AP Psychology – Unit 10 Assignment

Abnormal Psychology & Therapies

Big Questions: Where should we draw the line between normality and disorder? What type of psychotherapy works best?

Abnormal Psychology & Therapies Objectives:

• Identify the criteria for judging whether behavior is psychologically disordered

• Describe the medical model of psychological disorders

• Describe DSM-IV and explain the reason for its development

• Describe the symptoms of generalized anxiety, phobic, and obsessive-compulsive Disorders

• Discuss the psychoanalytic, learning theory, and biological explanations of anxiety disorders

• Distinguish between a conversion disorder and hypochondriasis

• Describe the characteristics and possible causes of amnesia, fugue, and multiple personality

• Describe major depression and bipolar disorder

• Explain the causes of mood disorders from the psychoanalytic, biological, and social-cognitive perspectives

• Describe the various forms and symptoms of schizophrenic disorder and discuss research on the causes of schizophrenia

• Describe the nature of personality disorders and the specific characteristics of the antisocial personality disorder

• Discuss the controversy surrounding the use of diagnostic labels

• Discuss the aims and methods of psychoanalysis and explain the critics’ concerns with this form of therapy

• Identify the basic themes of humanistic therapies and describe Rogers’ person-centered approach

• Describe Perls’ Gestalt therapy and discuss the application of humanistic principles in group therapies

• Identify the basic assumptions of behavior therapy and discuss the classical conditioning techniques of systematic desensitization and aversive conditioning

• Describe behavior modification and explain the critic’s concerns with this therapeutic approach

• Describe the assumptions, goals, and techniques of ration-emotive therapy and of the cognitive therapies for depression

• Discuss the findings regarding the effectiveness of the psychotherapies

• Discuss the commonalities among the psychotherapies

• Identify the common forms of drug therapy

• Describe the use of electroconvulsive therapy and psychosurgery in the treatment of psychological disorders

• Explain the rationale of preventive mental health programs

Abnormal Psychology & Therapies Overview

Although there is no clear-cut line between normal and abnormal behavior, we can characterize as abnormal those behaviors that are atypical, disturbing, maladaptive, and unjustifiable. This unit discusses types of anxiety, dissociative, mood, schizophrenia, and personality disorders, as classified by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV). Although this classification system follows a medical model, in which disorders are viewed as illnesses, the unit discusses psychological as well as physiological factors, as advocated by the current bio-psycho-social perspective. Thus, psychoanalytic theory, learning theory, social-cognitive theory, and other psychological perspectives are drawn on when relevant. The unit concludes with a discussion of the incidence of serious psychological disorders in society today. Your major task in this unit is to learn about psychological disorders, their various subtypes and characteristics, and their possible causes.

Major psychotherapies and biomedical therapies for maladaptive behaviors will also be examined. The various psychotherapies all derive from the perspectives on personality discussed earlier, namely, the psychoanalytic, humanistic, behavioral, and cognitive perspectives. The unit groups the therapies by perspective but also emphasizes the common threads that run through them. In evaluating the therapies, the unit points out that, although people who are untreated often improve, those receiving psychotherapy tend to improve somewhat more, regardless of the type of therapy they receive.

The biomedical therapies discussed are drug therapies; electroconvulsive therapy; and psychosurgery, which is seldom used. By far the most important of the biomedical therapies, drug therapies are being used in the treatment of psychotic, anxiety, and mood disorders.

Unit 10 Reading Assignments:

Find your textbook listed below and read the pages listed; there may be a pop quiz that follows the reading. You are responsible for it!

• OpenStax Psychology Textbook: Chapters 15 & 16 (Posted on Class Website)

Unit 10 Vocabulary Terms & Flip Book

Psychology is a term heavy course; you are responsible for the terms below. You will have a vocabulary quiz every other unit. For the quiz I will pull terms from the Unit vocabulary lists.

Flip Book: Each term should be on its own card. Each card will have the term on the front and definition in your own words written on the back. Each card will be taped into a manila folder, numbered, and turned in the day of the unit test.

1. Psychological Disorder

2. Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

3. Medical Model


5. Anxiety Disorders

6. Generalized Anxiety Disorder

7. Panic Disorder

8. Phobia

9. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

10. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

11. Post-Traumatic Growth

12. Somatoform Disorder

13. Conversion Disorder

14. Hypochondriasis

15. Dissociative Disorders

16. Dissociative Identity Disorders (DID)

17. Mood Disorders

18. Major Depressive Disorder

19. Mania

20. Bipolar Disorder

21. Schizophrenia

22. Delusions

23. Personality Disorders

24. Antisocial Personality Disorder

25. Psychotherapy

26. Resistance

27. Interpretation

28. Transference

29. Psychodynamic Therapy

30. Insight Therapies

31. Client-Centered Therapy

32. Active Listening

33. Unconditional Positive Regard

34. Behavior Therapy

35. Counterconditioning

36. Exposure Therapies

37. Systemic Desensitization

38. Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy

39. Cognitive Therapy

40. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

41. Family Therapy

42. Biomedical Therapy

43. Psychopharmacology

44. Antipsychotic Drugs

45. Antidepressant Drugs

Part II - AP Questions

Directions: Thoroughly answer the following questions. All answers must be handwritten in complete sentences and in your own words.

1. In order for behavior to be considered abnormal, it must be deviant, distressful, and dysfunctional. Pick any disorder of your choice and explain how each of the three Ds would apply.

2. Lara is paranoid that a stranger is going to come into her house at any given moment. She always locks the door seventeen times before going to bed so that her mind can be put at ease. In this example, what psychological disorder would Lara likely be diagnosed with? Break down the disorder into its two parts.

3. Of the three somatoform disorders discussed in class, which one do you find the most fascinating and why?

4. Of the explanations given for Major Depressive Disorder, which one do you think is most valid and why?

5. Kenny has an immense fear of cats. How could Kenny overcome this fear utilizing the behavior therapy of systematic desensitization?

Part III – Student Choice

Choice A: Personal Connection/Impact

Type a brief description concerning an experience, memory, story, event, etc. that connects to key concepts associated with the unit. Relevant vocabulary must be properly utilized throughout and responses must connect in a coherent and logical manner.

The purpose of this assignment is to build personal connections with course content to your own lives. By doing so, content becomes more meaningful and retention becomes easier.

Responses must at least one full page, typed, double-spaced, with 12 pt. Times New Roman font. Reasonable margins and paragraph spacing must be used.


Choice B: Concept Map

Create a Unit Concept Map using the following categories:

• Medical Model

• Anxiety Disorders

• Mood (Affective) Disorders

• Dissociative Disorders

• Schizophrenia

• Personality Disorders

• Somatoform Disorders

• Therapies


-Must be hand drawn on one 8.5” x 11” sheet of paper

-ALL essential vocabulary for each concept must be appropriately located/placed


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