
Name _______________________ Soc 110, Pre-test, Spring 13

1. What is the approximate racial makeup of the US?

White = ____%; Black/African American = ___%; Hispanic/Latino=___%; Asian = ____%; Native American=___%

2. The population of the World is about ______________

3. The population of the United States is about __________

4. The population of Kentucky is about ___________

5. The median household U.S. Income is about __________

6. The wealthiest 20% of all Americans have what percent of all wealth? __________

7. The highest-earning 20% of Americans earn what percent of all income? ___________

8. What is the poverty rate in the U.S.? ________________

9. What percent of the poor in the U.S. are children? _________

10. What percentage of children in the U.S. are in poverty? _____________

11. What is the poverty threshold for a family of four in the U.S. (income below which a family is considered “poor”)? ___________________

12. What is considered a living wage in Louisville? ____________

13. What is the federal minimum wage? _______________

14. The unemployment rate in the U.S. today is about ______________.

15. What do economists considered a “healthy” unemployment rate? ______________.

16. About what percent of Americans are under “correctional supervision” (in prison or on probation)? ________

17. ____% of all prisoners worldwide are in the U.S.

18. ____% of Americans are foreign born.

19. How many ethnic and racial minorities (Hispanics, Blacks, Asians, and American Indians) are currently serving in the U.S. Senate? ___________________

20. How many African Americans have ever served in the U.S. Senate? _________

21. How many women are currently serving in the U.S. Senate? ____________

22. How many openly gay men and women have served in the U.S. senate? _______

23. How much do women in the U.S. earn on average for every dollar a man earns? __________

24. What percentage of Americans lack adequate health insurance (either uninsured or under-insured)? ________


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