Blogs .us

Social Media49847503746500In conjunction with a dedicated project website, the Project Management Team can take advantage of Facebook, Twitter, Nextdoor, or other social media outlets to provide project updates. The use of social media has the potential to involve a more diverse audience (e.g. young professionals, tech savvy, etc.) and is another tool in the toolbox that can be used to announce upcoming meetings and other activities or milestones. Social media offers a paid advertisement option that is much more cost effective than traditional newspaper advertising. Social media can be used to:Provide public notification of an upcoming projectProvide real-time status updates on project development Gather comments and monitor and manage feedbackCreate an event for upcoming public meetingsOffer flexibility for those that may not have the time or availability to physically attend public meetingsSocial Media TypesSocial NetworkingSites where users can connect with other users, which includes the likes of Facebook (no pun intended), Myspace, LinkedIn, and Ning.BlogsBlogs (or weblogs) include text, audio, video, and multimedia.MicroblogsA microblog differs from a traditional blog in that its content is typically smaller in both actual and aggregated file size; for example, Twitter limits were originally set to 140 characters for a text message. But there are many others: Tumblr, Squidoo, Mysay, Hictu, Moodmill, frazr, and emotionr.Discussion BoardsDiscussion forums are places for online communities to discuss topics of common interest. Posts are organized into related threads around questions and answers, or community discussions.WikisSets of related content displayed as web pages that can be collectively edited to record information on any subject.Media SharingSharing photos and videos on Flickr and YouTube, for example.PodcastingA way of publishing MP3 audio files on the web so they can be downloaded onto computers or portable listening devices, such as iPods or other MP3 players.RSS FeedsRSS stands for Really Simple Syndication (among other things). It is a web content format which, when used with an RSS aggregator, can allow you to alert users to new or exciting content on your munication SoftwareTools like Yammer are used for private communication within organizations.Social BookmarkingA centralized online service which enables users to add, annotate, edit, and share bookmarks of web documents, for example, Pinterest, Delicious, StumbleUpon, and Furl.Social NewsServices that allow people to post various news items or links to outside articles and then allows its users to "vote” on the items (e.g., Digg, Reddit).GamificationThe practice of using game technology or design principles for something that is not inherently game‐like. An example would be offering bronze, silver, and gold “badges” for reading a set number of books.This brief overview of social media themes and types explains one thing: there is a lot that needs to be understood in order to make informed decisions about social media usage on projects. This leads us to the second lesson.StrategySet your goalsCreate a monthly content calendarPlan each day’s posts by topic and platformExample: Talk Back Tuesday – a one-question poll related to a current topicTopic Example: For this project, would you prefer to close the freeway completely or would you prefer a partial closure that extends construction by up to two years?Define your audience: internal or externalDefine the content that you intend to shareTailor the content to the audiencePost frequently/dailyRespond promptlyUse a conversational toneUse attention-catching headlinesUse attention-catching media such as videos or animated images (GIFs)Ask followers for feedback on a regular basis, not only when a study or project is underwayShare content of interest, such as articles on transportation or planning trendsShare information from partner organizations and ask them to do the sameAgree on the platforms that are appropriate for usePlan for regular posts across multiple platformsDetermine analytics to be used for trackingUse the analytics available from each platform to monitor user responsesMake adjustments as needed to maintain interestWho will be your social media team?Appoint a moderator(s) to:Welcome new membersSend thank you messages and compliment contributorsMeasure, Adjust, RepeatReach: Total number of people who logged in and used our social media toolsEngagement: How many comments, time spent by users reading pages, contributions per userExperience: Did this project allow us to gain the experience we were seeking to gain with a new way of project communication?Anecdotes: Not everything can be measured with data and analytics tools. An informal survey of the users and how they think social media worked on the project can be beneficial.The below four metrics are examples of what would be appropriate for measuring a social tool aimed at external stakeholders, and cover more marketing and engagement:Traffic: How much traffic did our social media channels send us?Feedback: How much input did we receive from our external stakeholders regarding the project?Likes: How many people clicked on the like buttons?Shares: How many people shared our messages with their friends?Social media posts that are considered public notification for a project must be captured via screenshot and uploaded to the project file in EnviroNet. All comments submitted through social media postings are monitored, however, not all comments are responded to. If a comment includes a project-related question or substantive comment or suggestion it will be responded to directly by the PIO or will be forwarded to the project management team for response. Such substantive questions and/or comments and ODOT’s response to them must be documented. This can be done by capturing a screenshot of the posting, comment, and response uploading them to the project file in EnviroNet. If a comment was submitted via social media that resulted in an Environmental Commitment a screenshot of the comment must be uploaded to the project file in EnviroNet. Uploading social media posts to the project file in EnviroNet must be done per the ODOT NEPA File Management and Documentation Guidance. The publication date must be included when obtaining a screenshot of social media posts.Be sure to add a link to the social media site from your project or district website feedback page. Doing so will result in good feedback that could be captured via screenshot and shared with the project manager. Or, by simply copying and pasting the link of a social media post into a database, you can now have well-documented records of social media outreach in the same dashboard where you conduct all your community engagement reporting. ................

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