Annex 12 Introduction to the eurovoc thesaurus

Table of contents

1 Structure of Eurovoc 2

1.1 Categories 2

1.2 Terms 3

1.3 Relationships 5

1.3.1 Equivalence relationship 5

1.3.2 Hierarchical relationship 6

1.3.3 Polyhierarchical relationship 7

1.3.4 Associative relationship 8

2 Language versions 9

3 Unreleased information 10

3.1 ID Number 10

3.2 Editorial Notes 10

3.3 Permutations or inverted entries 12

4 Types of display 13

4.1 Alphabetical display 13

4.2 Multi-levels hierarchical display 15

4.3 Full term display (flat format) 17

4.4 Multilingual Display 19

5 Eurovoc Maintenance 20

5.1 Administration 20

5.2 Decision making procedure 20

5.3 Translations 20

5.4 Official release 21

6 Eurovoc Formats 21

6.1 Multilingual XML files 21

6.2 PDF format 22

7 Dissemination web site 23

7.1 Language selection 23

7.2 Home 24

7.3 Editorial content 24

7.4 Web site functionalities 26

8 Statistics 38

8.1 Eurovoc licenses number per year 38

8.2 Eurovoc usage overview 38

Structure of Eurovoc

1 Categories

1 Domains

Eurovoc is split into 21 domains or categories. Each domain is labelled by a two-digit number followed by the heading of the field.

2 Microthesauri

Each domain is split in several microthesauri or sub-category. Each microthesaurus is identified by a four-digit number, where the first two numbers being those for the field containing the microthesaurus, followed by the heading of the microthesaurus.


|Domains |Microthesauri |


|08 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS |0406 political framework |

|10 EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES |0411 political party |

|12 LAW |0416 electoral procedure and voting |

|16 ECONOMICS |0421 parliament |

|20 TRADE |0426 parliamentary proceedings |

|24 FINANCE |0431 politics and public safety |

|28 SOCIAL QUESTIONS |0436 executive power and public service |



|40 BUSINESS AND COMPETITION |6006 plant product |

|44 EMPLOYMENT AND WORKING CONDITIONS |6011 animal product |

|48 TRANSPORT |6016 processed agricultural produce |

|52 ENVIRONMENT |6021 beverages and sugar |


|60 AGRI-FOODSTUFFS |6031 agri-foodstuffs |

|64 PRODUCTION, TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH |6036 food technology |

|66 ENERGY | |

|68 INDUSTRY | |



3 Terms

In Eurovoc, a single concept can be expressed by a single word or by a compound term which represent a descriptor or a non-descriptor.

1 Descriptors

Descriptors, or preferred terms, are used for indexing and denoting in an unambiguous fashion the concepts of the subject covered by the thesaurus. Each descriptor is limited to one meaning in the category to which it belongs.

Each descriptor has one single equivalent in all languages.


|BG |бюджетни правомощия |

|ES |poder presupuestario |

|CS |rozpočtová pravomoc |

|DA |budgetbeføjelse |

|DE |Haushaltsbefugnis |

|ET |eelarvepädevus |

|EL |αρμοδιότητα επί του προϋπολογισμού |

|EN |budgetary power |

|FR |pouvoir budgétaire |

|HR |proračunske ovlasti |

|IT |potere di bilancio |

|LV |budžeta pilnvaras |

|LT |biudžeto valdymo institucija |

|HU |költségvetési hatáskör |

|NL |begrotingsbevoegdheid |

|PL |władza budżetowa |

|PT |poder orçamental |

|RO |putere bugetară |

|SK |rozpočtové právomoci |

|SL |proračunska pooblastila |

|FI |budjettivalta |

|SV |budgetbefogenhet |

2 Non-descriptors

Non-descriptors (synonyms or non-preferred terms) are never intended as indexing terms. They are used as access points in the thesaurus and guide users to the appropriate descriptor with an instruction (USE, UF)

Non-descriptors are not mandatory and their number can differ from language to language.

|Languages |FR |DE |EN |SL |

|Descriptor |pouvoir budgétaire |Haushaltsbefugnis |budgetary power |proračunska pooblastila |

|Non-descriptors |autorité budgétaire |Haushaltsbehörde |budgetary authority | |

| | |Träger der Haushaltsbefugnisse | | |

3 Scope of terms

If the sense of a term is not enough clear, qualifiers (between parentheses) or scope notes are used to restrict the meaning.

- Homographs (qualifier)

|Examples: |

|Languages |Homographs |

|Bulgarian: |бутан (газ) |Кралство Бутан |

|Slovenian |butan (plin) |Butan (Kraljevina) |

|Spanish: |malta (cereal) |Malta |

- Scope note

If the meaning is not clear enough, a scope note, introduced by the symbol "SN", can go along with a descriptor to clarify its meaning or use.

• A note on definition, if this clarifies the meaning of the descriptor;

|Example: |

|share farming |

|SN: Arrangement under which the landowner lets his land in return for part of the produce. |

• An history note, if this clarifies the meaning of a descriptor in time;

|Example: |

|European Monetary Agreement |

|SN: Agreement establishing the institutional framework for monetary cooperation of the OECD countries |

|from 1958 to 1972. |

• A scope note can also provide guidance on how to use the descriptor;

|Example: |

|retail price |

|SN: Use in opposition to wholesale price, otherwise use consumer price. |

4 Relationships

1 Equivalence relationship

The equivalence relationship between descriptors and non-descriptors is expressed by the abbreviations USE/UF:

• "UF" (used for) leads from a descriptor to the non-descriptor(s)

|[pic] |

• "USE" makes reference from a non-descriptor to a descriptor.

In Eurovoc, automatic reciprocity between descriptors and non-descriptors can be applied to:

|[pic] |

2 Hierarchical relationship

- Between descriptors

"BT" (broader term or generic term) is the label for the parent term.

An indication of the number of hierarchical steps between the descriptor and the broader term(s) is used in case of multilevel hierarchical display (BT1, BT2, etc.)

|Example: |

|standard |

|BT1 standardisation |

|BT2 technical regulations |

"NT" (narrower term or specific term) is the label for the subordinate term.

An indication of the number of hierarchical steps between the lower descriptor(s) and the selected descriptor is used in case of multilevel hierarchical display (NT1, NT2, etc.)

|Example: |

|standardisation |

|NT1 approval |

|NT2 Community certification |

|NT1 EC conformity marking |

|NT1 harmonisation of standards |

|NT1 international standard |

|NT2 European standard |

|NT1 standard |

|NT2 production standard |

|NT2 quality standard |

|NT2 safety standard |

|NT2 technical standard |

Eurovoc can have up to 5 hierarchical levels in depth.

|Example: |

|NT1 international cooperation |

|NT2 European cooperation |

|NT3 European integration |

|NT4 European Movement |

|NT4 anti-European movement |

|NT4 euroscepticism |

|NT4 history of Europe |

|NT4 promotion of the European idea |

|NT5 European symbol |

|NT5 vision of Europe |

- Between microthesaurus and descriptors

Top terms (descriptors with no broader terms or higher descriptor in the hierarchy) are associated, by a hierarchical relationship, to one (or several) microthesaurus introduced by the reference MT.

|Example: |Descriptors (Top Terms) linked to the microthesaurus 6411. |

|industrial manufacturing |MT 6411 technology and technical regulations |

|MT 6411 technology and technical regulations |advanced materials |

|NT1 automation |industrial manufacturing |

|NT1 industrial espionage |materials technology |

|NT1 industrial secret |technical regulations |

|NT1 mechanisation |technology |

|NT1 product design | |

|NT2 prototype | |

|NT2 testing | |

|NT1 production control | |

|NT1 quality control of industrial products | |

|NT1 robotisation | |

|NT2 industrial robot | |

- Between Domain and microthesauri

A microthesaurus is associated by a hierarchical relationship to only one domain.

|Example: |

|12 LAW |

|1206 sources and branches of the law |

|1211 civil law |

|1216 criminal law |

|1221 justice |

|1226 organisation of the legal system |

|1231 international law |

|1236 rights and freedoms |

3 Polyhierarchical relationship

Eurovoc doesn't accept polyhierarchy, excepted in the case of descriptors belonging to fields "72 GEOGRAPHY" and "76 INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS".

For example, a country can belong to various microthesauri (geographic area, group of countries, international organisation)

|Example of a descriptor belonging to more than one microthesaurus: |

|Italy |

| |

|MT 7206 Europe |

|BT1 Southern Europe |

|MT 7231 economic geography |

|BT1 EU country |

|BT1 OECD countries |

|MT 7236 political geography |

|BT1 Council of Europe countries |

|BT1 NATO countries |

|BT1 WEU countries |

4 Associative relationship

The associative relationship links two descriptors that are neither equivalent nor hierarchical, although they have semantic or conceptual similarities.

The associative relationship between descriptors is shown by the abbreviation RT (related term) and is automatically reciprocal.

|Examples: |

|credit guarantee |

|RT financial solvency |

|financial solvency |

|RT credit guarantee |

Until now, Eurovoc doesn't allow any associative relationships between descriptors under the same Top Term.

Language versions

Each language version has the same number of descriptors and the same status regarding hierarchical and associative relationships. Eurovoc 4.2 consists of:

• 21 domains;

• 127 microthesauri;

• 6 645 descriptors;

The number of non-descriptors and scope notes change from language to language.

|Versions |Number of |

| |scope notes |non-descriptors |

|Official language | |

|Spanish |891 |7 756 |

|Czech |834 |13 139 |

|Danish |827 |6 602 |

|German |728 |8 295 |

|Estonian |819 |6 134 |

|Greek |825 |6 866 |

|English |759 |6 769 |

|French |840 |6 691 |

|Italian |754 |9 453 |

|Gaelic |Not complete |Not complete |

|Maltese |Not complete |Not complete |

|Lithuanian |855 |6648 |

|Latvian |680 |6 009 |

|Hungarian |889 |8 618 |

|Dutch |849 |6 828 |

|Polish |17 |172 |

|Portuguese |761 |6 308 |

|Slovenian |27 |150 |

|Slovak |737 |5500 |

|Finnish |859 |5 445 |

|Swedish |818 |6 491 |

|Bulgarian |0 |10 |

|Romanian |0 |951 |

|Candidate country language | |

|Croatian |660 |2 336 |

|Non-official language |

|(only available in the maintenance system) |

|Serbian [1] |42 |304 |

Eurovoc have been translated into other languages not available in the Eurovoc web site:

• A Russian version available online on the Douma web site;

• Albanese and Ukrainian versions used locally by the national parliament libraries of these countries.

Unreleased information

Some attributes, used in a maintenance purpose, are not displayed in the dissemination web site.

1 ID Number

Each descriptor is identified by a unique identifier (ID number), assigned by the maintenance system automatically.

2 Editorial Notes

Editorial attributes are added by the thesaurus editor to provide value-added resources and information about a concept:

- Information about the origin/source of a proposal (For instance: national parliaments, European institutions, private users);

- Link and references to other controlled vocabularies and thesauri;

- Term definitions from reference tools such as dictionaries, encyclopaedias, atlas, terminologies, etc.

- References to EUR-Lex documents (Official Journal of the EU);

- Links to web sites ;

- Extracts from database records or published articles.

|Example for ecotourism (EN) – tourisme écologique (FR) descriptor |

|Proposal from the Croatian Parliament. |

|French definition: |

|Forme de tourisme qui vise à faire découvrir un milieu naturel tout en préservant son intégrité, qui comprend une activité |

|d'interprétation des composantes naturelles ou culturelles du milieu, qui favorise une attitude de respect envers l'environnement, qui |

|fait appel à des notions de développement durable et qui entraîne des bénéfices socioéconomiques pour les communautés locales et |

|régionales. [Grand dictionnaire terminologique] |

|Link to UNTERM terminology |

|Sustainable tourism |

|French tourisme durablement viable; tourisme viable; tourisme durable [OMT] |

|Spanish |

|Russian устойчивый туризм |

|Chinese 可持续旅游业 |

|Arabic سياحة مستدامة |

|English ecotourism |

|French écotourisme |

|Spanish turismo ecológico; ecoturismo |

|Russian экологический туризм |

|Chinese 生态旅游 |

|Arabic سياحة إيكولوجية؛ سياحة بيئية |

|Note Eng Tourism directed towards unspoiled natural environments and intended to support conservation efforts. |

|Incorrect variant: eco-tourism |

|Note Frn Forme de tourisme qui privilégie les expériences liées à la nature (p. ex. l’observation de baleines). |


3 Permutations or inverted entries

When a descriptor or a non-descriptor is listed in the form of a compound term, a permuted or inverted entry is created, based on each significant word of the term other than the first one and stop words.

The entries are not stored but just computerized. They are generated with XSL style sheets by the Publications Office and exported in XML format in the purpose to publish the permutated alphabetical display in PDF format.


|Languages |DESC/UF |Permutations |

|EN |DESC tourism statistics |statistics, tourism |

|CS |DESC statistika cestovního ruchu |cestovního ruchu, statistika |

| |UF statistika o turistice |turistice, statistika o |

|DA |DESC turiststatistik |statistic, turist~ |

|DE |DESC Reiseverkehrsstatistik |statistik, Reiseverkehrs~ |

|EL |DESC στατιστικές τουρισμού |τουρισμού, στατιστικές |

Types of display

1 Alphabetical display

1 Search query results

An alphabetical display is generated from a "term" query (Search function).

It reports descriptors and non-descriptors including the "term" in a KWIC format, with their respective USE references. Descriptors are presented in bold font and non-descriptors in normal font.

Alphabetical display must be ordered according to the alphabet of each language. [2]

|Example: Search results on "urban" in the English version. |


2 Terms from a specific microthesaurus

An alphabetical display of all the terms (descriptors and non-descriptors) from a specific microthesaurus can be displayed from the dissemination web site.

|Example: Alphabetical display of the terms from microthesaurus 0811. |


2 Multi-levels hierarchical display

1 Systematic display

The subject-oriented or systematic version displays the categories by number of domain, organised into microthesauri.

Each domain is identified by a two-digit number and the title of the field;

Each microthesaurus is identified a four-digit number and by the title of the microthesaurus.

|Example: Systematic display of the English version |


2 Hierarchical display (MT/Top Term/BT/NT)

This hierarchical structure displays the descending hierarchical levels of an individual microthesaurus, and the related terms linked to specific descriptors.

|Example: Hierarchical display of the microthesaurus "0811 cooperation policy" |


Each hierarchical display provides:

- the Top Term, in bold font and alphabetical order;

- under each top-term, the specific descriptors, presented in bold font, preceded by the abbreviation "NT" (narrower term) followed by a figure showing the number of hierarchical steps between the specific descriptor and the hierarchically higher descriptor (Top Term);

- Specific descriptors are listed in ascending hierarchical order and, within each hierarchical level, in alphabetical order.

- Each descending hierarchical level is shown by a further indent compared with the previous level. The descriptors in the hierarchical chain can be accompanied by their associated descriptors, in ordinary font, preceded by the abbreviation "RT".

- The associated descriptors, preceded by the abbreviation RT, are followed by the number of the microthesaurus (in brackets) to which they belong, except when they are classified in the same microthesaurus.

3 Full term display (flat format)

|Examples: |

|originating product |

|SN | Product produced in a given country where more than one country is involved in the |

| |manufacture of a product, it is an originating product of the country where processing last |

| |took place. |

|MT |2021 international trade |

|UF |origin of goods |

| |product origin |

| |rule of origin |

|BT1 |GATT |

|BT2 | international trade |

|NT1 |certificate of origin |

|RT |commodity agreement (2021) |

| |free circulation (2011) |

| |generalised preferences (2006) |

| |import restriction (2021) |

| |tariff preference (2011) |

| |third country (0811) |

Each full term display provides:

- the descriptor, in bold font;

- If available, a Scope note, preceded by the abbreviation "SN" (scope note);

- MT - Number(s) and name(s) of the microthesaurus to which the descriptor belongs, preceded by the abbreviation "MT" (microthesaurus);

- UF – non-descriptors preceded by the abbreviation "UF" (used for) and listed in alphabetical order;

- BT - Broader Term(s), follows by a figure showing the number of hierarchical steps between the hierarchically superior descriptor and the headword descriptor.

Broader terms are listed:

• in ascending hierarchical order, indented further to the right for each successive step,

• Secondly, within each hierarchical level, in alphabetical order.

- NT - Narrower term(s), follows by a figure showing the number of hierarchical steps between the subordinate descriptor and the headword descriptor.

Narrower terms are listed:

• firstly in descending hierarchical order, indented further to the right for each successive step;

• Secondly, within each hierarchical level, in alphabetical order.

- RT - Related Term(s) descriptor(s) related to the headword descriptor, listed in alphabetical order.

4 Multilingual Display

Display a descriptor and its linguistic equivalents.

|Example: |

|[pic] |

|Note: |

|In the current maintenance and dissemination system, FR or EN prefix/suffix to a descriptor means that |

|the concept has not yet been translated. |

|Example: |

|GA have been set up from the French version, (FR prefix/suffix) |

|MT has been set up from the English version (EN prefix/suffix) |

Eurovoc Maintenance

1 Administration

Eurovoc is updated approximately every 18 months to take account of developments in the fields in which the European Union institutions are active.

Publications Office entrusted the task of preparing a new edition of the Eurovoc thesaurus to two interinstitutional committees – the Maintenance committee and the Steering committee. These two committees are made up of representatives of the institutions involved in the project: the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union, the European Commission, the Court of Justice and the Court of Auditors.

A Eurovoc editorial team, a standing group managed by the Publications Office, has been established to deal with the administration and maintenance of the thesaurus. It coordinates the work of the Maintenance Committee and is responsible for IT and technical developments and for monitoring translations.

2 Decision making procedure

Proposals for candidates or modifications are submitted, by email or via the maintenance form([3]) available on the dissemination web site, to the editorial team by librarians from the European Parliament, the national parliament libraries, other EU institutions services or by other users (mostly licensees).

Proposal are reviewed by the editorial team and recorded in the maintenance interface.

Members of the maintenance committee have a direct access to the maintenance interface web site in order to track the editorial work progress made by the maintenance team.

The maintenance committee has the task of approving proposals (candidates or updates). Each member can submit its votes and comments to the editorial Team.

The editorial Team compiles the votes and implements the updates according to the final decisions of the Maintenance Committee.

3 Translations

Approved concepts are translated by translators from the General Direction for Translation of the European Commission.

Translators have a dedicated access to the Thesaurus Management interface and the access right to record/modify descriptor, non-descriptors and scope notes in their working language.

A number of translators records their translation work in Microsoft Office compatible format (such as Excel files), which is imported into the interface afterwards.

4 Official release

After acceptance of the translation works by the members of the maintenance committee, the new version is formally adopted by the steering committee. This committee is responsible for directing the Eurovoc project and meets twice a year under the chair of the European Parliament.

After the official agreement of the Steering Committee, a new version is made available online on the Eurovoc dissemination web site.

Eurovoc Formats

1 Multilingual XML files

Eurovoc is available in the form of electronic files in xml format, for which it is necessary to obtain a user licence from the Publications Office. The aim may be simply to consult the thesaurus, to integrate Eurovoc into an application, or to design derived or value-added products. The licence is free of charge, except in the case of a commercial application or redistribution.

The XML files, generated from the Eurovoc maintenance interface, are UTF-8 encoded.

XML files structure

|Classes |Xml Files |DTD |

|Descriptors |desc_xx [4].xml |descripteur.dtd |

|Non-descriptors |uf_xx.xml |used_for.dtd |

|Microthesaurus |thes_xx.xml |thesaurus.dtd |

|Domains (Fields) |dom_xx.xml |domain.dtd |

|Scope notes |sn_xx.xml |scope_note.dtd |

|Permutated entries |perm_xx.xml |permutation.dtd |


| |Xml Files |DTD |

|MT/descriptors relationships |desc_thes.xml |descripteur_thesaurus.dtd |

|Generic relationships |relation_bt.xml |relation_bt.dtd |

|Associative relationships |relation_rt.xml |relation_rt.dtd |

| |langue.dtd |

A unique identifier is allocated to each descriptor.

2 PDF format

Eurovoc is published into two volumes by language:

- Volume 1: Permuted alphabetical version;

- Volume 2: Subject-oriented version.

PDF files are generated with XSLT based tools by the Publications Office. They are searchable but not editable.

PDF files are available:

As downloaded files in the download section of the dissemination web site:

- One file by language and by microthesaurus for the subject-oriented version;

- One file by language for the permutated alphabetical version.

As ready to print format, to produce the printed version:

- Volume 1: Permuted alphabetical version (split in two parts: Part 1 : A-I, Part 2: J-Z);

- Volume 2: Subject-oriented version.

Dissemination web site

The current Dissemination Web Site [] provides an online access to Eurovoc and offers the following functionalities:

1 Language selection

The first access page enables user to select the thesaurus and menu/editorial content language.

|[pic] |

2 Home

The web site displays the home page in the selected language.

|[pic] |

3 Editorial content

1 Presentation of the thesaurus

|[pic] |

2 Transition between versions

Presentation of the transition between the present and the former version.

|[pic] |

4 Web site functionalities

Web site functionalities are available in the left navigation bar.

Language menu is available in the top navigation bar.

1 Navigation

• [Navigation]: Browse/navigate through the categories (domains and microthesauri)

|[pic] |

• [Microthesaurus]: Click on a microthesaurus from the previous screen to open it.

Example: "0406 political framework"

|[pic] |

• [Terms]: Display all terms (descriptors and non-descriptors) from a selected microthesaurus

|[pic] |

2 Full term display

Click on a term from the previous list to display its context/semantics in the selected language.

• Example: "ecologism"

|[pic] |

• Any term or microthesaurus can be open from any type of display.

3 Change the selected language

Change the selected language from the language menu and display the semantic of the descriptor in another language.

Example: Full term display in Spanish.

|[pic] |

4 Display language equivalents

[Translations] Language equivalents of a descriptor are displayed with the translation function. Not translated languages are replaced by their English equivalent, labelled by the prefix/suffix EN.

|[pic] |

5 Search

[Search] Search by descriptor or non-descriptor.

Example: vegetable

|[pic] |

Look for descriptors released in the last version of Eurovoc (Eurovoc 4.2)

Example: V4.2

|[pic] |

6 Search results

Display search results (descriptors and non-descriptors).

Click on a terms to display its full context.

• Descriptors are in bold font and hyperlinked.

Non-descriptors are in normal font with a cross-reference (USE) to the descriptor in use.

|[pic] |

7 Download


PDF formats files

This section enables user to download Eurovoc PDF files free of charge.

|[pic] |

[Multilingual list]

This section enables user to:

Download a multilingual list of equivalent descriptors up to 4 selected languages.

The list is sorted alphabetically on the first selected language descriptor names;

Download an Excel sheet of descriptors language equivalents.

The list is sorted on the descriptor ID number.

|[pic] |

8 Maintenance form

[Maintenance] The maintenance form enables user to submit a proposal to the editorial team.

After validation, content of the proposal is sent to the generic Eurovoc email Eurovoc@publications.europa.eu.

|[pic] |


1 Eurovoc licenses number per year

|Eurovoc licenses number per year |

|Year |Licenses |

|2007 |50 |

|2006 |41 |

|2004 |44 |

|2005 |25 |

|2003 |15 |

2 Eurovoc usage overview[5]

|Number of Visits by Month |

|Month |Number of visits |

|May-07 |2.292 |

|Jun-07 |11.152 |

|Jul-07 |15.352 |

|Aug-07 |10.340 |

|sept-07 |11.227 |

|oct-07 |15.118 |

|Number of Visits by day for October, September, August 2007 |

Day |Number of Page Views |Day |Number of Page Views |Day |Number of Page Views |Day |Number of Page Views |Day |Number of Page Views | |1-oct-07 |6.928 |1-sept-07 |1.774 |01AUG2007 |6.249 |01-JUL-2007 |2.369 |01-JUN-2007 |4.188 | |2-oct-07 |7.307 |2-sept-07 |1.412 |02AUG2007 |6.044 |02-JUL-2007 |9.491 |02-JUN-2007 |1.099 | |3-oct-07 |11.781 |3-sept-07 |6.511 |03AUG2007 |5.749 |03-JUL-2007 |9.651 |03-JUN-2007 |1.290 | |4-oct-07 |11.210 |4-sept-07 |7.834 |04AUG2007 |1.224 |04-JUL-2007 |11.995 |04-JUN-2007 |5.416 | |5-oct-07 |7.760 |5-sept-07 |8.101 |05-AUG-2007 |1.219 |05JUL2007 |8.009 |05-JUN-2007 |5.541 | |6-oct-07 |1.475 |6-sept-07 |8.441 |06-AUG-2007 |6.815 |06-JUL-2007 |7.646 |06-JUN-2007 |5.390 | |7-oct-07 |2.075 |7-sept-07 |7.038 |07-AUG-2007 |6.162 |07-JUL-2007 |1.718 |07-JUN-2007 |4.415 | |8-oct-07 |12.341 |8-sept-07 |965 |08-AUG-2007 |8.421 |08-JUL-2007 |1.511 |08-JUN-2007 |5.300 | |9-oct-07 |12.981 |9-sept-07 |786 |09-AUG-2007 |7.406 |09-JUL-2007 |7.742 |09-JUN-2007 |1.689 | |10-oct-07 |12.396 |10-sept-07 |8.363 |10-AUG-2007 |6.624 |10-JUL-2007 |9.020 |10-JUN-2007 |885 | |11-oct-07 |14.478 |11-sept-07 |8.162 |11-AUG-2007 |1.560 |11-JUL-2007 |9.745 |11-JUN-2007 |4.657 | |12-oct-07 |14.362 |12-sept-07 |7.972 |12-AUG-2007 |956 |12-JUL-2007 |9.887 |12-JUN-2007 |5.891 | |13-oct-07 |2.618 |13-sept-07 |8.699 |13-AUG-2007 |6.096 |13-JUL-2007 |8.248 |13-JUN-2007 |6.356 | |14-oct-07 |2.493 |14-sept-07 |7.142 |14-AUG-2007 |6.391 |14-JUL-2007 |1.723 |14-JUN-2007 |4.488 | |15-oct-07 |10.661 |15-sept-07 |1.014 |15-AUG-2007 |2.590 |15-JUL-2007 |997 |15-JUN-2007 |5.476 | |16-oct-07 |13.249 |16-sept-07 |1.242 |16-AUG-2007 |6.716 |16-JUL-2007 |10.466 |16-JUN-2007 |1.875 | |17-oct-07 |20.625 |17-sept-07 |12.244 |17-AUG-2007 |5.612 |17-JUL-2007 |9.215 |17-JUN-2007 |1.651 | |18-oct-07 |15.735 |18-sept-07 |9.953 |18-AUG-2007 |1.211 |18-JUL-2007 |10.557 |18-JUN-2007 |7.605 | |19-oct-07 |18.785 |19-sept-07 |11.360 |19-AUG-2007 |1.267 |19-JUL-2007 |9.182 |19-JUN-2007 |6.433 | |20-oct-07 |3.254 |20-sept-07 |10.023 |20-AUG-2007 |5.940 |20-JUL-2007 |8.468 |20-JUN-2007 |4.853 | |21-oct-07 |4.831 |21-sept-07 |7.255 |21-AUG-2007 |6.522 |21-JUL-2007 |1.028 |21-JUN-2007 |6.823 | |22-oct-07 |14.637 |22-sept-07 |1.664 |22-AUG-2007 |6.306 |22-JUL-2007 |1.449 |22-JUN-2007 |8.942 | |23-oct-07 |14.123 |23-sept-07 |1.839 |23-AUG-2007 |7.480 |23-JUL-2007 |8.640 |23-JUN-2007 |3.185 | |24-oct-07 |13.493 |24-sept-07 |7.541 |24-AUG-2007 |7.154 |24-JUL-2007 |8.742 |24-JUN-2007 |1.584 | |25-oct-07 |12.887 |25-sept-07 |8.731 |25-AUG-2007 |890 |25-JUL-2007 |9.042 |25-JUN-2007 |8.530 | |26-oct-07 |13.693 |26-sept-07 |7.478 |26-AUG-2007 |1.243 |26-JUL-2007 |8.859 |26-JUN-2007 |8.780 | |27-oct-07 |2.452 |27-sept-07 |8.123 |27-AUG-2007 |6.602 |27-JUL-2007 |5.752 |27-JUN-2007 |8.840 | |28-oct-07 |4.503 |28-sept-07 |6.743 |28-AUG-2007 |8.453 |28-JUL-2007 |1.410 |28-JUN-2007 |10.067 | |29-oct-07 |12.138 |29-sept-07 |1.739 |29-AUG-2007 |7.752 |29-JUL-2007 |1.850 |29-JUN-2007 |8.763 | |30-oct-07 |11.633 |30-sept-07 | |30-AUG-2007 |6.794 |30-JUL-2007 |8.412 |30-JUN-2007 |3.036 | |31-oct-07 |14.026 | | |31-AUG-2007 |5.844 |31-JUL-2007 |6.961 | |  | |Total |320.930 | |180.149 | |159.292 |Total |209.785 | |153.048 | |Number of Visits by day for October, September, August, July and June 2007


[1] Serbian is only available in the maintenance web site.

[2] See :


[4] _xx stands for the alpha-2 ISO code for the representation of Names of Languages (ISO 639-1)

[5] Eurovoc Statistics from the public web site


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