Guided notes on African Ethnic Groups and Their Religions, Customs, and TraditionsROTATION 1:Africa is made up of ___________ different countries and many _______________ groups.A group’s customs and traditions often come from ______________, from where the group _____________, or from the demands of ____________________ life.For example, nomadic __________________ tribe must have customs that can be ___________________ while traveling.Most Africans today are either _______________ or ______________________, but traditional religions and customs __________ play a role in African Culture….ARABArabs mostly live in ____________________ and the Middle East.Some Jews, ____________, Berbers, Copts, and _________________ speak Arabic, but are not usually considered _______________.The term “_____________” includes Arabic-speaking Christians in _______________, Lebanon, _________________, and Jordan.Overall, Arabs are divided into two groups: _____________________________________ and settled Arabs.Speak ____________________, and usually practice __________________________.Using the map of Africa, shade in where most Arabs live in Africa. Explain why you think they mostly live in that area.Rotation 2: ASHANTI: Large ___________ group found off the ____________ coast of Africa.Speak mostly __________________.Live with ___________________ family members.The Ashanti religion is a __________________ of spiritual and ____________________ powers. They believe that ________________, ___________________, and ____________________ have souls.They have a belief in the “__________________________”.They have many _________________ ceremonies.They live in central _________________. The family, especially the _________________ family, is most important to the Ashanti.The __________________________ believe that their kingdom was ______________ in ___________ with the help of a holy man who produced a __________________ from the heavens and ______________ it to the first _____________________ king.The Ashanti people believe the ________________ of their ___________________ depends on this _________________ of this _______________________.It represents the _____________________ of the _______________ and the ______________ of their _________________________.The traditional _______________ religion is centered on a _____________ in a ________________ god, or _________________.His many children, the ______________, represent all the natural powers and ______________ in the world.The traditional _______________ believe that all living things have ________________.They also believe that ___________, ________________, and __________________ have powers in the lives of ___________________.Ancestors are given great _________________, and there are a number of ____________ rituals associated with birth, marriage, and ___________________.Using the map of Africa, shade in where most Ashanti live in Africa. Explain why you think they mostly live in that area.ROTATION 3: BANTUMostly found in __________________ and ___________________ Africa.They speak ____________ as their main language.______________ is usually known more as a ________________ than an ethnic group._____________ makes up over ______________ different ____________ groups combined.The __________ originally came from _________________ Nigeria that spread _______________ and ____________ near Zambia.Around 1000CE, the ________________ reached present –day _________________ and __________________________.From their earliest days, the ______________ were known as _______________ and __________________________, and their learned _________________________ making __________________ as well.As they spread south and ___________ across the continent, following __________ and _____________, they met many new people and learned new ___________, even as they shared their own.__________________________ people settled as far south as the ____________________ tip of Africa.They ________________ with the people they met accepting new _____________ and blending them with ________________ culture.The ______________ migration was one of the largest _________________ of people in Africa’s history.Today over _____________________ people in central and southern _______________ speak _______________-based languages and _____________ some part of the Bantu _____________________.Many _______________ who settled in areas where there was a strong ________ presence are __________________.Others, living in parts of ____________ influenced by _____________ efforts are ______________.Still others follow traditional ________________ religions. ____________ believe that _____________ are found in __________ objects and _________________________.They may ___________ a _______________ presence in ____________, ______________, _____________________, or other particularly _________________ place in the ________________________.Using the map of Africa, shade in where most Bantu live in Africa. Explain why you think they mostly live in that area.ROTATION 4: SWAHILIMostly found in ___________________ (especially __________________). The language they speak is ___________________________.This is a ____________ mixture of __________ & _______________ African ___________________________.Most Swahili people are strict ________________________.The __________________ people live on the East African ____________ from ________________ Somalia to _____________________ Mozambique.________________ is a mixture of _______________ and _____________ culture.Men ____________ amulets around their ____________ that contain verses from the ____________, which they believe will ______________ them.Only teachers of _____________ and ________________ are permitted to become _______________ healers.The _____________ community developed along the coast of __________ Africa when ____________ and _______________ traders looking for ________________ markets began to _______________ there and ___________________ with the local Bantu-speaking population.While the _____________ language is considered a _____________ language, there are many ___________ words and ______________ included as well.The word __________ comes from the ________________ word “Swahili”, which means “___________ who lives on the _______________.” Most Swahili today are city _____________________ rather than _______________________ farmers and herdsmen.Many are ______________ in fishing and ___________________, as their ___________________were.Because contact with ________________________ was such as big part of their history, most of the ____________ today are _____________________.Islam has been one of the ___________________________ that helped create a common ______________ for such a diverse __________________ of people.Many among the _______________ also follow local _______________ that have been part of the culture of eastern Africa since before _________________ traders arrived over a ______________________ years ago.Many ___________________ also see a close link between their _____________ beliefs and the practice of ___________________ and ________________________.____________________ are often given along with ________________ prayers and ________________________ that are all thought to be part of the ____________________.Using the map of Africa, shade in where most Swahili live in Africa. Explain why you think they mostly live in that area.Video Clip Extensions: Complete the chart with information from the clips not in the notes. ................

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