The Delta Kappa Gamma Yearbook

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International

Alpha Iota State- Michigan

Chapter Yearbook Evaluation Form 2010-2011

Alpha Iota State is “Going Green.” The International and State information, as well as information about The Society’s symbols, are now included on our state website. You may want to include some of this material for new members, but for evaluation purposes there is no need to include this information in the copies you send in for evaluation. Not only will you save trees, your chapter will save money on printing and postage costs as well. The State will also save money on postage.

As a result, we have revised the yearbook evaluation form that was being utilized in the past to reflect our “Going Green” initiative. Editors have three options for evaluation:

• As in the past, editors can mail three hard copies of their chapter yearbook to Sally Garrison with one completed evaluation form.

• If your chapter yearbook is composed in a Microsoft Word document, you have the option of copying it onto three CDs and sending them with one completed evaluation form to Sally Garrison. No printed yearbook copy will be necessary for evaluation.

• No printed copy will be necessary for evaluation if your chapter has their yearbook online. Yearbook editors can download the Microsoft Word Yearbook Evaluation Form from the State website. The yearbook editors should copy and paste their URLs (web page addresses) right into the evaluation. When the URL is pasted into a Word document and followed with a carriage return (new line), Word will make it a clickable link to make it easier for evaluation. If this is your option, email the Yearbook Evaluation Form to Sally Garrison wsarahsally@, as well as Jackie Smart jackie@, and Olive Horning ohorning@. Be sure you include the website address with the completed evaluation form.

A reminder: your yearbooks must be postmarked December 1 in order to receive commendation from the Yearbook Committee. Any questions about the yearbooks should be directed to Olive Horning, State First Vice President ohorning@.

Chapter Yearbook Evaluation Form

Part 1

Chapter Name______________________________________________________________

Yearbook Editor _____________________Website address________________________

3 CDs (instead of printed yearbooks) Yes___ No ___

Part 2 Cover or Title Page Information

P# ____ Legal Name of the Society: (The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International)

P# ____ Geographic and Greek State Name: (Alpha Iota State - Michigan )

P# ____ Chapter Name and Chapter Location (city, county, area covered, or school districts included in your chapter)

P# ____ Coordinating Council (if your chapter is a member of a council)

P# ____ Year(s) for which book is used

P# ____ Table of Contents

Part 3 Chapter Information

P# ____ Current Chapter Officers

P# ____ Current Committees (chairmen and members)

P# ____ Members’ Information: (address, telephone, e-mail, professional status, dates of initiation, birthday of members)

P# ____ Past Chapter Presidents (with dates of their biennium)

P# ____ Chapter Charter Members

P# ____ Past Chapter Women of Distinction

P# ____ Coordinating Council Information

Part 4 Program Information

P# ____ Meeting and Program Information (This information is important to the State)

• Include the Title and/or Content of the Program

• Coordinating Council meeting(s)

• Orientation & Initiation of New Members

• Election & Installation of New Officers (Even years)

• Birthday Celebration

• Guest Speakers

• Chapter Executive Board Meeting Dates

• Include Hostesses or Committee Responsible for the Program

P# ____ Chapter Service Project Information (Identify and Explain Your Project)

P# ____ “The Delta Kappa Gamma Song”

Part 5 Optional Inclusions

These items are helpful to your members and will enhance your yearbook, but they are not required.

P# ____ In Memoriam/Tributes

P# ____ Telephone Tree/Fan-Out

P# ____ Photographs

P# ____ Additional Songs

P# ____ Chapter President’s Challenge

P# ____ Membership Requirements (This information is included on the State website.)

P# ____ Orientation Information

P# ____ Initiation Procedures

P# ____ Friend of Education Awards

P# ____ Chapter Rules/By-Laws and/or Committee Policies (cards, gifts, membership, etc.)

P# ____ Chapter Strategic Plan

Must be postmarked by December 1. Please send to: Sally Garrison

1227 Lenox Road

Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304


For Yearbook Committee Use Only

Postmarked by December 1 Yes___ No ___

Most Items Checked in Parts 1 - 4 Yes___ No ___

All Items Checked in Parts 1 – 4 Yes___ No ___

Submitted CDs or Website + 5 Optional Inclusions Yes___ No ___

Award Granted by Committee:



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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