

AAPA’s 2013 Communications Awards Program offers the opportunity to showcase your port staff’s skills and talents in the areas of public/community relations and marketing communications. Winning entries will be announced prior to the 102nd Annual AAPA Annual Convention and Exhibition in Orlando, Fla., Oct. 13-17, 2013, and will be featured in the Fall 2013 issue of AAPA Seaports Magazine.


Sponsored by AAPA’s Public Relations Committee, the annual Communications Awards Program has recognized excellence in port communications since 1966. The purpose of the competition is to recognize excellence in the products, programs and services that public port authorities design and produce to meet their public relations and marketing goals.

AAPA member ports may submit entries in one of two categories: Category 1 ports have at least three fulltime equivalent PR and marketing communications staff and an annual marketing/PR budget equaling or exceeding $200,000 (including staff salaries); Category 2 ports have an annual marketing/PR budget of less than $200,000 (including staff salaries) and two or fewer fulltime equivalent PR and marketing communications staff. The 15 different entry classifications range from advertisements to video presentations, to magazines and social media sites.

Deadline for entries to reach AAPA headquarters is

5:00 p.m. (Eastern Time), Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Entries are judged by an independent panel of senior communications professionals on the basis of: defining the communications challenge or opportunity (10%); identifying how the entry complements the port’s mission and overall communications program (10%); summarizing the planning and programming components (10%); explaining actions and communication outputs (10%); defining evaluation methods (10%); and on the overall quality of the entry (50%).

AAPA’s 47th Annual Communications Awards is open to all AAPA Corporate (i.e., port authority) members and features several rules and classification revisions for 2013. An important requirement is that entrants must download a template PowerPoint slide from AAPA’s website and insert specific entry information and graphics into the slide, including the port’s logo, and email it to aellis@aapa- by the May 1, 2013, deadline (see page 4 for details) to be eligible.

To encourage entries from AAPA-member ports throughout the Western Hemisphere, supporting communications materials may be in a language other than English. However, application forms, the summary statement and answers to each of the five entry questions must be in English so English-speaking judges can read and understand them.

All entries will be judged on a 100-point scale. Regardless of the number of entries, no awards will be given in a particular classification if the judged entries do not meet the minimum number of points for an award.


1. AAPA Awareness Initiative Messaging

Entries in this classification must have as their goal to raise awareness of the critical importance of seaports and must utilize one or more messages and/or graphics of AAPA’s “Seaports Deliver Prosperity” awareness initiative, found at . For judging purposes, please provide a printed example of each Awareness Initiative message. If the message is electronic, please also provide the Internet URL link.

2. Advertisements – Single

Entries in this classification are defined as marketing communications print materials, or electronic promotions appearing on the Internet, radio or television, that are produced for media on a paid-placement or trade-out basis, or mailed directly to target audiences electronically or through a paid carrier, such as the post office, UPS or FedEx. For judging purposes, advertisements developed for electronic media should be submitted with a URL link to the advertisement so it can be accessed on the Internet, along with a one page print-out to illustrate the ad for judging and display purposes.

3. Advertisements – Series

Entries in this classification are defined as any two

or more different promotional print materials, or electronic promotions appearing on the Internet, radio or television, which are produced on a paid-placement or trade-out basis, or mailed directly to target audiences electronically or through a paid carrier, such as the post office, UPS or FedEx. Advertisements in this classification should promote a similar issue, theme, event, service or product. For judging purposes, ad-vertisements developed for electronic media should be submitted with a URL link to each advertisement so each can be accessed on the Internet, along with a one page print-out to illustrate each ad for judging and display purposes.

4. Annual Reports

Entries in this classification should summarize a port’s major messages, developments and management decisions during a calendar or fiscal year, although

an annualized financial accounting of the port is not a requirement. For judging purposes, annual reports produced in a digital format must include a URL link to the report on the Internet.

5. Audio-Only Presentations

Entries in this classification may include oral interviews, recorded speeches, radio programs, podcasts and other non-advertising audio communications. Entries can be submitted either on a memory stick or via a URL link, and must include run time on the Entry Submission form. (If submitting a video presentation which combines sound and images, please use the Videos classification.)

6. Directories/Handbooks

Entries in this classification are defined as printed publications which provide descriptions of services and facilities, along with comprehensive contact information. Some organizational news and feature information is allowed, but should not be the dominant feature of this submission. For judging and display purposes, please include a copy of the actual directory or handbook with your Entry Submission.

7. Miscellaneous

Entries that do not fit in any other classification will be judged in this classification. As with other classifications, judges will not only be looking for creativity

and clarity of messages, but also a brief situational analysis; clearly stated goals, objectives, strategies, tactics and target audiences; and some form of evaluation to analyze the entry’s success. For judging and display purposes, please provide a printed ex-ample of each unique communication mentioned with your Entry Submission. If the communications are electronic, please also provide an Internet URL link for each.

8. Overall Campaign

Entries for Overall Campaign may include copies of components from other entry classifications, but each Overall Campaign entry must include a range of com- munications materials used in a comprehensive public relations campaign or program designed to achieve specific goals and objectives. Clearly identify the cam- paign goals, objectives, tactics, strategies and target audiences, and include a detailed description of pro-gram elements including research, planning, implementation and evaluation of results. For judging and display purposes, please provide a printed example of each communication element in your Entry Submis-sion. For each unique electronic communication, please also provide an Internet URL link.

9. Periodicals (Newsletters & Magazines)

Entries in this classification are defined as print or electronic publications that are published at least twice per year. Print periodical entries must be submitted in the original publication size; no enlargements or reductions are permitted. For electronic periodicals, submit examples on a memory stick or via an Internet URL for judging. For both print and electronic entries, include the most recent three consecutive is-sues of the periodical or the entry will be disqualified.

10. Promotional/Advocacy Materials

Entries in this classification may be in either print or electronic form, and must promote or advocate for a particular goal, objective, program, service or policy, and should be a component of a larger communications effort. No advertisements allowed! Eligible entries are split between brochures, flyers, pamphlets and booklets; and maps, posters and calendars; and will be judged separately. If the entry was distributed via direct mail (either electronic mail or through a paid carrier, such as the post office, UPS or FedEx), it should have asked for a reader response. If submit-ting a series of promotional materials that advocate for the same or similar thing, please submit them as one entry, but include a printed sample of each promotional piece for judging purposes. Each stand-alone promotional piece that advocates for something different must be submitted as a separate entry.

11. Social/Web-Based Media

Entries in this classification may include port uses of social, web-based media such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube for engaging, informing and educating stakeholders. For judging purposes, please include a social media URL address with each entry AND a printed copy of one page from each social media site that you most want judges to review. Each entry in this classification may include up to three (3) social media sites in which the port has a presence.

12. Special Events

Entries in this classification may range from milestone events like anniversaries lasting up to a year, to shorter-term events like port festivals, employee volunteer activities and press conferences. The entry should clearly identify the special event’s goals, objectives, strategies, tactics and target audiences, and include a detailed description of program ele-ments, including research, planning, implementation and evaluation of results. Submissions can include copies of components from other entry classifications. (Note: If entering a series of special events with the same overarching goals and objectives, consider submitting them in the Overall Campaign classifi-cation.)

13. Videos

This classification is for entries that have both audio and visual elements combined which are produced by, or on behalf of, the submitting port and that advocates for or educates viewers on a particular goal, objective or program (e.g., port brand video, video tour, marketing video, educational video, recorded newscasts, etc.). All video presentations must be submitted on either a memory stick or via an Internet URL (e.g., on YouTube or a port website), with an entry label marked with the precise run time for judging purposes.

14. Visual-Only Presentations

Submissions in this classification include graphics-rich information and education materials, photo displays, PowerPoint presentations, webinars and other electronic communications for which there are images and written words, but little or no sound. Entries can be submitted as printed material, on a memory stick or via an Internet URL. Be sure to include the run time of each entry label. (If submitting a presentation which combines sound and images, please use Videos classification.)

15. Websites

Entries in this classification include both Internet and Intranet websites. For judging purposes, please include the website address with your entry AND printed copies of the Home page and up to six other website pages that you most want the judges to review.


Entry Form Information

• All entry packets must include one completed Master Entry Form specifying the number of all entry classifications that are being submitted.

• Each individual submission must include a completed entry form, and all entry forms and supporting materials describing the entry must be written in English, although the actual communications submission may be in a language other than English.

• An Entry Label must be attached to the front or back of each piece of supporting material (e.g., print ad, port magazine, directory, website screen shot, PowerPoint speech printout).

• Each entry must include a brief summary statement that can be used by AAPA to describe the entry in a news release or magazine story should the entry be selected for an award.

• A completed AAPA PowerPoint slide for each entry

downloaded from and must be emailed to aellis@aapa- by May 1, 2013.

• If possible, all entries from the same port should be submitted in one package that includes a completed Master Entry Form and a completed entry form for each individual classification for which entries are being submitted.

• Do not submit multiple entries in a common binder since each entry must be separated for judging.

• Duplicate entries (except for components of Overall Campaign and Special Events classifications) will be disqualified from the competition. AAPA reserves the right to reject or reclassify entries that are incorrect for the submitted classification.

• For judging purposes, print entries must be submitted in their original size and format. All electronic entries must include a printed graphic representation of the submission, such as the front cover of a publication, for judging purposes.

Entry Timeframe

• The 2013 AAPA Communications Awards Program will allow submissions that were produced, imple-mented and evaluated up to 24 months prior to the May 1, 2013, entry deadline.

• Previously entered submissions and any communications older than 24 months are ineligible for judging in the 2012 competition.

Language Requirements

• Supporting materials, such as advertisements, videos, websites and periodicals, may be submitted in any language desired, but entry forms and the application document used to answer the entry questions must be submitted in English only for the judges to read.

• Entry forms are provided to describe each submission. Entry submitters should use the entry form provided and the supporting application document to translate parts of any submission that may not be clear to English-speaking judges.

• The purpose of allowing non-English communications materials to be submitted is to encourage submissions from ports in non-English-speaking countries.

No Returns

Entries will not be returned. Please do not send originals or the only copy of any submission materials.

PowerPoint Slide Requirements

For creation of the annual AAPA Awards Program luncheon presentation, you must download the AAPA PowerPoint slide and insert into the slide the name and classification of your entry, along with your port’s logo AND electronic image or images (preferably JPG format between 500kb and 1mb file size) that best illustrate the entry. Please email each completed PowerPoint slide to Aaron Ellis at aellis@aapa-, and don’t forget to include your contact information and the entry name and classification as part of your email. Please submit each completed PowerPoint slide in separate emails.

Entry Categories

In order to fairly consider the work of ports with minimal resources and staff, each classification of entry in the competition will be divided into two categories.

Category 1

By default, all entries will be judged as Category 1 unless specified otherwise on the entry form.

Category 2

Category 2 addresses ports with:

• Two or fewer full-time equivalent PR and marketing communications staff; and,

• Ports with an annual marketing/PR budget of

less than $200,000, including staff salaries.


All entries will be judged by professional public relations and marketing communications practitioners from the Washington, D.C., area. They will evaluate the following criteria:

• Brief, descriptive summary of situation analysis, public relations challenge or opportunity and how the particular entry compliments the port’s mission or overall communications plan.

• Availability of research to justify the chosen approach.

• Clearly stated objectives, goals, strategies, tactics and target audiences.

• Appropriateness to audience and objectives.

• Appropriateness of content, clarity and style.

• Innovative use of photographs/graphics/design.

• Skill in use of copy and layout.

• Evaluation of results (from formal surveys to anecdotal audience feedback).

The judging will be held at AAPA headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia, shortly after the entry deadline. Those entering the contest will be notified via email of the competition’s results shortly after judging is complete.


• With your Payment Form, please include $90 for each entry (payable via port purchase order, check, Visa, MasterCard or American Express).

• If you prefer, credit card transactions can be made

by phone by calling AAPA at 703-684-5700.

• Checks must be made payable to the "American Association of Port Authorities" and must accompany the entry.

• If AAPA does not have the purchase order or entry fee by the May 1, 2013 entry deadline, the entry may be disqualified.

• Multiple components submitted as part of an Overall Campaign, Advertising Series, Periodical (which requires three consecutive issues) or Special Events entry constitutes a single submission at $90 per entry.


• Winners will receive their awards and be recognized at the AAPA 102nd Annual Convention in Orlando, Fla., on Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2013.

• Top scoring entries will receive an Award of Excellence plaque, or Award of Distinction or Award of Merit certificate.


• To recognize superior performance in the competition, the Dan Maynard Communications Award for Overall Excellence will be presented to the port that earns the most award points overall. The annual Award of Overall Excellence was renamed by AAPA’s Public Relations Committee in 2004 after the late Dan Maynard, the committee’s former colleague and

communications director for the Port Authority of

New York & New Jersey.

Entry Deadline

Entries in all categories must be received at AAPA headquarters by Wednesday, May 1, 2013. Send to:

AAPA Communications Awards Program

American Association of Port Authorities

1010 Duke Street

Alexandria, VA 22314-3589

For more information, contact:

Aaron Ellis

Public Affairs Director

(703) 684-5700



Please enclose one completed Master Entry Form with your entire entry packet. Also complete and include a separate entry form for each individual submission, and separately email a completed PowerPoint slide for each entry as referenced on page 4 of the competition specifications. The slide(s) should be emailed separately to Aaron Ellis at aellis@aapa-. If possible, submit ALL printed entry information in one package with one payment (purchase order, check or credit card) to cover all Communications Awards Program submissions.

Your Name: _____________________________________________________________________________

Title: ___________________________________________________________________________________

Port: ___________________________________________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________________________________

Telephone: ____________________ Fax: ________________ E-mail: ______________________________

|( Category 1 |( Category 2 |

| |Entries must meet both of the following criteria: |

|By default, all entries will be classified in Category 1 unless |Two or fewer full-time equivalent PR and marketing communications staff, and |

|they meet both |Annual marketing/PR budget of less than $200,000 (including PR/marketing communications staff |

|Category 2 criteria. |salaries). |

Check appropriate boxes and

attach with separate entry forms.




Single Print Advertisement ( (

Electronic [Internet, Broadcast (radio/TV)] ( (


Ad Series ( (

Electronic [Internet, Broadcast (radio/TV)] ( (





Describe Entry: ___________________________


Describe Entry: ___________________________ ______________________________________

9. PERIODICALS (Magazines & Newsletters)

Attach latest three consecutive issues ( (


Brochures, pamphlets, flyers, booklets ( (

Maps, posters, calendars ( (



Describe Entry: ___________________________ ______________________________________

13. VIDEOS ( (


15. WEBSITES ( (


Enclose one completed PAYMENT FORM with your entire entry packet. The fee for each entry is $90, payable by port purchase order, check or credit card (Visa, MasterCard or American Express only). Checks must be made payable to the “American Association of Port Authorities.” To handle your credit card payment over the phone, please call AAPA at 703-684-5700.

To assist you in calculating the cost, please write the number of entries submitted for each applicable classification. For example, each Annual Report, Promotional/Advocacy piece, Handbook or Video-Only Presentation is considered a single entry at $90 per entry. An Overall Campaign, Special Event, Ad Series or Periodical (consisting of three consecutive issues) submission constitutes a single entry at $90 per entry.
















13. VIDEOS ______


15. WEBSITES ______

TOTAL (number of entries) ___________ × $90 = $_______________

Name of Port ____________________________________________________________________________

Method of Payment:

( Purchase Order #: ____________________________________________________________________

( Check: Checks must be made payable to the American Association of Port Authorities.

Please reference the AAPA Communications Awards Program somewhere on the check.

( Credit Card

( Visa ( MasterCard ( American Express

Credit Card Number _____________________________________________________ Exp. Date ______________

Name that appears on front of Card ________________________________________________________________

Cardholder’s Billing Address: _____________________________________________________________________

(Phone and Email) _____________________________________________________________________________


(Please copy and complete this form for each entry)

Check only ONE entry classification below:

1. AAPA Awareness Initiative

Messaging ______

2. Advertisements – Single ______

3. Advertisements – Series ______

4. Annual Reports ______

5. Audio-Only Presentations ______

6. Directories/Handbooks ______

7. Miscellaneous ______

8. Overall Campaign ______

9. Periodicals ______

10. Promotional/Advocacy Material ______

11. Social/Web-Based Media ______

12. Special Events ______

13. Videos ______

14. Visual-Only Presentations ______

15. Websites ______

Entry Title _______________________________________________________________________________

Port Name ______________________________________________________________________________

Port Address ____________________________________________________________________________

Contact Name/Title _______________________________________________________________________

Telephone ____________________________ Email Address ______________________________________

Please indicate precisely how your port’s name should be listed on any award(s) it may win:

Name __________________________________________________________________________________

Being as precise as possible, attach a separate entry statement, in English, that includes a descriptive summary of your entry and lists answers to each of the following four key questions:

1. What are/were the specific communications challenges or opportunities?

– Describe in specific & measurable terms the situation leading up to creation of this entry.

– Analyze the major internal and external factors needing to be addressed.

2. What were your communications planning and programming components?

– Describe your overall goals (desired results).

– Describe your objectives (identify specific, mea-surable milestones needed to reach your goals).

– Identify your target publics (list primary, secondary and tertiary audiences in order of importance).

3. What actions were taken and what communication outputs were used?

– Explain your strategies (e.g., identify media, tim-ing & venue choices requiring tactics to complete).

– Specify your tactics (actions used to carry out your strategies).

– Map out your implementation plan (include timelines, staffing and budget).

4. What were your your evaluation methods and communications outcomes?

– Describe formal or informal surveys, or anecdotal audience feedback, used to evaluate success.

– Determine communications outcomes by assess-ing changed opinions, behaviors and attitudes.


|AAPA 2013 Communications Awards |AAPA 2013 Communications Awards |

| | |

|Port: Port of the Western Hemisphere |Port ____________________________________ |

|Contact Person: Juan Scott Tremblay |Contact Person ___________________________ |

|Entry Classification: Overall Campaign |Entry Classification ________________________ |


|AAPA 2013 Communications Awards |AAPA 2013 Communications Awards |

| | |

|Port ____________________________________ |Port ____________________________________ |

|Contact Person ___________________________ |Contact Person ___________________________ |

|Entry Classification ________________________ |Entry Classification ________________________ |


|AAPA 2013 Communications Awards |AAPA 2013 Communications Awards |

| | |

|Port ____________________________________ |Port ____________________________________ |

|Contact Person ___________________________ |Contact Person ___________________________ |

|Entry Classification ________________________ |Entry Classification ________________________ |


|AAPA 2013 Communications Awards |AAPA 2013 Communications Awards |

| | |

|Port ____________________________________ |Port ____________________________________ |

|Contact Person ___________________________ |Contact Person ___________________________ |

|Entry Classification ________________________ |Entry Classification ________________________ |


|AAPA 2013 Communications Awards |AAPA 2013 Communications Awards |

| | |

|Port ____________________________________ |Port ____________________________________ |

|Contact Person ___________________________ |Contact Person ___________________________ |

|Entry Classification ________________________ |Entry Classification ________________________ |


Judges for AAPA's Annual Communications Awards use score sheets that require a numerical score on the following criteria (100 total points possible):

1. Defining the communications challenge or opportunity (10 points max.); including how well the entry explains the situation that requires communicating with target audiences, and inclusion of a particular problem or opportunity statement that has measurable outcomes.

2. Identifying how the entry complements the port’s mission or overall communications program (10 points max.); including how existing port programs influenced creation of this entry.

3. Planning and programming components (10 points max.); including how the entry identifies goals, objectives and target audiences.

4. Actions and communications outputs (10 points max.); including the extent to which the entry specifies appropriate strategies and tactics, implementation agenda, timeline(s), staffing and budget.

5. Evaluation methods (10 points max.); including how well the entry describes ways used to evaluate its success, and the extent to which the methods are appropriate and measurable.

6. Overall quality of communication (50 points max.); including the extent to which: the overall communication device is compelling; text is clear, concise and appropriate for the target audience(s); graphics (and/or sound) are interesting and eye/ear-catching; copy, graphics, sound (if any) and layout work well together; and entry appears to capture the audience’s attention and/or inspires action.

Entries that consistently get low scores from judges are entries that do not state measurable, time-oriented objectives and that don’t provide an analysis of the communication’s success to help a judge determine if it achieved its goals and objectives. Oftentimes judges have also complained that entries fail to provide enough background or situational analysis for them to understand the reason or purpose behind the stated objectives. In other words, judges want to know what the entry is trying to achieve and why the submitting port wants to achieve it.

The judges are also looking for ways the entry compliments the port’s mission and larger communications objectives. Stand-alone entries, such as single advertisements, that don’t tie back to the organization’s overall communications program, typically get graded down.

The judges are also looking for evidence that you tried to evaluate the success of your communi-cations. For example, how many people saw it or read it? Was there a way for them to contact you later, such as by phone, email, reply card, etc.? Was any audience feedback requested? What percentage of the people you sent it to saw it and responded? Moreover, what did they say? The most important things to measure in the evaluation phase are communications outcomes (e.g., changed opinions, attitudes and behaviors), although communications outputs (e.g., number of media placements, impressions or Web “hits”) are also helpful for evaluating success.

Another concern of judges is that many submissions do not clearly state the purpose of the communication entry. They want to know why the particular communications vehicle was chosen over all the other possible options and if any other communication vehicles were considered.

Finally, some judges have complained when too much information is contained in an individual submission binder. Individual entries stuffed into in binders containing every scrap of information pertaining to that communication submission generally contain more information than judges can absorb. Include only pertinent documentation and make binders easy to flip through. For example, consider summarizing survey results when including feedback surveys with your submission rather than including every completed survey in your binder.

Points to Consider


How many people saw the ad (circulation of publications)? Was there a direct feedback mechanism (such as a phone number or website address) in the ad so you could measure response? What was the marketing result you wanted and what did you get?


Do you perform readership surveys of your periodicals so that you know what your readers think? How do you know if the newsletter or magazine is too long or too short, or if readers like the look, content and layout? Have you ever conducted a focus group to determine what people think of the publication? Have you logged evidence of call-in or email responses to determine the success of your publications?

Special Events

How many people attended your event in relation

to your stated objectives? How did you record attendees’ attitudes toward the event? Did you do a post-event internal and/or external evaluation to seek ways to improve the next event?


What are your website “visit” stats and do they meet your objectives? How many visits per month as compared to a year ago? Do you have a "Contact Us" button and how many responses does it get? How many organizations ask to link to your site?

Do your posters and maps entice readers to respond and do they have contact information that’s easy for readers to remember? Do you have a way to capture the information on who is responding to your cards and letters and what they are saying? Do your brochures and flyers have identification codes that respondents can mention when they write in or call that lets you know how they learned about your message? How did you assess the number of people who responded? What percentage of the total mailing?


How many people have viewed your video presentation since you produced it? Have you asked any of these groups to fill out a simple evaluation form about what they learned? Does your video have a measureable call-to-action, such as responding to online survey or calling into a toll-free number?

Handbooks and Directories

If your communication is a handbook or directory, what, and how many, inquiries have resulted and what are people saying about the information contained in it, or the pictures/ illustrations? How many requests did you get for more copies?

Social/Web-Based Media

What was the general tone and quality of audience responses to your social media messages? How did your social media presence assist your port in achieving its communications objectives

For questions –

Please contact Aaron Ellis, Public Affairs Director, at 703-684-5700, aellis@aapa-, if you have further questions about submitting an entry into AAPA's Annual Communications Awards Program.

To see previous winners –

To see examples of outstanding entry form submissions, go to aapa-, click on Annual Awards Program under the Programs & Events tab, and click on the Communications Awards link.


Category 1

Category 2






In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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