the self-evaluation and made the decision that you would like to continue with the |

| |RPL process, make an appointment for an interview and enrol for RPL. |

| |Note: It is possible to gain RPL for an entire qualification. |

|Step 2 – Enrolment and interview |An interview with an Assessor who understands your industry will be organised for you. They will review – |

|with the Assessor |usually with you – the information and supporting documentation you have provided and match up your skills to|

| |the units/subjects in the qualification. |

| |During your RPL interview, your Assessor will discuss with you your self-evaluation and any evidence you have|

| |provided. |

| |It is at this point that you will be able to identify any previous work experience and discuss this with your|

| |Assessor. |

| |During this conversation, you will be required to answer questions relating to your work experience. This |

| |questioning forms part of the assessment, as it will identify your current knowledge and skills regarding the|

| |area of industry in which you are applying for recognition. |

| |If you are currently enrolled in a training course relating to this qualification, it is important that you |

| |let your trainer know that you intend to apply for RPL, then nominate the units you have selected for RPL so |

| |that the required documentation can be processed and your application can go ahead. |

| |It is at this stage that a decision will be made whether you are able to proceed to the next step or whether |

| |you need to undergo gap training. |

|Step 3 – Practical demonstration |Your Assessor will organise with you and your employer to conduct a practical skills test at your workplace |

|of your skills |(if appropriate) or other suitable location. |

| |This is your opportunity to demonstrate your level of competence on a practical level. The assessment will |

| |focus on the skills required in the work activities which relate to the qualification in which you are |

| |applying for recognition. |

| |Your Assessor will identify the skills they want you to demonstrate by asking you to complete certain tasks. |

|Step 4 – Provision of further |Your Assessor will need to confirm your previous work experience with someone (such as your supervisor or |

|supporting evidence |employer) who can vouch for your skills over a period of time. |

| |They will contact the referees you have provided as part of the candidate information. |

| |Your Assessor may ask you to give your selected workplace contacts or previous employers the third party |

| |report to complete. Authentication of these reports by the Assessor would then be required. |

After the assessment

After the assessment, your Assessor will advise you of the units of competency you have successfully completed. You will also be advised whether you have gained the full qualification or if gaps have been identified during the recognition process. If you do have skill gaps, these may be addressed through additional training.

If you have any questions during the RPL process, you should contact your Assessor.

|Candidate’s Information Form |

(You may find it easier to provide the information for the following by attaching a résumé.)

|Qualification/Industry in which you are seeking recognition |

|MEM30205 Certificate III in Engineering – Mechanical Trade (Mechanical Fitter) |

|Personal details |

|Surname | |

|First name/s | |

|Any other name/s used | |

|Home address | |

|Postal address | |

|(if different from above) | |

|Telephone numbers |Home: |Work: |

| |Mobile: |Fax: |

|Email address | |

|Are you a permanent resident of |Yes  ( |No  ( |

|Australia? | | |

|Do you need an interpreter to help you with an interview? |Yes  ( No  ( |

|Do you have a disability which we should be aware of? |Yes  ( No  ( |

|Will you need special aids if you are required to undertake a practical assessment? |Yes  ( No  ( |

|Please provide details or special needs so that we can | |

|assist you if required. | |

|Current employment |

|Are you currently employed? |Yes  ( No  ( |

|If ‘yes’, in which occupation are you currently | |

|employed? | |

|What is your current job title? | |

|Who is your current employer? | |

|How long have you worked in this job approximately? | year/s | month/s |

|Is this occupation in the same industry as the |Yes  ( No  ( |If ‘no’, go to the next page. |

|industry in which you are applying for recognition? | | |

|If ‘yes’, list some of the main tasks you perform as part of your work that you think are relevant to your RPL application. |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|If you have further recent industry experience relevant to your application, please attach another sheet or your current résumé. |

|Rate your knowledge and skills against the qualification/industry relevant to your RPL application. |

|Industry area: Mechanical fitter |Yes |No |Possibly |

|I think my experience is of a high level. |( |( |( |

|I think I am skilled to do this job. |( |( |( |

|I know how to do the work tasks really well. |( |( |( |

|I can explain my experience and provide documentary evidence. |( |( |( |

|I have undertaken much of this work without supervision. |( |( |( |

|Further training |

|I have attended training courses in this area of work. |( |( | |

|If ‘yes’, what training did you undertake? Include date training completed (month, | |

|year). | |

|Is there any further information you wish to give in support of your application? |

| |

|Professional referees (relevant to work situation if not already listed on your résumé) |

|Name | |

|Position | |

|Organisation | |

|Address of organisation | |

|Phone number | |

|Mobile number | |

|Email address | |

|Name | |

|Position | |

|Organisation | |

|Address of organisation | |

|Phone number | |

|Mobile number | |

|Email address | |

|Candidate’s Employment History Form |

(You may attach a current résumé in place of completing this section.)

|Name, address and phone number of |Period of employment |Position/s |Full-time |Description |

|employers |(DD/MM/YYYY) |held |Part-time |of major duties |

| | | |Casual | |

| |From |To | | | |

|1. | | | | | |

|2. | | | | | |

|3. | | | | | |

|4. | | | | | |

|5. | | | | | |

Attach additional sheet if required.

| | |

| | |


I declare that the information contained in this application is true and correct and that all documents are genuine.

|Candidate’s signature | |Date | |

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Candidate’s Self-Evaluation Form

Completion Instructions

The purpose of completing the self-evaluation form is to enable candidates who believe that they already possess the competencies, to assess their skills and knowledge against the qualification.

Complete the following pages and identify your capacity to perform the tasks described. Be honest in your appraisal. By completing this self-evaluation you will be identifying the areas where you may be able to apply for recognition.

NB: If this self-evaluation is being used as evidence, your supervisor must evaluate your ability to perform the work tasks. Your supervisor is also asked to comment on your ability to perform these work tasks and verify this by signing each section.

If this self-evaluation is being used only so that you and your Assessor can decide if you should proceed, then it doesn’t have to be verified.

Identify your level of experience in performing each competency/task by using the following:

• not well – I do the task but not well.

• well – I do the task well.

• very well – I do the task really well.

See example below.

|Competency/Task |I have performed these tasks |Supervisor’s |Evidence to support claim |

| | |Evaluation | |

| |Frequently |Never |Sometimes |

| |

|Skill Set 1 |I have performed these tasks |Supervisor’s |Evidence to support claim |

|Competency/Task | |Evaluation | |

| |Frequently |Never |Sometimes | |Doc No. |Documentation provided |

| | | | | | |(Number and name the document you are providing for easy reference.) |

|Do you wear OHS PPE? Can you conduct a brief hazard analysis? | | | | | | |

|Can you plan for standard work tasks such as cutting material and drilling| | | | | | |

|holes in it? | | | | | | |

|Are you able to follow standard work tasks, including following | | | | | | |

|instructions and completing any report details? | | | | | | |

|Can you work effectively within a team, including: | | | | | | |

|helping others and looking for ways in which to assist them? | | | | | | |

|reading and understanding the job requirements? | | | | | | |

|understanding who is in charge and how to talk to them? | | | | | | |

|Can you use a range of hand tools to: | | | | | | |

|cut, chisel, file or polish metals and other materials? | | | | | | |

|tighten, adjust and check machinery and parts? | | | | | | |

|identify the names of tools and the sizes for each tool? | | | | | | |

|sharpen drills, chisels and knives? | | | | | | |

|maintain punches, screwdrivers and scribers? | | | | | | |

|Are you able to use a range of power-operated tools: such as grinders, | | | | | | |

|drills, saws, fastener tighteners (rattle guns and nut drivers) which are | | | | | | |

|powered by air, 240v electrical, battery electrical? | | | | | | |

|Have you repaired minor machinery or small components like: | | | | | | |

|pumps, small engines, valves? | | | | | | |

|Have you considered gaskets, bearings, seals and lubrication? | | | | | | |

|Have you considered identification marking, storage and the cleaning of | | | | | | |

|parts? | | | | | | |

|Supervisor’s comments (Please provide a comment on the candidate’s ability to perform the above work task/s.) |

| |

| |

| |

|Supervisor’s name | |Position | |

|Supervisor’s signature | |Date | |

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Candidate’s Self-Evaluation

|Skill Set 2 – Engineering machine operation and marking out |

|Candidate’s name | |Date completed | |

| |

|Skill Set 2 |I have performed these tasks |Supervisor’s |Evidence to support claim |

|Competency/Task | |Evaluation | |

| |Frequently |Never |Sometimes | | |Documentation provided |

| | | | | | |(Number and name the document you are providing for easy reference.) |

|Do you use cutting plant including: | | | | | | |

|oxy acetylene – hand-held? | | | | | | |

|oxy acetylene – straight cutter? | | | | | | |

|plasma cutter? | | | | | | |

|laser cutter? | | | | | | |

|Can you select tools, set up and operate machine tools for a range of | | | | | | |

|operations including: | | | | | | |

|centre lathe? | | | | | | |

|milling machine? | | | | | | |

|shaping machine? | | | | | | |

|pedestal or radial drill? | | | | | | |

|surface grinder? | | | | | | |

|Have you checked the work for accuracy and surface finish? | | | | | | |

|Do you perform routine maintenance on the machine, ie daily servicing? | | | | | | |

|Can you perform marking out of parts including: | | | | | | |

|plates, pipe flanges, shafts, casting and machine blocks? | | | | | | |

|work using datums, checking for accuracy and references? | | | | | | |

|In an engineering situation, have you calculated to consider: | | | | | | |

|a variety of values like force, pressure, speed, power, volume, ratios, | | | | | | |

|percentages? | | | | | | |

|collecting the information above and producing a chart or graph of the | | | | | | |

|data? | | | | | | |

|Have you been involved with a quality system at work where you have: | | | | | | |

|followed instructions, checked for faults and gained advice on your | | | | | | |

|performance? | | | | | | |

|been included in the improvement meetings and considered how to improve | | | | | | |

|things at work? | | | | | | |

|Skill Set 2 – Engineering machine operation and marking out |

|Candidate’s name | |Date completed | |

|Supervisor’s comments (Please provide a comment on the candidate’s ability to perform the above work task/s.) |

| |

|Supervisor’s name | |Position | |

|Supervisor’s signature | |Date | |

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Candidate’s Self-Evaluation

Skill Set 3 – Engineering machine maintenance and operation

|Candidate’s name | |Date completed | |

| |

|Skill Set 3 |I have performed these tasks |Supervisor’s |Evidence to support claim |

|Competency/Task | |Evaluation | |

| |Frequently |Never |Sometimes | |Doc No. |Documentation provided |

| | | | | | |(Number and name the document you are providing for easy reference.) |

|Have you used a lathe (including tool selection and speeds and feeds) to | | | | | | |

|machine: | | | | | | |

|using three and four jaw chucks, centres, face plates and steadies? | | | | | | |

|operations of boring, reaming, single start threads and parting off? | | | | | | |

|Have you planned for a task of some complexity (like a shutdown) where you| | | | | | |

|have considered options such as: | | | | | | |

|the scope of the job? | | | | | | |

|other work? | | | | | | |

|timeline? | | | | | | |

|desired outcome? | | | | | | |

|planning tools? | | | | | | |

|Name the ways in which you communicate with others at work. Consider each | | | | | | |

|of the ways you communicate and why. | | | | | | |

|List any of the computers you have had experience with. Mention the | | | | | | |

|software or equipment, some of which may include the following: | | | | | | |

|office applications | | | | | | |

|CAD | | | | | | |

|CNC machining | | | | | | |

|digital measuring tools | | | | | | |

|digital readout on a lathe or mill | | | | | | |

|Consider how you load, save and modify your data. | | | | | | |

|Have you been involved with training, mentoring or helping others? | | | | | | |

|Think of how you might have considered an option, developed a plan, | | | | | | |

|selected materials and given training to an apprentice or trainee. | | | | | | |

|Have you built or repaired a component using fine fitting skills such as: | | | | | | |

|broaching? | | | | | | |

|tapered keys or dowels? | | | | | | |

|lapping and scrapping? | | | | | | |

|reaming and rethreading? | | | | | | |

|Where have you performed maintenance on any of the tools and equipment | | | | | | |

|mentioned above? | | | | | | |

Skill Set 3 – Engineering machine maintenance and operation

|Candidate’s name | |Date completed | |

|Supervisor’s comments (Please provide a comment on the candidate’s ability to perform the above work task/s.) |

| |

|Supervisor’s name | |Position | |

|Supervisor’s signature | |Date | |

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Candidate’s Self-Evaluation

Skill Set 4 – Engineering machine (general repair)

|Candidate’s name | |Date completed | |

| |

|Skill Set 4 |I have performed these tasks |Supervisor’s |Evidence to support claim |

|Competency/Task | |Evaluation | |

| |Frequently |Never |Sometimes | |Doc No. |Documentation provided |

| | | | | | |(Number and name the document you are providing for easy reference.) |

|Where have you performed maintenance of mechanical components such as: | | | | | | |

|stripping and assessing the fault/damage? | | | | | | |

|repairing the component including repairing/reproducing the parts? | | | | | | |

|confirming clearances and sizes? | | | | | | |

|Where have you performed maintenance of mechanical transmissions (gearing,| | | | | | |

|chains, clutches and couplings) including: | | | | | | |

|stripping and assessing the fault/damage of the drive? | | | | | | |

|repairing the drive including repairing/reproducing the parts? | | | | | | |

|confirming tension, clearances and sizes? | | | | | | |

|Where have you performed alignment of mechanical transmissions (prime | | | | | | |

|movers, pumps, gearing, chains, clutches and couplings) including: | | | | | | |

|taking readings and working the required adjustment? | | | | | | |

|performing the alignment using a variety of methods? | | | | | | |

|Supervisor’s comments (Please provide a comment on the candidate’s ability to perform the above work task/s.) |

| |

|Supervisor’s name | |Position | |

|Supervisor’s signature | |Date | |

Candidate’s Self-Evaluation

Skill Set 5 – Engineering machine (welding and fluids)

|Candidate’s name | |Date completed | |

| |

|Skill Set 5 |I have performed these tasks |Supervisor’s |Evidence to support claim |

|Competency/Task | |Evaluation | |

| |Frequently |Never |Sometimes | |Doc No. |Documentation provided |

| | | | | | |(Number and name the document you are providing for easy reference.) |

|Have you performed manual gas metal arc welding (GMAW or MIG) where you | | | | | | |

|have: | | | | | | |

|prepared the weld surfaces and set up the equipment? | | | | | | |

|completed the weld to the required standards using a range of positions | | | | | | |

|and consumables? | | | | | | |

|Give examples of where you have worked with mechanical seals including: | | | | | | |

|a range of seal types | | | | | | |

|overhaul and repair/replace a mechanical seal. | | | | | | |

|Give examples of where you have worked with pump and valve packing | | | | | | |

|including: | | | | | | |

|inspecting and adjusting packing | | | | | | |

|selecting and replacing packing. | | | | | | |

|Give examples of where you have performed maintenance of pneumatic | | | | | | |

|components (compressor/receiver, conductors, filters, valves, actuators) | | | | | | |

|including: | | | | | | |

|preventative maintenance checks, adjustments and servicing | | | | | | |

|fault-finding, repairing/replacing and restarting the system. | | | | | | |

|Give examples of where you have performed maintenance of hydraulic | | | | | | |

|components (pump/power pack, filters, valves, actuators) including: | | | | | | |

|preventative maintenance checks, adjustments and servicing | | | | | | |

|fault-finding, repairing/replacing and restarting the system. | | | | | | |

|Supervisor’s comments (Please provide a comment on the candidate’s ability to perform the above work task/s.) |

| |

|Supervisor’s name | |Position | |

|Supervisor’s signature | |Date | |

Section 6

Third Party Report


Supporting Documentation

It is recommended that the Assessor verify the third party report with the person who completes the form to confirm the candidate’s skills in different contexts over time.

This information may be provided at, and form part of, the interview.

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|Third Party Report |

|(Referee testimonial) |

All people who verify your work are to complete the details below to ensure validity. (You may need multiple copies of this form.)

|MEM30205 Certificate III in Engineering – Mechanical Trade (Mechanical Fitter) |

|Candidate’s name | |

|Referee’s name | |

|(Name of person providing this evidence) | |

|Position/title | |

|Workplace | |

|Workplace address | |

|Telephone numbers | |

|Email address | |

|This report was completed |via interview by Assessor |( |independently by referee |( |

|Interview conducted by | |

|(if applicable) | |

|Date of interview | |

|Instructions |As part of the assessment for MEM30205 Certificate III in Engineering – Mechanical Trade |

| |(Mechanical Fitter), the candidate requires evidence from a third party (employer, supervisor or|

| |equivalent). This evidence will be used to validate the candidate’s skills and experience. |

| |A letter of support from the organisation validating a range of tasks performed by the candidate|

| |over a period of time is useful in identifying competence. |

To whom it may concern

Re: ________________________ who is a ________________________.

(insert candidate’s name) (insert industry/job title)

I certify that the above-named person has:

worked at ________________________ for a period of ________________________

(insert name of workplace) (insert length of time).

They have regularly completed the following activities to an acceptable workplace/industry standard within this organisation.

| |Yes |No |

|I understand the evidence/tasks the candidate has performed on which I am required to comment. | | |

|I am willing to be contacted if further verification of my statements is required. | | |

If you would like further information or would like to discuss any of the above, I can be contacted on ____________________________________ (insert phone number).

Yours sincerely

Signature: ________________________________ Date: ________________________

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Assessor’s Evidence Summary Sheet

The Assessor completes this table during the assessment to record the evidence collected.

It is expected that this evidence summary sheet (or similar) is attached to the evidence.

|Candidate’s name | |

|Date | |

|Unit Code |Unit Title |Evidence collected |Competency |

| | | |demonstrated|

| |

|MEM09002B |Interpret technical drawing | | | | |( Yes |

| | | | | | |( No |

|MEM12023A |Perform engineering measurements | | | | |( Yes |

| | | | | | |( No |

|MEM13014A |Apply principles of occupational health and safety in the work | | | | |( Yes |

| |environment | | | | |( No |

|MEM14004A |Plan to undertake a routine task | | | | |( Yes |

| | | | | | |( No |

|MEM15024A |Apply quality procedures | | | | |( Yes |

| | | | | | |( No |

|MEM16007A |Work with others in a manufacturing, engineering or related environment| | | | |( Yes |

| | | | | | |( No |

|MEM18001C |Use hand tools | | | | |( Yes |

| | | | | | |( No |

|MEM18002B |Use power tools/hand-held operations | | | | |( Yes |

| | | | | | |( No |

|MEM18055B |Dismantle, replace and assemble engineering components | | | | |( Yes |

| | | | | | |( No |

|MEM05005B |Carry out mechanical cutting | | | | |( Yes |

| | | | | | |( No |

|MEM05007C |Perform manual heating and thermal cutting | | | | |( Yes |

| | | | | | |( No |

|MEM07005B |Perform general machining | | | | |( Yes |

| | | | | | |( No |

|MEM12006B |Mark off/out (general engineering) | | | | |( Yes |

| | | | | | |( No |

|MEM12024A |Perform computations | | | | |( Yes |

| | | | | | |( No |

|MEM15002A |Apply quality systems | | | | |( Yes |

| | | | | | |( No |

|MEM06007B |Perform basic incidental heat/quenching, tempering and annealing | | | | |( Yes |

| | | | | | |( No |

|MEM07006B |Perform lathe operations | | | | |( Yes |

| | | | | | |( No |

|MEM14005A |Plan a complete activity | | | | |( Yes |

| | | | | | |( No |

|MEM16006A |Organise and communicate information | | | | |( Yes |

| | | | | | |( No |

|MEM16008A |Interact with computing technology | | | | |( Yes |

| | | | | | |( No |

|MEM17003A |Assist in the provision of on the job training | | | | |( Yes |

| | | | | | |( No |

|MEM18003C |Use tools for precision work | | | | |( Yes |

| | | | | | |( No |

|MEM18004B |Maintain and overhaul mechanical equipment | | | | |( Yes |

| | | | | | |( No |

|MEM18005B |Perform fault diagnosis, installation and removal of bearings | | | | |( Yes |

| | | | | | |( No |

|MEM18006B |Repair and fit engineering components | | | | |( Yes |

| | | | | | |( No |

|MEM18007B |Maintain and repair mechanical drives and mechanical transmission | | | | |( Yes |

| |assemblies | | | | |( No |

|MEM18009B |Perform levelling and alignment of machines and engineering components | | | | |( Yes |

| | | | | | |( No |

|MEM05012C |Perform routine manual metal arc welding | | | | |( Yes |

| | | | | | |( No |

|MEM05049B |Perform routine gas tungsten arc welding | | | | |( Yes |

| | | | | | |( No |

|MEM05050B |Perform routine gas metal arc welding | | | | |( Yes |

| | | | | | |( No |

|MEM18012B |Perform installation and removal of mechanical seals | | | | |( Yes |

| | | | | | |( No |

|MEM18013B |Perform gland packing | | | | |( Yes |

| | | | | | |( No |

|MEM18018C |Maintain pneumatic system components | | | | |( Yes |

| | | | | | |( No |

|MEM18020B |Maintain hydraulic system components | | | | |( Yes |

| | | | | | |( No |

|Assessor’s signature | |

|Assessor’s name | |

|Date | |

Section 7

Mapping of

Assessment Tools

This section contains tables with mapping of each of the Assessment Tools provided, against the requirements of the units of competency for the qualification that makes up this RPL Assessment Tool Kit.

It is important to note that this section is used for validation purposes only.

Whilst all effort is made to ensure that all the unit requirements for each unit are covered, the developers do not give any warranty or accept any liability in relation to the mapping provided.

NOTE: It is recommended that these Assessment Tools be validated prior to using them for the first time or after any customisation has been made, to ensure they meet the requirements of the organisation and meet AQTF Standards.

Page intentionally blank

Mapping document for Skill Set 1 – Working safely and effectively in an engineering environment

Using this document:

This document is mapped to the direct sources of evidence that are required to satisfy competency in this particular cluster.

Each of the columns reflects the particular tool in use, and the numbers relate to the question numbers in that tool, which support the relevant performance criteria, critical aspect of evidence or required knowledge and skills in this cluster of units.

The list of evidence is provided as a guide. If you have other evidence to support your claim for Recognition of Prior Learning, then you are encouraged to provide this to your Assessor.

|Unit Code |Unit Title |Core/Elective |

|MEM09002B |Interpret technical drawing |Elective |

|MEM12023A |Perform engineering measurements |Mandatory |

|MEM13014A |Apply principles of occupational health and safety in the work environment |Mandatory |

|MEM14004A |Plan to undertake a routine task |Mandatory |

|MEM15024A |Apply quality procedures |Mandatory |

|MEM16007A |Work with others in a manufacturing, engineering or related environment |Mandatory |

|MEM18001C |Use hand tools |Elective |

|MEM18002B |Use hand held power tools |Elective |

|MEM18055B |Dismantle, replace and assemble engineering components |Elective |

Page intentionally blank

Evidence Matrix

The evidence matrix below identifies how each of the questions in the Interview Question Bank (Section 3) and the Practical Tasks (Section 4) demonstrate competence against the elements, performance criteria, critical aspects of evidence, underpinning skills, knowledge and dimensions of competency (Task Skill – TS, Task Management Skill – TMS, Contingency Management Skill – CS, Job Role Environment – JRE).

|Skill Set 1 – Working safely and effectively in an engineering environment |

|Units of competency |Units of competency |

|MEM09002B Interpret technical drawing |MEM16007A Work with others in a manufacturing, engineering or related environment |

|MEM12023A Perform engineering measurements |MEM18001C Use hand tools |

|MEM13014A Apply principles of occupational health and safety in the work environment |MEM18002B Use power tools/hand-held operations |

|MEM14004A Plan to undertake a routine task |MEM18055B Dismantle, replace and assemble engineering components |

|MEM15024A Apply quality procedures | |

|Element |Performance Criteria |Question |Practical Tasks |Supplementary Evidence |

|MEM09002B Interpret technical drawing |

|Element 1 – Select correct technical |1.1 Drawing is checked and validated against job requirements or |Q1 |Task 1 | |

|drawing |equipment. | | | |

| |1.2 Drawing version is checked and validated. | | | |

|Element 2 – Interpret technical drawing |2.1 Components, assemblies or objects are recognised as required. |Q1 |Task 1 | |

| |2.2 Dimensions are identified as appropriate to field of employment. | | | |

| |2.3 Instructions are identified and followed as required. | | | |

| |2.4 Material requirements are identified as required. | | | |

| |2.5 Symbols are recognised in the drawing as appropriate. | | | |

|Required knowledge |Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: |Q1 | | |

| |application of AS1100.101 in accordance with standard operating | | | |

| |procedures | | | |

| |relationship between the views contained in the drawing | | | |

| |objects represented in the drawing | | | |

| |units of measurement used in the preparation of the drawing | | | |

|MEM09002B Interpret technical drawing |

| |dimensions of the key features of the objects depicted in the drawing | | | |

| |understanding of the instructions contained in the drawing | | | |

| |the actions to be undertaken in response to those instructions | | | |

| |the materials from which the object(s) are made | | | |

| |any symbols used in the drawing as described in range statement | | | |

| |hazard and control measures associated with interpreting technical | | | |

| |drawings, including housekeeping | | | |

| |safe work practices and procedures. | | | |

|Required skills |Look for evidence that confirms skills in: | | | |

| |checking the drawing against job requirements/related equipment in | | | |

| |accordance with standard operating procedures | | | |

| |confirming the drawing version as being current in accordance with | | | |

| |standard operating procedures | | | |

| |where appropriate, obtaining the current version of the drawing in | | | |

| |accordance with standard operating procedures | | | |

| |reading, interpreting information on the drawing, written job | | | |

| |instructions, specifications, standard operating procedures, charts, | | | |

| |lists and other applicable reference documents | | | |

| |checking and clarifying task-related information | | | |

| |undertaking numerical operations, geometry and calculations/formulae | | | |

| |within the scope of this unit. | | | |

|MEM12023A Perform engineering measurements |

|Element 1 – Select appropriate device or |1.1 Measurement requirements are determined from specifications. |Q2 |Task 1 | |

|equipment |1.2 Appropriate device or equipment is selected according to standard| | | |

| |operating procedures to achieve required outcome. | | | |

|Element 2 – Obtain measurements using a |2.1 Correct and appropriate measuring technique is used. |Q2 |Task 1 | |

|range of measuring devices |2.2 Measurements are accurately obtained. | | | |

| |2.3 Dimensions are determined or verified using basic calculations, | | | |

| |where required. | | | |

|Element 3 – Maintain measuring devices |3.1 Routine care and storage of devices is undertaken to |Q2 |Task 1 | |

| |manufacturers’ specifications or standard operating procedures. | | | |

| |3.2 Routine adjustments to devices are made and checked. | | | |

|Element 4 – Communicate measurements as |4.1 Measurements are accurately recorded, where required. |Q2 |Task 1 | |

|required |4.2 Freehand sketch which depicts required information is prepared, as| | | |

| |required. | | | |

|MEM12023A Perform engineering measurements |

|Required knowledge |Look for evidence that confirms skills in: |Q2 | | |

| |selecting the appropriate measuring device for given measuring tasks | | | |

| |using appropriate measuring technique | | | |

| |reading all measurements taken accurately to the finest graduation of | | | |

| |the selected measuring device | | | |

| |handling and storing measuring devices in accordance with | | | |

| |manufacturers' specifications or standard operating procedures | | | |

| |verifying all measuring devices before use | | | |

| |making, where appropriate, routine adjustments to measuring devices | | | |

| |reading, interpreting and following information on written job | | | |

| |instructions, specifications, standard operating procedures, charts, | | | |

| |lists, drawings and other applicable reference documents | | | |

| |planning and sequencing operations | | | |

| |checking and clarifying task-related information | | | |

| |checking for conformance to specifications | | | |

| |undertaking numerical operations involving addition, subtraction, | | | |

| |multiplication, division, fractions and decimals within the scope of | | | |

| |this unit | | | |

| |preparing drawings as required. | | | |

|MEM12023A Perform engineering measurements |

|Required skills |Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: | |Task 1 | |

| |correct application of a range of measuring devices | | | |

| |correct and appropriate measuring technique for a range of measuring | | | |

| |devices | | | |

| |addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals | | | |

| |to the scope required by this unit | | | |

| |procedures for handling and storing a range of measuring devices | | | |

| |procedures for adjusting and zeroing a range of measuring devices | | | |

| |methods of communicating measurements by drawings, as required | | | |

| |safe work practices and procedures. | | | |

|MEM13014A Apply principles of occupational health and safety in the work environment |

|Element 1 – Follow safe work practices |1.1 Work is carried out safely and in accordance with company policy |Q3, 4 |Tasks 1, 2 | |

| |and procedures and legislative requirements. | | | |

| |1.2 Housekeeping is undertaken in accordance with company procedures. | | | |

| |1.3 Responsibilities and duties of employees are understood and | | | |

| |demonstrated in day-to-day actions. | | | |

| |1.4 Personal protective equipment is worn and stored according to | | | |

| |company procedures. | | | |

|MEM13014A Apply principles of occupational health and safety in the work environment |

| |1.5 All safety equipment and devices are used according to legislative| | | |

| |requirements and company/manufacturers’ procedures. | | | |

| |1.6 Safety signs/symbols are identified and followed as per | | | |

| |instruction. | | | |

| |1.7 All manual handling is carried out in accordance with legal | | | |

| |requirements, company procedures and National Occupational Health & | | | |

| |Safety Commission guidelines. | | | |

|Element 2 – Report workplace hazards and |2.1 Actual and foreseeable workplace hazards are identified during |Q4 |Task 1 | |

|accidents |course of work and reported to appropriate person according to | | | |

| |standard operating procedures. | | | |

| |2.2 Accidents and incidents are reported according to workplace | | | |

| |procedures. | | | |

|Element 3 – Follow emergency procedures |3.1 Appropriate personnel and emergency services and means of |Q3, 4, 5 |Tasks 1, 2 | |

| |contacting them in the event of an incident can be identified. | | | |

| |3.2 Emergency and evacuation procedures are understood and carried out| | | |

| |where required. | | | |

| |3.3 Company evacuation procedures are followed in case of an | | | |

| |emergency. | | | |

|MEM13014A Apply principles of occupational health and safety in the work environment |

|Required knowledge |Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: |Q3, 4, 5 | | |

| |rights, responsibilities and duties of employees and employers | | | |

| |use of personal protective equipment | | | |

| |appropriate equipment and safety devices for particular workplace | | | |

| |tasks | | | |

| |reasons for using safety equipment and devices | | | |

| |meaning and application of safety signs and symbols | | | |

| |procedures and limits for manual handling | | | |

| |location and use of emergency equipment | | | |

| |reasons for selecting a particular type of equipment | | | |

| |procedures for identifying and reporting hazards | | | |

| |persons or services to be contacted in the event of a range of | | | |

| |accidents | | | |

| |reasons for use of standard procedures | | | |

| |standard procedures including those for emergencies and evacuation | | | |

| |hazards and housekeeping requirements associated with the work | | | |

| |environment | | | |

| |safe work practices and procedures. | | | |

|MEM13014A Apply principles of occupational health and safety in the work environment |

|Required skills |Look for evidence that confirms skills in: | |Tasks 1, 2 | |

| |following safe working practices | | | |

| |maintaining a safe and clean condition workplace | | | |

| |carrying out workplace activities such as working safely, not | | | |

| |endangering others, following company and legislative requirements, | | | |

| |following procedures | | | |

| |selecting, wearing and storing appropriate personal protective | | | |

| |equipment | | | |

| |using appropriate safety equipment and devices | | | |

| |carrying out work with the information given by safety signs and | | | |

| |symbols | | | |

| |carrying out manual handling principles | | | |

| |using emergency equipment correctly | | | |

| |noting workplace hazards | | | |

| |contacting appropriate personnel and emergency services in the event | | | |

| |of an accident | | | |

| |following emergency and evacuation procedures | | | |

| |communicating and interpreting information appropriate to OHS within | | | |

| |the scope of this unit | | | |

| |checking and clarifying task-related information | | | |

| |communicating with emergency personnel | | | |

| |checking for conformance to specifications. | | | |

|MEM14004A Plan to undertake a routine task |

|Element 1 – Identify task requirements |1.1 Instructions and procedures are obtained, understood and where |Q6 |Tasks 1, 2 | |

| |necessary clarified. | | | |

| |1.2 Relevant specifications for task outcomes are obtained, understood| | | |

| |and where necessary clarified. | | | |

| |1.3 Task outcomes are identified. | | | |

| |1.4 Task requirements such as completion time and quality measures are| | | |

| |identified. | | | |

|Element 2 – Plan steps required to |2.1 Based on instructions and specifications provided, the individual |Q6 |Tasks 1, 2 | |

|complete task |steps or activities required to undertake the task are understood and | | | |

| |where necessary clarified, | | | |

| |2.2 Sequence of activities is identified. | | | |

| |2.3 Plan is checked to ensure it complies with specifications and task| | | |

| |requirements, | | | |

|Element 3 – Review plan |3.1 Effectiveness of plan is reviewed against specifications and task |Q6 |Tasks 1, 2 | |

| |requirements, | | | |

| |3.2 If necessary, plan is revised to better meet specifications and | | | |

| |task requirements. | | | |

|Required knowledge |Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: |Q6 | | |

| |correct sources of information for a particular task | | | |

| |procedures for obtaining instructions and clarification | | | |

| |specifications for the task | | | |

| |hazards and established control measures associated with the routine | | | |

| |task, including housekeeping | | | |

| |safe work practices and procedures. | | | |

|MEM14004A Plan to undertake a routine task |

|Required skills |Look for evidence that confirms skills in: | |Tasks 1, 2 | |

| |obtaining instructions for tasks from correct source of information | | | |

| |(job card, supervisor, work colleagues and others) | | | |

| |clarifying tasks and required outcomes with appropriate personnel | | | |

| |where necessary | | | |

| |identifying relevant specifications from documentation, job cards or | | | |

| |other information source | | | |

| |preparing plans for tasks | | | |

| |sequencing activities | | | |

| |comparing planned steps against specifications and task requirements | | | |

| |communicating and interpreting information appropriate to the scope of| | | |

| |this unit. | | | |

|MEM15024A Apply quality procedures |

|Element 1 – Take responsibility for own |1.1 Concept of supplying product or service to meet the customer |Q7, 8 |Task 1 | |

|quality |requirements (internal and external) is understood and applied. | | | |

| |1.2 Responsibility is taken for quality of own work. | | | |

|Element 2 – Apply standard procedures of |2.1 Quality system procedures are followed. |Q7, 8 |Task 1 | |

|workplace quality to own job |2.2 Conformance to specifications is ensured. | | | |

|MEM15024A Apply quality procedures |

|Required knowledge |Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: |Q7, 8 | | |

| |concepts of quality and the benefits of using specifications and | | | |

| |standard operating procedures | | | |

| |quality procedures applying to own work | | | |

| |standard operating procedures | | | |

| |safe work practices and procedures. | | | |

|Required skills |Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: | |Tasks 1, 2 | |

| |concepts of quality and the benefits of using specifications and | | | |

| |standard operating procedures | | | |

| |quality procedures applying to own work | | | |

| |standard operating procedures | | | |

| |safe work practices and procedures. | | | |

|MEM16007A Work with others in a manufacturing, engineering or related environment |

|Element 1 – Identify roles and |1.1 Own role and responsibilities are identified. |Q9 |Task 1 | |

|responsibilities |1.2 Relationships within immediate group and with employees performing| |TS, TMS, CS, JRE | |

| |related/interdependent activities are identified. | | | |

|Element 2 – Plan activities |2.1 Common goals, objectives and task requirements are identified and |Q10 |Task 1 | |

| |clarified with appropriate persons. | |TS, TMS, CS, JRE | |

| |2.2 Individual tasks are determined and agreed on according to | | | |

| |workplace procedures. | | | |

|MEM16007A Work with others in a manufacturing, engineering or related environment |

|Element 3 – Work with others |3.1 Effective interpersonal skills are applied to interact with others|Q11 |Task 1 | |

| |and to contribute to activities and objectives. | |TS, TMS, CS, JRE | |

| |3.2 Assigned or agreed tasks are performed in accordance with agreed | | | |

| |requirements, specifications and workplace procedures. | | | |

| |3.3 Work progress is reviewed and modified as agreed to complement the| | | |

| |work of others. | | | |

| |3.4 Agreed reporting lines are followed using standard operating | | | |

| |procedures. | | | |

|Required knowledge |Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: |Q9, 10, 11 | | |

| |effective interpersonal strategies and skills: | | | |

| |effective listening | | | |

| |basic speaking skills | | | |

| |use of terminology and jargon | | | |

| |giving and receiving feedback | | | |

| |checking and clarifying task-related information | | | |

| |interpreting instructions | | | |

| |basic conflict resolution | | | |

| |selecting modes and methods of communication | | | |

| |identifying and resolving communication breakdowns and barriers | | | |

| |principles of effective communication | | | |

| |relationships and roles within immediate group and with interdependent| | | |

| |others | | | |

|MEM16007A Work with others in a manufacturing, engineering or related environment |

| |reporting relationships and procedures | | | |

| |own responsibilities with respect to products/services to be provided | | | |

| |skills and competencies of the individual and other employees | | | |

| |performing interdependent activities | | | |

| |common goals, objectives and task requirements | | | |

| |sources of technical expertise/assistance | | | |

| |appropriate forms of communication | | | |

| |hazards and control measures associated with workplace activities, | | | |

| |including housekeeping | | | |

| |safe work practices and procedures. | | | |

|Required skills |Look for evidence that confirms skills in: | |Tasks 1, 2 | |

| |contributing to planning and allocation of work | | | |

| |performing assigned tasks | | | |

| |coordinating work effort with others | | | |

| |following agreed reporting lines | | | |

| |reading, interpreting and following information on written job | | | |

| |instructions, specifications, standard operating procedures, charts, | | | |

| |lists, drawings and other applicable reference documents | | | |

| |applying effective interpersonal skills. | | | |

|MEM18001C Use hand tools |

|Element 1 – Use hand tools |1.1 Hand tools are selected appropriate to the task requirements. |Q12 |Tasks 1, 2 | |

| |1.2 Hand tools are used to produce desired outcomes to job | | | |

| |specifications which may include finish, tension, size or shape. | | | |

| |1.3 All safety requirements are adhered to before, during and after | | | |

| |use. | | | |

| |1.4 Unsafe or faulty tools are identified and marked for repair | | | |

| |according to designated procedures before, during and after use. | | | |

| |1.5 Routine maintenance of tools, including hand sharpening is | | | |

| |undertaken according to standard operational procedures, principles | | | |

| |and techniques. | | | |

| |1.6 Hand tools are stored safely in appropriate location according to | | | |

| |standard operational procedures and manufacturers’ recommendations. | | | |

|Required knowledge |Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: |Q12 | | |

| |applications of different hand tools in a general engineering context | | | |

| |common faults and/or defects in hand tools | | | |

| |procedures for marking unsafe or faulty tools for repair | | | |

| |routine maintenance requirements for a range of hand tools | | | |

| |storage location and procedures for a range of hand tools | | | |

|MEM18001C Use hand tools |

| |hazards and control measures associated with using hand tools | | | |

| |use and application of personal protective equipment | | | |

| |safe work practices and procedures. | | | |

|Required skills |Look for evidence that confirms skills in: | |Tasks 1, 2 | |

| |reading and following information on standard operating procedures | | | |

| |following verbal instructions | | | |

| |selecting hand tools appropriate to the task | | | |

| |using hand tools safely | | | |

| |identifying hand tool defects and marking for repair | | | |

| |maintaining/sharpening hand tools using appropriate techniques | | | |

| |storing hand tools in accordance with manufacturers’/standard | | | |

| |operating procedures. | | | |

|MEM18002B Use power tools/hand-held operations |

|Element 1 – Use power tools |1.1 Power tools are selected appropriate to the task requirements. |Q13 |Tasks 1, 2 | |

| |1.2 Power tools are used for a determined sequence of operations – | | | |

| |which may include clamping, alignment and adjustment to produce | | | |

| |desired outcomes – to job specifications which may include finish, | | | |

| |size or shape. | | | |

| |1.3 All safety requirements are adhered to before, during and after | | | |

| |use. | | | |

|MEM18002B Use power tools/hand-held operations |

| |1.4 Unsafe or faulty tools are identified and marked for repair | | | |

| |before, during and after use according to designated procedures. | | | |

| |1.5 Operational maintenance of tools, including hand sharpening, is | | | |

| |undertaken according to standard workplace procedures, principles and | | | |

| |techniques. | | | |

| |1.6 Power tools are stored safely in appropriate location according to| | | |

| |standard workshop procedures and manufacturers’ recommendations. | | | |

|Required knowledge |Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: |Q13 | | |

| |application of different power tools | | | |

| |clamping/securing methods | | | |

| |adjustments/alignments to a range of power tools | | | |

| |common faults and/or defects in power tools | | | |

| |procedures for marking unsafe or faulty power tools for repair | | | |

| |routine maintenance requirements of a range of power tools | | | |

| |tool sharpening techniques for a range of power tools | | | |

| |storage location and procedures of a range of power tools | | | |

| |hazards/control measures associated with power tools | | | |

| |use and application of personal protective equipment | | | |

| |safe work practices and procedures. | | | |

|MEM18002B Use power tools/hand-held operations |

|Required skills |Look for evidence that confirms skills in: | |Tasks 1, 2 | |

| |reading and following information on standard operating procedures | | | |

| |following verbal instructions | | | |

| |selecting power tools appropriate to the task | | | |

| |using power tools safely | | | |

| |using clamping/securing devices | | | |

| |identifying power tool defects | | | |

| |maintaining power tools using appropriate techniques | | | |

| |sharpening tools/tool bits within the scope of this unit | | | |

| |storing power tools according to manufacturers’/ standard operating | | | |

| |procedures. | | | |

|MEM18055B Dismantle, replace and assemble engineering components |

|Element 1 – Dismantle engineering |1.1 Engineering components are inspected and task requirements are |Q14–17 |Tasks 1, 2 | |

|components |analysed. | | | |

| |1.2 Appropriate tools and equipment are selected and component/s are | | | |

| |prepared for dismantling. | | | |

| |1.3 Component is dismantled using standard operating procedures, tools| | | |

| |and equipment. | | | |

| |1.4 Engineering components are clearly marked to aid reassembly. | | | |

|MEM18055B Dismantle, replace and assemble engineering components |

|Element 2 – Identify faulty components |2.1 Specifications for components are obtained from appropriate source|Q14–17 |Tasks 1, 2 | |

| |and are interpreted and understood. | | | |

| |2.2 Damaged or faulty components are assessed against specifications | | | |

| |according to standard operating procedures. | | | |

| |2.3 Faulty components are identified for repair, replacement or | | | |

| |adjustment according to standard operating procedures. | | | |

|Element 3 – Select replacement components|3.1 Where applicable, replacement and/or repaired parts are selected |Q14–17 |Tasks 1, 2 | |

| |for reassembly according to standard operating procedures. | | | |

|Element 4 – Assemble engineering |4.1 Appropriate techniques are applied in the preparation, assembly |Q14–17 |Tasks 1, 2 | |

|components into assemblies or |and adjustment of components using fastening equipment and methods | | | |

|sub-assemblies |which ensure conformance to specifications, operational performance, | | | |

| |quality and safety of the completed assembly according to standard | | | |

| |operating procedures. | | | |

| |4.2 Correct lubrication, packing, sealing materials are selected and | | | |

| |applied correctly in conformance to job specifications. | | | |

| |4.3 Final component assembly is inspected, tested and adjusted as | | | |

| |necessary for compliance with operational specifications and returned | | | |

| |to use according to standard operating procedures. | | | |

|MEM18055B Dismantle, replace and assemble engineering components |

|Required knowledge |Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: |Q14–17 | | |

| |tasks to be performed in accordance with standard operating procedures| | | |

| |procedures for dismantling the assembly | | | |

| |tools and equipment to be used to dismantle the components | | | |

| |procedures and required equipment for checking components for | | | |

| |conformance to specification | | | |

| |specifications of the components to be replaced | | | |

| |features and/or dimensions upon which replacement parts are to be | | | |

| |selected | | | |

| |process of identifying replacement parts from ‘third party’ suppliers'| | | |

| |catalogues | | | |

| |procedures for assembling components | | | |

| |requirements of the assembly in terms of specifications, operational | | | |

| |performance, quality and safety | | | |

| |procedures for lubricating the assembly materials | | | |

| |checks to be undertaken during inspection of the final assembly | | | |

| |procedures for returning components/assemblies into use | | | |

| |hazards and control measures associated with dismantling, replacing | | | |

| |and assembling engineering components, including housekeeping | | | |

| |safe work practices and procedures. | | | |

|MEM18055B Dismantle, replace and assemble engineering components |

|Required skills |Look for evidence that confirms skills in: | |Tasks 1, 2 | |

| |obtaining and interpreting all relevant instructions, standard | | | |

| |operating procedures, drawings and specifications | | | |

| |preparing component for dismantling | | | |

| |dismantling components using appropriate techniques, tools and | | | |

| |equipment | | | |

| |marking component parts appropriately for identification purposes | | | |

| |checking components visually and dimensionally for conformance to | | | |

| |specification | | | |

| |where appropriate, marking faulty parts for repair, replacement or | | | |

| |adjustment | | | |

| |selecting and confirming replacement parts to specifications | | | |

| |obtaining and using all relevant supplier catalogues | | | |

| |preparing and assembling components using appropriate techniques in | | | |

| |accordance with standard operating procedures | | | |

| |where appropriate, applying lubricants correctly to the assembly in | | | |

| |accordance with specifications and standard operating procedures | | | |

| |where appropriate, applying packing and/or sealing materials in | | | |

| |accordance with specifications and standard operating procedures | | | |

| |inspecting and checking the final assembly for conformance to | | | |

| |specification | | | |

| |where appropriate, returning the final assembly to use. | | | |

Mapping Document for Skill Set 2 – Engineering machine operation and marking out

Using this document

This document is mapped to the direct sources of evidence that are required to satisfy competence in this particular cluster.

Each of the columns reflects the particular tool in use, and the numbers relate to the question numbers in that tool which support the relevant performance criteria, critical aspect of evidence or required knowledge and skills in this cluster of units.

The list of evidence is provided as a guide. If you have other evidence to support your claim for Recognition of Prior Learning, then you are encouraged to provide this to your Assessor.

Skill Set 2 – Engineering machine operation and marking out

|Unit Code |Unit Title |Core/Elective |

|MEM05005B |Carry out mechanical cutting |Elective |

|MEM05007C |Perform manual heating and thermal cutting |Elective |

|MEM07005B |Perform general machining |Elective |

|MEM12006B |Mark off/out (general engineering) |Elective |

|MEM12024A |Perform computations |Core |

|MEM15002A |Apply quality systems |Core |

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Evidence Matrix for Skill Set 2 – Engineering machine operation and marking out

The evidence matrix below identifies how each of the questions in the Interview Question Bank (Section 3) and the Practical Tasks (Section 4) demonstrate competence against the elements, performance criteria, critical aspects of evidence, underpinning skills, knowledge and dimensions of competency (Task Skill – TS, Task Management Skill – TMS, Contingency Management Skill – CS, Job Role Environment – JRE).

|Skill Set 2 – Engineering machine operation and marking out |

|Units of competency |Units of competency |

|MEM05005B Carry out mechanical cutting |MEM12006B Mark off/out (general engineering) |

|MEM05007C Perform manual heating and thermal cutting |MEM12024A Perform computations |

|MEM07005B Perform general machining |MEM15002A Apply quality systems |

|Element |

|Element 1 – Determine job requirements |1.1 Job requirements and specifications are determined from job sheets|Q18 |Task 3 | |

| |and/or instructions. | | | |

| |1.2 Appropriate method/machine is selected to meet specifications. | | | |

| |1.3 Machine is loaded and adjusted for operation consistent with | | | |

| |standard operating procedures. | | | |

|Element 2 – Perform simple calculations |2.1 Tooling is selected to match job requirements. |Q18 |Task 3 | |

| |2.2 Tooling is correctly installed using standard operating | | | |

| |procedures. | | | |

| |2.3 Machine is set up and adjusted using standard operating | | | |

| |procedures. | | | |

|Element 3 – Operate mechanical cutting |3.1 Appropriate stops and guards are set and adjusted as required. |Q18 |Task 3 | |

|machine |3.2 Material is secured and correctly positioned using measuring | | | |

| |equipment as necessary. | | | |

| |3.3 Machine is started and stopped safely to standard operating | | | |

| |procedures. | | | |

| |3.4 Machine is operated to cut/hole material to specifications using | | | |

| |standard operating procedures. | | | |

|MEM05005B Carry out mechanical cutting |

|Element 4 – Check material for |4.1 Material is checked against specification. Machine and/or tooling |Q18 |Task 3 | |

|conformance to specification |is adjusted as required and in process adjustments carried out as | | | |

| |necessary. | | | |

| |4.2 Material is cut and/or holed to within workplace tolerances. | | | |

| |4.3 Material is used in most economical way. | | | |

| |4.4 Codes and standards are observed. | | | |

|Required knowledge |Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: |Q18 | | |

| |the characteristics of cutting methods and machines | | | |

| |effect of materials on the machine tooling, tooling defects and | | | |

| |adjustments | | | |

| |effect of adjustments on the dimensions of the cut material | | | |

| |applicable tolerances | | | |

| |methods of marking out materials to ensure minimum wastage | | | |

| |any applicable industry standards, national/Australian Standards, | | | |

| |NOHSC guides, State/Territory regulatory codes or practice/standards | | | |

| |use and application of personal protective equipment for mechanical | | | |

| |cutting | | | |

| |safe work practices and procedures. | | | |

|MEM05005B Carry out mechanical cutting |

|Required skills |Look for evidence that confirms skills in: | |Task 3 | |

| |loading and adjusting cutting machines | | | |

| |selecting machines and tooling | | | |

| |installing cutting tool | | | |

| |setting up and adjusting cutting machine | | | |

| |securing and correctly positioning materials | | | |

| |cutting and holing materials | | | |

| |applying relevant codes and standards | | | |

| |reading and interpreting routine information on written job | | | |

| |instructions, specifications and standard operating procedures | | | |

| |following oral instruction | | | |

| |measuring materials to specified workplace tolerances and within the | | | |

| |machine range | | | |

| |clarifying routine task-related information. | | | |

|MEM05007C Perform manual heating and thermal cutting |

|Element 1 – Assemble/disassemble plant |1.1 Accessories and equipment are correctly selected and assembled for|Q19 |Task 3 | |

|and equipment |manual heating and thermal cutting. | | | |

|Element 2 – Operate heating and thermal |2.1 Cutting process and/or procedure appropriate for material is |Q19 |Task 3 | |

|cutting equipment |selected. | | | |

| |2.2 All safety procedures are observed. | | | |

| |2.3 Equipment start-up procedures are followed correctly to standard | | | |

| |operating procedures. | | | |

| |2.4 Equipment adjustments are made correctly using standard operating | | | |

| |procedures. | | | |

|MEM05007C Perform manual heating and thermal cutting |

| |2.5 Appropriate cutting allowances are made. | | | |

| |2.6 Material is used in the most economical way. | | | |

| |2.7 Defects are identified and corrective action is taken to standard | | | |

| |operating procedures. | | | |

| |2.8 Material is heated and cut to specification. | | | |

| |2.9 Shape/size/length is to accepted workplace standards. | | | |

|Required knowledge |Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: |Q19 | | |

| |cutting processes appropriate to various materials | | | |

| |heating and cutting specifications | | | |

| |procedures for heating and cutting | | | |

| |the tools, equipment and techniques for heating and cutting | | | |

| |assembling procedures for equipment and accessories | | | |

| |hazards and control measures associated with manual heating and | | | |

| |thermal cutting | | | |

| |use and application of personal protective clothing and equipment | | | |

| |equipment pre-checks and operation | | | |

| |procedures for adjusting heating and cutting equipment | | | |

| |cutting allowances and reasons for applying them | | | |

| |procedures for minimising waste material | | | |

| |reasons for minimising waste material | | | |

| |cutting defects and their causes | | | |

| |procedures for correcting cutting defects | | | |

| |tools, equipment and techniques required to correct cutting defects | | | |

|MEM05007C Perform manual heating and thermal cutting |

| |use and application of personal protective equipment | | | |

| |safe work practices and procedures. | | | |

|Required skills |Look for evidence that confirms skills in: | |Task 3 | |

| |performing pre-start checks | | | |

| |safely starting equipment | | | |

| |following standard operating procedures | | | |

| |adjusting equipment to operating specifications | | | |

| |making cutting allowances | | | |

| |economising material and minimising wastage | | | |

| |identifying cutting defects and taking corrective action | | | |

| |heating and cutting materials to specifications | | | |

| |reading and interpreting routine information on written job | | | |

| |instructions, specifications and standard operating procedures. May | | | |

| |include drawings | | | |

| |following oral instructions | | | |

| |performing measurements needed to meet the requirements of this unit | | | |

| |entering routine and familiar information onto proformas and standard | | | |

| |workplace forms. | | | |

|MEM07005B Perform general machining |

|Element 1 – Determine job requirements |1.1 Drawings, instructions and specifications are interpreted and |Q20 |Task 3 | |

| |understood. | | | |

|Element 2 – Determine sequence of |2.1 Sequence of operations including job set-up is determined for |Q20 |Task 3 | |

|operations |maximum efficiency and to meet job specifications. | | | |

| |2.2 Appropriate material is selected and datum established as | | | |

| |required. | | | |

|Element 3 – Select and mount tools |3.1 Appropriate tools for job are selected, sharpened and shaped as |Q20 |Task 3 | |

| |required. | | | |

| |3.2 Tools are mounted and positioned correctly. | | | |

|Element 4 – Perform machining operations |4.1 Basic marking out techniques are used where required. |Q20 |Task 3 | |

| |4.2 Machining parameters are set for job requirements and maximum tool| | | |

| |life. | | | |

| |4.3 Work is held or correctly clamped without damage to product, and | | | |

| |all safety requirements are met. | | | |

| |4.4 Machining is performed in a safe manner utilising all guards, | | | |

| |safety procedures and personal protective clothing and equipment. | | | |

|Element 5 – Measure components |5.1 Components are checked with instruments or gauges appropriate to |Q20 |Task 3 | |

| |the measurement requirements to ensure compliance with specifications.| | | |

|Element 6 – Adjust and maintain machine |6.1 Routine maintenance and adjustments are carried out as required |Q20 |Task 3 | |

| |which may include slide and collar adjustment, cleaning and | | | |

| |lubrication and the like. | | | |

|MEM07005B Perform general machining |

|Required knowledge |Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: |Q20 | | |

| |reasons for selecting the chosen sequence of operations | | | |

| |methods of work holding | | | |

| |basic marking out techniques including datum points/lines etc. | | | |

| |geometry of cutting tools for a range of materials and applications | | | |

| |benefits of using correctly sharpened cutting tools | | | |

| |machine operation | | | |

| |selection of feeds and speeds to suit a range of materials and | | | |

| |operations within the scope of this unit | | | |

| |correct methods of mounting a variety of cutting tools | | | |

| |safety issues with regard to correct clamping, guards, shields etc. | | | |

| |tolerances, limits of size | | | |

| |situations indicating the need for machine adjustment, lubrication and| | | |

| |cleaning | | | |

| |techniques, tools and equipment to measure materials and machined | | | |

| |components | | | |

| |use and application of personal protective equipment | | | |

| |safe work practices and procedures | | | |

| |hazards and control measures associated with general machining. | | | |

|MEM07005B Perform general machining |

|Required skills |Look for evidence that confirms skills in: | |Task 3 | |

| |reading and interpreting routine information on written job | | | |

| |instructions, specifications and standard operating procedures (may | | | |

| |include drawings) | | | |

| |following oral instruction | | | |

| |planning and sequencing operations | | | |

| |preparing operational work plan | | | |

| |sharpening and shaping cutting tools | | | |

| |identifying worn or damaged cutting tools | | | |

| |correct mounting and positioning of cutting tools | | | |

| |basic marking out of materials | | | |

| |setting machining parameters to achieve the job requirements and | | | |

| |maximise tool life | | | |

| |using appropriate and sufficient clamping/mounting of the work piece | | | |

| |using coolant/lubricant correctly | | | |

| |checking for conformance to specifications | | | |

| |measuring to specified tolerances and dimensions. | | | |

|MEM12006B Mark off/out (general engineering) |

|Element 1 – Determine job requirements |1.1 Drawings, job instructions and specifications are interpreted and |Q21, 22 |Task 3 | |

| |understood. | | | |

| |1.2 Appropriate methods and sequencing are selected consistent with | | | |

| |proposed manufacturing process using standard operating procedures. | | | |

|MEM12006B Mark off/out (general engineering) |

|Element 2 – Transfer dimension |2.1 All marking off/out is carried out to specifications using |Q21, 22 |Task 3 | |

| |appropriate tools and equipment. | | | |

| |2.2 Datum points are correctly established. | | | |

| |2.3 Dimensions are transferred and correct and appropriate | | | |

| |calculations are used where required | | | |

|Required knowledge |Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: |Q21, 22 | | |

| |drawings, job instructions and specifications | | | |

| |procedures for marking off/out | | | |

| |tools, equipment and techniques related to the task | | | |

| |purpose of establishing datum points | | | |

| |method of determining/calculating dimensions | | | |

| |use and application of personal protective equipment | | | |

| |safe work practices and procedures | | | |

| |relevant hazards and control measures related to the competency | | | |

|Required skills |Look for evidence that confirms skills in: | |Task 3 | |

| |determining job requirements | | | |

| |transferring dimensions | | | |

| |applying method and sequence of marking out | | | |

| |making templates as required | | | |

| |establishing datum points | | | |

| |reading and interpreting routine information on written job | | | |

| |instructions, specifications and standard operating procedures (may | | | |

| |include drawings) | | | |

|MEM12006B Mark off/out (general engineering) |

| |performing calculations using formulae | | | |

| |locating, reading and interpreting information on written job | | | |

| |instructions, specifications, drawings, charts, lists and other | | | |

| |reference documentation | | | |

| |checking and clarifying strategies. | | | |

|MEM12024A Perform computations |

|Element 1 – Determine work requirement |1.1 Required outcomes are established from job instructions. |Q23, 24 |Task 3 | |

| |1.2 Data is obtained from relevant sources and interpreted correctly. | | | |

| |1.3 Required calculation method is determined to suit the application,| | | |

| |including selection of relevant arithmetic operations and/or formulae.| | | |

| |1.4 Expected results are estimated, including rounding off, as | | | |

| |appropriate. | | | |

|Element 2 – Perform calculations |2.1 Calculation method is applied correctly. |Q23, 24 |Task 3 | |

| |2.2 Correct answer is obtained. | | | |

| |2.3 Answer is checked against estimation. | | | |

|Element 3 – Product charts and graphs |3.1 Data is transposed accurately to produce charts or graphs. |Q23, 24 |Task 3 | |

|from given information |3.2 Charts or graphs accurately reflect data on which they are based. | | | |

|Required knowledge |Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: |Q23, 24 | | |

| |formula applicable to the determination of perimeter, area and volume | | | |

| |of simple geometric shapes | | | |

| |techniques for estimating approximate answers | | | |

|MEM12024A Perform computations |

| |reasons for using dimensions with the same units when calculating | | | |

| |length, perimeter, area and volume | | | |

| |concepts of perimeter, area and volume | | | |

| |procedures for rounding off figures when estimating approximate | | | |

| |answers | | | |

| |mixed numbers, decimals, fractions and whole numbers | | | |

| |concept of percentage | | | |

| |procedures to be followed in converting a decimal to a percentage | | | |

| |procedures for carrying out calculations involving fractions and using| | | |

| |each of the four basic rules | | | |

| |procedures to be followed on converting a fraction to a percentage | | | |

| |sources of appropriate formulae | | | |

| |reasons for ensuring that the units of each term are consistent with | | | |

| |the formulae selected | | | |

| |procedures for converting given units to those required for use in | | | |

| |formulae | | | |

| |concepts of ratio and proportion | | | |

| |given ratios and proportions can be expressed in terms of whole | | | |

| |numbers, fractions and decimal fractions | | | |

| |scales applicable to the axes of the graphs or charts | | | |

| |three types of charts and/or graphs used in the individual's field of | | | |

| |work | | | |

| |where appropriate, upper and lower limits of acceptability applicable | | | |

| |to data entered on a graph or chart | | | |

|MEM12024A Perform computations |

| |where appropriate, the trends indicated by the slope or gradient of a | | | |

| |graph | | | |

| |where appropriate, the action to be taken when given trends occur or | | | |

| |set limits are approached on graphs or charts | | | |

| |procedures for drawing ‘lines of best fit’ | | | |

| |the trends indicated by the graphs or charts drawn | | | |

| |hazards and control measures associated with performing computations, | | | |

| |including housekeeping | | | |

| |safe work practices and procedures. | | | |

|Required skills |Look for evidence that confirms skills in: | |Task 3 | |

| |performing calculations involving whole numbers using all four basic | | | |

| |rules | | | |

| |performing calculations involving length, perimeter, area and volume | | | |

| |checking calculated answers for accuracy | | | |

| |rounding off estimated answers | | | |

| |expressing information presented in fractional or decimal format as a | | | |

| |percentage | | | |

| |selecting appropriate formulae for the given application | | | |

| |substituting the correct values for each term in the relevant formulae| | | |

| |using appropriate mathematical operations | | | |

| |performing calculations involving ratios or proportions | | | |

| |determining required information from appropriate charts or graphs | | | |

|MEM12024A Perform computations |

| |producing simple charts or graphs from given information or | | | |

| |observations made | | | |

| |selecting appropriate scales and using them in the production of | | | |

| |charts and graphs | | | |

| |marking appropriate limits clearly on the graph or chart | | | |

| |reading, interpreting and following information on written job | | | |

| |instructions, specifications, standard operating procedures, charts, | | | |

| |lists, drawings and other applicable reference documents | | | |

| |planning and sequencing operations | | | |

| |checking and clarifying task related information | | | |

| |checking for conformance to specifications | | | |

| |undertaking numerical operations, geometry and calculations/formulae | | | |

| |within the scope of this unit. | | | |

|MEM15002A Apply quality systems |

|Element 1 – Work within a quality system |1.1 Instructions and procedures are followed and duties are performed |Q25 |Task 3 | |

| |in accordance with requirements of quality improvement system. | | | |

| |1.2 Conformance to specifications is ensured. | | | |

| |1.3 Defects are detected and reported according to standard operating | | | |

| |procedures. | | | |

| |1.4 Performance of operation or quality of product or service is | | | |

| |monitored to ensure customer satisfaction. | | | |

|Element 2 – Engage in quality improvement|2.1 Current performance is assessed. |Q25 |Task 3 | |

| |2.2 Established performance measures are identified. | | | |

| |2.3 Specifications and standard operating procedures are identified. | | | |

|MEM15002A Apply quality systems |

| |2.4 Defects are detected and reported according to standard operating | | | |

| |procedures. | | | |

| |2.5 Process improvement procedures are participated in. | | | |

| |2.6 The improvement of internal/external customer/supplier | | | |

| |relationships is participated in. | | | |

| |2.7 Performance of operation or quality of product or service is | | | |

| |monitored to ensure customer satisfaction. | | | |

|Required knowledge |Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: |Q25 | | |

| |quality system terminology and concepts, eg quality assurance – | | | |

| |planning to meet customers’ requirements | | | |

| |quality control – checks and procedures to ensure customer | | | |

| |requirements are met | | | |

| |quality inspection – inspecting and testing products and services | | | |

| |total quality control – a company-wide approach that combines both | | | |

| |quality assurance and quality control so that the customer is always | | | |

| |satisfied | | | |

| |commonly accepted meaning/s of the terms ‘quality’ and ‘quality | | | |

| |system’ | | | |

| |the reasons for following the requirements of the quality improvement | | | |

| |system | | | |

| |strategies and approaches for working within a quality system | | | |

| |procedures to be followed in undertaking the work | | | |

| |specifications to which the individual's work is to comply | | | |

| |reasons for ensuring work conforms to specification | | | |

|MEM15002A Apply quality systems |

| |benefits of good quality: | | | |

| |quality products | | | |

| |reduced costs | | | |

| |customer confidence, satisfaction and loyalty | | | |

| |good reputation | | | |

| |job satisfaction | | | |

| |solving problems | | | |

| |increased competitiveness | | | |

| |keeping up with technology | | | |

| |costs and consequences of poor quality: | | | |

| |lost customers | | | |

| |accidents | | | |

| |wastage | | | |

| |lost time | | | |

| |low morale | | | |

| |conflict | | | |

| |procedures for reporting defects | | | |

| |examples of common defects | | | |

| |quality improvement procedures | | | |

| |four steps of the quality cycle: plan, do, check, act | | | |

| |reasons for following process improvement procedures | | | |

| |examples of ways in which customer/supplier relationships can be | | | |

| |improved | | | |

| |benefits of good customer/supplier relationship | | | |

| |hazards and control measures associated with applying quality | | | |

| |procedures, including housekeeping | | | |

| |safe work practices and procedures. | | | |

|MEM15002A Apply quality systems |

|Required skills |Look for evidence that confirms skills in: | |Task 3 | |

| |reading, interpreting and following information on written job sheets,| | | |

| |instructions, standard operating procedures and drawings | | | |

| |checking and clarifying task-related information | | | |

| |entering information onto workplace documents | | | |

| |checking for conformance to specifications | | | |

| |identifying duties of the individual within the quality improvement | | | |

| |system | | | |

| |identifying customers' requirements with respect to the operation or | | | |

| |quality of the product or service | | | |

| |reporting where appropriate, defects detected | | | |

| |carrying out work in accordance with the process improvement | | | |

| |procedures | | | |

| |carrying out work in a manner consistent with the improvement of | | | |

| |customer/supplier relationships | | | |

| |performing numerical operations, geometry and calculations/formulae | | | |

| |within the scope of this unit. | | | |

Mapping Document for Skill Set 3 – Engineering Machine Maintenance and Operation

Using this document

This document is mapped to the direct sources of evidence that are required to satisfy competency in this particular cluster.

Each of the columns reflects the particular tool in use, and the numbers relate to the question numbers in that tool, which support the relevant performance criteria, critical aspect of evidence or required knowledge and skills in this cluster of units.

The list of evidence is provided as a guide. If you have other evidence to support your claim for Recognition of Prior Learning, then you are encouraged to provide this to your Assessor.

Skill Set 3 – Engineering Machine Maintenance and Operation

|Unit Code |Unit Title |Core/Elective |

|MEM06007B |Perform basic incidental heat/quenching, tempering and annealing |Elective |

|MEM07006B |Perform lathe operations |Elective |

|MEM14005A |Plan a complete activity |Core |

|MEM16006A |Organise and communicate information |Core |

|MEM16008A |Interact with computing technology |Core |

|MEM17003A |Assist in the provision of on the job training |Core |

|MEM18003C |Use tools for precision work |Elective |

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Evidence Matrix for Skill Set 3 – Engineering machine maintenance and operation

The evidence matrix below identifies how each of the questions in the Interview Question Bank (Section 3) and the Practical Tasks (Section 4) demonstrate competence against the elements, performance criteria, critical aspects of evidence, underpinning skills, knowledge and dimensions of competency (Task Skill – TS, Task Management Skill – TMS, Contingency Management Skill – CS, Job Role Environment – JRE).

|Skill Set 3 – Engineering machine maintenance and operation |

|Units of competency |Units of competency |

|MEM06007B Perform basic incidental heat/quenching, tempering and annealing |MEM16008A Interact with computing technology |

|MEM07006B Perform lathe operations |MEM17003A Assist in the provision of on-the-job training |

|MEM14005A Plan a complete activity |MEM18003C Use tools for precision work |

|MEM16006A Organise and communicate information | |

|Element |Performance Criteria |Question |Practical Tasks |Supplementary Evidence |

|MEM06007B Perform basic incidental heat/quenching, tempering and annealing |

|Element 1 – Determine job requirements |1.1 Job requirements are determined from engineering drawing, job |Q26 |Task 4 | |

| |sheet or verbal instructions. | | | |

|Element 2 – Set up equipment for |2.1 Appropriate heating process and/or procedure is selected for the |Q27 |Task 4 | |

|heat/quenching, tempering and annealing |given job. | | | |

| |2.2 Equipment is set up according to standard operating procedures and| | | |

| |manufacturers’ instructions. | | | |

|Element 3 – Operate heating equipment |3.1 All safety procedures are observed. |Q27, 28 |Task 4 | |

| |3.2 Appropriate heating equipment operating procedures are followed. | | | |

| |3.3 Appropriate equipment adjustments are made. | | | |

| |3.4 Material is treated to achieve required result. | | | |

|Required knowledge |Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: |Q26–28 | | |

| |characteristics and applications of heating/quenching, tempering, | | | |

| |annealing processes | | | |

| |specifications for heating, quenching, tempering, and annealing | | | |

| |process for heating/quenching, tempering, annealing, different | | | |

| |materials | | | |

|MEM06007B Perform basic incidental heat/quenching, tempering and annealing |

| |operating/adjusting heating equipment | | | |

| |hazards and control measures associated with heating/quenching, | | | |

| |tempering, annealing, including housekeeping | | | |

| |use and application of personal protective equipment | | | |

| |safe work practices and procedures. | | | |

|Required skills |Look for evidence that confirms skills in: | |Task 4 | |

| |reading, interpreting and following information on written job | | | |

| |instructions, specifications, standard operating procedures, | | | |

| |manufacturers’ instructions, charts, lists, drawings and other | | | |

| |applicable reference documents | | | |

| |checking and clarifying task-related information | | | |

| |following verbal instructions | | | |

| |orally reporting routine information | | | |

| |selecting appropriate processes for heating/quenching, tempering, | | | |

| |annealing | | | |

| |setting up, adjusting and operating equipment. | | | |

|MEM07006B Perform lathe operations |

|Element 1 – Observe safety precautions |1.1 Correct safety procedures are observed and protective clothing and|Q29 |Task 4 | |

| |safety glasses worn. | | | |

|Element 2 – Determine job requirements |2.1 Drawings are interpreted, sequence of operation is determined and |Q30 |Task 4 | |

| |tooling is selected to produce component to specification. | | | |

|Element 3 – Mount job |3.1 Job is set up using instruments such as dial test indicators, and |Q30 |Task 4 | |

| |digital read-out equipment. | | | |

|MEM07006B Perform lathe operations |

|Element 4 – Perform turning operations |4.1 Speeds and feeds are calculated using appropriate mathematical |Q29, 31 |Task 4 | |

| |techniques and reference material. | | | |

| |4.2 The full range of accessories on a centre lathe are used including| | | |

| |three and four jaw chucks, centres, face plate,steadies, cross slide | | | |

| |and tailstock. | | | |

| |4.3 Turning operations are performed to specification. | | | |

|Element 5 – Check components for |5.1 Components are checked for conformance to specification using |Q31 |Task 4 | |

|conformance with specifications |appropriate techniques, tools and equipment. | | | |

|Required knowledge |Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: |Q29–31 | | |

| |sequence of operations to achieve the job requirements | | | |

| |tool type and geometry to achieve the required specifications and for | | | |

| |work pieces of different materials | | | |

| |numerical operations, geometry and calculations/formulae within the | | | |

| |scope of this unit | | | |

| |the consequences of varying speeds and feeds from the optimum rates | | | |

| |calculated | | | |

| |characteristics of different materials and their effects on cutting | | | |

| |speeds and feeds | | | |

| |application of lathe accessories | | | |

| |techniques, tools and equipment to measure materials and machined | | | |

| |components | | | |

| |use and application of personal protective equipment | | | |

| |safe work practices and procedures | | | |

| |hazards and control measures associated with lathe operations. | | | |

|MEM07006B Perform lathe operations |

|Required skills |Look for evidence that confirms skills in: | |Task 4 | |

| |interpreting technical drawings/specifications in relation to turning | | | |

| |setting up jobs using appropriate equipment | | | |

| |calculating and setting cutting feeds and speeds appropriate to the | | | |

| |job | | | |

| |checking that job is concentric, running true etc. | | | |

| |safely operating lathes | | | |

| |performing turning operations. | | | |

|MEM14005A Plan a complete activity |

|Element 1 – Identify activity |1.1 Activity outcomes and objectives are identified and clarified with|Q31 |Task 4 | |

|requirements |appropriate persons. | | | |

| |1.2 Activity requirements, including resources, overall timeframe, | | | |

| |quality requirements and criteria for acceptable completion are | | | |

| |identified and clarified. | | | |

| |1.3 Relevant specifications and procedures are obtained and clarified.| | | |

|Element 2 – Plan process to complete |2.1 The individual components of the activity are identified and |Q31 |Task 4 | |

|activity |prioritised. | | | |

| |2.2 Planning tools and techniques are selected and used according to | | | |

| |the needs of the activity. | | | |

| |2.3 The plan is checked for accuracy and conformance to instructions | | | |

| |and requirements. | | | |

|Element 3 – Modify plan |3.1 The plan is referred to and modified as necessary to overcome |Q31 |Task 4 | |

| |unforeseen difficulties or developments that occur as work progresses.| | | |

| |3.2 The results of the activity are reviewed against the plan, and | | | |

| |possible future improvements to plan are identified. | | | |

|MEM14005A Plan a complete activity |

|Required knowledge |Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: |Q31 | | |

| |tasks to be performed | | | |

| |person/s who can clarify the objectives, requirements and | | | |

| |specifications | | | |

| |specifications relevant to the tasks to be performed | | | |

| |outcomes to be achieved | | | |

| |timeframe for activity completion | | | |

| |quality requirements of the product or service | | | |

| |priority of each step in the plan | | | |

| |reasons for the relative priority of each step | | | |

| |modifications to the plan to overcome a range of unforeseen situations| | | |

| | | | | |

| |hazards and control measures associated with planning the complete | | | |

| |activity, including housekeeping | | | |

| |safe work practices and procedures. | | | |

|Required skills |Look for evidence that confirms skills in: | |Task 4 | |

| |obtaining, reading, interpreting and following information on written | | | |

| |job instructions, specifications, standard operating procedures, | | | |

| |charts, lists, drawing and other applicable reference documents | | | |

| |preparing a plan including sequential steps that will enable the | | | |

| |activity to be completed | | | |

| |modifying the plan where appropriate, to take account of difficulties | | | |

| |or developments that occur while following the prepared plan | | | |

| |planning and sequencing activities | | | |

|MEM14005A Plan a complete activity |

| |checking and clarifying task-related information | | | |

| |checking for conformance to specifications | | | |

| |using numerical operations, geometry and calculations/formulae within | | | |

| |the scope of this unit | | | |

| |using planning techniques such as scheduling, time management, | | | |

| |brainstorming, setting of goals and defined outcomes, prioritising, | | | |

| |review and evaluation strategies. | | | |

|MEM16006A Organise and communicate information |

|Element 1 – Access information and/or |1.1 Information requirements of tasks are determined and relevant |Q32 | | |

|records |information is accessed from a range of sources. | | | |

| |1.2 Workplace terminology is correctly recognised. | | | |

|Element 2 – Organise and analyse |2.1 Information is interpreted and organised in accordance with |Q32 | | |

|information |enterprise and work requirements. | | | |

| |2.2 Information is analysed according to enterprise and work | | | |

| |requirements. | | | |

|Element 3 – Communicate organised |3.1 Information is communicated using established workplace methods. |Q32 | | |

|information using established workplace | | | | |

|methods | | | | |

|Required knowledge |Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: |Q32 | | |

| |types of information | | | |

| |available sources of information | | | |

| |information analysis techniques | | | |

| |methods of categorising and organising information | | | |

| |methods of recording and communicating information. | | | |

|MEM16006A Organise and communicate information |

|Required skills |Look for evidence that confirms skills in: | | | |

| |accessing relevant information from a range of sources | | | |

| |recording, where appropriate, the accessed information | | | |

| |recognising and using workplace terms | | | |

| |reading, interpreting and following information in workplace | | | |

| |documentation | | | |

| |checking and clarifying information | | | |

| |organising, categorising and sequencing information. | | | |

|MEM16008A Interact with computing technology |

|Element 1 – Determine job requirements |1.1 Nature and scope of task requirement are identified. |Q33, 34 |Task 4 | |

| |1.2 Information/data required to be accessed, input or stored is | | | |

| |identified. | | | |

| |1.3 Source of information/data is identified. | | | |

|Element 2 – Access information/data |2.1 Access procedures are followed. |Q33, 34 |Task 4 | |

| |2.2 Technology is navigated to find the required information/data. | | | |

| |2.3 Relevant software application menus, functions and commands are | | | |

| |used to locate required information/data. | | | |

| |2.4 Information/data is retrieved using organisational procedures. | | | |

| |2.5 Information/data is checked for relevance to job requirements. | | | |

|MEM16008A Interact with computing technology |

|Element 3 – Input information/data |3.1 Relevant software menus, functions and commands are used to |Q33, 34 |Task 4 | |

| |manipulate information/data. | | | |

| |3.2 Information/data is entered, changed, or removed as required. | | | |

|Element 4 – Store information/data |4.1 Data/files are saved following standard procedures prior to |Q33, 34 |Task 4 | |

| |exiting the application. | | | |

| |4.2 Data output is produced as required. | | | |

| |4.3 Procedures for shutting down/logging off/exiting computing | | | |

| |technology are followed. | | | |

|Element 5 – Access assistance as required|5.1 Appropriate personnel are identified and consulted as required. |Q33, 34 |Task 4 | |

| |5.2 Manuals, online help and other reference materials are identified | | | |

| |and used as required. | | | |

|Required knowledge |Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: |Q33, 34 | | |

| |functions and capabilities of various types of computing technology | | | |

| |used in the workplace | | | |

| |functions of software applications | | | |

| |hazards and control measures associated with using computing | | | |

| |technology, including housekeeping | | | |

| |safe work practices and procedures. | | | |

|MEM16008A Interact with computing technology |

|Required skills |Look for evidence that confirms skills in: | |Task 4 | |

| |ability to enter or retrieve data using appropriate software | | | |

| |applications | | | |

| |reading, interpreting and following information on written job | | | |

| |instructions, specifications, standard operating procedures, charts, | | | |

| |lists, drawings and other applicable reference documents | | | |

| |planning and sequencing operations | | | |

| |checking and clarifying task-related information | | | |

| |using numerical operations within the scope of this unit. | | | |

|MEM17003A Assist in the provision of on-the-job training |

|Element 1 – Determine the role of |1.1 Objectives of training and role of on the job training are |Q35 | | |

|on-the-job training |identified in consultation with team leaders or other appropriate | | | |

| |personnel. | | | |

|Element 2 – Provide on-the-job training |2.1 Training is conducted using learning methods appropriate to the |Q35 | | |

| |training objectives and learner. | | | |

| |2.2 Trainee progress is monitored and feedback is provided appropriate| | | |

| |to the learning outcomes. | | | |

|Element 3 – Report on trainee performance|3.1 Trainee's progress is reported according to standard operating |Q35 | | |

| |procedure. | | | |

|Required knowledge |Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: |Q35 | | |

| |training to be delivered | | | |

| |personnel to be consulted with respect to the training to be provided | | | |

| |the individual's role in the provision of training | | | |

| |objectives of the training | | | |

| |the person(s) to be trained | | | |

|MEM17003A Assist in the provision of on-the-job training |

| |procedures to be followed when training individuals | | | |

| |training location(s) | | | |

| |tools, equipment, procedures, materials and resources | | | |

| |training delivery methods, their applications, advantages and | | | |

| |disadvantages | | | |

| |feedback techniques | | | |

| |reasons for monitoring trainee progress | | | |

| |reporting procedures | | | |

| |hazards and control measures associated with assisting in the | | | |

| |provision of on the job training, including housekeeping | | | |

| |safe work practices and procedures. | | | |

|Required skills |Look for evidence that confirms skills in: | | | |

| |obtaining all relevant information with respect to the training to be | | | |

| |provided | | | |

| |applying suitable training methods | | | |

| |providing feedback to the trainee throughout the training process | | | |

| |reporting on the trainee's progress | | | |

| |reading, interpreting and following information on written job | | | |

| |instructions, specifications, standard operating procedures, charts, | | | |

| |lists, drawings and other applicable reference documents | | | |

| |planning and sequencing operations | | | |

| |checking and clarifying task-related information. | | | |

|MEM18003C Use tools for precision work |

|Element 1 – Determine job requirements |1.1 Task requirements and specifications are determined and clarified |Q36 |Task 4 | |

| |with appropriate persons. | | | |

| |1.2 Processes/techniques are selected appropriate to task, | | | |

| |specifications and material. | | | |

|Element 2 – Prepare tools and tooling to |2.1 Tools, accessories and consumables are selected appropriate to |Q36 |Task 4 | |

|produce precision outcome |task, specifications and material. | | | |

| |2.2 Where applicable, cutting tool modifications required to produce | | | |

| |outcome are determined using engineering principles. | | | |

| |2.3 Tools/tooling are prepared and modified as required. | | | |

|Element 3 – Use tools to produce work to |3.1 The work area is prepared and made safe. |Q36 |Task 4 | |

|precise specifications |3.2 The work piece is prepared and secured using appropriate method | | | |

| |for selected operation/s. | | | |

| |3.3 Tools are used according to acceptable engineering principles, | | | |

| |methods, applications and procedures to produce specified outcome to | | | |

| |the required accuracy. | | | |

| |3.4 Tools and equipment are inspected for safe and proper working | | | |

| |order before, during and after use. | | | |

| |3.5 Unserviceable tools/equipment are identified, repaired where | | | |

| |appropriate, or marked for repair and/or disposal, according to | | | |

| |prescribed procedure. | | | |

| |3.6 Tools are stored and maintained to ensure serviceability. | | | |

|MEM18003C Use tools for precision work |

|Required knowledge |Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: |Q36 | | |

| |work to be undertaken | | | |

| |specifications to be achieved | | | |

| |appropriate tools, processes and equipment required to carry out the | | | |

| |work to the required specifications | | | |

| |reasons for selecting the chosen tools, processes and equipment | | | |

| |hazards and control measures associated with using the selected tools,| | | |

| |processes and equipment, including housekeeping | | | |

| |safety procedures to be followed to ensure the safety of the | | | |

| |individual and other personnel | | | |

| |procedures for using the selected tools | | | |

| |engineering principles to be applied during the use of the tools | | | |

| |manufacturers’ specifications of the tools and equipment selected | | | |

| |safe and proper function of tools and equipment selected | | | |

| |procedures for checking tools and equipment for correct and safe | | | |

| |operation | | | |

| |common faults and/or defects in tools and equipment used/selected | | | |

| |procedures for marking unsafe or faulty tools and equipment for repair| | | |

| | | | | |

| |repairs/operational maintenance that can be made to the tools and | | | |

| |equipment used/selected | | | |

| |procedures for repairing/maintaining the tools and equipment | | | |

| |used/selected | | | |

|MEM18003C Use tools for precision work |

| |procedures for checking tools and equipment prior to storage | | | |

| |storage location of the tools and equipment used/selected | | | |

| |procedures for storing tools and equipment used/selected. | | | |

|Required skills |Look for evidence that confirms skills in: | |Task 4 | |

| |planning and sequencing of multiple tasks | | | |

| |sourcing resources | | | |

| |using diagnostic skills to check and test mechanical systems/equipment| | | |

| |using communication skills to consult with operators and other | | | |

| |relevant plant personnel to assist in locating faults | | | |

| |making systematic operational adjustments | | | |

| |checking system | | | |

| |using language and literacy skills to enable all reporting | | | |

| |requirements to be met including checking maintenance reports; | | | |

| |documenting faults etc. | | | |

| |reading and interpreting engineering drawings, technical manuals, and | | | |

| |equipment component function. | | | |

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Mapping Document for Skill Set 4: Engineering maintenance (general repair)

Using this document:

This document is mapped to the direct sources of evidence that are required to satisfy competency in this particular cluster.

Each of the columns reflects the particular tool in use, and the numbers relate to the question numbers in that tool, which support the relevant performance criteria, critical aspect of evidence or required knowledge and skills in this cluster of units.

Note: The final column, Supplementary/Other, refers to the documentary evidence list as suggested in Section 6 – Supporting Documentation and Third Party Report.

The list of evidence is provided as a guide. If you have other evidence to support your claim for Recognition of Prior Learning, then you are encouraged to provide this to your Assessor.

Skill Set 4: Engineering maintenance (general repair)

|Unit Code |Unit Title |Core/Elective |

|MEM18004B |Maintain and overhaul mechanical equipment |Elective |

|MEM18005B |Perform fault diagnosis, installation and removal of bearings |Elective |

|MEM18006B |Repair and fit engineering components |Elective |

|MEM18007B |Maintain and repair mechanical drives and mechanical transmission assemblies |Elective |

|MEM18009B |Perform levelling and alignment of machines and engineering components |Elective |

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Mapping of Assessment tools

The evidence matrix below identifies how each of the questions in the Interview Question Bank (Section 3) and the Practical Tasks (Section 4) demonstrate competence against the elements, performance criteria and critical aspects of evidence, underpinning skills, knowledge, and dimensions of competency (Task Skill – TS, Task Management Skill – TMS, Contingency Management Skill – CS, Job role environment – JRE).

|Skill Set 4 – Engineering maintenance (general repair) |

|Units of competency |Units of competency |

|MEM18004B Maintain and overhaul mechanical equipment |MEM18007B Maintain and repair mechanical drives and mechanical transmission assemblies |

|MEM18005B Perform fault diagnosis, installation and removal of bearings |MEM18009B Perform levelling and alignment of machines and engineering components |

|MEM18006B Repair and fit engineering components | |

|Element |Performance Criteria |Question |Practical Tasks |Supplementary Evidence |

|MEM18004B Maintain and overhaul mechanical equipment |

|Element 1 – Perform preventative |1.1 Preventative maintenance schedule is read and task requirements are |Q37 | | |

|maintenance tasks and adjustments |determined. | | | |

| |1.2 Appropriate maintenance principles and techniques are used and | | | |

| |routine maintenance tasks are performed on mechanical equipment, | | | |

| |components or sub-assemblies using correct tools, equipment and | | | |

| |procedures. | | | |

| |1.3 Mechanical equipment, components, sub-assemblies are checked visually| | | |

| |and with test equipment, using prescribed procedures and safety | | | |

| |requirements to ensure correct function or determine malfunction. | | | |

| |1.4 Adjustments are made to equipment or components to ensure | | | |

| |specifications are met using acceptable fitting techniques and | | | |

| |procedures, observing all safety requirements. | | | |

|Element 2 – Diagnose and locate faults |2.1 Equipment component function is determined by reference to |Q37 | | |

| |engineering drawings, technical manuals and or consultation with | | | |

| |appropriate personnel. | | | |

| |2.2 Maintenance reports are checked, reviewed and faults are diagnosed. | | | |

|MEM18004B Maintain and overhaul mechanical equipment |

| |2.3 Consultation with operators and other relevant plant personnel is | | | |

| |carried out to assist in locating faults. | | | |

| |2.4 Where appropriate, test equipment is selected and applied in | | | |

| |accordance with defined requirements and procedures to assist fault | | | |

| |location. | | | |

| |2.5 Fault condition is diagnosed and localised at component level using | | | |

| |appropriate test equipment and procedures. | | | |

| |2.6 Faulty condition is evaluated and appropriate corrective action is | | | |

| |taken. | | | |

| |2.7 Faults are documented to standard operating procedures. | | | |

|Element 3 – Repair or overhaul mechanical|3.1 Machine or equipment is isolated safely or checked for isolation. |Q37 | | |

|system |3.2 Faulty equipment, component or sub-assembly is removed from system | | | |

| |using appropriate engineering principles, tools, equipment and | | | |

| |procedures. | | | |

| |3.3 Replaceable items are selected from manufacturers’ catalogues and | | | |

| |obtained by appropriate means. | | | |

| |3.4 Correct repair procedure, tools and equipment are selected and | | | |

| |prepared for use on serviceable items. | | | |

| |3.5 Using appropriate engineering principles, designated procedures, | | | |

| |correct tools/equipment and safe workshop practices, serviceable items | | | |

| |are repaired or overhauled to manufacturers’ or site specifications. | | | |

| |3.6 Components are checked with precision instruments to ensure | | | |

| |conformance to specifications where applicable. | | | |

|MEM18004B Maintain and overhaul mechanical equipment |

|Element 4 – Fit and adjust mechanical |4.1 All electrical, safety and site requirements are adhered to |Q37 | | |

|equipment |throughout the maintenance cycle. | | | |

| |4.2 Maintenance report is completed to standard operating procedures and | | | |

| |conveyed to designated personnel. | | | |

| |4.3 Fitting requirements are determined and sequential assembly planning | | | |

| |is carried out where applicable. | | | |

| |4.3 Sound fitting principles and techniques are applied in the | | | |

| |preparation and assembly of component parts using fastening equipment and| | | |

| |methods which ensure conformance to specifications, operational | | | |

| |performance, quality and safety. | | | |

| |4.4 Using acceptable maintenance practices, correct gland packing, | | | |

| |jointing and gasket materials are selected and applied correctly in | | | |

| |conformance to specifications and operational requirements. | | | |

| |4.5 Correct lubrication requirements are determined by appropriate means | | | |

| |and attended to where applicable using mechanical or manual applications.| | | |

| |4.6 Appropriate wedges and levelling devices are used to level mechanical| | | |

| |equipment as appropriate. | | | |

| |4.7 Correct alignment and balancing functions are performed where | | | |

| |appropriate. | | | |

| |4.8 Final adjustments are performed on mechanical equipment to align to | | | |

| |operational specifications using acceptable engineering principles, | | | |

| |fitting techniques and procedures | | | |

|MEM18004B Maintain and overhaul mechanical equipment |

| |4.9 Mechanical equipment is tested for accuracy and correct operation | | | |

| |where applicable, and returned to service to specifications using | | | |

| |acceptable procedures. | | | |

| |4.10 Appropriate work and safety clearances are obtained throughout | | | |

| |maintenance cycle. | | | |

|Required knowledge |Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: |Q37 | | |

| |preventative maintenance procedures | | | |

| |functions of system/equipment and their operational requirements | | | |

| |causes and symptoms of faults and failures | | | |

| |system and equipment hazard identification and isolation procedures | | | |

| |options for sourcing replacement parts | | | |

| |consequences of incorrect adjustments | | | |

| |procedures for testing the mechanical systems and equipment | | | |

| |procedures for returning mechanical systems and equipment to service | | | |

| |use and application of personal protective equipment | | | |

| |safe work practices and procedures | | | |

| |hazards and control measures associated with maintaining and overhauling | | | |

| |mechanical equipment. | | | |

|MEM18004B Maintain and overhaul mechanical equipment |

|Required skills |Look for evidence that confirms skills in: | |Task 5 | |

| |planning and sequencing of multiple tasks | | | |

| |sourcing resources | | | |

| |using diagnostic skills to check and test mechanical systems/equipment | | | |

| |using communication skills to consult with operators and other relevant | | | |

| |plant personnel to assist in locating faults | | | |

| |making systematic operational adjustments | | | |

| |checking system | | | |

| |using language and literacy skills to enable all reporting requirements | | | |

| |to be met including checking maintenance reports; documenting faults etc.| | | |

| |reading and interpreting engineering drawings, technical manuals, and | | | |

| |equipment component function. | | | |

|MEM18005B Perform fault diagnosis, installation and removal of bearings |

|Element 1 – Perform routine bearing |1.1 Bearing installation is inspected and task requirements are |Q38 | | |

|checks during operation and non-operation|determined by the most appropriate means. | | | |

| |1.2 Bearing installation is checked during operation using standard | | | |

| |procedures of listening, feeling, observing and by using test equipment | | | |

| |appropriate to the installation. | | | |

| |1.3 Seal condition is checked for seal and wear leaks using correct and | | | |

| |appropriate means. | | | |

| |1.4 Lubricating devices are checked for correct operation. | | | |

|MEM18005B Perform fault diagnosis, installation and removal of bearings |

|Element 2 – Diagnose bearing faults |2.1 Visual and sensory inspection of bearing arrangement is performed. |Q38 | | |

| |2.2 Bearings are tested for correct operation and malfunction using | | | |

| |manufacturers’ specifications and diagnostic equipment appropriate to the| | | |

| |task. | | | |

| |2.3 Faulty bearings are identified for replacement using relevant | | | |

| |engineering principles. | | | |

| |2.4 Causes of failure are identified using techniques and equipment | | | |

| |appropriate to the task. | | | |

| |2.5 Corrective action to avoid recurrences is taken where necessary. | | | |

|Element 3 – Identify bearing requirements|3.1 Bearing installation is inspected and task requirements are |Q38 | | |

|for replacement or installation |determined. | | | |

| |3.2 Operational function of bearings to be installed or replaced is | | | |

| |determined using bearing and engineering principles. | | | |

|Element 4 – Remove bearings |4.1 Bearing removal techniques and tools are determined for the task. |Q38 | | |

| |4.2 Bearings are removed from shafts or bearing housings with minimal | | | |

| |damage to components. | | | |

| |4.3 Condition of serviceable items is inspected using measuring and test | | | |

| |equipment appropriate to the task. | | | |

| |4.4 Serviceable items are repaired using engineering, techniques, tools | | | |

| |and equipment appropriate to the task. | | | |

|MEM18005B Perform fault diagnosis, installation and removal of bearings |

|Element 5 – Install plain bearings |5.1 Standard replaceable items for plain, wrapped, flanged, split bush |Q38 | | |

| |and thrust bearings are selected from manufacturers’ parts lists, | | | |

| |catalogues or engineering drawings. | | | |

| |5.2 Installation techniques and tools are selected appropriate to the | | | |

| |task. | | | |

| |5.3 Bearings are sized to correct clearance. | | | |

| |5.4 Lubrication requirements are catered for to meet specification and/or| | | |

| |application requirements. | | | |

| |5.5 Bearings are fitted correctly. | | | |

| |5.6 Bearings are tensioned down and run according to standard operating | | | |

| |procedures or manufacturers’ recommendations. | | | |

| |5.7 Final clearance, adjustments and lubrication are checked and | | | |

| |corrective action taken if necessary. | | | |

|Element 6 – Install anti-friction |6.1 Standard replaceable ball and roller anti-friction bearings are |Q38 | | |

|bearings |selected from manufacturers’ catalogues, spare parts lists or interpreted| | | |

| |from engineering drawing to meet specifications. | | | |

| |6.2 Bearing inside/outside diameters are determined from specifications | | | |

| |or manufacturers’ catalogue and checked using measuring instruments | | | |

| |appropriate to the task. | | | |

| |6.3 Shafts and housings size are checked for correct fit and clearances. | | | |

| |6.4 Installation techniques are selected appropriate to the task. | | | |

| |6.5 Bearings are fitted to shafts or housings using engineering | | | |

| |principles and tools, equipment, techniques appropriate to the task. | | | |

| |6.6 Bearing are sealed and, where required, capped, to specifications. | | | |

|MEM18005B Perform fault diagnosis, installation and removal of bearings |

|Required knowledge |Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: |Q38 | | |

| |procedures for checking bearings and seals | | | |

| |procedures for checking bearing lubrication/lubrication devices | | | |

| |manufacturer specifications | | | |

| |engineering principles relating to fault diagnosis, installation and | | | |

| |removal of bearings | | | |

| |reasons for deciding to replace/not replace given bearings | | | |

| |common causes of bearing failure and their indicators | | | |

| |procedures for determining the appropriate clearances for a range of | | | |

| |plain bearings | | | |

| |procedures for ‘sizing’ plain bearings | | | |

| |lubricants and lubrication requirements within the scope of this unit | | | |

| |hazards and control measures associated with fault diagnosis, | | | |

| |installation and removal of bearings | | | |

| |use and application of personal protective equipment | | | |

| |safe work practices and procedures. | | | |

|Required skills |Look for evidence that confirms skills in: | |Task 5 | |

| |reading, interpreting and following information on standard operating | | | |

| |procedures, manufacturer specifications, and other applicable reference | | | |

| |documents | | | |

| |planning and sequencing operations | | | |

| |checking and clarifying task-related information | | | |

| |measuring bearings and components to specified tolerances | | | |

|MEM18005B Perform fault diagnosis, installation and removal of bearings |

| |numerical operations and calculations/formulae within the scope of this | | | |

| |unit | | | |

| |performing routine bearing checks including of seals, lubrication and | | | |

| |lubrication devices | | | |

| |diagnosing bearing faults | | | |

| |identifying bearing requirements for replacement or installation | | | |

| |removing bearings | | | |

| |installing bearings | | | |

| |checking for conformance to specifications. | | | |

|MEM18006B Repair and fit engineering components |

|Element 1 – Identify scope of repair |1.1 Operational specifications for components are obtained from |Q39 | | |

|and/or fit required |appropriate source and are interpreted and understood. | | | |

| |1.2 Operation and condition of components are assessed against | | | |

| |specifications. | | | |

| |1.3 Faulty/worn components are identified. | | | |

| |1.4 Causes of faults are determined using appropriate engineering | | | |

| |principles, techniques, procedures, tools and equipment. | | | |

| |1.5 Repair, replacement, adjustment or manufacture requirements are | | | |

| |determined. | | | |

|Element 2 – Repair/replace faulty |2.1 Where applicable, appropriate method of repair is determined. |Q39 | | |

|components |2.2 Where applicable, faulty components are repaired or adjusted to | | | |

| |conform to specifications. | | | |

| |2.3 Where applicable, replacement parts are selected from manufacturers' | | | |

| |catalogues and assessed against specifications. | | | |

|MEM18006B Repair and fit engineering components |

|Element 3 – Manufacture parts/components |3.1 Parts/component specifications are determined from appropriate source.|Q39 | | |

| |3.2 Materials are selected to meet specification requirements. | | | |

| |3.3 New components are produced in conformance to specifications using | | | |

| |appropriate workshop practices. | | | |

| |3.4 Completed components are inspected for compliance with dimensions. | | | |

| |3.5 Where appropriate, component parts are marked for identification prior| | | |

| |to assembly. | | | |

|Element 4 – Fit engineering components |4.1 Fitting requirements and sequence of assembly are determined. |Q39 | | |

|into assemblies or sub-assemblies |4.2 Appropriate fitting principles and techniques are applied in the | | | |

| |preparation and assembly of component parts using fastening equipment and | | | |

| |methods which ensures conformance to specifications, operational | | | |

| |performance, quality and safety. | | | |

| |4.3 Using acceptable engineering practices, correct gland packing, | | | |

| |jointing/gasket materials are selected and applied correctly in | | | |

| |conformance to specifications and operational requirements. | | | |

| |4.4 Correct lubrication requirements are determined by appropriate means | | | |

| |and attended to where applicable. | | | |

| |4.5 Final adjustments are performed on component assembly to meet | | | |

| |operational specifications using acceptable engineering principles, | | | |

| |fitting techniques and procedures. | | | |

|MEM18006B Repair and fit engineering components |

|Element 5 – Check operation of repaired |5.1 Components/unit are checked under operational conditions for |Q39 | | |

|components/unit |compliance to operational specifications using acceptable engineering | | | |

| |principles to standard operating procedures. | | | |

| |5.2 Out of specification modification/alterations are approved by | | | |

| |appropriate authority and are recorded and documented to standard | | | |

| |operating procedures. | | | |

| |5.3 Final component assembly is commissioned and returned to service | | | |

| |according to standard operating procedures. | | | |

|Required knowledge |Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: |Q39 | | |

| |tools and equipment to be used to dismantle the components | | | |

| |consequences of having components that do not comply with operational | | | |

| |specifications | | | |

| |the types of adjustment applicable to the components being repaired/fitted| | | |

| | | | | |

| |appropriate methods of repair | | | |

| |the features and/or dimensions upon which replacement parts are to be | | | |

| |selected | | | |

| |the process of identifying replacement parts from third party suppliers’ | | | |

| |catalogues | | | |

| |the material properties required | | | |

| |the manufacturing operations to be used in the production of new | | | |

| |components | | | |

| |the sequence of operations to be used in the production of new components | | | |

| |the fitting requirements for assembling components | | | |

|MEM18006B Repair and fit engineering components |

| |the appropriate sequence of assembly tasks | | | |

| |the purpose of using gland packing, jointing or gasket materials | | | |

| |the reasons for selecting particular jointing or packing materials | | | |

| |the applications of different types of lubricants | | | |

| |the consequences of using inappropriate or no lubricant | | | |

| |safe work practices and procedures | | | |

| |the need to have approval for out of specification modifications | | | |

| |the reasons for documenting out of specification modifications | | | |

| |return to service procedures | | | |

| |the consequences of not following work site return to service procedures | | | |

| |hazard and control measures associated with repairing and fitting | | | |

| |engineering components, including housekeeping | | | |

|Required skills |Look for evidence that confirms skills in: | |Task 5 | |

| |obtaining operational specifications for the component/s | | | |

| |assessing operation against specification and identifying faults | | | |

| |checking component/s visually and dimensionally against the operational | | | |

| |specifications using work site procedures | | | |

| |checking repaired components visually and dimensionally for conformance to| | | |

| |specifications | | | |

|MEM18006B Repair and fit engineering components |

| |adjusting components to achieve conformance to specifications where | | | |

| |appropriate | | | |

| |selecting replacement parts which conform to specifications | | | |

| |preparing and assembling components using appropriate fitting techniques | | | |

| |and principles | | | |

| |where appropriate, applying gland packing, jointing or gasket materials, | | | |

| |using acceptable engineering practices | | | |

| |applying appropriate lubricants to the assembly using acceptable | | | |

| |engineering practices, where required | | | |

| |checking components for conformance to specification | | | |

| |where appropriate, adjusting components to achieve conformance to | | | |

| |specifications | | | |

| |where appropriate, recording any approved modifications/alterations to | | | |

| |work site procedures | | | |

| |inspecting the final assembly and checking conformance to operational | | | |

| |specifications | | | |

| |where appropriate returning the final assembly to service in accordance | | | |

| |with work site procedures | | | |

| |reading, interpreting and following information on written job | | | |

| |instructions, specifications, standard operating procedures, charts, | | | |

| |lists, drawings and other applicable reference documents | | | |

| |undertaking numerical operations, geometry and calculations/formulae | | | |

| |within the scope of this unit. | | | |

|MEM18007B Maintain and repair mechanical drives and mechanical transmission assemblies |

|Element 1 – Undertake maintenance checks |1.1 Principles of mechanical drives and mechanical transmission components|Q40 | | |

|of mechanical drives and mechanical |are understood. | | | |

|transmission components |1.2 The function of the main parts of the designated mechanical | | | |

| |drive/transmission assembly is understood. | | | |

| |1.3 Appropriate maintenance principles, techniques, tools and equipment, | | | |

| |mechanical drive/transmission components are used to check for wear, | | | |

| |distortion, tensions, misalignment, fatigue, lubrication, slackness, tooth| | | |

| |wear, breakages and other related malfunctions. | | | |

| |1.4 Assembly requiring further diagnosis, repair or adjustment is | | | |

| |identified and findings are documented. | | | |

|Element 2 – Adjust mechanical drives and |2.1 Adjustment requirements are determined. |Q40 | | |

|transmission assemblies |2.2 A suitable adjustment method is determined from manufacturers’ | | | |

| |instruction sheets, standard workshop manuals/procedures or other means. | | | |

| |2.3 Adjustment tools and equipment are selected according to the type of | | | |

| |assembly being serviced. | | | |

| |2.4 Appropriate maintenance principles, techniques, tools and equipment | | | |

| |are used, and drives/transmission components are tensioned, aligned | | | |

| |balanced or adjusted to manufacturers’/site specifications according to | | | |

| |safe workshop practices. | | | |

| |2.5 Drive/transmission assembly is checked after adjustment for correct | | | |

| |operation or identified for further diagnosis or repair. | | | |

| |2.6 Service report is completed. | | | |

| |2.7 Further diagnosis or repair requirements are actioned. | | | |

|MEM18007B Maintain and repair mechanical drives and mechanical transmission assemblies |

|Element 3 – Diagnose faults |3.1 Service reports are read and visual and sensory inspection of the |Q40 | | |

| |drive/transmission assembly is undertaken. | | | |

| |3.2 Given manufacturers’ specifications, and where applicable, diagnostic | | | |

| |equipment drive/transmission assembly is tested using sound maintenance | | | |

| |principles and procedures. | | | |

| |3.3 Faults are localised at the component level and identified for repair | | | |

| |or replacement. | | | |

| |3.4 Fault causes are analysed and preventative measures to avoid | | | |

| |re-occurrence are developed, documented and actioned by appropriate means.| | | |

| |3.5 Requirements for repair or replacement are actioned. | | | |

|Element 4 – Repair mechanical |4.1 Service reports are read and visual and sensory inspection of the |Q40 | | |

|drives/transmission assemblies |drive/transmission assembly is undertaken. | | | |

| |4.2 Task requirements are ascertained. | | | |

| |4.3 Tools and equipment are selected according to the type of assembly | | | |

| |being serviced. | | | |

| |4.4 Mechanical drive/transmission assembly is dismantled using appropriate| | | |

| |maintenance principles, techniques, tools, equipment and safe workshop | | | |

| |practices. | | | |

| |4.5 Serviceable items are repaired using appropriate maintenance | | | |

| |procedures according to manufacturers’ specifications and standard | | | |

| |workshop practices. | | | |

| |4.6 Standard replaceable items are selected and obtained using | | | |

| |manufacturers’ catalogues, spare parts lists, engineering specifications. | | | |

| |4.7 Component parts are refitted to mechanical drive/transmission assembly| | | |

| |using sound maintenance principles, techniques, tools and equipment in | | | |

| |accordance with manufacturers’/site specifications. | | | |

|MEM18007B Maintain and repair mechanical drives and mechanical transmission assemblies |

|Element 5 – Final adjustment and |5.1 Using applicable maintenance principles and procedures, |Q40 | | |

|commissioning |drive/transmission components are tensioned, balanced, aligned or adjusted| | | |

| |to suit specifications and operational requirements. | | | |

| |5.2 Drive/transmission assembly is checked after adjustment and | | | |

| |operational performance is analysed. | | | |

| |5.3 Assembly is commissioned to specifications. | | | |

| |5.4 Service report is completed. | | | |

|Required knowledge |Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: |Q40 | | |

| |uses and characteristics of lubricants | | | |

| |principles of operation of a range of mechanical drives and transmissions | | | |

| |techniques, tools and equipment to measure components | | | |

| |common malfunctions in mechanical drives, transmissions and their | | | |

| |components | | | |

| |procedures for checking and adjusting mechanical drives, transmissions and| | | |

| |their components | | | |

| |preventative measures that can be undertaken to avoid recurrence of the | | | |

| |fault/failure | | | |

| |any applicable industry standards, national/Australian standards, NOHSC | | | |

| |guidelines, State/Territory regulatory codes of practice/standards | | | |

| |use and application of personal protective equipment | | | |

| |safe work practices and procedures | | | |

| |hazards and control measures associated with | | | |

| |maintaining and repairing mechanical drives and mechanical transmission | | | |

| |assemblies. | | | |

|MEM18007B Maintain and repair mechanical drives and mechanical transmission assemblies |

|Required skills |Look for evidence that confirms skills in: | |Task 5 | |

| |locating, reading and interpreting information on written job | | | |

| |instructions, specifications, manufacturers’ instructions, standard | | | |

| |workshop manuals/procedures, drawings, charts, lists and other reference | | | |

| |documentation | | | |

| |checking and clarifying task-related information | | | |

| |interpreting manufacturers’ catalogues or engineering | | | |

| |specifications | | | |

| |undertaking diagnostic and testing | | | |

| |analysing operational performance | | | |

| |planning and sequencing operations | | | |

| |completing proformas, standard workplace forms and short reports using | | | |

| |relevant terminology | | | |

| |checking for conformance to specifications | | | |

| |measuring components to specified tolerances | | | |

| |undertaking calculations for determining cutting | | | |

| |parameters and checking tolerances | | | |

| |undertaking numerical operations and engineering | | | |

| |calculations/formulae within the scope of this unit | | | |

| |following verbal instructions | | | |

| |orally reporting information. | | | |

|MEM18009B Perform levelling and alignment of machines and engineering components |

|Element 1 – Undertake levelling and |1.1 Principles of levelling and alignment are understood and utilised. |Q41, 42 | | |

|alignment measurements/readings |1.2 Task requirements are determined by inspection of equipment to be | | | |

| |levelled and/or components to be aligned. | | | |

| |1.3 The correct appropriate levelling and/or alignment procedure is | | | |

| |selected. | | | |

| |1.4 Correct and appropriate levelling or alignment devices/equipment are | | | |

| |selected and set up to standard operating procedures or manufacturers’ | | | |

| |recommendation. | | | |

| |1.5 Measurements/readings are taken accurately and recorded correctly to | | | |

| |standard operating procedures. | | | |

|Element 2 – Perform levelling and/or |2.1 Correct and appropriate engineering principles, techniques, tools and |Q41, 42 | | |

|alignment tasks |equipment are selected. | | | |

| |2.2 Levelling realignment calculations are performed using correct and | | | |

| |appropriate method for levelling/alignment application. | | | |

| |2.3 Equipment is levelled to specifications using correct and appropriate | | | |

| |techniques. | | | |

| |2.4 Levelling and alignment task is completed to specifications. | | | |

|Required knowledge |Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: |Q41, 42 | | |

| |principles of levelling and alignment | | | |

| |numerical operations, geometry and calculations/formulae for levelling and| | | |

| |alignment | | | |

| |effects on equipment performance and life of non-level or out of alignment| | | |

| |components | | | |

|MEM18009B Perform levelling and alignment of machines and engineering components |

| |techniques, tools, equipment and procedures to carry out the levelling | | | |

| |and/or alignment | | | |

| |reasons for selecting tools, techniques and equipment | | | |

| |hazards and control measures associated with levelling and alignment | | | |

| |use and application of personal protective equipment | | | |

| |safe work practices and procedures. | | | |

|Required skills |Look for evidence that confirms skills in: | |Task 5 | |

| |reading, interpreting and following information on standard operating | | | |

| |procedures, manufacturer recommendations, drawings and other applicable | | | |

| |reference documents | | | |

| |taking levelling and alignment measurements/readings | | | |

| |performing levelling/alignment calculations | | | |

| |setting up levelling/aligning equipment | | | |

| |completing levelling and/or alignment tasks. | | | |

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Mapping Document for Skill Set 5: Engineering maintenance (welding and fluids)

Using this document:

This document is mapped to the direct sources of evidence that are required to satisfy competency in this particular cluster.

Each of the columns reflects the particular tool in use, and the numbers relate to the question numbers in that tool, which support the relevant performance criteria, critical aspect of evidence or required knowledge and skills in this cluster of units.

Note: The final column, Supplementary/Other, refers to the documentary evidence list as suggested in Section 6 – Supporting Documentation and Third Party Report.

The list of evidence is provided as a guide. If you have other evidence to support your claim for Recognition of Prior Learning, then you are encouraged to provide this to your Assessor.

Skill Set 5: Engineering maintenance (welding and fluids)

|Unit Code |Unit Title |Core/Elective |

|MEM05012C |Perform routine manual metal arc welding |Elective |

|MEM05049B |Perform routine gas tungsten arc welding |Elective |

|MEM05050B |Perform routine gas metal arc welding |Elective |

|MEM18012B |Perform installation and removal of mechanical seals |Elective |

|MEM18013B |Perform gland packing |Elective |

|MEM18018C |Maintain pneumatic system components |Elective |

|MEM18020B |Maintain hydraulic system components |Elective |

Page intentionally blank

Mapping of Assessment tools

The evidence matrix below identifies how each of the questions in the Interview Question Bank (Section 3) and the Practical Tasks (Section 4) demonstrate competence against the elements, performance criteria and critical aspects of evidence, underpinning skills, knowledge, and dimensions of competency (Task Skill – TS, Task Management Skill – TMS, Contingency Management Skill – CS, Job role environment – JRE).

|Skill Set 5 – Engineering maintenance (welding and fluids) |

|Units of competency |Units of competency |

|MEM05012C Perform routine manual metal arc welding |MEM18013B Perform gland packing |

|MEM05049B Perform routine gas tungsten arc welding |MEM18018C Maintain pneumatic system components |

|MEM05050B Perform routine gas metal arc welding |MEM18020B Maintain hydraulic system components |

|MEM18012B Perform installation and removal of mechanical seals | |

|Element |Performance Criteria |Question |Practical Tasks |Supplementary Evidence |

|MEM05012C Perform routine manual metal arc welding |

|Element 1 – Identify weld requirements |1.1 Weld requirements are identified from job instructions. |Q43 | | |

| |1.2 Location of welds is identified in accordance with standard | | | |

| |operating procedures and job specifications. | | | |

|Element 2 – Prepare materials for welding|2.1 Materials are cleaned and prepared ready for welding. |Q43 | | |

|Element 3 – Prepare equipment for welding|3.1 Welding equipment is set up correctly. |Q43 | | |

| |3.2 Correct electrodes are selected to suit application and settings. | | | |

|Element 4 – Perform routine welding using|4.1 Safe welding practices are applied. |Q43 | | |

|MMAW |4.2 Materials are welded to job requirements. | | | |

| |4.3 Welds are cleaned in accordance with standard operating | | | |

| |procedures. | | | |

|Required knowledge |Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: |Q43 | | |

| |material and equipment preparation | | | |

| |properties and characteristics of materials and consumables | | | |

| |weld characteristics | | | |

|MEM05012C Perform routine manual metal arc welding |

| |equipment set-up and settings | | | |

| |MMAW processes and properties | | | |

| |post-welding treatments | | | |

| |safe welding practices | | | |

| |use and application of personal protective equipment. | | | |

|Required skills |Look for evidence that confirms skills in: | |Task 6 | |

| |preparing materials and electrodes | | | |

| |setting up welding equipment | | | |

| |welding with MMAW | | | |

| |reading and interpreting routine information on written job | | | |

| |instructions, specifications and standard operating procedures | | | |

| |performing measurements for joint preparation and routine MMAW. | | | |

|MEM05049B Perform routine gas tungsten arc welding |

|Element 1 – Identify weld requirements |1.1 Weld requirements are identified from job instructions. |Q44 | | |

| |1.2 The locations of welds are identified in accordance with standard | | | |

| |operating procedures and job specifications. | | | |

|Element 2 – Prepare materials for welding|2.1 Materials are cleaned and prepared ready for welding. |Q44 | | |

|Element 3 – Prepare equipment for welding|3.1 Welding equipment is set up correctly. |Q44 | | |

| |3.2 Settings and consumables are selected to suit application. | | | |

|MEM05049B Perform routine gas tungsten arc welding |

|Element 4 – Perform routine welding using|4.1 Safe welding practices are applied. |Q44 | | |

|GTAW |4.2 Materials are welded to job requirements. | | | |

| |4.3 Welds are cleaned to standard operating procedures. | | | |

|Required knowledge |Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: |Q44 | | |

| |preparatory requirements | | | |

| |properties and characteristics of materials and consumables | | | |

| |equipment and equipment settings | | | |

| |fuel gas properties and applications | | | |

| |post welding treatments | | | |

| |weld characteristics | | | |

| |safe welding practices | | | |

| |use and application of personal protective equipment for routine GTAW.| | | |

|Required skills |Look for evidence that confirms skills in: | |Task 6 | |

| |preparing materials | | | |

| |setting up welding equipment | | | |

| |welding with GTAW | | | |

| |reading and interpreting routine information on written job | | | |

| |instructions, specifications and standard operating procedures | | | |

| |using measurement skills for joint preparation and routine GTAW. | | | |

|MEM05050B Perform routine gas metal arc welding |

|Element 1 – Identify weld requirements |1.1 Weld requirements are identified from job instructions. |Q45 | | |

| |1.2 Locations of welds are identified in according to standard | | | |

| |operating procedures and job specifications. | | | |

|Element 2 – Prepare materials for welding|2.1 Materials are cleaned and prepared ready for welding. |Q45 | | |

|Element 3 – Prepare equipment for welding|3.1 Welding equipment is set up correctly. |Q45 | | |

| |3.2 Settings and consumables are selected to suit application. | | | |

|Element 4 – Prepare routine welding using|4.1 Safe welding practices are applied. |Q45 | | |

|GMAW |4.2 Materials are welded to job requirements. | | | |

| |4.3 Welds are cleaned to standard operating procedures. | | | |

|Required knowledge |Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: |Q45 | | |

| |different current and voltage settings, gas flow rates wire diameters,| | | |

| |wire feed speed and other variables to suit typical situations. | | | |

| |material and equipment preparation | | | |

| |properties and characteristics of materials and consumables | | | |

| |equipment and equipment settings | | | |

| |fuel gas properties and applications | | | |

| |post-welding treatments | | | |

| |weld characteristics | | | |

| |safe welding practices | | | |

| |use and application of personal protective equipment for routine GMAW.| | | |

|MEM05050B Perform routine gas metal arc welding |

|Required skills |Look for evidence that confirms skills in: | |Task 6 | |

| |preparing materials | | | |

| |setting up welding equipment | | | |

| |welding with GMAW | | | |

| |reading and interpreting routine information on written job | | | |

| |instructions, specifications and standard operating procedures | | | |

| |following oral instruction | | | |

| |using measurement skills relating to joint preparation and routine | | | |

| |GMAW. | | | |

|MEM18012B Perform installation and removal of mechanical seals |

|Element 1 – Determine mechanical seal |1.1 Principles of mechanical seals are understood and applied. |Q46 | | |

|requirements |1.2 Operational function of mechanical seal components is understood. | | | |

| |1.3 For new mechanical seal installation, specifications are | | | |

| |interpreted from engineering drawings etc. | | | |

|Element 2 – Dismantle mechanical seal |2.1 Mechanical seal assembly is examined and appropriate dismantling |Q46 | | |

|installations |techniques, tools and equipment are selected to suit work | | | |

| |requirements. | | | |

| |2.2 Mechanical seal assembly is dismantled using engineering | | | |

| |techniques and safe workshop procedures appropriate to the work | | | |

| |requirements. | | | |

| |2.3 All component parts are examined for wear, including housing, | | | |

| |shafts, primary sealing elements, secondary seals, seat assembly etc.,| | | |

| |to determine need for repair or replacement. | | | |

|MEM18012B Perform installation and removal of mechanical seals |

| |2.4 Where applicable, serviceable items are repaired by appropriate | | | |

| |means. | | | |

| |2.5 Primary sealing elements and secondary seals are removed for | | | |

| |replacement where required, using correct and appropriate engineering | | | |

| |techniques and tools. | | | |

|Element 3 – Select replacement items |3.1 Replacement items are selected using manufacturers’ catalogues, |Q46 | | |

| |spare parts lists, engineering specifications or sample, using | | | |

| |standard operating procedures. | | | |

|Element 4 – Reassemble mechanical seal |4.1 Mechanical seal components are fitted using correct and |Q46 | | |

|installations |appropriate engineering techniques and tools, including seal head, | | | |

| |secondary seals, seat assembly, shaft and housing. | | | |

| |4.2 Mechanical seal assembly is tensioned and adjusted to | | | |

| |manufacturers’ specifications. | | | |

| |4.3 Mechanical seal assembly is tested using appropriate methods for | | | |

| |compliance with specifications and operational performance. | | | |

|Required knowledge |Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: |Q46 | | |

| |principles of operation and range of mechanical seals | | | |

| |components and function of a range of mechanical seal designs | | | |

| |installation specifications and procedures | | | |

| |failure patterns/wear limits of mechanical seal components | | | |

| |techniques/tools for removing primary sealing elements and secondary | | | |

| |seals from the mechanical seals | | | |

|MEM18012B Perform installation and removal of mechanical seals |

| |units of measurement, numerical operations and calculations/formulae | | | |

| |within the scope of this unit | | | |

| |reasons for selection of the mechanical seal | | | |

| |specified mechanical seal tension | | | |

| |testing mechanical seals | | | |

| |techniques, tools and equipment to measure components | | | |

| |hazards and control measures associated with installing/ removal of | | | |

| |mechanical seals, including housekeeping | | | |

| |use and application of personal protective equipment | | | |

| |safe work practices and procedures. | | | |

|Required skills |Look for evidence that confirms skills in: | |Task 7 | |

| |reading, interpreting and following information on standard operating | | | |

| |procedures, written job instructions, specifications, charts, lists, | | | |

| |drawings and other applicable reference documents | | | |

| |determining mechanical seal requirements | | | |

| |dismantling mechanical seal installations | | | |

| |selecting replaceable items | | | |

| |reassembling/repairing mechanical seal installations | | | |

| |adjusting mechanical seal tensions | | | |

| |testing mechanical seal assembly | | | |

| |checking for conformance to specifications | | | |

| |measuring components to specified tolerances. | | | |

|MEM18013C Perform gland packing |

|Element 1 – Inspect glands and gland |1.1 Principles of gland packing are applied. |Q47 | | |

|packing |1.2 Stuffing box assembly and gland packing are inspected and job | | | |

| |requirements are determined. | | | |

|Element 2 – Remove gland packing |2.1 Using appropriate engineering techniques, tools and equipment, |Q47 | | |

| |gland is extracted or removed. | | | |

|Element 3 – Replace or top up gland |3.1 Correct and appropriate gland packing is selected and cut to size |Q47 | | |

|packing |and shape to conform with application and/or specifications. | | | |

| |3.2 The stuffing box is filled with packing material and the gland is | | | |

| |reassembled using standard operating procedures or manufacturers’ | | | |

| |recommended procedures. | | | |

|Required knowledge |Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: |Q47 | | |

| |principles of gland packing | | | |

| |tools, techniques and equipment required to remove gland packing | | | |

| |various types of gland packing | | | |

| |reasons for selecting gland packing | | | |

| |methods of cutting gland packing to size and shape | | | |

| |reassembling procedures | | | |

| |hazards and control measures associated with gland packing, including | | | |

| |housekeeping | | | |

| |safe work practices. | | | |

|MEM18013C Perform gland packing |

|Required skills |Look for evidence that confirms skills in: | |Task 7 | |

| |checking and clarifying task-related information | | | |

| |inspecting glands and gland packing | | | |

| |removing gland packing | | | |

| |cutting gland packing to size and shape | | | |

| |replacing or topping up gland packing | | | |

| |reading and interpreting routine information on written job | | | |

| |instructions, specifications and standard operating procedures (may | | | |

| |include drawings) | | | |

| |following oral instructions | | | |

| |entering routine and familiar information onto proformas and standard | | | |

| |workplace forms. | | | |

|MEM18018C Maintain pneumatic system components |

|Element 1 – Check pneumatic system |1.1 System components are identified correctly. |Q48 | | |

|components |1.2 The characteristics and operational function of each system | | | |

| |component are understood. | | | |

| |1.3 The operational function of each component is inspected and | | | |

| |tested. | | | |

| |1.4 Correct operation of each component is assessed against | | | |

| |specifications. | | | |

|Element 2 – Identify, repair or replace |2.1 Faulty system components are localised and malfunction is |Q48 | | |

|faulty pneumatic system components |confirmed by inspection and testing using fluid power principles, | | | |

| |procedures and safety requirements. | | | |

| |2.2 Faulty system components are dismantled and repaired to | | | |

| |manufacturers’/site specifications. | | | |

|MEM18018C Maintain pneumatic system components |

| |2.3 Replacement parts are selected from manufacturers’ catalogue | | | |

| |according to required specifications. | | | |

| |2.4 System components are reassembled and verified for correct | | | |

| |operation and tested against specifications. | | | |

| |2.5 Correct operation of the pneumatic system is confirmed to standard| | | |

| |operating procedures. | | | |

| |2.6 Appropriate follow-up procedures are adopted according to standard| | | |

| |operating procedures. | | | |

| |2.7 Where appropriate, service reports are completed using standard | | | |

| |operating procedures. | | | |

|Required knowledge |Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: |Q48 | | |

| |the full range of pneumatic system components | | | |

| |characteristics/operational function of each component | | | |

| |procedures for inspecting and testing pneumatic system components | | | |

| |equipment to test pneumatic system components | | | |

| |the specifications of each pneumatic system component | | | |

| |faulty system components | | | |

| |causes of faulty pneumatic components | | | |

| |individual components within the pneumatic system | | | |

| |the safety procedures for working on pneumatic components | | | |

|MEM18018C Maintain pneumatic system components |

| |the procedure for repairing pneumatic system components | | | |

| |procedures for checking pneumatic system operation | | | |

| |follow-up procedures with respect to repaired/replaced pneumatic | | | |

| |system components | | | |

| |reporting/recording procedures | | | |

| |hazard and control measures associated with maintaining pneumatic | | | |

| |system components, including housekeeping | | | |

| |safe work practices and procedures. | | | |

|Required skills |Look for evidence that confirms skills in: | |Task 7 | |

| |inspecting and testing pneumatic system components | | | |

| |obtaining, interpreting and following written job instructions, | | | |

| |specifications, standard operating procedures, charts, lists, | | | |

| |drawings, relevant data sheets and other applicable reference | | | |

| |documents | | | |

| |planning and sequencing operations | | | |

| |checking and clarifying task-related information | | | |

| |checking individual components within the pneumatic system for correct| | | |

| |operation | | | |

| |dismantling and repairing faulty system components | | | |

| |selecting replacement parts from manufacturers'/suppliers' catalogues | | | |

| |assembling pneumatic system components | | | |

|MEM18018C Maintain pneumatic system components |

| |testing pneumatic components for correct operation and conformance to | | | |

| |specifications | | | |

| |checking the operation of the pneumatic system for conformance to | | | |

| |specification | | | |

| |checking repaired/replaced pneumatic system components for correct | | | |

| |operation | | | |

| |completing service reports. | | | |

|MEM18020B Maintain hydraulic system components |

|Element 1 – Check hydraulic system |1.1 System components are identified correctly. |Q49 | | |

|components |1.2 The characteristics and operational function of each system | | | |

| |component are understood. | | | |

| |1.3 The operational function of each component is inspected and | | | |

| |tested. | | | |

| |1.4 Correct operation of each component is assessed against | | | |

| |specifications. | | | |

|Element 2 – Identify, repair or replace |2.1 Faulty system components are localised and malfunction is |Q49 | | |

|faulty hydraulic system components |confirmed by inspection and testing using fluid power principles, | | | |

| |procedures and safety requirements. | | | |

| |2.2 Faulty system components are dismantled and repaired to | | | |

| |manufacturers’/site specifications. | | | |

| |2.3 Replacement parts are selected from manufacturers’ catalogue | | | |

| |according to required specifications. | | | |

| |2.4 System components are reassembled and verified for correct | | | |

| |operation and tested against specifications. | | | |

| |2.5 Correct operation of the hydraulic system is confirmed to standard| | | |

| |operating procedures. | | | |

|MEM18020B Maintain hydraulic system components |

| |2.6 Appropriate follow-up procedures are adopted according to standard| | | |

| |operating procedures. | | | |

| |2.7 Where appropriate, service reports are completed using standard | | | |

| |operating procedures. | | | |

|Required knowledge |Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: |Q49 | | |

| |the full range of hydraulic system components | | | |

| |characteristics and operational function of each hydraulic system | | | |

| |component | | | |

| |procedures for inspecting and testing hydraulic system components | | | |

| |equipment required to test hydraulic system components | | | |

| |specifications of each hydraulic system component | | | |

| |hydraulic components not operating in accordance with specifications | | | |

| |reasons for hydraulic components not operating in accordance with | | | |

| |specification | | | |

| |individual components within the hydraulic system | | | |

| |safety procedures to be followed when working on hydraulic components | | | |

| |where appropriate, faulty system components | | | |

| |procedure for repairing hydraulic system components | | | |

| |parts to be replaced | | | |

| |reasons for replacing the parts identified | | | |

| |the correct operation of the hydraulic system | | | |

|MEM18020B Maintain hydraulic system components |

| |procedures for checking hydraulic system operation | | | |

| |where appropriate, the follow-up procedures with respect to | | | |

| |repaired/replaced hydraulic system components. | | | |

|Required skills |Look for evidence that confirms skills in: | |Task 7 | |

| |inspecting a range of hydraulic system components in accordance where | | | |

| |appropriate, the follow-up procedures with respect to | | | |

| |repaired/replaced hydraulic system compo with standard operating | | | |

| |procedures | | | |

| |reading, interpreting and following relevant data sheets, | | | |

| |specifications, hydraulic circuits, drawings, instructions and manuals| | | |

| | | | | |

| |checking the individual components within the hydraulic system for | | | |

| |correct operation | | | |

| |dismantling and rectifying faulty system components to | | | |

| |manufacturers’/site specifications in accordance with standard | | | |

| |operating procedures | | | |

| |where appropriate, selecting replacement parts from the | | | |

| |manufacturers’/suppliers' catalogues | | | |

| |reassembling and testing the hydraulic system components | | | |

| |checking the operation of the hydraulic system for conformance to | | | |

| |specification | | | |

| |checking repaired/replaced hydraulic system components for correct | | | |

| |operation | | | |

| |completing service reports where appropriate. | | | |



Candidate Enquiry

Candidate’s Information Form

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Interview and Questioning



Observation of Practical Tasks


Gap Training

(if required)

Supporting Evidence/Third Party Report

(if required)


Issue Qualification –

Statement of Attainment



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