Go on 2. - SAGE Journals

[Pages:38]1. GO ON 1. Happen, take place (64.5%)

There is a debate going on right now between the two parties. 2. (+ To) Proceed to do or tackle STH after doing STH else (13%)

Does anyone have any questions before I go on to the next chapter?

2. PICK UP 1. Get or take SB/STH from a place (70.5%)

Can you pick up some food on the way home from work please?

3. COME BACK 1. Return to a place or a conversation topic (96.5%)

She came back to the kitchen with a bottle of fancy wine.

4. COME UP 1. (+ with) Bring forth or produce (34%)

She instantly came up with a solution to the problem. 2. (Be coming up) Be happening soon (esp. be broadcast soon) (27.5%)

Coming up after the news, our cooking program will feature cheese.

5. GO BACK 1. Return to a place, time, situation, activity, conversation topic (90%)

He washed the dishes and went back to his room.

6. FIND OUT 1. Discover STH; obtain knowledge of STH (100%)

We need to find out who did this to her.

7. COME OUT 1. Leave a place (room, building, container) or appear from it (38%)

She went into the bank and came out with some money. 2. Become known or revealed after being kept secret (13.5%)

The news came out that he was leaving the team. 3. (Come out and do STH) Make public knowledge a privately held position (11.5%)

People need to come out and say what they think about it. 4. Become available or released to the public (film, record, book) (10%)

Their new album is coming out next month.

8. GO OUT 1. Leave a room, building, car, or one's home to go to a social event (56.5%)

We should go out for dinner sometime. 2. (Go out and do STH) Used as an intensifier, to highlight the active nature of what is being

done (19.5%) Do you think he'll go out and buy the whole company?

9. POINT OUT 1. Direct attention toward STH (fact, idea, information) (89%)

Experts have pointed out that eating too much sugar is extremely unhealthy.

10. GROW UP 1. Gradually advance in age and maturity (98%)

Seeing my kids growing up is such a lovely thing.

11. SET UP 1. Establish or create STH; arrange for STH to happen or exist (64.5%)

An advisory committee is being set up. 2. Place STH in a particular spot or position (16.5%)

We need to set up a few more chairs so everyone can sit down.

12. TURN OUT 1. Prove or be discovered to happen or be (91%)

Her suspicion turned out to be justified.

13. GET OUT 1. Leave a container (vehicle, room, building) or make SB/STH leave a container (75.5%)

These prisoners have no hope of ever getting out of jail.

14. COME IN 1. Enter a place or area (room, building) (65%)

She opened the door and he came in. 2. Become involved in a situation (14%)

We need experts to come in and give us advice.

15. TAKE ON 1. Undertake or handle (role, task, responsibility, problem, issue) (42%)

Nobody was willing to take on such an awful job. 2. Acquire or assume as one's own (quality, meaning, colour, shape) (41.5%)

The story takes on a whole new meaning when you read it again.

16. GIVE UP 1. Stop doing or having STH; abandon (activity, belief, possession) (80.5%)

She had to give up smoking when she got pregnant.

17. MAKE UP 1. Form the whole of an amount or entity (42.5%)

Hispanics make up more than 15% of the U.S. population. 2. (+ for) Compensate for STH lacking, lost or missed (18.5%)

Some solution has to be found to make up for such losses. 3. (Make up one's mind) Make a decision (15.5%)

You should make up your mind about who you will vote for.

18. END UP 1. Finally do STH or be in a particular place, state, or situation after doing STH or as a

consequence of it, esp. unexpectedly (100%) She ended up having to sell her car after her accident.


1. Return to a place, position, state, activity, conversation topic (78.5%) She got back to London last Monday.

20. LOOK UP 1. Raise one's eyes (88%)

He looked up from his book and shook his head.

21. FIGURE OUT 1. Come to understand or determine STH (100%)

Despite her efforts, she couldn't figure out what had happened.

22. SIT DOWN 1. Move from a standing position to a sitting position (100%)

Please sit down and have a drink.

23. GET UP 1. Rise or cause to rise after lying in bed or sitting/kneeling (92%)

She got up out of her chair and put on her shoes.

24. TAKE OUT 1. Remove STH/SB from somewhere (container or abstract whole) (50.5%)

He tore open the envelope and took out a few bills.

2. Invite to a recreational place or social event (13.5%) You should take her out to this new Chinese restaurant.

3. Obtain an official document or service from an authority (12.5%) I had to take out a loan to cover all my expenses.

25. COME ON 1. Said to encourage SB to try harder, or do or say STH (50%)

Come on, don't be shy and tell us your story. 2. Said to show SB disbelief, disagreement, or anger (19.5%)

Oh come on, you're just lying to me!

26. GO DOWN 1. Move down to a lower level or position (29%)

After hitting the iceberg, the ship began to go down. 2. Decrease in value or amount (27%)

I don't think prices will go down. 3. Go from one place to another, esp. one that is further south or underneath (18%)

We went down to Australia last year.

27. SHOW UP 1. Make an appearance at a social or professional gathering (81%)

She didn't show up at the meeting.


1. Remove STH (esp. piece of clothing or jewellery from one's body) (41%) I took off my shirt and went to bed.

2. Leave a place, especially suddenly (28.5%) They jumped into the car and took off.

3. Leave the ground and rise into the air (14%) The plane took off at 7am.

29. WORK OUT 1. Plan, devise or think about STH carefully or in detail (33%)

We still need to work out the details of the procedure. 2. Exercise in order to improve health or strength (23%)

He works out at the gym five times a week. 3. (+ well/badly) Happen or develop in a particular way (15%)

Everything worked out well in the end. 4. Prove to be successful (12.5%)

Despite our efforts, it just didn't work out.

30. STAND UP 1. Rise to a standing position after sitting or lying down (67.5%)

He pushed away from the table and stood up. 2. (Stand up and say STH) Make public knowledge a privately held position (11%)

Somebody's got to stand up and say what's wrong with this country.


1. Move from a higher spatial location to a lower one; fall/land onto the ground (32.5%) Come down from the roof or you will hurt yourself.

2. (+ to) Reduce itself to one particular thing that is the most important or essential matter (20.5%) What it all comes down to is that the rules have not been respected.

3. Become lower in amount or value (11%) Interest rates are currently coming down.

32. GO AHEAD 1. Proceed with a course of action without further hesitation (99%)

Go ahead and ask me your question!

33. GO UP 1. Become higher in value; increase (47.5%)

Oil prices have gone up last year. 2. Move upward, or from a lower spatial location to a higher one (20.5%)

He could see a few hands go up in the audience.

34. LOOK BACK 1. Think of STH again; reconsider STH past (49.5%)

Looking back on those days, we had a very happy life. 2. Look at STH/SB again after having momentarily looked elsewhere (30%)

He closed the dictionary and looked back to his notes.


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