2016 Curriculum and Class Schedule

|Block A, Monday & Tuesday, 8:00 a.m. – 3:45 p.m. |Block B, Wednesday & Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 3:45 p.m. |

|Course |Instructor |Course |Instructor |

|1079, Survey of John |Dr. Andrew Balenton |1079, Survey of John |Dr. Andrew Balenton |

|2080, Missionary Education in the Local Church |Sis. Nina Glover |2080, Missionary Education in the Local Church |Sis. Nina Glover |

|4012, Doctrine of the Holy Spirit |Rev. Larry Alexander |4012, Doctrine of the Holy Spirit |Rev. Larry Alexander |

|5001, Introduction to Leadership |Rev. James Mackey |5001, Introduction to Leadership |Rev. James Mackey |

|6021, Spiritual Formation |Rev. Leroy Wright |6021, Spiritual Formation |Rev. Leroy Wright |

|7001, Building Healthy Churches |Rev. Lee Tyus |7001, Building Healthy Churches |Rev. Lee Tyus |

|7015, Church Growth Seminar |Rev. Robert Thompson |7015, Church Growth Seminar |Rev. Robert Thompson |

|8017, Ministry of Church Ushering |Sis. Ozaree Twillie |8017, Ministry of Church Ushering |Sis. Ozaree Twillie |

|8066, Christianity and Contemporary Issues |Rev. Louis Meadows |8066, Christianity and Contemporary Issues |Rev. Louis Meadows |

|9910, Church and Clergy Conflicts |Dr. Donald Agee |9910, Church and Clergy Conflicts |Dr. Donald Agee |

|9922, The History and Continuing Role of the African-American|Dr. T. R. Ramey |9922, History & Continuing Role of the African-American Church |Dr. T. R. Ramey |

|Church | | | |

|Special Note: After two days of class (Monday and Tuesday), a student will earn a course card. Students may then take another class on Wednesday and Thursday to earn another course card. |

| |Schedule Block C, Monday through Thursday, 5:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. |

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|Evening Course Schedule | |

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|Students who take classes in the evening block will | |

|earn one course card. | |

| |Course |Instructor |

| |2018, Educational Task of the Church |Rev. Brian Castle |

| |2083, Education for Mission |Rev. Gerald Parker |

| |2087, A Christian View Toward Homosexuality |Sis. Constance Castle |

| |5012, Becoming an Effective Deacon |Rev. Kirby Gulley |

| |5015, Role of Deacon’s Wife & Deaconess |Sis. Cathryn Laurent |

| |6013, Organizing the Church for Christian Education |Sis. Flora Simon |

| |7018, How to Become a Strong Christian Black Woman |Sis. Wanda Parker |

| |8016, The Church Confronting Youth Violence |Rev. Johnny Smith |

| |8035, African-American Church and Social Justice |Rev. Glenn Barnes |

| |9914, Connecting the Church to the Community |Dr. O. D. Woods |

Regular Arkansas Congress of Christian Education

2016 Course Descriptions

Blocks A & B

1079, Survey of John: This course will focus on the fourth gospel and its uniqueness. Students will identify the specific features that the characterize John’s gospel and distinguish it from the Synoptic Gospels, with emphasis on John’s writings and the ministry of Jesus Christ.

2080, Missionary Education in the Local Church: This course will introduce ways to build mission ministries into the total education program of the local church. Students will learn how to plan both missionary conferences and classes on the work of mission.

4012, Doctrine of the Holy Spirit: Students will study the person and work of the Holy Spirit. This study will include a thorough look at the corresponding doctrines that impact our understanding of the work of the Holy Spirit The students will be able to clearly identify this doctrine of the church with a holistic understanding of salvation, with special emphasis on justification, redemption, and sanctification.

5001, Introduction to Leadership: This course introduces students to leadership in the church. In it, they will become familiar with various forms of leadership.

6021, Spiritual Formation: This course is designed to enable people to mature in their Christian walks. It will focus on a creative and dynamic approach to nurturing people from children to mature adults to become better disciples of Jesus Christ. Students will discuss what it means to be a Christian.

7001, Building Healthy Churches: This course is designed to help leaders in local churches understand the importance of being a healthy church in the community. Various biblical principles shall be studied to effectively move a stagnant ministry to a flourishing congregation.

7015, Church Growth Seminar: This course is designed to outline strategies to increase the membership of the local church. Students will study ways to develop outreach programs and ministries that will add to the church.

8017, Ministry of Church Ushering: This course is designed to teach the ministry of ushering in the church. Students will also learn the basic signs, positions, and post locations commonly used in ushering within the church.

8066, Christianity and Contemporary Issues: This course challenges the students to identify and confront contemporary issues. The students will look at issues that affect the church, home, and community. They will be encouraged to think through practical solutions and approaches to immediate and emerging social and ecclesiological concerns.

9910, Church and Clergy Conflicts: This course is designed to identify and study church and clergy conflicts. Using the unique examples of conflict in their own ministry, the students will discuss conflict-management skills and ways to bring harmony in troubled situations.

9922, The History and Continuing Role of the African-American Church: This course will examine the uniqueness of the back church in America. It will review the major social and spiritual landmarks that makeup the identity and ministry of the traditional African-American church.

Regular Arkansas Congress of Christian Education

2016 Course Descriptions

Block C

2018, Educational Task of the Church: This course seeks to acquaint the students with the various educational ministries of the local church and focuses on the unique role each ministry plays in the attainment of the total educational goals of the local church. Emphasis will be placed on the responsibility of each Christian to participate in the Christian education activities of the church.

2083, Education for Mission: This course is designed to equip persons for mission ministry in the local church. Students will study the biblical mandates of mission and will be equipped through this study to serve more effectively. Procedures for setting up a mission ministry will be developed.

2087, A Christian View Toward Homosexuality: In this course, the issue of homosexuality from a physical, mental, and spiritual perspective will be discussed and explained, along with the responsibility of men/women, the family, and the community as it relates to sin.

5012, Becoming an Effective Deacon: This course is designed to assist the deacon in becoming aware of his biblical base. The students will be presented with ideas that enable them to more effectively perform their duties and work harmoniously with the pastor and other church leaders.

5015, Role of Deacon’s Wife & Deaconess: This course is designed to assist the deacon’s wife and deaconess in becoming aware of how she can effectively contribute to the work of the deacon. Students taking this course will be learning Bible-based ideas that will enable them to be more proficient in their work.

6013, Organizing the Church for Christian Education: This course will focus on the various administrative and organizational skills needed to organize the Christian education department. Students will focus on structure, leadership, and staffing needs for Christian education.

7018, How to Become a Strong Christian Black Woman: This course is designed to assist the black Christian woman by exploring the lives of extraordinary biblical and contemporary women. The course will focus on the traits of spirituality, motherhood, servant-hood, and self-worth, with the aim of demonstrating the value of women based on a thorough examination of Proverbs 31.

8016, The Church Confronting Youth Violence: This course will focus on the growing youth violence culture, causes and effects, and strategies that the church can employ to counter the problem of youth violence.

8035, African-American Church and Social Justice: This course investigates the lives, theology, and methods, of the great servants of God who dedicated their lives to the struggle for liberation of people. The history of the United States cannot be accurately written without including the role of the African-American church in the struggle for liberation of people. Not enough is known about the lives of men and women who risk their lives for this cause.

9914, Connecting the Church to the Community: This course will consider the mission of the church to serve the community. Students will consider the biblical mandate for the church to be missionaries to the community and serve the spiritual, social, and physical needs of the people therein. This course will help students to better understand the spiritual nature of the church, thus creating an impetus to reach out as servants to the community.


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