Table of Contents

1. Introduction 2

2. Opening a session 2

3. My area 3

4. My profile 4

5. My timesheet 4

6. Entering hours in the timesheet 7

7. Submitting your hours for approval 10

8. Manager approval 13

9. Reports for all users 13

10. Additional reports for Managers 15

11. Help & Logout 16

12. Appendix A: Quick Reference Guide – ABSGC 22



The purpose of the Timesheet Software User Manual is to explain the process for reporting hours worked by each employee and allow proper processing of payroll.


Manual applies to:

1. All Innomar Strategies Inc. (Innomar) personnel.

2. All AmerisourceBergen Specialty Group Canada (ABSGC) personnel.


“Billable” means that a given item, expense or hours worked, are billable to an client under the terms of the contract either as a service provided or flow through. Clients will be invoiced for all charges marked.

“Non Billable” means that a given item, expense or hours worked will not be charged back to a client but a cost that the company will bear under the terms of the contract. It is a cost/expense to the Company.


Opening a session

1. Open an Internet Explorer session.

2. Go to the website:

a. Training/test website:

3. Enter your user name which should be the same as your Network user name (first initial and last name).

4. Enter your password. At your first login, your password will be “test” or “test05”. Go into your profile to change it (see section below).

5. When you login, you will automatically be in the “timesheet” screen. You may select a different section by clicking on the name of that section on the left hand side of the screen.

6. When you log in, ensure to enter and save your information right away. The system will time out after about 10-15 minutes if you are not working on it and you will be logged off.

a. Be aware that you may appear still logged in but when you will click on the Save button, the software will logged you off completely.


My area

7. “Week timesheet summary” provides an overview of all hours entered for a given week.

8. “My assigned projects” correspond to all projects you may work on and enter time against in a given week.


My Profile

9. Your profile is read-only and cannot be modified with the exception of your password and your default project.

10. To change your password enter your new password in “password” and confirm it in the next cell (“verify password”).

11. You may select a “default project” that will automatically appear on each line of your timesheet by default.

a. Although, this default project will automatically appear, you will still be able to manually choose another project from the drop down for each line of your timesheet.


My timesheet

12. This is where you will enter the time you have spent on various activities throughout the day.

13. When you login, it will automatically go to the current date.

14. You may change the date in two ways:

a. Via the calendar

i. You may click on the icon with the three dots to show the calendar.

ii. On the calendar, click on the date to select.

iii. Then, click on the “Search” button.

b. Via the scroll buttons

i. On the right side of the screen, click on the arrows to advance or go back day by day.

ii. The date is shown between the two arrows.

15. Your total hours entered for each day will show in the “Current Daily Total” box

a. You must enter all the time you spent working on various activities including break time and lunch time (all under the activity named “break”). Time should be reported in hours and minutes.

b. The total number of hours spent on all activities throughout the day should add up to at least 7.5 or 8 hours for a typical work day, depending on your personal situation.

c. Unless there are exception (ex: unpaid time), the total number of hours entered each week should be at a minimum 37.5 or 40 hours a week.

i. Verify with your Manager what your weekly number of hours should be as this is different from one person to the other.


d. You must enter your vacation days, sick/emergency days, bereavement, designated business day, statutory holiday, etc.

i. To enter:

1. You should select the applicable activity and enter 7.5 or 8 hours for that day depending on your personal weekly work week (37.5 or 40 hours).


ii. For time in lieu:

1. On the day that you are making up time for time you missed or will miss, you should enter your regular work hours and your extra hours entered against your normal daily activities.

a. For example if you worked 9 hours, you will complete your timesheet for 9 hours of work according to the various tasks you accomplished that day.


2. On the day that you will be short the regular number work day hours, you enter the hours actually worked.

3. At the end of the week, your week total should still equal to your personal weekly work week total (37.5 or 40 hours).

iii. Unpaid time: Managers must send an email to payroll to advise them of any unpaid time (deduction) for an employee’s pay.

iv. Working on a Statutory Holiday: Managers must send an email to payroll to advise them of any time that should be paid to an employee that worked on a Statutory Holiday and who will not take a day off in lieu of.

Entering hours in the timesheet

16. To ensure maximum data accuracy, you need to complete your timesheet on a daily basis.

17. Select the project you are working on.

a. If you have set a default project in your profile, this project will automatically show on every line of your timesheet. You may select a different project by using the drop down menu.

b. Whenever possible you will enter your tasks against one of the specific projects you are working on.

c. If the activity is not directly related to a specific project, select your general departmental project (usually your department name is your project) (i.e. for tasks such as emails, administrative tasks, vacation, meetings, sick/emergency days, company training, etc.)

18. Select the departmental code to which you should assign your hours worked.

a. Your default departmental code appears automatically and should be used the majority of time.

b. You may change the department code if you need to allocate your time to another department (for interdepartmental/cross charges).

c. Here are some guidelines to help you determine if you should assign your time to another department:

i. You are working on behalf of another department;

ii. You are working/providing a service to another department (i.e. IT, translation, etc.);

iii. You are working on a task that is usually not part of your regular day to day job.


19. Select the activity.

a. Most activities are pre-programmed as billable or non billable in the background of the application.

b. In some cases, you may have to choose between a given activity as being either billable or non billable. Ex: Meeting - Client (BILL) or Meeting - Client (NBIL).

c. Whenever the option ”billable” is offered, you need to determine if these specific hours should be billed back to the client. If you are unsure, speak with your manager. Guidelines:

i. For the purpose of the software, “billable” is an exception.

ii. You should only enter time as “billable” if this has not been pre-quoted to the client for a specific pre-determined amount.

iii. For the purposes of the software, you should only enter tasks under “billable” when we are to bill a client for an hourly rate not pre-fixed in advance.

1. It is not because something is entered under “non-billable” that it means that we are not billing our clients. Most of our billing is done through other means or fixed costs determined in advance.

20. Enter the total time in hours and minutes to a total of four digits. Ex: if you worked on a specific activity for 2 hours and 15 minutes enter 0215.

a. Note that the minimum time entered will default to 5 minutes.

b. All hours entered will be rounded up or down to the nearest 5 minute increment.

i. For example, if you enter 7 minutes, it will round down to 5 minutes. If you enter 8 minutes, it will round up to 10.

21. The “Ref #” field is available to track time spent against a sub-project.

a. When applicable, your manager will provide the reference code to indicate against a specific project and will guide you as to when to use it.

b. Managers are responsible for tracking sub-projects and informing their staff on the tracking methodology they are to use.

c. Managers are responsible for creating and maintaining a list of reference codes for all their sub-projects.

22. A description is required for all billable and ad hoc activities. In the majority of cases, i.e. all regular or self-explanatory activities, no description is required.

a. Details may include a description of the activity or meeting, subject/topic, people you met with, location, etc…

23. Click the save button to save the entries you have completed.

a. Note that the software will only allow you to save completed lines (first 4 columns).

b. Incomplete lines will not be saved and the data you may have entered will be deleted.

c. The save button alone does not submit your entries to your manager.


Submitting your hours for approval

24. All your entries will be reviewed and approved by your Manager.

25. You may save your entries by clicking on the “Save” button.

a. Once you save your entries, the icons on each line will be color-coded as per the legend at the bottom of the screen.

b. You may click on the trash can on any given line to delete an entry that has not been approved by your manager.

26. You are required to submit your entries to your Manager at the end of each week, on Fridays by the end of the business day.

a. Alternatively, entries can also be submitted on Monday morning.

27. Once you are done entering your hours for a given week, you must submit your hours by clicking on the “Submit all previous unapproved entries” button. This will submit all the entries not previously submitted for any given day or week.

28. Ensure that you have entered all your hours worked and that your weekly work week total is accurate according to your personal situation (37.5 or 40 hours). You may view the week summary in the ‘My Area’ page.

29. Your Manager will receive an email notification that you submitted entries for review and approval on Mondays.


30. Upon approval by your manager, the approved entries will become read-only and will be color-coded in green.

31. If your manager rejects any of your entries, you will receive an immediate email notification advising you that an entry has been rejected. Those entries will remain editable and will be color-coded in red.

a. An exception page will appear when you log in to T-REX and a text message in red will show at the top of the timesheet screen.

b. You must correct rejected entries and re-submit to your manager for approval.

c. You may click on the trash can on a given line to delete any rejected entries.


32. When rejecting an entry, your Manager should indicate a comment or reason as to why the entry was rejected to help you with correcting the entry.

a. To view this comment, click on the red icon on the line of the rejected entry.

b. Click on the “x” on the right top corner of the comment box to make it disappear.


Manager approval

33. Managers will receive an email notification to advise them that the timesheet has been submitted by their direct reports (on Mondays).

34. Managers must approve all entries for their direct reports on a weekly basis.

35. To do so, click on the “Timesheet Approval” section on the left hand side of the screen.

a. Any submitted entries to be reviewed will appear in this screen.

b. All entries should be carefully reviewed particularly if an employee has assigned time to a different departmental code than usual.

i. Managers could be held responsible for misallocation(s) which could affect their own departmental allocations and expenses.

36. The reviewer may apply some filter or search criteria when reviewing timesheet entries for direct reports. For example, he/she may want to review one employee at a time or review one day at a time.

a. Use the search criteria at the top to screen to apply filters.

b. You may also use the filter box above each column to limit your search.

37. The reviewer should also add some comments for the user as to why the entry was rejected.

a. These comments will show for the user on each line that was rejected which will be helpful to correct the entries.

38. Click on “Approve all” to approve all entries or click each line as approved (A) or Rejected (R) and click “Update Time Entry Approvals”.



Reports for all users

39. The “Detail Time Sheet Report” provides you with a summary of your entries by day and the status of those entries.

a. This report is exportable in Excel.

40. A “Vacation / sick / emergency days” report is also available. You may pull this report at any time to know how many days you have used to date.

a. This report is exportable in Excel.

b. This report will show the days once approved by the Manager.


Additional reports for Managers

41. All reports are exportable in Excel.

42. All reports can be pulled by each Manager for themselves and their direct reports only.

43. The “Departmental allocation” report provides you with departmental cross charges.

a. This report will provide detailed information per line per user as well as summarized information providing total number of hours to be cross charged between departments.

44. A “Vacation / sick / emergency days” report is also available. You may pull this report at any time to know how many days each of your direct report have used up to date.

45. The “Billable items report” shows all entries entered under a billable docket. This report is to be used to bill back the clients at the end of every month.

a. This report should carefully be reviewed by each manager before submitting for billing.

46. The ‘Nursing payroll report” provides a summary of all payable hours for the field nurse staff.

a. This report to be used by HR department and Nursing managers only.

47. The “Nurse billing report” provides the monthly billing data to be provided to Corporate Services at the end of every month.

a. This report to be accessible only by Nursing Management only.


Help & Logout

48. A “Help” is available by clicking on the icon at the top of the screen.

49. You may logout by clicking on the “Logout” link beside your name on the right top corner.

50. Software support is accessible by email at: TRexSupport@innomar-


Appendix A: Quick Reference Guide – ABSGC employees

|Login |User name: first initial + last name |

| |Initial password: test05 |

|Link: | |

|My Profile |Change Password |

| |Set default project |

|My timesheet |Set date correctly – Click on “Search” if you select date from the calendar |

| | |

| |Enter your time – Ensure to enter all your hours for the week according to your personal weekly work week |

| |(37.5 or 40 hrs) |

| | |

| |Ensure to fill out first 4 columns before saving or incomplete lines will be deleted. |

|Entering Statutory Holidays, |Select the appropriate category and enter your normal work day according to your personal weekly work week|

|vacation, sick days, etc. |(37.5 or 40 hours, i.e. 7.5 or 8 hours per day). |

|Exceptions to payroll |Statutory Holidays and unpaid time: email has to be sent to payroll to notify them of any exception or |

| |modification to an employee’s pay. |

|Submit your timesheet |Every Friday or at the latest Monday morning. |

|Time out |Beware of the system timing out if TREX is not in active use. Always login again if you haven’t used it |

| |after 10-15 minutes. |

|Manager Approval |Monday by 10 am. |


Date of creation or date of revisionEffective dateRevision #Changes required (Y/N)Creation or revision completed by:Innomar’s approval by:Signature on file (Y/N)CLIENT NAME approval by:

(if applicable)Signature on file (Y/N)Section # revised Reason for revision9-Feb-20109-Feb-20101

NoAmélie Basque-Chapman, Senior Mgr, Internal OperationsCynthia Siksay, Director, Corporate ServicesYesN/AN/AN/ANew14-Aug-201214-Aug-20122YesGayle DesmaraisNoNoN/AN/AN/AUpdate to adjust to current processes.3-Jan-20139-Jan-20133YesAmélie Basque-Chapman, Senior Mgr, Internal OperationsMargaret MacanowiczYesN/AN/AN/AOverall revision + addition of processes for ABSGC employees.

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