CSI (SEG) 7161:

Winter 2001

CSI 5118

Techniques for Automated Validation

and Verification

Date: Tuesday 1900-2200 hrs. (7:00-10:00 p.m.)

Room: CBY D207

Course Outline

1. Introduction

SE Background

Metrics: Productivity vs. Quality

SE Process Models

SQE Process Models



Types of Tools

R&D vs. Commercial Tools

2. Requirements Validation Tools & Techniques

3. Design Verification Tools & Techniques

4. Component-Level Test Tools & Techniques

5. System-Level Test Tools & Techniques

6. SQE Management Tools

7. Case Study Reports [individual commercial tools]

2. Requirements Validation Tools and Techniques

- requirements capturing, verification and validation

- test plan generation

- traceability, oracles

- formal (Semantic Transfer Language) versus informal (test, templates) notations

- graphical notations (Software through Pictures, Objectory)


- Examples: StP/T, SoftTest, Objectory

3. Design Verification Tools and Techniques

- prototyping, simulation, executability

- manual (inspections, walkthroughs)

- automatic (reachability, deadlock, livelock, etc.)

4. Component-Level Test Tools and Techniques

- unit testing, cluster testing

- black-, white-, and grey-box techniques

- inter-component, intra-component

- test design strategy, test strategies, metrics

- object-oriented software and procedural software

- user's perspective

- functional and behaviour testing

- quality assessment and reliability

5. System-Level Test Tools and Techniques

- integration tools

- conformance, functional services, performance, and stress testing tools

- coverage monitoring tools

6. SQE Management Tools

- Strategies, capabilities

- Degree of automation

- Lifecycle-oriented

- Integration with existing tools

- Quality objectives

- Process Improvement (CMM, PSP)

- Decision Support, Configuration Mgt. (Test Suites)

7. Case Study Reports [individual commercial tools]

- generally applicable across lifecycle boundaries

- ObjecTime Developer

- Telelogic TAU

- Verilog ObjectGEODE

- Rational Visual Test

- Research & Development directions in automated Verification and Validation

- others


1. Design and Validation of Computer Protocols by Gerard J. Holzmann, Prentice Hall

ISBN 0-13-539925-4

2. Automating Specification-Based Software Testing by Robert M. Poston, IEEE Computer Society Press, Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication

ISBN 0-8186-7531-4

3. Engineering Real Time Systems by Rolv Braek & Oystein Haugen, Prentice Hall Europe

ISBN 0-13-034448-6


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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