
 Who Sunk the Maine?SkillsSourcingClose ReadingQuestionsPublication Date?How long after the explosion of the Maine was this article written?What does the headline of the article suggest about the newspaper’s point of view?According to the article, What happens to the Maine?What evidence does the New York Journal use to support its claim?Write a quote that contrasts with something in the other article?The JournalTitle: “Destruction of the War Ship Maine was the Work of an Enemy”February 17,1898This article was written 2 days after the explosion of the Maine. The newspaper wants to find out who was responsible for exploding the Maine because they were offering a reward if someone found out who caused the sinking of the ship. They also believe that the Spanish are brutal and are fully responsible.According to the article, the Maine was destroyed on purpose by the Spanish. It states that the Spanish made the ship drop anchor over a mine. The New York Journal states that a special reporter in Havana and other citizens in Havana think that the ship was sunk by the Spanish. “The Maine could have accidentally dropped anchor over a mine and were unaware. The TimesTitle: “Maine’s Hull Will Decide”February 17, 1898The article was written the morning after the Maine was sunk. The newspaper does not believe that the Spanish or Cubans had anything to do with the sinking of the Maine. They believe that it was a fire or the captain’s fault. According to the article, the explosion was an accident and that a fire had started in the coal bunker. The New York Times uses Secretary Long as evidence. He says that he has seen similar things happen to ships and believes that the ship caught on fire and the whole situation was an accident. “The Spanish could have set the fire.”Writing Prompt: Which account is more believable? Why?Part 1 Present The Case: present the claim that each article makes about “Who Sunk the Maine?” and give what evidence they used to support the claim for each.Which article uses stronger evidence? Use at least 3 specific examples -> phrases and/or words from the articles to support your position. Part 2 Does this difference in retelling the event matter? why or why not?In the article by The New York Journal, they are claiming that the USS Maine was sunk by the Spanish. They claim that “the brutal nature of the Spaniards will be shown by the fact that they waited to explode the mine until all the men had gone to sleep”. They use George Bryson, the Journal’s special reporter in Havana as their main piece of evidence. The article states that “it is the secret opinion of many people in Havana that the warship Maine was destroyed by a mine and 258 men were killed on purpose by the Spanish”. They also say that Theodore Roosevelt believes the Maine was destroyed by the Spaniards as well. In the article by The New York Times, they are claiming that the explosion of the USS Maine was an accident or happened by a fire. They claim that “there was an accident” by Captain Schuley. Their main piece of evidence, Secretary Long, talks about another ship that went down similarly. He says, “fires would sometimes start in the coal bunkers, and he told of such a fire on board another war ship that started very close to the magazine”. In my opinion, I believe The New York Times has better evidence because their evidence is from a secretary and he talks about another ship that sunk similarly to the USS Maine. He also says that the Maine was under guard, so it wouldn’t have been attacked. Retelling the event does matter because emphasizing certain parts of the stories can change the opinions of the people listening. Putting emphasis on the explosion could change the opinions and cause people to believe that it was the Spanish. When numerous people retell a story, more details and opinions come. Many of the telling of the story could be bias. This could cause confusion and false facts. ................

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