How to save as transparent in paint


How to save as transparent in paint

Windows 10 comes with a new Universal (UWP) app called Paint 3D. Despite the name, the app is not a proper continuation of the classic MS Paint. It is a completely different, modern image editor which allows creating and working with 2D and 3D objects and comes with a number of effects and tools which were not available in the classic app.What is Paint 3DPaint 3D is a new built-in app in Windows 10. Microsoft has included the Paint 3D app in addition to the classic Paint app since Creators Update. It supports pen input too. It has tools like markers, brushes, various art tools to help users create objects. The app has tools to transform 2D drawings into 3D objects.At some point, Microsoft will get rid of the classic app. Currently, the company is considering moving it to the Store.In recent releases of Windows 10, Paint 3D got integration with Snipping Tool and Microsoft Paint. Both apps now come with a special button on the toolbar which allows opening Paint 3D from them. The integration between Snipping Tool and Paint 3D is very smooth. The screenshot you've taken with Snipping Tool, will be opened in Paint 3D, so you can edit it directly. Once the image opens in Paint 3D, you can move or delete objects from it with Magic select, annotate it, add 3D objects etc. However, if you have some drawing opened in classic Paint, its Paint 3D button doesn't work as expected. The drawing won't be opened in Paint 3D. The button just opens the Paint 3D app with a blank canvas.Using Paint 3D, you can create transparent PNG images. e.g. you can make some logo image with a transparent background, as is widely done on the Internet. Let's see how it can be done.Create transparent PNGs with Paint 3DStep 1: Set the canvas to transparent. Click on the Canvas toolbar button and enable the Transparent canvas option. Step 2: Make sure that there is not any unwanted paint on the canvas.Step 3: Draw the desired objects or paste the logo on the canvas. Step 4: Click on the menu button (the left-most button on the toolbar) and select Export file - 2D PNG. The result will be as follows:That's it. Thanks to Jen Gentleman for this tip.Related articles:Support usWinaero greatly relies on your support. You can help the site keep bringing you interesting and useful content and software by using these options: 1 Open Paint. You can do this quickly by typing "paint" into the Windows search bar and clicking Paint in the search results. If you have Windows 10, use the "Using Paint 3D" method instead. It's not possible to make the white background transparent in MS Paint. This method will teach you how to cut out the part of the image you want to keep and paste it onto a different background. 2 Click the File menu. It's at the top-left corner of Paint. 3 Click Open. 4 Select an image and click Open. Be sure to select the image with a white background. 5 Click Color 2. It's in the toolbar at the top of the screen, to the right of the color palette. 6 Click the eyedropper icon. It's in the toolbar at the top of the screen (in the "Tools" panel). 7 Click a blank area of the white background. The background color will now appear in the "Color 2" box. Even if the color of the box was already white, this is just an extra precaution to take in case image's background has any gray or other tints to it. 8 Click the down-arrow under Select. It's in the toolbar that runs along the top of Paint. This displays a drop-down menu. 9 Click Transparent selection. It's at the bottom of the menu. A check mark will appear next to the option to show that it's selected. The Transparent Select tool ignores the white background when you copy images in Paint and paste them into another image. 10 Click the down-arrow under Select again. This re-opens the menu. 11 Click Rectangular selection. It's at the top of the menu. This tool lets you draw a box around the subject to select it. 12 Select the part of the image you want to keep. Click and drag the mouse until you've surrounded the entire subject, then lift your finger from the button. A dotted rectangular selection box will appear around the selected area. Everything within your selection that doesn't match the color in "Color 2" will be preserved. If the background isn't completely white (such as if there are shadows or objects in the background you don't want to keep), choose Freeform selection instead so you can trace around just the part of the image you want to keep. 13 Click Copy. It's near the top-left corner of Paint in the "Clipboard" panel. This copies your selection. 14 Create or open a new file. Now that your selection is copied, you can open the image you want to paste it on. You'll be prompted to save or discard the changes to the image you're working on before the new one will open. Click File in the upper-right corner. Click New to create a new file, or click Open to open a different image. 15 Click Paste. It's near the top-left corner of Paint. This pastes the selected part of the previous image onto the new image. Click and drag the pasted selection to move it. There may still be some white around the edges of the image you pasted. Keep reading to learn how to fix this. 16 Click Color 1. It's next to the palette at the top of the screen. 17 Click the eyedropper tool in the toolbar. 18 Click the background next to the white edges. If there is any white around the edges of the image you pasted, click the background right next to the white edge to select the color directly behind the white edge. This will allow you to paint the white areas to match the selected color. 19 Click the paintbrush tool. It's the paintbrush icon to the right of the "Tools" panel at the top of Paint. You can click the arrow pointing down below the brush to select different brush types. 20 Paint over the white edges. Use the brush tool to color over any white edges that may remain around the object you pasted. Zoom in and try not to color within the image. If the background is not a solid color, you may need to use the eyedropper tool more than once. Click the drop-down menu below Size to change brush sizes. Use a larger brush size to color over the bulk of the remaining white edge, then zoom in and switch to a smaller brush for precision. Look for any white parts of the image that the Transparent Select tool didn't copy. Use the brush tool to color them back in. If you accidentally color over a part of the image you don't want to, press Ctrl+Z to undo the mark. Have you ever been in a situation where you had to copy certain parts of an image onto another? You surely must have been; whether while creating a meme to send on the group chat or for any other project. This is done by first creating a transparent image/background that can take up the effect of any background it is placed on. Having transparent details is an essential part of any graphic design process, especially when it comes to logos and stacking multiple images onto one another. The process of creating a transparent image is actually quite simple and can be done via a variety of applications. Earlier, complicated and advanced software like Adobe Photoshop had to be used to create transparency with tools like masking, selection, etc. But what most people don't know is, transparent images can also be created with something as simple as MS Paint and MS Paint 3D, first of which is available on all Windows Operating Systems. Here, a specific combination of tools is used to highlight the regions on the original image while the rest turns into a transparent background. Method 1: Make Background Transparent Using MS Paint Microsoft Paint has been a part of Microsoft Windows since its inception. It is a simple raster graphics editor that supports files in Windows bitmap, JPEG, PNG, GIF, and single-page TIFF format. Paint is primarily used for creating images by drawing on a blank white canvas, but also cropping, resizing, selecting tools, skewing, rotating to further manipulate the image. It is a simple, lightweight, and user-friendly tool with lots of potentials. Making the background transparent is really easy in MS Paint, just follow the below-mentioned steps. 1. Right-click on the required image, scroll through the ensuing menu, and hover your mouse on top of `Open with' to launch a sub-menu. From the sub-menu, select `Paint'. Alternatively, open MS Paint first and click on the `File' menu located on the top right then click on `Open' to browse through your computer and choose the required picture. 2. When the selected image opens up in MS Paint, look toward the top-left corner, and find `Image' options. Click on the arrow icon located under `Select' to open selection options. 3. In the drop-down menu, first, enable the `Transparent Selection' option. Choose whichever shapes fit best between `Rectangle Selection' and `Free-form Selection'. (For Example: To select the moon, which is a circular entity, free-form is a viable option.) 4. At the bottom-right corner, find the `Zoom in/out' bar and adjust it in a way that the required object covers most of the available on-screen area. This helps in creating a space to make an accurate selection. 5. Slowly and carefully trace the outline of the object using your mouse while holding the left mouse button. 6. Once the start and the endpoint of your tracing meet, a dotted rectangular box will appear around the object and you would be able to move your selection. 7. Right-click on your selection and select `Cut' in the menu or you can simply press `CTRL + X' on your keyboard. This will make your selection disappear, leaving just white space behind. 8. Now, repeat Step 1 to open the image you want your selection to be combined within MS Paint. 9. Press `CTRL+V' to paste the previous selection onto the new image. Your selection will appear with a noticeable white background surrounding it. 10. Go to `Image' settings again and click on the arrow under Select. Enable `Transparent Selection' once again and the white background will disappear. 11. Adjust the position and size of the object as per your requirements. Once satisfied, click on the File menu in the top-left corner and click on `Save as' to store the picture. Always remember to change the filename while saving to avoid confusion. Also Read: How to Convert PNG to JPG without Losing Quality Method 2: Make Background Transparent Using Paint 3D Paint 3D was introduced by Microsoft in 2017 along with several others through the Windows 10 Creators Update. It combined features of Microsoft Paint and 3D Builder applications into a lightweight and user-friendly application. One of the main aspects being Remix 3D, a community where one can edit, import, and share digital ideas and objects. Making the background transparent is easier in Paint3D than MS Paint because of its Magic Select tool. 1. Open the picture in Paint 3D by right-clicking on the image and selecting the appropriate software. (Right-click > Open with > Paint 3D) 2. Adjust the picture according to scale and convenience. Tap on `Magic Select' located on top. Magic selection is an advanced but fun tool with a lot of potentials. With its advanced learning technology, it can remove objects in the background. But here, it lends its hand in making an accurate selection thus drastically reducing the time and energy spent, especially when one is dealing with complex shapes. 3. Once the tool is selected, translucent borders will appear. Manually bring them closer so that only the object needed is highlighted while everything else is left in the dark. Once satisfied with the selection, press `Next' located in the tab to the right. 4. If there are any errors in the selection, they can be fixed at this stage. You can refine your selection by adding or removing areas by using the tools located on the right. Once you are satisfied with the selected area, tap on `Done' located in the bottom. 5. The selected object will pop-up and can be moved around. Hit `CTRL + C' to copy the particular object. 6. Open another image in Paint 3D by following Step 1. 7. Press `CTRL + V' to paste your previous selection here. Adjust the size and location of the object as per your requirements. 8. Once you are pleased with the final image, click on `Menu' located on the top left and proceed to save the image. Recommended: 3 Ways to Create a GIF on Windows 10 How to save a picture with a transparent background? To save a picture with transparent background, we will be using MS Paint or Paint 3D along with some assistance from Microsoft Powerpoint. 1. Either in MS Paint or Paint 3D, select the object needed by following the steps mentioned above and then press `CTRL + C' to copy the selected object. 2. Open Microsoft Powerpoint and in a blank slide and hit `CTRL+V' to paste. 3. Once pasted, right-click on the object and click on `Save as Picture'. 4. Make sure to change Save as type to `Portable Network Graphics' also known as `.png' file while saving. If the above methods, i.e, using Paint and Paint 3D to make transparent images seem too much of a hassle then you could also try using online converters such as Free Online Photo Editor | Transparent Background or Make transparent background images online ? free online tool to create transparent images.

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