Adam WilliamsLesson Plans – 7th Grade World History 2017-2018 DateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.8/21Teacher WorkdayTues.8/22InserviceWed.8/23InserviceThurs.8/24InserviceFri.8/25Teacher WorkdayDateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.8/28No schoolTues.8/29Assembly schedule – 45 min classesTeacher introduction – PowerPointHand out class syllabus. Go over class rules and procedures. Due Wednesday.Show the students the websiteYou will get to know Mr. Williams and the class rules and expectations.Wed.8/30Semester pretestYou will show what you already know about the material we will be studying this semester.Thurs.8/31Bell Work: Personal HistoryWhat Is History? Activity - Split students into groups and have the oldest student in each group act as the group scribe. Using the What Is History Powerpoint, give the groups several questions to discuss and respond to within the given timeframes. Afterwards, discuss their answers as a class. Make last as long as feasible.Video finish up, begin filling in the Geography Notes guide (copy this) You will understand what history is and why we study it.All Standard 1: HistoryFri.9/1Bell Work: VacationGeography Notes guide using the Eastern World textbook (need to scan and post these pages). Video You will be introduced to the themes and elements of geography.All Standard 2: GeographyDateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.9/4Labor DayTues.9/5Bell Work: RegionFinish Geography Notes in class or as homework. Due Tuesday.5 Themes of Geography Ppt, slides 1-8You will learn the 5 Themes of Geography.All Standard 2: GeographyWed.9/6Bell Work: ContinentsHand out The World Map Introduction and have students color and label them.Set up binderGeography Notes due and begin going over themYou will identify the continents and major oceans and lines of latitude on a map.BG to all SS standardsThurs.9/7Bell Work: LocationFinish going over Geography notes5 Themes of Geography Ppt slides 9-12. Copy Mr. Help slide on the back of their Geography Notes guide.You will understand the 5 Themes of Geography.All Standard 2: GeographyFri.9/8Bell Work: Practice for World Map quiz (should have been done on Thursday with the quiz on Friday)Watch 5 Themes of Geography by James White on YoutubeWatch on Youtube The Continents and Oceans (LMFAO Remix) by The Singing History Teachers, Geographical Terms I Should Know Ppt and Activity – Hand out worksheet and go through the Ppt with them. Have the students guess the feature in the picture, then show them the answer. The Ppt is not in order with the worksheet.You will become familiar with common geographical terms.BG 6-9.WHC.2.3.3DateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.9/11Bell Work: Geographical FeaturesWorld Map QuizFinish 30 Geographical Terms I Should Know You will become familiar with common geographical terms.BG 6-9.WHC.2.3.3Tues.9/12Bell Work: Map Terms Use p. H6 and H7 to go over their answers and discuss the terms.Introduce North America MapDifferent Kinds of Maps – political, physical, special purpose. Use p. H8 and H9 to discuss the types and usefulness of each kind of map. You will understand the features and different kinds of maps and their uses.6-9.WHC.2.1.1Wed.9/13Bell Work: 5 Themes Review (There is a 5 Themes Review doc you can use for the answers)Youtube videos – Singing History Teachers Map Features “Gentleman” by Psy Parody an Scale on Map Fall Out Boy Parody )Latitude and Longitude worksheetWatch Youtube “Why We Need to Teach Geography” clip (w/Jay Leno interview), will understand how to use latitude and longitude to locate places on a map.6-9.WHC.2.1.1Thurs.9/14Bell Work: RelativeNorth America Map Practice Discuss the difference between absolute and relative location. Absolute and Relative Location activity You will understand the difference between absolute and relative location.6-9.WHC.2.1.1Fri.9/15Bell Work: Study for Map TestNorth America Map TestFinish absolute and relative location activityYou will understand the difference between absolute and relative location.6-9.WHC.2.1.1DateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.9/18Introduce Countries and Capitals List #1 and make folded sheetAbsolute and relative location activity duePatrick the Platypus in groups and go over them as a class. Only copy one per group. You will understand the 5 Themes of Geography.All Geography StandardsTues.9/19Bell Work: Latitude/Longitude ReviewYoutube video – Latitude and Longitude One Direction Remix by The Singing History Teachers Geography AutobiographyYou will write an autobiography to help you understand how the 5 Themes of Geography relate to you.All Geography StandardsWed.9/20Bell Work: Easiest/HardestShare Geography AutobiographyYou will share a portion of your biography with the class.All Geography StandardsThurs.9/21Bell Work: study Countries and Capitals to review for quiz on Friday and play around the worldSplit students into groups of three and using butcher paper, have them create and then present to the class what they think culture is?Begin 9 Elements of Culture Ppt – slides 1-?Hand out unit study guideYou will identify different elements that make up a culture.6-9WHC1.8Fri.9/22Bell Work: CultureCountries and Capitals Quiz List #1 review Review elements of culture covered the previous day and finish 9 Elements of Culture Ppt, slides ?-endYou will understand the different elements that make up a culture and how cultures influence a person’s life.6-9WHC1.8DateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.9/25Bell Work: Countries of Western Europe A Map IntroductionClass discussion - have the students identify different cultures they are familiar with (American, Hispanic, Asian, Mormon, sports team, etc). Also discuss how and why stereotypes develop as well as the pros and cons of stereotypes.Have students get back together with their groups and on the back side of the butcher paper write lists of different cultures that they belong to and the characteristics of those cultures. You will understand the different elements that make up a culture and how cultures influence a person’s life.6-9.WHC.1.8Tues.9/26Bell Work: CityPopulation, Government, Economics PptHand out Study GuideYou will learn how population, government, and economics impact a culture.Wed.9/27Finish Population, Government, Economics PptNext year add Youtube videos – Singing History Teachers Map Features “Gentleman” by Psy Parody an Scale on Map Fall Out Boy Parody )Review game for testYou will learn how population, government, and economics impact a culture.6-9.WHC.3.1 6-9. WHC.3.36-9.WHC.4.4.2Thurs.9/28Bell Work: Review Countries of Western Europe A MapUnit 1 testCheck unit 1 bell workYou will demonstrate your mastery of the first unit’s material.All standards for this unitFri.9/29Bell Work: ArcheologistStudy for map quizCountries of Western Europe A Map QuizBeginnings of Civilization Ppt Sec. 1: The First PeopleYou will learn how early man developed and spread out.6-9.WHC.1.6.16-9.WHC.1.6.26-9.WHC.1.6.3DateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.10/2Bell Work: Early ManBeginnings of Civilization Ppt – Finish Section 1Assignment: Reading Check Questions, slide 9, complete with a partner and go over answers as a classBeginnings of Civilization Ppt Sec. 2: The Beginning of AgricultureIntroduce Greek & Latin Stems. Discuss what they are and go over List #1. Make folded sheet of Greek and Latin StemsYou will understand how the development of agriculture impacted early man.6-9.WHC.1.6.36-9.WHC.1.7.16-9.WHC.3.2.2Tues.10/3Bell Work: My Cave ArtBeginnings of Civilization Ppt – Finish Section 2Assignment: Reading Check Questions, slide 15You will understand how the development of agriculture impacted early man.6-9.WHC.1.6.36-9.WHC.1.7.16-9.WHC.3.2.2Wed.10/4Bell Work: study stems for tomorrow’s quizWatch Horrible Histories “Stone Age Medley” clipEarly Human Settlement Activity – split students into groups to complete first columnWatch History of Britain on Skara Brae (min 3-11) and fill in 2nd columnShow Horrible Histories “Sharp Stone, Blunt Stone” clip (Season 1, Episode 1, minute 16)You will learn what life in an early village was like.6-9.WHC.1.6.36-9.WHC.3.2.2Thurs.10/5Bell Work: study stemsStems test list 1Beginnings of Civilization Ppt Section 3: Foundations of Civilization Assignment: Reading Check Questions, slide 22You will learn how early civilizations developed and impacted mankind.6-9.WHC.1.6.3Fri.10/6PTC Comp Day – No SchoolDateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.10/9Bell Work: A Remarkable Discovery, will need copies of the high school World History book at their desks. Group Civilization Activity – Now that students have studied the aspects of a civilization, working with a group, they should create a fictional civilization. Name it and describe what the seven characteristics of their civilization are like. The seven characteristics are on slide 23 of the Ppt. Perhaps relate this to Tolkien or other authors who make up fictional civilizations.You will create and describe a fictional civilization.6-9.WHC.1.6, 1.7, 1.8Tues.10/10Bell Work: CivilizationFinish group civilization activity from TuesdayBegin group civilization presentationsShow Horrible Histories “Stone Age Dragons Wheel, Beer Invention” Use document camera to display the time line found on p. 16-17 of the World History textbook. Talk about what technological advancements were made during the Stone Age (fire, wheel, eventually bronze).Watch Horrible Histories “Stone Age to Bronze Age” You will evaluate the importance of the different elements of a civilization and how technology changes civilization.6-9.WHC.1.7.2Wed.10/11Parent Teacher ConferencesBell Work: TechnologiesContinue group civilization presentationsFinish group civilization presentationsWork with a partner. Use Chrome books to look up the Early Man Ppt on the website and fill in the corresponding worksheet. (Do this before the Thurs review next year.)You will review information about early man.All standards for this unit.Thurs.10/12Parent Teacher ConferencesReview for testCheck unit 2 bell workYou will review information about early man.All standards for this unit.Fri.10/13Bell Work: Study for testUnit 2 TestYou will demonstrate your knowledge of Early Man.All standards for this unit.DateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.10/16Bell Work: Introduce Countries of Western Europe B MapBell Work: WaterEarly Fertile Crescent PptYou will understand the role that water plays in establishing a civilization.6-9.WHC.2.3.36-9.WHC.1.7.16-9.WHC.3.1.1Tues.10/17Bell Work: Water & Dirt Mesopotamian Cities & Trade PptWho Was Who in Ancient Mesopotamia?, p. 21You will understand the need for division of labor and how social classes were created.6-9.WHC.1.8.2Wed.10/18Bell Work: WritingBegin Empires of Mesopotamia Ppt slides 1-8You will understand how the development of writing changed civilizations. 6-9.WHC.1.7.26-9.WHC.1.8.1Thurs.10/19Earthquake and Evacuation DrillBegin Empires of Mesopotamia Ppt slides 9-12Make cuneiform tablets with clayYou will understand how the development of writing changed civilizations. 6-9.WHC.1.7.26-9.WHC.1.8.1Fri.10/20Bell Work: Review for Map QuizCountries of Western Europe B Map QuizContinue Empires of Mesopotamia Ppt slides 13-17Do Mesopotamian Math (Originally on p. 86-88 of red Ancient Civilizations book, but found a different version online). If there’s more time, have them make up their own problems for the class to solve.You will realize the Mesopotamian contributions to science and math.6-9.WHC.1.7.26-9.WHC.1.8.1DateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.10/23Bell Work: All Countries of Western Europe Map IntroContinue Empires of Mesopotamia Ppt slides 18-19Epic of Gilgamesh – Watch “Epic of Gilgamesh An Animation” about 11 min. You will learn about Mesopotamian artistic achievements.6-9.WHC.Tues.10/24Bell Work: Mesopotamian Achievements (oops! Should have been Writing)Empires of Mesopotamia Ppt 2 slides 1-4, lead into Hammurabi’s codeHave students get into their “civilization” groups. Present Empires of Mesopotamia Ppt 2 slides 5-12 one slide at a time, giving groups a chance to discuss and write down their answers and then share them with the class.You will learn about the first written code of law.6-9.WHC.Wed.10/25Bell Work: LawEmpires of Mesopotamia Ppt 2 slides 13-14Lawmakers Activity - Have groups write codes of law for the civilizations they previously created.Present rules to the class and discuss purpose of lawsYou will understand how the development of laws help define a civilization.6-9.WHC.1.6.3Thurs.10/26Bell Work: PunishmentBell Work: All Countries of Western Europe Review MapFinish Lawmakers Activity and present to classYou will understand how the development of laws help define a civilization.6-9.WHC.1.6.3Fri.10/27Bell Work: study for map quizAll Countries of Western Europe Map QuizEmpires of Mesopotamia Ppt 2 slides 15-16You will learn about later peoples of the Fertile Crescent.6-9.WHC.1.6.3DateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.10/30Bell Work: AssyriansEmpires of Mesopotamia Ppt 2 slides 17-22, AssyriansIntroduce Countries and Capitals list #2You will learn about later peoples of the Fertile Crescent.6-9.WHC.1.6.3Tues.10/31Bell Work: Halloween HistoryYoutube older 90s History Channel video on History of Halloween will learn about the history of Halloween.6-9.WHC.1.9.16-9.WHC.1.9.2Wed.11/1Bell Work: Mesopotamian AchievementsEmpires of Mesopotamia Ppt slides 23-28 PhoeniciansYoutube video: will learn about different empires of Mesopotamia and their accomplishments.6-9.WHC.1.7.2Thurs.11/2Bell Work: EmpiresAncient Mariners activity (latitude and longitude practice) p. 41-44 (44 is answer key!) of green Ancient History Simulations book.Youtube video Hand out Mesopotamia study guideCrack the Code, p. 8 Ancient Civilizations Brain Teasers book You will learn about the contributions of the Phoenicians.6-9.WHC.1.7.26-9.WHC.2.1.16-9.WHC.2.4.1Fri.11/3Bell Work: Review for quizCountries and Capitals Quiz #2Choosing Your Way Through the World’s Ancient Past book p. 41-49. Complete in groups (need to make copies)You will review concepts about Mesopotamia.All standards from this unit.DateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.11/6Bell Work: Empires MnemonicReview for Mesopotamia testYou will review concepts about Mesopotamia.All standards from this unit.Tues.11/7Mesopotamia TestCheck bell workYou will demonstrate your mastery of this unit’s material.All standards from this unit.Wed.11/8Review for ECAYou will review this trimester’s material.All standards from this trimester.Thurs.11/9ECAYou will demonstrate your mastery of this trimester’s material.Fri.11/10Mesopotamia Word Search “The Surprising Sumerians” from Choosing Your Way Through the World’s Ancient Past book p.31-39You will demonstrate your prior knowledge of this trimester’s material.DateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.11/13Egypt PretestIntroduce Countries and Capitals list #3Begin Exploring Egypt I Ppt, slides 1-6 – Nile, Kingdoms uniteYou will learn how the Nile made Egyptian civilization possible, how the early kingdoms united, and about Egyptian societal structure.Tues.11/14Bell Work: Nile ValleyExploring Egypt I Ppt, slides 6-7 – Nile, Kingdoms uniteIn notebooks, answer questions 1-3 on p. 282 of Eastern World textbook You will learn how the Nile made Egyptian civilization possible, how the early kingdoms united, and about Egyptian societal structure.Wed.11/15Bell Work: Nile GiftsWatch Horrible History – Pharaoh’s Funeral Chamberlain vs. Royal Bum WiperExploring Egypt I Ppt slide 8-10, Societal Structure, Daily LifeIf You Were a Child in Ancient Egypt group activityWatch Horrible History – Egyptian DentistYou will learn about daily life for a child in ancient Egypt.Thurs.11/16Bell Work: Working for PharaohCountries and Capitals quiz #2Watch Horrible History – Egyptian 2000 Hair Color (on slide 10)Exploring Egypt I Ppt slides 11-15, Egyptian Gods & GoddessesYou will learn about the major gods and goddesses in Egyptian mythology.Fri.11/17End of 1st TrimesterStudents gone for choirWatch history of Thanksgiving videoDateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.11/20Teacher Work Day – No SchoolTues.11/21Comp Day – No SchoolWed.11/22Thanksgiving BreakThurs.11/23Thanksgiving BreakFri.11/24Thanksgiving BreakDateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.11/27Exploring Egypt I Ppt slides16-21Gods and Goddesses Memory Game in groupsFound this quiz to try next year, but need to preview first: A Choose Your Way Through HistoryIntroduce sarcophagus extra credit projectYou will review the major gods and goddesses in Egyptian mythology.Tues.11/28Bell Work: Your BurialExploring Egypt II Ppt slides 2-6, Afterlife & MummificationSlide 23, Horrible History – Mummification (game of Operation)Mummify the chickensYou will learn about the mummification process.Wed.11/29Bell Work: MummificationRepack mummyExploring Egypt II Ppt slide 7, The Book of the DeadBook of the Dead activityHorrible History – Uses for a Mummy, on jump driveYou will learn about the purpose of the Egyptian Book of the Dead.Thurs.11/30Bell Work: PyramidsExploring Egypt II Ppt, slides 8-11 Pyramids, includes sledge demonstration pyramid construction Luxor temple 3D Horrible Histories – Honey slave, Pyramid, Princess & Pea, S1E2 on jump driveRepack mummyYou will learn about the construction and importance of Egyptian monuments and architectureFri.12/1Bell Work: Why Do We Like Egypt?For discussion of the bell work question, play the song “Walk Like an Egyptian”Videos about the pyramids Exploring Egypt II Ppt, slides 12 SphinxRepack mummyYou will learn about the construction and importance of Egyptian monuments and architectureDateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.12/4Optional Sphinx video, not great, but very short Slide 13 ObeliskExploring Egypt II Ppt, slides 14-15, King Tut which includes the following videos:King Tut Treasures of Carter/Tomb Histories Pharaoh Report Tut’s death Egypt II Ppt slide 16-17, Mummy’s Curse Do The Mummy’s Curse: Fact or Fiction activity in groups (Most groups didn’t have time to discuss the fact or fiction, so made the bell work for Monday.)You will learn about King Tut’s life, death, and the discovery of his tomb.Tues.12/5Substitute Research the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World ActivityYou will learn about the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World.Wed.12/6SubstituteIn groups (or individually), have students research about these famous pharaohs: Menes, Khufu, Ramses II, Hatshepsut, and Cleopatra. Pages numbers containing information about them are: Menes 281-282, Khufu (none), Ramses II 293 and 297, Hatshepsut 292, and Cleopatra 355.You will research about famous Egyptian pharaohs.Thurs.12/7Bell Work: Mummy’s CurseHorrible Histories Real Tomb Raiders, Scary Stories The Curse Have students provide information about the pharaohs that they learned from their research before putting the info up on the slide.You will research about famous Egyptian pharaohs.Fri.12/8Bell Work: HatshepsutExploring Ancient Egypt Part 3 Ppt slides 1-8, Old, Middle, New Kingdoms, Famous Pharaohs. Horrible Histories Cleopatra’s Song mummiesYou will learn about accomplishments of the Old, Middle, and New Kingdoms.DateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.12/11Bell Work: Tomb PaintingExploring Ancient Egypt Ppt slides 9-12, Valley of the Kings Valley of the Kings video Ancient Egypt Ppt slides 13-15, Hieroglyphics and the Rosetta StoneMake a cartouche that spells your name phonetically. Repack mummiesAsk students to bring in sheets for wrapping the mummy for extra creditYou will understand how the discovery of the Rosetta stone unlocked the secret to reading hieroglyphics.Tues.12/12Make amulets out of clay for the mummyWatch Engineering an Empire - EgyptWed.12/13Review for testYou will review for tomorrow’s test.Thurs.12/14Egypt TestBell work dueYou will demonstrate your understanding of Egypt.Fri.12/15Australia, New Zealand, Ocean Ppt, slides 1-6 , Australia Geography, Animals, Aborigines, Penal colonyVideos throughout: Great Barrier Reef animals digeridoo (only show a portion)Aborigines will learn about Australian geography, history, and its indigenous population.DateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.12/18Extra credit sarcophagus due and shown to classYou will learn about Egyptian sarcophagus.Tues.12/19Bell Work: Maori NamesAustralia, New Zealand, Ocean Ppt, slides 7-10, New ZealandIncludes videos: Amplitude Locations Haka Haka on slides, but also good if need just a few minutes more:Solitude will learn about New Zealand’s geography and history.Wed.12/20Bell Work: Pacific IslandsAustralia, New Zealand, Ocean Ppt, slides 11-15, OceaniaPolynesian Settlement (probably watch first half)Polynesian Cultural Center Easter Island Statues will learn about the island nations.Thurs.12/21Student research project on Christmas in countries around the world.You will learn about how Christmas is celebrated around the world.Fri.12/22Watch video on history of ChristmasYou will learn about the history of Christmas.DateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.12/25Christmas BreakTues.12/26Christmas BreakWed.12/27Christmas BreakThurs.12/28Christmas BreakFri.12/29Christmas BreakDateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.1/1Christmas BreakTues.1/2Christmas BreakWed.1/3Christmas BreakThurs.1/4Christmas BreakFri.1/5Christmas BreakDateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.1/8Bell Work: Geographic BarriersAncient India Ppt – slides 1-5, Geography of India Himalayas video on slide 4 Ancient India Ppt – slides 6-7 Geography of IndiaYou will understand how geographic barriers influence a society. Tues.1/9Bell Work: Introduce SE Asia, Oceania Map Student Incentive SurveyWrap mummiesYou will finish the mummification process.Wed.1/10Bell Work: Mohenjo DaroWatch first half of this video to explain monsoons damage India Ppt – slides 8-12 Indus Valley Civilizations and HinduismMohenjo Daro video will learn about early Indus Valley Civilizations. Thurs.1/11Bell Work: Caste System (should be with next day’s Ppt)Ancient India Ppt – slides 13-14 Indus Valley CivilizationsAncient India Ppt – slides 15-18 Hinduism, tell students they will be completing Other Gods Activity next week because computers are not available due to testingVedic Hymn video/audio Video Asia, Oceania Map ReviewYou will learn about early Indus Valley Civilizations.Fri.1/12Bell Work: Siddhartha (should be with next day’s Ppt)Review for Map QuizSE Asia, Oceania Map QuizAncient India Ppt 2 – slide 1, Caste SystemYou will learn about the Caste system.DateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.1/15Human Rights Day videos (only about 10 min. all together):Martin Luther King, Jr. “I Have a Dream” slides on Hinduism and Major Gods, Ancient India Ppt slides 15-18Other Gods Activity – Chromebooks scheduledYou will research about other Hindu gods.Tues.1/16Finish Other Gods ActivityBegin PresentationsYou will research and present about other Hindu gods.Wed.1/17Other Gods PresentationsYou will present about Hindu gods.Thurs.1/18Bell Work: SufferingAncient India Part 2 Ppt slide 2, Siddhartha GautamaWatch Youtube video – Read the textbook p. 486-489 as a class.Ancient Indian Part 2 Ppt slides 3-5, BuddhismYou will learn about the major teachings of Buddhism.Fri.1/19Bell Work: AsokaWatch Youtube video Indian Part 2 Ppt slides 6-10, Indian Empires & AchievementsYou will learn about major achievements of Indian EmpiresDateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.1/22Bollywood dancing and Indian musicReview for testContinue Other Gods PresentationsYou will review for tomorrow’s test.Tues.1/23Ancient India unit testCheck unit bell workFinish Other Gods PresentationsYou will demonstrate your knowledge of ancient India.Wed.1/24Bell Work: LandmarkAncient China Ppt slides 1-8You will learn about achievements of early Chinese dynasties.Thurs.1/25Bollywood Dancing (Didn’t have time to do during India unit)The Great Wall worksheet activity. Need desk copies. Have students work in groups and guess at what they think the answers are.You will learn about the Great Wall of China.Fri.1/26Bell Work: StatuesWatch 2 Youtube videos: Deconstructing History: The Great Wall of China about the Great Wall China Part 1 Ppt slides 9-13, Shi Huangdi, terra cotta warriors, tomb Watch video on terra cotta warriors video on First Emperor’s tomb You will learn about the first emperor of China and his tomb.DateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.1/29Bell Work: ProverbsAncient China Part 2 Ppt slide 1-2 Confucius Watch Confucius video (10 min) China Part 2 Ppt slides 3-5 Han DynastyYou will learn about Confucius and the Han DynastyTues.1/30Bell Work: Exam or ArmyIntroduce Asia MapChoose Your Way Through History, The People of Han p. 141Ancient China Part 2 Ppt slides 6-7, other dynasties, Empress Wu, civil service examWatch Wu video You will learn about other dynasties and Empress Wu. Wed.1/31Parent Teacher ConferenceBell Work: Test Anxiety (fits with Monday’s lesson as well)Name the Invention Activity – p 54 of Brain Teasers book. Need desk copiesYou will learn about Chinese technological advancements.Thurs.2/1Sick - SubstituteBell Work: Review for QuizAncient Civilizations Brain Teasers, Magic Squares p. 60Chinese ZodiacIf extra time, Longitude and LatitudeYou will learn about the Chinese Zodiac.Fri.2/2Sick – SubstituteEmergency sub plan on researching world religions.You will learn about some of the world’s major religions.DateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.2/5Bell Work: Review for QuizAsia Map QuizGet scores for assignments from Thursday and FridayMulan – Fact or Fiction? P. 14 & 22 of red Ancient Civilizations bookHave students read “The Ballad of Mulan” () and research about the real Mulan on the internet. Toward the end of class, talk about whether they think she was real or not and how the truth or legend differ from the Disney version.Hand out study guide for China Unit Test.You will learn about Mulan and evaluate evidence to determine whether she was real or just a legend.Tues.2/6Tablets – Students research in partners and share findings about Chinese AdvancementsAncient China Part 2 Ppt slides 8-11, Chinese Advancements, The Silk Road You will learn about Chinese technological advancements.Wed.2/7Bell Work: MongolsAncient China Part 2 Ppt slides12-19, Genghis Khan, Mongols, Marco Polo, Forbidden CityWatch 2 videos: Genghis Khan Brutality to Khan video on the Forbidden City Genghis Khan video will learn about why China isolated itself and how that impacted the country.Thurs.2/8Bell Work: LeaderDiscuss leadership as a classReview for China TestYou will identify traits of a good leader.Fri.2/9Bell Work: Study for Ancient China TestAncient China TestCheck China Unit bell workYou will demonstrate your understanding of this unit’s material.DateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.2/12Bell Work: TokyoBegin Japan, Koreas, Southeast Asia Ppt, slides 1-4, Geography, Tsunami video Japan, Koreas, Southeast Asia Ppt, slides 5-6 Ancient Japan, Shogun, Samurai, FeudalismYou will learn about the geography an organization of ancient Japan’s feudal system.Tues.2/13Bell Work: NinjasDeconstructing History , Koreas, Southeast Asia Ppt, slide 7-10Have students research about real and present what they have found out about ninjas.You will learn the truth about ninjas.Wed.2/14Bell Work: Japan VocabJapan, Koreas, Southeast Asia Ppt slide 11Show ninja video (link in the ppt)Japan, Koreas, Southeast Asia Ppt, slides 12-13, religion, kabuki, haikuKabuki video only show about first halfYou will learn about traditional Japanese art forms. Thurs.2/15Bell Work: HaikuJapan, Koreas, Southeast Asia Ppt, slide 14Watch haiku video (link in the ppt)Create Haiku project – Mobile lab #1 bookedChrome lab #1 booked just in case it is neededYou will incorporate your haiku into a paper or computerized art project.Fri.2/16Haiku project due – present them to the classYou will present your haiku project to the class.DateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.2/19Presidents’ DayTues.2/20SubstituteAsia ActivitiesYou will learn about Asian culture.Wed.2/21Next year do Bell Work: Korea hereJapan, Koreas, Southeast Asia Ppt, slides 15-18 on KoreaAbove slides include typhoon videos: Typhoon Blown Away will learn about North and South Korea.Thurs.2/22Bell Work – CambodiaJapan, Koreas, Southeast Asia Ppt, slide 19-23, Colonial SE AsiaAngkor Wat Air Ground (maybe show first half and last minute that shows interiors) , Koreas, Southeast Asia Ppt, slides 23 Watch Youtube videos on floating village (Only show just the beginning because it gets boring. Also has weird cowboy music) and then the second one is only 11 seconds, but shows a floating basketball court.Floating Village Court for Japan, Korea, and SE Asia TestYou will learn how the rest of the world has influenced and impacted countries in Southeast Asia.Fri.2/23Bell Work: KoreaJapan, Korea, and SE Asia QuizJapan, Koreas, Southeast Asia Ppt, slides 24-25 Check Bell WorkYou will demonstrate your mastery of this unit’s material. You will compare the real story of Mulan with the movie.DateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.2/26Bell Work: MovingRead Ancient Civilizations textbook Section 1 on The Early Hebrews and answer the questions on 207.Watch video of 10 Commandments Adele Parody (funny) will learn about Jewish leaders and the early history of the Jewish people.Tues.2/27Bell Work: KindnessRead Ancient Civilizations textbook Section 2 on Jewish Beliefs and Texts Watch videos:Judaism 101 Sea Scrolls will learn about Jewish beliefs and texts.Wed.2/28End of 2nd TrimesterBell Work: RebellionCheck Japan and SE Asia and Judaism Bell WorkRead Ancient Civilizations textbook Section 3 on Judaism over the Centuries Watch videos:Passover Prince of Egypt cartoon explained Passover “Uptown Funk” Parody History Channel Hanukah Jewish Rock of Ages Hanukah Song Bell Work: KindnessRead Ancient Civilizations textbook Section 2 on Jewish Beliefs and Texts Watch videos:Judaism 101 Sea Scrolls You will learn about Jewish revolt, defeat, migration, and holy days.Thurs.3/1Watch Mulan You will compare the real story of Mulan with the movie.Fri.3/2End of 2nd TrimesterTeacher Workday – No SchoolDateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.3/5Bell Work – Rocky LivingAncient Greece Part 1 Ppt slides 1-5 on geography, MinoansRead “Atlantis: Myth or Reality?”Read “The Myth of the Minotaur”Includes videos: Palace 3D Reconstruction Tour will learn about the Minoan civilization.Tues.3/6Bell Work: Middle East Map Introduction Gods and Goddesses Web Quest – Chrome lab #1 bookedYou will identify countries on a map of the Middle East. You will learn about Greek mythology.Wed.3/7Finish Gods and Goddesses Web Quest – Mobile Lab 1 bookedCheck it if there is time. If not time, do that Thurs.For next year, Which Greek God Are You? Quiz For next year, Which Greek Goddess Are You? Quiz You will learn about Greek mythology.Thurs.3/8Bell Work: ExplanationAncient Greece Part 1 Ppt slides 6-7 on Mycenaean and Trojan War, polisRead “The Myth of How the Trojan War Began”Includes videos: Mycenae and Troy will learn about the Mycenaean civilization. You will learn about Greek mythology.Fri.3/9Bell Work: Study for QuizMiddle East Map QuizTrojan War Greece Part 1 Ppt slides 8-10 polis, Dark AgesYou will learn about Greek polis and the Dark AgesDateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.3/12Bell Work: Heroes Introduce countries and capitals list #4Ancient Greece Part 2 Ppt slides 1-4. Greek mythology and heroesWhich Greek Hero are You? Quiz will learn about Greek mythology and heroes.Tues.3/13Bell Work: OlympicsAncient Greece Part 2 Ppt slides 5-6, OlympicsIncludes videos:HH Olympics Flame 7 on types of Greek literatureYou will learn about the ancient Greek Olympics.Wed.3/14Bell Work: Greek Name This is the Write Your Name in Greek Activity – p. 41 of Ancient Greece! Book. Need to make desk copies.Ancient Greece Part 2 Ppt slides 8-11, Greek literature and examplesAnimations on the Sappho slide. Upon clicking, picture will disappear, revealing a poem underneath along with instructions. More clicks show answers and reveal a second poem.Read the Aesop’s Fable readings as groups. Have students take turns reading a story aloud to group members, and then coming up with what they think the moral of each story is. Groups will need one student to act as scribe and write down these morals. You will learn about different forms of Greek literature.Thurs.3/15Bell Work: Greek StemsAesop’s Fables – Have groups read their fable to the class and then share the moral they came up with before displaying the actual written moral.Ancient Greece Part 2 Ppt slide 12-14, Greek Influence on Modern Language With slide 14, print out the Greek Influence on Language and cut them apart and hand out to the class to be read (like Sunday school . . . “Who has #1?”)HH Words for countries and capitals quiz #4You will learn about the Greek influence on language.Fri.3/16Allow 20 minutes for students to research Hercules and make a bulleted list of facts. Then watch Disney version and write down at least 3 differences between what they had found and the movie.You will contrast the movie of Hercules with the myth.DateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.3/19PTC Comp Day – No SchoolTues.3/20Spring BreakWed.3/21Spring BreakThurs.3/22Spring BreakFri.3/23Spring BreakDateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.3/26Bell Work: Study for quizCountries and capitals list #4 quizResearch what life was like for a boy or girl as well as what life was like for teenagers (adolescents) in ancient Greece using the website Pretend that you live in Ancient Greece and write a 5 day journal telling about your life. Each day’s entry should be at least 7 quality sentences long. Chrome lab #2 scheduled.You will learn what life was like for children and teens in ancient Greece.Tues.3/27Finish journalGovernment Grab Bag (Vocabulary Activity) from Ancient Civilizations Brain Teasers book p. 27.)You will learn what life was like for children and teens in ancient Greece.Wed.3/28Go over Government Grab BagAncient Greece Part 3 Ppt on Government, slide 2HH Draco videoYou will learn about the development of government in ancient Athens.Thurs.3/29Bell Work: Government (should have gone with Government lesson)Ancient Greece Part 3 Ppt on Government, slide 3-10You will learn about the development of government in ancient Athens.Fri.3/30Bell Work: ConquerorAncient Greece Part 3 Ppt on Government, slide 11Persian Empire Ppt slides 1-4, Cyrus the Great, Includes videos:Cyrus the Great will learn about the Persian War.DateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.4/2Persian Empire Ppt slides 5-10Includes videos:Ruins Reconstruction Battle of Marathon (Preview this one first. Maybe only show to end of words before it shows some of the battle scenes.)You will learn about the Persian War.Tues.4/3Bell Work: Sparta or Athens?Persian Empire Ppt slides 11-12Ancient Greece Ppt Part 4 – Sparta & Athens slides 1-7 on SpartaIncludes videos:(removed from youtube) )Other Sparta HH?HH Spartan School Musical will learn about the differences between Spartan and Athenian cultures.Wed.4/4Bell Work: SoldierAncient Greece Ppt Part 4 – Sparta & Athens slides 8-11Ancient Greece Ppt Part 5 – Peloponnesian War slides 1-4Hand out study guideYou will learn about the differences between Spartan and Athenian cultures.You will learn about the Peloponnesian War. Thurs.4/5Ancient Greece Ppt Part 5 – Peloponnesian War slides 5-6Includes video: Engineering Empire Philip II Greece Ppt Part 6 – Alexander the Great, slides 1-3Includes video:Top 10 Facts the future, there are Choose Your Way Though Histories for both Socrates and Alexander the Great. (Started Alexander one but only got about ? through it)You will learn about Philip I and Alexander the Great. Fri.4/6Bell Work: Socrates (Should have gone with Monday)Ancient Greece Ppt Part 6 – Alexander the Great, slides 4-7You will learn about Alexander the GreatDateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.4/9Ancient Greece Ppt Part 7 – Greek Achievements slides 1-7Includes several videosChoose Your Way Through History – Finish AlexanderYou will learn about Greek achievements that have influenced our modern world.Tues.4/10Ancient Greece Ppt Part 7 – Greek Achievements slides 8-16Includes several videosFor next year, Choose Your Way Through History – SocratesYou will learn about Greek achievements that have influenced our modern world.Wed.4/11Review for testYou will review for tomorrow’s test.Thurs.4/12Bell Work: Review for testGreece TestCheck Greece Bell WorkYou will demonstrate your understanding of ancient Greece.Fri.4/13Bell Work: SiteIntroduce American Landmarks #1 USA (may want to do after the item below so can lengthen or shorten to fill the time as needed)Ancient Rome Part 1 Ppt – Geography and Rise, slides 1-4, foundingYou will learn about the founding of Rome.DateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.4/16Bell Work: PlebeiansAncient Rome Part 1 Ppt – Geography and Rise, slides 3-4, foundingIncludes videos:Romulus and Remus Rome Part 1 Ppt – Geography and Rise, slides 5-9 Early RepublicIncludes videos:Cincinnatus will learn about the founding and early government of Rome.Tues.4/17Bell Work: Army? (Should be later)Ancient Rome Part 1 Ppt – Geography and Rise, slide 10-15, Tripartite Government, checks and balances, forumReconstructed Forum Rome Part 2 Ppt – The Late Republic, slides 1-2, growthYou will learn about the government of early Rome.Wed.4/18Parent Teacher ConferencesBell Work: The Rotten Roman Army Quiz (should have been with the next day’s slides)Ancient Rome Part 2 Ppt – The Late Republic, slides 3-4, Punic WarYou will learn about the Punic War. Thurs.4/19Includes videos:Hannibal Qualify for Triumph, A Book Toilet (goes with quiz) Rome Part 2 Ppt – The Late Republic, slides 5-11, Hannibal, army, GracchusShow Gladiator Opening Battle Scene (Link not on the slide itself; stop as dog jumps through the flames and cavalry comes riding in) will learn about Hannibal, the Roman army, weapons, and the political crisis.Fri.4/20World Landmarks quiz #1Ancient Rome Part 2 Ppt – The Late Republic, slide 12-13, SpartacusContains I'm Spartacus Movie Clip Rome Part 3 Ppt – The Roman Empire, slides 1-2, CiceroYou will learn about Spartacus.DateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.4/23Bell Work: SenatorAncient Rome Part 3 Ppt – The Roman Empire, slides 3-6, Julius CaesarIncludes 2 videos on slide 6 videosIntroduce World Landmarks #2You will learn about the assassination of Julius CaesarTues.4/24Bell Work: Roman Briton (wait to discuss until you get to the Roman Britain slide; should have gone with Wed. lesson)HH Julius Caesar Rome Part 3 Ppt – The Roman Empire, slides 7-11, Antony and Cleopatra, Augustus, Empire ExpandsBiography will learn about Antony and Cleopatra.Wed.4/25Ancient Rome Part 3 Ppt – The Roman Empire, slides 12, Roman BritainHadrian's Wall - Engineering Empire clip from History of Britain on letters found in Roman army “dump” found by the wall. Also show other parts of Roman BritainRoman Baths Rome Part 3 Ppt – The Roman Empire, slide 13, Trade IncreasesAncient Rome Part 4 Ppt – Life & Legacy, slides 1-2, Pax RomanaYou will learn about Roman Britain.Thurs.4/26Bell Work: World Landmarks ReviewAncient Rome Part 4 Ppt – Life & Legacy, slides 3-6, City Life, Chariot Races, the Colosseum, GladiatorsBen Hur Parade Hur Race Chariots History Channel will learn about Roman entertainment.Fri.4/27Bell Work: study for quizWorld Landmarks #2 QuizAncient Rome Part 4 Ppt – Life & Legacy, slides 7-10, Country Life, Pompeii, Science and Medicine Read eyewitness account of PompeiiIncludes videos:HH Hospital and Criminal's Head will learn about Pompeii and Roman achievements in science and medicine.DateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.4/30Substitute (This should go at the end of the unit)Chrome Books scheduledResearch Roman Emperor JigsawChoose Your Way Through History “The Persecution” of the Christians – if need something to fill more time, though it is slightly out of order with the Ppts.You will learn about Roman Emperors.Tues.5/1Roman Emperor PresentationsPossibilities for filling in if there is time left over:Choose Your Way Through History “The Fall”The Emperor of Rome Game: : Who Are You from same site. This one may be shorter.You will learn about Roman Emperors.Wed.5/2Bell Work: ReligionAncient Rome Part 4 Ppt – Life & Legacy, slides 11-13, Engineering, Arts & Language (Next year incorporate clips from Engineering and Empire)Ancient Rome Part 5 Ppt – Religion, slides 1-5, Jews, Masada, Jesus, ChristianityIncludes videos:HH Roman Tabellari, Sausage Smuggler one is 10 min long, so probably only show the first part Pantheon will learn about Roman engineering, the clash between the Jews and Romans, and the birth of Christianity.Thurs.5/3Bell Work: End of the EmpireAncient Rome Part 5 Ppt – Religion slides 6-10You will learn about Roman religion.Fri.5/4Ancient Rome Part 6 Ppt – Decline and Fall slides 1-8You will learn about the decline and fall of Rome.DateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.5/7Play review game for testWatch Engineering an Empire clips about Carthage and RomeYou will review for tomorrow’s test.Tues.5/8Bell Work: Review for testTake Ancient Rome TestCheck bell workYou will demonstrate your mastery of this unit’s material.Wed.5/9Bell Work: Settle?The Americas Part 1 Ppt – slides 1-6 Geography, first peoples, OlmecIncludes videos:Human Migration writing assignment: What other people do you think came to the Americas? How do you think they got here? Why do you think they came?You will learn about the geography of the Americas and the Olmecs.Thurs.5/10Bell Work: South America Map IntroductionThe Americas Part 1 Ppt – slides7-12, migration to the Americas and discussionYou will learn about the different theories about how the Americans became populated.Fri.5/11Bell Work: Mayan TraderMaya – Guess the Artifact Ppt game (split students into groups and give candy to winning group?). You will learn about Mayan artifacts.DateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.5/14Bell Work: Mayan KingSouth America Map Quiz Bell Work: The Americas Maya Part 1 Ppt, slides 1-7Students fill in The Maya Notes Ppt Companion Worksheet as they go (print this off)Maya section includes these videos:Pacal & Palenque shadow Facts will learn about the Mayan civilization.Tues.5/15Bell Work: Dias de los Muertos The Americas Maya Part 2 Ppt – slides 1-4, achievements, calendar, mathIncludes video:Apocalypse Debunked Math worksheet projected on the boardDo a couple Mayan Artifacts if there’s timeYou will learn about the Mayan calendar and math.Wed.5/16Bell Work: BeautySkipping slide 5 on the Mayan ballgame because couldn’t book computers until Friday.The Americas – Maya, Part 2 Ppt – slides 6-11, beautyMaya Got It Done Facts will learn about Mayan beauty secrets.Thurs.5/17Bell Work: Founding (Don’t discuss it until later)The Americas, Aztec Part 1, slides 1-7 and 2 Ppt – Teotihuacan, Toltec, Tenochtitlan You will learn about Teotihuacan, the founding of Tenochtitlan, and the ancient Aztecs.Fri.5/18Chrome lab #1 bookedMayan Ballgame Webquest will learn about the Mayan ballgame.DateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.5/21Chrome lab 3 booked just in caseBell Work: Sports (discuss at the end of the lesson)Go over webquestThe Americas Maya Part 2 Ppt – slide 5, ballgameWatch Mayan Ballgame Video Countries and Capitals List #5You will learn about the Mayan ballgame.Tues.5/22Bell Work: QuetzalcoatlThe Americas, Aztec Part 1, slide 8, and Part 2Aztec Video Day Aztec 25 Facts Aztec Gardening, Priest Song Aztec Shopping Aztec Masterchef Happened to Aztecs Report Aztec Sacrifice out unit study guide.You will learn about the Aztec civilization.Wed.5/23Bell Work: MaizeWendy’s Incan Ppt, slides 1-10Look over the Ppt and find videos to add inYou will learn about the Incan civilization.Thurs.5/24Bell Work: Yanomamo (Can go anywhere)Wendy’s Incan Ppt, slides 11-20Look over the Ppt and find videos to add inYou will learn about the Incan civilization.Fri.5/25Bell Work: Conquistador (has to be done after conquistadors are covered)Countries and Capitals List #5 TestReview for Americas TestYou will review for the unit test.DateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.5/28Memorial DayTues.5/29Bell Work: YanomamoAmericas TestHH Incan Hole, Incan Shampee Incan Songs, Bday Presents Inca Child Punishment will demonstrate your mastery of the America’s Unit material.Wed.5/30Check bell workRead Popol Vuh exceprt from textbook (teacher edition p. 444-445 and go over the questions in the side bar)Finish any videosChoose Your Way Through History? Engineering and Empire? Emperor’s New Groove?You will read a Mayan creation story.Thurs.5/31Fri.6/1Last Day of School – Half DayDateActivities and AssignmentsDaily Objectives and StandardsMon.6/4Teacher WorkdayTues.6/5Wed.6/6Thurs.6/7Fri.6/8 ................

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