This document was created from field instructor evaluations at the conclusion of Field Practicum IV: MACRO– Spring 2012. The project began by compiling a comprehensive list of all evidence to support the ratings given by field instructors. The Field Practicum Advisory Committee made decisions about the definition of competency for each competency area and what evidence belonged to which rating. Gabrielle Montoya, the Field Office Graduate Student, assisted with the review and final editing.

November, 2012


Field Practicum IV: MACRO Evaluation Form

Evaluation Categories

Rubrics by Competency Area

1. Professional Identity

2. Values and Ethics

3. Critical Thinking

4. Diversity

5. Human Rights and Social Justice

6. Research

7. HBSE/Theory

8. Social Policy

9. Professional Context

10. Practice

|A. PROFESSIONAL IDENTITY: Identify as a professional social worker who provides leadership in administration,|UP |IP |EC |C |AC |

|community development, and advocacy. | | | | | |

| |( |( |( |( |( |

Practice Tasks

1. Identify as a social worker in interdisciplinary relationships.

2. Serve as a representative of the social work profession during professional activities and events.

3. Develop a personal plan for career long learning in social work.

Evidence to support rating:

Strategies to increase competence:

|B. VALUES AND ETHICS: Assume leadership in applying ethical principles to decision-making processes. |UP |IP |EC |C |AC |

| |( |( |( |( |( |

Practice Tasks

1. Use ethical principles to solve ethical dilemmas.

2. Demonstrate leadership in resolving dissonance between professional values and agency policies and procedures.

Evidence to support rating:

Strategies to increase competence:

|C. CRITICAL THINKING: Use creative synthesis of knowledge for effective decision-making. |UP |IP |EC |C |AC |

| |( |( |( |( |( |

Practice Tasks

1. Distinguish, appraise, and integrate multiple sources of knowledge for effective decision-making.

2. Demonstrate effective oral and written communication in determining solutions to complex problems.

Evidence to support rating:

Strategies to increase competence:

|D. DIVERSITY: Develop culturally competent skills for establishing and sustaining collaborations and advocacy |UP |IP |EC |C |AC |

|efforts. | | | | | |

| |( |( |( |( |( |

Practice Tasks

1. Recognize and combat isms, community stereotypes, and myths.

2. Develop knowledge about service availability and usage across different communities.

3. Utilize skill in working with diverse populations to create and sustain collaborations in responding to gaps in service.

4. Advocate for recruitment, admissions and hiring, and retention efforts that ensure diverse representation in work force and leadership.

5. Communicate information about diverse groups to other professionals.

6. Advocate for and participate in education and training programs that advance cultural competence.

Evidence to support rating:

Strategies to increase competence:

|E. HUMAN RIGHTS AND SOCIAL JUSTICE: Advocate for human rights and social, economic, and political justice. |UP |IP |EC |C |AC |

| |( |( |( |( |( |

Practice Tasks

1. Develop and apply knowledge of empowerment strategies to administration and community development.

2. Develop and apply advocacy skills to advance justice for diverse populations.

3. Provide leadership for the advancement of basic human rights.

Evidence to support rating:

Strategies to increase competence:

|F. RESEARCH: Use leadership, administration, community development, and advocacy experience to inform |UP |IP |EC |C |AC |

|scientific inquiry. | | | | | |

| |( |( |( |( |( |

Practice Tasks

1. Identify research questions that arise from practice experience.

2. Explore opportunities for collaborative research addressing these questions.

3. Evaluate effectiveness of one's own practice skills and make revisions as necessary.

Evidence to support rating:

Strategies to increase competence:

|G. HBSE/THEORY: Demonstrate the ability to critique the effectiveness of theoretical approaches to leadership,|UP |IP |EC |C |AC |

|administration, community development, and advocacy. | | | | | |

| |( |( |( |( |( |

Practice Tasks

1. Evaluate the potential effectiveness of the theoretical framework(s) used for each intervention.

2. Determine which theories provide best practice for specific situations.

3. Identify the theoretical approach (s) that best fit yourself in utilizing various leadership models.

Evidence to support rating:

Strategies to increase competence:

|H. SOCIAL POLICY: Demonstrate leadership in critiquing policy and advocating for policy change. |UP |IP |EC |C |AC |

| |( |( |( |( |( |

Practice Tasks

1. Identify changes needed to make policy more responsive to client needs.

2. Develop strategies to implement policy change

3. Develop and sustain collaborations for effective policy action.

Evidence to support rating:

Strategies to increase competence:

|I. PROFESSIONAL CONTEXT: Demonstrate leadership in proactively shaping the organizational, community, |UP |IP |EC |C |AC |

|governmental, and societal contexts of social work practice. | | | | | |

| |( |( |( |( |( |

Practice Tasks

1. Identify changes needed to improve the quality of social services.

2. Develop strategies to implement the changes.

3. Develop and sustain collaborations to improve the delivery of social services.

Evidence to support rating:

Strategies to increase competence:

|J. PRACTICE: Provide leadership to the analysis and implementation of evidenced-based interventions to achieve|UP |IP |EC |C |AC |

|system goals. | | | | | |

| |( |( |( |( |( |

Practice Tasks

1. Synthesize and apply a range of evidenced-based practice interventions that enhance agency and community capacity.

2. Demonstrate skills in critically analyzing, monitoring, and evaluating social work intervention outcomes and effectiveness.

3. Provide leadership in developing and advocating for policies and services that reflect evidenced-based interventions across diverse client populations.

4. Document consistently and accurately efforts and outcomes specific to the agency setting and agency requirements.

Evidence to support rating:

Strategies to increase competence:

|Competency & Practice |Unacceptable Progress |Insufficient Progress |Emerging Competency |Competency |Advanced Competency |

|Behavior | | | | | |

|PROFESSIONAL IDENTITY: |Reluctant to identify |The student definitely |The student participated in departmental |Represented the social work field while |Student was observed teaching the role of |

| |as a Social Worker in |understands the Social Work|staff meetings, and other meetings, as |serving on an interdisciplinary conference|social work as the only social worker in a |

|2.1.1 Identify as a|interdisciplinary |concepts, and speaks well |appropriate, in order to gain an |planning committee. Worked to establish a|legal aid clinic to lawyers in a clinic. |

|professional social |meetings. |about them. My concern is |understanding of the services provided by|conference theme and helped to identify |In an effort to improve professional |

|worker and conduct | |that the student did not |this department and some other university|appropriate conference topics and |networking skills the student interviewed |

|oneself accordingly. | |take advantage of all that |departments and student organizations. |presenters. |three professionals in the community who |

| | |the placement had to offer |The student met with students at CSD and |The student has spoken of her new identity|currently work in the field of policy and |

|Practice Behavior: | |so she could learn even |advocated for accommodations and services|as a social worker and has been observed |advocacy. She led a discussion with them on |

| | |more and take even more |for them. The student participated in |in positive professional interactions with|the role a Social Worker might play in |

|Identify as a | |initiative. |community conferences and meetings. |various disciplines involved. |policy practice. She continued to attend |

|professional social | | | |The student participated in numerous |monthly meetings of the HCPS Board of |

|worker who provides | | | |activities and served as a representative |Directors, but also began attendance at |

|leadership in | | | |for the profession in activities that |other meetings of a similar nature. She also|

|administration, | | | |included: community presentations, |began attendance at monthly meetings of the |

|community development, | | | |training with the local health department,|HCPS Children’s Services committee. |

|and advocacy. | | | |and conducting individual counseling. The |Throughout these activities, the student |

| | | | |student has a personal plan for his career|conducted herself with a high level of |

|Demonstrate increasing | | | |and his goals to return to his home |professional demeanor and courtesy |

|independence and | | | |country and conduct social work. |establishing positive professional |

|accountability for | | | |The student has worked with the |interdisciplinary relationships. She made |

|professional behavior. | | | |Development Team, the Marketing Team, the |good use of supervision to gain a greater |

| | | | |Strategic Partnership Team and our |understanding of her role in these |

| | | | |Administration. She clearly represents a |interdisciplinary meetings. |

| | | | |Social Work perspective in these meetings.|Student frequently would self-identify as a |

| | | | | |social worker when introducing himself |

| | | | |Clearly identifies as a social worker in |during community events and coalition |

| | | | |work with the American Leadership Forum |building. Student reported that response to |

| | | | |Convocation on Public Education (COPE) and|self-identifying as a social worker was |

| | | | |All Kids Alliance (AKA). |mostly a neutral response. |

| | | | |During field IV, the student continued to |Student is implementing plan for career long|

| | | | |recognize her role as the social worker |learning in social work, and currently |

| | | | |and continued to advocate for her clients |taking study courses for the LMSW exam. |

| | | | |and assist them in finding services and |Student also followed field instructor’s |

| | | | |resources. As a worker in the PAL program |recommendation to utilize Muslim Social Work|

| | | | |she was called upon to serve as a |email groups as a professional resource and |

| | | | |representative of the social work |networking tool. |

| | | | |profession during PAL activities and | |

| | | | |events. She continued her work as a PAL |The student brought a social work |

| | | | |Specialist informing youth of PAL |perspective to our weekly team meetings. She|

| | | | |benefits, educating other staff about PAL |asked questions and offered comments based |

| | | | |and continually advocating for the youth |on her knowledge of community issues, social|

| | | | |TDFPS serves. |needs and agency requests for service. She |

| | | | |The student has exhibited a strong |is a respected member of the group and her |

| | | | |identity with the social work profession. |opinions are valued as a representative of |

| | | | |She has represented NPC in numerous |the new generation of social |

| | | | |interdisciplinary planning efforts during |workers/activists. |

| | | | |the past semester. | |

|Competency & Practice |Unacceptable |Insufficient Progress |Emerging Competency |Competency |Advanced Competency |

|Behavior |Progress | | | | |

|VALUES AND ETHICS: | |The student did not allow |During conferences with the field |The student has demonstrated her ability to |Throughout her placement the student took |

| | |her personal life to affect|instructor/supervisor the student was |utilize ethical principles to solve ethical |great interest in the consulting engagements |

|2.1.2 Apply social | |her work. The student and I|able to apply social work values and |dilemmas. As a student she has been placed in|and in considering how agencies were |

|work ethical principles| |brainstormed and discussed |ethic al standards to the practice of |a position to observe poor casework skills |operating in comparison to best practices in |

|to guide professional | |actual and potential |leadership, administration, community |throughout the agency. She has been able to |the field and the role of agency staff |

|practice. | |ethical dilemmas. |development, and advocacy. The student |articulate what should be done instead. She |leadership in guiding ethical agency |

| | | |was able to point out ethical dilemmas |is a great advocate for “respect” of the |operations. We reviewed nonprofit accounting |

| | | |and articulate the potential impact on |client. |practices and the importance of appropriate |

|Practice Behavior: | | |value systems. | |recording and accurate tracking of restricted|

| | | | |The student demonstrated ethical awareness in|grants in an agency budget. She assisted in |

|Assume leadership in | | |The student was able to discern |the decision making process. The student |finding best practices documentation and |

|applying ethical | | |situations that could compromise |identified an abuse reporting conflict in |adapting it for NPC use in selected |

|principles to | | |ethical conduct. He was able to freely |social work practice and agency policy and |consulting engagements and in preparation of |

|decision-making | | |and articulately discuss these |was able to use the conflict as a teachable |toolkits and other resource documents. |

|processes. | | |situations in meetings with the field |moment with agency administrators. | |

| | | |instructor. | | |

| | | | |The student continued to use ethical | |

| | | | |principles to solve any ethical dilemmas she | |

| | | | |encountered. The student consistently works | |

| | | | |with clients whose lifestyles and personal | |

| | | | |choices differ from hers without regard. The | |

| | | | |student continues to effectively filter her | |

| | | | |values and beliefs so that she is not | |

| | | | |affected by them when making professional | |

| | | | |decisions. | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Competency & Practice |Unacceptable Progress |Insufficient Progress |Emerging Competency |Competency |Advanced Competency |

|Behavior | | | | | |

|CRITICAL THINKING: |The student had a very |The student is able to|The student was able to attend a Child |Student consistently demonstrated critical thinking in |In the coordination of the 2012 |

| |busy spring semester: |think critically when |protection meeting at Texas Children’s |research and tasks performed. The student utilized |Board Fair, and in her work on the|

|2.1.3 Apply |classes, preparing for |challenged and asked |Hospital and was able to observe the |multiple resources and communication styles in |Shell Institute proposal and |

|critical thinking to |graduation, conferences, |to do so. |partnership and multiple sources of |presenting new program information to a group of |budget, the student demonstrated |

|inform and communicate |and a new job. I have not| |information that are important for |persons with early stage Alzheimer’s disease. |her critical thinking skills. She |

|professional judgments.|felt her passion at the | |effective decision-making. The student has | |approached the Board Fair by |

| |agency these past few | |consistently demonstrated excellent and |During supervision knowledge of community practice was |examining results of the prior |

| |weeks. While I understand| |effective oral and written communication |explored, including: empowerment, ecological systems |year fair, reviewing the schedule |

|Practice Behavior: |her distractions, several| |skills that will assist her in determining |theory, and community practice model (mostly social |materials and evaluations, and |

| |important activities were| |solutions to complex problems. |action and coalitions). Student also demonstrated |making changes needed for |

|Use creative synthesis |left for colleagues while| | |critical thinking skills of agency administration and |continuous improvement of this |

|of knowledge for |she attended her | | |provided recommendations of resource |annual event. |

|effective |conference. She did ask | | |development/fundraising, budgets and board. | |

|decision-making. |for help when needed and | | | |The student used various bodies of|

| |called to check in. But | | |The student continued to demonstrate effective critical|knowledge including: literature |

| |in the final analysis, | | |thinking skills. She is able to gather data, look at |review, evidence-based |

| |she did not assertively | | |possible solutions and make sound decisions regarding |curriculums, and training, then |

| |seek ways to solve her | | |her work. The student demonstrated effective written |she designed and wrote a new tool |

| |challenges on her own: | | |and oral communication skills. |kit for HIPPA compliance; |

| |attendance to the event, | | | |discussed policies with general |

| |ordering the aprons, | | |Her work demonstrates a thorough critical thinking |public defending agency position. |

| |correcting cookbook | | |process that links practice with appropriate standards | |

| |errors. | | |for proper documentation. | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |The student demonstrated a careful, organized, and | |

| | | | |thorough evaluation of material presented. Her analysis| |

| | | | |consistently demonstrated a good understanding of the | |

| | | | |evaluation process. | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |The student used critical thinking skills to evaluate | |

| | | | |in the program. Student assessed and helped identify | |

| | | | |the outcomes most useful to this program. | |

|Competency & Practice |Unacceptable Progress|Insufficient Progress |Emerging Competency |Competency |Advanced Competency |

|Behavior | | | | | |

|DIVERSITY: |While the student can|During supervision, the |The student is able to recognize |When it comes to the major isms, the student |Student demonstrates the ability to work with |

| |discuss these topics |student demonstrated an |that community stereo types exist |demonstrates skills in communicating and |cancer patients from different cultural and |

|2.1.4 Engage |intelligently, she |understanding of diversity and|as well as do myths about various |collaborating with diverse groups. She |disability backgrounds. The student |

|diversity and |would have benefited |how the dominant culture's |cultures. The student places |understands how actions and words can be |understands cancer related health disparities |

|difference in practice.|from participating |structures and values may |importance on developing her |oppressive and confronts these myths and |and how they relate to access to care and |

| |more in staff/peer |oppress, marginalize, |knowledge about service |stereotypes when found. |support. The student has identified gaps and |

| |events. She could |alienate, or create or enhance|availability across different | |completed a grant proposal to address and |

|Practice Behavior: |have learned even |privilege and power in various|communities. She has continued to |Student worked in a multidisciplinary setting|support Spanish speaking parents that have a |

| |more if she took more|settings. The student |develop her knowledge and skill in|with multi-cultural populations and |child with cancer. The student facilitated a |

|Develop culturally |initiative. |demonstrated an understanding |working with diverse population. |demonstrated a perceptive awareness of the |“Lunch and Learn” to parents in an inpatient |

|competent skills for | |of interventions, and |She demonstrates resourcefulness |importance of cultural competency in |setting. She was able to identify gaps in |

|establishing and | |self-awareness and personal |as it related to gaining knowledge|developing agency programs. Student |services and able to provide solutions to help|

|sustaining | |responsibility as an advocate |in this area. |considered needs of audience and carefully |fill those gaps. |

|collaborations and | |to eliminate the influences of| |thought out the impact of content and | |

|advocacy efforts. | |biases and values in working | |delivery. |Student advocated for LGBT issues to be |

| | |with diverse groups. | | |included in future UHGCSW Sexuality course. |

| | | | |The student was able to work with various and|Student demonstrated leadership in revising |

| | | | |diverse groups. He understands and is |sexual assault policy for UH to be LGBT |

| | | | |sensitive to needs of the population. The |inclusive and gender neutral; and increased |

| | | | |student was able to identify potential biases|Spanish language accessibility of advocacy |

| | | | |and was aware of these biases in his |materials. |

| | | | |presentations. The student used skills in | |

| | | | |recruitment and outreach activities to |The student collaborated on project learning |

| | | | |successfully help increase the number of |about the diversity of Houston, and the |

| | | | |persons involved with health promotion |importance of diversity of ethnicity and |

| | | | |activities. |thought on nonprofit boards. She presented |

| | | | | |information about the Houston nonprofit sector|

| | | | |The student continued to develop her |and how its changing demographics have |

| | | | |knowledge about the services available in the|influenced nonprofit development and |

| | | | |community for the population she serves. She |philanthropic giving. The student skillfully |

| | | | |was able to demonstrate her skill as it |fielded questions at the end of the |

| | | | |relates to working with a diverse population |presentation. |

| | | | |by identifying service gaps for the youth she| |

| | | | |serves and advocating for the education of | |

| | | | |youth and for putting them in the workforce. | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |When the student met with clients she helped | |

| | | | |to provide them with a sense of normalcy, | |

| | | | |options and equal opportunities. She assisted| |

| | | | |these clients to ensure that they received | |

| | | | |equal educational opportunities and were not | |

| | | | |discriminated against by faculty. The student| |

| | | | |also informed clients of other available | |

| | | | |resources to assist them, both on campus and | |

| | | | |in the community. | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

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| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Competency & Practice |Unacceptable Progress |Insufficient Progress |Emerging Competency |Competency |Advanced Competency |

|Behavior | | | | | |

|HUMAN RIGHTS & SOCIAL |The student and I |While the student can |Student demonstrated belief in social |The student also took an interest in |The student understands cancer related health |

|JUSTICE: |discussed some of the |discuss these topics |justice, human rights, and equality every |the rights and roles of fathers in the |disparities and how they relate to access to |

| |"oppressive" barriers |intelligently, she would |day and demonstrated an understanding of |CPS system. The student reviewed the |care and support. She traveled to Washington |

|2.1.5 Advance human |our clients faced at |have benefited from |advocacy and a desire to pursue that area |policy of fathers in order to ensure |D.C to provide leadership to an advocacy |

|rights and social and |the university both on |participating more in |as a possible career field. The student |she understood how to develop and apply|effort for access to affordable chemotherapy. |

|economic justice. |an individual and |staff/peer events. She |seems genuinely passionate about social |advocacy skills for this population. | |

| |systems level. |met expectations, but |justice issues, and walked the talk. |The student is a strong and determined |Student has researched legislation policies |

| | |could have learned even |Demonstrates knowledge of empowerment |advocate for father’s rights. She also |that affect diverse populations for our public|

|Practice Behavior: | |more if she took more |strategies, but did not employ them in |is committed to learning more |education. She has a clear understanding of |

| | |initiative. |time as an intern. |empowerment strategies. |the dynamics of oppression. She has helped CIS|

|Advocate for human | |The student's experience | | |to eliminate barriers to service for our |

|rights and social, | |in his home country of |The student interviewed unit members on |In her work with the HCPS Forms |students and their families. |

|economic, and political | |Haiti made him sensitive |how they distinguish between poverty and |Committee, she was responsible for | |

|justice. | |to the needs of |neglect when assessing families. She did |research into areas of client rights. |Student organized several programs for the |

| | |disadvantaged |this to better understand the need for |She continued to work effectively with |Council for American Islamic Relations (CAIR).|

| | |communities. |respecting basic human rights as it |the Committee’s facilitator between |Student demonstrated knowledge of empowerment |

| | |The student continued to |relates to families encountered in the CPS|meetings and provided necessary |strategies when designing and implementing |

| | |assess agency policies to|system. |information regarding current research,|each program. |

| | |ensure youth were treated| |policy and procedure issues. She made | |

| | |fairly and obtained the |In participating as a NPC representative |several recommendations to incorporate |A significant portion of the spring semester |

| | |services they are |in the One Voice Early Childhood workgroup|these elements into a more standardized|was focused on advocacy related learning |

| | |entitled or eligible to |she was able to participate in developing |form & protocols for the agency. |experiences. The student was an active |

| | |receive. |an advocacy agenda for the upcoming 2013 | |participant in a cross functional department |

| | | |legislative session. | |work group that developed an advocacy workshop|

| | | | | |series, on issues and advocacy techniques at |

| | | | | |the local, state and federal level. She |

| | | | | |researched and developed an advocacy toolkit |

| | | | | |for workshop participants and increased her |

| | | | | |own knowledge and understanding of advocacy |

| | | | | |techniques in the process. |

|RESEARCH: | |The student’s curiosity |Student generated research questions that |Designed survey to assess clinic staff |During her internship, the student conducted |

| | |and interest in questions|informed program design. |attitudes toward engaging clients in |several literature searches related to |

|2.1.6 Engage in | |of access to services | |clinic advocacy. Received staff |projects associated with program improvement. |

|research-informed | |identified areas in need |The student seeks out answers to research |feedback and made corrections |This generated for her research questions |

|practice and | |of study in order to |and practice questions and offers ideas of|accordingly. Piloted survey prior to |which led her to conduct follow up interviews |

|practice-informed | |provide more for |how to put this into practice. |administration. The student is |with agency staff with specialized knowledge |

|research. | |inter-nation non-refugee | |effective in gathering data and |in these areas. The student used the data she |

| | |immigrants here in the |The student researched several topics and |analyzing it to raise questions for |gathered to conduct program specific reviews |

|Practice Behavior: | |US. |practice trends that were helpful to the |future research, regarding diversity |into trends and service delivery patterns. The|

| | |Student participated in |department. He had some difficulty |issues specifically as it relates to |student then conducted an in-depth review of |

|Use leadership, | |research based raining on|conceptualizing questions for future |youth aging out of care. |current practice in the area of logic models. |

|administration, | |effective HIV |research. | |Using this information she revised the current|

|community development, | |interventions. | |The student developed questions for |staff training, which was presented to staff. |

|and advocacy experience | | | |future research based on his | |

|to inform scientific | | | |participation in HIV/AIDS grantwriting.|The student researched our IMPACT system to |

|inquiry. | | | | |review children and youths records to identify|

| | | | | |strengths/barriers to educational outcomes. |

| | | | |The student has demonstrated critical |The student developed a hypothesis about ways |

| | | | |thinking through related research |in which education outcomes were affected by |

| | | | |articles that have been applicable to |strengths and barriers. Student reviewed the |

| | | | |cancer patient, the health industry, |data in the IMPACT database system and proved |

| | | | |and health policy. The student |a PowerPoint presentation of report findings |

| | | | |participated in clinical trials. This |and a follow-up questionnaire. |

| | | | |raised for her important questions for | |

| | | | |future research that would offer |The student continued research on the |

| | | | |patients better cancer treatments. |prevalence of disproportionality in CPS and |

| | | | | |whether disproportionality units impact the |

| | | | |The student excelled in his |imbalance using her assigned unit as her |

| | | | |responsibilities to complete research |model. She has also continued to research |

| | | | |for the agency. He analyzed data from |reunification outcomes of her assigned unit by|

| | | | |our programs and presented his findings|continuing to review unit stats and in |

| | | | |and provided recommendations. The |discussions with her field supervisor. She has|

| | | | |student developed questions for our |continued to utilize data from trainings and |

| | | | |program evaluations. |classes to create unit presentations on child |

| | | | | |trauma and Motivational Interviewing. During |

| | | | | |weekly meetings with field instructor, she has|

| | | | | |very clearly articulated her observations of |

| | | | | |field caseworkers and how her research of |

| | | | | |disproportionality assists her in assessing |

| | | | | |how this initiative impacts families. |

| | | | | | |

|Competency & |Unacceptable Progress |Insufficient Progress |Emerging Competency |Competency |Advanced Competency |

|Practice Behavior | | | | | |

|HBSE/Theory: |The student enjoyed |The student soaks up learning|Student showed an ability to |The student has researched Systems Theory and |The student has continued to |

| |sitting in my office |about macro theories and |determine which theories/ practices |how a nonprofit is run and the importance of |participate in quarterly PQI Leadership|

|2.1.7 Apply |reflecting on meetings,|seeing how they are put into |apply to the situation at hand. |each employee’s skills and place in the system.|Team Meetings. At each of these |

|knowledge of human |interactions and |use. She also allows them to | |As new policies are developed, she has |meetings, she has been able to observe |

|behavior and the |observations she had. |influence her practice in |The student studied the theoretical |experienced training in order for team members |and discuss with this instructor |

|social environment.| |positive ways. |frameworks used in HIV prevention |to understand the theory behind the policies |relevant roles and responsibilities of |

| |Integration of | |activities, including: Community |and implement them. She continues to evaluate |participants, and the range of |

| |leadership class |The student has identified |Promise and VOICES. He was able to |and utilize Empowerment and Strengths |authority vested in each group in |

|Practice Behavior: |learning and |theories as it relates to our|articulate the theoretical approaches|Perspective theories in appropriate situations.|respect to the entire HCPS |

| |observations in |role in different settings. |used in each of the interventions. | |organizational structure. The student |

|Demonstrate the |practice. | | | |has appropriately utilized supervision |

|ability to critique| | |Able to identify and apply the |Student and Field Instructor frequently |time to discuss applicable management |

|the effectiveness | | |theoretical frameworks from program |reviewed community practice theories to inform |theories and has identified the |

|of theoretical | | |design, grant writing and |work at agency. During supervision student also|theoretical approaches that she is most|

|approaches to | | |administrative practice. |would incorporate theories learned from the |comfortable with. The student has used |

|leadership, | | | |social work program on leadership. |her experiences here at HCPS as |

|administration, | | | |Evidence-based practices were explored during |examples of how they are implemented |

|community | | | |supervision. |within an actual workplace environment.|

|development, and | | | | | |

|advocacy. | | | |The student has used her experiences to examine| |

| | | | |the theoretical framework used in each project.| |

| | | | |She identified empowerment and the systems | |

| | | | |theory of change as the frameworks most | |

| | | | |applicable to the consulting, advocacy and | |

| | | | |administrative assignments. She used her | |

| | | | |supervision to explore the implications of each| |

| | | | |of these theories as the projects progressed. | |

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|Competency & Practice |Unacceptable |Insufficient Progress |Emerging Competency |Competency |Advanced Competency |

|Behavior |Progress | | | | |

|SOCIAL POLICY: | |Student showed interest in |• The student has continued to review |The student was able to discuss policies that affect |Student demonstrated leadership at |

| | |policy issues but did not |the Minimum Standards for Child |clients, background of the policies, and implication and |helping the agency develop ideas and |

|2.1.8 Engage in | |demonstrate initiative in |Placing Agencies. This has been |impact on the client. |policies for advocacy. Student was |

|policy practice to | |providing leadership. |helpful for her to begin to learn how |The student recommended and developed advocacy cards to |instrumental at helping implement a |

|advance social and | |The student demonstrates an|to identify changes needed to make |improve client response and comfort; observing the |2012 Election Plan for the agency. She|

|economic well-being and | |awareness of the impact of |policy more effective for clients. |practice of securing existing favorable policies. |was responsible for coordinating |

|to deliver effective | |health policy as it relates|This strategy also helps her to |The student continued to demonstrate the ability to |activities relating to increasing |

|social work services. | |to cancer patients and |develop skills in implementing policy |articulate parameters of policy to the youth she serves, |civic participation and community |

| | |patients receiving quality |change. She has also explored how |specifically informing youth of their benefits, criteria |education of government affairs. |

| | |care. She has attended |these standards are maintained in the |for benefits, and changes in policy. The student always |The student looked for ways to |

|Practice Behavior: | |committee meeting and |E0 unit by observing workers in the |strives to voice concerns when policy does not seem |collaborate with staff to improve |

| | |workshops that address the |field and by reviewing case records. |responsive to the client. During this period of |procedures. She demonstrated |

|Demonstrate leadership | |issue of access to care and| |evaluation she continued to provide the youth on her |leadership in finalizing a procedure |

|in critiquing policy and| |quality treatment to all |Student consistently demonstrated an |workload with an overview of the agency services and the |manual that is very detailed and |

|advocating for policy | |patients. |ability to view a social issue, break |evolution of the program. |complex. Throughout her work here she |

|change. | | |it down into its salient parts, and |Developed advocacy tools - including policy brief, phone |has been forthcoming with her ideas |

| | | |analyze it in a way that showed |banking scripts, and form letter which will be |and ways to make things better for |

| | | |insight and thoughtfulness. The |disseminated throughout the agency and are available to |clients and staff. |

| | | |student expressed passion and interest|national organizations. The student demonstrated | |

| | | |in a career that addressed social |leadership in developing an advocacy piece to be | |

| | | |change and/or advocacy. |available to legislators; utilized opportunity to | |

| | | |The student provided input and |participate in ongoing advocacy. | |

| | | |suggested revisions to existing |Developing policy and program protocols in the law center| |

| | | |policies and procedures, and |clinic was a part of the student’s role, and the student | |

| | | |suggestions for conveying procedural |was able to articulate to the attorneys the rationale for| |

| | | |steps to students in a more detailed, |needed policy and interventions. | |

| | | |organized manner. | | |

|Competency & Practice |Unacceptable Progress|Insufficient Progress |Emerging Competency |Competency |Advanced Competency |

|Behavior | | | | | |

|PROFESSSIONAL CONTEXT: |Student requires |The student also attended a|Student demonstrates increasing ability|Student consistently evaluates programs, |The student is actively identifying |

| |consistent direction |Harris Co, CPS Board |to connect policy analysis to agency |policies, etc. and demonstrated an |consistent limits to the educational system |

|2.1.9 Respond to |and guidance with |meeting where she was able |goals and to relate to theories of |ability to develop ideas/strategies to |for homeless youth in reproductive health. |

|contexts that shape |regard to policy |to observe collaboration |social justice. Focus of supervision |implement policy change, usually |She participated with community |

|practice. |understanding and |between a state and county |has been on student initiation of |addressing bigger, macro level issues. |collaborations to expand the agency peer |

| |relevance of system |agency to improve service |relationships with their staff and | |education model into other at-risk |

| |realities. |delivery. She also attended|colleagues to develop collaborative |The student has observed collaboration to|populations. She has identified options to |

| | |a Child Protection Meeting |view of service delivery. |improve the delivery of social services. |increase the existing Spanish language peer |

|Practice Behavior: | |at Texas Children’s | |She has been a part of our organization's|education efforts that are being promoted |

| | |Hospital. During this time |The student continued to attend other |efforts to improve the quality of life |locally. |

|Demonstrate leadership in | |she was able to observe the|agency meetings such as the PQI |for many children and their families. In | |

|proactively shaping the | |collaboration that exists |Leadership Team, where she observed the|her experience at Milby High School, she | |

|organizational, community, | |between the hospital and |dynamics between and among various HCPS|helped to develop the citizenship classes| |

|governmental, and societal | |CPS. |programs and services. Combined, these |after assessing the need of these | |

|contexts of social work | | |experiences provided the student an |families to gain citizenship. This was | |

|practice. | |The student was able to |opportunity to observe firsthand how |collaboration between CIS and Naleo; with| |

| | |work with other community |organizational challenges are addressed|this project she had to work with both | |

| | |entities and understands |and resolved within a broad context of |agencies to empower the students and | |

| | |the value of |both internal and external |their families. | |

| | |collaborations. |environments. During these | | |

| | | |opportunities, the student demonstrated|The student always seeks to improve our | |

| | | |a consistent and professional level of |agency processes and suggests or develops| |

| | | |interest and engagement as appropriate |creative problem solving strategies to do| |

| | | |for her role as a professional graduate|so. She utilizes community collaborations| |

| | | |level social work intern. |to inform these strategies. | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Intern was able to effectively | | |

| | | |demonstrate leadership by proactively | | |

| | | |assisting in the development of plans | | |

| | | |to advocate for change in the delivery | | |

| | | |of agency services. | | |

|Competency & Practice |Unacceptable |Insufficient Progress |Emerging Competency |Competency |Advanced Competency |

|Behavior |Progress | | | | |

|PRACTICE: | | |The student learned and applied |Student showed an ability to critically analyze and|During her internship the student |

| | | |evidence-based interventions, |evaluate the outcomes of Early State programs. |participated in a variety of quality |

|2.1.10 Engage, assess, | | |Community Promise and Voices. He was |Demonstrated the ability to synthesize information |improvement activities. During this period|

|intervene, and evaluate | | |able to demonstrate skills in applying|and apply evidence-based interventions in |of time she demonstrated a positive trend |

|with individuals, families,| | |these social work interventions. |development of Early Stage program for persons with|of greater understanding and professional |

|groups, organizations, and | | |Able to identify and use |memory loss. |growth from these activities. The student|

|communities. | | |evidence-based practice to design |Student analyzed evaluation data and researched an |demonstrated sufficient competency to |

| | | |programs. |evidence-based practice intervention specific to |begin conducting targeted case record |

| | | |The student also prepared and |the Latino population. |reviews. The student conducted an |

|Practice Behavior: | | |conducted trainings for our clinical |The student has effectively demonstrated her skills|extensive literature review of logic |

| | | |staff that were based on best practice|as it relates to critical analysis, monitoring and |models, and provided a comparative |

|Provide leadership to the | | |methods. |evaluating evidence-based practice intervention |analysis of identified practices with |

|analysis and implementation| | | |with youth. |current practice. She presented her |

|of evidenced-based | | | | |findings and made recommendations for |

|interventions to achieve | | | | |change to supervisory and management |

|system goals. | | | | |staff. |

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