
East Lothian Council



The application, plans and other documents can be viewed electronically through the Council’s planning portal at .uk.

Section 1

Proposal of Application Notices

|App No.20/00005/PAN | |

|Applicant |Viridor Waste Management Ltd |Agent |Avison Young |

|Applicant Address |Peninsular House |Agents Address |Per Jamie Lynch |

| |Rydon Lane | |Norfolk House |

| |Exeter | |7 Norfolk Street |

| |Devon | |Manchester |

| |EX2 7HR | |M2 1DW |

|Proposal |Construction of a Polymers Recycling Facility |

|Location |Dunbar Landfill Site Oxwellmains Dunbar East Lothian EH42 1SW |

| | |

| | |

|Interested Parties | |

|Date Received |19th August 2020 |

The earliest date on which an application for planning permission may be submitted to the Planning Authority: 11th November 2020

Section 2

Applications for Planning Permission, Planning Permission in Principle, Approval of Matters Specified in Conditions attached to a Planning Permission in Principle and Applications for such permission made to Scottish Ministers under Section 242A of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997

|App No.09/00660/LBC | |

|Applicant |Mr Ronald Jamieson |Agent |J S Lyell Architectural Services |

|Applicant Address |8 Shillinghill |Agents Address |Castleview |

| |Humbie | |21 Croft Street |

| |East Lothian | |Penicuik |

| |EH36 5PX | |EH26 9DH |

|Proposal |Replacement of windows and doors (retrospective) - as changes to the scheme of development which is the |

| |subject of Listed Building Consent 02/00470/LBC |

|Location |8 Shillinghill Humbie East Lothian EH36 5PX |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |30th October 2009 |

|App No.09/00660/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Ronald Jamieson |Agent |J S Lyell Architectural Services |

|Applicant Address |8 Shillinghill |Agents Address |Castleview |

| |Humbie | |21 Croft Street |

| |East Lothian | |Penicuik |

| |EH36 5PX | |EH26 9DH |

|Proposal |Replacement of windows and doors (retrospective) - as changes to the scheme of development which is the |

| |subject of Planning Permission 02/00470/FUL |

|Location |8 Shillinghill Humbie East Lothian EH36 5PX |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |27th November 2009 |

|App No.09/00661/ADV | |

|Applicant |Scottish Seabird Centre |Agent |H.Lightoller |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Charles Marshall |Agents Address |Redholm |

| |The Harbour | |Greenheads Road |

| |Victoria Road | |North Berwick |

| |North Berwick | |EH39 4RA |

| |EH39 4SS | | |

|Proposal |Display of advertisements (Retrospective) |

|Location |The Scottish Seabird Centre Victoria Road North Berwick East Lothian EH39 4SS |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |13th July 2010 |

|App No.09/00001/SGC | |

|Applicant |Community Windpower Ltd. |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Godscroft Lane |Agents Address | |

| |Frodsham | | |

| |Cheshire | | |

| |WA6 6XU | | |

|Proposal |Section 36 application for consent to construct and operation of Aikengall 11 - Wester Dod Community Wind |

| |Farm |

|Location |Aikengall U204 (01) From Thurston Mains (u202) To Aikengall Farm Innerwick Dunbar East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.09/00887/ADV | |

|Applicant |Hope Church |Agent |Doreen Young |

|Applicant Address |49 Bridge Street |Agents Address |28/15 Milton Street |

| |Musselburgh | |Edinburgh |

| |EH21 6AA | |EH8 8HE |

|Proposal |Display of advertisements |

|Location |Hope Church 49 Bridge Street Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 6AA |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |16th December 2009 |

|App No.09/00964/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Mohammed Yousuf |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Prestonpans Grocers |Agents Address | |

| |5 Hawthorn Road | | |

| |Prestonpans | | |

| |EH32 9QL | | |

|Proposal |Change of use from shop (class 1) to cafe/hot food takeaway (class 3) and erection of flue |

|Location |Unit E Hawthorn Road Prestonpans East Lothian EH32 9QW |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |15th April 2010 |

|App No.09/00973/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Niall Walsh |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Beach Lodge B And B |Agents Address | |

| |3-5 Beach Road | | |

| |North Berwick | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH39 4AB | | |

|Proposal |Alterations and change of use of storage building to form self catering accommodation to be operated in |

| |conjunction with the existing guest house use of the property |

|Location |Beach Lodge B And B 3 - 5 Beach Road North Berwick East Lothian EH39 4AB |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |25th December 2009 |

|App No.09/00002/SGC | |

|Applicant |Scottish Power Generation Ltd. |Agent |GVA Grimley |

|Applicant Address | |Agents Address |Quayside House |

| | | |127 Fountainbridge |

| | | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH3 9QG |

|Proposal |Section 36 - to construct and operate a gas-fired CCGT generating station with a nominal output of 1,000MW and|

| |associated works, and deemed planning permission under Section 57 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) |

| |Act 1997 |

|Location |Cockenzie Power Station B1348 (21) From Appin Drive (c140) To Whin Park Industrial Estate Prestonpans East |

| |Lothian EH32 9AW |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.09/01074/PP | |

|Applicant |Mr David Hogarth And James Graham |Agent |HLP Architects |

|Applicant Address |105A High Street |Agents Address |Per Greg Holstead |

| |Tranent | |9 Maitland Avenue |

| |East Lothian | |Musselburgh |

| |EH33 1LW | |EH21 6DZ |

|Proposal |Planning Permission in Principle for the erection of 12 flats |

|Location |105A High Street Tranent East Lothian EH33 1LW |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |29th January 2010 |

|App No.10/00064/ELL | |

|Applicant |East Lothian Council |Agent |Gray Marshall And Associates |

|Applicant Address |Per Liz McLean |Agents Address |Per Gloria Lo |

| |Community Housing And Property | |23 Stafford Street |

| |Penston House | |Edinburgh |

| |Macmerry Industrial Estate | |EH3 7BJ |

| |Macmerry | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH33 1EX | | |

|Proposal |Installation of replacement windows, CCTV cameras, lighting units and alterations to building as additions to |

| |scheme of development which is the subject of Listed Building Consent 07/01236/ELL |

|Location |John Gray Centre 52-55 High Street And Adjacent Grainstore Haddington East Lothian EH41 3DX |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |26th May 2010 |

|App No.10/00064/PCL | |

|Applicant |East Lothian Council |Agent |Gray Marshall And Associates |

|Applicant Address |Per Liz McLean |Agents Address |Per Gloria Lo |

| |Community Housing And Property | |23 Stafford Street |

| |Penston House | |Edinburgh |

| |Macmerry Industrial Estate | |EH3 7BJ |

| |Macmerry | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH33 1EX | | |

|Proposal |Installation of replacement windows, CCTV cameras, lighting units and alterations to building as additions to |

| |scheme of development which is the subject of Planning Permission 07/01236/FUL |

|Location |John Gray Centre 52-55 High Street And Adjacent Grainstore Haddington East Lothian EH41 3DX |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |4th June 2010 |

|App No.10/00340/PP | |

|Applicant |Mr David Finlayson |Agent |HLP Architects |

|Applicant Address |180A North High Street |Agents Address |Per Greg Holstead |

| |Musselburgh | |35 Joppa Road |

| |East Lothian | |Edinburgh |

| |EH21 6BH | |EH15 2HB |

|Proposal |Planning Permission in Principle for the erection of 5 flats |

|Location |180A North High Street Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 6BH |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |30th June 2010 |

|App No.10/00399/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Richard Montgomery |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |90E High Street |Agents Address | |

| |North Berwick | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH39 4HE | | |

|Proposal |Erection of shed (Retrospective) |

|Location |5 Kirk Ports North Berwick East Lothian EH39 4HL |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.10/00457/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Alan Halvorson |Agent |Ray Bryan |

|Applicant Address |7 Crossgate Hall |Agents Address |1 John's Place |

| |Whitecraig | |Edinburgh |

| |Musselburgh | |EH6 7EL |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH22 2NP | | |

|Proposal |Erection of entrance canopy, walls with railings, balcony with decking, steps and handrails (Part |

| |Retrospective) |

|Location |7 Crossgate Hall Whitecraig Musselburgh East Lothian EH22 2NP |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |2nd July 2010 |

|App No.10/00567/P | |

|Applicant |Findlays Famous Haggis |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Joseph Findlay |Agents Address | |

| |Units 23 | | |

| |Fisherrow Industrial Estate | | |

| |Newhailes Road | | |

| |Musselburgh | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH21 6RU | | |

|Proposal |Installation of air conditioning inlet/outlets and condenser unit (Retrospective) |

|Location |Units 23 Fisherrow Industrial Estate Newhailes Road Musselburgh East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |21st October 2010 |

|App No.10/00624/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Ted Stewart |Agent |CAS Architects |

|Applicant Address |1 Hope Park |Agents Address |Per Ruth Watson |

| |Haddington | |27 Somnerfield Crescent |

| |EH41 3AH | |Haddington |

| | | |EH41 3RS |

|Proposal |Alterations to building |

|Location |1 Hope Park Haddington East Lothian EH41 3AH |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.10/00655/ADV | |

|Applicant |2 Wheels Tours |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Alasdair Langlands |Agents Address | |

| |42a Forth Street | | |

| |North Berwick | | |

| |EH39 4JQ | | |

|Proposal |Display of advertisement |

|Location |Balderstone's Wynd North Berwick East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.10/00703/P | |

|Applicant |Mr And Mrs Douglas Gray |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |35 Haddington Road |Agents Address | |

| |Tranent | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH33 1LS | | |

|Proposal |Alterations and extension to domestic garage to form ancillary residential accommodation |

|Location |35 Haddington Road Tranent East Lothian EH33 1LS |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |15th September 2010 |

|App No.10/00842/ADV | |

|Applicant |LAL Hairdressing |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Ms Lynn Logan |Agents Address | |

| |26 High Street | | |

| |Tranent | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH33 1HQ | | |

|Proposal |Display of advertisements |

|Location |LAL Hairdressing 26 High Street Tranent East Lothian EH33 1HQ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.10/00920/P | |

|Applicant |Mr John Prentice |Agent |Messrs Colin Blaikie And Company |

|Applicant Address |2 Seton Level Crossing Cottage |Agents Address |Per David Ellis |

| |Longniddry | |62 Broughton Street |

| |East Lothian | |Edinburgh |

| |EH32 0PG | |EH1 3SA |

|Proposal |Change of use of verge to form vehicular access and change of use of waste land to form domestic garden ground|

| |(Retrospective) |

|Location |2 Seton Level Crossing Cottage Longniddry East Lothian EH32 0PG |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |15th April 2011 |

|App No.10/00945/P | |

|Applicant |Down To Earth Garden Services |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Gerald Condron |Agents Address | |

| |17A Linkfield Road | | |

| |Musselburgh | | |

| |EH21 7LQ | | |

|Proposal |Install 2 hardstands on existing agricultural land for the purpose of operating a gardening business from, |

| |harstands would be used to erect a small horticultural storage shed and to recycle green waste, land use would|

| |require a change of use from agricultural to horticultural |

|Location |Drummore House Wallyford Toll Wallyford Musselburgh East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.10/00946/P | |

|Applicant |Cake |Agent |KTD |

|Applicant Address |Per Ms Catherine Franks |Agents Address |Per Kath Thomson |

| |12 Highfield Road | |23 Ben Sayers Park |

| |North Berwick | |North Berwick |

| |EH39 4BW | |EH39 5PT |

|Proposal |Painting of shopfront |

|Location |87B High Street North Berwick East Lothian EH39 4HD |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.10/00002/SGC | |

|Applicant |SP Gas Transportation Cockenzie |Agent |GVA Grimley |

| |Ltd. | | |

|Applicant Address |C/o Agent |Agents Address |Quayside House |

| | | |127 Fountainbridge |

| | | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH3 9QG |

|Proposal |Construct a cross country pipe-line of approximately 17.5km to transfer gas to Cockenzie Power Station - |

| |Regulation 14 of the Public Gas Transporter Pipe-Line Works (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 1999|

|Location |Cockenzie Power Station B1348 (21) From Appin Drive (c140) To Whin Park Industrial Estate Prestonpans East |

| |Lothian EH32 9AW |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.11/00053/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Danny Meaney |Agent |John Ferguson |

|Applicant Address |Beechwood |Agents Address |Architects Office |

| |High Street | |Seton Mains Garage |

| |Gifford | |Longniddry |

| |East Lothian | |EH32 0PG |

| |EH41 4QU | | |

|Proposal |Erection of building to form ancillary residential accommodation and formation of hardstanding area |

|Location |Beechwood High Street Gifford East Lothian EH41 4QU |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |2nd March 2011 |

|App No.11/00088/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Paul Speers |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |31 Carlaverock Terrace |Agents Address | |

| |Tranent | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH33 2PL | | |

|Proposal |Extension to house |

|Location |31 Carlaverock Terrace Tranent East Lothian EH33 2PL |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.11/00155/P | |

|Applicant |Mr George And Sheena Veitch |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Strawberry Wood |Agents Address | |

| |East Saltoun | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH34 5DY | | |

|Proposal |Change of use of agricultural land to domestic garden ground, erection of shed, aviary/hen house and fencing |

| |(part retrospective) |

|Location |Strawberry Wood East Saltoun East Lothian EH34 5DY |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |19th April 2011 |

|App No.11/00272/P | |

|Applicant |Sister Margaret Ann Minards |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Pilgrims Rest |Agents Address | |

| |Nunraw By Garvald | | |

| |Nr Haddington | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH41 4LW | | |

|Proposal |Replacement windows and roof window |

|Location |Pilgrims Rest Nunraw By Garvald Nr Haddington East Lothian EH41 4LW |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.11/00276/P | |

|Applicant |Whitecraig Community Council |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Miss Liz McKellar |Agents Address | |

| |60 Whitecraig Avenue | | |

| |Musselburgh | | |

| |EH21 8PB | | |

|Proposal |Erection of storage hut |

|Location |70 Whitecraig Avenue Whitecraig Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 8PB |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.11/00380/P | |

|Applicant |Alexander Inglis |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Neil Aitken |Agents Address | |

| |Meadow Stores | | |

| |Ormiston | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH35 5NB | | |

|Proposal |Erection of grain silos, gantry, dresser canopy for cleaner and dust box (retrospective) |

|Location |Meadow Stores Ormiston East Lothian EH35 5NG |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.11/00470/LBC | |

|Applicant |Staypress |Agent |K J Smith |

|Applicant Address |Per Mrs Angela Crawford |Agents Address |Per Ken Smith |

| |39 High Street | |13/1 Gladstone Place |

| |Musselburgh | |Edinburgh |

| |East Lothian | |EH6 7LY |

| |EH21 7AD | | |

|Proposal |New signage to front |

|Location |39 High Street Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 7AD |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.11/00474/ADV | |

|Applicant |Mr Peter Clark |Agent |Alan Sheerin Associates |

|Applicant Address |1 Coalgate Road |Agents Address |Per Alan Sheerin |

| |Tranent | |37 Sidegate |

| |East Lothian | |Haddington |

| | | |EH41 4BU |

|Proposal |Display of advertisements |

|Location |7 Market Place North Berwick East Lothian EH39 4JF |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.11/00511/P | |

|Applicant |Irvine's Home Hardware |Agent |Whitelaw Associates |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Khalid Farooq |Agents Address |Per Tom Whitelaw |

| |34 Court Street | |Grieves Cottage |

| |Haddington | |Whitfield |

| |EH41 3NP | |West Linton |

| | | |EH46 7AX |

|Proposal |Internal alterations to shop front and flat over to reorganise shop sales area and subdivide flat to form 2 |

| |bedroom flats |

|Location |34 Court Street Haddington East Lothian EH41 3NP |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.11/00549/PP | |

|Applicant |James B Miller & Co |Agent |Kalm Architecture Llp |

|Applicant Address |Per Ms Lucy Miller |Agents Address |Per Kevin Adams |

| |Ferrygate Farm | |Flat 1 |

| |Dirleton Road | |45 Comely Bank Road |

| |North Berwick | |Edinburgh |

| |East Lothian | |EH4 1EJ |

| |EH39 5DJ | | |

|Proposal |Planning Permission in Principle for the erection of 1 house |

|Location |Ferrygate Farm Dirleton North Berwick East Lothian EH39 5DJ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |5th August 2011 |

|App No.11/00645/ADV | |

|Applicant |Terncove Ltd |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Thomas Coll |Agents Address | |

| |61A High Street | | |

| |Musselburgh | | |

| |EH21 7AB | | |

|Proposal |Display of advertisement |

|Location |61A High Street Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 7AB |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.11/00715/LBC | |

|Applicant |Terncove Limited |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Thomas Coll |Agents Address | |

| |61A High Street | | |

| |Musselburgh | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH21 7AB | | |

|Proposal |Painting of external fascia |

|Location |61A High Street Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 7AB |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.11/00763/P | |

|Applicant |St Jude's Licensing Limited |Agent |Young And Partners LLP |

|Applicant Address |C/o Agent |Agents Address |Per Joanna Brynes/Laura Campbell |

| | | |126 West Regent Street |

| | | |Glasgow |

| | | |G2 2BH |

|Proposal |Change of use for external area to be included in premises licence and change of internal bar location |

|Location |The Birdcage Stuart House Station Road Musselburgh East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.11/00902/LBC | |

|Applicant |Mr G Romanes |Agent |Aitken Turnbull Architecture |

|Applicant Address |1 Market Square |Agents Address |Per David Logan |

| |Duns | |Duddingston House |

| |Berwickshire | |Milton Road West |

| |TD11 3DB | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH15 1RB |

|Proposal |Painting of shop and installation of signage (Part retrospective) |

|Location |22 - 23 Market Street Haddington East Lothian EH41 3JE |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |2nd March 2012 |

|App No.11/00902/P | |

|Applicant |Mr G Romanes |Agent |Aitken Turnbull Architecture |

|Applicant Address |1 Market Square |Agents Address |Per David Logan |

| |Duns | |Duddingston House |

| |Berwickshire | |Milton Road West |

| |TD11 3DB | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH15 1RB |

|Proposal |Painting of shop (Retrospective) |

|Location |22-23 Market Street Haddington East Lothian EH41 3JE |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |2nd March 2012 |

|App No.11/00903/ADV | |

|Applicant |Mr G Romanes |Agent |Aitken Turnbull Associates |

|Applicant Address |1 Market Square |Agents Address |Per David Logan |

| |Duns | |Duddingston House |

| |Berwickshire | |Milton Road West |

| |TD11 3DB | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH15 1RB |

|Proposal |Display of advertisements (Part Retrospective) |

|Location |22-23 Market Street Haddington East Lothian EH41 3JE |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.11/00938/P | |

|Applicant |Mr David Finlayson |Agent |HLP Architects |

|Applicant Address |180A North High Street |Agents Address |Per Greg Holstead |

| |Musselburgh | |35 Joppa Road |

| |East Lothian | |Edinburgh |

| |EH21 6BH | |EH15 2HB |

|Proposal |Change of use of land and garage/workshop building to domestic use |

|Location |180A North High Street Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 6BH |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |6th January 2012 |

|App No.11/00986/CAC | |

|Applicant |McGuire Developments |Agent |Colin Findlay |

|Applicant Address |17A Elphinstone Road |Agents Address |Kilmora |

| |Tranent | |Kirk Street |

| |EH33 2LJ | |Prestonpans |

| | | |EH32 9EA |

|Proposal |Demolition of building |

|Location |49B Elder Street Tranent East Lothian EH33 1BH |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.11/01062/ADV | |

|Applicant |The Cash Store Limited |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Matthew Mitchell |Agents Address | |

| |4th/5th Floor | | |

| |Applicon House | | |

| |Exchange Street | | |

| |Stockport | | |

| |SK3 0ER | | |

|Proposal |Display of advertisements |

|Location |84 High Street Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 7BX |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.12/00129/P | |

|Applicant |Mrs Val Goodwin |Agent |Steves Plants |

|Applicant Address |Windyknowe |Agents Address |Per Steven Young |

| |4 High Road | |Nisbet Loanhead |

| |Spott | |Boggs Holdings |

| |Dunbar | |Pencaitland |

| |East Lothian | |East Lothian |

| |EH42 1RJ | |EH34 5BJ |

|Proposal |Alterations to garden and erection of fencing |

|Location |Windyknowe 4 High Road Spott Dunbar East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.12/00471/LBC | |

|Applicant |The Lucky House |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Tony Shek |Agents Address | |

| |125 - 127 High Street | | |

| |North Berwick | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH39 4HB | | |

|Proposal |Erection of replacement ventilation duct (Retrospective) |

|Location |The Lucky House 125 - 127 High Street North Berwick East Lothian EH39 4HB |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |27th July 2012 |

|App No.12/00471/P | |

|Applicant |The Lucky House |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Tony Shek |Agents Address | |

| |125 - 127 High Street | | |

| |North Berwick | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH39 4HB | | |

|Proposal |Erection of replacement ventilation duct (Retrospective) |

|Location |The Lucky House 125 - 127 High Street North Berwick East Lothian EH39 4HB |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |27th July 2012 |

|App No.12/00527/P | |

|Applicant |Ms Karen Priddle |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |19C High Street |Agents Address | |

| |Haddington | | |

| |EH41 3ES | | |

|Proposal |Repainting the front elevation, including windows, of the front elevation to the listed building (above the |

| |shopfront) in blue to match existing, introducing a darker blue window band (and in accordance with the |

| |prescribed colour requirements set out by the planning authority), to repaint windows (white) and to include |

| |the chimney, to match Keim grey 9486. |

|Location |19-20 High Street Haddington East Lothian EH41 3ES |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.12/00001/SGC | |

|Applicant |Neart Na Gaoithe Offshore Wind |Agent | |

| |Ltd. | | |

|Applicant Address |C/o Shepherd And Wedderburn LLP |Agents Address | |

| |191 West Gerorge Street | | |

| |Glasgow | | |

| |G2 2LB | | |

|Proposal |Construction and operation of offshore wind farm with a maximum generating capacity of 450 megawatts |

|Location |Neart Na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm Firth Of Forth |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.12/00611/P | |

|Applicant |Whitburgh Farms Ltd |Agent |Duncan Gibson |

|Applicant Address |Farm Office |Agents Address |Per Henry Gibson |

| |Middle Whitburgh | |Frostineb |

| |Pathhead | |Blacksheils |

| |Midlothain | |Pathhead |

| |EH37 5TB | |EH37 5TB |

|Proposal |Erection of 1 house and associated works |

|Location |The Dorran Dodridge East Lothian EH37 5UJ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |22nd August 2012 |

|App No.13/00059/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Brian Hancock |Agent |Andrew Dodds |

|Applicant Address |The Old Schoolhouse |Agents Address |4 The Maltings |

| |Crossgatehall | |Haddington |

| |Carberry | |EH41 4EF |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH22 2NN | | |

|Proposal |Formation of vehicular access and erection of gates (Retrospective) |

|Location |The Old School House Crossgatehall Carberry East Lothian EH22 2NN |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |22nd March 2013 |

|App No.13/00118/P | |

|Applicant |Mrs C L Irwin |Agent |Blue Pencil Studio |

|Applicant Address |The Gables |Agents Address |Per Malcolm Jones |

| |Stenton | |Elderside |

| |East Lothian | |Spott |

| |EH42 1TE | |Dunbar |

| | | |EH42 1RE |

|Proposal |Installation of 2no velux rooflights, erection of sitting area, decking platform and fencing (Retrospective) |

|Location |The Gables Stenton East Lothian EH42 1TE |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.13/00232/LBC | |

|Applicant |Mr Ross Marriott |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |9 Bowmont Terrace |Agents Address | |

| |Dunbar | | |

| |EH42 1LF | | |

|Proposal |The house will continue to be used as a family home. |

|Location |9 Bowmont Terrace Queens Road Dunbar East Lothian EH42 1LF |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.13/00284/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Michael Branscomb |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |12 Market Street |Agents Address | |

| |Haddington | | |

| |EH4 3JL | | |

|Proposal |Repainting of window lintels and door lintels on the front, rear and side elevations. Proposed colour is |

| |Farrow and Ball Oval room blue in exterior masonry finish. Addition of two glazed panels to existing 4 panel |

| |front door to create 6 panel door. Addition of 2 glazed satin glass panels at top of uppermost existing 2 |

| |panels to be separated by 95' x 45' redwood mid rail to make top rail. Replacement of existing beads with |

| |bolection beads. |

|Location |12 Market Street Haddington East Lothian EH41 3JL |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.13/00323/P | |

|Applicant |Broxmouth Leisure Limited |Agent |DGW Planning |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Simon Flame |Agents Address |Per David Warden |

| |Broxmouth Park | |47 Regina Road |

| |Dunbar | |Finsbury Park |

| |East Lothian | |London |

| |EH42 1QW | |N4 3PT |

|Proposal |Erection of Marquee between 15th March and 15th November each year |

|Location |Broxmouth House Broxmouth Park Dunbar East Lothian EH42 1QW |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.13/00001/SGC | |

|Applicant |Fred. Olsen Renewables Ltd |Agent |Natural Power |

|Applicant Address | |Agents Address | |

|Proposal |Section 36 - Windffarm of up to 11 x 3MW wind turbines |

|Location |Crystal Rig 3 10 Km South Of Dunbar |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.13/00501/PP | |

|Applicant |Mr Brian Paxton |Agent |Douglas Williams |

|Applicant Address |Greenburn |Agents Address |47D High Street |

| |18 East Fortune Holdings | |Haddington |

| |North Berwick | |EH41 3EE |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH39 5LE | | |

|Proposal |Planning permission in principle for the erection of 1 house |

|Location |Greenburn 18 East Fortune Holdings North Berwick East Lothian EH39 5LE |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |30th August 2013 |

|App No.13/00511/ADV | |

|Applicant |ELCAP |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Miss Kelly Cunningham |Agents Address | |

| |Woodbine Cottage | | |

| |West Loan | | |

| |Prestonpans | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH32 9NU | | |

|Proposal |Display of advertisement |

|Location |Woodbine Cottage West Loan Prestonpans East Lothian EH32 9NU |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.13/00630/P | |

|Applicant |All Owners Of 64 |Agent |Chalmers And Co |

| |(64A,64B,64C,64D,64E) And 65 High | | |

| |Street Ha | | |

|Applicant Address |Per Joe Forte Sports |Agents Address |Per Jill McColl |

| |65 High Street | |48 High Street |

| |Haddington | |Haddington |

| |East Lothian | |East Lothian |

| |EH41 3ED | |EH41 3EF |

|Proposal |Demolition of chimneys and rebuilding of chimneys, replacement windows to 64B, replacement of roof windows, |

| |replacement of rwgs and soilstacks, replacement of damaged stone external decorationand installation of shop |

| |canopy at 64A |

|Location |64A,64B,64C,64D,64E And 65 High Street Haddington East Lothian EH41 3ED |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.13/00679/P | |

|Applicant |Harbour House Hotel Ltd |Agent |Somner Macdonald Architects |

|Applicant Address |C/o Agent |Agents Address |Per Keith Macdonald |

| | | |10 Redholm |

| | | |Greenheads Road |

| | | |North Berwick |

| | | |EH39 4TB |

|Proposal |Erection of retractable canopy awnings to south and east elevations of former Coastguard Station in connection|

| |with current use as servery/takeaway (retrospective) |

|Location |26 Victoria Road North Berwick East Lothian EH39 4JL |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.13/00700/P | |

|Applicant |Mr & Mrs Mackenzie |Agent |Mckenzie Malcolm Construction Ltd |

|Applicant Address |10 Ferguson View |Agents Address |Per Greg Mckenzie |

| |Musselburgh | |5 Jeffrey Avenue |

| |East Lothian | |Blackhall |

| |EH21 6XD | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH4 3QY |

|Proposal |Alterations to roof form of extension and enlargement of garage component of extension as changes to the |

| |scheme of development the subject of planning permission 12/00328/P (Retropsective). |

|Location |10 Ferguson View Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 6XD |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.13/00734/P | |

|Applicant |Mr And Mrs Cook |Agent |Colin Findlay |

|Applicant Address |2 East Loan |Agents Address |Kilmora |

| |Prestonpans | |Kirk Street |

| |East Lothian | |Prestonpans |

| |EH32 9ED | |East Lothian |

| | | |EH32 9EA |

|Proposal |Change of use from house to bed and breakfast use, erection of walls, fencing, summerhouse and gazebo |

| |(Retrospective) |

|Location |2 East Loan Prestonpans East Lothian EH32 9ED |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |4th November 2013 |

|App No.13/00744/P | |

|Applicant |Miller Homes Limited |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Miller House |Agents Address | |

| |2 Lochside View | | |

| |Edinburgh Park | | |

| |Edinburgh | | |

| |EH12 9DH | | |

|Proposal |Temporary sales cabin and parking (Retrospective) |

|Location |Land Adjacent To Haddington Road East Linton East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.13/00745/ADV | |

|Applicant |Miller Homes Limited |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Miller House |Agents Address | |

| |2 Lochside View | | |

| |Edinburgh | | |

| |Park | | |

| |Edinburgh | | |

| |EH12 9DH | | |

|Proposal |Display of adverisement |

|Location |Land Adjacent To Haddington Road East Linton East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.13/00002/SGC | |

|Applicant |Inch Cape Offshore Ltd. |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |5th Floor |Agents Address | |

| |40 Princess Street | | |

| |Edinburgh | | |

| |EH2 2BY | | |

|Proposal |Section 36 - Construction and operation of Windfarm of up to a maximum of 213 wind turbines |

|Location |Inch Cape Offshore Wind Farm Approx 15-22km Off The Angus Coastline To The East Of The Firth Of Tay |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.13/00753/P | |

|Applicant |Brown Paper Packages Limited |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mrs Lorna Park |Agents Address | |

| |East Linton Post Office | | |

| |39 High Street | | |

| |East Linton | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH40 3AA | | |

|Proposal |Repainting shopfront |

|Location |Post Office 39 High Street East Linton East Lothian EH40 3AA |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.13/00773/ADV | |

|Applicant |Notemachine |Agent |Des Ager Retail And Planning Consultant |

|Applicant Address |Mr Roy Lanning |Agents Address |Per Desmond Ager |

| |Elvicta Business Park | |1 Turner Cottages |

| |Crickhowell | |33 Charterhouse Road |

| |Powys | |Godalming |

| |NP8 1DF | |GU7 2AG |

|Proposal |Display of advertisement |

|Location |28 Bridge Street Tranent East Lothian EH33 1AG |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.13/00774/P | |

|Applicant |Notemachine |Agent |Des Ager Retail And Planning Consultant |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Roy Lanning |Agents Address |Per Desmond Ager |

| |Elvicta Business Park | |1 Turner Cottages |

| |Crickhowell | |33 Charterhouse Road |

| |NP8 1DF | |Godalming |

| |Powys | |GU7 2AG |

|Proposal |The retention of an installed ATM to the left of the shop front. Installed replacing the existing door within |

| |the existing door frame with a black laminate finished composite security panel incorporating the ATM facia |

| |with black sign above illuminated white lettering "Free Cash withdrawals out of black surround. |

|Location |28 Bridge Street Tranent East Lothian EH33 1AG |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.13/00775/ADV | |

|Applicant |Notemachine |Agent |Des Ager Retail And Planning Consultant |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Roy Lanning |Agents Address |Per Desmond Ager |

| |Elvicta Business Park | |1 Turner Cottages |

| |Crickhowell | |33 Charterhouse Road |

| |NP8 1DF | |Godalming |

| |Powys | |GU7 2AG |

|Proposal |Advertisement of the following types : Internally illuminated white lettering "Free Cash withdrawals" out of |

| |black surround to ATM facia and blue halo llumination to ATM surround |

|Location |The Village Shop Main Road Macmerry East Lothian EH33 1PA |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.13/00776/P | |

|Applicant |Notemachine |Agent |Des Ager Retail And Planning Consultant |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Roy Lanning |Agents Address |Per Desmond Ager |

| |Elvicta Business Park | |1 Turner Cottages |

| |Crickhowell | |33 Charterhouse Road |

| |NP8 1DF | |Godalming |

| |Powys | |GU7 2AG |

|Proposal |The retention of an ATM installed to the right of the shop front glazing through the external masonry wall. |

| |ATM facia with black surround and illuminated white lettering "Free Cash withdrawals out of black surround. |

|Location |The Village Shop Main Road Macmerry East Lothian EH33 1PA |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.13/00785/P | |

|Applicant |Edmond Developments |Agent |Colliers International |

|Applicant Address |Dunedin |Agents Address |Per Andrew McNab |

| |Tweeddale Avenue | |39 George Street |

| |Gifford | |Edinburgh |

| |East Lothian | |EH2 2HN |

| |EH41 4QN | | |

|Proposal |Application under s42 of the Town and Country (Scotland) Act 1997 (as amended) to extend the period of time to|

| |implement planning permission 05/01333/FUL |

|Location |Monktonhall Terrace Musselburgh East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.13/00833/P | |

|Applicant |Mr And Mrs Malcolm And Nicola Thom|Agent | |

|Applicant Address |71B Galt Road |Agents Address | |

| |Musselburgh | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH21 8DL | | |

|Proposal |Erection of garden shed (Retrospective) |

|Location |71B Galt Road Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 8DL |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.13/01003/P | |

|Applicant |Prestonpans Primary School |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mrs Jane Peterson |Agents Address | |

| |Prestonpans Primary School Grounds| | |

| | | | |

| |Preston Road | | |

| |Prestonpans | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH32 9EN | | |

|Proposal |Creating of a school garden in the grounds of Prestonpans Primary School, in order to facilitate outdoor |

| |learning and address Curriculum of Excellence recommendations for learning and teaching experiences. To |

| |include erection of a shed, greenhouse, composting bins, 6 raised planters and a fence to surround the area. |

| |Currently the area is grassed and level. |

|Location |Prestonpans Primary School Preston Road Prestonpans East Lothian EH32 9EN |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.13/01005/P | |

|Applicant |Mrs Jane Anne Denham Will |Agent |Sundog Energy Limited |

|Applicant Address |Myreside |Agents Address |Per Jane Newport |

| |By Gifford | |Fairfield House |

| |Haddington | |North Lakes Business Park |

| |East Lothian | |Penrith |

| |EH41 4JA | |CA11 0BT |

|Proposal |Erection of 80 module photovoltaic array in field to the south of the house. Array in 2 rows of 40 modules. |

| |This would involve a change of use of this small portion of the field (approx 250sq.m) which is currently a |

| |wild flower meadow. |

|Location |Myreside By Gifford Haddington East Lothian EH41 4JA |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.14/00060/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Richard Restorick |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |26 Pinkie Terrace |Agents Address | |

| |Musselburgh | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH21 7NE | | |

|Proposal |Erection of fence (Retrospective) |

|Location |26 Pinkie Terrace Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 7NE |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.14/00001/SGC | |

|Applicant |Community Windpower |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |1st Floor |Agents Address | |

| |2 Parklands Way | | |

| |Maxim Business Park | | |

| |Eurocentral | | |

| |Motherwell | | |

| |ML1 4WR | | |

|Proposal |Section 36 - Construction of 27 wind turbines, associated access tracks, crane hardstandings, one 90m |

| |meteorological mast, sub-station/control room buildings and compound, a temporary storage and construction |

| |compound and 5 borrow pits - Aikengall 11a (this application straddles the East Lothian/Scottish Borders |

| |Council area boundary - 8 of the turbines are within East Lothian with the remainder in Scottish Borders) |

|Location |Aikengall Community Wind Farm U204 (01) From Thurston Mains (u202) To Aikengall Farm Innerwick East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.14/00177/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Carlo Crolla |Agent |Links Design |

|Applicant Address |8 Seton Place |Agents Address |Per Ken Smith |

| |Port Seton | |7 Claremont Park |

| |East Lothian | |Edinburgh |

| |EH32 0DT | |EH6 7PJ |

|Proposal |Alterations to shop, installation of flue and fan (Retrospective) |

|Location |8 Seton Place Port Seton East Lothian EH32 0DT |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.14/00201/LBC | |

|Applicant |Mr And Mrs A Hamilton |Agent |Groves-Raines Architects Ltd. |

|Applicant Address |Forbes Lodge |Agents Address |Per Nicholas Groves-Raines |

| |Edinburgh Road | |Lamb's House |

| |Gifford | |11 Waters Close |

| |Haddington | |Edinburgh |

| |East Lothian | |EH6 6RB |

| |EH41 4JE | | |

|Proposal |Erection of wall, gate and demolition of retaining wall |

|Location |Forbes Lodge Edinburgh Road Gifford Haddington East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |9th May 2014 |

|App No.14/00201/P | |

|Applicant |Mr And Mrs A Hamilton |Agent |Groves-Raines Architects Ltd. |

|Applicant Address |Forbes Lodge |Agents Address |Per Nicholas Groves-Raines |

| |Edinburgh Road | |Lamb's House |

| |Gifford | |11 Waters Close |

| |Haddington | |Edinburgh |

| |East Lothian | |EH6 6RB |

| |EH41 4JE | | |

|Proposal |Erection of wall and gate |

|Location |Forbes Lodge Edinburgh Road Gifford Haddington East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |9th May 2014 |

|App No.14/00255/P | |

|Applicant |Ann And David Gallacher |Agent |Blue Pencil Studio |

|Applicant Address |The Priory |Agents Address |Per Malcolm Jones |

| |Abbeylands | |Elderside |

| |High Street | |Spott |

| |Dunbar | |Dunbar |

| |East Lothian | |EH42 1RE |

| |EH42 1EH | | |

|Proposal |Alterations to house, installation of rooflights and flue |

|Location |The Priory Abbeylands High Street Dunbar East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.14/00305/ADV | |

|Applicant |Iguana-eyes |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr David Moffat |Agents Address | |

| |12 Sandringham Terrace | | |

| |The Esplanade | | |

| |Greenock | | |

| |PA16 7XL | | |

|Proposal |Display of advertisement |

|Location |24 Market Street Haddington East Lothian EH41 3JE |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.14/00561/P | |

|Applicant |Four-by-Two |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Adam Storey |Agents Address | |

| |104 Constitution Street | | |

| |Edinburgh | | |

| |EH6 7AW | | |

|Proposal |Convert workshop in a kitchen, alter existing openings to allow access to the garden. Main character of the |

| |old School house and workshop to compliment the courtyard. Replace damaged roof lights, like for like. |

|Location |The Old Schoolhouse Carberry Courtyard Carberry Tower Whitecraig Musselburgh |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.14/00635/ADV | |

|Applicant |Mr Patrick Flockhart |Agent |Lee Boyd Ltd |

|Applicant Address |Longwood |Agents Address |Per Lee Boyd |

| |By Blegbie Farm | |6D Canaan Lane |

| |Humbie | |Edinburgh |

| |East Lothian | |EH10 4SY |

| |EH36 5PN | | |

|Proposal |Display of advertisements |

|Location |Humbie Post Office Humbie East Lothian EH36 5PJ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.14/00637/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Patrick Flockhart |Agent |Lee Boyd Ltd |

|Applicant Address |Longwood |Agents Address |6D Canaan Lane |

| |By Blegbie Farm | |Edinburgh |

| |Humbie | |EH10 4SY |

| |EH36 5PN | | |

|Proposal |Change of use for the existing utility room from residential to commercial with alterations to the form. |

|Location |Humbie Post Office Humbie East Lothian EH36 5PJ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.14/00784/LBC | |

|Applicant |The Earl of Haddington John Ballie|Agent |Ckd Galbraith |

| |- Hamilton | | |

|Applicant Address |Mellerstain House |Agents Address |Per Mike Thompson |

| |Gordon | |7 Bank Street |

| |Berwickshire | |Galashiels |

| |TD3 6LG | |TD1 1EN |

|Proposal |Erection of buttresses (Part Retrospective) |

|Location |North Boundary Wall Tyninghame House Tyninghame Dunbar East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |9th January 2015 |

|App No.14/00784/P | |

|Applicant |The Earl Of Haddington John Ballie|Agent |Ckd Galbraith |

| |- Hamilton | | |

|Applicant Address |Mellerstain House |Agents Address |Per Mike Thompson |

| |Gordon | |7 Bank Street |

| |Berwickshire | |Galashiels |

| |TD3 6LG | |TD1 1EN |

|Proposal |Erection of buttresses (Part Retrospective) |

|Location |North Boundary Wall Tyninghame House Tyninghame Dunbar East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |9th January 2015 |

|App No.14/00792/P | |

|Applicant |Robert Sinclair & Son |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Robbie Sinclair |Agents Address | |

| |Gumala | | |

| |Congalton Market Gardens | | |

| |North Berwick | | |

| |EH39 5JP | | |

|Proposal |Formation of vehicular access |

|Location |Gumala Congalton North Berwick East Lothian EH39 5JP |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.14/00835/LBC | |

|Applicant |Mr Andrew Douglas |Agent |Jonathan Hadfield |

|Applicant Address |Kennel House |Agents Address |Springs House |

| |Ayton Castle | |Chipping |

| |Ayton | |Preston |

| |Berwickshire | |PR3 2GQ |

| |TD14 5RD | | |

|Proposal |replacement advevertisement (retrospective) |

|Location |42 Market Street Haddington East Lothian EH41 3JE |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.14/00008/OBL | |

|Applicant |Mr Richard Bolton |Agent |Savills |

|Applicant Address |Chesters Farmhouse |Agents Address |Per Adam Richardson |

| |Garvald | |Wemyss House |

| |East Lothian | |8 Wemyss Place |

| |EH41 4LJ | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH3 6DH |

|Proposal |Discharge of clause 2 of planning obligation on planning permission P/177/90 - Change of use of agricultural |

| |building to domestic dwelling |

|Location |The Arches Chesters Farm Garvald Haddington East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.14/00926/P | |

|Applicant |Bayswell Park Hotel |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr John Hancock |Agents Address | |

| |16 Bayswell Park | | |

| |Dunbar | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH42 1AE | | |

|Proposal |Replace light on building to low energy LED from halogen, add 5 lights to illuminate ground for safetly |

|Location |Bayswell Hotel 16 Bayswell Park Dunbar East Lothian EH42 1AE |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.14/00011/OBL | |

|Applicant |Crystal Rig II Limited |Agent |Harper Macleod LLP |

|Applicant Address |Co Agent |Agents Address |Per Peter Ferguson |

| | | |The Cadoro |

| | | |45 Gordon Street |

| | | |Glasgow |

| | | |G1 3PE |

|Proposal |Modification of definition of "subjects" and modification of clause First of the 2005 Section 75 Ageement |

| |approved under reference number 07/00660/FUL to exclude the sub-station from the obligation to restore |

|Location |Crystal Rig (phase II) Wind Farm Dunbar East Lothian EH42 1SH |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.15/00027/P | |

|Applicant |Ms Karen Payne |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Dovecot |Agents Address | |

| |Haddington | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH41 4HA | | |

|Proposal |Change of use to residential care home |

|Location |Dovecot Bungalow Dovecote Letham Haddington East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.15/00049/ADV | |

|Applicant |Rothbury Autos Ltd |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Miss Lesley Bell |Agents Address | |

| |Tomtorium | | |

| |Unit 2 | | |

| |New Fenton Mains Road | | |

| |Fenton Barns | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH39 5AW | | |

|Proposal |Display of advertisement |

|Location |B1345 New Fenton Mains Road Fenton Barns East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.15/00108/P | |

|Applicant |Lafarge Tarmac |Agent |C G Down Planning |

|Applicant Address |Portland House |Agents Address |Per Chris Down |

| |1 Bickenhill Lane | |Manor House |

| |Solihull | |Church Street |

| |Birmingham | |Churchover |

| |B37 7BQ | |Rugby |

| | | |Warwickshire |

| | | |CV23 0EW |

|Proposal |Installation of underground gravity outfall drain and associated works |

|Location |Dunbar Works Innerwick Dunbar East Lothian EH42 1SL |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.15/00204/AMM | |

|Applicant |In-Site Property Solutions Ltd And|Agent |Scott Hobbs Planning Limited |

| |Viewpoint | | |

|Applicant Address |C-O Scott Hobbs Planning |Agents Address |Per Sheila Hobbs |

| |24A Stafford Street | |24A Stafford Street |

| |Edinburgh | |Edinburgh |

| |EH3 7BD | |EH3 7BD |

|Proposal |Application for approval of matters specified in conditions of planning permission 13/00800/PPM - Erection of |

| |Business Units and associated development at land west of Gateside Road and north of West Road, Haddington |

|Location |Land West Of Gateside Road Haddington East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.15/00288/P | |

|Applicant |Post Office |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mrs Nazea Saqib |Agents Address | |

| |17A High Street | | |

| |Dunbar | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH42 1EN | | |

|Proposal |Painting exterior front (Retrospective) |

|Location |Post Office 17A High Street Dunbar East Lothian EH42 1EN |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.15/00315/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Leonardo Carbiner |Agent |Apt Planning & Development |

|Applicant Address |C/o Apt Planning & Development |Agents Address |Per Tony Thomas |

| |Ltd. | |6 High Street |

| |6 High Street | |East Linton |

| |East Linton | |EH40 3AB |

| |EH40 3AB | | |

|Proposal |Proposed demolition of existing dental practice building and development of a terrace of three houses with |

| |ancillary access, parking and garden ground. |

|Location |19 Law Road North Berwick East Lothian EH39 4PT |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.15/00002/OBL | |

|Applicant |Ms Elayne Blackwood |Agent |Lindsays |

|Applicant Address |Carberry Mains |Agents Address |Per Kate Bond |

| |Carberry | |Caledonian Exchange |

| |East Lothian | |19A Canning Street |

| | | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH3 8HE |

|Proposal |Modification of Clause 2 of planning obligation on planning permission 13/00547/P - Renewal of Planning |

| |Permission 07/00419/FUL - Alterations, extensions and change of use of agricultural buildings and land to form|

| |4 houses, domestic garden grounds, paddocks for the keeping of horses and associated works |

|Location |Carberry Mains Carberry Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 8PX |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.15/00372/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Steven McFarlane |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |30 Northfield East |Agents Address | |

| |Tranent | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH33 1JU | | |

|Proposal |Garden hut and decking |

|Location |30 Northfield East Tranent East Lothian EH33 1JU |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.15/00471/P | |

|Applicant |Miss Hannah Greig |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |8 Wilson Road |Agents Address | |

| |Dunbar | | |

| |EH42 1GH | | |

|Proposal |We would like to move the current fence to incorporate shrub land at the side of our garden. We own this land |

| |and at present this area has not been looked after as we have just moved into the property. We would like to |

| |move the fence slightly and make this part of our garden. We have had to deal with the vegetation that was |

| |currently there as it was so overgrown and coming over the fence. Vegetation has been removed. |

|Location |8 Wilson Road Dunbar East Lothian EH42 1GH |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.15/00478/P | |

|Applicant |A A Williamson (Edinburgh) Ltd |Agent |Architecturejfltd |

|Applicant Address |Per Sandy Williamson |Agents Address |Per Julian Frostwick |

| |30 Lasswade Road | |Gullane Business Centre |

| |Eskbank | |12A Lammerview Terrace |

| |EH22 3EF | |Gullane |

| | | |East Lothian |

| | | |EH31 2HB |

|Proposal |Erection of 9 flats and associated works |

|Location |Coastguard Site Church Street Dunbar East Lothian EH42 1HD |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.15/00537/PPM | |

|Applicant |East Lothian Developments Ltd |Agent |Holder Planning Ltd |

|Applicant Address |16 Charlotte Square |Agents Address |Per Robin Holder |

| |Edinburgh | |5 South Charlotte Square |

| |EH2 4DF | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH2 4AN |

|Proposal |Planning permission in principle for residential development with associated educational and community |

| |facilities and open space |

|Location |Land Located To The South And East Of Wallyford And At Dolphingstone East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |1st March 2017 |

|App No.15/00569/P | |

|Applicant |G.M Hodge & Sons |Agent |Bineri Ltd |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Sandy Hodge |Agents Address |Per Billy Richmond |

| |Humbie Mill | |156 Norwich Road |

| |Humbie | |Ipswich |

| |East Lothian | |IP1 2PT |

| |EH36 5PB | | |

|Proposal |Permission for improvement to c.1000m of existing farm access track, and formation of c.700m of new temporary |

| |access comprising graded track to a 4m width to allow vehicular access uphill from Keith Hill Farm. The |

| |revised access avoids disturbances to watercourses and upland habitat involved if approved southern access is |

| |built, in favour of improving existing farm access track. Post construction the track will be allowed to green|

| |over to minimise visual signature. |

|Location |Keithhill Cottage Humbie East Lothian EH36 5PN |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.15/00688/P | |

|Applicant |BDL Property Management Ltd |Agent |Wilson & Gunn Architects |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Rajan Pandey |Agents Address |Per William Gunn |

| |24 Craigpark | |137 Sauchiehall Street |

| |Glasgow | |Glasgow |

| |G31 2LZ | |G2 3EW |

|Proposal |Application for planning permission for a variation to the wording of Condition 2 of planning permission |

| |14/00232/P |

|Location |Musselburgh Arms Hotel 49 High Street Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 7AB |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.15/00829/P | |

|Applicant |Mrs Melaney Fendick |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |32 32 Boggs Holdings |Agents Address | |

| |Pencaitland | | |

| |EH34 5BA | | |

|Proposal |Siting of a mobile snack van on the side of the road. Dimensions of snack van are 2m wide, 2m high, 3m long |

|Location |Street Only Macmerry Industrial Estate Macmerry East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.15/00843/P | |

|Applicant |Mrs Mairead Moodie |Agent |Morgan McDonnell Architecture Ltd |

|Applicant Address |Redcote |Agents Address |Per John Simpson |

| |Manse Road | |5 Advocate's Close |

| |Dirleton | |Edinburgh |

| |East Lothian | |EH1 1ND |

| |EH39 5EH | | |

|Proposal |Extension to house, erection of fencing and gate, change of use of agricultural land and conversion of |

| |agricultural buildings to domestic garden ground and ancillary residential accommodation |

|Location |Birnieknowes Farmhouse And Steading Cockburnspath East Lothian TD13 5XH |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |15th January 2016 |

|App No.15/00856/P | |

|Applicant |M1 Homes Ltd |Agent |McLaren Murdoch & Hamilton |

|Applicant Address |7 Cottage Park |Agents Address |Per Sybille Stolze |

| |Edinburgh | |2 West Coates |

| |EH4 3QL | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH12 5JQ |

|Proposal |Changes to external finishes of the houses, fencing and hardsurfacing as changes to the scheme of development |

| |the subject of planning permission 11/01045/P (part retrospective) |

|Location |Carberry Candles Carberry East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |25th December 2015 |

|App No.15/00894/CLU | |

|Applicant |Ms Caroline Samuel |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |11A Letham Mains Holdings |Agents Address | |

| |Haddington | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH41 4NW | | |

|Proposal |Certificate of lawfulness of use - use of caravan and land as residential use |

|Location |11A Letham Mains Holdings Letham Haddington East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.15/00936/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Grant Middleton |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Farragon |Agents Address | |

| |Petermuir Road | | |

| |East Saltoun | | |

| |Tranent | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH34 5EB | | |

|Proposal |To fit two eight panel solar PV arrays to each of the east and west roofs of the building |

|Location |Farragon East Saltoun Tranent East Lothian EH34 5EB |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.15/00005/OBL | |

|Applicant |Walker Holdings (Scotland) Ltd |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Westerwood House |Agents Address | |

| |Royston House | | |

| |Deans Industrial Estate | | |

| |Livingston | | |

| |West Lothian | | |

| |EH54 8AH | | |

|Proposal |Modification of clause one, clause five (i), five (iv) and five (v) of planning obligation on planning |

| |permission 11/00023/P |

|Location |Land At Tynemount Road Ormiston East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.16/00043/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Andrew Hamilton |Agent |Douglas Williams |

|Applicant Address |Forbes Lodge |Agents Address |47D High Street |

| |Edinburgh Road | |Haddington |

| |Gifford | |EH41 3EE |

| |EH41 4JE | | |

|Proposal |Alterations to the house, installation of oil storage tank and formation of hardstanding area as design |

| |changes to the scheme of development the subject of planning permission 10/00854/P |

|Location |Forbes Lodge Edinburgh Road Gifford EH41 4JE |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |15th April 2016 |

|App No.16/00075/P | |

|Applicant |J N & A M Maxwell |Agent |The Farm Environment Ltd |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr David Keith Maxwell |Agents Address |Per Tony Seymour |

| |Cauldshiel Farm Office | |27 Rosetta Road |

| |Cauldshiel Farm | |Peebles |

| |Haddington | |EH45 8HJ |

| |EH41 4JR | | |

|Proposal |The proposal is to create a number of wildlife ponds and associated wetland on farmland at Cauldshiel. The |

| |ponds will vary in size from 50m2 to 500m2. Operations will follow best-practice guidance (provided with this|

| |application) and will support government objectives to protect and enhance habitat for target vulnerable |

| |priority species under the Scottish Government's Agri-Environment Climate Scheme (AECS). |

| |The land is owned by D.K. Maxwell & Mrs J.E Maxwell trading as J.N & A.M Maxwell |

|Location |Cauldshiel Farm Haddington East Lothian EH41 4JR |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.16/00001/SGC | |

|Applicant |EDF Energy Renewables Ltd. |Agent |Amec Foster Wheeler |

|Applicant Address |40 Grosvenor Place |Agents Address |Partnership House |

| |London | |Regent Farm Road |

| |SW1X 7EHN | |Gosforth |

| | | |Newcastle Upon Tyne |

| | | |NE3 3AF |

|Proposal |Section 36 - Permission to extend the operational 48 turbine (Fallago Rig 1) by constructiong and operating an|

| |additional 12 turbines (up to 41.4MW) (Fallago Rig 2) on the Fallago Rig 1 site |

|Location |Fallago Rig 1 3.8km To The Borth West Of Byrecleugh 7.5km To The South East Of Westruther And 7.9km To The |

| |North West Of Gifford (Scottish Borders Council Area) |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.16/00118/PPM | |

|Applicant |Stewart Milne Homes |Agent |Clarendon Planning And Development Ltd |

|Applicant Address |5A Castle Terrace |Agents Address |Per Antony Duthie |

| |Edinburgh | |5A Castle Terrace |

| |EH1 2DP | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH1 2DP |

|Proposal |Planning permission in principle for residential development with associated landscaping, roads and footpaths |

|Location |Land South Of Galt Terrace Musselburgh East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.16/00133/P | |

|Applicant |Mrs Karen Pargeter |Agent |Taylor Drew Architecture |

|Applicant Address |1 Waughton Steading |Agents Address |Per Ken Drew |

| |East Linton | |1 Oxford Terrace |

| |East Lothian | |Edinburgh |

| |EH40 3DY | |EH4 1PX |

|Proposal |Changes to the design of house and garage on plot 55 as changes to the scheme of development the subject of |

| |planning permission 14/00586/P |

|Location |55 The Village Archerfield Dirleton East Lothian EH39 5HQ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |8th April 2016 |

|App No.16/00245/LBC | |

|Applicant |Mr Costantino Pacitti |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |15 High Street |Agents Address | |

| |Haddington | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH41 3ES | | |

|Proposal |Repainting of building, erection of signage and installation of security camera and lighting (Part |

| |Retrospective) |

|Location |15 High Street Haddington East Lothian EH41 3ES |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |1st July 2016 |

|App No.16/00245/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Costantino Pacitti |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |15 High Street |Agents Address | |

| |Haddington | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH41 3ES | | |

|Proposal |Repainting of building and installation of security camera (Retrospective) |

|Location |15 High Street Haddington East Lothian EH41 3ES |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |1st July 2016 |

|App No.16/00246/ADV | |

|Applicant |Mr Costantino Pacitti |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |15 High Street |Agents Address | |

| |Haddington | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH41 3ES | | |

|Proposal |Display of advertisements (Part Retrospective) |

|Location |15 High Street Haddington East Lothian EH41 3ES |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |20th June 2016 |

|App No.16/00326/P | |

|Applicant |Mr John King |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |17 Kilwinning Terrace |Agents Address | |

| |Musselburgh | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH21 7ED | | |

|Proposal |Widening of entrance to driveway (retrospective) |

|Location |17 Kilwinning Terrace Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 7ED |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.16/00333/P | |

|Applicant |Mr & Mrs Sandy & Trish Leckie |Agent |Robinson Whitehead Ltd |

|Applicant Address |Belhaven Fruit Farm |Agents Address |Per Alan Robinson |

| |Thistly Cross | |Tyninghame Mill |

| |Dunbar | |Main Street |

| |East Lothian | |Tyninghame |

| |EH42 1ST | |EH42 1XL |

|Proposal |Change of use of agricultural land for the erection of a craft shed (class 4) including occasional educational|

| |use (class 10), workshop retail unit (class 1) and storage buildings |

|Location |Belhaven Fruit Farm Thistly Cross Dunbar East Lothian EH42 1ST |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |28th October 2016 |

|App No.16/00397/P | |

|Applicant |Camperdown Childrens Nursery |Agent | |

| |Limited | | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mrs Laura Doyle |Agents Address | |

| |159A High Street | | |

| |Prestonpans | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH32 9AY | | |

|Proposal |To extend the current children's play garden by extending the boundary, to the rear, by an additional 65.8sq.m|

| |(708 sqft). This area is currently derelict land which is owned by East Lothian Council. East Lothian |

| |Council has approved the purchase of this land, in principle, subject to planning permission being approved. |

|Location |159A High Street Prestonpans East Lothian EH32 9AY |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.16/00470/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Stuart Devine |Agent |Whitelaw Associates |

|Applicant Address |8 Eva Place |Agents Address |Per Tom Whitelaw |

| |Edinburgh | |Kitleybrig |

| |EH9 3ET | |Kitleyknowe |

| | | |Carlops |

| | | |Penicuik |

| | | |EH26 9NJ |

|Proposal |erect new house |

|Location |15 Cromwell Road North Berwick East Lothian EH39 4LZ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.16/00513/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Mark Ireland |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |10 Marine Road |Agents Address | |

| |Dunbar | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH42 1AR | | |

|Proposal |Erecting raised decking in the South Western corner of the property next to an existing garage. The height |

| |will be 1mtr the width 2.7mtrs and the depth 3mtrs. i intent to erect a glass railing which will extend |

| |0.45mtrs above the rear (western) wall and a wood store 2.1mtrs in height at the eastern end of the deck which|

| |will also provide an area of shelter. |

|Location |10 Marine Road Dunbar East Lothian EH42 1AR |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.16/00595/P | |

|Applicant |Winton Trust |Agent |Ogilvy Chalmers |

|Applicant Address |Winton House |Agents Address |Per Steven White |

| |Winton Estate | |48 High Street |

| |Pencaitland | |Haddington |

| |East Lothian | |East Lothian |

| |EH34 5AT | |EH41 3EF |

|Proposal |Alterations, extension to house, change of use of agricultural land to domestic garden ground, formation of |

| |hardstanding areas and alterations to domestic outbuilding |

|Location |Redmains Farmhouse Pencaitland Tranent East Lothian EH34 5AT |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |2nd September 2016 |

|App No.16/00666/P | |

|Applicant |Miss Samantha Duncan |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |15 Grange Crescent West |Agents Address | |

| |Prestonpans | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH32 9QW | | |

|Proposal |I am proposing for a change of use in the property. At the moment they are trading at a class 1 which is |

| |currently unoccupied therefore i am looking to change this to a class 10 in order for me to start trading as a|

| |day care for children breakfast club and after school care. The nursery will provide care from three months to|

| |five years. The breakfast and after school care will provide care from 5 years to 11 years. which will |

| |included various activities and experiences within the property. |

|Location |Unit L Hawthorn Road Prestonpans East Lothian EH32 9QW |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.16/00866/P | |

|Applicant |Miss Zoe Robertson |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |2 St Clements Gardens North |Agents Address | |

| |Wallyford | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH21 8BD | | |

|Proposal |Change of open grass verge into hard surface vehicle access and installation of gates |

|Location |2 St Clements Gardens North Wallyford East Lothian EH21 8BD |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.16/00923/PPM | |

|Applicant |East Lothian Developments Limited |Agent |HolderPlanning |

|Applicant Address |C/o Agent |Agents Address |Per Naomi Cunningham |

| | | |5 South Charlotte Street |

| | | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH2 4AN |

|Proposal |Planning permission in principle for residential development and associated works |

|Location |Land At Dolphingstone Tranent East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |13th January 2017 |

|App No.16/00970/PM | |

|Applicant |Highland Residential Developments |Agent |EMA Architecture and Design |

| |Ltd | | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Gordon Keir |Agents Address |42 Charlotte Square |

| |Gogar Mains House | |Edinburgh |

| |Gogar Mains | |EH2 4HQ |

| |Gogar | | |

| |Edinburgh | | |

| |EH12 9BP | | |

|Proposal |Erection of 76 houses, 4 flats and associated works |

|Location |Land To The North Of Castlehill Main Street Elphinstone East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |20th January 2017 |

|App No.16/01066/P | |

|Applicant |D Geddes (Contractors) Ltd |Agent |AMS Associates Ltd |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Philip Thacker |Agents Address |Per Alistair Smith |

| |Markle Mains Quarry | |51 Ettrick Terrace |

| |East Linton | |Selkirk |

| |Haddington | |TD7 4JS |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH41 3SB | | |

|Proposal |Extension to rock quarry with extraction of stone being processed at the existing plant with associated |

| |bunding, landscaping and restoration works |

|Location |Markle Mains Quarry Markle East Linton East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |6th June 2017 |

|App No.17/00136/P | |

|Applicant |Mr James Hutchison |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |11 Ross's Close |Agents Address | |

| |Haddington | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH41 3EJ | | |

|Proposal |Installation of satellite dish (Retrospective) |

|Location |11 Ross's Close Haddington East Lothian EH41 3EJ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.17/00178/LBC | |

|Applicant |Redhouse Capital Ltd & Socially |Agent |Ryden LLP |

| |Conscious Capital | | |

|Applicant Address |C/o Wemyss & March Estate Office |Agents Address |Per Monica Forde |

| |Per Mr Martin Andrews | |7 Exchange Crescent |

| |Craigielaw Park | |Conference Square |

| |Longniddry | |Edinburgh |

| |East Lothian | |EH38AN |

| |EH320PY | | |

|Proposal |Alterations, extension to buildings, formation of hardstanding areas, demolition of building and walls |

|Location |Longniddry Farm Longniddry East Lothian EH32 0NZ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |28th February 2020 |

|App No.17/00194/P | |

|Applicant |Redhouse Capital Ltd & Socially |Agent |Ryden |

| |Conscious Capital | | |

|Applicant Address |C/o Wemyss & March Estate Office |Agents Address |Per Marc Giles |

| |Craigielaw Park | |7 Exchange Crescent |

| |Longniddry | |Conference Square |

| |East Lothian | |Edinburgh |

| |EH320PY | |EH3 8AN |

|Proposal |Conversion of agricultural buildings/land to be used for class 2, class 3, class 4, class 10, holiday let (sui|

| |generis) uses, erection of covered canopy for class 3 use and associated works |

|Location |Longniddry Farm Longniddry East Lothian EH32 0NZ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |28th February 2020 |

|App No.17/00217/P | |

|Applicant |Jack Waite |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Boris Lietzow |Agents Address | |

| |37 Main Street | | |

| |Gullane | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH31 2AA | | |

|Proposal |Covering of shop windows with clear varnish |

|Location |37 Main Street Gullane East Lothian EH31 2AA |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.17/00009/OBL | |

|Applicant |Dr And Mrs David And Janice |Agent | |

| |Simpson | | |

|Applicant Address |Elvingston Science Centre |Agents Address | |

| |Gladsmuir | | |

| |Tranent | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

|Proposal |Discharge of planning obligation on Planning Permission P/00064/91 - Outline application for development of |

| |research park and conference centre |

|Location |Elvingston Science Centre Gladsmuir Tranent East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.17/00437/P | |

|Applicant |Ms Janice Laird |Agent |Gilberts |

|Applicant Address |Cauldcoats Farm |Agents Address |Per George Gilbert |

| |Near Dalkeith | |39 Grassmarket |

| |Midlothian | |Edinburgh |

| |EH22 1SH | |EH1 2HS |

|Proposal |Erection of agricultural building |

|Location |St Clements Wells Farm Wallyford East Lothian EH21 8QN |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |4th August 2017 |

|App No.17/00532/P | |

|Applicant |Mr & Mrs Colin and Jill Hunter |Agent |Sutherland & Co Architects Ltd |

|Applicant Address |Stonelaws Farmhouse |Agents Address |Per Robin Sutherland |

| |Stonelaws Farm | |82 High Street |

| |East Linton | |North Berwick |

| |East Lothian | |East Lothian |

| |EH40 3DX | |EH39 4HF |

|Proposal |Conversion of garaging/outbuildings to form extension to existing dwelling, altered garden boundary and |

| |erection of new boundary walls and fences |

|Location |The Bothy Stonelaws Farmhouse East Linton East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.17/00610/P | |

|Applicant |Mr John Burns |Agent |Alan Sheerin |

|Applicant Address |12 John Brown Court |Agents Address |6A Vetch Park |

| |Haddington | |Haddington |

| |East Lothian | |East Lothian |

| |EH41 3JB | |EH41 3LH |

|Proposal |Conversion of domestic garage to form 1 house and associated works (Part Retrospective) |

|Location |12 John Brown Court Haddington East Lothian EH41 3JB |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |10th November 2017 |

|App No.17/00627/P | |

|Applicant |D Geddes (Contractors) Ltd |Agent |AMS Associates Ltd |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Philip Thacker |Agents Address |Per Alistair Smith |

| |Markle Mains Quarry | |51 Ettrick Terrace |

| |East Linton | |Selkirk |

| |East Lothian | |TD7 4JS |

| |EH41 3SB | | |

|Proposal |Removal of condition 32 of planning permission 98/00054/HIS_P to rescind the requirement for a 10 metre tree |

| |and shrub belt around the quarry extraction area |

|Location |Markle Mains Quarry East Linton East Lothian EH41 3SB |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |27th October 2017 |

|App No.17/00642/AMC | |

|Applicant |Castle Park Golf And Leisure LLP |Agent |MILL Design LLP |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Craig McLachlan |Agents Address |Per Chris Duncan |

| |Castle Park Golf Club | |2 Bankhead Steadings |

| |Gifford | |Dalmeny |

| |East Lothian | |Edinburgh |

| |EH41 4PL | |EH30 9TF |

|Proposal |Approval of matters specified in conditions of planning permission in principle 13/01010/PP - Erection of 7 |

| |houses and 3 golfing chalets |

|Location |Castlepark Golf Club Gifford EH41 4PL |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |22nd September 2017 |

|App No.17/00674/P | |

|Applicant |D Marshall & Partners |Agent |NGP Architecture Ltd |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Brian Marshall |Agents Address |Per Isabella Chaussy |

| |Highlea Farm | |Federation House |

| |Humbie | |222 Queensferry Road |

| |EH36 5PB | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH1 2BW |

|Proposal |Variation of Condition 1 of planning permission 03/00752/FUL to extend the time period by a further 3 years |

|Location |Highlea Farm Humbie East Lothian EH36 5PB |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |1st September 2017 |

|App No.17/00699/P | |

|Applicant |Caledonian Trust PLC |Agent |Iain Gaul Architects |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Mike Baynham |Agents Address |Per Iain Gaul |

| |61A North Castle Street | |4 Coltbridge Terrace |

| |Edinburgh | |Edinburgh |

| |EH2 3LJ | |EH12 6AH |

|Proposal |Erection of 4 houses and associated works |

|Location |Drummohr Avenue Wallyford East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |3rd November 2017 |

|App No.17/00721/PPM | |

|Applicant |BDW Trading Ltd / Ashfield |Agent |Turley |

| |Commercial Properties Ltd | | |

|Applicant Address |(c/o Turley) |Agents Address |Per Kate Donald |

| |115 George Street | |115 George Street |

| |Edinburgh | |Edinburgh |

| |EH2 4JN | |EH2 4JN |

|Proposal |Planning permission in principle for mixed use development comprising the erection of up to 300 residential |

| |units, commercial use, associated access/egress, infrastructure, roads, open space and SUDS |

|Location |Land At Goshen Farm Haddington Road Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 8JR |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |7th January 2019 |

|App No.17/00747/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Garry Latimer |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |East Windygoul Farmhouse |Agents Address | |

| |Tranent | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH33 2NJ | | |

|Proposal |Addition of a driveway from property on to Carlaverock Avenue. Retaining environmental surrounding and only |

| |requiring access over an area of 10 feet X 10 feet open amenity space. The removal of an existing garage |

| |would allow the driveway to be positioned to allow an unrestricted sightline of the road both left and right |

| |(Carlaverock Avenue). |

|Location |East Windygoul Farmhouse Tranent East Lothian EH33 2NJ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.17/00001/SGC | |

|Applicant |Natural Power Consultants Limited |Agent | |

|Applicant Address | |Agents Address | |

|Proposal |11 wind turbines, each with a capacity of generating up to 4.2MW |

|Location |Crystal Rig IV 10 Km South Of Dunbar |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.17/00862/NAF | |

|Applicant |Dere Street Farming |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Kirsty Bailey |Agents Address | |

| |Pogbie House | | |

| |Humbie | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH36 5PN | | |

|Proposal |Prior Notification of - Erection of agricultural building |

|Location |Pogbie House Humbie East Lothian EH36 5PN |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.17/00856/P | |

|Applicant |Roxy Holdings Ltd |Agent |WT Architecture |

|Applicant Address |Baro Farmhouse |Agents Address |Per William Tunnell |

| |Haddington | |4-6 Gote Lane |

| |East Lothian | |South Queensferry |

| |EH414PF | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH30 9PS |

|Proposal |Conversion and change of use of farm buildings/farmland to form 4 holiday letting units, domestic garden |

| |ground, shop (class 1) uses, restaurant and cafe (class 3) uses, business (class 4) use and associated works |

|Location |Tyninghame Links Tyninghame East Linton East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |12th January 2018 |

|App No.17/00857/LBC | |

|Applicant |Roxy Holdings Ltd |Agent |WT Architecture |

|Applicant Address |Baro Farmhouse |Agents Address |Per William Tunnell |

| |Haddington | |4-6 Gote Lane |

| |East Lothian | |South Queensferry |

| |EH41 4PF | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH30 9PS |

|Proposal |Alterations, extension to buildings, formation of hardstanding areas, decked areas, erection of fencing, |

| |gates, walls and demolition of building |

|Location |Tyninghame Links Tyninghame East Linton East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |19th January 2018 |

|App No.17/00992/P | |

|Applicant |East Linton Partners |Agent |Angus Dodds |

|Applicant Address |Garvald Mains |Agents Address |8 Wemyss Place |

| |Haddington | |Edinburgh |

| |Scotland | |EH3 6DH |

| |EH40 3DF | | |

|Proposal |Formation of gated agricultural access with passing places |

|Location |Phantassie Farm East Linton East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |22nd December 2017 |

|App No.17/01041/PCL | |

|Applicant |East Lothian Council |Agent |East Lothian Council |

|Applicant Address |John Muir House |Agents Address |Per Ross Irvine |

| |Brewery Park | |Penston House |

| |Haddington | |Macmerry Industrial Estate |

| |East Lothian | |Macmerry |

| |EH41 3HA | |East Lothian |

| | | |EH33 1EX |

|Proposal |Alterations and extension to building |

|Location |Public Toilets Car Park Number 2 Longniddry Bents Longniddry East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.17/01102/P | |

|Applicant |Edmond Developments |Agent |Colliers International |

|Applicant Address |Dunedin |Agents Address |Per Andrew McNab |

| |Tweeddale Avenue | |1 Exchange Crescent |

| |Gifford | |Conference Square |

| |United Kingdom | |Edinburgh |

| |EH41 4QN | |United Kingdom |

| | | |EH3 8AN |

|Proposal |Renewal of planning permission 14/00070/P - Erection of 12 houses and associated landscaping |

|Location |Monktonhall Terrace Musselburgh East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |12th January 2018 |

|App No.17/01105/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Darren Mainnie |Agent |Christopher Thomson Design |

|Applicant Address |98 New Street |Agents Address |Per Christopher Thomson |

| |Musselburgh | |Crowhill Cottage |

| |East Lothian | |2 Crowhill |

| |EH21 6JQ | |Innerwick |

| | | |Dunbar |

| | | |EH42 1QT |

|Proposal |Erection of 1 house with carport |

|Location |98 New Street Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 6JQ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |15th January 2018 |

|App No.17/01156/P | |

|Applicant |East Lothian Housing Association |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |18/20 Market Street |Agents Address | |

| |Haddington | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH41 3JL | | |

|Proposal |Erection of wall, handrail and associated groundworks |

|Location |Land At The Crofts Stenton East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |11th May 2018 |

|App No.17/01170/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Barry Dickson |Agent |Lochinvar |

|Applicant Address |4 John Muir Road |Agents Address |Per Mark MacKenzie |

| |Dunbar | |25 Fisherrow Industrial Estate |

| |East Lothian | |Musselburgh |

| |EH42 1GB | |EH21 6RU |

|Proposal |Extension to house |

|Location |4 John Muir Road Dunbar East Lothian EH42 1GB |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |24th January 2018 |

|App No.18/00034/PM | |

|Applicant |North Berwick Environment Trust |Agent |East Lothian Council |

|Applicant Address |C/o East Lothian Council |Agents Address |Per Glen Kane |

| |John Muir House | |John Muir House |

| |Haddington | |Brewery Park |

| |East Lothian | |Haddington |

| |EH41 3HA | |East Lothian |

| | | |EH41 3HA |

|Proposal |Installation of lighting units |

|Location |War Memorial East Road North Berwick East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.18/00074/P | |

|Applicant |Lothian Broadband Networks Ltd |Agent |Michael Roper Architect |

|Applicant Address |Humbie Hub |Agents Address |Per Maria Garcia Ferrari |

| |Humbie | |82 High Street |

| |East Lothian | |North Berwick |

| |EH36 5PJ | |EH39 4HF |

|Proposal |Installation of 15 telegraph poles in association with broadband |

|Location |Park Road, Bablins Wynd, Park Crescent, Duns Road And Walden Terrace Gifford East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |9th March 2018 |

|App No.18/00109/PM | |

|Applicant |Mactaggart & Mickel Homes Ltd |Agent |Iceni Projects |

|Applicant Address |1 Robertson Street |Agents Address |Per Sara Cockburn |

| |Glasgow | |177 West George Street |

| |G2 8JB | |Glasgow |

| | | |G2 2LB |

|Proposal |Erection of 171 houses, 24 flats, 14 business units (Class 4, 5, 6), 1 retail unit (class 1), restaurant |

| |(Class 3) / Bar (Sui Generis) and associated works |

|Location |Land At Windygoul Elphinstone Road Tranent East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |25th October 2019 |

|App No.18/00002/SGC | |

|Applicant |Arcus Consultancy Services Ltd. |Agent | |

|Applicant Address | |Agents Address | |

|Proposal |Application for a Variation of the Consented Development |

|Location |Levenmouth Demonstration Turbine |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.18/00133/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Russell Scott |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |30 West Windygoul Gardens |Agents Address | |

| |Tranent | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH33 2LA | | |

|Proposal |Erection of garage |

|Location |30 West Windygoul Gardens Tranent East Lothian EH33 2LA |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.18/00253/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Kevin McCabe |Agent |Scott Allan |

|Applicant Address |7 Station Avenue |Agents Address |36 Wallace Avenue |

| |Haddington | |Wallyford |

| |EH41 4EG | |East Lothian |

| | | |EH21 8BZ |

|Proposal |Extension to house and erection of garage |

|Location |5 Chesterhall Steading Seton Mains Longniddry East Lothian EH32 0PQ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |10th April 2018 |

|App No.18/00260/ADV | |

|Applicant |The Byre Goup |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Gareth Pickles |Agents Address | |

| |The Byre | | |

| |2 Drylawhill Steadings | | |

| |East Linton | | |

| |East Loathian | | |

| |EH40 3AZ | | |

|Proposal |Display of advertisement |

|Location |39 High Street East Linton East Lothian EH40 3AA |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.18/00003/SGC | |

|Applicant |Neart Na Gaoithe Offshore Wind |Agent | |

| |Ltd. | | |

|Applicant Address | |Agents Address | |

|Proposal |Application For Consent Under Section 36 Of The Electricity Act 1989 (As Amended) And Marine Licence Under |

| |Part 4 Of The Marine (Scotland) Act 2010 To Construct And Operate Neart Na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised |

| |Design), 15.5 Km East Off Fife Ness |

|Location |Neart Na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm Firth Of Forth |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.18/00005/SGC | |

|Applicant |Seagreen Wind Energy Limited |Agent | |

|Applicant Address | |Agents Address | |

|Proposal | |

|Location |Seagreen Alpha |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.18/00006/SGC | |

|Applicant |Seagreen Wind Energy Limited |Agent | |

|Applicant Address | |Agents Address | |

|Proposal |Section 36 - Application for variation of consent |

|Location |Seagreen Bravo |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.18/00422/PM | |

|Applicant |CALA Management Ltd. |Agent |Apt Planning & Development Ltd. |

|Applicant Address |C/o Apt Planning & Development Ltd|Agents Address |Per Tony Thomas |

| |6 High Street | |6 High Street |

| |East Linton | |East Linton |

| |EH40 3AB | |EH40 3AB |

|Proposal |Deletion of condition 7(iv) to remove proposed footpath link to Muirfield Steading and variation of condition |

| |18 of planning permission 16/00587/PM to amend landscaping detail. |

|Location |Fenton Gait East Gullane East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |8th June 2018 |

|App No.18/00489/CAC | |

|Applicant |North Berwick Community Council |Agent |North Berwick Community Council |

|Applicant Address |Per Geraldine Prince |Agents Address |Per Geraldine Prince |

| |16 Victoria Road | |16 Victoria Road |

| |North Berwick | |North Berwick |

| |EH39 4JL | |East Lothian |

| | | |EH39 4JL |

|Proposal |Substantial Demolition in a Conservation Area |

|Location |North Berwick Delivery Office 2 Westgate North Berwick East Lothian EH39 4AA |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.18/00512/P | |

|Applicant |Mr and Mrs Roy and Fiona Martin |Agent |Architecturejfltd |

|Applicant Address |North Port House |Agents Address |Per Julian Frostwick |

| |Lennoxlove | |Gullane Business Centre |

| |Haddington | |12A Lammerview Terrace |

| |Scotland | |Gullane |

| |EH41 4HH | |EH31 2HB |

|Proposal |Alterations and extension to house |

|Location |North Port Lennoxlove Bolton Haddington East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.18/00004/SGC | |

|Applicant | |Agent | |

|Applicant Address | |Agents Address | |

|Proposal | |

|Location |Crystal Rig IV |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.18/00624/P | |

|Applicant |Caledonian Heritable |Agent |Aitken Turnbull |

|Applicant Address |New Charlotte House |Agents Address |5 Castle Terrace |

| |4 Hope Street | |Edinburgh |

| |Edinburgh | |EH1 2DP |

| |EH2 4DB | | |

|Proposal |Erection of 3 houses, 12 holiday cabins, 2 holiday lodges, store, cinema/function building (class 11) |

| |extension to spa building and associated works |

|Location |Archerfield Dirleton East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |28th November 2019 |

|App No.18/00633/P | |

|Applicant |Mr And Mrs Walter Colin Brown |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |83 Muirpark Road |Agents Address | |

| |Tranent | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH33 2PA | | |

|Proposal |Formation of driveway |

|Location |83 Muirpark Road Tranent East Lothian EH33 2PA |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.18/00679/P | |

|Applicant |Lothian Broadband Networks Ltd |Agent |Michael Roper Architect |

|Applicant Address |Humbie Hub |Agents Address |Per Michael Roper |

| |Humbie | |82 High Street |

| |Scotland | |North Berwick |

| |EH36 5PJ | |Scotland |

| | | |EH39 4HF |

|Proposal |Erection of telegraph pole and telecommunications equipment |

|Location |Land To North Of Garvald Church Hall Garvald East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |30th January 2019 |

|App No.18/00680/P | |

|Applicant |Lothian Broadband Networks Ltd |Agent |Michael Roper Architect |

|Applicant Address |Humbie Hub |Agents Address |Per Michael Roper |

| |Humbie | |82 High Street |

| |Scotland | |North Berwick |

| |EH36 5PJ | |Scotland |

| | | |EH39 4HF |

|Proposal |Erection of telegraph pole and telecommunications equipment |

|Location |Land To South Of Garvald Park Garvald East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |3rd January 2019 |

|App No.18/00712/P | |

|Applicant |Kev Grigg Fitness |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Kevin Grigg |Agents Address | |

| |32 Carlaverock Terrace | | |

| |Tranent | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH33 2PL | | |

|Proposal |To change the use of unit 10 fisherrow industrial estate to be used as a personal training and group fitness |

| |studio |

|Location |Unit 9 Fisherrow Industrial Estate Newhailes Road Musselburgh East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.18/00726/P | |

|Applicant |Mrs Agnes McKnight |Agent |Bartosz Knuta |

|Applicant Address |6 Lydgait Gardens |Agents Address |17 Mearenside |

| |Haddington | |Edinburgh |

| |East Lothian | |EH12 8UQ |

| |EH41 3DB | | |

|Proposal |turn part of the front garden to driveway and drop existing road kerbs to allow access to new driveway part |

| |from the public road |

|Location |6 Lydgait Gardens Haddington East Lothian EH41 3DB |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.18/00742/P | |

|Applicant |The Motor Fuel Group |Agent |Apt Planning & Development Ltd. |

|Applicant Address |C/o Agent |Agents Address |Per Tony Thomas |

| | | |6 High Street |

| | | |East Linton |

| | | |EH40 3AB |

|Proposal |Erection of building for Class 3 Food & Drink use and associated works |

|Location |Fisherrow Service Station Edinburgh Road Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 6DN |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |8th November 2018 |

|App No.18/00825/AMC | |

|Applicant |Hargreaves Services (Blindwells) |Agent |Turley |

|Applicant Address |C/O Agent |Agents Address |Per Alison Maguire |

| | | |26 Dublin Street |

| | | |Edinburgh |

| | | |UK |

| | | |EH3 6NN |

|Proposal |Approval of matters specified in Conditions 1d and 1h (details of road infrastructure for Phase 1 Plot 3) of |

| |14/00768/PPM of planning permission in principle - For remediation of site and creation of new settlement |

| |comprising residential, employment, education and commercial uses with park and ride and rail halt facilities |

| |and associated works |

|Location |Blindwells Tranent East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |21st September 2018 |

|App No.18/00009/SGC | |

|Applicant |Inch Cape Offshore Limited |Agent | |

|Applicant Address | |Agents Address | |

|Proposal |Section 36 - Construction and Operation of a Generating station |

|Location |Inch Cape Windfarm And Offshore |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.18/00948/LBC | |

|Applicant |Mrs Shakila Imran |Agent |Colin Findlay |

|Applicant Address |22 High Street |Agents Address |Kilmora |

| |Tranent | |Kirk Street |


| |EH33 1HQ | |United Kingdom |

| | | |EH32 9EA |

|Proposal |Alterations to building and erection of signage |

|Location |60 High Street Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 7BX |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |26th October 2018 |

|App No.18/00970/PM | |

|Applicant |Mrs Jacqueline Pepper |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |16 Markle Steading |Agents Address | |

| |East Linton | | |

| |EH40 3EB | | |

|Proposal |Replacement windows (Part retrospective) |

|Location |1 Bank Buildings Main Street Gullane East Lothian EH31 2AR |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.18/00007/SGC | |

|Applicant |Seagreen Wind Energy Limited |Agent | |

|Applicant Address | |Agents Address | |

|Proposal |Section 36 - Offshore windfarm - Up to 70 wind turbine generators |

|Location |Seagreen Alpha Offshore Wind Farm |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.18/00008/SGC | |

|Applicant |Seagreen Wind Energy Limited |Agent | |

|Applicant Address | |Agents Address | |

|Proposal |Section 36 - Offshore windfarm - Up to 70 wind turbine generators |

|Location |Seagreen Bravo Offshore Wind Farm |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.18/01001/PP | |

|Applicant |Scotmid Co-operative |Agent |Allsorts P & M Ltd |

|Applicant Address |2 Harvest Drive |Agents Address |Per Ronnie Kerr |

| |Newbridge | |62 Fernleigh Road |

| |Edinburgh | |Newlands |

| |EH28 8QJ | |Glasgow |

| | | |G43 2TZ |

|Proposal |Planning permission in principle for the siting of a portable building for use as a funeral directors |

|Location |Scotmid Building High Street Prestonpans East Lothian EH32 9AZ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.18/01008/ADV | |

|Applicant |Mrs Shakila Imran |Agent |Colin Findlay |

|Applicant Address |22 High Street |Agents Address |Kilmora |

| |Tranent | |Kirk Street |

| |EH33 1HQ | |Prestonpans |

| | | |EH32 9EA |

|Proposal |Display of advertisements (retrospective) |

|Location |60 High Street Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 7BX |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |23rd October 2018 |

|App No.18/01086/PM | |

|Applicant |Balfour Beatty Homes |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Alan Arnott |Agents Address | |

| |Suite 4 | | |

| |South Inch Business Centre | | |

| |Shore Road | | |

| |Perth | | |

| |PH2 8BW | | |

|Proposal |Erection of 122 houses, 20 Flats and associated works. |

|Location |Main Road Macmerry East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |24th May 2019 |

|App No.18/01151/PM | |

|Applicant |Dunbar Golf Club |Agent |Apt Planning & Development Ltd |

|Applicant Address |C/O Agent |Agents Address |Per Tony Thomas |

| | | |6 High Street |

| | | |East Linton |

| | | |EH40 3AB |

|Proposal |Variation of condition 1(e) of planning permission in principle 09/00574/OUT - To change the A1087 public |

| |road visibility splays at the new access junction |

|Location |Dunbar Golf Club East Links Road Dunbar East Lothian EH42 1LL |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |30th November 2018 |

|App No.18/01187/P | |

|Applicant |Caledonian Heritable |Agent |Oberlanders Architects |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Denis Batts |Agents Address |16 Melville Street |

| |4 Hope Street | |Edinburgh |

| |Edinburgh | |EH3 7NS |

| |EH2 4DB | | |

|Proposal |Erection of public house (Sui Generis) , restaurant ( Class 3), 15 flats and associated works |

|Location |184 North High Street Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 6BH |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |1st February 2019 |

|App No.18/01194/PP | |

|Applicant |Mr Kris MacSorley |Agent |Craig Mallinson |

|Applicant Address |38 Park Drive |Agents Address |47 Skibo Court |

| |Wallyford | |Dunfermline |

| |Musselburgh | |Fife |

| |East Lothian | |KY12 7EW |

| |EH21 8DA | | |

|Proposal |The proposal is to convert the existing garage into a open plan kitchen, dining and living area. This will |

| |also form a new store room and the relocation of the existing garage door. |

|Location |38 Park Drive Wallyford Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 8DA |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.18/01196/P | |

|Applicant |Caledonian Heritable |Agent |Oberlanders Architects |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Denis Batts |Agents Address |16 Melville Street |

| |4 Hope Street | |Edinburgh |

| |Edinburgh | |EH3 7NS |

| |EH2 4DB | | |

|Proposal |Conversion of public house to form 2 flats, erection of 9 flats and associated works |

|Location |90 Bridge Street Tranent East Lothian EH33 1AL |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |15th February 2019 |

|App No.18/00007/OBL | |

|Applicant |Mr And Mrs John And Sheila |Agent |Shepherd And Wedderburn |

| |Kinnaird | | |

|Applicant Address |Papple Farm |Agents Address |Per Colin Innes |

| |Haddington | |1 Exchange Crescent |

| |East Lothian | |Conference Square |

| |EH41 4QD | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH3 8UL |

|Proposal |Discharge of planning obligation on planning permission 06/00888/FUL for erection of 3 houses, 1 garage and |

| |associated works |

|Location |Papple Farm Haddington East Lothian EH41 4QD |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.18/01224/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Paul Calversbert |Agent |Keith Cunningham Architects |

|Applicant Address |Plot 3 |Agents Address |Per Keith Cunningham |

| |Seton Mains | |8 Farm Cottages |

| |Longniddry | |Longniddry Farm |

| |EH32 0PG | |Longniddry |

| | | |EH32 0NZ |

|Proposal |Change of use of woodland area to extend the plot of planning permission 08/00103/FUL, formation of |

| |hardstanding area, retaining wall and steps (Retrospective) |

|Location |Woodside Cottage 5 Burnside Cottage Seton Mains Longniddry East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |5th July 2019 |

|App No.18/01350/P | |

|Applicant |Mr & Mrs Colin and Jill Hunter |Agent |Sutherland & Co Architects Ltd |

|Applicant Address |Stonelaws Farmhouse |Agents Address |Per Robin Sutherland |

| |Stonelaws Farm | |82 High Street |

| |East Linton | |North Berwick |

| |EH40 3DX | |EH39 4HF |

|Proposal |Changes to the design of the buildings and associated siteworks subject of planning permission 16/00600/P |

|Location |Stonelaws Farm East Linton East Lothian EH40 3DX |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.18/01403/PM | |

|Applicant |D Geddes (Contractors) Ltd |Agent |AMS Associates Ltd |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Philip Thacker |Agents Address |Per Alistair Smith |

| |Markle Mains Quarry | |51 Ettrick Terrace |

| |East Linton | |Selkirk |

| |EH41 3SB | |TD7 4JS |

|Proposal |Winning and working of hard rock as extension to existing quarry (Part Retrospective) |

|Location |Markle Mains Quarry East Linton East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |6th March 2019 |

|App No.19/00087/P | |

|Applicant |The Renaissance Club |Agent |APT Planning And Development |

|Applicant Address |The Club House |Agents Address |Per Tony Thomas |

| |1 Cowden Hill Drive | |6 High Street |

| |Dirleton | |East Linton |

| |EH39 5HS | |EH40 3AB |

|Proposal |Erection of 6 Cottages and 10 Cabins to be used for holiday accommodation and associated works |

|Location |Cowden Hill Drive Archerfield Dirleton East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |10th February 2020 |

|App No.19/00171/ADV | |

|Applicant |Alandas (UK) Ltd |Agent |Architecturejfltd |

|Applicant Address |Gelateria Alandas |Agents Address |Per Julian Frostwick |

| |1 Quality Street | |Gullane Business Centre |

| |North Berwick | |12A Lammerview Terrace |

| |Scotland | |Gullane |

| |EH39 4HJ | |Scotland |

| | | |EH31 2HB |

|Proposal |Display of advertisements (Retrospective) |

|Location |1 Quality Street North Berwick East Lothian EH39 4HJ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |26th April 2019 |

|App No.19/00195/P | |

|Applicant |Ms Adel MacNab |Agent |Hebridean Contemporary Homes Ltd |

|Applicant Address |9 Stonelaws Cottages |Agents Address |Per Marc |

| |Stonelaws | |Unit 4 |

| |Whitekirk | |Building 5 |

| |East Linton | |Templeton Business Centre |

| |East Lothian | |62 Templeton Street |

| |EH40 3DX | |Glasgow |

| | | |G40 1DA |

|Proposal |Change of use of agricultural land to domestic garden ground, erection of 1 holiday let unit and associated |

| |works (Part Retrospective) |

|Location |Land To The West Of 9 Stonelaws Cottages Stonelaws Whitekirk East Linton |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |17th May 2019 |

|App No.19/00197/ADV | |

|Applicant |New York Nails |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Tinh Nguyen |Agents Address | |

| |80 High Street | | |

| |Musselburgh | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH21 7BX | | |

|Proposal |Display of advertisement (Retrospective) |

|Location |80 High Street Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 7BX |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.19/00286/P | |

|Applicant |Stewart Milne Homes |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Craig McKinlay |Agents Address | |

| |3 Kilmartin Place | | |

| |Tannochside Business Park | | |

| |Uddingston | | |

| |G71 5PH | | |

|Proposal |Amended location of SUD's basin as changes to the scheme of development subject of the approval of matters |

| |specified in conditions 17/00815/AMM |

|Location |Land At Lempockwells Road Pencaitland East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |18th June 2019 |

|App No.19/00301/PP | |

|Applicant |Mr Colin Brown |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |12 Birsley Road |Agents Address | |

| |TRanent | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |eh33 1nl | | |

|Proposal |Planning permission in principle for the erection of 1 house |

|Location |Land To The West Of 1 Birsley Road Tranent East Lothian EH33 1NL |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |13th May 2019 |

|App No.19/00318/P | |

|Applicant |Rasul Brothers Limited |Agent |Whitelaw Associates |

|Applicant Address |96 Lochbridge Road |Agents Address |Per Tom Whitelaw |

| |North Berwick | |Kitleybrig |

| |East Lothian | |Kitleyknowe |

| |EH39 4DP | |Carlops |

| | | |Penicuik |

| | | |EH26 9NJ |

|Proposal |Extensions to shop to form hot food takeaway, 2 flats and associated works |

|Location |Nisa Loco Rasul Bros 96 Lochbridge Road North Berwick East Lothian EH39 4DP |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |16th September 2019 |

|App No.19/00360/PP | |

|Applicant |Mr Rupert Sherwood |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |4 Bello Sguardo |Agents Address | |

| |St Ann's Rd | | |

| |Malvern | | |

| |WR14 4RG | | |

|Proposal |Planning permission in principle for the erection of 1 house |

|Location |1 Broxburn Cottages Broxburn Dunbar East Lothian EH42 1QN |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |24th May 2019 |

|App No.19/00515/ADV | |

|Applicant |Randolph Hill Nursing Homes Group |Agent |Gilberts |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Peter McCormick |Agents Address |Per Kelvin Donaldson |

| |Broughton House | |39 Grassmarket |

| |31 Dunedin Street | |Edinburgh |

| |Edinburgh | |EH1 2HS |

| |EH7 4JG | | |

|Proposal |Display of advertisement |

|Location |Muirfield Nursing Home Hall Crescent Gullane East Lothian EH31 2HA |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |7th August 2019 |

|App No.19/00526/PP | |

|Applicant |Di Rollos |Agent |Keith Cunningham Architects |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Rino Di Rollo |Agents Address |Per Keith Cunningham |

| |8-14 South Street | |The Clubhouse |

| |Musselburgh | |18 Links Road |

| |EH21 6AT | |Longniddry |

| | | |EH32 0NL |

|Proposal |Planning permission in principle for the erection of 14 flats |

|Location |8-14 South Street Musselburgh EH21 6AT |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |17th July 2019 |

|App No.19/00004/OBL | |

|Applicant |Robertson Homes Ltd, Avant Homes |Agent |Brodies LLP |

| |(Scotland) Ltd And Robertso | | |

|Applicant Address |C/o Agent |Agents Address |Per Alison Polson |

| | | |15 Atholl Crescent |

| | | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH3 8HA |

|Proposal |Discharge of planning obligation on planning permission 15/00630/PM |

|Location |Land To The South Of Bowmont Terrace Dunbar East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.19/00606/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Gary Lawson |Agent |Architects Office |

|Applicant Address |39 Trainers Brae |Agents Address |Per John Ferguson |

| |North Bewrick | |Unit 1 |

| |EH39 4NR | |Seton Garage |

| | | |Longniddry |

| | | |EH32 0PG |

|Proposal |Extension to side of house to be used as a hair dressing business. |

|Location |39 Trainers Brae North Berwick East Lothian EH39 4NR |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.19/00001/SGC | |

|Applicant |Community Windpower Limited |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |1st Floor |Agents Address | |

| |2 Parklands Way | | |

| |Maxim Business Park | | |

| |Eurocentral | | |

| |Motherwell | | |

| |ML1 4WR | | |

|Proposal |Section 36 variation to existing consent to allow the development to be constructed and operated as a |

| |generating station comprising 19 turbines all of which would have a height of blade tip of 145m |

|Location |Aikengall 2A Wind Farm Innerwick Dunbar East Lothian EH42 1SG |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.19/00625/P | |

|Applicant |Mr William Pierrepont |Agent |Staran Architects Ltd |

|Applicant Address |2 McGregor Pend |Agents Address |49 Cumberland Street |

| |Prestonpans | |Edinburgh |

| |EH32 9FS | |EH3 6RA |

|Proposal |Erection of 13 flats and associated works |

|Location |Rear Of 73 - 77 High Street Tranent East Lothian EH33 1LW |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |23rd August 2019 |

|App No.19/00640/P | |

|Applicant |Mr John Moore |Agent |FGH Architectural & Buidling Design Services |

|Applicant Address |6 Fenton Barns Dairy Cottages |Agents Address |Graham Humpage |

| |Fenton Barns | |1 Fentonbarns Farm Cottages |

| |Dirleton | |North Berwick |

| |North Berwick | |EH39 5AN |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH39 5AQ | | |






|Location |6 Fenton Barns Dairy Cottages Fenton Barns Dirleton North Berwick East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.19/00643/PM | |

|Applicant |Taylor Wimpey, Mactaggart Mickel, |Agent |Geddes Consulting |

| |Andrew Bain, Classhappy | | |

|Applicant Address |C/O Agent |Agents Address |Per Calum/Phil |

| | | |Quadrant |

| | | |17 Bernard Street |

| | | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH6 6PW |

|Proposal |Erection of 232 houses, 42 flats and associated works |

|Location |Letham Mains Haddington East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |11th November 2019 |

|App No.19/00743/P | |

|Applicant |Bourne Leisure |Agent |Leisure Concepts |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Jamie Stirling |Agents Address |Per Derry O'Driscoll |

| |Seton Sands Holiday Village | |The Trading Estate |

| |Links Rd | |Common Lane |

| |Port Seton | |Kenilworth |

| |Prestonpans | |CV4 9HU |

| |Scotland | | |

| |EH32 0QF | | |

|Proposal |Renovation and extension to an existing Showbar. The works will include and extension to the existing cellar |

| |to facilitate the Showbar. A Kiln Room will be built isolated from the Main Complex. The development will |

| |include a temporary road access by taking down a boundary wall and reinstating on completion. |

|Location |Seton Sands Holiday Village Port Seton Prestonpans East Lothian EH32 0QF |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.19/00746/P | |

|Applicant |Barratt Homes East |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Ross McNee |Agents Address | |

| |Telford House | | |

| |3 Mid New Cultins | | |

| |Edinburgh | | |

| |EH11 4DH | | |

|Proposal |Erection of 8 flats in place of 5 shop units as changes to the scheme of development the subject of planning |

| |permission 15/00487/P |

|Location |Edinburgh Road Prestonpans East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |11th October 2019 |

|App No.19/00800/P | |

|Applicant |SKN Estates |Agent |R2 Draughting Services Ltd |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Kevin Bruce |Agents Address |Per Rick Carrigan |

| |Caledonian Exchange | |73 Moffat Walk |

| |19A Canning Street | |Tranent |

| |Edinburgh | |EH33 2QN |

| |EH3 8HE | | |

|Proposal |Alterations and change of use of storage/distribution (Class 6) to business (Class 4), assembly and leisure |

| |(Class 11), car valeting (Sui Generis) and formation of hardstanding area |

|Location |Spott Road Industrial Estate Spott Road Dunbar East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |4th October 2019 |

|App No.19/00836/P | |

|Applicant |Mrs Fiona Borthwick |Agent |Andrew Megginson Architecture |

|Applicant Address |23 Gilbert Avenue |Agents Address |Per Andrew Megginson |

| |North Berwick | |No. 1 |

| |East Lothian | |29 Jamaica Mews |

| |EH39 4ED | |New Town |

| | | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH3 6HL |

|Proposal |Alterations to house. |

|Location |23 Gilbert Avenue North Berwick East Lothian EH39 4ED |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.19/00005/OBL | |

|Applicant |CALA Management /Taylor |Agent |Pinsent Masons LLP |

| |Wimpey/Mactaggart And Mickel Homes| | |

|Applicant Address |C/o Agent |Agents Address |Per James Gibson |

| | | |1 Earl Grey Street |

| | | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH3 9EQ |

|Proposal |Modification of planning obligation on planning permissions 13/00519/PM and 14/00089/PM |

|Location |Land At Letham Mains Haddington East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.19/00899/P | |

|Applicant |Mr John Stuart |Agent |Architects Office |

|Applicant Address |56 Galt Avenue |Agents Address |Per John Ferguson |

| |Musselburgh | |Unit 1 |

| |East Lothian | |Seton Garage |

| |EH21 8HT | |Longniddry |

| | | |East Lothian |

| | | |EH32 0PG |

|Proposal |Change of use from open space to garden ground and erection of workshop (part retrospective) |

|Location |56 Galt Avenue Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 8HT |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.19/00902/LBC | |

|Applicant |Mr Richard Murray |Agent |ABC Architecture |

|Applicant Address |2 Abbeylands |Agents Address |Per Fraser Sheerin |

| |High Street | |18A Rothesay Place |

| |Dunbar | |Edinburgh |

| |East Lothian | |EH3 7SQ |

| |EH42 1EH | | |

|Proposal |Installation of vent |

|Location |2 Abbeylands High Street Dunbar East Lothian EH42 1EH |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.19/00956/P | |

|Applicant |Neart Na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Ltd|Agent |Young Planning & Energy Consenting |

|Applicant Address |C/O Agent |Agents Address |Per Grant Young |

| | | |Suite 29 |

| | | |196 Rose Street |

| | | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH2 4AT |

|Proposal |Temporary contractors compound comprising office and welfare building, laydown area and car park |

|Location |Torness Power Station Innerwick Dunbar East Lothian EH42 1QS |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.19/01054/P | |

|Applicant |Bindery Machinery Services |Agent |Ford Design Ltd |

|Applicant Address |Unit 24A |Agents Address |Per Sandy Ford |

| |Macmerry Industrial Estate | |5 Grange Court |

| |Macmerry | |North Berwick |

| |Tranent | |EH39 4LN |

| |EH33 1RD | | |

|Proposal |Extension to building and associated works |

|Location |Unit 24 Macmerry Industrial Estate Macmerry Tranent East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |22nd November 2019 |

|App No.19/01098/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Alexander Brown |Agent |REM Associates |

|Applicant Address |19 Edinburgh Road |Agents Address |Per Richard McQueenie |

| |Musselburgh | |21 Young Street |

| |East Lothian | |Edinburgh |

| |EH21 6EA | |EH2 4HU |

|Proposal |Erection of 4 flats and associated works |

|Location |63 Bridge Street Tranent East Lothian EH33 1AH |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |6th December 2019 |

|App No.19/01099/CAC | |

|Applicant |Mr Alexander Brown |Agent |REM Associates |

|Applicant Address |19 Edinburgh Road |Agents Address |Per Robert McQueenie |

| |Musselburgh | |21 Young Street |

| |East Lothian | |Edinburgh |

| |EH21 6EA | |EH2 4HU |

|Proposal |Demolition of building and wall |

|Location |63 Bridge Street Tranent East Lothian EH33 1AH |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |18th February 2020 |

|App No.19/01101/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Campbell Kerr |Agent |Holmes Miller |

|Applicant Address |NHS Lothian |Agents Address |89 Minerva Street |

| |2-4 Waterloo Place | |Glasgow |

| |Edinburgh | |G3 8LE |

| |Edinburgh | | |

| |EH1 3EG | | |

|Proposal |Alterations, extension to building, formation of hardstanding areas, erection of bicycle racks and fencing |

|Location |Cockenzie And Port Seton Health Centre Avenue Road Cockenzie Prestonpans East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |10th January 2020 |

|App No.19/01105/LBC | |

|Applicant |Mr Stuart Feather And Ms Sheila |Agent |Apt Planning & Development Ltd |

| |Rodgers | | |

|Applicant Address |C/O Agent |Agents Address |Per Tony Thomas |

| | | |6 High Street |

| | | |East Linton |

| | | |East Lothian |

| | | |EH40 3AB |

|Proposal |Alterations, extension to buildings, erection of buildings, gates, demolition of buildings and walls |

|Location |Auburn, Walled Garden And Former Art Gallery Manse Road Dirleton North Berwick East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |13th March 2020 |

|App No.19/01106/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Stuart Feather And Ms Sheila |Agent |Apt Planning & Development Ltd |

| |Rodgers | | |

|Applicant Address |C/O Agent |Agents Address |Per Tony Thomas |

| | | |6 High Street |

| | | |East Linton |

| | | |East Lothian |

| | | |EH40 3AB |

|Proposal |Alterations, extension to house, erection of greenhouse, domestic studio, shed, 3 holiday let units and |

| |associated works |

|Location |Auburn, Walled Garden And Former Art Gallery Manse Road Dirleton North Berwick East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |13th March 2020 |

|App No.19/01194/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Graeme Cooper |Agent |Low Carbon Studio |

|Applicant Address |Smeaton Sawmill |Agents Address |Per Colin Campbell |

| |Whitecraig | |Denerigg |

| |Dalkeith | |West Saltoun |

| |East Lothian | |Pencaitland |

| |EH22 2NN | |East Lothian |

| | | |EH34 5EJ |

|Proposal |Change of use of agricultural land and part car repair workshop land, for the keeping of horses, erection of |

| |horse shelter, storage buildings, fencing, gates, siting of caravan and associated works in association with |

| |the equestrian use and car repair workshop use (Part Retrospective) |

|Location |Smeaton Sawmill Whitecraig Dalkeith East Lothian EH22 2NN |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |17th January 2020 |

|App No.19/01197/P | |

|Applicant |East Lothian Council |Agent |Andrew Bennie Planning Limited |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Peter Forsyth |Agents Address |Per Andrew Bennie |

| |John Muir House | |3 Abbotts Court |

| |Brewery Park | |Dullatur |

| |Haddington | |G68 0AP |

| |EH41 3HA | | |

|Proposal |Formation of Transportation Hub comprising car and cycle parking, car and cycle electric charging points and |

| |associated landscaping. |

|Location |Land North Of Whittingehame Drive Haddington East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.19/01216/LBC | |

|Applicant |Mr & Mrs Christopher & Kerry |Agent |F.E.M Building Design |

| |McIntosh | | |

|Applicant Address |6 Main Street |Agents Address |Per Douglas Mack |

| |East Saltoun | |8 Plantain Grove |

| |Tranent | |Lenzie |

| |East Lothian | |Glasgow |

| |EH34 5DZ | |G66 3NE |

|Proposal |Alter & extend dwellinghouse |

|Location |6 Main Street East Saltoun Tranent East Lothian EH34 5DZ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.19/01224/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Morris Rogan |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |126 - 128 High Street |Agents Address | |

| |Cockenzie | | |

| |Prestonpans | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH32 0DN | | |

|Proposal |Building of a summer house with deck area and a hot tub (Retrospective) |

|Location |126 - 128 High Street Cockenzie Prestonpans East Lothian EH32 0DN |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.19/01237/P | |

|Applicant |Dirleton Investments LLP |Agent |Pritchett Planning Consultancy |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Andrew Smith |Agents Address |Per Phil Pritchett |

| |38 Thistle Street | |PO Box 8052 |

| |Edinburgh | |Edinburgh |

| |EH2 1EN | |EH16 5ZF |

|Proposal |Erection of 4 houses and associated works |

|Location |Land East Of Fidra House Dirleton Avenue North Berwick East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |23rd March 2020 |

|App No.19/01249/P | |

|Applicant |Mr David Inglis |Agent |NGP Architecture Ltd. |

|Applicant Address |Flat 8 |Agents Address |Federation House |

| |17 Kinnear Road | |222 Queensferry Road |

| |Edinburgh | |Edinburgh |

| |Scotland | |EH4 2BN |

| |EH3 7HR | | |

|Proposal |Change of use of ancillary residential accommodation to form 1 house and associated works |

|Location |1 Saltcoats Steading Saltcoats Road Gullane East Lothian EH31 2BS |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |28th February 2020 |

|App No.19/01264/ADV | |

|Applicant |Mr Fraser Bridges |Agent |K J Smith |

|Applicant Address |134B North High Street |Agents Address |Per Ken Smith |

| |Musselburgh | |7 Claremont Park |

| |EH21 6AS | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH6 7PJ |

|Proposal |Display of advertisements (retrospective) |

|Location |134B North High Street Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 6AS |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |30th September 2020 |

|App No.19/01278/P | |

|Applicant |Mr & Mrs Andrew & Sheena |Agent |Smart Offices Ltd |

| |Middlemiss | | |

|Applicant Address |New Hope |Agents Address |Per Valeria McLernon-Cracknell |

| |East Links Road | |Thurston Park |

| |Dunbar | |Church Road |

| |East Lothian | |Thurston |

| |EH42 1LT | |Bury St Edmunds |

| | | |Suffolk |

| | | |IP31 3RN |

|Proposal | Erection of building for business use |

|Location |New Hope East Links Road Dunbar East Lothian EH42 1LT |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |31st January 2020 |

|App No.19/01284/P | |

|Applicant |Mr David Logan |Agent |APT Planning & Development |

|Applicant Address |C/O Agent |Agents Address |Per Tony Thomas |

| | | |6 High Street |

| | | |East Linton |

| | | |East Lothian |

| | | |EH40 3AB |

|Proposal |Change of use of agricultural land to domestic garden ground and erection of fencing (Part Retrospective) |

|Location |Gamekeepers Cottage Leaston Farm Humbie East Lothian EH36 5PD |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |6th March 2020 |

|App No.19/01302/P | |

|Applicant |Ms Christina Moffat |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |4 Marshall Street |Agents Address | |

| |Cockenzie | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH32 0HT | | |

|Proposal |Retrospective painting of window, doors erection of replacement boxes remove arch |

|Location |4 Marshall Street Cockenzie East Lothian EH32 0HT |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.19/01316/P | |

|Applicant |Cruden Homes (East) Ltd |Agent |EMA Architecture And Design |

|Applicant Address |Cruden Homes |Agents Address |42 Charlotte Square |

| |South Gyle Business Park | |Edinburgh |

| |36 South Gyle Crescent | |EH2 4HQ |

| |Edinburgh | | |

| |EH12 9EB | | |

|Proposal |Erection of 3 additional houses, reconfiguration of house plots, vary house types and associated works as |

| |changes to the scheme of development the subject of planning permission 16/00552/PM |

|Location |Land To The West Of Aberlady Aberlady East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |9th March 2020 |

|App No.19/01325/P | |

|Applicant |Structured House Group |Agent |APT Planning & Development |

|Applicant Address |C/O Agent |Agents Address |Per Tony Thomas |

| | | |6 High Street |

| | | |East Linton |

| | | |EH40 3AB |

|Proposal |Erection of hotel, change of use of open space to form vehicular access, car parking and associated works |

|Location |Mallard Hotel East Links Road Gullane East Lothian EH31 2AF |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |24th April 2020 |

|App No.20/00025/P | |

|Applicant |Forth Marine Resource |Agent |David Paton Building Consultancy |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Stirling Stewart |Agents Address |13 High Street |

| |20 Direlton Avenue | |Loanhead |

| |North Berwick | |EH20 9RH |

| |EH39 4BQ | | |

|Proposal |Erection of industrial unit (class 4) and associated works |

|Location |Halfland Barns Tantallon North Berwick East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |20th March 2020 |

|App No.20/00044/P | |

|Applicant |McDonald's Restaurants Ltd |Agent |Planware Ltd |

|Applicant Address |11 - 59 High Road |Agents Address |Per Sarah Carpenter |

| |East Finchley | |The Granary |

| |London | |37 The Granary |

| |N2 8AW | |Walnut Tree Lane |

| | | |Sudbury |

| | | |CO10 1BD |

|Proposal |Erection of drive-thru restaurant (fast food) (class 3) and associated works |

|Location |Land East Of Inveravon Terrace Olivebank Road Musselburgh East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |5th August 2020 |

|App No.20/00053/P | |

|Applicant |Mr and Mrs David & Alison Scott |Agent |Architecturejfltd |

|Applicant Address |Upper Kaimend |Agents Address |Per Julian Frostwick |

| |17A Hamilton Road | |Gullane Business Centre |

| |North Berwick | |12A Lammerview Terrace |

| |East Lothian | |Gullane |

| |EH39 4NA | |EH31 2HB |

|Proposal |Erection of 1 house and associated works |

|Location |Land At Upper Kaimend Hamilton Road North Berwick East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |31st March 2020 |

|App No.20/00001/OBL | |

|Applicant |Hargreaves Services (Blindwells) |Agent |CMS Cameron McKenna |

| |Limited | | |

|Applicant Address |West Terrace |Agents Address |Per Keith Campbell |

| |Esh Winning | |Saltire Court |

| |Durham | |20 Castle Terrace |

| |DH7 9PT | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH1 2EN |

|Proposal |Modification of the planning obligation on planning permission 14/00768/PPM |

|Location |Blindwells Tranent East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00002/OBL | |

|Applicant |Mr David Inglis |Agent |NGP Architecture Ltd. |

|Applicant Address |Flat 8 |Agents Address |Federation House |

| |17 Kinnear Road | |222 Queensferry Road |

| |Edinburgh | |Edinburgh |

| |EH3 7HR | |EH4 2BN |

|Proposal |Discharge of the Planning Obligation on planning permission 10/00889/P |

|Location |1 Saltcoats Steading Saltcoats Road Gullane East Lothian EH31 2BS |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00073/P | |

|Applicant |Mr James Whyte |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |136 Pinkie Road |Agents Address | |

| |Musselburgh | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH21 7QP | | |

|Proposal |Erection of hut |

|Location |136 Pinkie Road Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 7QP |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00101/P | |

|Applicant |Mr F Martone |Agent |Format Design |

|Applicant Address |169-173 High Street |Agents Address |Per Shona Mackay |

| |Musselburgh | |146 Duddingston Road West |

| |EH21 7DE | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH16 4AP |

|Proposal |Alterations and extension to building to form 6 flats |

|Location |169 High Street Musselburgh EH21 7DE |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |21st April 2020 |

|App No.20/00105/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Paul Kane |Agent |Planning And Building Design Ltd |

|Applicant Address |21 Hawthorn Road |Agents Address |Per Keith Owens |

| |Prestonpans | |24 West Nicolson Street |

| |East Lothian | |Edinburgh |

| |EH32 9QW | |EH8 9DD |

|Proposal |Part change of use of boxing gym (class 11) to hairdresser (class 1), beauty therapy room and sunbed room |

| |(class 2), part change of use of cafe (class 3) to fitness studio (class 11) and change of use of public halls|

| |(class 10) to fitness studio and weight room (class11) (Retrospective) |

|Location |Unit L Hawthorn Road Prestonpans East Lothian EH32 9QW |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |22nd May 2020 |

|App No.20/00108/PM | |

|Applicant |Cinnamon Retirement Living |Agent |Wardell Armstrong LLP |

| |(Inveresk) Limited | | |

|Applicant Address |Great Michael House |Agents Address |Per Neil Sutherland |

| |14 Links Place | |Suite 3/1, Great Michael House |

| |Suite 3/1 | |14 Links Place |

| |Edinburgh | |Edinburgh |

| |EH6 7EZ | |EH6 7EZ |

|Proposal |Erection of care village, comprising 59 care bedrooms and 171 residential accommodation and care units (47 |

| |Care Suites and 124 Care Apartments) for people in need of care (Class 8), with communal facilities and |

| |associated works |

|Location |Site At Kirk Park Eskmills Road Inveresk Musselburgh East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |3rd August 2020 |

|App No.20/00110/PM | |

|Applicant |Taylor Wimpey East Scotland And |Agent | |

| |Hallhill Development Ltd | | |

|Applicant Address |1 Masterton Park |Agents Address | |

| |South Castle Drive | | |

| |Dunfermline | | |

| |Fife | | |

| |KY11 8NX | | |

|Proposal |Erection of 202 houses, 40 flats and associated works |

|Location |Hallhill North Dunbar East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |17th April 2020 |

|App No.20/00003/OBL | |

|Applicant |Walker Holdings (Scotland) Ltd |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Westerwood House |Agents Address | |

| |Royston Road | | |

| |Deans Industrial Estate | | |

| |Livingston | | |

| |EH54 8AH | | |

|Proposal |Modification of the planning obligation on planning permission 18/00937/PPM and 19/00388/P |

|Location |Land At Windygoul South Tranent East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00112/P | |

|Applicant |Mr & Mrs Alan Bell |Agent |EMA Architecture and Design |

|Applicant Address |C/O Agent |Agents Address |42 Charlotte Square |

| | | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH2 4HQ |

|Proposal |Erection of 1 house, double garage and associated works |

|Location |Old Amusement Arcade Site Lamer Street Dunbar East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |5th August 2020 |

|App No.20/00004/OBL | |

|Applicant |Greenfield Musselburgh Limited |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Nadir Khan-Juhoor |Agents Address | |

| |Centrum House | | |

| |108-114 Dundas Street | | |

| |Edinburgh | | |

| |EH3 5DQ | | |

|Proposal |Modification of the Planning Obligation on planning permission 15/00480/P |

|Location |Monktonhall Farmhouse Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 6RZ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00005/OBL | |

|Applicant |D Geddes(Contractors) Ltd |Agent |AMS Associates Ltd |

|Applicant Address |Swirlburn |Agents Address |Per Alistair M Smith |

| |Colliston | |51 Ettrick Terrace |

| |Arbroath | |Selkirk |

| |DD11 3SH | |TD7 4JS |

|Proposal |Discharge of planning obligation on planning permission 98/00054/HIS_P |

|Location |Markle Mains Quarry East Linton East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00165/P | |

|Applicant |Mrs Adele O'Neill |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |11 Mcneill Walk |Agents Address | |

| |Tranent | | |

| |EH33 2ET | | |

| | | | |

|Proposal |Erection of fencing and gates (Retrospective) |

|Location |11 Mcneill Walk Tranent EH33 2ET |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |8th April 2020 |

|App No.20/00174/P | |

|Applicant |Tranent And Elphinstone Community |Agent | |

| |Council | | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mrs Angela Martin |Agents Address | |

| |61 Northfield | | |

| |Tranent | | |

| |EH33 1HX | | |

|Proposal |Installation of defibrillator and cabinet |

|Location |St Martins Church Hall High Street Tranent East Lothian EH33 1HJ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00175/P | |

|Applicant |Tranent And Elphinstone Community |Agent | |

| |Council | | |

|Applicant Address |Per Ms Angela Martin |Agents Address | |

| |61 Northfield | | |

| |Tranent | | |

| |EH33 1HX | | |

|Proposal |Installation of defibrillator and cabinet |

|Location |24 Winton Place Tranent East Lothian EH33 1AE |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00186/P | |

|Applicant |New Homes For Life |Agent |GLM |

|Applicant Address |3 Cleekim Drive |Agents Address |Per Neil McAllister |

| |Edinburgh | |20 Torphichen Street |

| |EH15 3HT | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH3 8JB |

|Proposal |Erection of 4 houses and associated works |

|Location |Garden Ground Of Lochend Lodge And Public Open Space Lochend Road Dunbar East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |24th April 2020 |

|App No.20/00194/P | |

|Applicant |Elphinstone Community Association |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Stuart McKenzie |Agents Address | |

| |Main Street | | |

| |Elphinstone | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

|Proposal |Installation of defribrillator and cabinet |

|Location |3A Main Street Elphinstone Tranent East Lothian EH33 2LT |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00195/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Sandy Robb |Agent |Bob Bambery |

|Applicant Address |1 East Links Lane |Agents Address |Gardens Lodge |

| |Dunbar | |Duke Street |

| |East Lothian | |West Barns |

| |EH42 1FT | |Dunbar |

| | | |East Lothian |

| | | |EH42 1UR |

|Proposal |Strip, repair, re-render and paint north and east elevations. Replace windows and gutters |

|Location |1 East Links Lane Dunbar East Lothian EH42 1FT |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00196/LBC | |

|Applicant |Mr Sandy Robb |Agent |Bob Bambery |

|Applicant Address |1 East Links Lane |Agents Address |Gardens Lodge |

| |Dunbar | |Duke Street |

| |East Lothian | |West Barns |

| |EH42 1FT | |Dunbar |

| | | |East Lothian |

| | | |EH42 1UR |

|Proposal |Replace windows and gutters |

|Location |1 East Links Lane Dunbar East Lothian EH42 1FT |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00208/P | |

|Applicant |Epic Property Developments Ltd |Agent |Capital Draughting Cons Ltd |

|Applicant Address |10 Craigmillar Park |Agents Address |Per Keith Henderson |

| |Edinburgh | |40 Dinmont Drive |

| |EH16 5NE | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH16 5RR |

|Proposal |Alterations to building to form 1 house and associated works |

|Location |Land To The Rear Of 17-18 Carlyle Place Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 6AX |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |1st May 2020 |

|App No.20/00240/ADV | |

|Applicant |Chapter One Hair Spa |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mrs Natalie Hamilton |Agents Address | |

| |94 High Street | | |

| |Haddington | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH41 3ET | | |

|Proposal |Display of advertisement (Retrospective) |

|Location |94 High Street Haddington East Lothian EH41 3ET |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |30th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00248/P | |

|Applicant |Mr & Mrs Gilmour & Tessa Lawrie |Agent |APT Planning & Development |

|Applicant Address |C/O Agent |Agents Address |Per Tony Thomas |

| | | |6 High Street |

| | | |East Linton |

| | | |EH40 3AB |

|Proposal |Erection of 5 houses and associated works |

|Location |Land North West Of St John Street Spott Dunbar East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |8th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00250/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Andrew Meikle |Agent |Michael Nisbet Architect |

|Applicant Address |1 Beanston Mains Cottages |Agents Address |Per Michael Nisbet |

| |Haddington | |Biggar Business Park |

| |EH41 3SB | |Market Road |

| | | |Biggar |

| | | |ML12 6FX |

|Proposal |Erection of 1 house and associated works |

|Location |Land West Of Hoprig Mains Farm Gladsmuir Macmerry East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |10th April 2020 |

|App No.20/00256/P | |

|Applicant |Margiotta Ltd |Agent |Patience And Highmore |

|Applicant Address |9 Bankhead Crossway North |Agents Address |Per Keith Cameron |

| |Sighthill Ind. Est. | |Patience And Highmore |

| |Edinburgh | |Quadrant |

| |EH11 4BP | |17 Bernard Street |

| | | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH6 6PW |

|Proposal |Repainting frontage of buildings and installation of awnings (Retrospective) |

|Location |10A High Street Aberlady Longniddry East Lothian EH32 0RB |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00274/P | |

|Applicant |Scottish Seabird Centre |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Ms Susan Davies |Agents Address | |

| |Scottish Seabird Centre | | |

| |The Harbour | | |

| |North Berwick | | |

| |EH39 4SS | | |

|Proposal |Installation of cameras and associated equipment on the Bass Rock (Retrospective) |

|Location |The Scottish Seabird Centre The Harbour North Berwick East Lothian EH39 4SS |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00284/LBC | |

|Applicant |Caledonia Heritable Ltd |Agent |PSAS |

|Applicant Address |Per Craig Douglas |Agents Address |Per Peter Stanton |

| |9 Court Street | |14 Aubigney Row |

| |Haddington | |Haddington |

| |East Lothian | |East Lothian |

| |EH41 3JD | |EH41 3TG |

|Proposal |Public House/Restaurant |

|Location |9 Court Street Haddington East Lothian EH41 3JD |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00285/P | |

|Applicant |Caledonia Heritable Ltd |Agent |PSAS |

|Applicant Address |Per Craig Douglas |Agents Address |Per Peter Stanton |

| |9 Court Street | |14 Aubigney Row |

| |Haddington | |Haddington |

| |East Lothian | |EH41 3TG |

| |EH41 3JD | | |

|Proposal |The addition of fixtures & fittings to the exterior front facade & side elevation of the building |

|Location |9 Court Street Haddington East Lothian EH41 3JD |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00296/LBC | |

|Applicant |TECC |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mrs Angela Martin |Agents Address | |

| |61 Northfield | | |

| |Tranent | | |

| |EH33 1HX | | |

|Proposal |Installation of defibrillator and cabinet |

|Location |24 Winton Place Tranent East Lothian EH33 1AE |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00311/P | |

|Applicant |Mr William James |Agent |G53 Design Ltd. |

|Applicant Address |Woodside House |Agents Address |Per Ruari Gardiner |

| |Gladsmuir | |209 Muirshiel Crescent |

| |Haddington | |Glasgow |

| |EH33 2AL | |G53 6XD |

|Proposal |Change of use of agricultural land to domestic garden ground, erection of carport, garden room building, |

| |extension to house, formation of hardstanding area and decked area |

|Location |Woodside House Gladsmuir Haddington EH33 2AL |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |30th April 2020 |

|App No.20/00320/PCL | |

|Applicant |Harkness Crescent TRA |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Ms Claire McNulty |Agents Address | |

| |East Lothian Council | | |

| |George Johnston Centre | | |

| |35 Winton Place | | |

| |Tranent | | |

| |EH33 1AE | | |

|Proposal |Erection of greenhouse |

|Location |Land To The Rear Of Harkness Crescent Tranent East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00356/ADV | |

|Applicant |Beyond The Mirror Hair And Beauty |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Joleen Clark |Agents Address | |

| |80 High Street | | |

| |Musselburgh | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH21 7BX | | |

|Proposal |Advertisement of the following types : Fascia Sign (Retrospective) |

|Location |80 High Street Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 7BX |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00385/PCL | |

|Applicant |East Lothian Council |Agent |JM Architects |

|Applicant Address |Penston House |Agents Address |Per Euan Mackenzie |

| |Macmerry Industrial Estate | |64 Queen Street |

| |Tranent | |Edinburgh |

| |EH33 1RD | |EH2 4NA |

|Proposal |Alterations, extension to building and associated works |

|Location |West Barns Primary School Forth View West Barns Dunbar East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |23rd April 2020 |

|App No.20/00394/CAC | |

|Applicant |Structured House Group |Agent |APT Planning And Development |

|Applicant Address |C/O Agent |Agents Address |Per Tony Thomas |

| | | |6 High Street |

| | | |East Linton |

| | | |EH40 3AB |

|Proposal |Demolition of building and walls |

|Location |Mallard Hotel East Links Road Gullane East Lothian EH31 2AF |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |29th May 2020 |

|App No.20/00408/P | |

|Applicant |Seaforth Estates Ltd |Agent |Covell Matthews Architects |

|Applicant Address |Per John Mackie |Agents Address |Per Alyn Smith |

| |C/O Agent | |6 Manor Place |

| | | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH3 7DD |

|Proposal |Erection of 4 houses, garages and associated works |

|Location |Land East Of Hamilton Road Gullane East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |12th June 2020 |

|App No.20/00410/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Tony Murphy |Agent |Sixteentimes |

|Applicant Address |Eventyr |Agents Address |Per Mark Adams |

| |Lyars Road | |1 Lochmaben Road |

| |Longniddry | |Glasgow |

| |East Lothian | |G69 8LA |

| |EH32 0PT | | |

|Proposal |Erection of gates and pillars (Retrospective) |

|Location |Eventyr Lyars Road Longniddry East Lothian EH32 0PT |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00007/OBL | |

|Applicant |Mr Peter And Mrs Elma McLaren |Agent |Geddes Consulting |

|Applicant Address |Ballencrieff Gardens |Agents Address |Per Phil McLean |

| |Longniddry | |Quadrant |

| |EH32 0PJ | |17 Bernard Street |

| | | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH6 6PW |

|Proposal |Modification of the Planning Obligation on planning permission 01/00375/FUL |

|Location |Ballencrieff Gardens Ballencrieff Aberlady Longniddry East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00441/P | |

|Applicant |Scottish Water |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Kathryn Donnelly |Agents Address | |

| |Scottish Water Main Building | | |

| |55 Buckstone Terrace | | |

| |Edinburgh | | |

| |EH10 6XH | | |

|Proposal |Erection of cabins, pumps, kiosk, plant and associated works for a temporary period of 2 years |

|Location |Land To The West Of East Linton Sewage Works East Linton East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |4th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00445/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Andrew Raistrick |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Seton Mains House |Agents Address | |

| |Seton Mains | | |

| |Longniddry | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH32 0PG | | |

|Proposal |Renewal of planning permission 17/00231/P - Erection of 1 house and associated works |

|Location |Land South West Of Seton Mains House Seton Mains Longniddry East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |29th May 2020 |

|App No.20/00446/CAC | |

|Applicant |Mr P Harley |Agent |McDonald Architecture & Design |

|Applicant Address |35 Vinefields |Agents Address |Per Derek McDonald |

| |Pencaitland | |Townhead Steading |

| |UK | |East Saltoun |

| |EH34 5HD | |Pencaitland |

| | | |UK |

| | | |EH34 5EB |

|Proposal |Demolition of fencing |

|Location |35 Vinefields Pencaitland Tranent EH34 5HD |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |9th October 2020 |

|App No.20/00479/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Chris Sawyer |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |2 Cleuch Road |Agents Address | |

| |North Middleton | | |

| |Gorebridge | | |

| |EH23 4RB | | |

|Proposal |Change of use of woodland area to domestic use, erection of cabin, playhouse and associated works |

| |(Retrospective) |

|Location |Bolton Muir Gifford Haddington East Lothian EH41 4JH |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00482/PCL | |

|Applicant |East Lothian Council |Agent |East Lothian Council |

|Applicant Address |John Muir House |Agents Address |Per Mark Jennings |

| |Brewery Park | |Penston House |

| |Haddington | |Macmerry Industrial Estate |

| |EH41 3HA | |Macmerry |

| | | |East Lothian |

| | | |EH33 1EX |

|Proposal |Alterations and extension to building |

|Location |Aberlady Primary School Kirk Road Aberlady Longniddry EH32 0RQ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |12th June 2020 |

|App No.20/00484/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Steve Lyons |Agent |Ford Design Ltd |

|Applicant Address |51 St Baldreds Road |Agents Address |Per Sandy Ford |

| |North Berwick | |5 Grange Court |

| |UK | |North Berwick |

| |EH39 4PU | |UK |

| | | |EH39 4LN |

|Proposal |Erection of 1 house and associated works |

|Location |Garden Ground Of 51 St Baldreds Road St Baldreds Road North Berwick East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |11th June 2020 |

|App No.20/00502/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Ewen Burnett |Agent |Gilberts |

|Applicant Address |24 Clifford Road |Agents Address |Per Douglas Thomson |

| |North Berwick | |39 Grassmarket |

| |EH39 4PP | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH1 2HS |

|Proposal |Erection of 3 flats and associated works |

|Location |1 Kings Knoll 24 Clifford Road North Berwick East Lothian EH39 4PP |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |19th June 2020 |

|App No.20/00503/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Andrew Bonthron |Agent |Ruaraidh Marr |

|Applicant Address |Whitecraig Farm |Agents Address |104 Atholl View |

| |Cowpits Road | |Prestonpans |

| |Whitecraig | |East Lothian |

| |East Lothian | |EH32 9FL |

| |EH21 8LY | | |

|Proposal |Erection of agricultural building |

|Location |Whitecraig Farm Cowpits Road Whitecraig East Lothian EH21 8LY |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |12th June 2020 |

|App No.20/00504/LBC | |

|Applicant |Mr Ewen Burnett |Agent |Gilberts |

|Applicant Address |24 Clifford Road |Agents Address |Per Douglas Thomson |

| |North Berwick | |39 Grassmarket |

| |EH39 4PP | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH1 2HS |

|Proposal |Demolition of part of wall |

|Location |1 Kings Knoll 24 Clifford Road North Berwick EH39 4PP |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |12th June 2020 |

|App No.20/00512/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Myles Blaney |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |59 Corporal John Shaw Court |Agents Address | |

| |Prestonpans | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH32 9GJ | | |

| | | | |

|Proposal |Change of use of open space to domestic garden ground and erection of fencing (Retrospective) |

|Location |59 Corporal John Shaw Court Prestonpans East Lothian EH32 9GJ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00516/CAC | |

|Applicant |East Lothian Council |Agent |East Lothian Council |

|Applicant Address |John Muir House |Agents Address |Per Mark Jennings |

| |Brewery Park | |Penston House |

| |Haddington | |Macmerry Industrial Estate |

| |EH41 3HA | |Macmerry |

| | | |East Lothian |

| | | |EH33 1EX |

|Proposal |Demolition of buildings |

|Location |Aberlady Primary School Kirk Road Aberlady Longniddry East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |19th June 2020 |

|App No.20/00537/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Tarron Scullion |Agent |Urban Design Limited |

|Applicant Address |55 Eskside West |Agents Address |Per Craig Dougall |

| |Musselburgh | |80 Newhailes Crescent |

| |East Lothian | |Musselburgh |

| |EH21 6RB | |EH21 6EG |

|Proposal |Alterations and change of use of shop (class 1) to form 1 flat |

|Location |55 Eskside West Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 6RB |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |26th June 2020 |

|App No.20/00553/LBC | |

|Applicant |Broxmouth Leisure Ltd |Agent |Fitzgerald + Associates Ltd |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr S Flame |Agents Address |Per Kevin Duguid |

| |Broxmouth Stable Court | |53 Albert Street |

| |Broxmouth Park | |Aberdeen |

| |Dunbar | |AB25 1XT |

| |EH42 1QW | | |

|Proposal |Alterations, extensions to buildings and erection of building, gates and gate piers |

|Location |The Stables Broxmouth Broxburn Dunbar East Lothian EH42 1QW |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00554/P | |

|Applicant |Broxmouth Leisure Ltd |Agent |Fitzgerald + Associates Ltd |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr S Flame |Agents Address |Per Kevin Duguid |

| |Broxmouth Stable Court | |53 Albert Street |

| |Broxmouth Park | |Aberdeen |

| |Dunbar | |AB25 1XT |

| |EH42 1QW | | |

|Proposal |Alterations, extensions to buildings for use as a wedding/function venue including ceremony hall, bar, dining |

| |hall, 7 units of holiday letting accommodation and associated works |

|Location |The Stables Broxmouth Broxburn Dunbar East Lothian EH42 1QW |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00563/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Malcolm Sayer |Agent |Blueprint (Dunbar) Ltd |

|Applicant Address |Dene House |Agents Address |Per Gary Fairbairn |

| |Oldhamstocks | |Dalmatian House |

| |Innerwick | |Spott Road |

| |Cockburnspath | |Dunbar |

| |TD13 5XE | |EH42 1LE |

|Proposal |Change of use of paddock to form domestic garden ground, erection of garden room and formation of decking |

| |(part retrospective) |

|Location |Dene House Oldhamstocks Innerwick Cockburnspath TD13 5XE |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |18th August 2020 |

|App No.20/00565/P | |

|Applicant |Mr David Salter |Agent |APT Planning And Development |

|Applicant Address |C/o Agent |Agents Address |Per Tony Thomas |

| | | |6 High Street |

| | | |East Linton |

| | | |EH40 3AB |

|Proposal |Erection of garage with stores |

|Location |Dirleton House Manse Road Dirleton EH39 5EH |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |18th August 2020 |

|App No.20/00566/P | |

|Applicant |Alba Trees |Agent |Buccleuch Estates |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Craig Turner |Agents Address |Per Callum Ramsay |

| |Alba Trees | |Laundry House |

| |Lower Winton | |Dalkeith Country Park |

| |Gladsmuir | |Dalkeith |

| |East Lothian | |EH22 2NA |

| |EH33 2LL | | |

|Proposal |Erection of fencing, gates, formation of hardstanding area and siting of water tank and storage container |

| |(part retrospective) |

|Location |Land North Of Thornrigg Samuelston Loanhead Letham Haddington East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |10th July 2020 |

|App No.20/00569/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Lukasz Chojnacki |Agent |Tomasz Ryniecki |

|Applicant Address |Cotterwood |Agents Address |9 Forest Gardens |

| |Main Street | |Galashiels |

| |Ormiston | |TD1 1JX |

| |Tranent | | |

| |EH35 5HX | | |

|Proposal |Erection of 1 house, change of use of former doctors surgery to ancillary residential accommodation and |

| |associated works (Part Retrospective) |

|Location |Cotterwood Main Street Ormiston Tranent EH35 5HX |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |18th August 2020 |

|App No.20/00582/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Gilles Benyon Bell |Agent |Les McCaskey Architectural Design Services |

|Applicant Address |13 Albert Terrace |Agents Address |Per Les McCaskey |

| |Musselburgh | |18A Rothsay Place |

| |EH21 7LR | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH3 7SQ |

|Proposal |Alterations to house, formation of wall, erection of decking, steps with handrails and formation of |

| |hardstanding (Part Retrospective) |

|Location |13 Albert Terrace Musselburgh EH21 7LR |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |2nd October 2020 |

|App No.20/00585/P | |

|Applicant |Miss Morgan Elliott |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |55 Corporal John Shaw Court |Agents Address | |

| |Prestonpans | | |

| |EH32 9GJ | | |

|Proposal |Change of use of open space to domestic garden ground and erection of fencing (Retrospective) |

|Location |55 Corporal John Shaw Court Prestonpans EH32 9GJ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |23rd October 2020 |

|App No.20/00590/ADV | |

|Applicant |Harbour Framing |Agent |Halvorsen Architects |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr John McCleod |Agents Address |Per Gail Halvorsen |

| |53 Port Seton Harbour | |Mountskip House |

| |Port Seton | |Mountskip House |

| |Prestonpans | |Gorebridge |

| |EH32 0DS | |United Kingdom |

| | | |EH23 4NW |

|Proposal |Display of advertisements (Retrospective) |

|Location |53 Port Seton Harbour Port Seton Prestonpans EH32 0DS |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00591/P | |

|Applicant |Harbour Framing |Agent |Halvorsen Architects |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr John McCleod |Agents Address |Per Gail Halvorsen |

| |53 Port Seton Harbour | |Mountskip House |

| |Port Seton | |Gorebridge |

| |Prestonpans | |EH23 4NW |

| |EH32 0DS | | |

| | | | |

|Proposal |Change of use of storage shed to shop (class 1) and framing workshop (class 4) |

|Location |53 Port Seton Harbour Port Seton Prestonpans EH32 0DS |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |18th August 2020 |

|App No.20/00602/P | |

|Applicant |Jaz's Fish Bar |Agent |John Tod Associates |

|Applicant Address |27 High Street |Agents Address |Per John Tod |

| |Musselburgh | |59 Edinburgh Road Musselburgh |

| |EH21 7AD | |Musselburgh |

| | | |Eh21 6EE |

|Proposal |Installation of extract chimney (Part Retrospective) |

|Location |27 High Street Musselburgh EH21 7AD |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |17th July 2020 |

|App No.20/00604/P | |

|Applicant |TG Tait & Sons |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mrs Vicky Tait |Agents Address | |

| |Wamphray Farm | | |

| |North Berwick | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH39 5NS | | |

|Proposal |Change of use of grass verge for the formation of vehicular access and hardstanding area |

|Location |Wamphray Farm North Berwick East Lothian EH39 5NS |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |13th July 2020 |

|App No.20/00608/LBC | |

|Applicant |Jaz's Fish Bar |Agent |John Tod Associates |

|Applicant Address |27 High Street |Agents Address |Per John Tod |

| |Musselburgh | |59 Edinburgh Road |

| |EH21 7AD | |Musselburgh |

| | | |EH21 6EE |

|Proposal |Installation of extract chimney (Part Retrospective) |

|Location |27 High Street Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 7AD |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |17th July 2020 |

|App No.20/00609/PP | |

|Applicant |Mr James Scally |Agent |John Stewart |

|Applicant Address |50 Bridge Street |Agents Address |30 Crawford Drive |

| |Tranent | |Wallacestone |

| |East Lothian | |Falkirk |

| |EH33 1AL | |FK2 0DL |

|Proposal |Planning permission in principle for the erection of 2 houses |

|Location |Rear Garden Of 50 Bridge Street Tranent East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |15th July 2020 |

|App No.20/00610/P | |

|Applicant |Ms T Wilson |Agent |Linda Dawson Architect |

|Applicant Address |Camelia Cottage |Agents Address |Per Linda Dawson |

| |Athelstaneford | |Redwood |

| |North Berwick | |34 Campbell Road |

| |East Lothian | |Longniddry |

| |EH39 5BE | |East Lothian |

| | | |EH32 0NP |

|Proposal |Alterations, extension to house |

|Location |Camelia Cottage Athelstaneford North Berwick East Lothian EH39 5BE |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |21st August 2020 |

|App No.20/00623/P | |

|Applicant |The Motor Fuel Group |Agent |APT Planning And Development |

|Applicant Address |C/o Agent |Agents Address |Per Tony Thomas |

| | | |6 High Street |

| | | |East Linton |

| | | |EH40 3AB |

|Proposal |Erection of coffee shop with drive-thru (class 3), extension to hotel, formation of additional car parking and|

| |associated works |

|Location |Edinburgh Service Area Old Craighall Musselburgh EH21 8RE |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |9th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00624/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Alan Morgan |Agent |Colin Findlay |

|Applicant Address |24 Dolphingstone Way |Agents Address |Kilmora |

| |Preston | |Kirk Street |

| |Prestonpans | |Prestonpans |

| |EH32 9QX | |EH32 9EA |

| | | | |

|Proposal |Erection of fence (Retrospective) |

|Location |24 Dolphingstone Way Preston Prestonpans EH32 9QX |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |13th July 2020 |

|App No.20/00626/ADV | |

|Applicant |Asda Stores Limited |Agent |Jigsaw Planning |

|Applicant Address |Asda House |Agents Address |Per Katherine Sneeden |

| |Great Wilson Street | |PO Box 2844 |

| |Leeds | |Glasgow |

| |LS11 5AD | |G61 9DG |

|Proposal |Display of advertisements |

|Location |Asda Stores Limited Spott Road Dunbar East Lothian EH42 1BF |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |1st October 2020 |

|App No.20/00629/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Al Gilmour |Agent |Ogilvy Chalmers |

|Applicant Address |120 High Street |Agents Address |48 High Street |

| |Granton-on-Spey | |Haddington |

| |Moray | |East Lothian |

| |PH26 3EL | |EH41 3EF |

|Proposal |Erection of 1 house and associated works |

|Location |Garden Ground Of Garden Cottage Edinburgh Road Gifford East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |31st July 2020 |

|App No.20/00630/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Vincent Docherty |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |1 Tenterfield Drive |Agents Address | |

| |Haddington | | |

| |EH41 3JF | | |

|Proposal |Replacement windows |

|Location |25E Hardgate Haddington East Lothian EH41 3JS |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |2nd October 2020 |

|App No.20/00635/P | |

|Applicant |Dr Luke Melbourne |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |35 Clerkington Road |Agents Address | |

| |Haddington | | |

| |EH41 4EL | | |

|Proposal |Erection of fencing (Retrospective) |

|Location |35 Clerkington Road Haddington EH41 4EL |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |14th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00636/LBC | |

|Applicant |The Reading Room |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Mark O'Brien |Agents Address | |

| |92 High Street | | |

| |Haddington | | |

| |EH41 3ET | | |

|Proposal |Erection of signage |

|Location |92 High Street Haddington EH41 3ET |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00637/ADV | |

|Applicant |The Reading Room |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Mark O'Brien |Agents Address | |

| |92 High Street | | |

| |Haddington | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH413ET | | |

|Proposal |Display of advertisements |

|Location |92 High Street Haddington EH41 3ET |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00638/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Jamie Fergusson |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Braeside |Agents Address | |

| |Gullane | | |

| |North Berwick | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH39 5AJ | | |

|Proposal |Erection of fencing and gates |

|Location |Braeside Gullane North Berwick East Lothian EH39 5AJ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00639/P | |

|Applicant |Mrs Elaine Lister |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |2 Coastguard Cottages |Agents Address | |

| |Lamer Street | | |

| |Dunbar | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH42 1HD | | |

|Proposal |Extension to house |

|Location |2 Coastguard Cottages Lamer Street Dunbar East Lothian EH42 1HD |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |2nd October 2020 |

|App No.20/00642/P | |

|Applicant |Monkscroft Property Limited |Agent |EMA Architecture And Design |

|Applicant Address |C/O Agent |Agents Address |42 Charlotte Square |

| | | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH2 4HQ |

|Proposal |Change of Use from Class 10 (Non-Residential Institution for use in public worship) to Class 11 (Assembly and |

| |Leisure) and replacement steps and hardstanding |

|Location |10 Victoria Street Dunbar East Lothian EH42 1ET |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |31st July 2020 |

|App No.20/00643/P | |

|Applicant |Aldi Stores Ltd |Agent |Avison Young (UK) Ltd . |

|Applicant Address |Aldi Stores Ltd |Agents Address |Per Avison Young |

| |Pottishaw Road | |40 Torphichen Street |

| |Bathgate | |Edinburgh |

| |EH48 2FB | |UK |

| | | |EH3 8JB |

|Proposal |Erection of reverse vending machine unit and associated works |

|Location |48-52 Dunbar Road North Berwick East Lothian EH39 5AB |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |28th August 2020 |

|App No.20/00644/PP | |

|Applicant |Ms Linda Mylne |Agent |Coast Colab |

|Applicant Address |The Old Dairy |Agents Address |Per Scott Seeley |

| |7 The Courtyard | |The Gardeners Cottage |

| |Easter Broomhouse | |South Belton |

| |Spott | |Dunbar |

| |Dunbar | |East Lothian |

| |East Lothian | |EH421RG |

| |EH42 1RA | | |

|Proposal |Erection of 9x3 garden room using SIPS panels in accordance with the permitted development regulations (no |

| |water, no plumbing or drainage) |

|Location |The Old Dairy 7 The Courtyard Easter Broomhouse Spott Dunbar |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00652/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Gian Paolo Gliori |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Neep Cottage |Agents Address | |

| |Pencaitland | | |

| |Tranent | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH345DE | | |

|Proposal |Formation of vehicular access, erection of stone pillars and walls and formation of hardstanding area |

|Location |The Cartshed Pencaitland Tranent EH34 5DE |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |31st July 2020 |

|App No.20/00653/P | |

|Applicant |Aldi Stores Ltd |Agent |Avison Young (UK) Ltd . |

|Applicant Address |Aldi Stores Ltd |Agents Address |Per Avison Young |

| |Pottishaw Road | |40 Torphichen Street |

| |Bathgate | |Edinburgh |

| |EH48 2FB | |EH3 8JB |

|Proposal |Erection of reverse vending machine unit and associated works |

|Location |Aldi Foodstore Ltd Muirpark Tranent EH33 1DZ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |28th August 2020 |

|App No.20/00658/ADV | |

|Applicant |JMC Healthcare Ltd. |Agent |Marini O'Shea |

|Applicant Address |Bankton Pharmacy |Agents Address |Per Andrea Marini |

| |Hawthorn Road | |St Ninian's Episcopal Church |

| |Prestonpans | |1 Albert Drive |

| |EH32 9QW | |Studio 2 |

| | | |Glasgow |

| | | |G41 2PE |

|Proposal |Display of advertisement |

|Location |Post Office Unit B Hawthorn Road Prestonpans East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |30th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00660/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Neil Arnott |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |12 Station Row |Agents Address | |

| |Macmerry | | |

| |Tranent | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH33 1PD | | |

|Proposal |Change of use of open space to hardstanding area and resurfacing of footpath (Retrospective) |

|Location |12 Station Row Macmerry Tranent East Lothian EH33 1PD |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |23rd October 2020 |

|App No.20/00665/P | |

|Applicant |Stewart Milne Homes |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Craig McKinlay |Agents Address | |

| |Kestrel House | | |

| |3 Kilmartin Place | | |

| |Tannochside Business Park | | |

| |Uddingston | | |

| |North Lanarkshire | | |

| |G71 5PH | | |

|Proposal |Substitution of house types on plots 81, 84, 88, 92, 93, 98-101, 109, 113, 119, 120-133, 138-146 & 149-154 as|

| |changes to the scheme of development the subject of planning permission 17/01120/PM |

|Location |Letham Mains Haddington East Lothian East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |3rd September 2020 |

|App No.20/00668/P | |

|Applicant |The Winton Trust |Agent |Ogilvy Chalmers |

|Applicant Address |Winton Castle |Agents Address |48 High Street |

| |Winton Estate | |Haddington |

| |Pencaitland | |East Lothian |

| |EH34 5AT | |EH41 3EF |

|Proposal |Change of Use of agricultural land, grass verge to form vehicular access, driveway, car parking, domestic |

| |garden ground, extension to house, erection of gates, fencing and walls (Part Retrospective) |

| |Erection of Replacement extension to Broomrigg Farmhouse (Retrospective) |

| |Re-routed farm road to service farm steading (Retrospective) |

| |Proposed road realignment to form new access road |

|Location |Broomrigg Farm Broomrigg Pencaitland Tranent East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |2nd October 2020 |

|App No.20/00669/P | |

|Applicant |Mrs Sarah Guy |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |26 Huntlaw Road |Agents Address | |

| |Pencaitland | | |

| |Tranent | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH34 5AQ | | |

|Proposal |Extension to house |

|Location |26 Huntlaw Road Pencaitland Tranent East Lothian EH34 5AQ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |4th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00672/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Finn Hitchcock |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |17B Church Street |Agents Address | |

| |Tranent | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH33 1AA | | |

|Proposal |Alterations to dormer |

|Location |17B Church Street Tranent East Lothian EH33 1AA |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |18th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00675/P | |

|Applicant |R. Mitchell Glass Ltd. |Agent |Mitchell Glass |

|Applicant Address |46 St. Martins Gate |Agents Address |Per Kevin Andison |

| |Haddington | |Mitchell Glass |

| |EH41 4BA | |Currie Road |

| | | |Galashiels |

| | | |TD1 2BP |

|Proposal |Replacement windows |

|Location |46 St Martin's Gate Haddington East Lothian EH41 4BA |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |4th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00677/P | |

|Applicant |Taylor Wimpey East Scotland |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Robbie HcHale |Agents Address | |

| |Taylor Wimpey East Office | | |

| |1 Masterton Park | | |

| |South Castle Drive | | |

| |Dunfermline | | |

| |Scotland | | |

| |KY11 8NX | | |

|Proposal |Substitution of 37 houses, re-positioning of plots and associated works as changes to the scheme of |

| |development the subject of planning permission 13/00519/PM |

|Location |Land At Letham Mains Haddington East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |28th August 2020 |

|App No.20/00678/P | |

|Applicant |Taylor Wimpey East Scotland |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Robbie McHale |Agents Address | |

| |Taylor Wimpey East Office | | |

| |1 Masterton Park | | |

| |South Castle Drive | | |

| |Dunfermline | | |

| |Scotland | | |

| |KY11 8NX | | |

|Proposal |Substitution of 13 houses, 24 flats, re-positioning of plots and associated works as changes to the scheme of |

| |development the subject of planning permission 13/00519/PM |

|Location |Land At Letham Mains Haddington East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |28th August 2020 |

|App No.20/00680/LBC | |

|Applicant |WTBTS |Agent |KEN DUNCAN LTD |

|Applicant Address |67B Underwood Road |Agents Address |Per Ken Duncan |

| |Rutherglen | |3-1 6 |

| |Scotland | |Kaims Terrace |

| |G73 3TF | |Livingston |

| | | |United Kingdom |

| | | |EH54 7EX |

|Proposal |Re-roofing of building |

|Location |Kingdom Hall Mill Wynd Haddington EH41 4DB |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |4th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00681/LBC | |

|Applicant |Mr Richard Brand |Agent |Ross Smith & Jameson |

|Applicant Address |Broomfield House |Agents Address |Per Ian Jameson |

| |Garvald | |Admiral House |

| |EH41 4LN | |30 Maritime Street |

| | | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH6 6SE |

|Proposal |Alterations to building and installation of vent |

|Location |Broomfield House Garvald Gifford Haddington EH41 4LN |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |18th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00682/LBC | |

|Applicant |Mr Ruairidh Imlach |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |35 Dalrymple Loan |Agents Address | |

| |Mussleburgh | | |

| |Scotland | | |

| |EH217DJ | | |

|Proposal |Replacment window and door |

|Location |35 Dalrymple Loan Musselburgh EH21 7DJ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00683/P | |

|Applicant |Mr David Linsley-Hood |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |21 Rig Street |Agents Address | |

| |Aberlady | | |

| |Longniddry | | |

| |EH32 0RW | | |

| | | | |

|Proposal |Installation of roof windows, photovoltaic array and erection of lean-to's |

|Location |21 Rig Street Aberlady Longniddry EH32 0RW |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |18th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00686/P | |

|Applicant |Belter's Snacks |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mrs Angela Thompson |Agents Address | |

| |22 Caponhall Road | | |

| |Tranent | | |

| |EH33 2HD | | |

|Proposal |Siting of a snack van (Retrospective) |

|Location |Layby To The South Of Fishergate Road Port Seton East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00689/ADV | |

|Applicant |Walker Group (Scotland) Ltd |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Peter Matthews |Agents Address | |

| |Westerwood House | | |

| |Royston Road | | |

| |Deans Industrial Estate | | |

| |Livingston | | |

| |United Kingdom | | |

| |EH54 8AH | | |

|Proposal |Display of advertisements |

|Location |Castle Road/B6414 Tranent East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |24th July 2020 |

|App No.20/00693/PP | |

|Applicant |Mrs Judith McLaren |Agent |Geddes Consulting |

|Applicant Address |3 The Maltings |Agents Address |Per Phil McLean |

| |Haddington | |17 Bernard Street |

| |East Lothian | |Edinburgh |

| |EH41 4EF | |EH6 6PW |

|Proposal |Planning permission in principle for the erection of 1 house |

|Location |Land South West Of Ballencrieff Gardens Ballencrieff Aberlady East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |7th August 2020 |

|App No.20/00694/PP | |

|Applicant |H & L Nisbet |Agent |Architecturejfltd |

|Applicant Address |House Park |Agents Address |Per Julian Frostwick |

| |Bughtknowe | |Gullane Business Centre |

| |By Humbie | |12A Lammerview Terrace |

| |EH36 5PB | |Gullane |

| | | |EH31 2HB |

|Proposal |Planning permission in principle for the erection of 1 house |

|Location |Land North East Of Blacklaw Humbie East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |27th August 2020 |

|App No.20/00695/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Steven Hadden |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |27 Clark Buildings |Agents Address | |

| |Ormiston | | |

| |Tranent | | |

| |EH35 5LL | | |

|Proposal |Extension to house to form garage (Retrospective) |

|Location |27 Clark Buildings Ormiston Tranent EH35 5LL |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |4th August 2020 |

|App No.20/00698/P | |

|Applicant |Ms Janice Laird |Agent |SAC Consulting |

|Applicant Address |St Clements Wells Farm |Agents Address |Per Mary Sheehan |

| |Wallyford | |Technopole Centre |

| |EH21 8QN | |2 Bush Estate |

| | | |Penicuik |

| | | |EH26 0PJ |

|Proposal |Erection of agricultural building |

|Location |St Clements Wells Farm Wallyford EH21 8QN |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |21st August 2020 |

|App No.20/00701/P | |

|Applicant |Barratt Homes East |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Ross McNee |Agents Address | |

| |Telford House | | |

| |3 Mid New Cultins | | |

| |Edinburgh | | |

| |EH11 4DH | | |

|Proposal |Changes to house types, repositioning of houses, erection of an additional 2 houses and associated works as |

| |changes to the scheme of development the subject of planning permission 17/00432/AMM |

|Location |Land To West Of Salters Road And North Of A1 Wallyford East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |18th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00702/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Stuart McNicol |Agent |APT Planning & Development |

|Applicant Address |C/O Agent |Agents Address |Per Tony Thomas |

| | | |6 High Street |

| | | |East Linton |

| | | |EH40 3AB |

|Proposal |Extension to building and erection of fencing (Part Retrospective) |

|Location |Drift Tantallon North Berwick EH39 5PL |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |14th August 2020 |

|App No.20/00707/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Gordon Tweedie |Agent |Urban Animation |

|Applicant Address |Farmhouse |Agents Address |Per Richard Heggie |

| |Pleasance Farm | |22 Westhall Gardens |

| |Dunbar | |Edinburgh |

| |East Lothian | |EH10 4JQ |

| |EH421RE | | |

|Proposal |Change of use of agricultural buildings and land to workshops and storage units (class 4 and 6) and associated|

| |works (Retrospective) |

|Location |Pleasance Farm Dunbar East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |18th August 2020 |

|App No.20/00708/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Maurice MacDonald |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |7 Forth Grove |Agents Address | |

| |Prestonpans | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH32 0TJ | | |

|Proposal |Extension to house as design changes to the scheme of development subject of planning permission 20/00480/P |

|Location |7 Forth Grove Port Seton East Lothian EH32 0TJ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |24th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00712/P | |

|Applicant |East Lothian Housing Association |Agent |KTN Architects |

|Applicant Address |18-20 Market Street |Agents Address |Per Alex Cameron |

| |Haddington | |19 Milnacre |

| |East Lothian | |Edinburgh |

| |EH41 3JL | |EH6 5TD |

|Proposal |Replacement windows and doors |

|Location |1-5 And 6-8 Church Court Church Street Dunbar East Lothian EH42 1GZ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |28th August 2020 |

|App No.20/00713/P | |

|Applicant |East Lothian Housing Association |Agent |KTn Architects |

|Applicant Address |18-20 Market Street |Agents Address |Per Alex Cameron |

| |Haddington | |19 Milnacre |

| |East Lothian | |Edinburgh |

| |EH41 3JL | |Scotland |

| | | |EH6 5TD |

|Proposal |Replacement windows and doors |

|Location |6-15 And 16-19 Woodbush Place Dunbar East Lothian EH42 1JF |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |28th August 2020 |

|App No.20/00714/P | |

|Applicant |Mr G Park |Agent |Houseplans |

|Applicant Address |1 Old Farm Court |Agents Address |Per Stuart Baird |

| |Pencaitland | |30 Mortonhall Park Avenue |

| |Tranent | |Edinburgh |

| |East Lothian | |EH17 8BP |

| |EH34 5HL | | |

|Proposal |Replace existing timber windows with new pvc rosewood fully reversible windows with astragals all to match |

| |existing windows |

|Location |1 Old Farm Court Pencaitland Tranent East Lothian EH34 5HL |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00780/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Marc Wilkinson |Agent |Mr James Bogie |

|Applicant Address |East Blance |Agents Address |56 Duddingston Park |

| |East Saltoun | |Edinburgh |

| |Haddington | |EH15 1JY |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH41 4HP | | |

|Proposal |Repositioning of outdoor riding arena as changes to the scheme of development the subject of planning |

| |permission 20/00214/P |

|Location |East Blance East Saltoun Haddington East Lothian EH41 4HP |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |24th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00723/P | |

|Applicant |The John Martin Group |Agent |CLWG Architects |

|Applicant Address |Belmont |Agents Address |Per David Willis |

| |3 Salters Road | |38 Dean Park Mews |

| |Wallyford | |Edinburgh |

| |East Lothian | |EH4 1ED |

| |EH21 8JY | | |

|Proposal |Alterations and change of use of garage, workshop and showroom to shop (class 1), cafe/restaurant (class 3), |

| |storage unit (class 6) and associated works |

|Location |Wallyford Showrooms 1 - 5 Salters Road Wallyford Musselburgh East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |2nd September 2020 |

|App No.20/00724/P | |

|Applicant |Salo Property Services Limited |Agent |EMA Architecture and Design |

|Applicant Address |Land Of Former Samoya |Agents Address |42 Charlotte Square |

| |Dunbar | |Edinburgh |

| |East Lothian | |EH2 4HQ |

| | | | |

|Proposal |Siting of a residential caravan (For a temporary period), erection of 3 houses, garages and associated works |

| |(Part Retrospective) |

|Location |Land Of Former Samoya Dunbar East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |28th August 2020 |

|App No.20/00726/P | |

|Applicant |Mr M Scott |Agent |Cogeo Planning & Environmental Services Ltd |

|Applicant Address |Howden |Agents Address |Per Dave Anderson |

| |Yester | |272 Bath Street |

| |Gifford | |Bath Street |

| |East Lothian | |Glasgow |

| |EH41 4JS | |G2 4JR |

|Proposal |Change of use of agricultural land and grass verge for the erection of a shop building (Class 1), formation |

| |of vehicular access, car parking and associated works (Part Retrospective) |

|Location |Howden Yester Gifford East Lothian EH41 4JS |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |29th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00727/P | |

|Applicant |Miss Carrie Davidson |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |16 West Crescent |Agents Address | |

| |East Saltoun | | |

| |Tranent | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH34 5EF | | |

|Proposal |Erection of shed |

|Location |16 West Crescent East Saltoun Tranent East Lothian EH34 5EF |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00731/P | |

|Applicant |Ms Karen Taylor |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Fetheray |Agents Address | |

| |Manse Road | | |

| |Dirleton | | |

| |North Berwick | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH39 5EL | | |

|Proposal |Change of use of agricutural land to domestic garden ground, erection of summerhouse, greenhouse, shed, |

| |fencing and formation of hardstanding and decked areas |

|Location |Fetheray Manse Road Dirleton North Berwick East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00733/P | |

|Applicant |Robertson Homes Limited |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Graeme Rae |Agents Address | |

| |Robertson House | | |

| |Castle Business Park | | |

| |Stirling | | |

| |FK9 4TZ | | |

|Proposal |Erection of sales cabin, fencing and formation of car parking for a temporary period of 12 months |

|Location |Land To The South Of Bowmont Terrace Dunbar East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |21st August 2020 |

|App No.20/00734/ADV | |

|Applicant |Tesco |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Andy Horwood |Agents Address | |

| |Highwoods | | |

| |Kestrel Way | | |

| |Welwyn Garden City | | |

| |AL7 1GA | | |

|Proposal |Display of advertisements (Retrospective) |

|Location |Tesco Stores Ltd Tantallon Road North Berwick East Lothian EH39 5NF |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00740/P | |

|Applicant |Aviagen Ltd |Agent |Rocket Architects |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Jonathan Baxter |Agents Address |Per Alyssa Mort |

| |11 Lochend Road | |16 Kelsey Street |

| |Newbridge | |Lancaster |

| |Midlothian | |LA1 5DL |

| |EH28 8SZ | | |

|Proposal |Erection of fence |

|Location |The Bungalow 69 Countess Road Dunbar East Lothian EH42 1DU |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |23rd September 2020 |

|App No.20/00743/P | |

|Applicant |Mrs Shirley Evatt |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Burnbrae |Agents Address | |

| |Garvald | | |

| |Haddington | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH41 4LN | | |

|Proposal |Change use and re-surface area of land to existing village green to provide vehicular access to existing |

| |double gates to Burnbrae Cottage. Grass/topsoil build-up to be removed and reinstated using "Grassgaurd" |

| |build-up. |

|Location |Burnbrae Garvald Gifford East Lothian EH41 4LN |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00744/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Richard Chapman |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Norwood |Agents Address | |

| |Whitecraig | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH21 8QA | | |

|Proposal |Change of use of woodland to domestic garden ground, formation of children's play area, erection of fencing, |

| |gate and associated works (Retrospective) |

|Location |Norwood Whitecraig East Lothian EH21 8QA |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |28th August 2020 |

|App No.20/00745/P | |

|Applicant |Mrs Oksana JagiIniene |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |83 Davidson Terrace |Agents Address | |

| |Haddington | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH413BG | | |

|Proposal |Erection of shed (Retrospective) |

|Location |83 Davidson Terrace Haddington East Lothian EH41 3BG |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |21st August 2020 |

|App No.20/00747/AMC | |

|Applicant |Whitekirk Hill Ltd |Agent |APT Planning & Development |

|Applicant Address |C/O Agent |Agents Address |Per Tony Thomas |

| | | |6 High Street |

| | | |East Linton |

| | | |East Lothian |

| | | |EH40 3AB |

|Proposal |Approval of matters specified in conditions of planning permission in principle 18/01123/PPM - Erection 9 |

| |holiday lodges and associated works |

|Location |Whitekirk Golf Club Whitekirk North Berwick East Lothian EH39 5PR |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |4th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00748/LBC | |

|Applicant |Mrs Helen Baxter |Agent |Linda Dawson Architect |

|Applicant Address |9 Wemyss Place |Agents Address |Per Linda Dawson |

| |Port Seton | |Redwood |

| |EH32 0DW | |34 Campbell Road |

| | | |Longniddry |

| | | |East Lothian |

| | | |EH32 0NP |

|Proposal |Alterations to building |

|Location |9 Wemyss Place Port Seton Prestonpans East Lothian EH32 0DW |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |18th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00754/P | |

|Applicant |Scotmid Co-operative |Agent |Manson Architects + Planners |

|Applicant Address |Hillwood House |Agents Address |Per Ross Manson |

| |2 Harvest Drive | |Belford House |

| |Newbridge | |59 Belford Road |

| |Edinburgh | |Edinburgh |

| |EH28 8QJ | |EH4 3DE |

|Proposal |Alterations to building, formation of additional car parking and associated works |

|Location |180-184 High Street Prestonpans East Lothian EH32 9AZ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |25th August 2020 |

|App No.20/00756/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Robert Hastie |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Redheugh |Agents Address | |

| |13 Bayswell Park | | |

| |Dunbar | | |

| |Scotland | | |

| |EH42 1AE | | |

|Proposal |Painting of garage |

|Location |Redheugh Bayswell Park Dunbar East Lothian EH42 1AE |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00757/P | |

|Applicant |Mr & Mrs Matthew & Claire Wright |Agent |Chris Matson Architect |

|Applicant Address |Bank Park House |Agents Address |Per Chris Matson |

| |Edinburgh Road | |26 Mitchell Street |

| |Tranent | |Dalkeith |

| |East Lothian | |EH22 1JQ |

| |EH33 1AP | | |

|Proposal |Extension to house and formation of balcony and hardstanding area |

|Location |Bank Park House Edinburgh Road Tranent East Lothian EH33 1AP |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |4th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00758/LBC | |

|Applicant |Mr & Mrs Matthew & Claire Wright |Agent |Chris Matson Architect |

|Applicant Address |Bank Park House |Agents Address |Per Chris Matson |

| |Edinburgh Road | |26 Mitchell Street |

| |Tranent | |Dalkeith |

| |East Lothian | |EH22 1JQ |

| |EH33 1AP | | |

|Proposal |Alterations, extension to building and formation of balcony |

|Location |Bank Park House Edinburgh Road Tranent East Lothian EH33 1AP |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |28th August 2020 |

|App No.20/00764/AMC | |

|Applicant |Walker Group (Scotland) Ltd |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Graeme Patrick |Agents Address | |

| |Westerwood House | | |

| |Royston Road | | |

| |Deans Industrial Estate | | |

| |Livingston | | |

| |EH54 8AH | | |

|Proposal |Approval of matters specified in conditions of planning permission in principle 18/00937/PPM -Erection of 25 |

| |houses and associated works |

|Location |Land At Windygoul South Tranent East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |1st October 2020 |

|App No.20/00769/PP | |

|Applicant |Miss Julia Rennie |Agent |John A Fyall |

|Applicant Address |32 Kingsborough Road |Agents Address |12 Beachmont Court |

| |Edinburgh | |Dunbar |

| |EH12 6DZ | |EH42 1YF |

|Proposal |Planning permission in principle for the erection of wind turbine and formation of access |

|Location |Belhaven Fruit Farm Hedderwick West Barns Dunbar East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |17th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00772/P | |

|Applicant |LAR Housing Trust |Agent |MRT Architects |

|Applicant Address |Buchan House |Agents Address |Per Alastair Paul |

| |Carnegie Campus | |47 Victoria Street |

| |Enterprise Way | |Aberdeen |

| |Dunfermline | |UK |

| |Scotland | |AB10 1QA |

| |KY11 8PL | | |

|Proposal |Erection of 2 flats in place of 2 shop units and alterations to building as changes to the scheme of |

| |development the subject of planning permission 15/00487/P. |

|Location |Edinburgh Road Prestonpans East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |21st September 2020 |

|App No.20/00776/P | |

|Applicant |Mrs Michelle McAlpine |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |38 Lammermuir Crescent |Agents Address | |

| |Haddington | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH41 4AH | | |

|Proposal |Siting of moblie snack van |

|Location |Macmerry Industrial Estate Macmerry East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00779/P | |

|Applicant |Mr William Sanderson |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |4 Billsdean Cottages |Agents Address | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |TD135XG | | |

|Proposal |Erection of outbuilding |

|Location |4 Bilsdean Cottages East Lothian TD13 5XG |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |21st September 2020 |

|App No.20/00781/P | |

|Applicant |De Bahl Edwards Ltd |Agent |Paul Welsh Architects |

|Applicant Address |Unit 18A |Agents Address |Per Paul Welsh |

| |Castlebrae Business Centre | |Scott House |

| |Peffer Place | |10 South St Andrew Street |

| |Edinburgh | |Edinburgh |

| |EH24 9EN | |EH2 2AZ |

|Proposal |Renewal of planning permission 14/01022/P - Erection of 6 houses and associated works |

|Location |Site At Rope Walk Prestonpans East Lothian EH32 9BN |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |28th August 2020 |

|App No.20/00784/LBC | |

|Applicant |Mr and Mrs Richard and Lucy |Agent |Fernandes-Binns Architects |

| |Phillips | | |

|Applicant Address |Avenue House |Agents Address |Per Justine Fernandes-Binns |

| |High Street | |3 Scone Gardens |

| |Gifford | |Edinburgh |

| |East Lothian | |Scotland |

| |Scotland | |EH8 7DQ |

| |EH41 1QU | | |

|Proposal |Installation of flue to building, alterations, extension to building, formation of hardstanding areas, steps, |

| |handrails and retaining walls |

|Location |Avenue House High Street Gifford Haddington EH41 4QU |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |11th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00785/P | |

|Applicant |Mr and Mrs Richard and Lucy |Agent |Fernandes-Binns Architects |

| |Phillips | | |

|Applicant Address |Avenue House |Agents Address |Per Justine Fernandes-Binns |

| |High Street | |3 Scone Gardens |

| |Gifford | |Edinburgh |

| |East Lothian | |Scotland |

| |Scotland | |EH8 7DQ |

| |EH41 1QU | | |

|Proposal |Installation of flue to garage, alterations, extension to house, formation of hardstanding areas, steps, |

| |handrails and retaining walls |

|Location |Avenue House High Street Gifford Haddington EH41 4QU |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |11th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00786/P | |

|Applicant |WTBTS |Agent |Ken Duncan Ltd |

|Applicant Address |67B Underwood Road |Agents Address |Per Ken Duncan |

| |Rutherglen | |3-1 6 |

| |G73 3TF | |Kaims Terrace |

| | | |Livingston |

| | | |EH54 7EX |

|Proposal |Re-roofing of building |

|Location |Kingdom Hall Mill Wynd Haddington East Lothian EH41 4DB |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |4th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00787/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Eric Martin |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |2 West Road |Agents Address | |

| |Whitekirk | | |

| |Dunbar | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH42 1XA | | |

|Proposal |Replacement door and side screen |

|Location |2 West Road Whitekirk Dunbar East Lothian EH42 1XA |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |18th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00788/P | |

|Applicant |Ms Wendy Halstead |Agent |Johnston - Harris Architects |

|Applicant Address |Drumossie |Agents Address |Per Jamie Anderson |

| |Erskine Road | |31 The Shore |

| |Gullane | |Edinburgh |

| |EH31 2DQ | |EH6 6QN |

|Proposal |Extensions to house, including formation of 1st floor roof terrace with railings, erection of gate and wall |

|Location |Drumossie Erskine Road Gullane EH31 2DQ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |24th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00789/P | |

|Applicant |Mrs Margery McBain |Agent |Ford Design Ltd |

|Applicant Address |Carrouse |Agents Address |Per Sandy Ford |

| |Main Street | |5 Grange Court |

| |Athelstaneford | |North Berwick |

| |North Berwick | |EH39 4LN |

| |EH39 5BE | | |

|Proposal |Erection of summerhouse and formation of decked area (Retrospective) |

|Location |Carrouse Main Street Athelstaneford North Berwick EH39 5BE |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |16th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00791/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Hadi And Karim Saleh |Agent |HLP Architecture |

|Applicant Address |30 New Street |Agents Address |Per Colin Gibson |

| |Musselburgh | |35 Joppa Road |

| |EH21 6JP | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH15 2HB |

|Proposal |Non material variation for minor design and layout changes. Discharge of conditions in approval including |

| |setting out details. |

|Location |30 New Street Musselburgh EH21 6JP |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00796/P | |

|Applicant |Mrs Fiona Burgess |Agent |Blueprint (Dunbar) Ltd |

|Applicant Address |7 Bowmont Terrace |Agents Address |Per Gary Fairbairn |

| |Dunbar | |Dalmatian House |

| |Scotland | |Spott Road |

| |EH42 1LF | |Dunbar |

| | | |Scotland |

| | | |EH42 1LE |

|Proposal |Replacement windows, formation of hardstanding area and erection of gates |

|Location |7 Bowmont Terrace Queens Road Dunbar EH42 1LF |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |2nd October 2020 |

|App No.20/00797/LBC | |

|Applicant |Mrs Fiona Burgess |Agent |Blueprint (Dunbar) Ltd |

|Applicant Address |7 Bowmont Terrace |Agents Address |Per Gary Fairbairn |

| |Dunbar | |Dalmatian House |

| |Scotland | |Spott Road |

| |EH42 1LF | |Dunbar |

| | | |Scotland |

| | | |EH42 1LE |

|Proposal |Removal of loadbearing kitchen wall, replacing single glazed windows with double glazed to match existing, |

| |part removal of garden wall and installation of gates at B listed dwelling house. |

|Location |7 Bowmont Terrace Queens Road Dunbar EH42 1LF |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00799/P | |

|Applicant |Mr & Ms Stefan Bashev Monika |Agent |Joanna Tonska |

| |Robakowska | | |

|Applicant Address |5 Winton Court |Agents Address |15 Burnside |

| |Tranent | |Prestonpans |

| |East Lothian | |EH32 9DW |

| |EH33 2PR | | |

|Proposal |Erection of fencing, gate, external fireplace and chimney and covered area (Part Retrospective) |

|Location |5 Winton Court Tranent East Lothian EH33 2PR |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |8th October 2020 |

|App No.20/00801/P | |

|Applicant |Miss Sandra Spratt |Agent |Houseplans |

|Applicant Address |27 Albert Crescent |Agents Address |Per Stuart Baird |

| |Wallyford | |30 Mortonhall Park Avenue |

| |Musselburgh | |Edinburgh |

| |East Lothian | |EH17 8BP |

| |EH21 8LF | | |

|Proposal |Alterations to flat |

|Location |27 Albert Crescent Wallyford Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 8LF |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |3rd September 2020 |

|App No.20/00806/P | |

|Applicant |Mrs Elayne Blackwood |Agent |Glendale Engineering |

|Applicant Address |Hillhead Farm |Agents Address |Per Joshua Nicholson |

| |Whitecraig | |Unit 1 |

| |Musselburgh | |1 Berwick Road |

| |EH21 8QE | |Wooler |

| | | |Northumberland |

|Proposal |Erection of agricultural drier (Retrospective) |

|Location |Hillhead Farm Whitecraig Musselburgh EH21 8QE |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |18th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00808/P | |

|Applicant |Ms Carol Auld |Agent |Colin Findlay |

|Applicant Address |Old Schoolhouse |Agents Address |Kilmora |

| |Bellyford Road | |Kirk Street |

| |Elphinstone | |PRESTONPANS |

| |UK | |United Kingdom |

| |EH33 2LY | |EH32 9EA |

|Proposal |Conversion of storage building to studio apartment and variation of condition 1 of planning permission |

| |17/00487/P to for a temporary period of (Retrospective) |

|Location |Old Schoolhouse Bellyford Road Elphinstone Tranent EH33 2LY |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00810/P | |

|Applicant |Mr and Mrs Andrew and Sally White |Agent |Somner Macdonald Architects |

|Applicant Address |Craigend |Agents Address |Per Keith Macdonald |

| |2 Cromwell Road | |2B Law Road |

| |North Berwick | |North Berwick |

| |East Lothian | |East Lothian |

| |EH39 4LZ | |EH39 4PL |

|Proposal |Alterations, extension to 1 house to form 2 flats and associated works |

|Location |Craigend Cottage 2A Cromwell Road North Berwick East Lothian EH39 4LZ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |18th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00811/CAC | |

|Applicant |Mr and Mrs Andrew and Sally White |Agent |Somner Macdonald Architects |

|Applicant Address |Craigend Cottage |Agents Address |Per Keith Macdonald |

| |2A Cromwell Road | |2B Law Road |

| |North Berwick | |North Berwick |

| |East Lothian | |East Lothian |

| |EH39 4LZ | |EH39 4PL |

|Proposal |Demolition of walls, trellises and gates |

|Location |Craigend Cottage 2A Cromwell Road North Berwick East Lothian EH39 4LZ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |18th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00812/P | |

|Applicant |Mrs Nicky Fox |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Douglasdale |Agents Address | |

| |7 Forth Street | | |

| |North Berwick | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH39 4HX | | |

|Proposal |Install double glazing, patio doors, move position of existing kitchen door.(Part Retrospective) |

| |Replace existing garden shed |

| |Add new bicycle storage to side of house |

| |Re-paint exterior of house. |

| |Approval for existing gate onto Forth St. |

|Location |7 Forth Street North Berwick East Lothian EH39 4HX |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00814/P | |

|Applicant |Dr Joy Barnard |Agent |ABC Architecture |

|Applicant Address |7 Sidegate Mews |Agents Address |Per Steven White |

| |Haddington | |18A Rothesay Place |

| |EH41 4BG | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH3 7SQ |

|Proposal |Replacement windows and re-roofing of house (Part Retrospective) |

|Location |7 Sidegate Mews Haddington EH41 4BG |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |4th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00816/LBC | |

|Applicant |Mr Gilles Benyon Bell |Agent |Les Mccaskey Architectural Design Services |

|Applicant Address |13 Albert Terrace |Agents Address |Per Les Mccaskey |

| |Musselburgh | |18A Rothsay Place |

| |EH21 7LR | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH3 7SQ |

|Proposal |Alterations to building, formation of wall, erection of decking, steps with handrails and formation of |

| |hardstanding (Part Retrospective) |

|Location |13 Albert Terrace Musselburgh EH21 7LR |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |2nd October 2020 |

|App No.20/00818/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Elliot Balfour |Agent |Everest Limited |

|Applicant Address |13C Melbourne Road |Agents Address |Per Shiraz Riaz |

| |North Berwick | |Everest House |

| |East Lothian | |Sopers Road |

| |EH39 4JT | |Cuffley |

| | | |Potters Bar |

| | | |Hertfordshire |

| | | |EN6 4SG |

|Proposal |Replacement windows |

|Location |13C Melbourne Road North Berwick East Lothian EH39 4JT |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |11th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00819/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Chris Morrison |Agent |Ford Design Ltd |

|Applicant Address |15 The Beeches |Agents Address |Per Sandy Ford |

| |Gullane | |5 Grange Court |

| |East Lothian | |North Berwick |

| |EH31 2DX | |East Lothian |

| | | |EH39 4LN |

|Proposal |Extension to house |

|Location |15 The Beeches Gullane East Lothian EH31 2DX |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |27th August 2020 |

|App No.20/00822/P | |

|Applicant |Mr & Mrs Andrew & Tracey |Agent |FGH Architectural & Buidling Design Services |

| |Sidebottom | | |

|Applicant Address |3 The Laws |Agents Address |Per Graham Humpage |

| |Chapelhill | |1 Fentonbarns Farm Cottages |

| |Dirleton | |North Berwick |

| |North Berwick | |EH39 5AN |

| |EH39 5HY | | |

|Proposal |Extension to house, erection of portico with 1st floor balcony, formation of hardstanding area and steps |

|Location |3 The Laws Chapelhill Dirleton North Berwick EH39 5HY |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |11th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00824/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Joe Tree |Agent |Lowland Planning Associates Ltd |

|Applicant Address |12 Hawthornbank Place |Agents Address |Per Anne Cunningham |

| |Edinburgh | |5 West Terrace |

| |E6 4GH | |Blackness |

| | | |Linlithgow |

| | | |EH49 7NN |

|Proposal |Erection of hut and shed (Part Retrospective) |

|Location |Bolton Muir Gifford East Lothian EH41 4JH |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |6th October 2020 |

|App No.20/00825/P | |

|Applicant |Mr John Simpson |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |11 East Lorimer Place |Agents Address | |

| |Cockenzie | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH32 0JD | | |

|Proposal |Alterations, heightening of garage and installation of solar panels (Part Retrospective) |

|Location |11 East Lorimer Place Cockenzie East Lothian EH32 0JD |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |2nd October 2020 |

|App No.20/00826/P | |

|Applicant |West Barns Village Hall Committee |Agent |Blueprint (Dunbar) Ltd |

|Applicant Address |Per Mrs Kathleen Harvey |Agents Address |Per Gary Fairbairn |

| |West Barns Village Hall | |Dalmatian House |

| |Edinburgh Road | |Spott Road |

| |West Barns | |Dunbar |

| |East Lothian | |EH42 1LE |

| |EH42 1UP | | |

|Proposal |Extensions to building, erection of fencing, gate and formation of hardstanding area |

|Location |West Barns Community Hall Edinburgh Road West Barns Dunbar EH42 1UP |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |11th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00829/P | |

|Applicant |Vogrie Farms |Agent |John Thorburn & Sons |

|Applicant Address |Leaston Farm |Agents Address |Per Barry Siddle |

| |Humbie | |JTS |

| |East Lothian | |Station Works |

| | | |Station Road |

| | | |Duns |

| | | |Berwickshire |

| | | |TD113EJ |

|Proposal |Erection of agricultural building |

|Location |Leaston Farm Humbie East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |9th October 2020 |

|App No.20/00830/P | |

|Applicant |Mr A Anderson |Agent |Houseplans |

|Applicant Address |12 Vinefields |Agents Address |Per Stuart Baird |

| |Pencaitland | |30 Mortonhall Park Avenue |

| |EH34 5HD | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH17 8BP |

|Proposal |Erection of conservatory |

|Location |12 Vinefields Pencaitland EH34 5HD |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |11th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00831/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Andrew Cunningham |Agent |Douglas Williams |

|Applicant Address |19 Clerkington Road |Agents Address |47d High Street |

| |Haddington | |Haddington |

| |East Lothian | |East Lothian |

| |EH41 4EL | |EH41 3EE |

|Proposal |Extension to house |

|Location |19 Clerkington Road Haddington EH41 4EL |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |18th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00832/ADV | |

|Applicant |Glenkinchie Distillery |Agent |Michael Laird Architects |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Ramsay Borthwick |Agents Address |Per Mark Lewis |

| |Glenkinchie Visitors Centre | |5 Forres Street |

| |Glenkinchie | |Edinburgh |

| |Pencaitland | |EH3 6DE |

| |EH34 5ET | | |

|Proposal |Display of advertisements |

|Location |Glenkinchie Visitors Centre Glenkinchie Pencaitland EH34 5ET |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |15th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00833/P | |

|Applicant |Mr David Gabellone |Agent |Ford Design Ltd |

|Applicant Address |6 Stoneybank Gardens South |Agents Address |Per Sandy Ford |

| |Musselburgh | |5 Grange Court |

| |EH21 6NA | |North Berwick |

| | | |EH39 4LN |

|Proposal |Alterations to flat, formation of hardstanding area, raised decked with steps and handrails, erection of fence|

| |and shed (Part Retrospective) |

|Location |6 Stoneybank Gardens South Musselburgh EH21 6NA |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |22nd September 2020 |

|App No.20/00835/P | |

|Applicant |Mr T Morgan |Agent |Ford Design Ltd |

|Applicant Address |30 South Seton Park |Agents Address |Per Sandy Ford |

| |Port Seton | |5 Grange Court |

| |EH32 0BG | |North Berwick |

| | | |EH39 4LN |

|Proposal |Erection of porch |

|Location |30 South Seton Park Port Seton EH32 0BG |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |2nd September 2020 |

|App No.20/00836/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Alex Hamilton |Agent |Derek Kemp |

|Applicant Address |29 Alva Street |Agents Address |The Steading |

| |Edinburgh | |Main Street |

| |EH2 4PS | |Tyninghame |

| | | |Dunbar |

| | | |EH42 1XL |

|Proposal |Erection of hut and storage container (Part Retrospective) |

|Location |Bolton Muir Gifford Haddington East Lothian EH41 4JH |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |23rd October 2020 |

|App No.20/00838/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Ryan Lindsay |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |2 Marshall Street |Agents Address | |

| |Cockenzie | | |

| |EH32 0HT | | |

|Proposal |Alteration, repainting of house/outhouse, installation of light, CCTV camera, fan, vent and electrical socket |

| |(Retrospective) |

|Location |2 Marshall Street Cockenzie EH32 0HT |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00839/P | |

|Applicant |MBNL (EE (UK) LTD AND H3G (UK) |Agent |Mono Consultants Limited |

| |LTD) | | |

|Applicant Address |C/O Agent |Agents Address |Per Gillian Marshall |

| | | |Culzean House |

| | | |36 Renfield Street |

| | | |Glasgow |

| | | |G2 1LU |

|Proposal |Erection of telecommunications monopole and associated works |

|Location |Site On Blawearie Road Tranent East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |9th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00840/P | |

|Applicant |Simply Musselburgh Care Limited |Agent |Young And Gault Architects Ltd |

|Applicant Address |Pavilion 6 |Agents Address |Per Warren Green |

| |The Approach | |231 St. Vincent Street |

| |321 Springhill Parkway | |Glasgow |

| |Glasgow | |G2 5QY |

| |G69 6GA | | |

|Proposal |Erection of fence |

|Location |131 New Street Musselburgh EH21 6DH |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |9th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00841/LBC | |

|Applicant |Garvald & Bara Parish Church |Agent |Pollock Hammond Ltd |

|Applicant Address |Garvald Parish Church |Agents Address |Grange West |

| |Garvald | |Grange |

| |Haddington | |Linlithgow |

| |EH41 4LN | |West Lothian |

| | | |EH49 7RH |

|Proposal |conservation repairs to existing fabric including srtipping and reslating roof and new external lighting |

|Location |Garvald Church Garvald Haddington EH41 4LN |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00842/P | |

|Applicant |Garvald & Bara Parish Church |Agent |Pollock Hammond Ltd |

|Applicant Address |Garvald & Bara Parish Church |Agents Address |Grange West |

| |Garvald | |Grange |

| |Haddington | |Linlithgow |

| |EH41 4LN | |West Lothian |

| | | |EH49 7RH |

|Proposal |Conservation repairs to building fabric including stripping and re-slating roof and external lighting |

|Location |Garvald Church Garvald Haddington EH41 4LN |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00844/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Iain Galloway |Agent |Douglas Strachan |

|Applicant Address |East Saltoun Farmhouse |Agents Address |11 South Street |

| |Main Street | |Dalkeith |

| |East Saltoun | |EH22 1AH |

| |EH34 5DY | | |

|Proposal |Alterations to house, formation of hardstanding area and steps |

|Location |East Saltoun Farmhouse Main Street East Saltoun EH34 5DY |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |18th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00845/LBC | |

|Applicant |Mr Iain Galloway |Agent |Douglas Strachan |

|Applicant Address |East Saltoun Farmhouse |Agents Address |11 South Street |

| |Main Street | |Dalkeith |

| |East Saltoun | |EH22 1AH |

| |EH34 5DY | | |

|Proposal |Alterations to building, formation of hardstanding area and steps |

|Location |East Saltoun Farmhouse Main Street East Saltoun EH34 5DY |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |18th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00846/P | |

|Applicant |Mr & Mrs F Ewart |Agent |Niall Young Architecture Ltd |

|Applicant Address |Hillhead Farmhouse |Agents Address |Per Colin Young |

| |Carberry | |32-12 Hardengreen Business Park |

| |East Lothian | |Dalhousie Road |

| |EH21 8QE | |Eskbank |

| | | |EH22 3NX |

|Proposal |retrospective planning permission for erection of timber shed within garden grounds and siting of steel |

| |storage containers in adjacent paddock |

|Location |Hillhead Farmhouse Carberry EH21 8QE |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00848/P | |

|Applicant |Mr William Bell |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |16 St Ninians Terrace |Agents Address | |

| |Edinburgh | | |

| |Midlothian | | |

| |EH10 5NL | | |

|Proposal |Change of use of 1 flat to holiday let accommodation |

|Location |30 St Andrew Street North Berwick East Lothian EH39 4NX |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |22nd September 2020 |

|App No.20/00849/P | |

|Applicant |Mrs Jess Bichan |Agent |Nick Cunningham |

|Applicant Address |34 Goose Green Avenue |Agents Address |79 Rowanhill Drive |

| |Musselburgh | |Port Seton |

| |East Lothian | |EH32 0SX |

| |EH21 7SN | | |

|Proposal |Extension to house |

|Location |34 Goose Green Avenue Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 7SN |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |1st October 2020 |

|App No.20/00850/ADV | |

|Applicant |Persimmon Homes East Scotland |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Andrew Fairgrieve |Agents Address | |

| |Unit 1 Wester Inch Business Park | | |

| |Old Well Court | | |

| |Bathgate | | |

| |EH48 2TQ | | |

|Proposal |Display of advertisements |

|Location |Land At Craighall Musselburgh East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |15th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00851/P | |

|Applicant |Messrs Douglas Scott |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Douglas Scott |Agents Address | |

| |1 Howden Farm | | |

| |Haddington | | |

| |EH41 4JS | | |

|Proposal |Erection of poultry building and associated works |

|Location |Howden Farm East Saltoun East Lothian EH34 |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |25th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00852/ADV | |

|Applicant |Pixie Rose Flowers |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mrs Rowena Halliday |Agents Address | |

| |134 High Street | | |

| |Dunbar | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH42 1JJ | | |

|Proposal |Display of advertisement |

|Location |134 High Street Dunbar East Lothian EH42 1JJ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00853/P | |

|Applicant |Mrs Helen Baxter |Agent |Linda Dawson Architect |

|Applicant Address |9 Wemyss Place |Agents Address |Per Linda Dawson |

| |Port Seton | |Redwood |

| |EH32 0DW | |34 Campbell Road |

| | | |Longniddry |

| | | |East Lothian |

| | | |EH32 0NP |

|Proposal |Alterations to house |

|Location |9 Wemyss Place Port Seton EH32 0DW |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |18th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00854/P | |

|Applicant |Mrs Christine Simpson |Agent |Architects Office |

|Applicant Address |24A York Road |Agents Address |Per John Ferguson |

| |North Berwick | |Unit 1 |

| |EH39 4LX | |Seton Garage |

| | | |Longniddry |

| | | |EH32 0PG |

|Proposal |Alterations to flat, formation of balcony, pedestrian access, hardstanding area, steps, erection fencing, |

| |railings and gate |

|Location |24A York Road North Berwick EH39 4LX |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |18th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00856/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Charles Menzies-Wilson |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Redcote |Agents Address | |

| |Manse Road | | |

| |Dirleton | | |

| |North Berwick | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH39 5EH | | |

|Proposal |Installation of awning |

|Location |Redcote Manse Road Dirleton North Berwick East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00857/P | |

|Applicant |Ms T Brighton |Agent |Kenneth Reid Architects |

|Applicant Address |C/o Agent |Agents Address |Per Kenneth Reid |

| | | |39 Braid Farm Road |

| | | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH10 6LE |

|Proposal |Installation of condenser unit |

|Location |Bank Buildings Main Street Gullane East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |25th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00858/P | |

|Applicant |Hallhill Sports Centre |Agent |Blueprint (Dunbar) Ltd |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Robert Peters |Agents Address |Per Gary Fairbairn |

| |Hallhill Sports Centre | |Dalmatian House |

| |Kellie Road | |Spott Road |

| |Dunbar | |Dunbar |

| |East Lothian | |EH42 1LE |

| |EH42 1RF | | |

|Proposal |Erection of utility container, fencing and formation of decked area |

|Location |Hallhill Healthy Living Centre Lochend Road Dunbar EH42 1RF |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00859/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Stuart Letchford |Agent |Steven Kerr |

|Applicant Address |16 Dean Court |Agents Address |16 Kings Park |

| |Longniddry | |Longniddry |

| |East Lothian | |EH32 0QL |

| |EH32 0QT | | |

|Proposal |Extension to house and formation of ramp |

|Location |16 Dean Court Longniddry East Lothian EH32 0QT |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |29th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00860/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Robert Simpson |Agent |Ktdesign |

|Applicant Address |21 St Andrew Street |Agents Address |Per Kathryn Thomson |

| |North Berwick | |23 Ben Sayers Park |

| |East Lothian | |North Berwick |

| |EH39 4NX | |EH39 5PT |

|Proposal |Installation of roof vents |

|Location |21 St Andrew Street North Berwick East Lothian EH39 4NX |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |18th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00861/P | |

|Applicant |Mrs Ruth Simpson |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Bankfoot Cottage |Agents Address | |

| |High Street | | |

| |Aberlady | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH32 0RA | | |

|Proposal |Installation of pipework |

|Location |Bankfoot Cottage High Street Aberlady East Lothian EH32 0RA |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |9th October 2020 |

|App No.20/00862/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Ian Riva |Agent |LAB/04 Architects |

|Applicant Address |1 Old Quarryford Cottages |Agents Address |Per Lee Johnson |

| |Yester | |17 Dean Park |

| |Gifford | |Longniddry |

| |Haddington | |EH32 0QR |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH41 4PL | | |

|Proposal |Extension to house |

|Location |1 Old Quarryford Cottages Yester Gifford Haddington East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |21st September 2020 |

|App No.20/00863/P | |

|Applicant |Mr & Mrs R Begbie |Agent |JML SIPS |

|Applicant Address |The Old Bothy |Agents Address |Per Brad Mutter |

| |Bolton | |The Arns |

| |Haddington | |Auchterarder |

| |East Lothian | |Perthshire |

| |EH41 4HQ | |PH3 1EJ |

|Proposal |Erection of garden room |

|Location |The Old Bothy Bolton Haddington East Lothian EH41 4HQ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |16th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00865/P | |

|Applicant |Viridor Waste Management Ltd |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Grant Scott |Agents Address | |

| |Runcorn ERF | | |

| |1 Barlow Way | | |

| |Runcorn | | |

| |WA7 4HG | | |

|Proposal |Remediation and reparation of the 'Dry Burn' watercourse |

|Location |Dunbar Landfill Site Innerwick Dunbar East Lothian EH42 1SW |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00866/P | |

|Applicant |Mr & Mrs Scott Marjoribanks |Agent |R G Licence Architect |

|Applicant Address |2 Bayview Circus |Agents Address |Per Ray Licence |

| |Dunbar | |Hillend |

| |East Lothian | |Cliftonhill |

| |EH42 1ZT | |Kelso |

| | | |TD5 7QE |

|Proposal |Extension to house |

|Location |2 Bayview Circus Dunbar East Lothian EH42 1ZT |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |16th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00867/P | |

|Applicant |Mr P Dibsdale |Agent |Sutherland & Co Architects Ltd |

|Applicant Address |22A St Andrew Street |Agents Address |Per Mike Roper |

| |North Berwick | |82 High Street |

| |East Lothian | |North Berwick |

| |EH39 4NU | |EH39 4HF |

|Proposal |Alterations, extension to house, formation of decked areas and steps, erection of wall, timber screen and gate|

|Location |22A St Andrew Street North Berwick East Lothian EH39 4NU |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |2nd October 2020 |

|App No.20/00868/P | |

|Applicant |Ms Linda Noble |Agent |Ktdesign |

|Applicant Address |10B Bolton Steading |Agents Address |Per Kathryn Thomson |

| |Haddington | |23 Ben Sayers Park |

| |EH41 4HU | |North Berwick |

| | | |EH39 5PT |

|Proposal |Installation of flue |

|Location |10B Bolton Steading Bolton Haddington East Lothian EH41 4HU |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |21st September 2020 |

|App No.20/00869/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Richard Brand |Agent |Ross Smith & Jameson |

|Applicant Address |Broomfield House |Agents Address |Per Ian Jameson |

| |Garvald | |Admiral House |

| |Haddington | |30 Maritime Street |

| |EH41 4LN | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH6 6SE |

|Proposal |Installation of vent |

|Location |Broomfield House Garvald Gifford Haddington EH41 4LN |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |25th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00872/P | |

|Applicant |Mrs Merryn Justice |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |7A Forth Street |Agents Address | |

| |North Berwick | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH39 4HX | | |

|Proposal |Replace PVC patio doors with PVC patio doors (surrounds the same colour, dark rosewood) |

| |Replace front door with a composite door |

| |Replace one faulty double glazed PVC white window unit for the same |

| |Replace wooden shed (4metres by 3 metres) with wooden shed (same size and same position) |

| |Replace wooden fence to the height of existing stone wall. |

| |Install timber decking 4 metres square coming out from the patio doors. |

|Location |7A Forth Street North Berwick East Lothian EH39 4HX |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00873/LBC | |

|Applicant |Mrs Sarah-Lynn Nyadu |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Templedean House |Agents Address | |

| |Florabank Road | | |

| |Haddington | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH41 3LR | | |

|Proposal |We plan to take out the existing bathroom suite and update the bathroom by putting in a new bathroom suite and|

| |add a shower cubicle to the room. We plan to tile the floors and walls and put some spotlights in the ceiling |

| |to brighten the room. |

|Location |Templedean House Florabank Road Haddington East Lothian EH41 3LR |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00874/P | |

|Applicant |Ms Dawn Edward |Agent |Douglas Williams MCIAT |

|Applicant Address |21 Huntlaw Road |Agents Address |Per Douglas Williams |

| |Pencaitland | |47D High Street |

| |East Lothian | |Haddington |

| |EH34 5AQ | |East Lothian |

| | | |EH41 3EE |

|Proposal |Extension to house |

|Location |21 Huntlaw Road Pencaitland Tranent EH34 5AQ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |15th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00875/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Peter Tucker |Agent |Ford Design Ltd |

|Applicant Address |The Orchard |Agents Address |Per Sandy Ford |

| |3C Station Road | |5 Grange Court |

| |East Linton | |North Berwick |

| |EH40 3DP | |EH39 4LN |

|Proposal |Erection of 1 house and associated works |

|Location |Land North Of 3C Station Road Station Road East Linton East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |25th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00876/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Jeff Marshall |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |1 Wedderburn Terrace |Agents Address | |

| |Inveresk | | |

| |EH21 7TJ | | |

|Proposal |Erection of fencing, gate, painting of window and door bands (Part Retrospective) |

|Location |1 Wedderburn Terrace Inveresk Musselburgh EH21 7TJ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |2nd October 2020 |

|App No.20/00877/P | |

|Applicant |Mr David Tait |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |98D High Street |Agents Address | |

| |North Berwick | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH39 4HE | | |

|Proposal |Replace existing single-glazed wooden-framed sash and casement windows with double-glazed UPVC-framed |

| |equivalents. |

|Location |98D High Street North Berwick East Lothian EH39 4HE |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00878/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Graham Oloan |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |37 Tynemount Avenue |Agents Address | |

| |Ormiston | | |

| |Tranent | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH35 5JR | | |

|Proposal |Erection of garage |

|Location |37 Tynemount Avenue Ormiston Tranent East Lothian EH35 5JR |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00879/P | |

|Applicant |MBNL (EE (UK) LTD AND H3G (UK) |Agent |Alex Gorton |

| |LTD) | | |

|Applicant Address |C/O Agent |Agents Address |Steampacket House |

| | | |76 Cross Street |

| | | |Manchester |

| | | |Greater Manchester |

| | | |M2 4JG |

|Proposal |Installation of telecommunications pole and associated cabinets |

|Location |Adjacent To Ormiston Road Junction Tranent East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00880/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Chris Rennie |Agent |Cooper Architectural |

|Applicant Address |25 Blackadder Crescent |Agents Address |Per Jamie Cooper |

| |North Berwick | |11 Greenside |

| |EH39 5FQ | |Newmilns |

| | | |KA16 9AU |

|Proposal |Extension to house |

|Location |25 Blackadder Crescent North Berwick EH39 5FQ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |23rd September 2020 |

|App No.20/00881/P | |

|Applicant |East Lothian Housing Association |Agent |JTP |

|Applicant Address |18-20 Market Street |Agents Address |Per Donald Sayers |

| |Haddington | |Venue Studios |

| |East Lothian | |21 Calton Road |

| |EH41 3JL | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH525DQ |

|Proposal |Erection of 4 flats and associated works |

|Location |17 And 18 Castlemains Place Dirleton North Berwick East Lothian EH39 5DU |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |30th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00882/CAC | |

|Applicant |East Lothian Housing Association |Agent |JTP |

|Applicant Address |18-20 Market Street |Agents Address |Per Donals Sayers |

| |Haddington | |Venue Studios |

| |East Lothian | |21 Calton Road |

| | | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH525DQ |

|Proposal |Demolition of building |

|Location |17 And 18 Castlemains Place Dirleton North Berwick East Lothian EH39 5DU |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |2nd October 2020 |

|App No.20/00883/P | |

|Applicant |Mr J Marshall |Agent |CR Smith Glaziers (Dunfermline) Ltd |

|Applicant Address |1 Wedderburn Terrace |Agents Address |Per Mahfooz Ahmed |

| |Inveresk | |CR Smith Glaziers |

| |Musselburgh | |Gardeners Street |

| |EH21 7TJ | |Dunfermline |

| | | |KY12 0RN |

|Proposal |Replacement windows and doors (Retrospective) |

|Location |1 Wedderburn Terrace Inveresk Musselburgh EH21 7TJ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |9th October 2020 |

|App No.20/00884/P | |

|Applicant |Active Schools |Agent |ELC |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Scott Marnoch |Agents Address |Per Stephen Wands |

| |Dunbar Grammar School | |Meadowmill Sport Centre |

| |62 Summerfield Road | |Tranent |

| |Dunbar | |EH33 1LZ |

| |EH42 1NJ | | |

|Proposal |The school and local community clubs would like to extend their hours of operation to Monday ? Friday until |

| |8.30pm and Sat / Sunday until 4pm to meet increasing demand. |

| |We understand the need to safeguard the amenity of the occupiers of the neighbouring residential properties |

| |and believe the nominal increase in usage should not provide significant disruption. |

|Location |Dunbar Grammar School 62 Summerfield Road Dunbar EH42 1NJ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00886/P | |

|Applicant |Bayswell Hotel |Agent |Fitzgerald + Associates Ltd |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr S. Flame |Agents Address |Per Kevin Duguid |

| |16 Bayswell Park | |53 Albert Street |

| |Dunbar | |Aberdeen |

| |EH42 1AE | |AB25 1XT |

|Proposal |Alterations and extensions to hotel |

|Location |Bayswell Hotel 16 Bayswell Park Dunbar EH42 1AE |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |9th October 2020 |

|App No.20/00887/P | |

|Applicant |Firm Of Carberry Mains |Agent |SAC Consulting |

|Applicant Address |Per Ms.Elayne Blackwood |Agents Address |Per Mary Sheehan |

| |Hillhead Farm | |Technopole Centre |

| |Whitecraig | |2 Bush Estate |

| |Musselburgh | |Penicuik |

| |EH21 8QE | |EH26 0PJ |

| | | | |

|Proposal |Siting of 6 storage containers in association of the livery business (Retrospective) |

|Location |Hillhead Farm Whitecraig Musselburgh EH21 8QE |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |2nd October 2020 |

|App No.20/00888/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Fiasal Omer |Agent |Scott Allan |

|Applicant Address |136 Salters Road |Agents Address |36 Wallace Avenue |

| |Wallyford | |Wallyford |

| |UK | |East Lothian |

| |EH21 8BQ | |EH21 8BZ |

|Proposal |Alterations and part change of use of shop (class 1) to coffee shop (class 3) |

|Location |136 Salters Road Wallyford Musselburgh EH21 8BQ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |22nd September 2020 |

|App No.20/00890/ADV | |

|Applicant |Eskquire |Agent |Irvine Design Services |

|Applicant Address |Per Alan Mulholland |Agents Address |Per Ross Irvine |

| |147 High Street | |16 West Loan |

| |Prestonpans | |Prestonpans |

| |East Lothian | |EH32 9NT |

| |EH32 9AX | | |

|Proposal |Vinyl transfer to existing window. |

| |Brand signage to shutter. |

|Location |147 High Street Prestonpans East Lothian EH32 9AX |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00891/LBC | |

|Applicant |Eskquire |Agent |Irvine Design Services |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Alan Mulholland |Agents Address |Per Ross Irvine |

| |147 High Street | |16 West Loan |

| |Prestonpans | |Prestonpans |

| |East Lothian | |EH32 9NT |

| |EH32 9AX | | |

|Proposal |Barber shop |

|Location |147 High Street Prestonpans East Lothian EH32 9AX |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00892/P | |

|Applicant |Eskquire |Agent |Irvine Design Services |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Alan Mulholland |Agents Address |Per Ross Irvine |

| |147 High Street | |16 West Loan |

| |Prestonpans | |Prestonpans |

| |East Lothian | |EH32 9NT |

| |EH32 9AX | | |

|Proposal |Installation of security shutter, brand logo and signage to shop front. |

|Location |147 High Street Prestonpans East Lothian EH32 9AX |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00893/P | |

|Applicant |Mr C Dick |Agent |Capital Draughting Consultants Ltd |

|Applicant Address |12 Stoneyhill Place |Agents Address |Per Keith Henderson |

| |Musselburgh | |40 Dinmont Drive |

| |EH21 6TQ | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH16 5RR |

|Proposal |Extension to house |

|Location |12 Stoneyhill Place Musselburgh EH21 6TQ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |23rd September 2020 |

|App No.20/00894/P | |

|Applicant |Mr & Mrs B. Wallace |Agent |Bryant And Cairns |

|Applicant Address |61 Vinefields |Agents Address |Per Thomas Osborne |

| |Pencaitland | |2/3 |

| |UK | |Borthwick View |

| |EH34 5HD | |Pentland Industrial Estate |

| | | |Loanhead |

| | | |Midlothian |

| | | |EH20 9QH |

|Proposal |Extensions to house |

|Location |61 Vinefields Pencaitland Tranent EH34 5HD |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |9th October 2020 |

|App No.20/00895/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Mark Pearson |Agent |ABC Architecture |

|Applicant Address |1 Letham Mains Holdings |Agents Address |Per Steven White |

| |Haddington | |18A Rothesay Place |

| |Scotland | |Edinburgh |

| |EH41 4NN | |SCOTLAND |

| | | |EH3 7SQ |

|Proposal |Erection of studio/store to form ancillary residential accommodation |

|Location |1 Letham Mains Holdings Haddington East Lothian EH41 4NN |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |23rd September 2020 |

|App No.20/00896/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Colin Newton |Agent |Keith Newton |

|Applicant Address |22 St Margaret's Road |Agents Address |45 Duff Street |

| |North Berwick | |Macduff |

| |EH39 4PJ | |AB441QJ |

| | | | |

|Proposal |Erection of garden room, shed and formation of decked area (Part Retrospective) |

|Location |22 St Margaret's Road North Berwick EH39 4PJ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |2nd October 2020 |

|App No.20/00897/CLD | |

|Applicant |Mrs Angela Westacott |Agent |DS Architecture |

|Applicant Address |46 Middleshot Road |Agents Address |Per Dugald Skene |

| |Gullane | |54 Duddingston Row |

| |EH31 2DG | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH15 3ND |

|Proposal |Certificate of lawfulness for the alterations and changes to house |

|Location |46 Middleshot Road Gullane EH31 2DG |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00898/P | |

|Applicant |Ms Rachel Blenkharn |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Belton Villa |Agents Address | |

| |Edinburgh Road | | |

| |West Barns | | |

| |Dunbar | | |

| |EH42 1UW | | |

|Proposal |Demolition of existing garage at the side of the house and construction of a new timber-clad lean-to with |

| |kitchen and home office. |

|Location |Beltonford Villa Edinburgh Road West Barns Dunbar EH42 1UW |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00900/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Jonathan McMillan |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |The Bothy |Agents Address | |

| |New Winton | | |

| |Tranent | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH34 5AY | | |

|Proposal |Change of use of horse paddock to domestic garden ground, erection of greenhouse, sheds, fencing (Part |

| |Retrospective) |

|Location |The Bothy New Winton Tranent East Lothian EH34 5AY |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00901/LBC | |

|Applicant |Mr Al Gilmour |Agent |Ogilvy Chalmers |

|Applicant Address |Garden Cottage |Agents Address |48 High Street |

| |Edinburgh Road | |Haddington |

| |Gifford | |East Lothian |

| |Haddington | |EH41 3EF |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH41 4JE | | |

|Proposal |Erection of gate and gate piers |

|Location |Garden Cottage Edinburgh Road Gifford Haddington East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |2nd October 2020 |

|App No.20/00902/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Scott Lothian |Agent |Blueprint (Dunbar) Ltd |

|Applicant Address |31 Andrew Meikle Grove |Agents Address |Per Gary Fairbairn |

| |East Linton | |Dalmatian House |

| |East Lothian | |Spott Road |

| |EH40 3EL | |Dunbar |

| | | |EH42 1LE |

|Proposal |Extension to house |

|Location |31 Andrew Meikle Grove East Linton East Lothian EH40 3EL |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |23rd September 2020 |

|App No.20/00903/CAC | |

|Applicant |G.S.Electrical Services |Agent |G.K.Building Design |

|Applicant Address |Per Glynn Shearer |Agents Address |Per George Kinnaird |

| |9 Hamilton Park | |75 Millhill |

| |Edinburgh | |Musselburgh |

| |Mid Lothian | |East Lothian |

| |EH15 1NW | |EH21 7RP |

|Proposal |Substantial Demolition in a Conservation Area |

|Location |Millhill Stables Millhill Lane Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 7RD |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00904/P | |

|Applicant |GS Electrcal Services |Agent |G.K.Building Design |

|Applicant Address |Per Glynn Shearer |Agents Address |Per George Kinnaird |

| |9 Hamiton Park | |75 Millhill |

| |Edinburgh | |Musselburgh |

| |Mid Lothian | |East Lothian |

| |EH15 1NW | |EH21 7RP |



|Location |Millhill Stables Millhill Lane Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 7RD |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00905/P | |

|Applicant |Messers Douglas Scott |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Douglas Scott |Agents Address | |

| |1 Howden Farm | | |

| |Haddington | | |

| |EH41 4JS | | |

|Proposal |Change of use of grass verge for the widening and resurfacing of vehicular access (Retrospective) |

|Location |Howden Farm East Saltoun East Lothian EH34 |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00906/P | |

|Applicant |Mrs Lisa Dale |Agent |Reed Holland |

|Applicant Address |8 Auldhame Farm Cottages |Agents Address |Per David Drummond |

| |North Berwick | |Somerset House |

| |East Lothian | |Middle Street |

| |EH39 5PW | |Taunton |

| | | |TA1 1SH |

|Proposal |A detailed planning application for the material change of use of agricultural land to that of |

| |leisure/recreational use. The installation of 3 glamping cabins, parking, and associated works together with |

| |the change of use of the existing cabin for future use as tourist accommodation. |

|Location |8 Auldhame Farm Cottages North Berwick East Lothian EH39 5PW |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00907/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Carl Hamer |Agent |Kalm Architecture Llp |

|Applicant Address |Braeside |Agents Address |Per Kevin Adams |

| |Station Road | |Ferrygate Steading |

| |Dirleton | |Ferrygate Farm |

| |EH39 5LS | |Dirleton |

| | | |East Lothian |

| | | |EH39 5DJ |

|Proposal |Alterations to garage |

|Location |Braeside Station Road Dirleton EH39 5LS |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |2nd October 2020 |

|App No.20/00908/P | |

|Applicant |Ms Aurelia Thomson |Agent |Resi |

|Applicant Address |14 Seggarsdean Park |Agents Address |Per Alberto Ochoa |

| |Haddington | |International House |

| |EH41 4NB | |Canterbury Crescent |

| | | |Brixton |

| | | |London |

| | | |SW9 7QD |

|Proposal |Erection of fencing |

|Location |14 Seggarsdean Park Haddington EH41 4NB |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |13th October 2020 |

|App No.20/00909/P | |

|Applicant |Mr and Mrs A and A Fletcher |Agent |Ktdesign |

|Applicant Address |49 Rhodes Park |Agents Address |Per Kathryn Thomson |

| |North Berwick | |23 Ben Sayers Park |

| |EH39 5NA | |North Berwick |

| | | |EH39 5PT |

|Proposal |Extension to house |

|Location |49 Rhodes Park North Berwick EH39 5NA |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |25th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00910/P | |

|Applicant |Mr & Mrs Thomas and Sophie Payne |Agent |Sutherland & Co Architects Ltd |

|Applicant Address |28 John Knox Road |Agents Address |Per Robin Sutherland |

| |Longniddry | |82 High Street |

| |EH32 0LP | |North Berwick |

| | | |EH39 4HF |

|Proposal |Extension to house and erection of fence and gate |

|Location |28 John Knox Road Longniddry EH32 0LP |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |24th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00911/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Gareth Jones |Agent |Jones Robbins |

|Applicant Address |Rowanlea |Agents Address |Per Gareth Jones |

| |Haddington Road | |65 Donaldsons Drive |

| |Aberlady | |Edinburgh |

| |EH32 0RX | |EH12 5FA |

|Proposal |Alterations, extension to house and formation of hardstanding areas |

|Location |Rowanlea Haddington Road Aberlady EH32 0RX |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |9th October 2020 |

|App No.20/00912/P | |

|Applicant |Mrs Diane Sheffield |Agent |Blueprint (Dunbar) Ltd |

|Applicant Address |1 Barns Ness Terrace |Agents Address |Per Gary Fairbairn |

| |Main Street | |Dalmatian House |

| |Innerwick | |Spott Road |

| |Dunbar | |Dunbar |

| |East Lothian | |EH42 1LE |

| |EH42 1SF | | |

|Proposal |Alterations to house |

|Location |1 Barns Ness Terrace Main Street Innerwick Dunbar East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |2nd October 2020 |

|App No.20/00913/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Ronnie Summers |Agent |Ronnie Summers |

|Applicant Address |Kinnord |Agents Address |Kinnord |

| |72 Belhaven Road | |72 Belhaven Road |

| |Dunbar | |Dunbar |

| |EH42 1NW | |EH42 1NW |

|Proposal |Erection of railings and heightening of wall with railings |

|Location |Ground Of Kinnord, Mandala And Lindores Summerfield Gardens Belhaven Dunbar East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |13th October 2020 |

|App No.20/00914/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Derek Hart |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |29 McCall Gardens |Agents Address | |

| |East Linton | | |

| |EH40 3AR | | |

|Proposal |Heightening fencing with trellis (Retrospective) |

|Location |29 McCall Gardens East Linton EH40 3AR |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |14th October 2020 |

|App No.20/00915/P | |

|Applicant |Whiteadder Ltd |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Andrew Rosher |Agents Address | |

| |25 Market Square | | |

| |Duns | | |

| |Berwickshire | | |

| |TD11 3BY | | |

|Proposal |Application to modify Conditions relating to planning permission 19/00440/P |

|Location |Land To The North Of The Granary And The Church Of Christ Newton Port Haddington East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00916/P | |

|Applicant |Hallhill Developments Ltd |Agent |RDRL Limited |

|Applicant Address |C/O Agent |Agents Address |Per Campbell Black |

| | | |295 Fenwick Road |

| | | |Glasgow |

| | | |G46 6UH |

|Proposal |Installation of Roads, Footpaths, Streetlighting and Services and Enabling Works for Zero Carbon District |

| |Heating Network and Electricity Supply. |

|Location |Land To The East Of Kellie Road Roundabout Dunbar East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00917/P | |

|Applicant |Mr R Craig |Agent |Ford Design Ltd |

|Applicant Address |8 Clayknowes Place |Agents Address |Per Sandy Ford |

| |Musselburgh | |5 Grange Court |

| |East Lothian | |North Berwick |

| |EH21 6UG | |EH39 4LN |

|Proposal |Extension to house |

|Location |8 Clayknowes Place Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 6UG |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |6th October 2020 |

|App No.20/00918/P | |

|Applicant |Mr George McLeod |Agent |Alan Wood |

|Applicant Address |1 Elcho Terrace |Agents Address |10 Muirfield Steading |

| |Aberlady | |Gullane |

| |Longniddry | |EH31 2EQ |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH32 0RH | | |

|Proposal |Replacement windows |

|Location |1 Elcho Terrace Aberlady Longniddry East Lothian EH32 0RH |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |16th October 2020 |

|App No.20/00919/P | |

|Applicant |Mr. and Mrs. Alan Kerr |Agent |Eskbank Design Studio Ltd |

|Applicant Address |45 Lewisvale Avenue |Agents Address |Per Craig Douglas |

| |Musselburgh | |7 Newbattle Road |

| |East Lothian | |Eskbank |

| |EH21 7JD | |Dalkeith |

| | | |EH22 3DA |

|Proposal |Extension to house |

|Location |45 Lewisvale Avenue Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 7JD |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |29th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00920/P | |

|Applicant |Ms Lisa McWilliam |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |1 Cunningham Court |Agents Address | |

| |Longniddry | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH32 0QZ | | |

|Proposal |Extension to house |

|Location |1 Cunningham Court Longniddry East Lothian EH32 0QZ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |29th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00921/P | |

|Applicant |Ms Gaynor Ambrozevich |Agent |Lochinvar |

|Applicant Address |53 Summerfield Road |Agents Address |Per Mark MacKenzie |

| |Dunbar | |25 Fisherrow Industrial Estate |

| |East Lothian | |Musselburgh |

| |EH42 1DR | |EH21 6RU |

|Proposal |Extension to house |

|Location |53 Summerfield Road Dunbar East Lothian EH42 1DR |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |29th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00922/P | |

|Applicant |Mr & Mrs Liam McMillan |Agent |LAB/04 Architects |

|Applicant Address |Cherry Tree Cottage |Agents Address |Per Lee Johnson |

| |The Green | |17 Dean Park |

| |Pencaitland | |Longniddry |

| |EH34 5HE | |EH32 0QR |

|Proposal |Proposed new build 2 storey dwelling to be created on Smiddy Court, Pencaitland. |

| |Proposals to include extended vehicular access from the existing and creation of car parking to the new |

| |dwelling |

|Location |Land To The South Of Cherry Tree Cottage The Green Pencaitland East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00923/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Leonard Ramanauskas |Agent |Ti Design |

|Applicant Address |Ashgrove |Agents Address |Per David Sweeney |

| |East Links Road | |15 The Pleasance |

| |Gullane | |Aberlady |

| |East Lothian | |East Lothian |

| |EH31 2AF | |EH32 0RG |

|Proposal |Extension to house |

|Location |Ashgrove East Links Road Gullane East Lothian EH31 2AF |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |9th October 2020 |

|App No.20/00924/P | |

|Applicant |Mrs Isabella Stamatiou |Agent |Fiona Lumsden Architect |

|Applicant Address |Seadrift |Agents Address |Per Fiona Lumsden |

| |1 Marine Terrace | |Langley |

| |Gullane | |Main Street |

| |Scotland | |Gullane |

| |EH31 2AY | |East Lothian |

| | | |EH31 2DR |

|Proposal |Erection of home office |

|Location |Seadrift 1 Marine Terrace Gullane EH31 2AY |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |9th October 2020 |

|App No.20/00925/ADV | |

|Applicant |The Byre Group |Agent |Chris Rhodes Architect |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Gareth Pickles |Agents Address |Per Chris Rhodes |

| |Barney's Coffee Shop | |1 Lauderside Studio |

| |39 High Street | |Lauder Place |

| |East Linton | |East Linton |

| |EH40 3AB | |EH40 3DB |

|Proposal |Display of advertisements (Retrospective) |

|Location |39 High Street East Linton East Lothian EH40 3AA |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |24th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00926/P | |

|Applicant |NHS ESTATES |Agent |DKB Douglas And Associates |

|Applicant Address |East Lothian Community Hospital |Agents Address |Per David Douglas |

| |Hospital Road | |50 Cammo Road |

| |Haddington | |Edinburgh |

| |EH41 3PF | |EH4 8AP |

|Proposal |Erection of salt store |

|Location |East Lothian Community Hospital Alderston Road Haddington EH41 3PF |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |13th October 2020 |

|App No.20/00927/P | |

|Applicant |Mr & Mrs Johnson |Agent |King Architects |

|Applicant Address |The Hummel |Agents Address |Per Mark King |

| |Hummel Road | |72 Douglas Road |

| |Gullane | |Longniddry |

| |EH31 2BG | |EH32 0LJ |

|Proposal |Proposed Kitchen and associated drainage and ventilation alterations |

|Location |The Hummel Hummel Road Gullane EH31 2BG |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00929/P | |

|Applicant |Mungo Park Limited |Agent |Ogilvy Chalmers |

|Applicant Address |Tynemount Farmhouse |Agents Address |48 High Street |

| |Tynemount | |Haddington |

| |Ormiston | |East Lothian |

| |EH35 5NN | |EH41 3EF |

|Proposal |Alterations to ancillary stable buildings to form new ancillary store and garage |

|Location |Tynemount Stables Tynemount Farm Ormiston Tranent East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00930/P | |

|Applicant |Mr and Mrs Dennis and Jane |Agent |Architectural Building & Design Consultants |

| |McCafferty | |Ltd |

|Applicant Address |11 South Hamilton Road |Agents Address |Per Maria Tsaknaki |

| |North Berwick | |18A Rothesay Place |

| |Scotland | |Edinburgh |

| |EH39 4NJ | |UK |

| | | |EH3 7SQ |

|Proposal |Extensions to house |

|Location |11 South Hamilton Road North Berwick EH39 4NJ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |8th October 2020 |

|App No.20/00931/P | |

|Applicant |Mr/ Mrs Aidan Wellington |Agent |Andrew Megginson Architecture |

|Applicant Address |8 Knowesley Park |Agents Address |Per Andrew Megginson |

| |Haddington | |No. 1 |

| |Scotland | |29 Jamaica Mews |

| |EH41 3TB | |New Town |

| | | |Edinburgh |

| | | |Scotland |

| | | |EH3 6HL |

|Proposal |Extension to house |

|Location |8 Knowesley Park Haddington EH41 3TB |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |6th October 2020 |

|App No.20/00932/ADV | |

|Applicant |The Dolphin Inn (Dunbar) Ltd |Agent |David Paton Building Consultancy |

|Applicant Address |54 Aytoun Road |Agents Address |13 High Street |

| |Pollockshields | |Loanhead |

| |Glasgow | |EH20 9RH |

| |G41 5HE | | |

|Proposal |Display of advertisements |

|Location |The Dolphin Hotel 2 Queens Road Dunbar EH42 1JZ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |30th September 2020 |

|App No.20/00933/P | |

|Applicant |Morrison Utility Services |Agent |CATSURVEYS LTD |

|Applicant Address |Per Mr Robert Carchies |Agents Address |Per Nick Hilton |

| |Alexander Bain House | |The Stable |

| |James Watt Street | |Codham Hall Lane |

| |Glasgow | |Brentwood |

| |Scotland | |Essex |

| |G2 8LA | |CM13 3JT |

|Proposal |Installation of BT cabinet |

|Location |Verge To The East Of Tranent Parish Church Parish Church Lane Tranent East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00934/P | |

|Applicant |K . Weddell |Agent |John A Fyall |

|Applicant Address |12 Brunt Lane |Agents Address |12 Beachmont Court |

| |Dunbar | |Dunbar |

| |EH42 1YQ | |EH42 1YF |

| | | | |

|Proposal |Extension to house |

|Location |12 Brunt Lane Dunbar EH42 1YQ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |2nd October 2020 |

|App No.20/00935/P | |

|Applicant |Mr David Greenan |Agent |Somner Macdonald Architects |

|Applicant Address |Cotgreen |Agents Address |Per Keith Macdonald |

| |Dirleton Avenue | |2B Law Road |

| |North Berwick | |North Berwick |

| |East Lothian | |EH39 4PL |

| |EH39 4QL | | |

|Proposal |Erection of gates and fencing |

|Location |Cotgreen Dirleton Avenue North Berwick East Lothian EH39 4QL |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |14th October 2020 |

|App No.20/00936/P | |

|Applicant |Mr and Mrs Gary and Linda Stone |Agent |Somner Macdonald Architects |

|Applicant Address |1A West Bay Road |Agents Address |Per Keith Macdonald |

| |North Berwick | |2B Law Road |

| |EH39 4AW | |North Berwick |

| | | |EH39 4PL |

|Proposal |Extension to flat, formation of balcony, steps, vehicle access and hardstanding area and erection of retaining|

| |wall |

|Location |1A West Bay Road North Berwick EH39 4AW |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |23rd October 2020 |

|App No.20/00937/LBC | |

|Applicant |Miss Helena Reid |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |23 Gosford Road |Agents Address | |

| |Port Seton | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH32 0HF | | |

|Proposal |Landscaping back garden, including adding decking, trellis, raised beds for plants. Rebuild original boundary |

| |wall with gate. Add gate at the side of the house. Apply for retrospective Listed Building Consent for UPVC |

| |windows and door. Retrospective Planning Permission to knock down garage and re-paint the back of the house |

| |(change of colour from cream to light blue). Erect garden shed. |

|Location |23 Gosford Road Port Seton East Lothian EH32 0HF |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00938/P | |

|Applicant |Miss Helena Reid |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |23 Gosford Road |Agents Address | |

| |Port Seton | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH32 0HF | | |

|Proposal |Landscaping back garden, including adding decking, trellis, raised beds for plants. Rebuild original boundary |

| |wall with gate. Add gate at the side of the house. Apply for retrospective Listed Building Consent for UPVC |

| |windows and door. Retrospective Planning Permission to knock down garage and re-paint the back of the house |

| |(change of colour from cream to light blue). Erect garden shed. |

|Location |23 Gosford Road Port Seton EH32 0HF |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00939/P | |

|Applicant |Whiteadder Ltd |Agent |LBA Ltd |

|Applicant Address |25 Market Place |Agents Address |18 Walker Street |

| |Duns | |Edinburgh |

| |Berwickshire | |EH3 7LP |

| |TD11 3BY | | |

|Proposal |Erection of 27 flats and associated works |

|Location |Land Adjacent To St Andrews Centre Dunbar East Lothian EH42 1AB |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00940/P | |

|Applicant |Ms J Adams |Agent |Chris Rhodes Architect |

|Applicant Address |Anne's Cottage |Agents Address |Per Chris Rhodes |

| |12A Sidegate | |1 Lauderside Studio |

| |Haddington | |Lauder Place |

| |East Lothian | |East Linton |

| |EH41 4BZ | |East Lothian |

| | | |EH40 3DB |

|Proposal |Replacement roof tiles and formation of dormer window, installation of flue, roof windows and repositioning of|

| |window and door |

|Location |Anne's Cottage 12A Sidegate Haddington East Lothian EH41 4BZ |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |16th October 2020 |

|App No.20/00941/P | |

|Applicant |Ms Rachel Mays |Agent |LAB/04 Architects |

|Applicant Address |16 New Street |Agents Address |Per Lee Johnson |

| |Musselburgh | |17 Dean Park |

| |East Lothian | |Longniddry |

| |EH21 6JP | |East Lothian |

| | | |EH32 0QR |

|Proposal |Extension and Alterations to house and formation of dormers |

|Location |16 New Street Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 6JP |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00942/LBC | |

|Applicant |Chapter One Hair Spa |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mrs Natalie Hamilton |Agents Address | |

| |94 High Street | | |

| |Haddington | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |Eh413et | | |

|Proposal |Painting of building and installation of signage (Retrospective) |

|Location |94 High Street Haddington East Lothian EH41 3ET |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00943/P | |

|Applicant |Chapter One Hair Spa |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |Per Mrs Natalie Hamilton |Agents Address | |

| |94 High Street | | |

| |Haddington | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |Eh413et | | |

|Proposal |Painting of building (Retrospective) |

|Location |94 High Street Haddington East Lothian EH41 3ET |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00944/CLD | |

|Applicant |Mr I Andrews |Agent |Houseplans |

|Applicant Address |39 Clayknowes Drive |Agents Address |Per Stuart Baird |

| |Musselburgh | |30 Mortonhall Park Avenue |

| |East Lothian | |Edinburgh |

| |EH21 6UW | |EH17 8BP |

|Proposal |Extension to house |

|Location |39 Clayknowes Drive Clayknowes Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 6UW |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00945/P | |

|Applicant |Mr And Mrs P Dilworth |Agent |Maxwell Davidson |

|Applicant Address |Dachaigh |Agents Address |19 Echline Yerrace |

| |Monktonhall | |South Queensferry |

| |Musselburgh | |EH30 9XH |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH21 6SA | | |

|Proposal |Formation of balcony |

|Location |Dachaigh Monktonhall Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 6SA |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |8th October 2020 |

|App No.20/00946/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Douglas Reynolds |Agent | |

|Applicant Address |28 Bolton Steading |Agents Address | |

| |Bolton Village | | |

| |Haddington | | |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH41 4HU | | |

|Proposal |Erection of gate, installation of air source heat pump and associated works (Retrospective) |

|Location |28 Bolton Steading Bolton Haddington East Lothian EH41 4HU |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |14th October 2020 |

|App No.20/00947/NAF | |

|Applicant |Mr Patrick Flockhart |Agent |Lee Boyd Ltd |

|Applicant Address |Longwood Cottage |Agents Address |Per Lee Boyd |

| |Humbie | |6D Canaan Lane |

| |East Lothian | |Edinburgh |

| |EH36 5PN | |EH10 4SY |

|Proposal |Prior Notification for Farm-related Building Works (Non-residential). |

|Location |Longwood Cottage Humbie East Lothian EH36 5PN |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00948/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Simon Kesley |Agent |Kern Gallagher |

|Applicant Address |41 Rennie Place |Agents Address |6 Grahame Place |

| |East Linton | |Dunbar |

| |East Lothian | |East Lothian |

| |EH40 3BP | |EH42 1EG |

|Proposal |Extension to house |

|Location |41 Rennie Place East Linton East Lothian EH40 3BP |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |8th October 2020 |

|App No.20/00949/P | |

|Applicant |M&F(Scotland)LTD |Agent |Mark Keegan |

|Applicant Address |Per Mark Keegan |Agents Address |41 Edenhall Cresant |

| |103 High Street | |Musselburgh |

| |Musselburgh | |EH21 7JL |

| |EH21 7DA | | |

|Proposal |Erection of garages, fencing and gates |

|Location |103 High Street Musselburgh EH21 7DA |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00950/ADV | |

|Applicant |Allanwater Developments Ltd |Agent |Bracewell Stirling Consulting |

|Applicant Address |24b Kenilworth Road |Agents Address |Per Graham Mowat |

| |Bridge of Allan | |38 Walker Terrace |

| |Scotland | |Tillicoultry |

| |FK9 4DU | |United Kingdom |

| | | |FK13 6EF |

|Proposal |Display of advertisements |

|Location |Letham Mains Haddington East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00951/CAC | |

|Applicant |Mr Sean Fitzgerald |Agent |Capital Draughting Consultants Ltd |

|Applicant Address |St Margarets |Agents Address |Per Keith Henderson |

| |High Street | |40 Dinmont Drive |

| |Gifford | |Edinburgh |

| |Haddington | |EH16 5RR |

| |East Lothian | | |

| |EH41 4QU | | |

|Proposal |Substantial Demolition in a Conservation Area |

|Location |St Margarets High Street Gifford Haddington East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00952/PP | |

|Applicant |Port Seton Harbour Commissioners |Agent |DKI Consulting Engineers Ltd |

|Applicant Address |4 Edinburgh Road |Agents Address |Per Michael Ward |

| |Port Seton | |100B Constitution Street |

| |EH32 0JA | |Edinburgh |

| | | |EH6 6AW |

|Proposal |Installation of lighting column, feeder pillar and external commando sockets to harbour parking area. |

|Location |Harbour Master Office Port Seton Harbour Port Seton Prestonpans East Lothian |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00953/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Darren Donelly |Agent |Aps@eh21 |

|Applicant Address |30 Rowanhill Drive |Agents Address |Per Christopher Bonnar |

| |Port Seton | |7A Victoria Terrace |

| |EH32 0SW | |Musselburgh |

| | | |EH21 7LW |

|Proposal |Extension to house |

|Location |30 Rowanhill Drive Port Seton Prestonpans East Lothian EH32 0SW |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00954/P | |

|Applicant |Mr & Mrs Stephen & Fiona Docherty |Agent |John Hamilton |

|Applicant Address |3 Station Road |Agents Address |Per John Hamilton |

| |South Queensferry | |8 Louis Braille Way |

| |EH30 9HY | |Gorebridge |

| | | |EH23 4LD |

|Proposal |Installation of security cameras, external lighting and alarm box (Retrospective) |

|Location |4 Dirleton Avenue North Berwick East Lothian EH39 4AY |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00955/P | |

|Applicant |Design Tonic Ltd |Agent |Zerum |

|Applicant Address |36-38 The Calls |Agents Address |Per Pete Gleave |

| |Leeds | |36-38 Fifth Floor |

| |LS2 7EW | |Calls Landing |

| | | |Leeds |

| | | |LS2 7EW |

|Proposal |Construction of ramp and installation of external plant |

|Location |18 Hardgate Haddington East Lothian EH41 3JS |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00956/P | |

|Applicant |Mr A Dickson |Agent |Ford Design Ltd |

|Applicant Address |3 Brewery Court |Agents Address |Per Sandy Ford |

| |Haddington | |5 Grange Court |

| |EH41 4DG | |North Berwick |

| | | |EH39 4LN |

|Proposal |Replacment windows and fascias |

|Location |3 Brewery Court Haddington East Lothian EH41 4DG |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |23rd October 2020 |

|App No.20/00957/P | |

|Applicant |Mr & Mrs David & Maureen Ryan |Agent |Mozolowski & Murray |

|Applicant Address |41 McLeod Green |Agents Address |Per Steve Battrick |

| |North Berwick | |2-8 Clashburn Way |

| |East Lothian | |Bridgend Industrial Estate |

| |EH39 5GY | |Kinross |

| | | |KY13 8GA |

|Proposal |Erection of hardwood sunroom extension |

|Location |41 McLeod Green North Berwick East Lothian EH39 5GY |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00958/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Steven Charlton |Agent |Timber Bush Associates Ltd |

|Applicant Address |5 George Grieve Way |Agents Address |Per Graeme Blackwood |

| |Tranent | |2 Seton West Mains |

| |East Lothian | |Tranent |

| |EH33 2QT | |East Lothian |

| | | |EH33 1NA |

|Proposal |Extension to house |

|Location |5 George Grieve Way Tranent East Lothian EH33 2QT |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |14th October 2020 |

|App No.20/00959/P | |

|Applicant |Mr S Fitzgerald |Agent |Capital Draughting Consultants Ltd |

|Applicant Address |St Margarets |Agents Address |Per Keith Henderson |

| |High Street | |40 Dinmont Drive |

| |Gifford | |Edinburgh |

| |East Lothian | |EH16 5RR |

| |EH41 4QU | | |

|Proposal |Alterations to house |

|Location |St Margarets High Street Gifford East Lothian EH41 4QU |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due |23rd October 2020 |

|App No.20/00960/P | |

|Applicant |Mr Adam Wilkinson |Agent |Ogilvy Chalmers |

|Applicant Address |Winfields |Agents Address |48 High Street |

| |East Loan | |Haddington |

| |Prestonpans | |East Lothian |

| |Scotland | |EH41 3EF |

| |EH32 9EB | | |

|Proposal |Alterations, conversion of stables to ancillary residential acommodation and workshop, formation of pedestrian|

| |access and hardstanding areas and erection of gates |

|Location |Winfields East Loan Prestonpans East Lothian EH32 9EB |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |

|App No.20/00961/LBC | |

|Applicant |Mr Adam Wilkinson |Agent |Ogilvy Chalmers |

|Applicant Address |Winfields |Agents Address |48 High Street |

| |East Loan | |Haddington |

| |Prestonpans | |East Lothian |

| |Scotland | |EH41 3EF |

| |EH32 9EB | | |

|Proposal |Alterations to existing stable buildings to form ancillary domestic accommodation and workshop. Alterations to|

| |boundary wall to form new gated access from Kirk Street. |

|Location |Winfields East Loan Prestonpans East Lothian EH32 9EB |

| | |

|Date by which representations are| |

|due | |


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