SSCM, Case Manager’s Name


Client’s Name

Family Team Meeting

➢ In Attendance:

1. Primary Caretaker (PK)

2. Daughter

3. Grand Child

4. Family Friend

5. Facilitator



8. SSS

➢ Ground Rules:

1. Be Respectful

2. One person speaks at a time

3. Stay on task

4. Be open to constructive criticism

5. Everything that is said in the room is confidential

6. All cell phones turned off and on vibrate

➢ Everyone signed the confidentiality agreement and signed into the meeting.

➢ Purpose: Client states she wants a place of her own for her and her son and become mentally stable.

➢ Outcome:

➢ Strengths:

← Client has the support of her daughter in caring for brother

← Client has employment

➢ Needs:

← Client needs to complete SA treatment and continue to seek mental health treatment; take medication

← Needs to notify OFI of the changes

← MO needs to continue to work

← Case needs to be transferred to Macon where MO moved to

← Will notify CM with the address of her new home once she moves

← Associate needs to apply again for MA for child by 1/28 and add him to her food stamps.

← S/A Assessment to include alcohol

← Random drug screens

← Remain in compliance with probation matters

1. Goal – Client wants to get her own place to live with her son, to continue to work on becoming mentally healthy, provide for basic needs and keep him safe.

1. Step – Client states that she will contact Rivers Edge and make an appointment for a SA/MH assessment and to comply with all recommendations. Recommendations include med. Management appointment for S/A needed to be made no later than 01/28/15.

2. Step- Client states she will submit to random drug screens by R.E. and/or DFCS’ service provider.

3. Step- Client states she will remain in compliance with legal matters through probation officer.

4. Step- Client states she wants her daughter to remain as primary caregiver for brother under a “Safe Plan”.

5. Step- Sister states she will continue to be the primary caregiver for Brother, to include providing for his basic needs to include, educational, medical, financial, and dental.

6. Step- Ms. T states she will complete a medical application for medical benefits no later than 01/28/15. She will provide OFI with any necessary documents in a timely manner.

7. Step- SSCM will monitor progress and will obtain necessary release of information.

8. Step-

2. Goal- Ms.

1. Step- Dentist March 21st with Dr. H

2. Step- Needs Well-Check with Dr. D

3. Step-

4. Step- Ms.

5. Step-


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