
Progression of skills – PSHEKey stage 1Children are learning and talking about themselves as individuals and as part of the school – and wider - communities, building on their own experiences and on the early learning goals for personal, social and emotional development. They are discussing and understanding the basic skills for keeping themselves healthy and safe. They are learning the simple rules for good behaviour and what is expected of them. They have opportunities to show they can take some responsibility for themselves and their environment: looking after school property, tidying away, walking around the school sensibly, etc. They learn about their own and other people’s feelings and become aware of the views, needs and rights of other children and older people. They are beginning to understand it is OK to disagree with each other. As members of a class and school community, they learn social skills such as how to share, take turns, play, help others and resolve simple arguments. They are being introduced more regularly to what to do when something is bullying and what to do in these situations. They begin to take an active part in the life of their school and its neighbourhood. Children are learning about consent and what it means to them; via story books, when touching is and isn’t OK. They are learning about families and relationships and how they come in different forms. Online safety is key when working with ICT from this young age so the children are regularly able to explain how we can stay safe online. Gender stereotypes are address in relevant content for this age group. Celebrating differences is learnt in this key stage through comparing different toys.Year 1Personal I can identify and name some feelings. EG: interpreting facial expressions.I know that I am special and describe some of my positive qualities.I can suggest ways to manage my feelings. EG: what I can do to make myself feel better if I feel sad/frightened/worried.I can set myself simple goals. EG: sharing toys.I can explain fair/unfair and sharing.I know people who are special to me and how they help me. SocialI know what bullying is and know to tell an adult if I feel I am being bullied, or if I think someone else is being bullied. I know how to work and play well with others.I understand that it is good to respect and celebrate people’s differences.I know how to be a good friend.I show how to listen to others and respond.I know how to give reasons for my answers and why it is important to do so.I can give positive feedback to others in school. CitizenshipI can explain what I am responsible for in the school. I can give examples of rules and how they help us. I know some ways people improve and harm the environment. EG: litter dropping.I know why money is important. Well-being/communityI know what to do if I am lost or if a stranger approaches meI know some of the needs for a baby to be healthyI can identify some people who can help me. EG: police officersI am beginning to understand how to keep safe in the home.I am beginning to understand the importance of not sharing my details online.I am beginning to explain who I can talk to if something worries/upsets me online. Health and well-beingI know why it is important to wash my hands.I know why I must clean my teeth regularly.I know that household products and medicines can be harmful to me. I know which foods are healthy/unhealthy.I am beginning to understand the importance of a balanced diet. I know that exercise keeps me healthy, I can also describe physical activities that I enjoy. I know that rest is important. I can identify and describe the needs of humans and animals. (I also know the differences between humans and animals).Sex and relationship education I can name some the parts of the body.I know how my body is different and similar to others.I understand the stages of animal and human life cycles. I know that my body belongs to me and how to respond if someone makes me feel uncomfortable. I understand the meaning and importance of consent. EG: hugs, handshakes, high-fives, etc. I understand some differences between different genders. EG: making comparisons. I am beginning to celebrate differences. EG: the toys we play with can be for all genders. Year 2Personal I can give suggestions of what could be included in class rules and explain why they are important. I can identify and name a range of feelings. EG: interpreting facial expressions and body language. I can begin to suggest reasons for experiencing these feelings.I can describe my own positive qualities and begin to identify positive qualities in others.I can show that I can manage some feelings in a positive and effective way.SocialI know what bullying is, and that it is wrong. I know to tell an adult if I feel I am being bullied, or if I think someone else is being bullied. I can recognise the effect of my behaviour on other people.I can co-operate with others. EG: working and playing with friends/classmates. I know the skills needed for good listening and show these skills myself. I can identify and respect differences and similarities between people.I can explain different ways that family and friends should care for one anotherI know what is appropriate and inappropriate touching between friends, family and people we don’t know. CitizenshipI know the qualities needed to make a positive difference in the classroom.I can describe ways that people can be from different groups, including groups that I belong to. I can explain the different responsibilities I have, to support others at school and at home. I can describe the different ways we can use money, including saving. Well-being/communityI can describe ways of keeping safe in familiar situations. EG: crossing the road safely in a sensible place. I can describe different kinds of loss that I or others might have experienced. I know some of the needs for a baby to be healthyI can explain that some people can help me. EG: police officersI know how to keep safe in the home.I know the importance of not sharing my details online.I can explain who I can talk to if something worries/upsets me online. Health and well-beingI can explain ways of keeping clean. EG: washing my hands, keeping my hair tidy, etc. I can talk about the harmful aspects of some household products and medicines. I can make choices about which foods are healthy for me. EG: what makes a healthy packed lunch. I know the importance of regular exercise and how it keeps me healthy. I know that rest and sleep keeps me healthy; I know there are ways which can help me relax. Sex and relationship education I understand my emotions and moods, and what might cause them.I know the people who are important to me.I can name people I could go to for help with different problems. I know that my body belongs to me and how to respond if someone makes me feel uncomfortable.I understand the meaning and importance of consent. EG: hugs, handshakes, high-fives, etc. I can explain how my needs will change as I grow older.I can name many parts of the body; internal and externalI understand some differences between different genders. EG: making comparisons. I can celebrate differences. EG: the toys we play with can be for all genders.Progression of skills – PSHEKey stage 2During key stage 2, pupils learn about themselves as growing and changing individuals with their own experiences and ideas, and as members of their communities. They become more mature, independent and self-confident. They learn about the wider world and the interdependence of communities within it. They develop their sense of social justice and moral responsibility and begin to understand that their own choices and behaviour can affect local, national or global issues and political and social institutions. They learn how to take part more fully in school and community activities. As they begin to develop into young adults, they face the changes of puberty and transfer to secondary school with support and encouragement from the school. They learn how to make more confident and informed choices about their health and environment; to take more responsibility, individually and as a group, for their own learning; and to resist bullying. The children discuss consent in further detail in relation to how we need to agree to things that happen. We encourage an understanding, respect and tolerance for people who are different to use. This will include understanding different job roles for men and women earlier in Key Stage 2, through to sexual orientation later on in year 6.Other aspects of the PSHE curriculum are taught, where possible, through cross curricular studies enabling learning to be put into context. Otherwise learning takes place in discrete lessons. Learning experiences could include such activities as circle time, role play, taking part in elections for School Council or mock elections, fund-raising for charity, listening to visitors, making cultural visits, taking part in local parades, taking part in focus days such as “Money Day” or focus weeks such as Equality week. Year 3Personal I can describe my aspirations for the end of term/school year and how to achieve them. I know about a range of jobs and begin to think about what I would like to do in the future.I can make positive comments about myself and classmates.I can begin to express my views.I can listen to and show respect for the views of others.I can show understanding with someone who has a different point of view to mine. I can identify positive ways to cope with changes, in particular, changes in situations such as moving house, school or class.I can give examples of a wider range of feelings and emotions. I can describe how these may influence our thoughts and actions. (motives).I can identify and demonstrate skills needed to work collaboratively. I am aware that I am growing up and getting older and give examples of what this means. SocialI know what bullying is, including cyber bullying.I know different ways in which to deal with different forms of bullying. I can begin to understand the meaning of tolerance and respect. I know the importance of showing both of these to people who are different to me. I can describe differences and similarities between people in my class. I can describe how my actions can affect myself and others.I can recognise how other people are feeling and how to treat people with respect. I can explain that some people can help me. EG: police officersCitizenshipI can take part in discussions and debates on issues that affect myself and others. I know why rules and laws are made, why they are important and examples of how they are enforced. I know what the United Nations are.I know what human rights are. I can explain sensible strategies for resolving differences. Well-being/communityI can begin to make comparisons between different cultures and religions.I can explain why we should take care of the environment; local and wider. I can name groups that support communities and give examples of how they do this. I can describe how resources should be allocated to ensure fairness for everyone. I understand what a charity is and why it exists. I understand voluntary work and can give examples. I can explain what a risk is and give examples. I can begin to understand the implications of having photos of me online. I can explain who I can talk to if something worries/upsets me online.Health and well-beingI can understand the importance of a healthy balanced diet, what is meant by a healthy balanced diet and the effects of not having one. I can explore ways to make my own diet more healthy and balanced. I am aware of dangers in the home. I know how to care for my teeth and the consequences of poor dental care. I can understand the job of a dentist and the importance of visiting one regularly. I can explain what keeping safe means.I can identify situations which may be potentially risky or dangerous.I know the importance of keeping clean and give examples of how this can be done. I can describe what emotional and physical safety are.Sex and relationship education I can identify different feelings experienced within families. EG: love, jealousy, anger, etc. I can explore positive ways in which to maintain relationships within a family. I know what helps people to get on with each other. EG: listening, sharing, etc.I can explore what I do and don’t like about other people. I can explain ways in which I can get along with people I might not like. I can give examples of different types of families and friendships. I know ways in which to maintain good friendships. I know that my body belongs to me and how to respond if someone makes me feel uncomfortable.I can identify the sexual body parts of males and females. I understand what my personal space is and that of others. I can discuss gender stereotypes/celebrate differences in jobs. I can discuss gender stereotypes/celebrate differences with mothers and fathers. Year 4Personal I can explain what a goal is and why having a clear goal can be helpful. I can identify positive qualities in myself and people I know.I can express some of my views. I can listen to and show respect for the views of others.I can identify positive ways to cope with changes, in particular changes in the family such as parental separation or a new sibling.I can identify he difference between a surprise and a secret. I can explain the meaning of the word ‘confidential’.SocialI can begin to understand stereotyping and its’ consequences.I can give examples of the causes of arguments and describe ways of solving arguments. I can tell the difference between teasing, hurtful behaviour and bullying. I understand what to do when I think I am being bullied, or when I see someone else being bullied. I can explain the consequences of bullying behaviours on a person. I can explain the importance of protecting people’s feelings. Citizenship I can understand what the media is and how it can be used. I can discuss current issues giving my opinions and listening respectfully to other people’s even if I don’t agree. I can understand why we have rules and give reasons why we might change rules. I can describe the difference between a right and a responsibility. I can identify human rights that are important to me and give reasons why. I can explain what is meant by anti-social and aggressive behaviour. I can explain what stealing is and how it is wrong. Well-being/communityI can identify different roles people can have within a community. I can understand how people can be part of a community and support each other.I can explore differences in how other people live in our community and make comparisons in my own life. I can explain why we should look after money.I can explain what budgeting means. I can explain what enterprising is. I can explain what a risk is and give examples. I can begin to understand the implications of having photos of me online. I can explain who I can talk to if something worries/upsets me online.Health and well-beingI can understand the importance of exercise in keeping healthy.I can understand how exercise and sleep keep our bodies healthy. I know the effect of not exercising or sleeping enough on our bodies. I know about a wide variety of ways to exercise.I can name medicines that we commonly use, understand what they are for and how they should be safety used. I understand the danger of using medicines incorrectly. I know safe places to play and the dangers of playing in unsafe places. EG: railway lines, building sites, etc. I know how to cross the road safely and be safe around roads. I can describe what could happen if health and safety rules are not followed.I can explain what an emergency is and give examples. I know the importance of keeping clean and give examples of how this can be done. I understand that consent is essential when it comes to any form of touching. EG: holding hands, hugs, handshakes etc. Sex and relationship education I know the functions of the main parts of my body. I can understand the changes that will happen in puberty. EG: body hair, sweating, voices change, breast growth, growing pains, etc.I can understand how to keep safe from strangers, including on the internet. I know what to do if somebody asks me to do something I feel unhappy about. I can explain what pressure is, to demonstrate ways to resist pressure and give examples of situations when I could be put under pressure to do something I am not happy about. I can give examples of the relationships in my life and identify what makes a relationship healthy and positive. I can explain how feelings can be helpful and how we can support others with their various feelings. I know that my body belongs to me and how to respond if someone makes me feel uncomfortable.I understand what my personal space is and that of others. I can discuss gender stereotypes/celebrate differences in jobs. I can discuss gender stereotypes/celebrate differences with mothers and fathers.I can identify different feelings experienced within families. EG: love, jealousy, anger, etc. I can explore positive ways in which to maintain relationships within a family. Year 5Personal I recognise my own worth and that of others.I can identify positive ways to cope with changes, in particular, illness or death of a pet/friend/family member. I can explore future career aspirations and understand how they will develop skills to work in the future. EG: higher education, etc.I can discuss the range of feelings I might experience and how they could change as I get older.I can explain strategies that can be used to manage challenges and dares.I am beginning to understand that some things are easier to talk about than others. I know the importance of being able to have someone to talk to about things. SocialI can explain what bullying is, its’ nature and consequences and how I can deal with it.I am able to report bullying to someone I trust. I am aware that cyber-bullying is a growing issue and how we can deal with it. I can explain what collaboration means and give good examples of how they have worked collaboratively. I am beginning to express my views confidently. I can listen to and show respect for the views of others. I can describe and demonstrate ways to make other people feel valued. I can describe what makes people the same and what makes them different, and give reasons for valuing differences in people. Citizenship I understand steps we can take to make and change rules.I know about the UN conventions on the Rights of the Child. I can explain what human rights mean to me and how I can demonstrate these rights. I can explain the difference between a responsibility, right and a duty. I can research about institutions that support communities and how they support them. I can discuss sustainability of resources. I know what we mean by voluntary, community and pressure groups. Well-being/communityI know what is meant by personal finance. I can give examples of voluntary work that I could participate in to help charities and others. I can understand what vandalism is and be able to explain the consequences of it. I know the role of the local council and the councillors. I can explain what prejudice means. I can discuss the way physical contact is represented in the media and the use of these images in advertising.I know many different types of people who can help me.I know the implications of having pictures of me online.I understand the affects social media can have on our lives. Health and well-beingI understand what is meant by emotional health and wellbeing. I can understand ways to manage difficult feelings.EG: anxiety, stress, fears, etc.I can identify some factors that affect emotional health and wellbeing.EG: Exercise or dealing with emotions.I can plan ways to maintain our emotional health.EG: meditation, communication, mindfulness, etc.I understand the dangers and risks associated with smoking, and the laws against underage smoking. I understand the dangers and risks associated with drinking alcohol, and the laws against underage drinking. I can develop skills to resist peer pressure to take part in harmful activities such as smoking or drinking alcohol. I can identify and explain how to manage risks and issues connected to personal safety when outside without an adult. I understand the importance of being able to say ‘no’ to things. I can explain the differences between bad and good touches. EG: being hurt by someone physically and hugging a friend. Sex and relationship education I can identify different types of relationships.I know ways to maintain good relationships.I understand the changes in my own body and in those of others during puberty, and why they are happening. (appropriate to the needs. EG: girls should be prepared for menstruation before their periods start).I can develop a rich vocabulary for describing the range and intensity of feelings as I am getting older. I understand the positive and negative effects of high expectations, and ways to manage these. I can identify pressures or influences on my behaviour and where these come from. EG: media.I understand that there are stereotypes with genders. EG: discrimination, equal opportunities. I know that there are different sexual orientations.I can explain what puberty is and understand what it means to me. I am beginning to understand what periods are.I can discuss what wet dreams are and why they happen. I know how babies are made, specifically with regards to sexual reproduction. I can understand that babies can be made through assisted fertility. I am aware of multiple births happening and explain why they happen. I know some of the basics on how babies are born. I can describe the difference between people I trust and those I can’t/don’t.I know that peer pressure is wrong and how to deal with it. I know that my body belongs to me and how to respond if someone makes me feel uncomfortable.Year 6Personal I can recognise my own worth and that of others, including people in society who may be marginalised. EG: disabled or elderly people.I can express my views confidently, listen to and show respect for the views of others.I can identify positive ways to face new challenges, particularly preparing for the transition to secondary school.I can evaluate the reasons for keeping something confidential or secret.I can identify and explain the expectations and responsibilities of being in a healthy relationship.I am beginning to understand that some things are easier to talk about than others. I know the importance of being able to have someone to talk to about things. SocialI can explain how people’s actions have consequences for themselves and others, particularly within the community. EG: anti-social behaviour, shop lifting, etc. I can explain what anti-social and aggressive behaviours are and the potential social and emotional consequences. I can identify/challenge negative behaviours such as stereotyping.I can explain how stereotyping, such as gender stereotyping can influence aspirations and hopes.I can explain what bullying is and how I can deal with it.I am able to report bullying to someone I trust. I am aware that cyber-bullying is a growing issue and how we can deal with it. CitizenshipI can identify and discuss issues currently in the media.I can describe how information can be presented by the media and how the media can appear to reinforce stereotypes in society. I can give reasons for conflict and alternatives I can use to resolve these conflicts. I can explain what negotiation and compromise means. I can give examples of the attributes and skills that would be needed to resolve disputes.I can describe some of the different beliefs and values in society. I can show respect and tolerance towards people who are different to me. I can explain the importance of mutual respect for different identities.I can explain what is meant by inclusion, prejudice and discrimination. Well-being/communityI can explain how to earn, look after and save money. I know the differences between credit, debt, borrowing and saving. I can describe the difference between manageable and unmanageable debt. I can explain skills and qualities that make someone enterprising. I can explain the role of the police, MPs and parliament. I know many different types of people who can help me.I understand the affects social media can have on our lives. Health and well-beingI can understand what is meant by peer pressure. I can identify ways that peer pressure can negatively affect our health and emotional wellbeing. I can develop strategies for dealing with peer pressure.I can identify and explain how to manage he risks and issues connected to personal safety when using the internet.I know the implications of having pictures of me online.I am aware of the dangers of taking illegal drugs.I understand the effects and consequences to the body when taking illegal drugs. I can develop skills that resist to peer pressure involving taking illegal drugs. I understand the danger of sniffing harmful substances. I understand the importance of being able to say ‘no’ to things. I can explain the differences between bad and good touches. EG: being hurt by someone physically and hugging a friend. Sex and relationship education I can describe different kinds of stable, loving relationships and the qualities that enable these to flourish. I understand what is meant by sexual abuse, how to ask for help and the dangers posed by social media. I understand the laws related to sexual behaviour.I can recognise the dangers of peer pressure, alcohol and drugs in relation to sex. I know about celebrations of birth, puberty, marriage and death in different cultures.I am aware of the risks/dangers of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases and how they may be prevented.I understand that there are stereotypes with genders. EG: discrimination, equal opportunities. I know that there are different sexual orientations. I understand the importance of respecting these differences. I can explain what puberty is and understand what it means to me. I am beginning to understand what periods are.I can discuss what wet dreams are and why they happen. I know how babies are made, specifically with regards to sexual reproduction. I can understand that babies can be made through assisted fertility. I am aware of multiple births happening and explain why they happen. I know some of the basics on how babies are born. I can describe the difference between people I trust and those I can’t/don’t.I know that peer pressure is wrong and how to deal with it. I know that my body belongs to me and how to respond if someone makes me feel uncomfortable. ................

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