Argumentative Essay Prompt: People have different viewpoints about whether animals, including endangered animals, should live in the wild or in man-made environments. Write an argument whether any animal should be kept in a controlled environment, such as zoos, nature parks or reserves, or aquariums. I have been visiting zoos and aquariums since I was a child. I always thought that the animals in those zoos were well taken care of and that they were better off than being out in the wild. As I’ve gotten older, my views have changed on the subject. I now know that when animals are captured for human’s research or enjoyment, they are taken from their families and forced to inhabit man-made environments that only artificially resemble their natural habits. These animals aren’t happy to be in captivity, it is only humans who are happy about it. We do not have the right to confine wild animals; it goes against the natural order of nature. Also, removing animals from the wild endangers them more because confining them lessens their natural ability to hunt and find mates. Finally, the enclosures for confining larger animals don’t compare to what they’re used to in their natural habitats. For these reasons alone, I believe that no animal should be kept in a controlled environment.“We object to human captivity…for one reason only, that humans have a right to freedom. Why shouldn’t this be the case with non-humans too?” (Bostock, 1993) Humans are just visitors on this planet. Admittedly, animals inhabited the earth first. It is not our place to capture and hold any creature that was born to be wild for any purpose. Taking animals from their habitats also upsets the natural order of life by disrupting the food chain. Animals are needed to strategically balance habitats and keeping them in captivity alters the food chain, which in turn, upsets the ecosystem.When we remove animals from the wild and keep them captive, many natural instincts that they have disappear over time. Instincts like hunting for food or mating (both which are necessary for the species to survive) disappear. When this happens, there is no reason to eventually return that animal to the wild because it instantly becomes a target for predators. A species is at its best when it is “genetically sharp enough to be able to react to changes in their environment.” (Benyus, 2015) A captive animal is unable to do that when every need is attended to while in man-made environments.Man-made environments can never be comparable to natural environments. Large animals like polar bears, elephants and lions are even worse off in captivity “because of the striking difference between the area they typically cover in the wild and the size of their zoo enclosures.” (Sample, 2003) Smaller enclosures lead to bigger problems also. Zoochosis occurs when captive animals are psychologically affected by their situation. Not having enough space to roam, to hunt, to be free coupled with the fact that these animals are usually alone leads to problems that these animals would not experience in the wild.Everyone doesn’t feel that holding animals in captivity is a bad thing. There are many who feel that the only way to keep certain species of animals healthy and alive is to keep animals captive for research. They also feel that helping species of animals ultimately helps the ecosystem by stabilizing the balance of nature. The point is valid. However, scientists report that they would rather study animals in their natural habitats because they can get a natural sense of how to help the animals. (insert research here)Animals are important to the earth and those who inhabit the earth. They should be treated with respect and care. Keeping them in captivity for any reason does not convey how important animals are to us. ................

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