Denton ISD

Mapping PanemYou will be using quotes from the Hunger Games trilogy to try and create a unique interpretation of what you believe the setting for Suzanne Collins’ series looks like. You will compare these quotes to physical and resource maps of the United States to assist you. It is important to understand the following two facts before you begin this project:There are no incorrect answers, you simply will need to be able to explain why you organized the map in the way that you did.You do NOT need to have read the entire trilogy before completing this project. (However – these books are REALLY good if you are looking for a summer read).You will be graded in two ways:Do you have a detailed, colored map of Panem?Do you have a description of your map?Here is your map rubric:GradeDescription90-100Your map includes all 12 Districts. It is neatly colored, has unique details, and includes a title and key. It has a typed description of each district.80-89Your map includes all 12 Districts. It is neatly colored and includes a title and key. It has a typed description of each district.75-79Your map includes all 12 Districts. It is colored and includes a title and key. It has a description of each district.60-75The map has all of the districts represented, but there is little effort put forth. Your map has no description. The Hunger Games – District DescriptionsDistrict 1:“District 1 makes luxury items for the Capitol.”Excerpted from The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. (p. 69) “The exceptions are the kids from the wealthier districts, the volunteers, the ones who have been fed and trained throughout their lives for this moment. The tributes from 1, 2 and 4 traditionally have this look about them.”Excerpted from The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. (p. 94)District 2: “The exceptions are the kids from the wealthier districts, the volunteers, the ones who have been fed and trained throughout their lives for this moment. The tributes from 1, 2 and 4 traditionally have this look about them.”Excerpted from The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. (p. 94)“…District 2 became the Capitol’s new center of defense, although it’s publicly presented as the home of the nation’s stone quarries…District 2 not only manufactures weaponry, it trains and even supplies Peacekeepers.”Excerpted from Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins. (p. 82)“District 2 is a large district…composed of a series of villages spread across the mountains. Each was originally associated with a mine or a quarry…”Excerpted from Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins. (p. 192)District 3:“For the opening ceremonies, you’re supposed to wear something that suggests your district’s principal industry...District 3, factories.”Excerpted from The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. (p. 66) “…the involvement of the boy from District 3, where they have factories, where they make televisions and automobiles and explosives.”Excerpted from The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. (p. 219)“The main newscaster is reading a piece about a shortage of graphite affecting the manufacturing of items in District 3.”Excerpted from Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. (p. 162)“Electronic gadgets from District 3.”Excerpted from Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. (p. 166)“ ‘I like the District Three victors…They invent things.’”Excerpted from Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. (pp. 229-30)District 4: “The exceptions are the kids from the wealthier districts, the volunteers, the ones who have been fed and trained throughout their lives for this moment. The tributes from 1, 2 and 4 traditionally have this look about them.”Excerpted from The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. (p. 94) “For the opening ceremonies, you’re supposed to wear something that suggests your district’s principal industry…District 4, fishing...”Excerpted from The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. (p. 66) “My mind starts buzzing. No seafood. For weeks. From District 4.”Excerpted from Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. (p. 165)“District 4’s industry is fishing. He’d been on boats his whole life.”Excerpted from Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. (p. 209)District 5: Power (Description not given in book; )District 6: Transportation (Description not given in book; )District 7:“Johanna Mason. From District 7. Lumber and paper, thus the tree.”Excerpted from Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. (p. 214)“District 7. Lumber. I bet she’s been tossing around axes since she could toddle.”Excerpted from Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. (p. 331)District 8:“Additional forces are being sent into District 8, and all textile production has ceased.”Excerpted from Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. (p. 88) “‘ Where did you get the uniforms?’ I ask.‘I stole them from the factory,’ says Bonnie. ‘We make them there…’”Excerpted from Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. (p. 140)District 9: Grain (Description not given in book; )District 10:“Back in 10 he’d worked on one of the beef ranches…”Excerpted from Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins. (p. 8)District 11:“For the opening ceremonies, you’re supposed to wear something that suggests your district’s principal industry. District 11, agriculture.”Excerpted from The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. (p. 66)“Now the crops begin, stretched out as far as the eye can see…I can see orchards in the distance…On and on it goes. I can’t believe the size of District 11.”Excerpted from Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. (p. 55)District 12:“Our part of District 12, nicknamed the Seam, is usually crawling with coal miners heading out to the morning shift at this hour.”Excerpted from The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. (p. 4)“District 12 was in a region known as Appalachia.”Excerpted from The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. (p. 41)“I realize it’s just another disadvantage the District 12 tributes have faced over the years. We don’t go down in the mines until we’re eighteen.”Excerpted from Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. (p. 331).The Capitol:“In school, they tell us the Capitol was built in a place once called the Rockies.”Excerpted from The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. (p. 41)“I realize we must be in the tunnel that runs up through the mountains into the Capitol. The mountains form a natural barrier between the Capitol and the eastern districts. It is almost impossible to enter from the east except through the tunnels.” Excerpted from The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. (pp. 58-9)“District 12 is pretty much the end of the line. Beyond us there’s only wilderness. If you don’t count the ruins of District 13 that still smolder from the toxic bombs.”Excerpted from The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. (p. 83)Extra Credit: District 13???“I’ve been told that they have some sort of machine in District 1 that can turn graphite into diamonds. But we don’t mine graphite in District 12. That was District 13’s job until they were destroyed.”Excerpted from The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. (p. 74)“District 12 is pretty much the end of the line. Beyond us there’s only wilderness. If you don’t count the ruins of District 13 that still smolder from the toxic bombs.”Excerpted from The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. (p. 83)“A mere week’s journey on foot [from District 12].”Excerpted from Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins. (p. 16)In addition to this map, you can use the following pages in The Nystrom Atlas of United States History:Pp 8-9: United States:Physicalp. 62: Northern and Southern Economiesp. 76: Mining the Westp. 78: Coal and Steelp. 116: Regions of Growth, Regions of LossUse the map of the U.S. below as a rough draft for your map of Panem ................

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