PDF 2019-2020 Accessibility and Accommodations Guidance

2019-2020 Accessibility and Accommodations Guidance

Office of Student Assessment


Table of Contents





The Five Step Decision-Making Process




Section 1: Universal Features


Section 2: Designated Features


Section 3: Accommodations


Section 4: WIDA ACCESS and Alternate ACCESS (English Language Proficiency



Section 5: Special Circumstances and Non-Standard Accommodations


Temporary Accommodations


Non-Standard Assessment Accommodation Request


Prohibited Accommodations


Section 6: Specific Protocol for Scribe and Human Reader


Scribing Protocol


Human Reader Protocol


Section 7: Specific Guidance


Guidance on Spanish Translation and Glossaries


Use of Bilingual Dictionaries by English Learners on State Assessments


Section 8: PATINS Project




The Indiana Department of Education's (IDOE) Accessibility and Accommodations Guidance is intended for school-level personnel and decision-making teams (e.g., IEP, 504, SP, CSEP, and ILP) as they prepare for and implement Indiana State Assessments. Information is provided for school personnel to use in selecting and administering universal tools, designated features, and accommodations for those students who need them.

Federal and state laws require that all students, including students with disabilities and students with limited English proficiency, participate in statewide assessments to hold schools accountable for the academic performance of students according to IC 20-32-5-1 et. seq, IC 20-32-5.1-1 et. seq, and Sec.1111(b)(2)(B)(i)(II) of ESSA (codified at 20 U.S.C. ? 6303b) Indiana Code Title 20.

In April of 2014, the Indiana State Board of Education approved college- and careerready Indiana Academic Standards for English/Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics. These standards, in addition to 2016 Indiana Academic Standards for Science and 2014 Social Studies, clearly outline what students should know and be able to do for each content area and grade level. Additionally, the Indiana State Board of Education adopted Content Connectors in June of 2018 as Alternate Academic Standards for students with significant intellectual disabilities. Teachers provide instruction for all students to work toward grade-level content standards (i.e., Indiana Academic Standards or Content Connectors) by using a variety of instructional strategies based on the needs of students.

Educational reforms brought many changes in approaches to accessibility to ensure all students appropriately interact with content. These new approaches provide an opportunity for students who may not have received accommodations in the past to now benefit from needed accessibility supports employed in both instruction and standardized assessments as a result of rapidly developing technologies.

IDOE recognizes that the validity of assessment results depends on each and every student having appropriate universal features, designated features, and accommodations when needed based on the constructs being measured by the assessment. This is reinforced through the process of developing these nextgeneration assessments to measure students' knowledge and skills as they progress toward college and career readiness. IDOE takes systematic steps through item development and content presentation to ensure accessibility is interwoven in all steps of assessment delivery and scoring outcomes.

The next sections highlight the intended audiences, decision making process and organization of this document. Consider the document's guidance as a whole prior to informing instructional and assessment decisions to ensure appropriate implementation, including changes and improvements. Instructional supports and


accommodations may vary from those utilized on assessments to ensure the validity of reporting to the intended construct. Audience

Individualized Education Program (IEP), 504 plan, Choice Special Education Plan (CSEP), Service Plan (SP), or Individual Learning Plan (ILP) teams

Special Education Teachers English Learner Teachers General Education Teachers Administrators and Test Coordinators


The Five Step Decision-Making Process The five step decision-making process will help ensure that consideration of specific needs of the individual student when selecting accessibility features and accommodations for use in a variety of instructional and assessment settings. For students who receive accommodations, these must be utilized daily during instruction prior to being considered for any state assessment.


Sections Note: Sections 1-3 apply to Indiana federally- and state-mandated assessments, except WIDA. Section 1: Universal Features ? Universal features are available to all students as they access instructional or assessment content. Section 2: Designated Features ? Designated features are available for use by any student for whom the need has been indicated by an educator (or team of educators) familiar with the student's characteristics and needs. Section 3: Accommodations ? An accommodation is a change in the standardized testing materials or procedures that allow students with an IEP, 504, ILP, SP, and CSEP to participate in an assessment while measuring the intended construct. Section 4: Accessibility Tools and Accommodations for WIDA ACCESS and Alternate ACCESS (English Language Proficiency Assessments) ? Accessibility tools are allowed for all English Learners during the administration of WIDA ACCESS and Alternate ACCESS. There are also accommodations available for English Learners with disabilities. Section 5: Special Circumstances and Non-Standard Accommodations ? Specific guidelines describing documentation and requesting testing accommodations for students with temporary conditions, such as a broken arm. Section 6: Specific Protocol for Scribe and Human Reader ? Specific guidelines for using scribes, Human Readers, and Assistive Technology. Section 7: Specific Guidance-- Guidance for Spanish Translations, glossaries, and Use of Bilingual Dictionaries.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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