Long time Ago, ….

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Satuan Pendidikan : SMA

Kelas/Semester : X/2

|Standar Kompetensi |Kompetensi Dasar |Materi Pembelajaran |

|A. Mendengarkan | | |

|> Memahami makna dalam percakapan |Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal |Thank you |

|transaksional dan interpersonal dalam |yang melibatkan tindak tutur: Berterimakasih, Memuji, |You are so clever |

|kehidupan sehari-hari |Mengucapkan selamat |Congratulation |

|> Memahami makna dalam teks funsional pendek |Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam teks fungsional pendek | |

|dan monolog yang berbentuk narrative |berberbentuk pengumuman |Pre-flight announcement |

|sederhana dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari|Merespon makna dalam teks monolog sederhana yang menggunakan | |

|B. Berbicara |ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima | |

|> Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan |berbentuk teks naratif |The Thirsty Crow |

|transaksional dan interpersonal dalam |Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan | |

|kehidupan sehari-hari |interpersonal yang melibatkan tindak tutur: berterimakasih, | |

|> Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks funsional |memuji, mengucapkan selamat | |

|pendek dan monolog yang berbentuk narrative |Mengungkapkan makna yang terdapat dalam teks fungsional berupa | |

|sederhana dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari|pengumuman | |

|C. Membaca |Mengungkapkan makna makna dalam teks monolog sederhana yang | |

|> Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan |menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan berberbentuk teks naratif | |

|esei sederhana berbentuk narrative dalam |Merespon makna dalam teks fungsional pendek berupa pengumuman |Pre-flight announcement |

|konteks sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu |Merespon makna dan langkah-langkah retorika dalam esei sederhana| |

|pengetahuan |dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam bentuk teks naratif |Fables |

|D. Menulis |Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks funsional pendek | |

|> Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis |Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei sederhana | |

|fungsional dan esei sederhana berbentuk |berbentuk naratif |Pre-flight announcement |

|narrative dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari| | |

| | |- Ali Baba,The Vain Little |

| | |Mouse |

| | |- Orientation, |

| | |complication, resolution |

| | |Language features: |

| | |- pronouns |

| | |- relative pronouns |

| | |- past tense |

| | |- direct/indirect speech |

| | |- kinds of verbs |


A. Building Knowledge of Field

A. 1. Exploring your experiences

Task 1.

Orally, What do you know about these?

1. What is a legend?


2. What is a myth?


3. What is a fable?


4. What is a folk tale?


5. What is a fairy tale?


6. What is your favorite story?


Task 2 Classify to which group the stories below.

|No |Title |Folk Tale |Fable |Legend |Fairy Tale |

|1. |Roro Jonggrang | | |( | |

|2. |Pinocchio | | | | |

|3. |Goldilocks and Three Bears | | | | |

|4. |Cinderella | | | | |

|5. |Snow White | | | | |

|6. |Malin Kundang | | | | |

|7. |Aladin and His Lamp | | | | |

|8. |Sangkuriang | | | | |

|9. |A Little Mouse and the Lion | | | | |

|10. |The happening of Banyuwangi | | | | |

Task 3.

Listen to your teacher reading a story about ‘The Thirsty Crow” Then fill the blank with the words you heard in the story.


On a hot day, a thirsty crow flew over a field looking for water. For along time, she (1) ….. not find any. She felt very exhausted, almost giving up. Suddenly, she (2) … a water jug below her, she flew straight down to see if there was any water inside. It (3) … a surprise because there was some water inside the jug!

The crow (4) …. to push her head into the jug. Sadly, she found that the neck of the jug was too narrow. Then, she tried to push the jug down for the water to flow out but she (5) ….. that the jug was too heavy.

The crow thought hard for a while. Then looking around her, she saw some pebbles. She suddenly (6) …. a good idea. She (7) …. picking up the pebbles one by one, dropping each into the jug. As more and more pebbles filed the jug, the water level (8) … rising. Soon it was high enough for the crow to drink, “It’s working!” she said.

(Taken from: Look Ahead I)

Task 4.

Orally, answer the following questions based on the text.

1. When did the story occur? What sentences in the text show this?


2. What problem did the crow have in the day?


3. Was the problem solved?


4. How was the problem solved?


5. Did the story end in a happy ending?


6. What sentence shows the happy ending?


Task 5

Write T if the sentence is true and F if it is false.

_________ 1. The crow flew over the ocean

_________ 2. The crow could find water easily.

_________ 3. There was no water in the jug

_________ 4. The jug was so heavy

_________ 5. The crow used ladder to get the water from the jug

A.2. Speech Function

A.2.1. Praising, thanking and congratulating friends

Task 6.

Observe this dialogue carefully.

Task 7

Study these useful expressions

❖ Expressions of praising and congratulating

Wow, you looks greats

You look so beautiful/handsome

You are really smart

Thumb up for you


❖ Expressions of thanking

Thank you


Thanks, a lot

Thank you very much

❑ Responses for praising, congratulating and thanking

Thank you

Don’t say like that

Thanks a lot

I’m admired

You are welcome

Thanks for you too

Never mind

Forget it

Don’t mention that

Task 8.

Listen to your teacher reading this conversation. Then, act out with a partner

(Break time at Linda’s school)

Linda : Morning Mora, how are you/

Nora : Morning Linda, I have never been better. Well, you look so cheerful !

Linda : Yes, I am happy today. I just got a letter from the committee of writing contest held by British


Mora : So…

Linda : I am the first winner!

Mora : Wow. What a wonderful news. Congratulation Linda. You are always the best at writing

Linda : Thank you very much.

(The school bell rings)

Linda : Well, the bell rings. Lets go to our class.

Mora : All right.

Answer the questions!

1. Who are Linda and Mora ?


2. What do they do during the break time?


3. Why does Linda look so happy?


4. What does Mora say to praise Linda ?


5. What Does Linda response to Mora’s expression ?


Task 9.

Write dialogues based on the following situation!

1. Your neighbour bought a new motorcycle. You admire it!

You : _____________________________________________________________

Your neighbour : _____________________________________________________________

You : _____________________________________________________________

Your neighbour : _____________________________________________________________

You : _____________________________________________________________

Your neighbour : _____________________________________________________________

You : _____________________________________________________________

Your neighbour : _____________________________________________________________

2. You won the chess contest at national level. One of the jury praise you?

You : _____________________________________________________________

The jury ______________________________________________________________

You : _____________________________________________________________

The jury ______________________________________________________________

You : _____________________________________________________________

The jury ______________________________________________________________

You : _____________________________________________________________

The jury ______________________________________________________________

3. Moya, your close friend got the first winner in debate contest held by the USAID. You congratulate him

You : _____________________________________________________________

Moya : _____________________________________________________________

You : _____________________________________________________________

Moya : _____________________________________________________________

You : _____________________________________________________________

Moya : _____________________________________________________________

You : _____________________________________________________________

Moya : ____________________________________________________________

4. Your team won the best audio modification at the car contest a week ago. Your father praises you.

Your father : ____________________________________________________________

You : ____________________________________________________________

Your father : ____________________________________________________________

You : ____________________________________________________________

Your father : ____________________________________________________________

You : ____________________________________________________________

Your father : ____________________________________________________________

You : ____________________________________________________________

A.3. Grammar Focus

A.3.1. Pronouns

Here sentences copied from the fable above:

On a hot day, a thirsty crow flew over a field looking for water. For along time, she (1) ….. not find any. She felt very exhausted, almost giving up

In the sentences we can see the phrase a thirsty crow is replace with the word “she”. In the next sentence. The word “she “ is called pronouns .

Study the table below

|Subject |Object |Possessive |Reflexive/Emphatic |

| | |Adjective |Pronouns | |

|I |Me |My |Mine |Myself |

|You |You |Yours truly, his |Yours |Yourself |

|He |Him |Her |His |Himself |

|She |Her |Its |Hers |Herself |

|It |It |Our |Its |Itself |

|We |Us |Your |Ours |Ourselves |

|You |You |their |Yours |Yourselves |

|They |them | |theirs |themselves |

Example Dina and I are lovers. She loves me

This book is not mine. It is yours

Do you want to borrow my pen?

Dani ran himself round the stadium

Task 10

Rewrite the following sentences by changing the italicised nouns into the correct pronouns


My father asked my sister and me to help our mother

He asked us to help her

1. Andri saw the servant eating the cake.


2. The man closed the door noisily


3. John and steve told the lady a terrible news


4. The dog barked at the strangers


5. Jane go to school alone


Task 11

Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive adjectives


Winda is writing to letter…………parents now.

Winda is writing to her parents now

1. You and I don’t spend ………… carefully.

2. Father seldom drives ……….car to……

3. Doni is walking home with ………..friends

4. You don’t do ………..English lesson carefully

5. I usually put …………pen and pencil in bag

6. We always practise ………….English everyday

Task 12

Complete the sentence using reflexive pronouns

1. Ioften introduce …………………….to the other students

2. should go to school by ………………………… You are big boy now.

3. carpenters will decorate the hall for Dita’s wedding by…………….…

4. I hurt ………………….when I was cutting the onion

5. Dina cooked rice for …………………..when her mother wasn’t at home

6. We will build the house by ……………….…

7. My cat can eat the fish by …………………..

8. All of you must take care of …………..………well

A.3.2. Relative pronouns


Andi who is sitting on the table is my roomate

I met ohny whom you love very much

The young lady whose hair is blonde is Preity.

The pen which is laid on the table is belong to me

We will cook the fish which you bought this morning

|Adjective Pronouns |Fungsi |

|who |Pengganti subyek orang |

|Whom |Pengganti obyek orang |

|whose |Menyatakan kepemilikan (orang maupun benda/hal) |

|Which/that |Pengganti subyek /obyek benda/hal |

Task 13.

Combine these sentences using suitable pronouns

Examples : We love the teacher

He teaches us wisely

Answer : We love the teacher who teaches us wisely.

1. The lion was hungry.

The lion wanted to eat a mouse.


2. The mouse is beautiful.

The donkey want to marry her.


3. Thumbelina is a little child.

The toad saw Thumbelina sleeping in her tiny bed.


4. The fly saw bulls grazing in field.

The fly flew over them.


5. The little girls are my neighbours.

Their outfits is white and blue


6. The lady is a movie star

We interviewed her one hour


7. This blouse was made of silk

My wife bought it last month in Surabaya


8. The lady is beautiful

She is wearing a night gown


9. I like this trousers

It has fancy design


10. The officer is gentleman.

His body is big and healthy


B. Modeling Text

Task 14

Listen to your friend reading this story. Don’t forget the understand the generic structure and language features of this Narrative story.

|Title: |Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves |Language Features |

|Orientation |Ali Baba, a poor woodcutter, happened to see and overheard a large band| |

|who |of thieves - forty in all - visiting their treasure store in the forest|1. Simple past tense |

|where |where he was cutting wood. The thieves' treasure was in a cave, the |- happened, overheard |

|when |mouth of which was sealed by magic - it opened on the words "Open, |2. Action verbs |

| |Sesame", and sealed itself on the words "Close, Sesame". When the |- cutting, opened, sealed |

| |thieves were gone, Ali Baba entered the cave himself, and took some of |3. Linking verbs |

| |the treasure home. |- was, were |

| | |4. Connectives of time |

| | |- when |

|Complication 1 |When Ali Baba's rich brother, Kasim, found out about his brother's | |

|A Crisis arises |unexpected wealth, Ali Baba told Kasim about the cave. Kasim went to | |

| |the cave to take more of the treasure, but forgot the magic words to | |

| |get back out of the cave, and the thieves found him there, and killed | |

| |him. When his brother did not come back, Ali Baba went to the cave to | |

| |look for him, and found the body, bringing it home | |

|Resolution 1 |With the help of Morgiana, a clever slave-girl in Kasim's household, | |

|The crisis is resolved |they were able to give Kasim a proper burial without arousing any | |

| |suspicions about his death. | |

|Complication 2 |The thieves, finding the body gone, realized that somebody else must | |

|A Crisis arises |know their secret, and set out to track him down. The first several | |

| |times they were foiled by Morgiana, who was now a member of Ali Baba's | |

| |household, but eventually they were able to ascertain the location of | |

| |Ali Baba's house. | |

| |The lead thief pretended to be an oil merchant in need of Ali Baba's | |

| |hospitality, bringing with him mules loaded with 40 oil jars, one | |

| |filled with oil, the other 39 with the other thieves. Once Ali Baba was| |

| |asleep, the thieves planed to kill him. | |

|Resolution 2 |Again, Morgiana discovered and foiled the plan, killing the 39 thieves | |

|The crisis is resolved |in their oil jars by pouring boiling oil on them. When their leader | |

| |came to rouse his men, he discovered that they were dead, and escaped. | |

|Complication 3 |The lead thief, disguised as a merchant, befriended Ali Baba's nephew | |

| |(who is now in charge of the late Kasim's business), and was invited to| |

| |dinner at Ali Baba's house. | |

|Resolution 3 |He was recognised by Morgiana, who performed a dance with a dagger for | |

| |the dinners and plunged it into the heart of the thief when was off his| |

| |guard. | |

|Re-orientation |Thus, the story ended happily for everyone except the forty thieves and| |

| |Ali Baba's brother. | |

(taken from: wikipedia. Org/fairytales)

Task 15. Understanding the text structure.

Answer the following questions

1. What does the writer want with the story?


2. In which part does the writer identify the main character of the story?


3. In which part does the writer identify the time and place where the story happened?


4. Who are the characters in this story?


5. Who is the main character?


6. When did the story happen?


7. Where did this story take place?


8. What do you learn from the complication?


9. What do you learn from the resolution?


10. What moral do you learn from this story?


Task 16. Understanding the content of the story

Answer these questions.

1. Who was Ali Baba?


2. What did he usually do everyday in the woods?


3. What did he find in the cave?


4. How to open and close the cave?


5. Why did Kasim die?


6. How did the leader of the thieves effort to kill Ali Baba?


7. How did Morgiana foil the thieves’s plan?


Task 17.

Study the following summary.

C. Joint Construction of Text.

Task 18.

In pairs, answer the questions


Good morning, friend! In this time, I want to tell you a story. That is about the mouse. Do you know a mouse? OK, we will begin.

Little Mouse lived in a beautiful house. One day, when she was sweeping the floor, she found a coin. She said,” With this coin, I am going to buy a nice red bow for my hair. I will look beautiful”.

She was really beautiful with her red bow in her hair. She sat next to the window so that every body could see her. Are you following me? OK, Let me continue.

Then came a donkey “Little Mouse, you do look pretty,” Said the donkey. “Will you marry me?” And she asked, “What will you do at night?”. “I will bray like this,” said the donkey. And he brayed.

“Oh, no, I’ll get frightened”, said the mouse.

After that, the dog asked her, “Little mouse, you do look beautiful. Why don’t you marry me?

“What will you do at night?’ asked the mouse.

“I will bark like this “, said the dog. And she barked.

“Oh, no, I’ll get frightened”, said the mouse.

Finally, the cat asked her, “Beautiful little mouse, will marry me?”

“And what will you do at night?” asked the mouse.

“I’ll sing like”, said the cat. And she sang a beautiful song.

“Yes’ I will marry you”, said the mouse.

So they got married, but on the wedding night, guess what! The cat did not sing his beautiful song. He ate the vain little mouse.

(Taken from : English Text in Used for SMA)

1. In your opinion what is the purpose of this reading text?

a. to amuse the reader

b. to make people laugh when reading the text

c. to educate the reader

2. Who is the participant?


3. What happened to the participant?


4. Where did the story take place?


5. Underline the verbs used in the text!


6. What tense is mostly used in the text?


7. Are there conjunction used?


Task 19.

In pairs, Analyze the text structure (generic structure) of the story above

|Title | |

|Orientation | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Complication | |

| | |

| | |

|Resolution | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Complication | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Resolution | |

| | |

| | |

|Complication | |

| | |

| | |

|Resolution | |

| | |

| | |

D Independent Contraction of text

Task 20.

Choose one of the stories above. Retell the story to your friends.

Useful expression

- First, …. - So, …..

- First of all, …. - So then, …

- To begin with, …. - At the end, ……...

- Then,…. – Finally, ….

- After that,….

Begin an example :

Good morning, my friends. Today I’m going to tell you about The Vain Little Mouse.

One day,…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..



After that ………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………… …..………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Finally …………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………


Name : ________________________ Student Number: ________________________

|No. |Aspects of scoring |Scoring |

| | |Low (45-59) |Average (60-75) |Good (76-100) |

|1. |Pronunciation | | | |

|2. |Intonation | | | |

|3. |Stress | | | |

|4. |Gestures | | | |

| |Total | | | |

| |Total Score | | | |


A. Building Knowledge of Field


Task 1

Answer the question orally?

1. What picture is it?


2. Where have you ever seen it?


3. Have you ever been on board an aeroplane?


4. Did you heard an announcement before the plane departed?


5. Was it given in English?


6. Who are they addressed to?


7. Is it important to understand them? Why or why not?


Task 2

Here’s an announcement before a plane takes off. Listen to your teacher . Do not look at the text!

(Adapted and edited from : English text in Use grade X)

Task 3.

1. What is the purpose of this talk ?


2. Who give the announcement?


3. What the passengers should do according to the announcement?


4. Why must cellular phone be turned off during the flight?


5. Where is the final destination of the flight?


6. Where will the plane have its intermediate stop?


7. How long is the flight to London?


Task 4

Supposed you are a flight attendant, write an announcement to your passengers telling about the flight. The following data will be useful to compose the announcement. Then read it before the class.

_Good night_______________________________________________________












A.2.1. Simple Past Tense

Task 5

Study the following tense

1. Sentence Pattern

|Pola |Keterangan waktu |

|S + V2 + O/Ket |Yesterday |

|S+ did not V1+ O/Ket |Last ……. |

|Did + S + V1+ O/ket |…..ago |

| |at that time |

| |in……..(Tahun) |

|To be: was, were | |

2. Function

To express an activity that is done in a single time in the past.

3. Examples

1. 1. Snow white walked with the dwarfs when Cinderella met her two days ago

2. 2. Snow white didn’t walk with the dwarfs when Cinderella met her two days ago.

3. 3. Did Snow white walk with the dwarfs when Cinderella met her two days ago?

4. 4. Snow white was the most beautiful girl when we studied together at Howgart College.

5. 5. The dwarfs were the closest friends of Snow white when she was in the jungle.

Task 6.

Change the verbs into past tense

1. Mr. Hartono’s family (hold) a silver wedding party last week


2. Rina (not, send) a letter to her parents a week ago.


3. Someone (steal) my wallet in the bus this morning.


4. Yesterday, the president (visit) the isolated village caused by Mount Merapi eruption.


5. Mr. Black (call) his employer yesterday


6. Rani (write) her report last night.?


7. Riana (go) to the store at nine o’clock this morning.


8. I (not, kill) the insect just now.


9. Mr. Wahidi (look for) you this afternoon.


10. You (sleep) well last night.?


A.2.2. Direct & Indirect Speech

Task 7.

Study the following information.

|“Put it in a safe place”, He told the Pooh. |He told the Pooh to put it in a safe place. |

|“Don’t eat it all”, I asked him. |I asked him not to eat it all. |

|I asked him, “Do you like honey?” |I asked him if/whether he liked honey. |

|I asked him, “Did you like honey?” |I asked him if/whether he had liked honey. |

|He asked me, “What is your name?” |He asked me what my name was. |

|She asked me, “When will you buy a new hat?” |She asked me when I would by a new hat. |

|She said, “I am not dreaming.” |She said that she was not dreaming. |

|She said, “I was not dreaming.” |She said that she had not been dreaming. |

|She stated, “I quite agree.” |She stated that she quite agreed. |

|She told me, “I can speak Japanese.” |She told me that she could speak Japanese. |

There are some changes in tense, pronoun, adverbs of time and place for Indirect Question and Indirect Statement. And there is no change of tense for indirect imperative. (See Table 1 and 2).

Table 1. Change of Tense

|No. |Direct Speech |Indirect Speech |

|1 |Simple Present Tense |Simple Past Tense |

|2 |Present Continuous Tense |Past Continuous Tense |

|3 |Present Perfect Tense |Past Perfect Tense |

|4 |Present Perfect Continuous Tense |Past Perfect Continuous Tense |

|5 |Present Future Tense |Past Future Tense |

|6 |Present Future Continuous Tense |Past Future Continuous Tense |

|7 |Simple Past Tense |Past Perfect Tense |

|8 |Past Continuous Tense |Past Perfect Continuous Tense |

Table 2. The Change of Adverbs

|No. |Direct Speech |Indirect Speech |

|1 |Now |Then |

|2 |Today |That day |

|3 |Yesterday |The day before |

|4 |Tomorrow |The next day/the following day |

|5 |Next … |Following |

|6 |… ago |… before/ the previous… |

|7 |Last… |The previous … |

|8 |This week |That week |

|9 |Here |There |

|10 |This/That (adjective) |The |

| |Example: This book/that book |The book |

Task 8. Read the story carefully. Then answer the questions.

The Young Frog and the Old Frog

One day a young frog came home and told his father, “Oh, Father, I saw a very big animal this morning.”

“Did he do you any harm, my dear?” his father asked anxiously.

“No, not at all. He looked so terribly big, so I dared not get close to him”, answered the young frog.

“What did it look like?” asked the old frog.

“It is a bit difficult to describe but he had hair…”

“Oh, it would be Mr. Bob’s horse”, interrupted the old frog.

The young frog proudly looked up to his father.

The old frog, guessing his son’s thought, make up his mind to show that he was not any clever, but also superior. So he added, “He is not so big. I can easily make myself as a big as he is. Just watch me!” and started to blow himself out.

“Was he as a big as this?” he asked his son a minute later.

“No, he was much much bigger.”

The old frog blew and blew again. For several times he asked his son and the answers were that animals that the animals was much much bigger than he was.

“Are you sure?” the old frog puffed.

“Yes, father, I’m quite sure! He was much much bigger”, answered the son seriously.

Then the old frog started to blow again. At this moment Mother Frog came forward and said, “Please stop blowing out yourself!”

“Don’t worry, dear,” answered Father Frog, “I’ve only just begun.”

Mother Frog kept on trying to prevent Father Frog. At last Father. Frog got angry and said, “Leave me alone and mind your own business.” Then, turning to his son, Father Frog said as he continued to blow, “I’m sure he was not so big as this …”

Suddently, Father Frog burst!

(Taken from: Selected Fables)


1. In your opinion what is the purpose of this reading text?


2. Who are involved in the story?


3. Does the story have happy ending or sad ending?


4. What is the moral value of the story?


5. Do you find any verbal process in text? If any, mention them!


Task 9

Do you still remember the story about “The Young Frog and the Old Frog?”

Identify Some Direct Speeches uses in the story, when write them in the following box (at least 10)

|Direct Speech : |

|A young frog told his father, “I saw a very big animal this morning.” |

|2. _________________________________________________________________________________ |

|3. _________________________________________________________________________________ |

|4. ._________________________________________________________________________________ |

|5. ._________________________________________________________________________________ |

|6. ._________________________________________________________________________________ |

|7. ._________________________________________________________________________________ |

|8. ._________________________________________________________________________________ |

|9. ._________________________________________________________________________________ |

|10._________________________________________________________________________________ |

Task 10. Change the Direct Speeches in the Task 9 into Indirect Speeches.

Write them in the box below.

|Indirect Speech : |

|1 A young frog told his father that he had seen a very big animal that morning.” |

|2. _________________________________________________________________________________ |

|3. _________________________________________________________________________________ |

|4. ._________________________________________________________________________________ |

|5. ._________________________________________________________________________________ |

|6. ._________________________________________________________________________________ |

|7. ._________________________________________________________________________________ |

|8. ._________________________________________________________________________________ |

|9. ._________________________________________________________________________________ |

|10._________________________________________________________________________________ |

Task 11.

Take the notes of the followings from the story of “The Young Frog and the Old Frog”

|VERBS |Action verbs | |

| | | |

| |Mental verbs | |

| |Thinking verbs | |

| | | |

|Linking Verb | |

| | |

|Tense | |

Task 12

In the story of The Young Frog and the Old Frog, it’s found some adverbs. Identify them and their groups. (at least 10)

|No. |Adverb |Adv. of Frequency |Adv. of Degree |Adv. of Manner |Adv. of Time |

|1. |This morning |- |- |- |V |

|2. |anxiously |- |- |v |- |

|3. | | | | | |

|4. | | | | | |

|5. | | | | | |

|6. | | | | | |

|7. | | | | | |

|8 | | | | | |

|9. | | | | | |

|10. | | | | | |

Task 12. Place the adverbials in the most usual position

1. (almost) I have finished the work.


2. (fast) He ran into the forest.


3. (still) She sleeps in her bad.


4. (twice a week) We study English.


5. (always, early) Do they get up?



Task 13. Read the following text and answer the questions.

The Ant and the Dove

There was once a little black ant, that has ever been saved by a kind white dove form a danger, searching for food at the bottom of the tree. Suddenly he heard something moving slowly nearby.

Looking up he saw a cruel-looking man stalking forward toward the tree. He had a big gun which he kept pointed up in the air, ready to shoot.

How horrified our friend must have felt, for at that moment he caught sight of his friend, the dove on that tree. The dove had saved his life.

Quickly and with all his strength, the ant ran up the tree, calling the bird to fly away.

The bird recognized her friend, the ant, and in a twinkle she had spotted the man with the gun. Quickly she flew away, and the bird was out of sight in a moment.

The ant was so happy because he had been able to warn his friend in time, and so save the bird from a horrible death.

Taken from: ‘Selected Fables’)


1. Why did the ant run up the tree, calling the bird to fly away?


2. What can we learn from the story of The Ant and The Dove?


3. Mention the participants of the story


4. What happened to the participants?


5. What sentence sets the scene and introduces the participants?


6. Which one shows, the crisis that arises?


7. What kind of the story that?


8. Does the story have ending or sad ending?


9. Underline the verbs used in the text!


10. What tense in the mostly used in the text?


Task 14.

Look at the following model of a narrative

Task 15

Answer the questions based on the text above.

1. When did the story happen?


2. Where did the story take place?


3. Who were the participants of the story?


4. Why were they lack of water?


5. Why did the hare refuse to dig a well?


6. How did the hare get water?


7. How did the wolf and the fox catch the dare?


8. Did the wolf and the fox give the hare punishment?


9. Where did the hare run away?


10. What is theme of the story?


Task 16

Match the words in column A with their synonyms or meaning in column B

|No |A |B |

|1 |severe |answer |

|2 |drought |bushes |

|3 |stream |collect |

|4 |procure |decide |

|5 |tiny |die |

|6 |wit |free |

|7 |determine |harsh |

|8 |gather |lack of water |

|9 |detect |notice |

|10 |reply |obtain |

|11 |adhere |river |

|12 |dispatch |send out |

|13 |perish |small |

|14 |thicket |smartness |

|15 |loose |stick on |


Task 17.

In group of three, rearrange the jumbled story into the meaningful one.

|Orders |No. |The Lost Caterpillar |

| |1 |Suddenly, a cricket said, “You last child is ugly.” “Ugly?” Asked Mama Worm. Then she looked at the child. She was |

| | |not the same as her other children. “Hey, ugly!” She said, “You were not my child. “Go away!” |

| |2 |“They may call you ugly?” Said Mother Caterpillar. “But you are the most beautiful child in the world. One day, you |

| | |will turn into a beautiful butterfly.” |

| |3 |The little brown worm walked away. She was very sad. When she was near a lake, she looked into the water. |

| | |“Oh, How ugly I am,” She cried. |

| |4 |Seven worms were walking happily. Their mother was leading them. They have just had their breakfast on a big tree |

| | |near a river. |

| | |“Come on, children. Let’s go home,” Mama Worm said. |

| |5 |“You are not ugly,” said a voice. “Oh, I find you my child.” Then worm looked around. There was a beautiful big a |

| | |caterpillar an her children. They are looked the same as she. |

Task 18.

In group of three, answer these questions based on the story you had rearranged above,

1. Who involved in the story?


2. What problem faced by the little brown worm?


3. Why did Mama Worm ask her to go away?


4. Who was really the little brown worm?


5. How did the story end?



Task 19.

Write down a narrative. Don’t forget to make scaffold before writing it. You may write the your favourite legends telling about the story of your village, an old building or place near your surroundings.

Consult to your teacher about grammar, spelling, diction, structure and the generic structure of your composition based on the following checklist.


|No. |Writer’s questions |Peer Editor’s Answers and Comments |

Format of typing

(If you type your work)

|1. |Is the format correct? |Check the title, margins, and spacing |


|2. |Does the story have |How many parts does the story have? |

| |- Orientation | |

| |- Complication | |

| |- Resolution | |

|3. |Orientation |Does this part of the text consist of the setting time and place or |

| | |introducing the participants? |

|4. |Complication |Does the crisis arise in this part of the text? |

|5. |Resolution |Does this part of the text state that the crisis is resolved for better |

| | |or for worse? |

Grammar and Mechanics

|8. |Are quotations used correctly? |Check each quotation for commas, capital letters, and quotation marks. |

| |Are commas used where necessary? |Circle any commas error. Add missing commas. |

| |Are verb tenses used appropriately? | |

| | |Check each verb for the appropriate tense. Circle that you have questions|

| | |about. |

Lexicogrmmatical Features.

|7. |Narrative has the following significant | |

| |lexicogrmmatical features. | |

| |- Focus on specific and individualized | |

| |participants, |Underline specific and individualized participants. |

| |- Use of material processes. | |

| |- Use of relational processes |Underline material processes. |

| |-Use of verbal processes |Underline the relational processes. |

| |-Use of mental processes |Underline verbal processes |

| |-Use of temporal conjunctions |Underline mental processes |

| |-Use of past tense |Underline temporal conjunctions. |

| | | |

| | |Underline past tense |


Choose the correct answer

Text 1

The Ram in the Chilli Patch

Long ago there was a Mexican boy named Juan who helped raise money for his family by growing chilli peppers in his garden.

But one day when he came out to his chilli patch, he found a ram there eating some peppers and stomping on others. “ Go away, Mr. Ram,” said Juan. “Those are my peppers.” The ram replied,” Get away from me or I’ll butt you into the next county.” Juan started to cry, and all the animals on the little farm felt sorry for him. The cat tried to help. She went up to the ram and said, “You should be ashamed of yourself. Get out of there. Those are Juan’s chilli peppers.” But the ram lowered his head and said,” Get away from me or I’ll butt you into the next county.” So the cat ran away. The dog tried to help. He came out and barked at the ram, but the ram lowered his head said,” Get away from me or I’ll butt you into the next county.” The dog too ran away.

Finally, a little ant said, “I can help you, Juan.” The ant climbed onto the ram and began biting him all over. The ram jumped up and started running. He ran so fast and so far that now he is in the next county.

1. When Juan came out to his chilli patch, a ram ………some peppers.

a. was eating

b. eating

c. eats

d. to eat

e. ate

2. The following statements are true based on the text, except…

a. Juan planted chilli peppers in order to earn money for his relatives.

b. All animals on the farm showed their sympathetic to Juan.

c. The cat and dog were afraid of the ram.

d. No animal was brave to drive the ram out of the Juan’s farm.

e. A big animal is not always able to defeat a little one.

3. “He ran so fast and so far that now he is in the next county.” (par 3)

The antonym of the underlined word is……

a. quickly

b. slowly

c. briskly

d. hard

e. loudly

4. Finally, a little ant said, “I can help you, Juan.” The ant climbed onto the ram and began biting him all over. The ram jumped up and started running. He ran so fast and so far that now he is in the next county.

The paragraph above shows………………….of the text.

a.. orientation

b. complication

c. resolution

d. re-orientation

e. reiteration.

5. The theme of the text is….

a. The big must have a great power.

b. The small is not always weak.

c. The strong should rule the weak.

d. The strong must be the winner

e. The weak always loses

Text 2

Lia : Let me accompany you to go to sleep, Nia!

Nia : Sure! It’ll be very nice if you tell me a story, My sister.

Lia : Ok, Tia. Listen to this! Once there was a farmer living in a village near a forest. One day a tiger saw him plough his field with his buffalo. The tiger was very surprised to see a big animal listening to a man. The man was smaller than the buffalo. He wanted to know more about them.

Nia : What did the tiger do then?

Lia : After the man had gone home, the tiger asked the buffalo,” You are so big and strong. Why do you do everything the man tells you?” The buffalo answered, “ Oh , the man is very intelligent.” The tiger asked,” Can you tell me how intelligent he is?” “ No, I can’t tell you. But you can ask him.” Said the buffalo.

Nia : Did the tiger ask the man?

Lia : Yes. The next day the tiger said to the man,” Can I see your intelligence?” The man answered,” It’s at home.” “ Can you go and get it?” asked the tiger. “Yes”, said the man,” But I am afraid you will kill my buffalo when I am gone. Can I tie you to a tree?”

Lia : Did the tiger agree with the man’s plan?

Nia : Of course. The man tied the tiger to the tree. He didn’t go home to take his intelligence but he took a branch of tree and hit the tiger. He said,” Now you know about my intelligence even if you haven’t seen it”.

Lia : Did the tiger run away?

Nia : No, It couldn’t run. It was tied up. Ok, my sweet heart, it’s time to sleep. Good night!

Lia : Good night, mom!

6. Which statement is not true based on the dialogue above?

a. The tiger was eager to know why the buffalo obeyed the man.

b. The buffalo declined to tell the tiger about the man’s intelligence.

c. The farmer was afraid to tie the tiger because of its wildness.

d. The tiger wanted to cheat the farmer by asking him to take his intelligence.

e. The tiger couldn’t escape as the farmer hit it.

7. Why did buffalo obey the farmer?

a. The farmer had a weapon.

b. The farmer was intelligent.

c. The buffalo had a big body

d. The buffalo was strong

e. The farmer took the buffalo’s strength.

8. Why did the farmer tie the tiger?

a. He wanted to show his intelligence.

b. He wanted to take his intelligence at home.

c. He killed the tiger.

d. The farmer was proud of the tiger.

e. The tiger wanted to attack the farmer.

9. Can I tie you to a tree?” The synonym of the bold word is…..

a. cut

b. slip

c. require

d. attach

e. attack

Text 3

10. Linda : What kind of short functional text is it?

Doni : It is ….

a. poster

b. brochure

c. sign

d. advertisement

e. invitation

11. Linda : When can the tickets be used?

Doni : It can be used…

a. Next Friday morning

b. Before Wednesday

c. Friday at 5:00 PM

d. Wednesday at 5: 00 PM

e. Friday evening

12. Linda : How many tickets can one employee get?

Doni : ….

a. 1

b. 4

c. 5

d. 10

e. 20

13. A little ant said, “I can help you, Juan.”

The ram : What did she say to me?

The dog :she said …………………………………………………….

a. that she can help you

b. that she could help you

c. that she could help me

d. if she could help you

e. whether she can help me

14. The tiger said to the man,” Can I see your intelligence?”

The man : What did the tiger say to me?

The buffalo : He said …………………………………………………………….

a. whether can I see your intelligence.

b. If you can see my intelligence

c. whether he could see your intelligence

d. if he could saw my intelligence

e. if You could see his intelligence

15. Linda : When did you write this story?

Doni : I ………………..this story last night.

a. write

b. writes

c. to write

d. was writing

e. wrote

16. Linda : Does this fables book belong to you?

Doni : Yes, this book is …………

a. me c. I e. mines

b. my d. mine

c. I

17. The ram : Who is the King of the jungle?

The ant : It is the animal ………….claw is long and sharp

a. who

b. whom

c. which

d. where

e. whose

18. Linda : Which of the following verbs belong to “action verbs”?

Doni : I think ….

a. crawl c. is e. think

b. cite d. feel

19. Linda : Wow, You looks great with those suit!

Doni : Thank you.

The underlined utterances expresses Linda’s ………………….

a. thankfulness

b. praising

c. Congratulating

d. Admired

e. sympathy

20. Linda : …………………………for being the first winner of this speech contest

Doni : Thank you very much.

a. thumb up to you

b. you are the best

c. you look awful

d. You are the only one

e. It is very kind of you


So Amazing , ….

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Satuan Pendidikan : SMA

Kelas/Semester : X/2

|Standar Kompetensi |Kompetensi Dasar |Materi Pembelajaran |

|A. Mendengarkan |Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal |A: Would you come with |

|> Memahami makna dalam percakapan |yang melibatkan tindak tutur: |Me to the Zoo? |

|transaksional dan interpersonal dalam |Menerima undangan, tawaran dan ajakan |B: Of course. I would |

|kehidupan sehari-hari |Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam teks fungsional pendek | |

|> Memahami makna dalam teks funsional pendek |berberbentuk undangan |Personal invitation |

|dan monolog yang berbentuk descriptive |Merespon makna dalam teks monolog sederhana yang menggunakan | |

|sederhana dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari|ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima |Tanjung Puting National Park |

|B. Berbicara |berbentuk teks deskriptif | |

|> Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan | | |

|transaksional dan interpersonal dalam |Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan | |

|kehidupan sehari-hari |interpersonal yang melibatkan tindak tutur: Menerima undangan, | |

|> Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks funsional |tawaran dan ajakan | |

|pendek dan monolog yang berbentuk |Mengungkapkan makna yang terdapat dalam teks fungsional berupa | |

|descriptive sederhana dalam konteks |undangan | |

|kehidupan sehari-hari |Mengungkapkan makna makna dalam teks monolog sederhana yang |Personal invitation |

|C. Membaca |menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan berberbentuk teks deskriptif | |

|> Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan |Merespon makna dalam teks fungsional pendek berupa undangan |Famous places in the world |

|esei sederhana berbentuk descriptive dalam |Merespon makna dan langkah-langkah retorika dalam esei sederhana| |

|konteks sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu |dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam bentuk teks | |

|pengetahuan |deskriptif |Personal invitation |

|D. Menulis | | |

|> Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis |Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks funsional pendek |Babylon Hanging Park |

|fungsional dan esei sederhana berbentuk |Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei sederhana |Identification:, Description : |

|descriptive dalam konteks kehidupan |berbentuk deskriptif |physical features, quality, nature|

|sehari-hari | | |

| | | |

| | |Language features: |

| | |- Simple present tense |

| | |- linking verbs |

| | |- noun phrase |


A. Building Knowledge of Field

A. 1. Exploring your experiences

Task 1.

Answer these questions orally!

1. What kind of animal is in the picture number 1?


2. What kind of animal is in the picture number 2?


3. Is the animal in the picture number 1 wild or domesticated one?


4. Is the animal in the picture number 2 wild or domesticated one?


5. Where can you usually find the animal in the picture number 1?


6. Where can you usually find the animal in the picture number 2?


7. Have you ever gone to a national park?


Task 2.

Listen to your teacher reading the text, then fill the blank with the words you heard.

Task 3

Use the words you heard in the text to complete the following sentences.

1. In the harvest time, the supply of food is so ………………..

2. Thousands of …………….attacked the ready harvested crops in our field, causing millions of lost.

3. The rain forest in Kalimantan is so …………… It is hard for the exploration team to enter it.

4. We can find the blue whales population along the ………………of west Australia.

5. …………… needed to grow plants. So we have to water the plants regularly.

A.2. Speech Function

A.2.1. Inviting someone

Task 4

Study the following picture

a. Inviting Someone

b. Accepting an invitation

c. Refusing an invitation

Task 5

Act out the dialog in front of the class. Then answer the questions

(Bonny sees Halida carrying a basket full of vegetables, fruits, and chickens out of the market)

Bonny : Morning Halida, Can I bring the basket for you?. It looks so heavy.

Halida : Morning Bon. Thanks you for your help. Here you are.

(passing the basket to Bonny)

Bonny : Uh.. there are a lot of things you bought. Is there any special occasion at your house?

Halida : Yes, My family will have “Selametan” this evening.

Bonny : Selametan? For whom?

Halida : You know, it’s for my elder sister. She is pregnant now. It has been the seventh month.

It is “Tingkepan” ceremony.

Bonny : I know, I know. So …..

Halida : Everyone on our neighbourhood is invited, and you are too. Will you come?

Bonny : I’d be glad to accept. . How can I miss so important ceremony.

Halida : Thanks for your coming.


1. Who are Bonny and Halida?


2. Where do they meet?


3. What does Halida bring in her basket?


4. What special occasion will be in held at Halida’s house?


5. Does Halida invite Bonny to come? What does she say?


6. Does Bonny accept Halida’s invitation? What does he say?


Task 6

Study the following expression of inviting someone, accepting an invitation and refusing an invitation.

Task 7

Works in pairs. Make a dialogue based on the situation given. Accept or refuse each invitation.

1. Your friend ask you to play badminton.

X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

2. You ask your friend to have dinner with you

X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

3. You ask your friend to come to your house

X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

4. Your friend ask you to accompany him/her to see “Siti Nurhaliza ” concert in Jakarta Convention center.

X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

5. Your friend ask you to have a picnic to his/her villa at Tawangmangu Central Java.

X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Y : …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

A.3. Grammar Focus

A.3.1. Simple present tense

Description text in general uses Simple Present Tense as its main tense. Here is the summary.

A. General pattern

|Pattern |Time reference |

|a. Verb pattern |Every…. |

|(+) S + V1(-s/-es) |Always never |

|(-) S + do/does not V1 |Often occasionally |

|(?) Do/does + S + V |Sometimes seldom |

|B. To be pattern |Rarely |

|(+) S + is/am/are + adjective/adverb/nouns |Ever |

|(-) S+ is/am/are not + adjective/adverb/nouns | |

|(?) Is/Am/Are S + adjective/adverb/nouns | |

B. Function

1. Expressing habitual actions or customs

2. Expressing general truth

C. Examples

1. Tanjung Puting National Parl is a wide forest.

2. Moths live in the middle of the forest.

3. Big tree grows well in the forest

4. They aren’t birds but bats.

5. They don’t go to park every year

6. Are you hungry?

7. Does snake walk or crawl ?

D. Special Note

If the subject is third singular person (e.g) he, she, it John, Smith, Karen, the earth), we must

add a final –s pr –es to the verb.

1. Add –es if the verb ends in ss, sh, ch, x or z

cross – crosses

crush - crushes

catch - catches

mix - mixes

buzz - buzzes

2. If the verb ends in –y preceded by a consonant , change the –y into I and add -es

cry - cries

fry - fries

Task 8.

Put the verbs in the bracket into the correct form of simple present tense.


Because of its size and strength, a panda ……….(be) a potentially frightful and awesome beast. But its clumsy and uncoordinated ways ……………..(make) it an awkward and defensive creature. It ……….(fumble) along, pigeon-toed, in an ungraceful, diagonal walk. It ……..(be) rarely urged from this lumbering pace. Only a young panda, or a panda in desperate flight, will venture to climb a tree. And once it has reached the top, it ……………(become) an even greater task to get down.

Despite its aloof manner and clumsiness, the giant panda ………..(have) won a reputation as a loving and adorable creature. With its big, furry head, gentle, flat face, and dark-ringed, sad, eyes, the giant panda is irresistible. Its lopsided movements and its timidity have endeared it to countless friends and admirers at zoos around the world. (Adapted from Lado English Series No.6, p.111)

Task 9.

Put the verb in the bracket into the correct form.

Do as Example : Andi ….. (ride ) his superbike to his school every day.

Andi rides his superbike to his school everyday.

1. Ancol Water Park … (be) the most interesting amusement place in Jakarta.


2. The officers of Tanjung Puttng national park …… (work) hard to protect the site everyday .


3. The city of Solo never ….(sleep) at night.


4. The climate at Tanjung Putting park ….(not, be) so hot beacause it is located in the tropical forest.


5. You …. (not, kill ) the animal in the wild life. It endangers the ecosystem


6. The pinguins (live) Indonesia? No. They live in Antartica.


7. Aisyah (be ) ill ?. She looks thin and pale.


8. Why you (be) fat?


A.3.2. Relating Verbs

From the listening text above we have sentence:

Tanjung Puting National Park is …

The word “ is “ is called relating verb/linking verb. It functions to give information about the things, place

or person we describe

A. Examples of Relating verbs

The moths looks so beautiful

The wild life park is the biggest site in Kalimantan

Task 10 .

Fill in the blank with the suitable relating verbs from the box above.

1. The owl ____________ ugly and frightening.

2. Yokyakarta __________ well-known as “Students city” .

3. The avocado juice ____________sweet.

4. The old widow _________lonely

5. My town _________a dangerous Mount. It is Mount Merapi

6. The little moth ____________bigger and bigger now.

7. The little plant __________taller and taller.

8. The perfumes _________ fragrant

B. Modeling of Text

Task 11

Listen to your teacher or friend read this text.

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Generic Structure

Definition and time The Hanging Gardens of Babylon is a man-made structure that is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The Hanging Gardens originates in approximately 605 B.C.

Description of purpose Babylon, the capital of Babylonia, is built between the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers, where modern Baghdad, in Iraq, stands today. King Nebuchadnezzar builds the Hanging Gardens for his wife, Amytis, who is the Princess of the Medes.

Description of features The Hanging Gardens is built on arches overlooking the city walls. The lowest

and their use terrace is twenty-four metres off the ground and each succeeding terrace is three metres higher. There are about six terraces, so that the topmost terrace is forty metres off the ground.

Description of physical The first stage of the building is a series of brick archways that are the same

Features height as the city walls. Underneath them lay a shaded courtyard. On top of

(appearance) these arches, the Babylonians build long brick terraces in rows. These terraces are lined with lead, to hold the water, then covered with thick layers of fertile soil. Many exotic plants and trees are planted. Each flower-bed is the size of a tennis court and the area of each terrace is thirty meters long by five metres long by five metres wide.

(Adapted from : Materi Pelatihan Terintegrasi: 2004)

Task 12. Understanding the text structure

Answer the questions

1. Does the speaker start with identification?


2. Does the speaker use simple present text ?


3. Mention the simple present sentences written in the text?


4. Does the speaker describe parts, qualities, and the characteristics of the garden ? Mention them.


5. Mention the relating verbs used in the text?


Task 13. Understanding the content of the text.

Answer the questions

1. Where is the hanging garden of Babylon located?


2. Who built the structure?


3. How old is the garden now?


4. Who is Amytis?


5. How many terrace are there in the garden?


6. How tall is the topmost terrace from the ground?


7. What kind of materials is mostly used to build the garden?


8. ……. for his wife, Amytis, who is the Princess of the Medes.(prg 2) . The underlined word refers to…


C. Joint Construction of Text

Task 14

❑ Work in group of four

❑ Read the text about Australia. Some words are missing.

❑ Fill in the missing words with the words in the box.

Task 15.

❑ Work in group of four

❑ Write your favourite place in the world

❑ Use the following chart as consideration

|Title: | |

|(Give an interesting title for example |___________________________ |

|“Eiffel Tower”) | |

|Identification | |

|(Write the name of place with a brief |________________________________________________________ |

|description |________________________________________________________ |

| |________________________________________________________ |

| |________________________________________________________ |

| |________________________________________________________ |

| |________________________________________________________ |

| |________________________________________________________ |

|Description |________________________________________________________ |

|(Describe parts, quality, and |________________________________________________________ |

|characteristic of your place) |________________________________________________________ |

|a. purpose |________________________________________________________ |

|b. features of its use |________________________________________________________ |

|c. physical features |________________________________________________________ |

| |________________________________________________________ |

| |________________________________________________________ |

| |________________________________________________________ |

| |________________________________________________________ |

| |________________________________________________________ |

| |________________________________________________________ |

| |________________________________________________________ |

| |________________________________________________________ |

| |________________________________________________________ |

| |________________________________________________________ |

D. Independent Construction of Text.

Task 16

❑ Write individually about your favourite place (park, structure, school)

❑ Having revised by your friend and teacher, tell about your place to your friend in front of the class.

Name : ________________________ Student Number: ________________________

|No. |Aspects of scoring |Scoring |

| | |Low (45-59) |Average (60-75) |Good (76-100) |

|1. |Pronunciation | | | |

|2. |Intonation | | | |

|3. |Stress | | | |

|4. |Gestures | | | |

| |Total | | | |

| |Total Score | | | |


A. Building Knowledge of Field


Task 1.

Read the following invitation aloud!

(Taken from : Longman TOEIC preparation : 2005)


1. Whom does the invitation for?


2. What kind of party will be held according to the invitation?


3. Why is the party held?


3. Where will the party held?


4. When will the party held?


5. Supposed you are the employee of Milton Games Company, What should you do if you want to attend

the party?


Task 2.

Write an invitation based on the following information. Then, decorate it. After that put on your class wall !

- You have new friend at your class. Her name is Aiko . She moved from Hasagawa High School. Tokyo

- You want to hold a welcome party to her. You plan to have it on Saturday 14, 14.30 at School Hall.

- You invite all you classmates. Contact person : Andi 081329655884

A.2. Grammar Focus

A.2.1. Noun Phrases

We found this phrase in the monolog about The Hanging Garden.

Many exotic plants and trees are planted.

The phrase is called noun phrase. In Indonesia “noun phrase “ is “ sekelompok kata yang

mempunyai satu unit pengertian dan secara keseluruhan berfungsi sebagai kata benda”. Here is

the order pattern.

|Deter-m|Quality |size |

|iner |characters | |

|1. |beautiful woods and hills |Hutan dan bukit-bukit yang indah. |

|2. | | |

|3. | | |

|4. | | |

|5. | | |

|6. | | |

|7. | | |

Task 4

Write phrases about this objects

1. : __________________________________________

2. : ___________________________________________

3. : ___________________________________________

4. : ____________________________________________

5. : _____________________________________________

Task 5

Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct order, then make into a good sentence. (Number 1 has been done for you)

1. two (thick, expensive, reading) books

My teacher put two expensive thick reading books on the table

2. a (square, heavy, wooden) box.


3. a vase of (plastic, red, beautiful, tiny) flowers.


4. a bunch of (French, red, cheap, big) grapes.


5. five (middle-aged, Australian, cheerful) tourist.


6. an (blue, silky, evening, exclusive, Parisian) gown.


7. Some (smart, elegant, young, tall, English) woman.


8. a (young, German, blue-eyed) man


B. Modeling Of Text

Task 6

Read the following description of a city. Divide it into paragraphs.

|Title |Yogyakarta |

|Identification |Yogyakarta is one of the nicest places I have ever visited. It is a city in south of Java Island. It is a |

| |popular holiday resort for people who like cultural and historical sites. |

| |Yogyakarta is a small city but there are lots of different things to see. There are many temples in the |

| |province, such as Prambanan, Kalasan and Sambi Sari. There are also two palaces that we must not miss, |

| |Hamengkubuwono and Paku Alam palace. |

|Description |Yogyakarta is a small city but there are lots of different things to see. There are many temples in the |

| |province, such as Prambanan, Kalasan and Sambi Sari. There are also two palaces that we must not miss, |

| |Hamengkubuwono and Paku Alam palace. |

| |Yogyakarta is a tropical city. There are lots of palm trees and other tropical fruit trees. There are also |

| |beautiful beaches, such as Parangtritis, Krakal, Kukup, Glagah. It is not difficult to get around the city |

| |at the day because taxis and buses are easily found. |

| |Unfortunately, there is no bus in the evening. The only way to see the nightlife of the city is by taxi, but|

| |it is rare at night. I like Yogyakarta because it's a beautiful and peaceful city. I would like to visit it |

| |again one day. |

a. Discuss these questions

1. What does the writer want to describe?


2. What does the first paragraph tell the reader about?


3. In what paragraphs are the terms in Yogyakarta mentioned?


4. What does “it” (pr. 1 the 2nd sentences) refer to?


5. How are the beaches in Yogyakarta?


6. What does the writer think of Yogyakarta.


b. Now let’s study the text more closely.

1. Does the writer start with the identification?


2. Does the text describe parts qualities, and characteristics of Yogyakarta?


3. Is the text in simple present tense?


4. Which of these is the purpose of the text?

a. to describe a particular place

b. to describe the way things are

C. Joint Construction of Text

Task 7.

In group of three, describe the following pictures. Use the key words/phrases available.

Picture 1.


• Light green

• Isuzu Panther

• 2004

• Comfortable

• Automatic seatbelt

• Elegant

• Diesel engine

|Title |My Favourite Car |

|Identification |This is my car. ___________________________________________ |

| |_____________________________________________________________ |

| |_____________________________________________________________ |

| |_____________________________________________________________ |

|Description |_____________________________________________________________ |

| |_____________________________________________________________ |

| |_____________________________________________________________ |

| |_____________________________________________________________ |

| |_____________________________________________________________ |

| |_____________________________________________________________ |

| |_____________________________________________________________ |

Picture 2.


• Beautiful

• Waterfall

• Tawangmangu Karanganyar

• Central java

• Mountains

• Scenery

• Fresh

|Title |Grojogan Sewu Waterfall |

|Identification |Grojogan Swu is. ________________________________________ |

| |_____________________________________________________________ |

| |_____________________________________________________________ |

|Description |_____________________________________________________________ |

| |_____________________________________________________________ |

| |_____________________________________________________________ |

| |_____________________________________________________________ |

| |_____________________________________________________________ |

| |_____________________________________________________________ |

D. Independent Construction of Text

Task 8

Make a short description( choose one of the following items)

1. Report to the police that

a. Your friend is missing when you are camping

b. Your motorcycle is missing when you are shopping

c. Your pet is missing

2. Act as if you are a guide, tell to the tourists

a. One of the tourist resorts in your town

b. One of the historical buildings in Central Java


Complete the gaps in the police poster!

Text 1


a. light straight

b. dark curly

c. long straight

d. long curly

e. dark wavy


a. slim

b. stocky

c. thin

d. broad

e. well


a. round

b. thin

c. oval

d. good

e. square

Text 2


Jakarta is the capital of the Republic of Indonesia. It has a population of six million, the largest of any urban center in the southeast Asia. It is located on the alluvial plain of Ciliwung River in northwestern Java. The city is coextensive with its metropolitan area, Jakarta Raya and forming a special capital region. The city has expanded from the Kota, or Old city and now includes the modern port of Tanjung Priok.

The majority of the city's residents are Moslem from west, central and east Java. In the last 30 years, heavy immigration, primarily from the densely populated areas of Java, has encountered for much of the rapid growth. Jakarta is the major industrial and commercial center in Indonesia with textiles and food processing among its more important industries.

Jakarta's port is the nation's center of Indonesia. The Museum of Indonesia Culture, houses both domestic and overseas flights.

Jakarta is also the cultural center of Indonesia. The Museum of Indonesia culture houses both ancient and modern works art.

The University of Indonesia and nine private universities are located here.

Jakarta was settled as a trading center b Hindus and Buddhist from India about 15th century. The Portuguese dominated the area in the 14th century, but they were ousted by the Sultan of Bantam in 152'7. He named the city Jayakarta, meaning ." glorious fortress ".

4. What does the text above belong to ?

a. report

b. description

c. narrative

d. exposition

e. explanation

5. What tense does the text above mostly use ?

a. present tense

b. present continuous tense

c. past tense

d. present perfect tense

e. present future tense

6. Where is Jakarta located ?

a. in the metropolitan area

b. Tanjung Priok

c. the Kota or Old city

d. on the alluvial plain of Ciliwung River

e. in northwestern Java

7. The majority of the City's residents are Moslem ... ( pr. 2, first sentence ). The word " residents " has the same meaning with …

a. citizens

b. people

c. persons

d. population

e. human

8. The Portuguese dominated the area in the 14th century, but were ousted by Sultan of Bantam in 1527. The word " they " refers to ... .

a. Hindus

b. Buddhists

c. Dutch

d. Portuguese

e. Moslems

Text 3

Jessica Alba is really a beautiful movie star. Her acting in Dark Angel and The City of Sin is very excellent.

This 23 year old girl and a bright future movie star. She meets all the requirements. Her sexy, slim body supported by her long-legged feet. She is about 182 cm in height. Her chubby cheeks and sexy lips accompanied with her long blond hair makes her look so charming and sensual. She is also well built. She does swimming and body building for almost two hours every morning. It gives her strong and tough performance in front of camera. The taste of masculinity in the body of an angel. Bravo Jessica!

9. Ari : What is Jessica Alba?

Ira : She is a … .

a. Doctor c. artist e. actress

b. Teacher d. movie director

10. Ari : How old is she?

Ira : She is … years old.

a. 22 c. 24 e. 26

b. 23 d. 25

11. Ari : How is her cheeks?

Ira : She has … . cheeks

a. muscular c. sexy e. chubby

b. slanted d. sensual

12. Ari : What does she do to make her body well built?

Ira : She does …

a. swimming and tennis c. body building and swimming e. jogging

b. swimming and bowling d. body building and cycling

13. Ari : It gives her strong and tough performance in front of camera. The word “it” refers to …

Ira : I think it is … .

a. every morning c. well built e. swimming and body building

b. performance d. camera

14. Andi : What do you do in Sunday morning?

Aris : I usually _________ cycling with my family.

a. Has c. to have e. had

b. Have d. having

15. Aris : Which of the following words belong to “relating verb or linking verb” ?

Dina : I think ….

a. Go c. masculinity e. sensual

b. Is d. really

16. Ali : What did you see when you have a picnic to Sydney?

Lia : I saw ….

a. a glorious big white Sydney opera building

b. a big glorious white Sydney opera building

c. a white glorious Sydney opera building big

d. a big Sydney white glorious opera building

e. a Sydney opera building big white glorious

17. My brother bought …

a. four kitchen aluminum multi-purpose utensils

b. four aluminum kitchen multi-purpose utensils

c. four multi-purpose aluminum kitchen utensils

d. four utensils multi-purpose aluminum kitchen

e. four multi-purpose aluminum utensils kitchen

18. This mango ……………so delicious

a. grows

b. feels

c. becomes

d. tastes

e. smells

19. Rina : Would you like to visit our farm?. We have new variety of apple there.

Lina : That’s sound interesting

What does Rina mean with her expression? .

a. Asking for help

b. asking for invitation

c. asking for someone to do something

d. refusing invitation

e. accepting an invitation

20. Dina : I have a dinner tonight. Will you come?

Rani : ______________. I have no schedule

a. I’d love too, but

b. What a terrible invitation

c. I hope so

d. I accept that.

e. Don’t bother me


And here is the news,…..

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Satuan Pendidikan : SMA

Kelas/Semester : X/2

|Standar Kompetensi |Kompetensi Dasar |Materi Pembelajaran |

|A. Mendengarkan |Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal |A: France lost in the World Cup |

|> Memahami makna dalam percakapan |yang melibatkan tindak tutur: Menyatakan rasa terkejut dan tidak|final! |

|transaksional dan interpersonal dalam |percaya |B: Are you serious? |

|kehidupan sehari-hari |Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam teks fungsional pendek | |

|> Memahami makna dalam teks funsional pendek |berberbentuk Iklan |Advertisements |

|dan monolog yang berbentuk newsitems |Merespon makna dalam teks monolog sederhana yang menggunakan | |

|sederhana dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari|ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima | |

|B. Berbicara |berbentuk teks Newsitems | |

|> Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan | | |

|transaksional dan interpersonal dalam |Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan | |

|kehidupan sehari-hari |interpersonal yang melibatkan tindak tutur: Menyatakan rasa | |

|> Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks funsional |terkejut dan tidak percaya | |

|pendek dan monolog yang berbentuk newsitems |Mengungkapkan makna yang terdapat dalam teks fungsional berupa | |

|sederhana dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari|Iklan | |

|C. Membaca |Mengungkapkan makna makna dalam teks monolog sederhana yang | |

|> Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan |menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan berberbentuk teks newsitems | |

|esei sederhana berbentuk descriptive dalam |Merespon makna dalam teks fungsional pendek berupa Iklan | |

|konteks sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu |Merespon makna dan langkah-langkah retorika dalam esei sederhana| |

|pengetahuan |dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam bentuk teks | |

|D. Menulis |newsitems | |

|> Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis | | |

|fungsional dan esei sederhana berbentuk |Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks funsional pendek |Newspaper Ad |

|newsitems dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari|Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei sederhana | |

| |berbentuk newsitems |Newsworthy events, background |

| | |events, sources |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Language features: |

| | |-review on simple present, |

| | |past and future |

| | |- passive |

| | | |


A. Building Knowledge of Field

A. 1. Exploring your experiences

Task 1.

Answer the questions orally!

1. What is the man doing ?


2. What does he get from it?


3. Who writes the information?


4. Why is information important for us?


5. Besides newspaper, where can you get information from?


Task 2

Find out the name of the national and international newspaper/magazine that published now.

| | |

|Name of the newspaper |Name of magazines |

|International Herald tribune |1. Time |

|New York Times |2. Gatra |

|……………………………………………….. |……………………………………………… |

|……………………………………………….. |……………………………………………… |

|……………………………………………….. |……………………………………………… |

|………………………………………………. |……………………………………………… |

|………………………………………………. |……………………………………………… |

|………………………………………………. |……………………………………………… |

|……………………………………………… |…………………………………………….. |

|……………………………………………… |10. …………………………………………….. |

Task 3.

The following are parts of newspaper. Discuss with your friends what the Indonesian words for the English term below. Some are given as examples.

|No. |Parts of Newspaper | |Words equivalent |

|1. |Headline |: | |

|2. |Editorial |: | |

|3. |Advertisement |: | |

|4. |The interview |: | |

|5. |Currency rates |: | |

|6. |Weather forecast |: | |

|7. |Essays |: | |

|8. |Letters to editors |: | |

|9. |Crossword puzzle |: | |

|10. |Comic strips | | |

|11. |Caricature | | |

|12. |Features | | |

|13. |Short story | | |

|14. |TV guide | | |

|15 |Book/movie reviews |: | |

Task 4

Listen to your teacher/friend reading a news. Fill In the blank with the word/words you heard.

Here is the news program from TRIJAYA FM News Radio.. The reporter will inform today’s important events.

Good afternoon. Its time for TRIJAYA BUSINESS OF THE WEEK. The first newsworthy event is from


TOKYO (Reuter) – Japan’s NEC Corp. said it will market a new super computer that can …….(1) through a ………(2) instructions a second, making it the fastest in the world.

The top-end model of its new XS 4 ……..(3) uses a total of 512 microprocessors to ……….(4) to a maximum processing speed of 1,024 teraflops (trillion ….(5) point operations per second).

Last month International Business Machine Corp. …….(6) what it said then was the world’s fastest general-……(7) super computer, also with 512 processors and capable of ….(8) performance of 136 billion calculations per second.

Working at one circulation per second, it would take a person more than 31.000 years without a break to do …..(9) its new super computer can work out in a second, NEC said in a statement.

It will cost 600 million yen (US$6 million) a month to ……(10) , and NEC said it will start taking orders for deliveries in December 1995.

(Taken from “Indonesian Times”)

Answer these questions based on the text above

1. What is the name of corporation mentioned in paragraph one?


2. Will it market a new computer?


3. Give a reason that it can work fast?


4. Tell the specific things of this computer?


5. How much does it cost?


A.2. Grammar Focus

A,.2.1.Tenses Review (Simple present, past and future)

From the listening text above, we can see various tenses used to compose the news. Those are simple present, simple past and simple future. Here is the summary of the three tenses.

|No. |Tenses |Sentence Pattern |Time References |

|1. |Simple Present Tense |S + V1 /-s,-es |every morning/day/week |

| | |S + is/am/are + adj./adv./nouns |usually, always, never |

|2. |Simple Past Tense |S + V2 |yesterday |

| | |S+ was/were + adj./adv./nouns |last….. |

| | | |……ago |

| | | |in …….(tahun lampau) |

|3. |Simple Future Tense |S + shall/will + V1 |tomorrow |

| | |S + shall/will be + adj./adv./nouns |next week/month/year |

| | | |tonight |

| | | |this afternoon |

Examples from the listening text

Simple future tense : The top-end model of its new XS 4 series will use a total of ….

Simple present tense : … that can chew through a trillion instructions a second…

Simple past tense : Last month IBM Corp, unveiled what it said then…

Task 5

Read the news below carefully then analyze the tenses used in the news item. Write down the sentences in the following column

Moscow – A Russian journalist uncovered evidence of another Soviet nuclear catastrophe, which killed 10 sailors and contaminated an entire town.

Yelena Vazrshavskya is the first journalist to speak to people who witnessed the explosion of a nuclear submarine at the naval base of shkotovo – 22 near Vladivostock.

The accident, which occurred 13 months before the Chernobyl disaster, spread radioactive fall-out over the base and nearby town, but was covered up by officials of the then Soviet Union. Residents were told the explosion in the reactor of the Victor-class submarine during a refit had been a ‘thermal’ and not a nuclear explosion. And those involved in the clean up operation to remove more than 600 tonnes of contaminated material were sworn to secrecy.

A board of investigators was later to describe it as the worst accident in the history of the Soviet Navy.

|No. |Sentences |Tense |

|1. |A Russian journalist uncovered evidence of another Soviet nuclear catastrophe |Simple Past Tense |

|2. | | |

|3. | | |

|4. | | |

|5. | | |

|6. | | |

|7. | | |

|8. | | |

Task 6.

Put the verb in the bracket into the correct form in past, present or future.

1. The city mayor …….(meet) with the city council at city hall every Monday morning


2. The factory workers ……(wash) the clothes in the yard every day


3. The full moon……..(shine) brightly in the night sky .


4. Hatta Rajasa, The Minister of Transportation ………..(observe) the location of plane crash yesterday.


5. Goerge Lucas………(direct) star wars sequel last month.


6. Mr. President ……………..(not, decide) to sign the bill of oil last night


7. The cameraman …………….(shoot) the scene of fallen airplane yesterday?.


8. Last night, a tornado …………. (struck) the area of Florida causing a lot of damage.


9. The minister of Education ……………..(fly) to Hong Kong to attend an international conference on

education next week.


3. The rescue team …….(start ) the search for the crashed plane tomorrow morning


A.3. Speech Function

A.3.1. Expression of surprise

Task 7.

With a partner, read the dialog

(Rina walks hurriedly to her class. The school bell has rung already. She is late. She opens the door and enters the classroom)

All her friends : Surprise!. Happy birthday!

(All her friends shoot her with paper ball)

Rina : Huh? Oh! What a surprise!...What is all this?

Heru : It’s a birthday party for you Rin, Here is the present from all of us.

Rika : Does that surprise you?

Rina : Of course. This is a nice surprise for me! Thank you friends.

All her friends : You are welcome.


1. Why do Rina’s friends give a surprise to her?


2. What interjection is yelled to make a surprise?


3. What expressions are used to show a surprise?


4. How would you ask if someone is surprised or not?


Task 8

Learn these expressions

A. Express a Surprise

o What a surprise!

o What!

o Huh!

o Wow!

o Oh!

o This is a nice surprise!

o I’m surprise at you

o What a surprise it is to meet you here!

o I am surprised at you.

o Amazing!

o Incredible!

o That’s unbelievable!

B. Ask about a Surprise.

o Is this a surprise?

o Are you surprise?

o Does that surprise you?

o What surprised you?

o You don’t seem so surprised

o Isn’t it amazing?

o Isn’t it incredible?

o Can you believe it?

Task 9.

Make a dialogue base on the following conversation!

1. Your classmate’s money had been stolen. One of you friend, Dodi, did it. You surprise

You : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Dina : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

You : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Dina : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

You : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Dina : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. Your best friend doesn’t come to your birthday. You surprise. You ask her the reason.

You : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Ana : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

You : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Ana : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

You : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Ana : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

3. You got ten on math. You felt that you couldn’t do it. You surprise. You tell it to your friend

You : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Ali : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

You : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Ali : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

You : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Ali : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

A.3.1. Expression of Disbelief

Task 10

Read dialogue carefully!

Mr. Brown : Ms. Sydney, step into my office please. Bring your steno pad.

Sydney : Yes, sir.

Mr. Brown : To Mr. James C. Wilson, President, United Printing Corp. You can look up the address in

the files.

Sydney : Yes, sir.

Mr. Brown : “Dear Sir : Please send this office 10,000 copies of the World’s Fair Brochure. Thank you.

Sincerely and sign my name.

Sydney : Yes, sir.

Mr. Brown : Send that out this morning, Ms. Sydney.

Sydney : Yes, sir.

Mr. Brown : It’s Mrs. Brown’s birthday. I want to buy her some flowers. Call up the florist and tell him to

send my wife a dozen of roses.

Sydney : Yes, sir.

Mr. Brown : Any questions ?

Sydney : Only one.

Mr. Brown : Yes ?

Sydney : When do you want to look for a new secretary ?

Mr. Brown : I don’t understand, Ms. Sydney. We don’t need another secretary.

Sydney : I am giving you a two week’s notice, Mr. Brown.

Mr. brown : Are you resigning from this firm, Ms. Sydney ?

Sydney : Yes, Mr. Brown. I’m sure you can find someone better than I.

Mr. Brown : Tell me that’s not true!

Sydney : It is Mr. Brown.

Answer these question based on the dialogue above!

1. What was Mr. Brown ordered to Ms. Sidney to bring


2. To whom the letter was sent?


3. What is the content of the letter?


4. When the letter must be sent?


5. What was ordered by Mr. Brown about his wife birthday?


6. Why didn’t Mr. Brown believe with Ms. Sidney’s request ?


7. Why Ms. Sidney resign from her job?


8. How long she give the notice about her resign?


Task 11.

Learn these expressions

o Tell me it’s not true

o It’s out of my imagination

Oh, not again

It doesn’t make any sense

o I don’t believe it

o That’s out of logic

o I don’t believe that

Task 12

Make a short talk based on the situation!

1. Your friend told you that he met ghost last night.

X :………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Y : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

X :………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Y : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

X :………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Y : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

X :………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Y : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. Someone show you that he can make money from a piece of paper

X :………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Y : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

X :………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Y : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

X :………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Y : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

X :………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Y : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

3. Someone was shot with gun but he doesn’t die

X :………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Y : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

X :………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Y : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

X :………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Y : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

X :………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Y : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

B. Modelling of the Text

Task 13

Listen to the “Breaking News Program” then answer the questions.

Still tune in 798.09 TRIJAYA FM with “Breaking news Program”.

Undersea earthquake strikes off Maluku

JAKARTA (AP): A strong earthquake struck in eastern Indonesian waters on Tuesday, a meteorological agency said. A local official said there was no threat of a destructive tsunami, and no damage or causalities were immediately reported.

The quake, which had a preliminary magnitude of 6.1, was centered beneath the Banda Sea around 188 kilometers (117 miles) southwest of Ambon, the capital of Maluku province, the U.S. Geological Survey said on its Web site.

The tremor was not felt by residents in the region and there were no reports of damage or casualties, said Aprilianto, an official at a Jakarta-based local Meteorological and Geophysics Agency.

The quake did not have the potential to cause a destructive tsunami, he said.

Indonesia, the world's largest archipelago, is prone to seismic upheaval due to its location on the so-called Pacific "Ring of Fire," a string of volcanoes and fault lines encircling the Pacific Basin. (**)

(The Jakarta Post online : August 15, 2006)


1. When did the quake happen?


2. Were there any victims of the quake?


3. Where was the quake centered?


4. Was there any threat of a destructive tsunami? Why?


5. Who stated that the quake did not have the potential cause of destructive tsunami?


6. Why did earthquake often happen in Indonesia?


Task 14

Based on the news above. Make group of two. Suppose you are the TRIJAYA FM broadcaster who interviews Mr. Aprilianto from Jakarta-based local Meteorological and Geophysics Agency, asking about the earthquake. Finish the dialog.

Broadcaster : Good morning Mr. Aprilianto

Mr. Aprilianto : Good morning.

Broadcaster : Well….There was an earthquake at Maluku sea this morning. How strong was it?

Mr. Aprilianto : Uhm .________________________________________________________________


Broadcaster : _____________________________________________________________________


Mr. Aprilianto : _____________________________________________________________________


Broadcaster : _____________________________________________________________________


Mr. Aprilianto : .____________________________________________________________________


Broadcaster : _____________________________________________________________________


Listener : _____________________________________________________________________


Broadcaster : _____________________________________________________________________


C. Joint Construction of Text

Task 15.

Work with your partner. Arrange the following jumbled paragraph

|N0. |Prg. |News Content |

| |A |The moves have been in the works for more than a year but have taken on a new urgency since terrorist attacks in |

| | |Spain in March and the killing of Dutch film maker Theo Van Gogh |

| |B |The agencies are starting to cooperate in what are being called “war rooms” state-of-the-art communication centers |

| | |that allow police and intelligence agencies to meet and share information such as live wiretaps, video or satellite |

| | |pictures |

| |C |BERLIN. European countries are starting to break down the barriers between intelligence and police agencies, |

| | |sweeping aside concerns about civil right abuses in hopes of combating terrorism more effectively. |

| |D |Next month, Germany will open its “ Terrorism information and analysis center :, according to Jorg Ziercke, president|

| | |of the German Federal Police.- AWSJ |

Listen your teacher who will read the correct arrangement of the news

Task 16

Listen to the teacher then work in groups to complete the following news items using your own words. Pay attention to the text organization.

Old bomb found in Pekan Baru

|News Worthy events |INDONESIA: Residents of Tenayan village in Bukit Raya district |Useful words/phrases you may use: |

| |outside of Pekan baru city panicked on Saturday morning |Discover |

| |…………………………………………………….. |Bomb |

| |…………………………………………………….. |Japanese |

| |………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. |occupation |

| |……………………………………………………. | |

|Background events |Fearing that the weapon of war was still active and could |remove |

| |explode, the residents immediately reported it to Bukit Raya |explode |

| |police precinct. Some 15 officers from Riau bomb squad unit…. |plantation |

| |…………………………………………………….. |weight |

| |…………………………………………………….. | |

| |…………………………………………………….. | |

|Source |Sergeant Major Johny Harjono stated that the bomb is still |find |

| |active and dangerous. He also state that there is possibility of|bomb |

| |……………….. |careful |

| |……………………………………………………. | |

| |……………………………………………………. | |

| |……………………………………………………. | |

D. Independent Construction of Text.

Task 17.

➢ Suppose you are a news reporter

➢ You are covering a plane crash near your town.

➢ You report it directly to the audience in your radio program.

➢ Perform your broadcast in front of the class.

Good night, I am ……………..from ……………FM.. Lion Air ………………………………………………







Name : ________________________ Student Number: ________________________

|No. |Aspects of scoring |Scoring |

| | |Low (45-59) |Average (60-75) |Good (76-100) |

|1. |Pronunciation | | | |

|2. |Intonation | | | |

|3. |Stress | | | |

|4. |Gestures | | | |

| |Total | | | |

| |Total Score | | | |


A. Building Knowledge Of Text


Task 1.

Listen to your teacher reading the advertisement.

(Adapted from : English Practice 4)

1. What kind of text is the passage above?


2. What does the passage tell about?


3. What merchandize are sold in Parlour Boutique?


4. Does the Boutique give guarantee for its customers’ satisfaction? What is the guarantee?


5. Who design the products of the boutique?


6. How long will the Sale be ?


7. If you buy five shirts each cost $ 54 dollars, how many discount will you have?


8. …. You can even exchange any unsatisfactory goods and no questions will be asked. (Paragraph 2)

The underlined word refers to…


Task 2.

Make an advertisement based on the following information.

Product to sell : Computer and accessories

Date : March 20 – 30,

Place : Jakarta Convention center

Price : Up to you

Discount : Up to you

Contact number : Up to you

A.2. Vocabulary related to news items

Task 3.

Match profession with its definition

|No. |Definition | |Profesion |

|1. |A person who is in charge of reporting weather forecast is ….. |A. |Reporter |

|2. |A person who interviews person is called ……………............... |B. |An anchorman/woman |

|3. |A person who edits news items or writes editorial is ………….. |C. |A weather forecaster |

|4. |A person who directs the performance of a play is …………….. |D. |A producer |

|5. |A person who reads the news in the news programme is ……. |E. |A cameraman |

|6. |A person who gathers the news for a newspaper is …………… |F. |A director |

|7. |A person who arranges the music broadcasted in a radio is ….. |G. |An interviewer |

|8. |A person who is in charge of the production of television show is .. |H. |A music director |

|9. |A person who takes pictures of a show is ……………………….. |I. |An editor |

Task 4.

These words are related to news. Classify them according to the kinds of news by giving a tick (() in the table. No. one is done for you

|No. |Words |Film |Accident |Politics |Sport |Economy |Disaster |

|1. |Rescue | |( | | | | |

|2. |Avalanche | | | | | | |

|3. |Minister | | | | | | |

|4. |Games | | | | | | |

|5. |Government | | | | | | |

|6. |Demand | | | | | | |

|7. |Golf | | | | | | |

|8. |Democracy | | | | | | |

|9. |Wounded | | | | | | |

|10. |Actor | | | | | | |

A.3. Grammar Focus

A.3.1. Passive voice.

Passive Voice

( Ungkapan Tentang berbagai hal yang difokuskan pada kegiatan atau peristiwa bukan pada


General Pattern :

|Pola |Examples |

| | Aktif Pasif |

|Simple present S + is/am/are + V3 |Dina eats banana Banana is eaten by Dina |

|Simple past S + was/were + V3 |Dina ate banana Banana was eaten |

|Present continues S + is/am/are being + V3 |Dina is eating banana Banana is being eaten |

|Past continues S+ was/were being + V3 |Dina was eating banana Banana was being eaten |

|Present perfect S + has been + V3 |Dina has eaten banana Banana has been eaten |

|Have been | |

|Past perfect S + Had been + V3 |Dina had eaten banana Banana had been eaten |

|Modal S + modal be + V3 |Dina will eat banana Banana will be eaten |

Task 5

Put the verb in the bracket into passive form!

1. The car ………….(fix) by the mechanic in the garage now


2. The bridge …… (build ) in 1987


3. The eggs ………(boil) by mother for two hours


4. The mangoes……(sell) yesterday


5. The marble ….(put) in the museum tomorrow


6. The building ……..(burn) by the rebeller when the soldier were sleeping


7. Our battle ship ……(sink) down by the enemies last night.


8. The plane……(shoot) by the soldier when it was flying


9. The plants….. (water) by mother this afternoon


10. The telephone….(repair) by the repairman now


Task 6

Change the following sentence into the passive form.

1. Mira killed the snake


2. Santi has fed the chicken


3. We are selling the cake in the streets


4. You were cooking fried rice when we came last night


5. Doni can fix the radio himself


B. Modelling of the Text

Task 7.

Read the text more carefully.

|Title |Floods Swamp 200 houses |

|Newsworthy event |MANADO: Heavy rains and flooding over the last two weeks has affected approximately 200 |

| |houses in Manado, but no casualties were reported according to the police last Saturday. |

|Back Ground Event 1. |First Inspector Korompis explained that the water began rising to dangerous level last |

| |Thursday, and more rain increased the water level to over 1,5 metres in some |

| |neighbourhoods as of last Saturday. |

|Source |Head of Manado climatology station Ahmad Subekti asked North Sulawesi Residents to be |

| |alert for more flooding which has been predicted for Pebruary. “ The rainy season is |

| |predicted to last until June,” He claimed. |

|Event 2. |The worst hit areas are Ternate Tanjung Lingkungan I sub district and Singkil Lingkungan |

| |II sub district in The Singkil district of Manado. - JP |

Taken from The Jakarta Post , February 7, 2005

Answer the questions

1. Why was flood happened to Manado?


2. What make this event news worthy ?


3. Who is the source of the news ?


4. What media reported the news?


5. What is the generic structure of the text ?


C. Joint Construction of the Text

Task 8.

Let’s make a headline. Arrange the following words into a suitable headlined. The italic part will be

the first word

Example : motion – boycotts – PKS – interpellation

PKS boycotts interpellation motion.

1. looks – to win- term -Thaksin – term – set- second


2. face – shows – Japan’s Army – human – its.


3. Aceh – Turkish –visits – leaders.


4. Pesantren – Acehnese – shelter – take – in- youngster


5. Mall – against – traders – new - protest


Task 9.

Work in groups of four to complete the missing part of the following news

Graft cases mean Rp. 267 Billions losses

SAMARINDA: The state has suffered at least Rp. 267, 4 billions (US$2229,6) in losses from 15 graft cases in East Kalimantan in recent months, in which 21 people have been named suspects by local prosecutors.

The biggest case, in which Berau Regent Masjuni had named as suspect for allegedly misappropriating Rp. 88 billion from the exclusive Forest Resources Provision Funds was being handled directly by the Attorney General’s Office.

“ ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


…………………………………………………………………………… by the end of February,” said head of the East Kalimantan Prosecutor’s Office, Masri Djinin-JP

Task 10

Compare your text with those of other groups, analyse their text organization and the generic structure .

D. Independent Construction of Text.


Now it is the time to write your own news. Suppose you area newspaper reporter. Choose one

newsworthy topic below.

1. Mandala Airline crashed, 120 passangers deaths

2. Rupiah’s value drops to Rp. 11.500 per dollar

3. Truck hit a sedan, four injured

|Title | |

| |…………………………………………………………………………. |

|Newsworthy event | |

| |………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………… |

|Back Ground Event |………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………… |

|Source |………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………………………………… |

Task 2.

Let your partner check your composition using the following checklist.

| No. |Questions |Yes/no |

| |Organization | |

|1. |Does the news have | |

| |a. news worthy events | |

| |b. background events | |

| |c. sources | |

|2. |Grammar | |

| |a. are the punctuation used correctly? | |

| |b. are verbs, tenses used appropriately? | |

| | | |


A. Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D OR E.

Text 1.

Bush, Clinton to visit tsunami areas.

WASHINTON: Former US presidents Bill Clinton and George Bush –the current president’s father- will visit tsunami –affected countries of South and Southeast Asia later this month, White House Speaker announced Friday.

Clinton and Bush, whom President George Walker Bush last month put in charge of efforts to raise private U.S aid for nations devastated by December’s Indian Ocean tsunamis, will lead a presidential delegation to Indonesia, Sri langka, Thailand and the Maldives, the White House said in a statement.

They Will visit region from February 19-21, the statement added.

Clinton and Bush regularly appear on television advertisements requesting donations for the hundreds of thousands made homeless by the earthquake-triggered tsunamis. – AFP

(Taken from The Jakarta Post, Saturday Feb, 5, 2005)

01. Budi : From what newspaper the news is read?

Andi : It is from …

A. The Jawa Pos

B. The Indonesian Times

C. The Washington Post

D. The Jakarta Post

E. The Strait Times

02. Santi :From what source did the journalist of the newspaper take the news?

Hartini : It was taken from…

A. Bill Clinton

B. George Bush

C. White House Speaker

D. Indonesia government

E. Sri Langkan Government

03. Diana : What countries will they visit?

Pungky : They will visit ……

A. Indonesia, Sri langka, Thailand , Maldives, and White House

B. Indonesia, Sri langka, Maldives, the White House

C. Indonesia, Thailand , Maldives, the White House

D. Indonesia, Sri langka, Thailand and the Maldives

E. Indonesia, Sri langka, Thailand and White House

04. Franky : How long will they visit the region?

Sihotang : They will visit the region for …

A. two days

B. three days

C. four days

D. five days

E. a week

05. Shinta : What did Mr. Clinton and Mr. Bush do to raise the donation for tsunami victims?

Budi : They ….

A. appear on television advertisements requesting help

B. appear on television advertisements requesting homeless people to build their house

C. appear on television advertisements requesting the government of Indonesia to help the victims

D. appear on television advertisements requesting White House to help the victims

E. appear on television advertisements requesting donations

06. Sari : What is the genre of the text above?

Doni : It’s belong to ……. Genre text

A. procedure

B. recount

C. news items

D. spoof

E. report

07. Badu : How is the “generic structure” of the text above?

Gerry : Based on my observation it consists of ….

A. Steps > Goal >Materials and Equipment

B. Goal > Materials and Equipment > steps

C. Source > Back ground events > Newsworthy events

D. Newsworthy events > Background events > source

E. Background events > Newsworthy events > source

Text. 2

Fill in the blank with a suitable words from the answers !

Tsebe Runs fastest in Berlin

Berlin (Reuter). South ……….(8) David Tsebe took advantage of sunshine and blue skies to …..(9) the fastest marathon in the world this year through ………(10) of Berlin on Sunday.

The 25-year old finished the course in two hours eight minutes and seven seconds to win the men’s race ahead of second-placed Manuel Mathias of Portugal in 2:08:38. Kenyan Simon Karori was third in 2:11:50.

Tsebe’s time was also a course record in the event which ……..(11) held 19 times. German Uta Pippig , running in her home city, …….(12) the women race in 2:30:22.

The Jakarta Post, Monday September 14, 1992.

08. A. Africa

B. Africly

C. African

A. Africese

B. Afrocan

09. A. runs

B. run

C. ran

A. running

B. had run

10. A. the sea

B. the river

C. the lake

D. the sky

E. the streets

11. A. is

B. were

C. will be

D. has been

E. have been

12. A. win

B. wins

C. won

D. winning

E. winner

The following numbers have no relations with the text above!

13. Budi : What do you do on Sunday morning?

Sari : Oh, I always ……….my clothes every Sunday morning

A. to wash

B. wash

C. washs

D. washes

E. washing

14. Diane : ……….John always ……… every Saturday night?

Josh : Yes, He does

A. Does – comes

B. Do-comes

C. Is –comes

D. Are- come

E. Does –come

15. Fredy : What did you do last night?

Kelly : Last night, I ………my assignment for Biology class

A. wrote

B. write

C. writes

D. to write

E. writing

16. Budi : ………You ……..back my pen to my room yesterday?

Avi : Not yet.

A. Did – sent

B. Did – send

C. Did – sends

D. Were – sent

E. Were –send

17. Deni ; Have you cook the rice ?

Nabila : Not yet, but I …………the rice later

A. cooks

B. cook

C. to cook

D. will cook

E. cooked

18. Beni : Where is your cars?

Harry : My cars ………………….by the mechanic in the garage now.

A. was repaired

B. were repaired

C. were being repaired

D. are being repaired

E. is being repaired

19. Mr. Suharto : When did the bridge build ?

Mr. Soekandar : It ……………… 1974

A. is built

B. was built

C. is being built

D. was being built

E. has been built

20. Surti : Have the wholesaler sent the Wine?

Pamela : Not yet, The wine ……………..tonight

A. is sent

B. was sent

C. will be sent

D. will sent

E. could be sent

21. Mr. John Smith : It’s so incredible . Our son always gets the first rank in his class

Mrs. John Smith : That my boy

The underlined utterance shows Mr. John Smith’s …………..

A. Pride

B. Happiness

C. surprise

D. Dislike

E. Intention

22. Shakira : Leni get the first rank this semester

Selby : …………………..She never studies at all.

A. Do you surprise?

B. My boy

C. I’m not willing

D. I cant’ believe it!

E. I’m proud of

23. Mr. Red : Why do you come in a hurry?

Mr. Blue : …………………..from the editor . Monas is in fire.

A. I’ m willing to

B. I’m proud to

C. Here is the news

D. Here you are

E. Here it is

24. Brandon : Do you know Mitha’s profession?

Bunny : Yes. She usually read the news in “Lintas 5 “ TPI. She is an………….woman.

A. editor

B. anchor

C. camera

D. master control

E. supervisor

25. Dina : What is the biggest income for newspaper, mostly?

The newspaper’s owner : The biggest income is usually come from ….

A. advertisement

B. circulation

C. accommodation

D. readers

E. reader’s letter



A. Choose the correct answer by crossing a,,c,d or e.

Text 1

Why Rabbit Has A Short Tail

Back when the world was young, Rabbit had a very long bushy tail. In fact, his tail was longer and bushier than Fox's tail. Rabbit was very proud of his tail and he was constantly telling all the other animals about how beautiful his tail was. One day Fox became so tired of hearing Rabbit brag about his tail that he decided to put an end to Rabbit's boasting once and for all.

The weather was getting colder. One day it finally became so cold that the waters in the lake and streams froze. A few days later, Fox went down to the lake carrying four fish. When he got to the lake, he cut a hole in the ice. He tied those four fish to his tail, then sat down and waited for Rabbit to come.

Soon Rabbit came hopping over the top of the ridge. When Fox saw Rabbit, he quickly dropped his tail into the cold water. Rabbit hopped right up to Fox and said, "What are you doing?" "I'm fishing, Rabbit," answered Fox. "With your tail?" Rabbit asked. "Oh yes, that's the very best way to catch the most fish," Fox replied. Rabbit said, "How long you been a fishing?" Fox lied and said, "Oh, only about fifteen minutes." "Have you caught any fish yet?" asked Rabbit. Then Fox pulled up his tail, and there were those four fish hanging on it. "What do you plan to do with the fish you catch?" asked Rabbit. Fox said, "Well, I figure I'll fish for about a week. Then I am going to take all those fish down to the Cherokee Village and trade them in for a pair of beautiful tail combs. There is only one set of tail combs left and I really want them." Fox could see that Rabbit was thinking. Rabbit thought to himself, "If I fished all night long, I bet I would have enough fish by morning to trade at the Cherokee Village. Then I could get those tail combs for myself." Fox said, "It's getting late and I'm cold. I think I'll come back and fish some more in the morning. See ya, Rabbit." Then Fox loped off over the top of the ridge. As soon as Fox was out of sight, Rabbit dropped his tail down into the icy water of the lake. Brrrrr, it was cold! But Rabbit thought, "Oh, no. I want those tail combs more than anything." So he sat down on the hole in the ice and fished all night long.

Soon after the sun came up, Fox loped over the top of the ridge. He ran right up to Rabbit. He said, "What are ya doing there, Rabbit?" Rabbit's teeth began to chatter. "I'm ffffissshing, Fffox." "Have you caught any fish?" Fox inquired. Rabbit started to get up but he found he couldn't budge. He said, "Fffox you've ggott to helppp me. I'mmm ssstttuck."

So Fox, with a big smile on his face walked behind Rabbit. He gave Rabbit one mighty big shove. Rabbit popped out of that hole and landed clear across the other side of the lake...But his tail...was still stuck in the frozen water. And that's why from that day to this, Rabbit has such a very short, short tail.

1. What is the purpose of the text above?

a. to describe why rabbit has a short tail

b. to amuse, entertain the readers or listeners.

c. to describe how rabbit has a short tail.

d. to persuade the readers or listeners.

e. to explain why rabbit has a short tail.

2. What was the season at time?

a. autumn

b. winter

c. fall

d. spring

e. summer

3. Which statement is true based on the text?

a. Fox was fishing with his tail.

b. Fox planned to sell a tail comb in Cherokee village.

c. Rabbit was fishing with his tail.

d. Rabbit’s tail was cut by the fox.

e. Fox’s tail was stuck in the frozen ice.

4. How was the rabbit?

a. He was kind

b. He was smart

c. He was arrogant

d. He was clever

e. He was sturdy

5. "Oh yes, that's the very best way to catch the most fish," Fox replied

The bold word has the same meaning as….

a. replayed

b. answered

c. expressed

d. asked

e. required

Text 2.

Sydney is the state capital of New South Wales. With a population of over 4 million people, it is the most populous city in Australia. Sydney is located on the east coast of Australia. It was established in 1788 when Arthur Phillip and the First Fleet landed in Sydney Cove and claimed Australia for the British. Built around Sydney Harbour, Sydney is known in Australia as the "Harbour City", and structures on the Harbour such as the Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge are globally recognised icons of the city. Sydney has one of the world’s most recognizable skylines. Its famous harbour is commonly referred to as the most beautiful natural harbour in the world.

Sydney is located in a coastal basin between the Pacific Ocean to the east and the Blue Mountains to the west. The city features the largest natural harbour in the world, Port Jackson, and more than 70 harbour and ocean beaches, including the famous Bondi Beach. Sydney's urban area of 1687 km² (651 mi²) is similar to that of Greater London. The metropolitan area (Sydney Statistical Division) is 12,145 km² (4,689 mi²); a significant portion of this area is national park and other unsettled land.

6. Dina : Where is Sidney located?

Nita : It is located on… .

a. western coast of Australia c. eastern coast of Australia e. South eastern coast

b. northern coast of Australia D. southern coast of Australia

7. Dina : Where did Arthur Phillip land?

Nita : He landed in …. .

a. Sydney harbour c. Sydney harbour bridge e. Sydney Cove

b. Sydney opera d. Bondi beach

8. Dina : What is Sydney well-known as?

Nita : It’s well-known as … .

a. Harbour city c. cattle city e. oil city

b. Farm city d. Kangaroo city

9. Dina : What is the most popular beach at Sydney?

Nita : It is … .

a. Pacific Ocean c. Sydney Cove e. Opera House

b. Blue Mountain d. Bondi

10. Dina : What is the city in the world which has similar area with Sydney?

Nita : I think it is … .

a. New South Wales c. New England e. London

b. Wales d. Paris

Text 3.

Moscow – A Russian journalist uncovered evidence of another Soviet nuclear catastrophe, which killed 10 sailors and contaminated an entire town.

Yelena Vazrshavskya is the first journalist to speak to people who witnessed the explosion of a nuclear submarine at the naval base of shkotovo – 22 near Vladivostock.

The accident, which occurred 13 months before the Chernobyl disaster, spread radioactive fall-out over the base and nearby town, but was covered up by officials of the then Soviet Union. Residents were told the explosion in the reactor of the Victor-class submarine during a refit had been a ‘thermal’ and not a nuclear explosion. And those involved in the clean up operation to remove more than 600 tonnes of contaminated material were sworn to secrecy.

A board of investigators was later to describe it as the worst accident in the history of the Soviet Navy.

11. Linda : What is the purpose of the text?

Doni : I think it is ….

a. to entertain the reader about the newsworthy events of the day

b. to describe the events to the reader

c. to inform the reader with the newsworthy events of the day

d. to persuade the readers about the newsworthy events of the day

e. to convince the readers about the newsworthy events of the day.

12. Linda : How is the organization of the text?

Doni : Let me analyze first. Those are….

a. Background events, source, orientation

b. Orientation, newsworthy events, background events

c. Source. Newsworthy events, background events

d. Newsworthy events, background events, source.

e. Orientation, source, newsworthy events

13. Linda : What is the newsworthy events of the news above?

Doni : Let me see. It is about……

a. The dangerous of nuclear explosion

b. The nuclear explosion at Soviet military base.

c. The Chernobyl disaster

d. The secrecy of contaminated material

e. The uncovered of another Soviet nuclear catastrophe

14. Linda : Where did the nuclear explosion come from?

Doni : it came from….

a. a nuclear power plant

b. a nuclear reactor

c. an army military base

d. a nuclear submarine

e. a soviet union

15. Linda : Where was the location of the explosion?

Doni : It was at….

a. Vladivostock.

b. Russian

c. Chernobyl

d. Soviet union

e. shkotovo

Text 4.

Yesterday, when I had my first day at school. I was little bit late so one of the seniors got mad at me. He was so nervous that when he gave a command he did it wrongly. All the juniors laughed at him. Finally he let us all join the other students who didn’t come late. It was a funny experience on my first day at school.

16. Doni : What kind of text is it?

Linda : It is …………….

a. procedure

b. recount

c. spoof

d. narrative

e. descriptive

17. Doni : How is the text organization?

Linda : …………………………..

a. orientation, complication, resolution

b. resolution, events, re-orientation

c. orientation, events, resolution

d. re-orientation, events-orientation

e. orientation, events-re-orientation

18. Doni : Finally he let us all join the other students who didn’t come late. Which part does the

sentence belong to?

Linda : It belongs to…

a. event 1

b. event 2

c. event 3

d. event 4

e. re-orientation

19. Doni : Why did the senior students let the writer join the other students?

Linda : Because…

a. he was nervous

b. he was late

c. he gave the wrong command

d. he was laughed by all the juniors

e. he was the senior

20. Linda : How was the writer feeling about his/her experience?

Doni : ……………..

a. humiliating

b. embarrassing

c. annoying

d. sad

e. funny

Text 5.

Well, hamburgers are very simple. I am going to tell you how to make them.

All we need is a pound of minced beef, salt, pepper, paprika, a teaspoon of mustard, and an egg.

Firstly, mix a pound of minced beef with salt, pepper, paprika, a teaspoon of mustard. Now break the egg in a bowl and mix all the things together with a fork. When it’s smooth and well-mixed, make round hamburgers from the mixture, and roll them in some flour. Then we need a frying pan and some oil. Fry the hamburgers on both sides for about 15 minutes, until they are really brown. When they are ready, get some soft bread rolls and cut them in half. Put the hamburgers inside them. Finally eat them as soon as possible.

21. Linda :What is the goal of the text?

Doni : It is …………………………………….

a. preparing hamburgers

b. buying hamburgers

c. selling hamburgers

d. making hamburgers

e. serving hamburgers

22. Linda : What do you need to make hamburgers?

Doni : We need ………………………………..

a. egg. Beef, salt, pepper, cucumber

b. mustard, paprika, egg, beef, cheese

c. pepper, salt, beef, egg, garlic

d. paprika, egg, mustard, beef, salt

e. prawn, chili, beef, mustard, salt

23. Linda : What is the mixture of a pound of minced beef with salt, pepper, paprika, a teaspoon of mustard

and egg covered?

Doni : …………………………………..

a. fork

b. egg

c. mixture

d. flour

e. bread

24. Linda :How long do we fry the hamburgers?

Doni : It needs ……………..minutes

a. 10

b. 15

c. 20

d. 25

e. 30

25. Linda :I found words such as : firstly, now, then, finally. What are the words called

Doni : They are ……………..

a. action verbs

b. saying verbs

c. time conjunction

d. causal conjunction

e. conjunction of cause and effects

26. Sari : What time does Ari arrive at school?

Dita : Ari often ………… school at 6.45 am.

a. arrive

b. arrives

c. is arriving

d. arrived

e. has arrived

27. Shella : Look at the students!

Meti : Oh, They …………..the plants in the garden now.

a. water

b. waters

c. Is watering

d. Was watering

e. Watered

28. Dardono : You look tired?

Dini : I …………………to Mount Bromo yesterday.

a. travel

b. travels

c. traveling

d. traveled

e. to travel

29. Simon : What did you do last night, you looked busy.

Sainem : Oh, When you came back I …………… shirts.

a. is washing

b. are washing

c. was washing

d. were washing

e. washes

30. Budi : How is the victim of the car accident

Hari : Oh she ……………………….now in the ICU.

a. is examined

b. is being examined

c. was examined

d. was being examined

e. examined

30. Dina : How we must scratch this silk gown?

Domo : Oh, you must scratch it …………..

a. fast

b. quickly

c. cleverly

d. beautifully

e. gently

31. Shammy : “Two British soldiers were killed in an ambush yesterday”

Shopcounter : What did he say?

Dani : He said that ………………………………………………………

a. Two British soldiers were killed in an ambush yesterday.

b. Two British soldiers was killed in an ambush yesterday

c. Two British soldiers have been killed in an ambush the previous day

d. Two British soldiers were being killed in an ambush the previous day

e. Two British soldiers had been killed in an ambush the previous day

32. Linda : Have you ever gone to Borobudur temple?

Dona : Yes, I have

Linda : How does it look like?

Dona : It is …………………………………………………………………………………

a. an old wonderful huge black stone temple.

b. a huge black old stone wonderful temple

c. a black huge wonderful stone old temple

d. a wonderful huge old black stone temple

e. a stone temple wonderful huge black

33. When the plants getting older, It ………………taller and taller.

a. becomes

b. smells

c. tastes

d. grows

d. has

34. Dona : What’s the matter with your father. He looks so happy?

Dini : He won the one billion rupiah from a bank

Dona : …………………

a. Oh, no

b. What a surprise!

c. I hope so

d. Oh, that’s bad luck

e. I am sorry to hear that

35. Saleh : My school will have a band parade next week, I invite you to come!

Solah : ……………………….I have to attend a meeting at Puncak

a. I am sorry to hear that

b. I am glad to hear that

c. That’s a good idea

d. I’d love too, but

e. I’ll come. Of course.

36. Jack : You are always number one in our class. …………………………

Melissa : Thank you.

a. don’t forget me

b. You are really smart

c. don’t bother me

d. That too bad for you

e. that sounds nice.

37. Linda : Look at the woman reading a news . What is she called ?

Doni : Oh, She is ………………….

a. anchorwoman

b. newsrepeater

c. Director

d. Producer

e. reporter

Text 6.

38. What kind of computer paper is on sale?

a. white

b. all colors

c. pink, purple, and gold

d. Red, blue, and black

e. Black and white only

39. How can you get a free notebook?

a. pay one dollar

b. spends $25 on computer paper

c. Buy colored envelopes

d. Buy five notebooks

e. Buy 12 pens

40. When is the sale?

a. All weekend

b. On Sunday only

c. All week

d. On Saturday only

e. At the end of the month.

B. Essay

Text 1.

41. What will happen on October 25?


42. How many stores will Maple Plaza have?


43. Change into reported speech.

The army spokesman said, “ The first vehicle in a convoy of two armored Land Rovers was hit by a

rocket-propelled grenade”.

The army spokesman said that _______________________________________________________


44. Change this spoken information into written on by using noun phrase.

|Spoken information |Written information |

|“Yesterday I went to Petronas tower. The building is tall, Uhm…It | Yesterday I went to _________________________ |

|is really so tall. It is made of solid steel. The colour of the |__________________________________________ |

|building is black and silver. Oh yes, I almost forgot. It is new |__________________________________________ |

|building. And last but not least the building is so amazing one. “|__________________________________________ |

| |__________________________________________ |

| |__________________________________________ |

45. Fill the blank with suitable expression of praising.

Boni : Hello, Dani, You __________________________. Your clothes is suit to you

Dani : Thank you. You looks so marvelous too.

((((((((Good Working ((((((((


Thank you very much Erina. You are not bad either. You graduated with flying colours. Thumb up for you too!

Congratulation Aisyah! You got the highest rank among the students this year. You are really smart!


Ah….You make me shy!

Don’t mention that.


The text above is organized in Narrative form. The text organization includes:

1. Orientation : introducing the characters of the story, the time and

the place the story happened. (Who/What, When and


2. Complication : a series of events in which the main character attempts

to solve the problem.

3. Resolution : the ending of the story containing the problem solution

4. Re-orientation: how the story ended (if any)


Good afternoon and welcome aboard Emirates Air Flight 286 from Jakarta to London, with intermediate stops in Rome. We are preparing to depart in a few minutes. At this time, your seat back should be returned to its full upright position and your seat belt should be fastened. Turn off your cellular phone. If not, it will interfere the flight communication with the control tower. Our anticipated flying time to Rome is ten hours and twenty minutes. We hope you enjoy the flight. Thank you.

Flight data

Plane : Qantas

Flight number : 734

Departure city : Los Angeles

Destination city : Sydney

Flying time : 12 hours 15 minutes

Intermediate points : Honolulu, Hawai

Reported Speech

Direct Speech

Indirect Speech



Yes-No Question

Informative Question




Yes-No Question

Informative Question


Gambar Semut dan Merpati






Language Feature

Generic Structure

The Rabbit And The Tar Wolf

Once upon a time there was such a severe drought that all streams of water and all lakes were dried up. In this emergency, the beasts assembled to devise means to procure water.

It was proposed by one to dig a well. All agreed to do so except the hare. She refused because it would soil her tiny paws. The rest, however, dug their well and were fortunate enough to find water. The hare beginning to suffer and thirst, and having no right to the well, was thrown upon her wits to procure water.

She determined, as the easiest way, to steal from the public well. The rest of the animals, surprised to find that the hare was so well supplied with water, asked her where she got it. She replied that she arose betimes in the morning and gathered the dewdrops. However the wolf and the fox suspected her of theft and hit on the following plan to detect her:

They made a wolf of tar and placed it near the well. On the following night the hare came as usual after her supply of water. On seeing the tar wolf she demanded who was there. Receiving no answer she repeated the demand, threatening to kick the wolf if he did not reply. She receiving no reply kicked the wolf, and by this means adhered to the tar and was caught.

When the fox and wolf got hold of her, they consulted what it was best to do with her. One proposed cutting her head off. This the hare protested would be useless, as it had often been tried without hurting her. Other methods were proposed for dispatching her, all of which she said would be useless. At last it was proposed to let her loose to perish in a thicket. Upon this the hare affected great uneasiness and pleaded hard for life.

Her enemies, however, refused to listen and she was accordingly let loose. As soon, however, as she was out of reach of her enemies she gave a whoop, and bounding away she exclaimed: 'This is where I live.'


Specific character


Time words to connect events

Words showing actions

Descriptive words


Would you like to come to my new nest?

I’d love too. I want to see it.


I’d like to invite you to come to my birthday party

Yes, I’d like to very much.



Thank, Anyway but I have to finish my painting about earth.

Will you come to my planet tonight?



Be ( is, am, are, was, were) seem taste

Have feel appear

Look become grow

1. 2.


Tanjung Puting National Park

Tanjung Puting National Park is located along the South Western ………(1) of Indonesian Borneo. The heavy ………(2) of the forest hums with the sound of thousands of singing insects. ……….(3) with vibrant coloured butterflies, ………(4) and birds, Tanjung Putting National Park is a ……..(5) tropical Eden bursting with natural …………….(6). (Adapted from Garuda Inflight Magazine, September 2002).



|Invitation |Accepting an invitation |Refusing an Invitation |

|Would you like to … |I’d love to |Thanks, But I have another schedule |

|Could you come to… |Yes, I’d love to. |I’d like to very much, but… |

|Would you mind coming to…. |I’d be happy to accept |That’s very kind of you, but…. |

|I wonder if you’d like to… |I’d be glad to accept. |Thank anyway, but… |

|I’d like to invite you to … |I’d be delight to | |

| |Yes, I’d like to very much | |

|To a good friend: | | |

|Can you…….. | | |

( Bob Jones (

Is retiring

After 35 years with the Miltown Games Company .

All company employees are invited to party in his honor.

Harford Hotel

Saturday, July 10 8:30 PM

If you plan to attend, please tell Rita Roberts in the Business Office before 3 pm on Monday


The Commonwealth of Australia is a (1) _________ in the Southern Hemisphere comprising the world's smallest continent and a number of islands in the Southern, Indian and Pacific Oceans. Australia's (2) ____________ countries include Indonesia, East Timor and Papua New Guinea to the north, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and the French dependency of New Caledonia to the northeast, and New Zealand to the southeast.

The continent of Australia has been (3) ___________ for over 40,000 years by (4) ____________ Australian. After sporadic visits by fishermen from the north and by European (5) ___________ and merchants starting in the 17th century, the eastern half of the continent was claimed by the British in 1770 and (6) __________ settled as the penal colony of New South Wales on 26 January 1788. As the population grew and new areas were explored, another five largely self-governing Crown Colonies were (7) _________ established over the course of the 19th century.

On 1 January 1901, the six colonies federated and the Commonwealth of Australia was (8) _________. Since federation, Australia has maintained a (9) __________ liberal democratic political system and remains a Commonwealth Realm. The current population of around 20.5 million is concentrated mainly in the large (10) ________ cities of Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, and Adelaide.



Coastal explorer indigenous formed

Neigbouring stable country officially

Successively inhabited








Maple Plaza, our city’s newest mall, will open on October 25. The new mall will have 31 stores and 8 restaurants. It will also have a movie theatre, which will open in November. The biggest store at the mall will be McGruder’s Department store. There will be a party to celebrate the new mall on October 26 from noon to 5:00 PM. All members of the public are invited.



Kelly Mc Pherson

Height 5ft 4

(1)… hair

(2) … build

(3) … - faced



We have 20 free tickets for the National Championship tennis match next Friday evening. If you are interested in these tickets, please contact Mr. Green in the accounting office before 5:00 PM on Wednesday. We can allow up to 4 tickets per employee.


28 – 30 JUNE


The “ Parlour Boutique” has opened with vengeance. The distinctive design of our fashion wear will definitely make you shine in the crowd. We have classic, elegant, and casual styles to suit all tastes and occasions. “Parlour Boutique” is the perfect choice for comfortable wear.

Our fashion wear is designed by renowned designers from Paris, Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore. We have also added a personal touch to our service. We offer tailor-making and altering services according to your needs. You can even exchange any unsatisfactory goods and no questions will be asked.

Now you can pick up this limited stock of 100% cotton shirts for only $10, with any purchase of $50 and above of our merchandize . This offer is valid only between 28 until 30 June 2004. Come now before its late!


765344 – Orchid Street no. 56


S + be + V3 + (By Agent)



This week only

← Computer paper (white only) 25 % off

← Envelopes (All, including pink, purple, and gold) 50 % off

← Notebooks, buy five, get one free

← Pens (blue, black, and red ink) 12 for $ 1

Sale ends Saturday

Store closed Sunday


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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