PDF Step Up to Writing





Step Up to Writing

Grade 5

Narrative Writing Baseline Assessment

Directions: Do not begin until you are told to do so. Once your teacher tells you to begin, you may use the time provided to complete all steps below.

1.R ead the story on page 2. 2.A nswer the questions on page 3 about the story. 3.R ead the writing prompt and directions on page 4. 4.W rite a story based on the prompt.

?2015 Voyager Sopris Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.

Permission is granted to reproduce this page for Step Up to Writing classroom use.

Step Up to Writing--Grade 5

Narrative Writing Baseline Assessment





Adapted from The Secret Garden

by Frances Hodgson Burnett

Mary had stepped close to the robin, and suddenly the gust of wind swung aside some loose ivy trails. More suddenly still she jumped toward it and caught it in her hand. This she did because she had seen something under it--a round knob which had been covered by the leaves hanging over it. It was the knob of a door.

She put her hands under the leaves and began to pull and push them aside. Thick as the ivy hung, it was nearly all a loose and swinging curtain. Some had crept over wood and iron. Mary's heart began to thump and her hands to shake a little in her delight and excitement. The robin kept singing and twittering away and tilting his head on one side, as if he were as excited as she was. What was this under her hands which was square and made of iron and which her fingers found a hole in?

It was the lock of the door. It had been closed ten years. She put her hand in her pocket, drew out the key and found it fitted the keyhole. She put the key in and turned it. It took two hands to do it, but it did turn.

And then she took a long breath and looked behind her up the long walk to see if any one was coming. No one was coming. She took another long breath, because she could not help it, and she held back the swinging curtain of ivy and pushed back the door which opened slowly--slowly.

Then she slipped through it and shut it behind her. She stood with her back against it, looking around her and breathing quite fast with excitement, and wonder, and delight.

She was standing inside the secret garden.

?2015 Voyager Sopris Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.


Permission is granted to reproduce this page for Step Up to Writing classroom use.

Step Up to Writing--Grade 5

Narrative Writing Baseline Assessment






Directions: Refer back to the story on page 2. Fill in the correct bubble to answer the questions.

1. What did Mary see that caused her to pull aside the ivy leaves? A a robin B a garden C a brick wall Da doorknob

2. According to the story, how long had the door been closed? Aall day Ba year Cten years Dforever

3.In the second paragraph of the story, what is the best synonym for the word crept ? A grown B died Cstumbled Dtiptoed

4. What is the most likely reason that Mary needed to use two hands to turn the key in the keyhole? AShe was too sick to turn the key with one hand. BShe was using the wrong key to try to unlock the door. CThe lock was stuck because it had not been used for a long time. DSomething important was hidden in the secret garden.

5. Read this sentence from the story.

And then she took a long breath and looked behind her up the long walk to see if any one was coming.

What does Mary's behavior suggest? AShe is happy and excited. BShe does not want to be seen. CShe wants someone to help her. D She is too weak to open the door.

?2015 Voyager Sopris Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.


Permission is granted to reproduce this page for Step Up to Writing classroom use.

Step Up to Writing--Grade 5 Name:



Narrative Writing Baseline Assessment


Prompt: Imagine you have found a secret key to a secret door. Write a brief imaginative story telling about finding the key, unlocking the door, and discovering what is inside.

Directions: 1. Plan in the space provided below. 2. Write your response on the pages that follow.

Checklist: Use this checklist to do your best writing.

Does your story have a beginning, middle, and end?

Did you use precise words and different kinds of sentences?

Did you connect events and ideas with transitions?

Did you describe the setting and characters?

Do your characters have a problem to solve?

Did you review your writing?

Have you answered the prompt?

Have you fixed errors in capitalization, punctuation, grammar, and spelling?

Planning Space: Use the following space to plan your writing.

?2015 Voyager Sopris Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.


Permission is granted to reproduce this page for Step Up to Writing classroom use.

Step Up to Writing--Grade 5 Name:



Narrative Writing Baseline Assessment


?2015 Voyager Sopris Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.

Permission is granted to reproduce this page for Step Up to Writing classroom use.

Step Up to Writing--Grade 5 Name:



Narrative Writing Baseline Assessment


?2015 Voyager Sopris Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.

Permission is granted to reproduce this page for Step Up to Writing classroom use.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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