
Carly Eskenazi

Lesson 3, Main Idea

Grade 3

Date: Wednesday, October 30, 2013, 9:00am

|Common Core State Standards: |

|RI.3.2- Determine the main idea of a text; recount the key details and explain how they support the main idea. |

|RI.3.7- Use information gained from illustrations (e.g., maps, photographs) and the words in a text to demonstrate understanding of|

|the text. |

|Learning Objectives: |

| Students will be able to determine the main idea of an excerpt from My Librarian Is a Camel using evidence from the text and the |

|illustrations. |

|Students will be able to retell key ideas from My Librarian Is a Camel. |

|Students will be able to use information from illustrations (maps, photographs) to comprehend My Librarian Is a Camel. |

|Academic Language: |

|Informational- facts provided or learned about something or someone |

| |

|Excerpt- a short extract from a film, broadcast, or piece of music or writing. |

| |

|Evidence- the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or v |

| |

|Topic- a matter dealt with in a text, discourse, or conversation; a subject |

| |

|Main idea- the most important or central thought of a paragraph or larger section of text, which tells the reader what the text is |

|about: |

| |

|Illustration- a picture illustrating a book, newspaper, etc |

|Assessments: |

|Anecdotal notes of student participation during group work and whole group discussions(Formative |

|Using Text Evidence to Determine the Main Idea: Accessing Books around the World (found in students’ Expeditionary Learning |

|workbook) ( Summative |

|My Librarian Is a Camel: Reading Superhero in Peru worksheet ( Summative |

|Instructional Strategies & Learning Tasks: |

|Time |Instructional Strategies/ Learning Tasks |Purpose |

|10 minutes |Gather students on the rug and begin by displaying their learning|The purpose of this is to engage the |

| |targets on the smartboard from the PowerPoint slide 2. Explain to|students in reading a kind of text they |

| |them that we will be using a different text today during the |have not read yet (information texts). |

| |lesson, which is an informational text (My Librarian Is a Camel | |

| |by Margriet Ruurs). | |

| |Discuss slide 3 Reading Informational Texts: How can we find the | |

| |main idea? Get students engaged by showing them a map of Peru | |

| |since they will be learning how children in Peru access books. | |

| |Show them the different landforms and water features in Peru from| |

| |the PowerPoint slides 4 & 5 asking “Based on the pictures do we | |

| |think it is easy for children in Peru to access books?” | |

|20 minutes |Review academic vocabulary from slide 6 that will help students |The purpose of this section is for students|

| |comprehend unfamiliar words in the text. |to see that they’ve answered questions |

| |Read aloud the introduction and show students a picture walk of | |

| |My Librarian is a Camel. | |

| |Ask the students to Think-Pair-Share what the main idea of the | |

| |whole book is. Show students slide 7 on the smartboard what they | |

| |will be completing in their reading groups. | |

|25 minutes |Hand out page 27 of My Librarian Is a Camel, which the students | |

| |will use to complete the page in the Expeditionary Learning | |

| |workbook. | |

| |Read page 27 and have the students follow along. | |

| |Explain to students that they will be broken up into their | |

| |reading groups to complete an activity to find the main idea. | |

| |TIER 1 (high group) will complete the Main Idea worksheet. There | |

| |is little prompting to this worksheet since students are expected| |

| |to grab details directly from the text to explain the main idea. | |

| |TIER 2 (on grade level group) will complete the Using Text | |

| |Evidence to Determine the Main Idea: Accessing Books around the | |

| |World worksheet. | |

| |TIER 3 (below grade level group) will work on the Main Idea | |

| |Mobile. The teacher will work with these students reviewing what | |

| |we read and the possible answers to what the main idea would be. | |

| |They will then complete the hands on activity. | |

| |When students are finished, we review the work done by each | |

| |group. | |

| |Show students slide 8, which provides a sentence starter “I think| |

| |the main idea is_____ because_______”. Have students discuss with| |

| |a different partner what they think the main idea of the entire | |

| |text is. Then discuss as a class. | |

|25 minutes |Explain to students that they will complete the My Librarian Is a|The purpose of this section is to |

| |Camel: Reading Superhero in Peru worksheet. Show students slide |incorporate a writing assessment based on |

| |9, which provides the directions and a sentence starter to |what was read during this lesson. |

| |complete the handout. Students write a piece of who they think is| |

| |a reading superhero in Peru and why based on their reading. | |

|5 minutes |Debrief: |The purpose of this section is to assess |

| |Distribute an index card to each student. On the index card ask |students how much they learned during |

| |them to write: three details they learned about how people in |today’s lesson and readings, and what they |

| |Peru get books, two facts about the physical environment in Peru,|want to learn about in future lessons. |

| |and one question they still have. | |

|Students Support (Differentiation): |

|Hands on activity( Main Idea Mobile for TIER 3 group |

|Interpersonal learners are accommodated when they participate with other students during their connection stem discussions. |

|PowerPoint for visual learners. |

|Materials & Resources: |

|My Librarian Is a Camel by Margriet Ruurs). |

|Document camera and projector for PowerPoint |

|Using Text Evidence to Determine the Main Idea: Accessing Books around the World worksheet–Tier 2 group |

|Main Idea Worksheet |

|Main Idea Mobile Activity Worksheet |

|Scissors (students in Tier 3) |

|Glue sticks (students in Tier 3) |

|3X5 Index Card (1 per student) |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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