JR Smallwood Middle School

JR Smallwood Middle School

Telephone: (709) 282.3251 Darryn Cramm ? Principal

P.O. Box 5000 Wabush, NL A0R 1B0 jrsc.ca

Fax: (709) 282.3016 Katherine Cramm ? Assistant Principal

Dear Parents/Guardians,

J.R. Smallwood Middle School wishes to take the opportunity to recognize February 11th to 17th, 2019, as Staff Appreciation Week.

We believe our staff go above and beyond for our students, parents and our school community. We offer many co-curricular and extra-curricular activities and opportunities in which our students may participate. We also have taken efforts to expose our students to many initiatives that will motivate students, such as coding/3D printing, that are on the cutting edge of technology. Our hydroponics, Little Green Thumbs, and in the near future growing of perennials/herbs and other plants foster lifelong interests. Our daily intramural program and our afterschool sports programs are very popular. Musical theatre is overflowing with interest. Public speaking/Speech Night is promoted with all students. Our dances and movie nights are planned and supervised by many of our staff. Many students also avail of extra help afterschool. Our school offers the Kids Eat Smart Grab-n-Go, as well as classroom snacks all purchased and prepared outside of the instructional school day. These types of activities are all voluntary, and we appreciate our staff giving of their time for the future generation of our province.

We are very proud of the cleanliness of our school, and appreciate the efforts made by our custodial staff to keep it this way ? we would like to thank them specifically ? it creates an atmosphere of respect and positive behavior. Our support staff, office staff, IT and maintenance workers are also working behind the scenes ? their contributions are valued and allow the business of the day to run smoothly. Finally, we appreciate the efforts of our bus drivers to keep our students safe.

Every day is not perfect, there are always small bumps in the road. Children must learn, often through failure, about all aspects of life. We appreciate the efforts that our staff make to help nurture them along their journey.


Darryn Cramm Principal

Katherine Cramm Assistant Principal

Mission Statement We promote lifelong learning and the whole development of the child through a nurturing, safe and caring environment.

Vision Statement Our vision is to provide a positive, student-centered environment. Students will be encouraged and guided to show respect, to be responsible and to participate in activities and initiatives that will help them reach their academic potential and become lifelong learners.

Together We Make A Difference


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