Denton Independent School District

Name: Block:Central Asia/Russia 190501172845Physical Map Identify all the geographic features listed below. Please make sure to illustrate each geographic body properly and label each properly. For instance, you may use upside down Vs for mountain ranges in dark brown colored pencil. Please Illustrate entire rivers in blue color pencil. Label bodies of water and outline lakes in blue. Outline any deserts in tan color pencil, plains in dark green, or basins. ALL geographic features must be labeled. Check off the feature as you illustrate it on your map. This will help you keep track. DON’T FORGET TO LABEL THE FEATURE. Use pages 336-339 in your World Geography book. Label and Draw in with dotted line in Black- Arctic CircleLandforms: Deserts: outline and label in tan colored pencil- Kara Kum Desert, Kyzyl Kum DesertMountain Ranges: upside down V and LABEL in brown colored pencil-Caucasus Mountains, Kolyma Mountains, Ural Mountains, Tian Shan Mountains, Cherskiy Mountains, Sayan Mountains, Yablonony Mountains, Stanovoy Mountains, Outline and Label in Green- Kamchatka Peninsula, Central Siberian Plateau, Kirghiz Steppe, Northern European Plain, Siberia, Turan Plain, West Siberian Plain, Caspian Depression, Kazakh UplandsBodies of Water: LABEL in Blue colored pencil- Arctic Ocean, Baltic Sea, Barents Sea, Bering Sea, Black Sea, Caspian Sea, East Siberian Sea, Pacific Ocean, Sea of OkhotskLakes outlined and labeled in blue colored Pencil: Aral Sea, Lake Baikal, Lake Balkhash, Lake Sevan, Zaysan LakeRivers: outlined and labeled in blue- Amu Darya, Amur, Dnieper, Irtysh, Lena, Ob, Ural, Volga, Yenisey, Syr DaryaPolitical Map -95250On the map above label the following: Counties: Label each country and their capital in Black- Russia, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Ukraine, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Estonia, Latvia, Belarus, Lithuania. Label and Draw in with dotted line in Black- Arctic Circle Bodies of Water: LABEL in Blue colored pencil- Arctic Ocean, Baltic Sea, Barents Sea, Bering Sea, Black Sea, Caspian Sea, East Siberian Sea, Pacific Ocean, Sea of Okhotsk84 total items. If you don’t follow color instructions then 10 points will be taken off automatically. ................

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