The Innovation District: Land Use Compatibility ... - University of Florida

The Innovation District:

Land Use Compatibility within Polk County, Florida Jurisdictions

Julianna J. Fife

University of Florida

March 22, 2020

Proposed Project Date, April 2020

Graduation Date, May 2020


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Innovation Map ................................................................................................. 2

Problem Statement ........................................................................................... 3

A. Purpose

B. Significance

C. Products

Introduction ...................................................................................................... 6

Data and Methods ............................................................................................ 7

A. Local Planning Process

1. Polk County

2. Lakeland

3. Auburndale

B. Collaborative Projects and Documents

C. Current Planning Documents

D. Other Data

E. Methodology Conclusion

Literature Review ............................................................................................. 22

Case Studies ..................................................................................................... 33

A. Chattanooga

B. Boston

C. Houston

D. North Carolina¡¯s Research Triangle

E. Tampa

Recommendations ........................................................................................... 43

A. Policies

B. Next Steps

Findings and Conclusion ................................................................................. 48

Polk County Innovation Maps and Renderings ¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­.. 51

References ........................................................................................................ 54



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The Innovation District Map

Central Florida Development Council, 2019



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Problem Statement

Compatibility research has long been used to analyze and utilize best planning

practices. Research on compatibility between different jurisdictions trying to establish an

Innovation District, however, is lacking and conducting this research could help with

vision planning and de-escalate growing land owners concerns about vested land rights.

In response to a fast moving innovative vision initiative between Polk County, Florida,

the cities of Auburndale and Lakeland, Florida, Central Florida Development Council

and Florida Polytechnic University, understanding of future land uses needs further

exploration. Do future land use changes affect the success of an Innovation District?

The purpose of this research is to look at how future land use changes could impact the

Polk County Innovation District.


Research will involve looking at the compatibility of the three main jurisdictions,

comprehensive plans and regulations and establishing policy language that will protect

the land owners and further the vision of the Innovation District. Establishing a land use

matrix between the cities and county will be a good starting point. Utilizing GIS mapping

and researching the history of the land within the Innovation District will help spur

community public discussions. Case studies of other Innovation Districts can also help

construct policy and timelines for implementation along with understanding possible



Over the past two decades, approximately 3,000 acres of land has sat vacant

ready to be sold for a purpose in Polk County, Florida. These acres encompass the city


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of Lakeland, Auburndale and unincorporated county land. Inconsistency with vision

between the three jurisdictions has held this area frozen in place. Now with the

establishment of Florida Polytechnic University and SunTrax, a new vision is forming.

Florida Polytechnic University is considered ¡°the state¡¯s newest and most innovative

university, engineered from the ground up to push the boundaries of education in

science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) (Florida Polytechnic University,

2019). Adjacent to Florida Poly is SunTrax ¡°a large-scale, cutting-edge facility being

developed by the Florida Department of Transportation and Florida¡¯s Turnpike

Enterprise, dedicated to the research, development and testing of autonomous vehicles

(SunTrax, 2019).¡±

Compatibility has become increasingly questioned with development in this area

because until now there has been a lack of vision. Each jurisdiction had their own idea

of growth and wants for this area. Looking at other Innovative Districts regulations

could help future growth patterns and establish policies that help not hinder a unified

vision. A focus will be on what other Innovation Districts have considered in their future

land uses, compatibility, timelines of implementation and possible policies established in

their comprehensive plans. Research will also center on economics and how land use

changes could either cause due harm or bring life into an economy.


After this research is concluded, proposed comprehensive policy and land code

regulation language shall be provided to establish the Innovation District¡¯s vision.

Looking at Innovation Districts, such as a case study with another rural/urban county,


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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