Achieving the Dream - South Texas College

Part II-A: PROGRAM MAPPING To be completed during College Team Strategy Session #2 at the instituteInstructions: Using the results from the program mapping template, the college team should reflect on the mapping process and consider as a group the following questions and provide responses in the second column. Guiding Questions: Colleges Creating Program MapsCollege Responses to Guiding Questions1. What part of the program mapping process was most difficult for your institution? How did you address the challenges? What are your next steps?The most challenging part of developing the program map was to sequence the courses while keeping prerequisites in mind. This challenge can be addressed by reviewing all course requirements and prerequisites before sequencing the courses. Several Biology Program faculty members met along with the Student Success Specialist for the division to develop the program maps. The faculty also had to be mindful not to overload the maps with critical math and science courses in the semester blocks. Our next steps for program map development will begin in the Spring 2018 semester after the meta-major program clusters are finalized. Developmental coursework will be included in the program mapping and course sequencing process. 2. How did you engage stakeholders in the mapping process? What is the plan for mapping all programs at the institution? Who is leading this work? What is the expected timeline for completion?Several Biology Program faculty members met along with the Student Success Specialist for the division to develop the program maps. The completed program maps were distributed to all program faculty for review and feedback. The TX Pathways Project Core Team Leadership also reviewed the program maps and provided feedback. South Texas College will develop curriculum maps for every program at the Institution following the finalization of the meta-major clusters. Our goal is to finalize our meta-majors by December 2017. The Deans and lead pathways representatives from each instructional division will lead this work. Faculty participation from each program will be needed. The expected timeline for curriculum mapping will be January through May 2018. 3. How will mapping the institution’s programs fit in with the institution’s overall guided pathways implementation? What will it mean for advising and the connection to careers and transfer institutions? What are the plans for monitoring student progress? on their academic plans? The development of meta-major program clusters and the curriculum maps will reside at the core of STC’s guided pathways implementation. Advising practices will have to be revised based on the new program and curricular structure. Students will need to be advised according to their meta-major and must be supported during the early career exploration process in order to facilitate the selection of a major that is the best fit for the student. As part of our pathways work, an overall student support structure will be developed which will support and track student progress from entry to completion. STC currently has access to technology systems such as DegreeWorks and Starfish which can play a key role in tracking student progress. Initial discussions for the overall structure will begin during the Fall 2017 semester. The plan will be developed during the Spring & Summer 2018 semesters. Guiding Questions: Colleges that Have Created Program MapsCollege Responses to Guiding Questions1. From the student perspective, how clearly are college programs described on the college website?South Texas College has not created program maps for all of its programs. STC will gather student feedback regarding how program information is displayed on the college website during the Summer 2017 semester through interviews and focus groups. 2. From the student perspective, how clearly are high school to program pathways, Adult Education and Literacy to program pathways, and transfer pathways described for each program on the college website? South Texas College has not created program maps for all of its programs.STC will gather student feedback regarding how program information is displayed on the college website during the Summer 2017 semester through interviews and focus groups.3. What improvements need to be made in the college website presentation of program maps/pathways?The college website will need to direct new or undecided students to the new meta-majors and should provide ample materials to help students get started on their pathways. Information on career choices and potential salaries will also be needed. 4. What improvements need to be made to college advising materials for students, faculty and advisors now that the program maps are in place?South Texas College has not created program maps for all of its programs.As part of our pathways work, an overall student support structure will be developed which will support and track student progress from entry to completion. College advising materials will need to reflect the new meta-majors and the new sequence of courses based on the program maps. This information will also need to be reflected in DegreeWorks. 5. How are the academic maps connected to careers? When are the students provided with the career information? Opportunities to explore scenarios about career choices, job market, potential salaries, etc.? How is career information integrated into the student choice process for meta-majors/programs of study?Academic maps need to be designed to lead students directly to the workforce or to transfer opportunities. Students need information regarding the careers that their degrees will lead to at the beginning of their career exploration process. As stated previously, this information needs to be included on the college website and in meta-major/program recruitment materials. Career exploration will be a key component of the overall student support structure that will be developed. Students within each meta-major will require guidance and support to facilitate the selection of a specific degree program. Career information will be a central part of the selection process. Part II-B: PATHWAY DESIGN BEYOND PROGRAM MAPPING To be completed during College Team Strategy Session #2Instructions: Pathway design builds upon program maps to further enrich and specify desired student experiences. Use the following questions to guide discussion. Facilitated discussion will highlight divergent and convergent perceptions, leading toward team consensus. Guiding Questions College Responses to Guiding Questions1. Have faculty in meta-majors identified “the right math” (e.g., statistics, quantitative reasoning, college algebra/calculus) for programs in the area? If not, what is the plan for engaging faculty in that work?South Texas College has not yet defined its meta-major groupings. The goal is to finalize the meta-majors by December 2017. Leaders of the math departments have begun to identify the “right math” for various degree programs. STC has been a part of the New Mathways Project, which helped to launch this work. Programs within the meta-major clusters will need to identify the appropriate math course for the cluster. This may be a challenge for the Liberal Arts & Social Science area. Meta-major clusters in this area may need to allow two math course options. Faculty within the programs will participate in discussions and decision-making regarding the best curricular options beginning in Spring 2018.2. Have faculty in meta-majors identified “the right math” developmental on-ramp/pre-requisite/co-requisite for underprepared students for programs in the area? If not, what is the plan for engaging faculty in that work?South Texas College has not yet defined its meta-major groupings. The goal is to finalize the meta-majors by December 2017. Leaders of the math departments have begun to design specific on-ramps to each of the math pathway options for students who are not college-ready. 3. Have faculty in meta-majors identified recommended general education core courses for programs in the area? If not, what is the plan for engaging faculty in that work?South Texas College has not yet defined its meta-major groupings. The goal is to finalize the meta-majors by December 2017. Programs within the meta-major clusters will need to identify the appropriate gen ed courses for the cluster. Faculty within the programs will participate in discussions and decision-making regarding the best curricular options beginning in Spring 2018. 4. Have faculty in meta-majors identified recommended electives for programs in the area? If not, what is the plan for engaging faculty in that work?South Texas College has not yet defined its meta-major groupings. The goal is to finalize the meta-majors by December 2017. Programs within the meta-major clusters will need to identify the appropriate elective courses for the cluster. Faculty within the programs will participate in discussions and decision-making regarding the best curricular options beginning in Spring 2018.5. Have faculty in the meta-majors/program areas explicitly identified critical courses and progress milestones for students in each pathway? If not, what is the plan for engaging faculty in that work?South Texas College has not yet defined its meta-major groupings. The goal is to finalize the meta-majors by December 2017. Programs within the meta-major clusters will need to identify the critical courses and milestones for the cluster. Faculty within the programs will participate in discussions and decision-making regarding the best curricular options beginning in Spring 2018.6. Have faculty in the meta-majors/program areas completed the task of explicitly aligning desired student learning outcomes for each course in the pathways, so that they accumulate to desired program learning outcomes? If not, what is the plan for engaging faculty in that work?South Texas College has not yet defined its meta-major groupings. The goal is to finalize the meta-majors by December 2017. STC’s current programs have aligned their course learning outcomes to their program learning outcomes. Chairs have an opportunity to review and update their alignments every year. Chairs will need to review their CLOs, PLOs, and their alignments after the meta-majors are in place. 7. Have faculty in the meta-majors/program areas explicitly designed hands-on/applied learning opportunities (e.g., field work, clinical placements, internships, group projects, service learning) for students as they move through each pathway? If not, what is the plan for engaging faculty in that work?South Texas College has not yet defined its meta-major groupings. The goal is to finalize the meta-majors by December 2017. Many of STC’s programs incorporate applied learning opportunities. This will be reviewed again during the program mapping process. 8. Have faculty in the meta-majors/program areas collaborated with K-12 colleagues on the alignment of endorsements leading toward each pathway? Have faculty collaborated with Adult Education and Literacy program instructors? Have faculty collaborated with university transfer faculty? If not, what is the plan for engaging faculty in that work?South Texas College has not yet defined its meta-major groupings. The goal is to finalize the meta-majors by December 2017. HB5 endorsements will be incorporated into the design of the meta-majors. Faculty will need to collaborate with the Continuing Education and Developmental Reading, Writing, and Math Chairs to determine alignment. The University Transfer & Articulation Center Officer will work with the faculty in the meta-major groups to ensure that the curriculum maps meet the requirements of our major transfer partners (backwards curriculum mapping). Part III: MAKING SENSE AND MOVING FORWARDTo be completed during College Team Strategy Session #3Instructions: Use the following questions to guide discussion. Facilitated discussion will highlight divergent and convergent perceptions, leading toward team consensus. Guiding Questions College Responses to Guiding QuestionsWhich issues/approaches/strategies discussed in the day’s sessions are potentially of greatest interest to the college?Issues/approaches/strategies of greatest interest:Ensuring thorough stakeholder engagement – faculty, staff, and studentsDeveloping meta-major clustersProviding students with career exploration tools/supports as part of the meta-majorSequencing course requirements for each program, including developmental courseworkWhat existing knowledge and/or college work has been reinforced?Existing knowledge and/or work that has been reinforced:Stakeholder engagement is essential to success. Determining the “right math” for each pathway is key to ensuring student progression. It is challenging to align pathways with multiple transfer institutionsDiscuss insights the team has gained from these conversations; name 3–5 as a team. No two colleges implement pathways in the same way; it is important for STC to develop a structure that meets our students’ particular needs.A common engagement plan is needed; Core Team members must communicate a consistent message about the purpose and benefit of meta-majors/pathwaysRequired coursework will need to be sequenced; degree plans are currently structured by semester with the assumption that students will attend College full-time. The majority of students do not attend full-time and they need to know which courses to take and in what order. This is especially true for students who are not college ready in any of the three areas. An overall support structure will be needed to guide students from career exploration in their meta-major to selecting their final major. STC’s advising model will need to change to align with the meta-majors. What do you not know now that you need to know about these issues/approaches? How will you obtain that additional data/information? What are the implications for needed technical assistance and/or professional Development for the college?Further information is needed on the following items:Determining how meta-majors can be implemented within Banner and DegreeWorks – technical assistance from other colleges is needed.Student feedback on the development of pathways and the supports needed – focus group research is needed. Part IV: Action Planning and Next StepsTo be initiated during College Team Strategy Session #4 and augmented with other college personnelInstructions: At this point, your team has reviewed and discussed implementing and advancing program mapping at your institution. Now comes an opportunity for the team to reflect on its learning, think through options for the college’s strategic approach to designing and implementing guided pathways at scale, and establish new or refined priorities for the work on campus. The college team should discuss next steps: whom to involve, how to communicate findings and broaden engagement on campus, and how, when, and by whom follow-up steps will be taken Once you’ve engaged key college constituencies in discussion of data, issues and strategies, return this completed action plan to Raquel Garza (rgarza@) by XX, 2017. Add rows as necessary.PRIORITIES: NEXT STEPSBY WHOMBY WHENFaculty & Staff Engagement – Describing purpose of pathways, meta-majors, and implications for the student experience TX Pathways Project Core Team Leaders from Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, and Information Services and PlanningSpring & Summer 2017 semestersFinalizing meta-majors program groupingsAcademic AffairsDecember 2017Developing an overall student support structure for the meta-majors (advising, career exploration, progress monitoring from entry to graduation)Student AffairsInitial discussions – Fall 2017, Development of a plan – Spring 2018Researching how meta-majors can be implemented within Banner and DegreeWorksAcademic Affairs & Student Affairs December 2017Conducting student focus groups and interviews to learn more about student experiences and attitudes towards pathways. Research & Analytical ServicesSummer 2017Program Mapping for all meta-majors.Academic Affairs & AdvisingSpring 2018Part IV: Action Planning and Next Steps (cont.) — Working the PlanTo be completed and augmented with other college personnelNext Steps: This template is provided for more detailed planning in regard to identified priorities/strategies for designing and implementing guided pathways at scale. Once you’ve identified and collaborated with key people on your campus, return this completed action plan to Raquel Garza (rgarza@) by XX, 2017. Add rows as necessary.Priority/StrategyGoal(s)Activities TasksResponsible Person(s)TimelineResourcesPotential Issues or ConcernsIdentify the top priorities for next steps in the work Based on these priorities, name specific desired student outcome List the steps required to accomplish these prioritiesWho will assume leadership responsibility?Implement dateFormative evaluation dateWhat resources (time, people, facilities, and money) need to be allocated/reallocated?What challenges do you anticipate?Faculty & Staff Engagement – Describing purpose of pathways, meta-majors, and implications for the student experience Students will have the opportunity to select a meta-major instead of a specific program upon college entry. Develop communication materials, schedule presentations at meetings, prepare Core Team members for presentationsDr. Anahid Petrosian, Dr. Kristina Wilson, Darci CatherSpring, Summer, & Fall 2017Summer 2017Personnel time, funding for meeting refreshments/meals. Pathways and meta-majors are complex concepts that may take time for faculty and staff to grasp. Faculty and staff may not be on-board with the new model. Developing meta-major program groupingsStudents will have the opportunity to select a meta-major instead of a specific program upon college entry.Distribute initial meta-major proposal, create and inform divisional work teams and ask them to review proposal and/or submit alternate proposals, divisional teams submit proposals, present proposals at AA Convocation, Voting and finalizing of meta-majors. Dr. Anahid Petrosian, Dr. Kristina Wilson, Deans, Dr. Chris Nelson & Dr. Murad OdehDecember 2017October 2017Personnel time for leadership and team members, funding for meeting refreshments/meals.Pathways and meta-majors are complex concepts that may take time for faculty and staff to grasp. Faculty and staff may not be on-board with the new model. Transfer programs and technical programs may need to be grouped together within meta-majors based on subject areas (example – Criminal Justice & Law Enforcement). Developing an overall student support structure for the meta-majors (advising, career exploration, progress monitoring from entry to graduation)Students will have guided support as they explore career options in their meta-major. They will also receive advising assistance and will be monitored throughout their degree program. Paul Hernandez and Dr. Nancy GarciaMay 2018March 2018Researching how meta-majors can be implemented within Banner and DegreeWorksStudents will be able to view their progress made in their chosen meta-major. Students will also continue to be eligible for Financial Aid. Seek guidance from other Colleges that have implemented meta-majors. Seek guidance regarding Apply Texas, Banner, and DegreeWorks. Seek guidance regarding Financial Aid implications. Cynthia Blanco & Dr. Kristina WilsonDecember 2017October 2017Personnel time within Admissions and Curriculum OfficesMeta-majors are a relatively new higher ed innovation. Existing systems may not be built to accommodate this new model. Conducting student focus groups and interviews to learn more about student experiences and attitudes towards pathways. Pathways and meta-majors will address student concerns identified. Identify research protocol, identify student participants, schedule focus groups/interviews, transcribe and analyze the data. Dr. Laura SanchezAugust 2017July 2017STC Qualitative Researcher for protocol design and data analysis,refreshments for focus groups, assistance with identification of students to recruit for participationThe biggest challenge will be identifying and recruiting students to participate.Program Mapping for all meta-majorsStudents will enroll in common curriculum coursework for the first 12-24 hours of their meta-major.Develop common template for program mapping, meet with department chairs & curriculum leaders, faculty will develop program maps, maps will be reviewed by meta-major leads for consistency Dr. Anahid Petrosian, Dr. Kristina Wilson, Deans, Dr. Chris Nelson & Dr. Murad OdehMay 2018March 2018Personnel time, funding for meeting refreshments/meals.Sequencing the courses in the curriculum is a new process. It may be difficult to identify coursework that should be common within the metamajor groups. ................

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