SomedayCharacter ChartsUsing the chart keep track of the four characters from the play based on the following criteria:CharacterPhysical (Features, Age, Clothing)Psychological (Controlling? Defensive?)Moral (Honest? Brave?)EmotionsMotivations(Why are they the way they are? What makes them “tick”?)Interactions with others(who and how?)Changes/ learning moments in the playRodney- 25 years old- regular clothing (plain “jeans & t-shirt”)- Reasonable & level-headed particularly in contrast to Barb- Fear of commitment – may stem from what happened to Paul- Honest and tends to ‘stick to his guns’- Doesn’t like Christmas – isn’t overly sensitive- More happy-go-lucky or sarcastic-His relationship with Barb and the loss of Paul contribute to his personality (sarcastic, free spirit and afraid of commitment) - His closeness to the Wabung women could also be out of loyalty to Paul (guilt)- Barb (teasing , romantic, love-hate, blunt and to the point – loyal to Barb)- Anne (mother-figure/ friendship – flattering)- Janice (polite interactions – practically strangers – cautious)-Rodney chooses to stay with the Wabungs instead of leaving them – the way he would have in the past, or what he hinted he would do throughout the playBarb Wabung-23 years of age-more of a ‘tomboy’ doesn’t like to ‘dress up’-Controlling- Anger/ animosity for having to live in “Grace’s” shadow- Defensive of herself/ feelings- Protective of others (Anne)- Confused/ frustrated at situations beyond her control- Aggressive with her opinions - Can be shy/ reserved/ awkward when she is uncomfortable or not in control Her motivation comes from her ability to control a situation vs. when she cannotRodney – (Harsh/ short/ bossy/ ultimately she loves him and wants him to be present)Anne – (Angry for having to live in Grace’s shadow, but defends and protects Anne’s feelings, when they are threatened/ offended)Janice – (Threatened by Janice’s presence, cautious around her, tries to warm up to her, but becomes the aggressor when Janice chooses to leave abruptly)- Lottery Win- The discovery of “Grace”- Interactions with “Grace”Anne Wabung- 53 years old-likes to dress up a bit more than Barb (more formal/ middle-aged style)- People-pleaser-Defensive- Passionate about who she is/ her culture- Guilt/ Trauma over the ‘loss’ of Grace- Stubborn and headstrong when it comes to getting what she wants-Honest-Deeply saddened by the losses her family endured (i.e. Frank, Paul and Grace)- Reserved – doesn’t let her emotions get too out of control- Finding Grace motivates her to use the money to reunite their family – to ‘keep living’ everyday- Maintaining family traditions/ house/ culture Barb – (Mother/ daughter relationship – close, but there is sometimes tension)Rodney- (Thinks of him like a son – they have a sweet, light-hearted relationship – she confides in him)Janice – (Awkward/ cautious in the beginning – warms up and begin to discover things in common – she fears “too much too soon”- trying to balance wanting her to stay and a fear of pushing her away)- The Lottery Win- The discovery of “Grace”- Interactions with “Grace”Janice (Grace) Wirth- 35 years old- fur coat, fancy car, more expensive lifestyle- lawyer - identity confusion (asked about the Native Perspective , but truthfully has more of the ‘White’ Perspective)- Defensive of her adopted family/ way of life (because that’s all she knows and has no control over her loss of indigenous roots – her career and identity are rooted in these individuals)- Narcissistic (she is preoccupied with her self – looks, feelings, doesn’t seem to take into account how the Wabungs would feel)- Loyal to her career (she is well-versed in it, her marriage ended because of it) - Betrayed (when the truth of her adoption is revealed)- Denial (her own profession informs her that this situation should not happen)- The Lottery Win (press) prompted her to finally visit the Wabungs- Discover the truth about her biological familyAnne – (Cold, factual, doesn’t really open-up, very formal)Barb – (Cold, warms up when she feels like she’s playing the role of the older sister – offers her fur coat to try on, etc. – hot and cold – when Janice leaves)Rodney – (formal tone, polite, at times flirty, doesn’t open-up – matter-of-fact)- The Lottery Win- Meeting the WabungsOnly Drunks & Children Tell The TruthCharacter ChartsUsing the chart keep track of the four characters from the play based on the following criteria:CharacterPhysical (Features, Age, Clothing)Psychological (Controlling? Defensive?)Moral (Honest? Brave?)EmotionsMotivations(Why are they the way they are? What makes them “tick”?)Interactions with others(who and how?)Changes/ learning moments in the playRodney- 25 years old - wears regular “everyday” clothing- Cunning, manipulative and light-hearted (joking about night-blindness in Tonto)- Loyal to Barb- guilt about Paul’s death, which is why he helped Barb construct the plan to bring Janice closer – this way he can help her stay close to at least part of her family- guilt he feels for Paul’s death connects him to the Wabungs- Wants Janice and Barb to reconnect- With Barb he is sweet and caring - With Tonto he is brotherly cooperative and jokes around- With Janice he is polite and formal, but there is more of a connection here, than in “Someday”- More of a minor character, but he was integral in starting off the plot- More of an observer than participant in the “action”Barb Wabung- 24 years old - “tomboy” in the way she dresses- controlling and defensive -she values honesty in others- she is sad / broken due to the loss of Anne and she has unresolved issues with Janice that she would like to mend- She is the last Wabung and wants to keep the family together – doesn’t want to be aloneWith Janice – snappy and strained, but the warm up to each other; shows kindnessWith Tonto – their relationship is limited, but friendlyWith Rodney – light-hearted but rough around the edges; there is love between them- Barb and Janice become much closer and Tonto plays a large role in doing thatShe is tired of having to be the anchor/ glue that keeps the family together – she acknowledges this roleTonto- 32 years old- wearing casual clothing (jeans, t-shirt, button-up)- funny/ chill - reasonable - philosopher in his views on life-honest, wise and he thinks like an elder (Find your inner elder vs. finding you inner child)- easy-going and makes the best out of all situations- a lot can be learned from him and his life experiences - supporting Barb and Rodney- he keeps in-touch with his indigenous culture - he was also not raised with by his biological parents, but was able to maintain his Ojibway roots- with Rodney – like brothers but not biological- with Barb – like a sister; a respectful relationship- with Janice – flirty, wise and sarcastic, but also straight-to the point and logical – they have a connection by both being “adopted”- makes the situation easier to deal with because of its emotional nature. - poses himself as a shoulder to cry on for Janice Janice (Grace) Wirth-36 years old- well-dressed - classy- defensive at various points (her family, her home, her background)- independent - to be independent - selfish/ arrogant/ rigid in her thinking - frustrated/ mad at Barb for accusing her - she wants to find/ connect with her Identity- torn between Native and White cultureWith Rodney – friendly with Tonto – friendly/ deeper connection (from joking to philosophical discussions)with Barb – a strained relationship but found closeness - Talking to Tonto in the condo (changed her mind about coming to otter lake)- Getting Drunk with Barb (in Otter Lake) – finding truth/ closeness - When she visits Anne’s grave ................

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