Dr. Berg

Heart Health

|Nutrient |Function |SIGNIFICANCE |Where you get it |

|Calcium |*Controls the |Too Much |Too Little |Calcium is the easiest mineral |

| |contraction part of the |*Stones |*Bruising |to get. We need 1000mg and can |

| |heart. |*Bone pain |*Pins & Needles (mouth, |be gotten from vegetables and |

| |*It is part of the 4 |*Abdominal pain |lips, extremities) |dairy. |

| |main electrolytes. |*Polyuria |*Tetany |The problem is not getting |

| |*The calcium scan is the|*Depression |*Laryngeal spasm |enough dietary calcium, its |

| |best indicator of |*Increased heart |*Arrhythmias |ensuring the body doesn’t |

| |prediction of heart |contraction |*ECG |accumulate soft-tissue calcium. |

| |attacks. This is because|*Increased gastrin – | | |

| |calcium acts as a |ulcers |-leg cramps is the first | |

| |band-aid to heal the |*Decreased sodium |sign of low calcium | |

| |arteries. |(muscle fatigue) | | |

| |*Doctors prescribe |-Calcifies arteries, | | |

| |Calcium Channel Blockers|brain, joints, heart | | |

| |to rid the soft tissue |values… | | |

| |calcium. |-Is really a K2 | | |

| |*Excess soft tissue |deficiency | | |

| |calcium is a vitamin K2 |-Could be low stomach | | |

| |deficiency. |acids | | |

| |*Calcium is only |RISKS: | | |

| |absorbed in a more acid |10X Atrial Fib | | |

| |medium (which is why |5X Stroke | | |

| |people who digestive |3x Heart Attack | | |

| |problems can’t absorb |5X Blood Pressure | | |

| |it) |25X Kidney Stones | | |

| |*Vitamin D increases the|4X GERD | | |

| |absorption by 20x and |Many people take calcium| | |

| |raises it in the blood. |carbonate, the wrong | | |

| |*Vitamin F also helps |type | | |

| |absorbs calcium into the| | | |

| |tissues and skin | | | |

|Potassium |Potassium is the |Too Much |Too Little |Average person consumes 1200mg |

| |physiological relaxer |*Palpitations |*High blood pressure |of K+, but needs 4700mg. |

| |and is involved in nerve|*Weakness |*Abnormal heart beats |*You need 7-10 cups of |

| |transmission, muscle |*Too acid |*Cravings for sweets |vegetables to get your potassium|

| |relaxation, electrolyte | |*High pulse rate | |

| |balance (protecting | | | |

| |against fluid | | | |

| |retention). | | | |

| |*Potassium always works | | | |

| |closely with magnesium. | | | |

| | | | | |

|Magnesium |Magnesium is the major |Too Much |Too Little |Average person consumes 30+% |

| |electrolyte in the |*Laxative effect |Arrhythmias |less than they should. You need |

| |heart. It controls the | |Rapid beats |360mg/day and people consume |

| |relaxation phase of the | |Stiff arteries |200mg. |

| |heart beat and muscles. | |HBP |Foods high in chlorophyll (leafy|

| |*Works closely with | |Angina |greens are high in magnesium |

| |potassium. | |Excessive calcium |because this mineral is a part |

| |*Is considered a natural| |Mitral valve prolapsed |of the chlorophyll structure. |

| |calcium channel blocker.| |Overactive stress |Wheat grass juice is very high |

| |*Highest amounts of | |hormones |in magnesium and potassium. |

| |magnesium is in the left| |If magnesium is low in |Other sources: Pico magnesium. |

| |ventricle. | |the soils, the plant can |Food sources: pumpkin seeds, sun|

| | | |not make chlorophyll. |flower seeds. |

| | | |________________ |Most magnesium supplements are |

| | | |Statins are made from |only absorbed by 20%. |

| | | |fluoride and thus deplete| |

| | | |magnesium | |

| | | |Standard blood test | |

| | | |rarely detect | |

| | | |deficiencies; use the | |

| | | |Magnesium RBC Test | |

| | | |Magnesium deficiency can | |

| | | |also occur from: | |

| | | |-Too much vitamin D | |

| | | |-Low stomach acids | |

| | | |-Too much calcium | |

| | | |-Too much potassium | |

|Sodium |An essential electrolyte|Too Much |Too Little |An average person consumes |

| |for the heart, nerve, |*Depletes potassium |*Dehydration |1000+mg too much. Normal |

| |muscle and fluid balance|*Fluid retention |*Weakness |requirements are 2000mg and |

| |in the body. |*Calcium depletion |*Increased overall death |people consume 3500mg. |

| | |*Slightly high blood |from cardiovascular |*Also consume seal salt – 1 tsp |

| | |pressure |insult. |is enough per day to get your |

| | |Excess sodium is hidden | |requirement. |

| | |in junk foods and as MSG| | |

| | | | |

|Vitamin K1: Allows body to use |K1 is a clotting |Too Much |Too Little |Eat lots of green leafy |

|calcium to clot |vitamin. However, there |*None |*Bruising |vegetables. |

|(German word for Koagulation) |are 8 different types of| |*Nose bleeds | |

| |K1 and some parts are | |*Bone loss | |

| |even anti-clotting. Is | |*Bleeding gums | |

| |part of the vitamin C | | | |

| |complex. | | | |

| |*Lack of bile can | | | |

| |prevent the absorption | | | |

| |of fat soluble vitamins | | | |

|Vitamin K2: |* Transports calcium to |Too Much |Too Little |*Vitamin K2 |

| |your bones and teeth. |None |*Calcification of |*Grass fed animal products |

| |Helps make the arteries | |arteries. |*Vegetarian source: natto |

| |and joints more elastic.| |*Excess calcium in soft | |

| |*Vitamin D is necessary | |tissues (arteries, | |

| |to activate and make K2 | |joints, brain, kidneys, | |

| |work. | |gallbladder, teeth, etc.)| |

| |*Lack of bile can | | | |

| |prevent the absorption | | | |

| |of fat soluble vitamins | | | |

|Vitamin D |*Helps absorb calcium in|Too Much |Too Little |*20 min or sun |

| |gut by 20x– show image. |Hypercalcemia |*High Blood pressure |*10,000-40,000 IUs of D3 WITH |

| |*Also brings calcium |(Calcification) |*Low blood calcium |100mcg of K2 for every 10,000 |

| |from the tissues to the |*Causes deficiencies of|*Depression |Ius of D3. |

| |blood |vitamin K2 and vitamin |*Loss of bone |Our products adds K1 too to help|

| |*Lowers blood pressure. |F. |*Bone pain |K2 work |

| |*High stress can block | |*Low immune system | |

| |absorption of vitamin D | | | |

| |*Lack of bile can | | | |

| |prevent the absorption | | | |

| |of fat soluble vitamins | | | |

|Vitamin E |E2 fraction – helps |Too Much |Too Little |*The best source of vitamin E is|

| |increase O2 thus |Hypervitaminosis E – |**Most cramps are caused |in vegetables. |

| |preventing cramping of |depletes vitamin K, |by low calcium, but E |*It is also in sunflower seeds |

| |the heart. It also |blotchy skin, |deficiency can also cause|and some in almonds. But lettuce|

| |causes high altitude |decalcification of |it. |is also very high as well as |

| |discomfort. |bone. |***Muscle weakness is the|fatty fish, olives, avocados and|

| | | |other very common symptom|fresh nuts. |

| |Good for acne, sex | |**Lack of coordination | |

| |organs, menopausal women| |*Refined bleached flour | |

| |since vitamin E is | |products cause a vitamin | |

| |stored in the pituitary.| |E deficiency. | |

| |*Also essential to | |*Tocopherol is only the | |

| |prevent artery damage, | |anti-oxidant part (7 in | |

| |which precedes a clogged| |total) similar to | |

| |artery. | |ascorbic acid. | |

| |*Vitamin E has manganese| | | |

| |as part of its complex | | | |

|Vitamin F |Is called: |Too Much |Too Little |Flax oil, butter and fatty fish |

| |Polyunsaturated |None |*Farmers who get too much|oil. Also in sunflower oil. |

| |Fatty Acids | |sun and too little | |

| |*Is part of the Vitamin | |vitamin F, get thick | |

| |E complex | |skin, hives. *Vitamin F | |

| |*Lack of bile can | |also protects against | |

| |prevent the absorption | |skin cancer from too much| |

| |of fat soluble vitamins | |vitamin D. Sun is not | |

| | | |dangerous IF you have | |

| | | |enough vitamin F. | |

| | | |*Low F causes viruses to | |

| | | |come out of remission | |

| | | |(canker sores) | |

| | | |*Low F in the presence of| |

| | | |lots of sun causes sun | |

| | | |stroke, sun burn. | |

|Cholesterol | |Myth: It’s not the cholesterol that is the |*Avoid sugar and hidden carbs |

| | |problem; it’s the vitamin C deficiency that causes|*Consume cholesterol in food |

| | |a collagen breakdown in the capillaries causing |(eggs), which will only increase|

| | |micro bleeding. The cholesterol comes in AFTER as |good cholesterol anyway. Its |

| | |a band-aid. But calcium also comes in making the |high in lecithin, which is the |

| | |arteries stiff – increasing High Blood Pressure |antidote to cholesterol. |

| | |FACTS: your body makes 2000mg of cholesterol daily| |

| | |(1 dozen eggs) | |

| | |FACTS: Cholesterol is needed to make stress | |

| | |hormones | |

| | |FACTS: Good cholesterol is only the cholesterol | |

| | |coming out of the liver and Bad cholesterol is | |

| | |cholesterol going into the liver. As long as the | |

| | |good cholesterol is high –then you have exchange | |

| | |and you’re okay. | |

| | |FACT: the real deeper reason why cholesterol is | |

| | |high is the sugar carbs in the diet. | |

| | |FACT: if your cholesterol is high, you only have a| |

| | |.1% chance of getting a heart attack; not 100% | |

| | |rate – only risk (no legal definition) | |

| | |FACT: Normal cholesterol total used to be 225, by | |

| | |lowering it millions of people where put on meds. | |

| | |FACTS: WHO | |

| | |192 countries: | |

| | |Women who has cholesterol 177 < had a 98% higher | |

| | |death rate than women who had it 212 | |

| | |Men who have cholesterol 177< had a 27% higher | |

| | |death rate than 212 | |

| | |*David Evans – 500 Peer-review papers showing very| |

| | |negative side-effects of statins | |

|Vitamin E |E2 gets O2 into the |E2 fraction – helps increase O2 thus preventing |*The best source of vitamin E is|

| |heart muscle. |cramping of the heart. It also causes high |in vegetables. |

| |Good for acne, sex |altitude discomfort. |*It is also in sunflower seeds |

| |organs, menopausal. |**Most cramps are caused by low calcium, but E |and some in almonds. But lettuce|

| |*Also essential to |deficiency can also cause it. |is also very high as well as |

| |prevent artery damage, |***Muscle weakness is the other very common |fatty fish, olives, avocados and|

| |which comes before a |symptom |fresh nuts. |

| |clogged artery. |**Lack of coordination |*It’s also in wheat grass juice |

| | |*Refined bleached flour products cause a vitamin E|powder |

| | |deficiency. | |

| | |*Tocopherol is only the anti-oxidant part (7 in | |

| | |total) similar to ascorbic acid. | |

| | |Hypervitaminosis E – depletes vitamin K, blotchy | |

| | |skin, decalcification of bone. | |

|Vitamin B4 |B4 supports the nerve |B4 is naturally in whole grains, yet bleached |Is present in many foods and is |

| |conduction and if |flour products will deplete vitamin B4. |not hard to get if you’re |

| |deficient causes |You must avoid refined grains to keep your B4. |consuming vegetables, eggs, etc.|

| |fibrillation. It also | | |

| |prevents dilation or | |*Nutritional Yeast has B4, but |

| |enlargement. If the | |make sure you get the |

| |heart gets bigger, the | |unfortified nutritional yeast. |

| |valves leak causing | |*B4 is also in our Adrenal Day |

| |regurgitation – murmurs.| |Formula |

|Vitamin C |Helps oxygen carrying |Vitamin C deficiency creates micro (small) | |

| |capacity and prevents |hemorrhage in the layers of the arteries. This | |

| |capillary bleeding. |creates an immune healing reaction with the body’s| |

| | |natural band-aid – cholesterol and calcium. | |

| | |Vitamin C comes in a complex and ascorbic acid is | |

| | |only 1 part. Taking large doses of ascorbic acid | |

| | |will create a deficiency of vitamin C complex. | |

|Synthetic Vitamins |Natural is absorbed |Natural vitamins come in whole complexes and are |Companies make mostly synthetic.|

| |better, in 1 study is |made from at least 8 parts, synthetics are only |Why? Cost – 1 kg of synthetic |

| |showed that it takes 3x |one and in very high amounts. In nature vitamins |biotin cost $9; if its natural |

| |more synthetic to |always come in complexes. |version cost $800 per kg. |

| |achieve the results than| | |

| |natural. | | |

| |Vitamin molecules come | | |

| |in right and left hand | | |

| |structure. | | |


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