SS11 Worksheet

38735-66675Social Studies 11Chapter 11 00Social Studies 11Chapter 11 Population TrendsWorld Population Growth (pp. 358-364)The 20th century witnessed incredible population growth. See Figure 11-1. Why did this occur?Various answersTechnology, science, medicine, vaccinesNutrition better, lower infant mortalityOthers?What is the relationship between demography and a census?Demography is statistical study of populationsCensus provides statistical data for demographersWhich level of government conducts the census?FederalWhy would a census in a poor country (say, Kenya, Figure 11-3) be less reliable than the Canadian census?Canadian citizens must complete censusModern communications in CanadaAvoidance of census in some areasPoor record keepingInaccessible areasReview “Designing Graphs” on pages 360-361. Be prepared to interpret information on graphs in both chapter tests and provincial exams.What four factors influence population change?Birth rate Death rateImmigrationEmigrationWhich factor(s) do you think is most significant? Say why. Figure 11-7 indicates high birth rate is importantUsing the information in Figure 11-7 and the “rule of 70”, calculate the population doubling time for India, Canada, and Russia.India: 70/1.45=48Canada: 70/0.32=218.75Russia: 70/-0.43= -162.79What is notable about Russia’s situation?Population is declining.No increase, no doublingWhy do you think countries such as Canada and the USA attract immigrants?Opportunity, escape from povertyPush/pull factors (Grade 10 SS)Between 2001 and 2006 Canada accepted about 222,000 immigrants yearly. How many babies were born in Canada in any one year in that period? (Use Figure 11-7 to calculate this.)10.6 per 1000Pop. 34,086,245. 34086.245 x 10.6= 361,314 babiesWhy do you think Australia and Canada may not experience large-scale immigration whereas the USA might?Proximity of large populationsUSA, Mexico, Latin AmericaCanada and Australia were more remote. Harder to reach in large numbers.Review Figure 11-10. Write down the formula used.Births-Deaths + Immigrants-Emigrants 1000 1000The Demographic Revolution (pp. 365-370)Despite high birth rates why did populations NOT increase much prior to 1750?High death ratesWhat caused the situation identified in the above question?Disease. Poor medical carePoor nutrition. Unsanitary conditionsHigh infant mortalityWhat caused death rates to fall from 1750 onwards?More food/better dietsClean waterVaccinations/advances in medicineLook at Figure 11-12. Answer the following questions:a. Which country has the highest life expectancy now?Japanb. Which country has the lowest life expectancy now?Afghanistanc. What is the difference in life expectancy between males and females in Canada?5 yearsd. Given the numbers on the chart, what numbers might reasonably go where n/a is entered. Explain why. 28/29-32/33. Low. 1950 conditions bad; probably no better in 1900 1. Natural increase is to enter Stages 3 and 4 while Canada should enter Stage 5.Read the Case Study on pages 368-369. Answer the following questions.a. How were attitudes in China and India regarding male children similar?Males important/desired for economic securitySticks: Refusal of medical services, education. Fines, demotions/firingsb. What were the major downsides to China’s one-child policy?Downsides: Infanticide Female children. Too many malesPopulation Profiles (pp.371-374)Look at Figures 11-17 and 11-18. Match the models with the pyramids of 11-18.Chad-early expandingIceland-stableIndia-expandingJapan-contractingStudy Figure 11-19. Answer questions 1and 2.1. 1911-Expanding. 2006-Between stable and contracting2. Increased dependency load (See page 373)What is dependency load and why is it important?DL= % of population under 15 and over 64DL = DR (-15) + DR (+64)The numbers help govt. plan for future needsSee Figure 11-20. What is the dependency load of Japan? Kenya?Japan: 13 + 22.8 = 35.8 Kenya: 43 + 2.6 = 45.6What problems does a society face when it has too many old people? Too many young people?Old: Tax base, support, health care, economic challengesYoung: education, jobs difficult to getWhy is immigration necessary for the well-being of the Canadian economy?Declining natural increaseAging workers and more seniorsImmigration a source of replacement workersWhat may be significant about 48% of the Aboriginal population being under 25? Same problems as in Q. 26Employment/education ................

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