TEACHER’S COMMUNICATIONSSECONDARY III(April 27 – May 1)Mr. Morley Math Good Day to my Lovelies.This week’s activity is a bit of a noodle scratcher and will require a bit of patience perhaps some trial error (educated guessing). Please make sure you test your answers before verifying the answer key. Check the instructions to students part of the activity I provided. Other than that, I hope you are all doing well and keeping physically and mentally active. Hoping to see you all soon.My best. Stay safe and stay home.Mr. MorleyMr. Languay ScienceHey Everyone,This week’s activity is an interesting experiment to test the concepts of osmosis and diffusion. We haven’t talked about osmosis yet so make sure you have a look at the suggested video. If you need any further explanations, you can always send me an email. While doing the experiment, remember that sample size is an important factor when considering the validity of any results you get. How could you adjust the experiment to make sure your results are accurate?I hope everyone is doing well and getting plenty of exercise!Mr. LanguayMrs. Edgar Drama Good morrow thespian students.... from Ms. EdgarAre you tired of being in the same house as your family? Are your brothers and sisters and parents annoying you? Do you sometimes wish you had other words to use as insults other than your ordinary boring phrases of the mundane? Shakespeare had many colorful ways of expressing a character's outrage...the following link will take you to - a fantastic resource and one which I use regularly to purchase plays for St. Johns!Feel free to check out some of their plays (free sample pages) and discover some of the new plays being written right now during quarantine. I hope you have some fun while coming up with some wonderful short scenes using the Shakespeare Insult Generator!. Leboeuf HistoryHello everyone. This week you may complete this review questions pertaining to chapter #2. Please carefully look at each document because they have clues that will help you link them to each concepts. For example, economy...look for trade or money. Good luck and send me you answers+ some feedback about the question if you have a chance.Miss teaching you guys! Take care. Mr. Leboeuf eric.leboeuf@rsb.qc.caPhysical Education - Sec.3 - Mr. Dixon and Mr. MorleyHello Sec.3's, we hope you are all doing well! Give this week's at-home workout a try. If you do not have weights at home, they may be substituted for other objects of a similar weight. Let us know if you have any questions. Stay safe and physically active!Mme Rémillard (fran?ais langue seconde enrichi)Bonjour à vous tous, j’espère que vous allez bien et que vous occupez votre quotidien par toute sorte d’activités. Cette semaine, je vous propose de faire l’activité pour le programme enrichi, mais aussi celle pour le programme de base. J’aime bien l’idée de rechercher une recette qui a une histoire pour ta famille et toi et que tu puisses l’adapter. Sinon, on propose aussi de prendre le temps de jouer à un jeu de société en fran?ais. Si tu n’en as pas à la maison sache qu’il est facile d’en trouver à imprimer en-ligne.En grammaire cette semaine, je te propose de retravailler les conjugaisons. Je te propose d’aller faire les exercices sur le site suivant : ,de choisir l’option par temps et de sélectionner les temps suivants: indicatif présent, indicatif passé composé et indicatif imparfait, futur simple, conditionnel présent, plus-que-parfait, impératif présent et subjonctif présent. Ce sera une belle révision à faire.N’hésite pas à me partager ta recette familiale! ? bient?t, Mme RémillardMme Poidvin- fran?ais langue d’enseignementBonjour tout le monde, j’espère que vous vous portez tous bien. L’activité de cette semaine vous fera réfléchir à la place que la culture prend dans nos vies. Je dois toutefois avouer que je trouve l’activité proposée en fran?ais langue seconde - programme enrichi très intéressante et je vous la conseille fortement! Pour plusieurs d’entre nous, être à la maison toute la journée a certainement développé notre passion pour cuisiner. J’aimerais bien connaitre les recettes traditionnelles de vos familles ou même celles que vous avez vous-mêmes créées. N’hésitez pas à me les envoyer! karine.poidvin@rsb.qc.caSi vous souhaitez également faire de la révision en grammaire, vous pouvez continuer l’accord des verbes sur J’accorde et faire l’imparfait et le futur simple. une excellente semaine,Mme PoidvinMr. D’Avignon’s sec. 3 FSL classHello everyone, This week, you can complete the activity which is proposed by the MEES (Jouons ensemble). It is a good way to have French. You may also decide to create your own game and write the rules (pay attention to spelling and masculine/feminine of nouns and adjectives. Use imperative verbs). Afterwards, explain the game that you have created to your family members in French. Do not forget to interact in French while playing. If you decide to try the proposed riddle (? qui le zèbre) and find the answer, let me know!Please contact me ( if you have any questions. Stay safe. Mr. D’AvignonMr. Agozzino—POPHey Kids,I hope that you are all doing well and staying positive—not playing video games all night ?. I also hope that you are being kind and understanding towards all your family members. This week, no MEES kit. Therefore, you can try this activity through Google Coding: log in with your Gmail account and you can try it out. If you have any questions, let me know. This is an interesting activity. Enjoy!!!!If you need anything, let me know,Mr. AgozzinoART SECONDARY 3-WEEK 4Hi everyone!How are you doing? I am well! Keeping busy with my family. This week’s proposed activity is blind contour drawing. This is an activity you might remember we did in secondary 1. Many artists use this technique to improve hand-eye coordination and proportions.As you are doing it do not focus on the final product, stay in the moment and focus on the action, take it slow and don’t lift your pencil. Remember no peeking!I would love to see some of your results so take a picture if you do it and send it to me!!!Take care!Mrs. DemopoulosErophili.demopoulos@rsb.qc.caMs.Neville - Sec. 3 ELAHi all,I hope everyone is doing well and keeping sane. This is a great time to slow down and reflect on poetry and lyrics. We have studied a bit of poetry this year already, now you can explore on your own in a creative way. Can’t wait to hear from you – with or without the work done.P.S. READMs. Neville ................

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