Presentation to the Town of Cape ... - Cape Elizabeth, Maine

Presentation to the Town of Cape Elizabeth


The Maine State Troopers Association

Mr. Robert Malley

Town of Cape Elizabeth

Director- Dept. of Public Works

Cape Elizabeth, Maine 04017

Sgt. Michael Edes

President-Maine State Troopers Association

28 Meadow Road

Augusta, Maine 0330


Contained below is numerous information relating to our request to use two of the rental sites at Fort Williams, on September 13th, 2012. As I mentioned to you previously, each year the National Troopers Coalition (NTC), an organization that represents 45,000 troopers and highway patrol officers across the United States, holds a yearly social gathering at various locations across the northeast. The event is called the “NTC Trooper’s Picnic” and is hosted locally by member states.

Over the past several years, the Trooper’s Picnic has been held in such locations such as Battery Park in New York City, Lum’s Pond State Park in Newark Delaware, Boston Harbor in Boston Massachusetts, Canobie Lake Park in New Hampshire and State Park in Pennsylvania. Maine has previously hosted the Picnic 3 times in neighboring Scarborough at the Beech Ridge Motor Speedway.

We would expect attendance to be in the 1,200-1,400 person range. Our previous Picnic’s experienced similar attendance and almost all attendee’s overnight accommodations were in the Portland and South Portland

The event involves numerous booths and tables, set up by private and State Association vendors, selling t-shirts, hats and other state police wares.

The host states contract with local catering companies to provide food throughout the day, as well as beverages such as water, soda and beer. Admission to the event is done by advance purchase of event tickets.

In the past while hosting this event in Scarborough, the Maine State Troopers Association (MSTA) has submitted a “mass gathering permit” to the town, as well as attending a town council meeting to address any questions and to finalize a permit. While I understand that Cape Elizabeth does not require such a permit, we certainly will be available at any time to meet with town officials. I have tried to “cut and paste” as much of the information from our previous permits applications with the Town of Scarborough to this letter, in order that you can determine what our event involves and our strategic plans in operating the event.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Michael T. Edes

President, Maine State Troopers Association

Cell: 207-831-5197

Email: Michael.T.Edes@ or sp238@maine.

2012 NTC Trooper’s Picnic


When: Thursday, September 13th, 2012

Time: 11am to 7pm

Expected Attendance: 1,200 to 1,400

Who: All attendees must be active or retired state police or highway patrol officers. All attendees must present a State Police or Highway Patrol ID to gain entrance.

Vehicles: We expect 150-200 private vehicles, several campers and there will be a shuttle bus running throughout the entire event from Ft. Williams to a drop off and pick up point in Portland.

Lodging: MSTA will contract group rates with several Portland hotels.

On-Site Facilities: 1 large dining tent- 100’x40, 1 catering text-40x40.

Vendors to provide their own texts or shelters-NO stakes.

Tents shall be removed at the end of the event.

We would require the renting of the Parade and Picnic Shelter areas.

Catering: MSTA will contract with one or more catering companies to provide an all day food menu to attendees. Catering companies will be responsible for providing their own portable water, portable cooking equipment, trash disposal and clean up.

Food: Menu will consist of pasta, local seafood, condiments, chips, hamburgers & hotdogs etc.

Beverage: Soda and water will be provided on an unlimited basis. Beer will be served via a portable tap truck and monitored by assigned members of the MSTA. Since no sales of beer will take place at the event, but is inclusive within the ticket price, no state beverage license is required.

Waste Disposal: MSTA will contract with a local trash disposal company. We expect to contract for a 10-yd dumpster, place at an authorized location within the park. Trash cans for the event will be numerous and scattered throughout the venue. Staff personnel with be tasked with monitoring those trash sites and assure no overflow. MSTA will require removal of the dumpster and other trash containers by the end of the event.

Bathroom Facilities: MSTA will contract for 1 Port-A-Potty per 100 attendee.

Port-A-Potty will be removed by the end of the event.

Insurance: MSTA will provide a 2-day liability insurance policy.

Security: MSTA will provide our own staff personnel to ensure the safety of our attendees and to assure the compliance with all state laws and town ordinances. We would be willing to hire an off-duty Cape Elizabeth Officer to provide additional site scrutiny if required.

Misc: If any of the businesses we contract for this event (trash, Port-A-Pottys, tents etc) are unable to remove those items immediately after the event, MSTA will lease that site for an additional half day.


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