Lesson plan

|Math Lesson: Functions |Grade Level: 7 |

|Lesson Summary: Students graph a variety of linear equations using data from input/output tables. Graphs will be displayed and discussed to determine common |

|characteristics and differences. Advanced students will be introduced to the y = mx + b form and graph equations without using an input/output table. Struggling |

|students graph direct variation equations. |

|Lesson Objectives: |

| |

|The students will know… |

|that linear equations can be graphed in the coordinate plane. |

|that linear equations have common characteristics. |

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|The students will be able to… |

|graph linear equations in the coordinate plane and recognize characteristics of linear functions. |

|Learning Styles Targeted: |

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|x |

|Visual |

|x |

|Auditory |

|Kinesthetic/Tactile |

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|Pre-Assessment: |

|Use this quick assessment to see if students understand how to plot points. |

|What is the location of each point in the coordinate plane? |

|[pic] |

|Whole-Class Instruction |

|Materials Needed: PowerPoint Presentation*, square poster paper, coordinate grid |

|Procedure: |

|Presentation |

|Explain that just as points can be graphed, so can values for functions. Demonstrate the process for y = 2x –1. |

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|Draw an input/output table. Choose values for x and find corresponding y-values. Explain that any values for x can be chosen, but it will be helpful to choose |

|consecutive values and x = 0. |

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|Plot the input/output pairs as ordered pairs. |

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|Students will see that the points are in a line. As the line is drawn, explain that students can use test points to prove that the graph is continuous. |

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|Guided Practice |

|Have students work in groups to graph a linear equation on poster paper so that the graphs may be displayed and compared. Assign the following equations: y = 2x, y|

|= 3x, y = 4x, y = 2x + 1, |

|y = 2x + 2, y = 3x + 1, y = –2x, y = –3x |

| |

|Display the graphs and discuss what students notice. |

|Some graphs have the same steepness (slope), and some are steeper. |

|All of the graphs rise to the right except for y = –2x and y = –3x. |

|Some graphs go through the origin, some cross the y-axis at the same point. |

| |

|It is not necessary to use terms such as slope and intercept at this point. The purpose is for students to see that the graphs are linear, and to see the common |

|characteristics. |

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|Independent Practice |

|Have students play a game using the PowerPoint Presentation. |

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|Closing Activity |

|6) Ask students for input and output values for y = x2. Plot the points and discuss that not all equations will graph as a line. Is there a way to tell which |

|equations will be linear? |

| Advanced Learner |

|Materials Needed: coordinate grid, and pencils |

|Procedure: |

|Ask students to analyze the graphs displayed from the Guided Practice and to look for common characteristics. |

| |

|Students will have made some observations from the Guided Practice discussion, but direct them towards more specific conclusions, leading to the y = mx + b form. |

|The point where the line crosses the y-axis has an x-coordinate that is the same as b (If there is no b, such as y = 2x, then the line passes through the origin). |

|The steepness of the graph, or slope, is determined by m. |

| |

|Have students choose random equations, in the y = mx + b form, and graph them without using an input/output table. |

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|Discuss student results and strategies. What did they need to know to graph the equations (the y-intercept, and the slope)? |

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|Ask students if they could look at the graph of a linear equation and determine the equation (yes, because they would know the slope and y-intercept). |

|Struggling Learner |

|Materials Needed: grid paper and pencils |

|Procedure: |

|Model with students how to graph y = 5x. First, have students make an input/output table with x-values from 0 to 5. Then, have students draw the first quadrant of |

|the coordinate plane on grid paper. |

| |

|Have students graph y = 6x, y = 7x, y = 8x, y = 9x, and y = 10x, on the same grid paper sheet, following the steps above. |

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|Discuss anything students notice: |

|The graph always goes through the origin. |

|The graph gets steeper as the number x is multiplied by gets larger. |

| |

|Ask students what the graph for y = 20x would look like. |

*see supplemental resources


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