World War 1 Battles Assignment - Mr. Johns' Website

World War 1 Battles Assignment

For the last 2 weeks, we have been discussing World War 1 and more specifically, Canada's involvement in the war. It has now come time for you to apply what we've learned.

Your assignment: in groups give a presentation on one of the major battles Canada was involved in during World War 1. You will be given the chance to do a presentation on either:

1) The Second Battle of Ypres 2) The Battle of The Somme 3) The Battle of Passchendaele 4) The Battle of Vimy Ridge 5) The Hundred Days Offensive

Your group can choose to present the battle any way you would like. You can do it as a power-point, on bristle-board, Prezi, etc. As long as you make sure that everyone has something to do in creating the presentation and everyone has something to talk about in the presentation. On each slide, put the initials of the person who created it.

You MUST include:

1) Strategy: This is how the battle took place, what strategies each side used in order to fight one another and why they chose to attack at this location.

2) Technology: What technology was used at the time this battle took place

3) Outcome: How did the battle end? Did the Allies win? Did the Enemy win? Was it a stalemate? Why did it end this way?

4) Key Characteristics: These can be any facts your groups feels are important in helping to explain the battles better. You must have a minimum of 4 key characteristics.

You will be given Tuesday and Wednesday's class to work on this with your group. You will be presenting these projects on Thursday to everyone else in the class.

Success Criteria:

? I can identify the key characteristic(s) of the battle and provide examples of how that defines the battle

? I can explain what the outcome was and what long term impact it had on the outcome of the war

? I can explain how technology, at the time, played a role in the outcome of the battle

? I can identify different strategies both sides used in order to try and win the battle for their side


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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